First Lady's Heart

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lonely isolating death of one identity so that a more glorious identity could be revealed. We all have within us the spiritual DNA to become what God has destined us to be. Unfortunately, we can’t get there until we have been transformed from all the things that don’t look so nice from God’s view. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart and he works from the inside out. And I must say, the transformation process is a painful process but God does his “best” work in the most painful of circumstances.

If you don’t die, you can’t fly Min. Cathy Upshire – Chicago, IL

Most everyone knows a caterpillar becomes a beautiful air born butterfly. But have you ever wondered how? How does a creature who spent the first part of its life crawling around on its belly emerge from its cocoon fully equipped to fly? Well let’s talk Biology. Caterpillars are consumers. They spend 80% of their time eating and digesting food and most will agree they’re not much to look at. But when a caterpillar encases itself inside its cocoon the same digestive juices it used to digest its food start to digest on him from the inside out causing a partial death. However; some cells, including those with the genetic code (DNA) to grow wings, do not breakdown. Then, at the “appointed” time, the genetic code inside the “wing” cells become activated and the wings begin to grow. When a butterfly emerges and spreads its wings we stand in awe of its beauty. But growing those beautiful wings came at a great cost because the caterpillar had to undergo a

Some of you are going through some things right now and it seems like it’s never going to end. But take heart because after you have suffered a while, at the “appointed” time, God’s purpose for your life is going to become activated and not long after that His Glory (your destiny) is going to be revealed. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to die to that ugly creature we call “self”. Make no mistake about it. If you don’t die, you can’t fly. Did you know that a butterfly’s purpose in the eco system is to give and sustain life? He floats around “selflessly” pollinating the flowering plants, only second to the bee, impregnating them so that they can reproduce the next generation of crop. It is also said that their role is essential to the survival of mankind. How awesome is that to go from being a consumer to being a giver of life. Which are you? Min. Cathy Upshire Editor-in-Chief/CEO First Lady’s Heart

Isolation comes before‌

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Contributors Min. Cathy Upshire Editor-in-Chief and CEO

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Pastor Venus Hall-Rouse Managing Editor

Sharon D. Allison-Ottey, MD Health and Wellness Columnist

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Why Do you Worry Dr. D’Ann Johnson – Lithonia, GA Equipped for Spiritual Battle Charlotte Moses – Port Arthur, TX

How Do We Juggle It All Sharon D. Allison-Ottey, MD Lanham, MD The Secret Paul Silva – Elmhurst, IL

Surrender All Joni Lamb – Dallas, TX Overcoming the 3Ts Dr. Betty Price – Los Angeles, CA Avoiding Bad Choices Diane Temple – Savannah, GA Making Health & Fitness a Lifestyle Debbie Hawkins – Stone Mountain, GA The Designing of a New You Charlette Perry – Rosharon, TX Complete the Assignment Jo Ann Hairston – Seattle, WA


for the plants. God has given us that which pertains to life and godliness, but when the cares of this life take root in our heart, they begin to eat away at the faith and strength that was designed to nourish our souls and keep us rooted in the plan, peace and purpose of God.

Why do you worry?

Dr. D’Ann Johnson – Lithonia, GA During a recent devotional I came across a familiar passage in Matthew 6:25-33. As I read the text I was struck by Jesus’ question, “Why do you worry…?” The question gripped my heart and sent me on a quest to find the answer. The word translated worry in the NKJV comes from the Greek word merimnao meaning “to be anxious about; to have care or take thought, through the idea of distraction." So the word “worry” suggests a preoccupation with life’s circumstances; to split our attention, divide our focus, and derail our faith. Picture a beautiful garden infiltrated by weeds. While the soil contains everything for the plants to grow and be healthy, the unattended weeds begin to take root and consume the nourishment and hydration that was intended

God’s Word provides some practical truths that help us fight against the enemy of “Worry” as worry is designed to erode our faith. First, we must remember that worry is unwarranted. If unemployed birds have confidence that they will be taken care of; then we, the Crown of God’s creation, must believe that He will provide everything we need. Second, we must realize that worry is unproductive. No matter how much we agonize, it will never change the situation that we are worried about. Anxiety only serves to deplete us of precious energy that could be used to find God’s solution to the problem. Finally, we must recognize that worry is a gross misrepresentation of God. When we fret about the issues in our lives, we are unwittingly telling the world that our heavenly Father is not aware of, concerned with, nor able to handle what we are facing. There will always be opportunities to succumb to anxiety, stress and pressure. However, it is what we do with the pressure that matters most. When adversity comes and threatens our peace, we must actively employ the benefits that God’s Word provides for us. We must be diligent to throw every concern into the capable hands of God; having every confidence that He will hold us up (Ps. 55:22). In the face of turmoil and strain, we must hear the gentle voice of the Savior asking, “Why do you worry…?” and know that there is no reasonable answer.

“Picture a beautiful garden…”

start utilizing our first spiritual weapon the “Sword of the Spirit”. Hebrews. 4:12 states: “The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edge sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Only the truth of Gods word can defeat satanic falsehood. Believers are not instructed to assault demons or Satan; we’re instructed to assault error with truth.

Equipped for Spiritual Battle Charlotte Moses – Port Arthur, TX

The warfare in which we are engaged is the battle against Sin, Satan and the World. The conflict is unseen by mortal eyes. None the less, it is an intense fight between good and evil, heaven and hell. The enemy has employed some battle strategies and tactics that have caught many of us off guard. But we are a generation of women who are “Equipped for Battle”. But while we are busy working the enemy is also at work. In order to win any battle you must first know your opponents tactics and strategies. The enemy begins by ambushing us and catching us off guard. He will try to “be-head” us by taking out the leader. He will try a decoy to confuse us as to whose voice to listen to. He will try “encirclement” by surrounding us then tightening the noose. He will try other tactics like isolation, luring and harassment. Now we can

The second spiritual weapon is calling on the Name of Jesus Christ. Mark 16:17 says, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name (the name of Jesus Christ) shall they cast out devils…” As believers God given authority over the powers of darkness has been delegated to us in the Name of Jesus. Open up your mouth and call on the name of Jesus Christ! The third spiritual weapon is “Pleading the Blood of Jesus”. Lev. 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the alter to make atonement (that which blots out or covers the sins for mankind) for your souls;” for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. Start pleading the blood over your situation. The shedding of blood for the forgiveness of sins was part of the plan of worship ordained by God and revealed unto Moses. Hebrews 9:22 states “And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins…” Ladies, equip yourselves to do battle!

Surrender All

Joni Lamb – Dallas, TX Let’s start by looking at the word “Surrender”. The word has many powerful connotations. For some, the idea evokes fear. For others, it’s a sign of weakness. But for many surrender is a form of failure and associated with shame. Surrender simply means to give up control. For many people the thought of giving up control is scary. Who doesn’t like to be in control of their own life. Surrendering to God doesn’t mean we’ll have to do something we’re afraid of doing. He puts the dreams and desires in our hearts so we’ll know whatever comes is right for us. If being a missionary in a third-world country isn’t a dream or desire of yours, God won’t ask you to do that. He will find the best way to use you to advance the kingdom of God. Surrendering to God is not an act of weakness but a way to bring great power into our lives. There is a wonderful biblical account of a

woman named Esther—an account I think of when I picture what the power in Surrender means. Esther gives us a perfect example of a surrendered life. As a young, orphaned, Jewish girl in a society that wasn’t keen on her heritage, she accepted the assignment to prepare herself as a possible candidate to be queen. The king was looking for a wife and there would be many young ladies who would go before him. Although the chances looked pretty slim that Esther would be chosen, she followed God’s path of Surrender. She had no idea that her God-given positioning would eventually give her the opportunity to save her people. Yet when Esther did become queen, she not only stepped up to what God called her to do but also touched the heart of the king and, ultimately, gained influence in a time and season that was pivotal for the Jewish people. Esther would later agree with her mentor and only surviving family member, Mordecai, who knew she was born “for such a time as this.” Today Esther is remembered as a woman who trusted God with her future and in the process became a woman of great power and influence. Her bravery is forever etched in the hearts of the Jewish people and Christians alike. Surrendering to God means allowing Him to do what He wants to do with our lives. It puts us smack-dab in the center of God’s will. There is no finer or more fulfilling experience than to be doing what He wants us to do. There is a place of peace, power and purpose in this world and it begins with one word “Surrender”. Excerpt taken from “Surrender All” by Joni Lamb

Matthew 26:41, Jesus is speaking and He says, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” In other words, if we are praying and living our lives in line with the Word, we will not enter into temptation. But many of us are not watching and praying as we ought. That is why so many are falling prey to temptation. Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”

Overcoming the 3Ts

Dr. Betty Price – Los Angeles, CA God’s way of helping us overcome Temptation, Tests or Trials works. It doesn’t matter if it’s drugs, alcohol, illicit sex, smoking, overeating, pornography, lying, envy, strife, jealousy, gossip, worry, financial need, sickness or any other negative thing that may come up in our lives. Whatever the need or problem, it can be overcome by God’s Word. The way we overcome is by first doing what James 4:7 tells us to do, ”Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Satan is the one who brings the temptation or test. But he will not flee if we do not submit to God first. Submitting to God means to submit to His Word. There is a solution in the Bible for everything we face in life. However, we have to get into the Word to find out what that solution is. In

There is no temptation that has taken us that someone else has not already gone through. But God is faithful and will not allow us to be tempted or tried above that which we are able to handle but with the temptation, trial or test, He has made a way of escape. James 1:2-3 tells us that we are to “count it all joy when we fall into various trials…knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience.” James didn’t say it was joy. He said count it as joy. That means behave as if it is joy no matter what we’re facing at the time. If we do what the Bible says and count it all joy, we will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. James 1:12 tells us, “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”

Incredibly intricate! Lord you are Awesome!!!

How do we juggle it all

Sharon D. Allison-Ottey, MD Lanham, MD How many times have we heard or said: 1. I can’t find the time to go in for my doctor’s visit. The Lord is going to have to keep on keeping me. 2. With the kids, my husband and the church, I’m just too busy to exercise. 3. I’ll just pick up something quick to eat. I don’t have time to cook or have a sit down meal. 4. There’s no way I can get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. That’s the cost of ministry. 5. I just can’t lose this weight. It must be menopause or I’m getting older. Unfortunately, the list goes on and on as we continue to make excuses for neglecting our health and wellness. It’s easy to pick up bad health habits and use excuses for not working out and following a healthy lifestyle. Just as we can be a “spiritual” influence on the people in our lives; we can also influence them with “physical” matters as well. Are you leading a lifestyle that you want your family and friends to follow? Is your lifestyle, as it relates to your health and wellness, one that God has ordained for you or would he not be pleased.

The Bible is clear on God’s desire for us to be in good health; “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1: 2. We have a call on our lives as Christian women to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be examples for the world. The example we give is in our spiritual walk; how we treat people, how we follow the Word of God and yes how we honor and treat the temple He has given us. As women, we are usually focused on our families, our friends and our coworkers and tend to neglect ourselves. I hear all the time that there are just not enough hours in the day. Believe me; I understand busy schedules and tremendous responsibilities. However, just taking a few steps to better health actually will cause you to balance your life better with more energy, improved immune system (less colds and viruses) and a better mental attitude. Let’s just start with your health. One of the basics in your health is to make sure that you are in partnership with your healthcare professional and that you take an active role in your health. The more you learn and know about your health, the better equipped you become to maintaining your best health. I tell audiences all over the country that “If you can’t talk to your doctor, then talk to your friends about finding a new one.” You

should ask questions and be fully engaged in your health. I do recommend that you make sure that each and every time you go to see a healthcare provider that you leave knowing the answers to the following questions: 1. What is my main problem? 2. What do I need to do? 3. Why is it important for me to do this? (Ask Me 3: There is a need for us to be honest about our eating habits, our exercise and our alcohol use. We also need to be honest about taking our medications and being committed to following our physician’s recommendations. We must be honest and ask God to help us attain and maintain a healthy temple. We must make sure that we follow a low fat, low cholesterol diet. We should exercise at least 30- 45 minutes most days of the week and we need to make sure that we get enough sleep and reduce the stress levels. As women we are often so busy we run ourselves into the ground. As a result, we’re no use to our families or ourselves. How much time are you taking a day to just BREATHE? What else should women do to maintain their health? There are guidelines and tests at ( that have proven to be models for prevention and early detection of disease that are specific to your gender and age. Further, depending upon your family history and personal history, your physician may recommend certain other tests. The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, still rings true and everyone should keep up to date with their screening and evaluation of personal health. Women should understand and know the basic screening guidelines and get them done on schedule. Don’t wait for your physician to tell you it’s time for your mammogram, Pap

smear, cholesterol tests, etc. You are the manager of your health. It is up to you to keep up with the recommendations. If you don’t take time out for your body, believe me, your body will rebel. God sends us messages and information every day. Are we listening to HIS call for better health and wellness. Pray and seek His guidance while also understanding that He has already laid out a roadmap. As I stated earlier there are tests and guidelines to assist you in meeting your health care needs at I challenge women everywhere to make sure you put REAL effort into making your health a priority. ------------------------------------------------------------------

“Dr. Sharon” is an energetic, motivating, insightful speaker and author who shares her expertise in the area of health and self esteem with a focused on women. “Dr. Sharon”, as she is affectionately known, does reach the heart and spirit of women in her unique approach and her ability to break down medical and health information in a way that anyone can readily understand. However, Dr. Sharon does not limit herself to just addressing health. Her heart is for women who are often hurting, suffer from poor self esteem, confused about relationships and really searching to find their voice. She also addresses family and men’s issues in a holistic approach that brings clarity and healing. Join the thousands of subscribers to Dr. Sharon’s FREE newsletter at for information on a variety of topics. Dr. Sharon is the author of several books and has launched the innovative card line, “Cards by Dr. Sharon”, which is taking the country by storm. (

about the bad choices some believers were making and the testimonies of how God restored them over and over again. However, instead of making the same mistakes, I decided to learned from theirs and use their mistakes as a tool to move forward.

Avoiding Bad Choices

Diane Temple – Dallas, TX

When we were teenagers we all dreamed of reaching the promised land of age 18 so we could finally escape the control of our parents. We soon realized our controlling, nosey, afraid to release parents were just trying to help us avoid the doors of Bad Choices We learned that even though excitement seemed to wait behind different doors, some were better left closed. Deborah Smith-Pegues and my husband, Pastor Ricky Temple, share insights from their new book, “Why Smart People make Dumb Choices” that’ll help us choose the right door. My life is far from perfect. However, I would like to share how you can avoid making some common mistakes. Learn from the Choices of Others When I was a young woman, I learned

Make Wise Relationship Choices My husband often says, “your friends tell your story”. So often we bring problems into our lives because of our poor choice of friends and life partners. We must be honest about the kind of people we attract into our lives. Are we compromising what we really want to avoid loneliness or some sort of discomfort?” If we are, the change has to come from within us. Trust the Word of God Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart…He will direct your path” Our testimony doesn’t have to be that God delivered us from a hardship brought on by our bad decisions. We can choose to trust Him to lead us down the right path; one filled with love, health, peace and joy. Today I have a wonderful husband, two magnificent kingdom serving adult children and a congregation who loves me even in jeans and T-shirts. Learn from the choices of others, listen to godly counsel, choose your relationships wisely, trust the Word of God and you will avoid the consequences of making Bad Choices.

drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. Drinking water does wonders for our skin, complexion, hair, nails, colon and a host of other problematic areas of the body. We must also get plenty of rest. Rest affords the body the opportunity to rejuvenate itself so it can function at an optimal level. When we don’t get enough rest, the body begins to shut down and systems begin to breakdown. Last but not least. It is absolutely essential that we develop good eating habits. We must ensure that our bodies are served with a balanced diet at least three times a day. In return, we will be strong, healthy and energized.

Make Health & Fitness a Lifestyle Debbie Hawkins – Stone Mountain, GA

If ever there was a time to take our health to the next level, the time is now. It is not unusual for Christian women to work long hours, have multiple jobs, juggle family time and squeeze in extra curricular activities including worshipping God. However, it is imperative that we make a point to add health and fitness to the list. Our bodies can function at 100% capacity, if they’re maintained. Health and fitness must become a part of our lifestyle and it must include, Exercise, Rest and a Healthy Diet. Exercise is important because it strengthens the body’s limbs and organs to ensure optimal performance. We should walk, swim, jog, aerobicise or engage in some form of exercise at least three times a week. Our bodies are like a garden, if they’re not watered they will become dysfunctional. Depending on our body weight we should

Romans 12:1 says, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, unto God, which is your reasonable service”. Our bodies are a gift from God to house our souls. To glorify him we should take seriously the up-keep and maintenance of the gift He has given us. Isn’t it worth the sacrifice to keep up our bodies? John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”. I am forever grateful to God for His sacrifice, so much so I asked myself the question? How can I give life to someone after I’ve gone home to be with my Father, the Almighty God, the way Jesus did? Well…I became an organ donor to give my gift to someone else. I work hard to keep my body in top condition because it’s a gift given to me by God.

The Designing of A New You

Charlette Perry - Fresno, TX We can all look at ourselves and see that there is a need for change in some area of our lives. It may be something as simple as a negative attitude or mindset or something as complex as a destructive bad habit. Whether it’s the former or the later, they all have the potential to prevent us from maximizing our full potential. Perhaps you may be thinking, I can never change. This is just how I am. That’s what the enemy wants you to think. No matter what areas you’re struggling in change is possible for you. However, it takes purposeful human effort and the help of the Holy Spirit. That’s right! The process of change requires work. When we are sincerely ready for change, it’ll require that we be diligent as we continually apply the principles of God’s Word. We must seek him on a consistent basis so our minds can be renewed. These are the essential steps to genuine and lasting change. So often we desire to make changes in our lives but all too often we opt not to because we’re not willing to let go of the things or ways we’ve become so comfortable with. However, when we make a decision to embrace change, our level of commitment will determine whether it actually becomes a reality or not.

Simply having a desire to change is not enough. We must be willing to see the process through. Change starts on the inside. If it is real change, it becomes evident in our lives by the way we respond to the temptation to regress. If it’s real change, we’ll respond according to the Word of God; not according to our flesh. If you’ve made unsuccessful attempts to change, don’t allow the enemy to use discouragement as a tool to stop you from achieving your goal. Satan wants you to think you cannot succeed. Don’t you believe him for one minute. Put your confidence in God and His Word and know that change is possible for you today!

Complete the Assignment

Min. Jo Ann Hairston – Seatle, WA Have you ever heard the word dilatoriness? It means “slothfulness as a consequence of not getting around to it.” It’s putting off what should be done now for a later day. How many times have we started projects only to find ourselves being sidetracked by other projects? And let’s not forget the projects we intend on starting but never seem to get to it. We have a long list of “starts” but few finishes. How many times have we started reading a good book, crafting a piece of art, sewing a new outfit or cleaning a closet before we find ourselves off to doing something else. Many of us start out with good intentions of completing an assignment. But, for whatever reason, we get distracted or discouraged or let hindrances get in our way. Not finishing a book, completing a puzzle, or saving dishes to wash until later are not critical to our life or success. However, as born again believers, completing the assignment that God has called for us to do is. Are you aware that God has a predetermined, pre-designed, individual course for each of you? It was set for you before you entered into the world (see Ephesians 1:11 and Jeremiah 1:5). Now we have to find the course, follow it and give birth to the spiritual vision He planned for us. We have a divine assignment to use our gifts and calling to complete the mission God has called us to do. We can’t let obstacles (time restraints, illnesses, financial setbacks, misfortunes, people who oppose us, etc.) hinder us. In truth, we are ourselves our own biggest obstacle. We allow self-doubt; inse-

curity, procrastination and worry to keep us from completing our assignments. What if Mary, the mother of Jesus, had not completed her assignment. She could’ve said it was too hard. What if the Apostle Paul, who had the assignment of preaching to the Gentiles and writing over half of the New Testament, had given up? What if he had decided that after being in prison, beaten and afflicted for the Gospel’s sake he couldn’t endure anymore? Instead of giving up, the Apostle Paul fought to stay on course. And he made it! II Timothy 4:7 says, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” He went on to reap his reward. Let's challenge ourselves to discover our course. Stay with the assignment in spite of the obstacles. We must not give up until we have reached our God-ordained destination and goal!

cover the secret hidden inside. Fear, shame, and hopelessness grip their being. The secret is domestic violence. The Christian community needs to be a safe place for women to reveal their secret. It takes a great deal of courage for a woman in an abusive relationship to come forward because she faces the possibility of not being believed. Please don’t stand back and let her die or avoid responsibility by saying, I didn’t know. When a woman who is in an abusive relationship comes forward and asks for help, it is critical to know how to respond. 1. Listen and affirm her as she tells her story.

The Secret

Paul Silva – Elmhurst, IL Ann carried a secret within her heart as she slowly seated herself in the pew. She cautiously looked around wondering if anyone noticed the bruise on her forearm. She tried to concentrate on words coming from the pulpit but her mind wandered to the incidences of the past week. She was confused by the control she felt. An instant replay revealed the repeated pattern of her husband’s behavior. The demeaning, threatening words pierced like bullets into her heart. She felt like a child at the mercy of an adult accounting for her time and money spent. Walking on eggshells had become part of daily living. Fear and anger reigned in her home. How could a man who “claims to know Christ” treat her this way? Why does he act one way at church or in public and another at home? In our churches, women just like Ann sit silently suffering wearing plastic smiles to

2. Assess her level of safety by noting the frequency and the intensity of explosive episodes. 3. Develop options and a safety plan for her. 4. Don’t push for reconciliation or couple’s counseling for this places her and her children in danger. 5. Educate oneself about domestic violence. 6. Advise counseling for her with a Christian counselor who understands the dynamics of domestic violence. 7. Maintain a referral list for domestic violence services. 8. Confront the abuser with truth and grace. For women who find themselves in abusive relationships, there are two choices. The first is to silently suffer alone. The second choice is to take steps to find hope and healing in Jesus Christ and others. Are we willing to walk this difficult journey with her?

Dr. Betty Price is the wife to Apostle Frederick K.C. Price of Crenshaw Christian Center. In 2004 she received the “Woman of the Year” award from the Los Angeles County Commission. She is the author of several books, including her most recent “Warning To Ministers, Their Wives and Mistresses. Dr. Betty received an honorary D.D. degree in 1994 from South Los Angeles Ministry School. She has four children, eight grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Wife, mother, minister, teacher, friend, counselor and entrepreneur First Lady Charlotte Moses, is the wife of Pastor Albert Moses, Jr. Lady Charlotte is the founder and Executive Director of the Christian Faith Women of Virtue, Inc. Lady Charlotte is the co-founder of Love At Work Academy, Inc. a non-profit agency for probated youth and Global Drug and Alcohol Solutions, Inc.

Diane F. Temple is a woman on a mission to see people impacted for God. She is the Executive Director of Administration at Overcoming by Faith Ministries in Savannah Georgia and is the creator of the Ladies Only Ministry. A fantastic communicator, her common sense approach to the Word of God compliments the ministry of her husband, Pastor Ricky Temple. Diane has been married for 30 years and has two children, Ricky Temple Jr. and Christina Temple.

Charlette A. Perry a native of Houston, Texas, wife, mother and grandmother, is CEO and Executive Director of Administration of Word of Restoration Incorporated, the Founder of the Triumphant Women of God Ministries. A co-laborer with her husband, Pastor Charles E. Perry, Jr., they are commissioned to “Restoring Lives” in Rosharon, Texas and around the world. She is committed to intercede for women to encompass their purpose in God’s Kingdom.

Joni Lamb is a dynamic television executive, producer, singer, author, talk show host as well as a wife and mother. She is the executive producer and host of her daily talk show, Joni, and co-hosts Daystar Television’s daily flagship live broadcast, Celebration, with her husband, Marcus. She is also a sought after conference speaker and singer who ministers frequently with her husband throughout the country. Dr. D’Ann V. Johnson serves as Executive Pastor of New Covenant Christian Ministries in Lithonia, GA. She earned her D. Min. degree in Discipleship & Leadership, and uses her training and influence to mentor and coach young women. D’Ann has published two books: Notes from My Bible and Keys to a Leader’s Success.

Debbie Hawkins is a Seed Planter, Preacher, Motivational Speaker, Author, Mother and Wife. She co-labors in ministry with her husband Gary Hawkins, Sr., Bishop of Voices of Faith Ministries in Stone Mountain, Georgia. She is the founder and CEO of Debbie E. Hawkins Ministries, a ministry to transform the lifestyle of individuals by ministering and demonstrating God’s Word as a living testament.

Minister Jo Ann Hairston is the wife of District Elder Wilford T. Hairston, pastor of the Pentecostal Covenant Church. She is a conference speaker on women and youth issues. She is a trained facilitator for the Sexuality, Health, and Relationship Education Program. Min. Hairston is also a licensed Minister and a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and a graduate of Seattle University. She is a mother of four children.

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