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From the estate Manager

What’s Happening @ Dunkirk: Grounds & Gardens

Hello again, Residents!

Well, this e-magazine issue has come around quickly, and so much has been going on. I’m sure you have noticed little projects going on around the Estate. Some have taken a longer time to complete than anticipated, as other things jumped up in the queue.

The “unsightly pile of soil” near the office has now finally been shaped into a small berm, to deter cars parking there, and grassed. The little pathway below the swimming pool and Clubhouse, which was awkward and difficult to traverse, is being redone with cobbles.

The steps have made it safer to traverse, for both our staff and the residents who use it.

The Forest Clubhouse has had some replanting done along the pathway and near the pumphouse. The bank has been cleared and cleaned, and a lot of dead branches that were hanging dangerously over the pathway have been cut and removed. The gate to the walkway at the bottom has been fixed and the boardwalk and pathway have been extended over the wet, muddy area to the grass. We look forward to having our musician there for a wonderful, chilled afternoon picnic in June where you can relax over a drink (please bring your drink of choice) and chat with your neighbours. There are large patches of verges where the grass planting has been unsuccessful, and we are looking at changing our approach and rather extend some of the plantings. We are aiming for more biodiversity, as well as looking at planting a greater variety of food plants for the wildlife that we are so privileged to have to share our Estate. There are some areas we have already started on. had become old and tired. We have a lovely plan that has been produced for us, and the work for that will be carried out in this next financial year.

Having reached a mature age of 15 to 20 years, our trees require careful management and plenty of attention. Trees are constantly being evaluated and maintained. Now, we are concentrating on evaluating those that are over or across all our roads and HOA buildings, steadily taking off branches that look to be weak or a potential hazard. Where we have lost large trees, we are looking at replanting smaller tree varieties and a greater diversity of species.

The playground at the main Clubhouse is due for an upgrade as the equipment vegetative matter, and not plastics, etc., should be put out with the garden refuse, as this is the unfortunate result when it is not kept separate. Our woodchipper is also operational again, so we will be using the chips to mulch beds and spread on some of the pathways.

We have another area at the end of Forest Lane that we are currently working on as a very relaxed, low-key green area for sitting. There has been an ongoing concern for the number of domestic child-minders and their small charges that congregate in Forest Lane in the mornings. They are on the road (which is very dangerous, even though this is a very slow traffic zone) and too close to the water.

The playground at Ray’s Kitchen is very busy and often overcrowded, so another area was needed to accommodate the growing needs of the Estate. From what I understand, this has been over a year in the planning, as both the Landscape and Environmental Committees carefully considered all the options and the placement of this area. The area that has been chosen is close to the area that is already being used. With no hard landscaping and no fences, it should have little impact on the wildlife that is in that vicinity and they will still be able to use the pathways that they do currently (the number of tracks in the soil since the area has been cleared already indicates that the decrease in vegetation has done little to deter their travels).

A reminder that any trees or vegetation on HOA land requires engagement with the HOA and permission to cut. NO branches or cuttings may be dumped in the forest or on HOA land. They must be removed by your contractor if it is a large amount or put out on Thursdays for the garden refuse collection, if it is a few bags from regular maintenance.

It is that time of year for composting. Having spent some hours sorting out our compost area, we are also busy steadily spreading it around the Estate. Sadly, although it is lovely rich compost, it is full of rubbish that is time-consuming to clean out. Please remind gardeners and staff that ONLY

So, there is lots on the go! Many new and exciting projects and upgrades are underway to further enhance our gorgeous Estate.

Natasha Estate Manager

CluBhOuse Manager