Issue 1

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Z T I L B ISSN 2249-2992

INDIA: Sun's Most Favoured Nation

India's renewable future: Challenges and Prospects How concentrated solar power can meet India's future power needs? A proven renewable energy technology, most suited to developing nations Best practices for energy conservation in refrigeration and air conditioning

In Between... MESSAGES Dr.A. Jagadeesh


Director Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives

H. Elizabeth Thompson Assistant Secretary-General Executive Coordinator United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)

India's Renewable Future: Challenges and Prospects By Dr. Farooq Abdullah

OPPORTUNITIES: SOLAR ENERGY The Sun: Goldmine of green energy How Concentrated Solar Power Can Meet India's Future Power Needs

7 9 11

By Darshan Goswami, M.S., P.E.

SOLAR-FOSSIL INTEGRATION An immediate solution to reduction of carbon foot print


By M. Siddhartha Bhatt

GREEN STRATEGIES Balancing green with financial results How commercial building owners and operators can improve their financial performance by implementing green strategies


By Rajesh Sikka

Best Practices for Energy Conservation in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning


By G.subramanyam


INDIA: Sun's most favored nation


By M. R. Menon

PROVEN TECHNOLOGY A proven renewable energy technology, most suited to developing nations


By V.K.Desai

Waste-to-Energy: Market Analysis and Industry Trends By Salman Zafar

OPINION Germany's Nuclear Panic

35 38

By Alan Caruba

OPPORTUNITIES: SOLAR THERMAL POWER Potential for Propulsive Thermal Energy Storage in a Modern Steam Powered Ship


By Harry Valentine

GREEN BUSINESS An insight into green purchasing trade, trends and techniques By Staff Writer




Advisory Board Dr. A. Jagadeesh | India Dr. Bhamy Shenoy | USA Er. Darshan Goswami | USA Elizabeth H. Thompson | Barbados Pincas Jawetz | USA Ediorial Board Salman Zafar | India Editor & Publisher M. R. Menon Business & Media P. Roshini Book Design Shamal Nath Circulation Manager Andrew Paul Printed and Published by M.R.Menon at Printers Castle, Shoranur, Kerala, India Editorial Office 'Pallavi' Kulapully Shoranur 679122, Kerala (E-Mail: Disclaimer: The views expressed in the magazine are those of the authors and the Editorial team | energy blitz does not take responsibility for the contents and opinions. energy blitz will not be responsible for errors, omissions or comments made by writers, interviewers or advertisers. Any part of this publication may be reproduced with acknowledgment to the author and magazine August-September 2011 | volume 01 | issue 01 Registered and Editorial Office 'Pallavi, Kulapully, Shoranur 679122, Kerala, India Tel: +91-466-2220852/9995081018 E-mail: Web:

Welcome to Energy Blitz‌ It is with great pride that I present the inaugural issue of 'Energy Blitz', the 48-page bi-monthly e n e rg y a n d environment magazine that addresses energy and environment subjects, topics, business opportunities and policies in India and abroad. We are excited about the opportunity this journal may provide to promote candid and constructive dialogue on various energy and environmental topics that confront us. You will find Energy Blitz as unique because it provides an avenue to present distinctive perspectives and important topics that will help all of us to view these problems from a different point of view and to engage one another in a productive exchange of potential solutions. There is rarely any permanent solutions for the energy and environmental challenges we face, and as we publish this and the subsequent issues, our editorial board welcomes constructive dialogue, observations and suggestions from readers, so that academics, energy and environment experts and decision-makers like you can be presented with opposing viewpoints. I encourage each of you to consider contributing your unique perspective and knowledge to future issues of Energy Blitz. I hope this journal becomes preferred reading for you, and I look forward to hearing your insightful viewpoints, objective arguments and rational discourse. Sincerely,

Ramanathan Menon Editor & Publisher

Dr.A. Jagadeesh

Director Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives 2/210 Nawabpet, Nellore 624 002, A.P. E-mail: Climate change, Global Wa r m i n g , R e n e w a b l e s , Future of Nuclear energy are some of the buzzwords these days. There is growing concern on Climate change and its implications. Another crucial issue has been Energy resources and water. Lately there has been some problems in the supply of conventional energy sources (those that come from fossil fuels) so it is really no wonder that more and more nations are interested to use different renewable energy systems in order to satisfy their growing energy demand. All renewable energy systems have one thing in common, namely the fact that they are harnessed from nature. This means that they are constantly replenished unlike the fossil fuels that are likely to run out in years to come. These advantages are making them more and more popular compared to conventional energy s o u r c e s .


Renewable energy sectors are all about using natural sources to create energy. These natural sources usually include the sun, water, wind, and geothermal sources. The science and technology are constantly developing so it is logical to expect even more renewable energy sources in years to come, as well as the highly improved efficiency of existing ones. Many people think of the sun, or to be more precise solar energy as the main future energy source. Throughout the history of the humanity Sun has been used to give light and heat but Sun's almost unlimited potential can provide electricity enough for the whole planet. Different methods have been used to harness energy from Sun, and the simplest method is through the use of a photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic cells contain a special technology that traps the sun's energy and converts it into electricity. As Nobel Laureate Dalai Lama put it: “If I were actually to vote in an election, it would be

for one of the environmental parties. One of the most positive developments in the world recently has been the growing awareness of the importance of nature. There is nothing sacred or holy about this. Taking care of our planet is like taking care of our houses. Since we human beings come from Nature, there is no point in our going against Nature, which is why I say the environment is not a matter of religion or ethics or morality. These are luxuries, since we can survive without them. But we will not survive if we continue to go against Nature. We have to accept this. If we unbalance Nature, humankind will suffer. Furthermore, as people alive today, we must consider future generations: a clean environment is a human right like any other. It is therefore part of our responsibility towards others to ensure that the world we pass on is as healthy, if not healthier, than when we found .it. This is not quite such a difficult proposition as it might sound. For although there is a limit to what we as individuals can do, there is no limit to what a universal response might achieve. It is up to us as individuals to do what we can, however little that may be. Just because switching off the light when leaving the room seems inconsequential, it does not mean that we should not do it�. Though there are many Journals available on Energy and Environment, a bold step to bring out 'Energy Blitz' to focus issues on Energy and Environment is indeed laudable. Mr. Ramanathan Menon is known for his commitment and sincerity as an Energy Journalist. I congratulate the Founder and Editor of Energy Blitz for bringing out a journal of top quality which will further the cause and use of Energy in an effective way and promote Clean Environment issues. I wish the journal every success.

H. Elizabeth Thompson Assistant Secretary-General Executive Coordinator United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)

I am delighted to welcome “Energy Blitz” to the constellation of energy and environmental magazines, confident that Ram Menon, given his special knowledge and interest in such issues, will do an excellent job as editor. Twenty years ago when the world met at Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, the intention was to put countries on the globe on a new development path. This was achieved through two measures. The first was universal acceptance of the definition of sustainable development as given by the Brundtland Commission to mean “development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Second, a promulgation of some 21 agreed principles covering the “three pillars of sustainable development” social, economic and environmental. In the intervening years there have been many successes but alas, there have also been failures. Countries across the globe are struggling to achieve national sustainability in the areas of the “three pillars.” What has clearly emerged is that natural capital has a value. There is a high social and economic cost to environmental degradation. It is the natural resource base which sustains both society and economy and the failure to protect this base undermines our ability for social and economic growth and sustainability. The inextricable nature of the environmental-economic-socialdevelopment link has become increasingly apparent. As has the fact that energy and environmental concerns, will continue to consume significant percentages of global GDP and dominate national and intergovernmental policy and finance agendas for the foreseeable future. Whether we are focussed on flooding, earthquakes, climate change impacts, the escalating cost of food and fuel, access and affordability or energy and food security, physical development planning for cities and urban sprawl, water scarcity, or the growing number of environmental refugees; many of the critical policy issues facing governments are rooted in the environment. Just as the drama of the physical devastation and personal pain of loss in the wake of earthquakes and tsunamis have caught the attention of newsrooms world wide, issues of governance and social justice have also compelled our attention as we watched people across the globe take up arms in demand of a better quality of life for themselves and their children. The global financial

meltdown has pushed many families into crisis or poverty. More than ever people are searching for answers and measures which will create enduring development, not for the few but for the majority, for all. It is against this background that the United Nations, its member-states, civil society and NGOs across the globe prepare to return to Rio, in June 2012, a year from now, for what is being billed as “Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development.” The meeting has three objectives to renew political commitment to sustainable development, to assess where there have been gaps in the implementation of global development agreements and to identify and consider the new and emerging challenges which countries are now and will be facing for the foreseeable future. The conference has two broad themes green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and the institutional framework for sustainable development. The attempt to catalyse a global green economy is intended not only to reduce our ecological footprint and move to a low carbon mode of living, doing business and having recreation but is intended, by relying on green principles and renewable energy sources and technologies, to achieve sustainability in a way that an economy which is anchored on hydrocarbons and the consumption of finite resources could not be sustained. Further information on the conference may be obtained from Countries of the South, particularly the large developing countries which have an abundance of renewable resources can become world leaders in this new development model. Brazil, the conference host, while an oil producing country, is a leader in biofuels. A significant part of Brazil's economic growth which comes directly from its maximisation of renewable energy sources. I fully expect that “Energy Blitz” will play a significant role in leading a national dialogue on energy environmental and broad development issues, as well as how India can earn first mover advantage and be a leader in the new global green market place. I wish “Energy Blitz” every success.


India's Renewable Future: Challenges and Prospects By Dr. Farooq Abdullah “Dr. Farooq Abdullah, India's Minister of New and Renewable Energy, wants India to transform the promise of boundless and clean energy into reality� India is perceived as a developing country, but it is developing at a pace that is not matched by many others. We have experienced significant economic growth. Yet the fact remains that our growth is constrained by energy supply and availability. Although we have seen an impressive increase in installed capacity addition, from barely about 1,350 MW at the time of independence (1947) to about 160,000 MW today, over 90,000 MW of new generation capacity is required in the next seven years. A corresponding investment is required in transmission and distribution.

Driving Inclusive Growth India today stands among the top five countries in the world in terms of renewable energy capacity. We have an installed base of over 15 GW, which is around 9% of India's total power generation capacity and contributes over 3% in the electricity mix. While the significance of renewable energy from the twin perspectives of energy security and environmental sustainability is usually well appreciated, what is often overlooked, or less appreciated, is the capacity to usher in energy access for all, including the most disadvantaged and the remotest of our habitations. In its decentralized or stand alone avatar, renewable energy is the most appropriate, scalable, and optimal solution for providing power to thousands of remote and hilly villages and hamlets. Even today, millions of decentralized energy systems, solar lighting systems, irrigation pumps, aerogenerators, biogas plants, solar cookers, biomass gasifiers, and improved cook stoves, are being used in the remotest, inaccessible corners of the country. Providing energy access to be most disadvantaged and remote communities can become one the biggest drivers of inclusive growth.

The National Solar Mission

The increasing appetite for energy that has developed in the recent past has been further complicated by rapidly diminishing conventional sources, like oil and coal. To further add to the problems of increased demand and constrained supply, there are serious questions about pursuing a fossil fuel-led growth strategy, especially in the context of environmental concerns. The challenge facing a developing nation such as ours is to meet our increasing energy needs while minimizing the damage to the environment. This is why, while striving to bridge our energy deficit, we want to increase the share of clean, sustainable, new and renewable energy sources. Whether or not renewable energy completely replaces fossil fuel, we are determined to develop renewable energy to its fullest potential.

The Sun is the ultimate source of energy. The National Action Plan on Climate Change in June 2008 identified the development of solar energy technologies in the country as a priority item to be pursued as a National Mission. In November 2009, the Government of India approved the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission. This is a unique and ambitious transformational objective that aims to establish India as a global leader in solar energy by creating the policy conditions for its diffusion across the country, as quickly as possible. The Mission aims to enable 20,000 MW of solar energy to be deployed in India by 2022 by providing an enabling policy framework. By leveraging domestic and foreign investments, this framework will facilitate and provide the foundation for the private sector to participate wholeheartedly and to engage in research and development (R&D), manufacturing and deployment, making this sector globally competitive. This is the largest and the most ambitious programme of its kind anywhere in the world. The Mission is technology-neutral, allowing technological


innovation and market conditions to determine technology winners. The Mission is not merely an effort at generating grid-connected electricity. Rather, two of its major objectives are to encourage R&D and encourage innovation, thereby facilitating grid-parity in the cost of solar power, and to establish India as the global hub for solar manufacturing. This is what makes it a uniquely ambitious and gamechanging programme. In the very first year of its existence, the Mission has succeeded in catalyzing investments in 200MW of gridconnected solar power plants, with another 500 MW expected to roll in shortly.

Wind, Biomass and Hydro Energy Generation Though solar energy is the future, wind energy is where India competes globally in manufacturing and deployment in the present scenario. India has an installed capacity of over 11,000 MW of wind energy, and occupies the fifth position in the world, after USA, Germany, China and Spain. Our policy framework in wind energy generation is extremely investorfriendly, and an attractive tariff and regulatory regime provide a strong foundation for the growth of the sector. My ministry has recently taken the decision to introduce generation-based incentives, a scheme whereby investors, as well as getting the tariff as determined by the respective state regulatory commissions, will also receive a financial incentive per unit of electricity generated over ten years. The decision to incentivize the generation of power will create a level playing field between foreign and domestic investors, and I hope this will catalyze more investments in this field by large independent power producers and foreign investors.


Biomass, which is an eco-friendly source for production of electricity, also holds considerable promise for India. Our estimates indicate that, with the present utilization pattern of crop residues, the amount of surplus biomass materials is about 150 million tones, which could generate about 16,000 MW of power. Hydro projects up to 25 MW capacities are termed as small hydro, and this energy stream has a potential of over 15,000 MW. At present, a capacity addition of about 300 MW per year is being achieved from small hydro projects about 70% is coming through the private sector. So far, hydropower projects with a capacity of over 2,700 MW have been set up in the country, and projects for about 900 MW are in various stages of implementation. The aim is to double the current growth rate, and take it to a capacity addition of 500 MW per year in next two-three years.

Reducing Costs The challenge before us in the renewable energy sector generally, and in India particularly, is to reduce the per-unit cost of renewable energy. Hence, there is a continuous need to innovate to increase efficiencies and bring down costs. Innovations can be brought about in various ways it is possible to harness lower wind speeds; the energy of tides and waves can be channeled to produce electricity; alternate transport fuels can make our journeys less carbon intensive; hydrogen can be an ideal energy storage and carrier; and it is possible to have a larger grid with lower losses of electricity. Innovations need not always be technology-based. Insightful policy interventions can also significantly increase the use of renewable energy. For instance, in India we are working with the regulators to lay down the framework for tradable renewable energy certificates. While this will enable us to achieve a larger share of renewable energy in our electricity mix, the federal regulator's recent announcement of normative guidelines for provincial regulators to fix tariffs for renewable energy will provide a mechanism for better returns for renewable energy developers. We are confident that all these policy interventions will further boost investments in the sector. We are also working towards closer engagement with the banks and lending agencies to help developers gain access to easy and cheaper sources of finance.

Immense Opportunities For centuries, the Indian tradition has worshipped the sun, the wind, the earth, and water, as sources of life, energy and creation. Today's technology provides us with a real opportunity to transform the promise of boundless and clean energy into reality. From rooftop solar power in urban agglomerations, to decentralized and off-grid solutions in remote rural communities the opportunities in renewable power are immense. We believe that governments, in their facilitative role, have to create enabling ecosystems, which will, in turn, in facilitate the healthy unleashing of the entrepreneurial spirit of the private sector and lead to the rapid development and deployment of renewable energy. My vision is to see that every citizen of the world has access to reliable and affordable clean energy. It is for us to rise up together to take advantage of these opportunities and translate the vision of a better world for all mankind into reality. (Courtesy: Making It Magazine)

Dr. Farooq Abdullah is the Union Minister of New and Renewable Energy in the Government of India. He is best-known for his energetic leadership of the groundbreaking and transformational initiative in renewable energy The Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission. He is also known for a number of other initiatives in the renewable energy space in India notably the introduction of generation-based incentives, and the move towards the introduction of renewable energy certificates.

OPPORTUNITIES: SOLAR ENERGY The Sun: Goldmine of green energy

How Concentrated Solar Power Can Meet India's Future Power Needs By Darshan Goswami, M.S., P.E.

“India's solar energy holds great promise. India must accelerate its investment in renewable energy resources, specifically solar and wind energy”

Solar energy is an enormous resource that is readily available in all countries throughout the world, and all the space above the earth. Long ago, scientists calculated that an hour's worth of sunlight bathing the planet held far more energy than humans worldwide could consume in a year. I firmly believe that India should accelerate the use of all forms of renewable energy (photovoltaic, thermal solar, solar lamps, solar pumps, wind power, biomass, biogas, and hydro), and more proactively promote energy efficiency. However, in this article, I will only focus on the use of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology to meet I n d i a ' s f u t u r e e n e r g y n e e d s . Concentrated solar power plants have been used in California since the 1980s. More recently, Pacific Gas & Electric has signed contracts to buy 500 megawatts of solar thermal power from two solar companies. First, NextEra Energy Resources will sell 250 megawatts of CSP generated power from the Genesis Solar Energy Project to be located in Riverside, Calif. Second, Abengoa's Mojave Solar project will supply the remaining 250 megawatts from a plant located in San Bernardino County, Calif. Subject to California Public Utility Commission approval of the power purchase agreements, construction of these solar energy generating plants is expected to start in 2010 with operations planned to begin in 2013. Both these solar thermal power projects will contribute to meeting California's aggressive Renewable Portfolio Standard, which calls for moving away from fossil fuels to solar and other renewable energy sources that avoid pollution and g r e e n h o u s e g a s e m i s s i o n s . In addition to California, the sunny state of Arizona has become home to the world's largest Solar Plant. Solana (which means “a sunny place” in Spanish) solar power generating station is scheduled to begin operation in 2012, harnessing Arizona's most abundant renewable energy resource the sun. This plant (located 70 miles southwest of Phoenix) has a projected capacity of 280 megawatts, and will make use of Abengoa Solar's CSP technology. Worldwide, Germany and Spain are leaders in solar power generation with 4,000 megawatts and 600 megawatts of installed capacity, respectively. A recently formed consortium of 12 companies, known as the Desertec Industrial Initiative (DDI), plans to spend 400 billion Euros ($557 billion) to extract solar energy from the Sahara desert. The DDI aims to deliver solar power to Europe as early as 2015 and eventually provide 15% of Europe's

electricity by 2050 or earlier via power lines stretching across the desert and under the Mediterranean Sea. “The vast Rajasthan Desert is very similar to the Sahara desert in Africa, and has the potential to become the largest solar power plant in India. Due to high levels of available sunlight, CSP plants in Rajasthan could begin satisfying most of India's energy needs in just a few years” India's potential benefits from solar power are as numerous as the sands of Rajasthan desert, and include reduced dependence on fossil fuels and a cleaner environment. These benefits can be realized by installing renewable energy technologies, such as CSP, to protect the environment while diversifying energy resources and h e l p i n g t o l o w e r p r i c e s . Solar power can also reduce strain on the electric grid on hot summer afternoons, when air conditioners are running, by generating electricity where it is used. India has optimal conditions to use CSP to harness solar energy from the Rajasthan Desert. However, to take advantage of this innovative technology, potential CSP plant sites must be identified and deployment accelerated. Specifically, India needs to heavily subsidize Solar and Wind Power projects just like Japan, Germany and other European nations are doing. The use of renewable energy has great potential to create more jobs in India especially in the rural areas.

How the Technology Works CSP plants generate electricity from sunlight by focusing solar energy, collected by an array(s) of sun-tracking mirrors called heliostats, onto a central receiver. Liquid salt (a mixture of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate) is circulated through tubes in the receiver, absorbing the heat energy gathered from the sun. The heated salt is then routed to an insulated tank where it can be stored with minimal energy losses. To generate electricity, the hot molten salt is routed through heat exchangers and a steam generation system. The steam is then used to produce electricity in a conventional steam turbine. After exiting the steam generation system, the now cool salt mixture is circulated back to the “cold” thermal storage tank, and the c y c l e i s r e p e a t e d . While CSP technology is not new, it offers one of the most


promising utility-scale, and sustainable technology options for meeting India's energy needs from renewable energy resources. But a large scale initiative (like Europe's DDI) is needed to make it more cost effective. Moreover, the Rajasthan desert has the potential to produce solar power at a cost low enough to be competitive with fossil and nuclear power.

Conclusion Solar power is an enormous readily available source of

market with the goal of making solar power costcompetitive with fossil fuel-generated electricity. One step toward achieving this goal would be to start a nationwide solar initiative of building 10 million solar roofs within ten years. It has often been said that it is not a question of if, but when solar power becomes cost-competitive with traditional electricity sources. With the right programs and policies today, India can have a great deal of control over how rapidly solar power becomes cost-competitive. And, by getting in on the ground floor of this new technology,

12 A Utility-scale concentrated solar power (CSP) plant energy. It can be used everywhere, and can, in principal, satisfy most of India's energy demand from a renewable, safe and clean resource. Concentrating solar collectors are very efficient and can completely replace the electricity traditionally produced by fossil fuel power plants. CSP plants in the 30 MW to 200 MW range are now operating successfully in locations from California to Europe. Nearly every day now, new CSP plants are being planned for construction. Today's CSP plants supply the heat needed to generate electricity at a cost equivalent to $50 $60 per barrel of oil. This cost is expected to be slashed by 50% to below $25 $30 per barrel in the next 10 years. India should begin creating a mainstream solar energy

India can also create millions of jobs in renewable energy. India needs a plan with the same spirit, boldness and the imagination of the Apollo Program that put astronauts on the Moon. The technology is well established and available. All that is needed now to make this concept a reality is political commitment and appropriate investments and funding to harness this renewable solar e n e r g y r e s o u r c e . I expect that the new US Administration will strongly prioritize the use of solar thermal energy as a solution to the climate and energy crisis. This should create additional incentive for countries such as India, who have optimal

conditions for CSP plants, to take similar actions. India's solar energy holds great promise. India must accelerate its investment in renewable energy resources, specifically solar and wind energy. The U.S.-India Energy Dialogue, which facilitates discussions on renewable energy and energy efficiency, can be a very useful tool to spark investments in solar energy. This can lay the foundation for an energy independent future one in which

the Government of India takes advantage of the vast amounts of energy available from the Rajasthan Desert sun (instead of oil from the Arab nations) to power its future energy needs. In addition, solar energy would not only create millions of jobs, but also sustain India's positive economic growth, help lift its massive population out of poverty and combat climate change.

Darshan Goswami has over 35 years of experience in the energy field. He is working for United States Department of Energy (DOE) as a Project Manager in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He retired as Chief of Energy Forecasting and Renewable Energy from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, DC. Earlier, he worked for 30 years at Duquesne Light Company, an electric utility company in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. He is a registered Professional Electrical Engineer with a passion and commitment to promote, develop and deploy Renewable Energy Resources and the Hydrogen Economy. His contact email address:

SOLAR-FOSSIL INTEGRATION An immediate solution to reduction of carbon foot print By M. Siddhartha Bhatt


For MW level capacity addition through solar thermal and photovoltaics, bulk energy addition applications in the power sector must be identified and addresses. The optimal integration of solar energy into coal fired power plants involves a combination of solar thermal and photovoltaic routes. While solar thermal energy can be integrated through augmentation of heating of make up water in the turbine cycle without any other additional cycle equipment, solar photovoltaic (PV) power can be integrated through supplementing the DC emergency loads by charging the battery systems in the power plant. Typically for a 210 MW coal fired plant, a solar flat plate collector area of 10,000 m2 would reduce coal consumption by 0.6 t/h and a PV capacity of 2 MW would be able to provide a continuous capacity of 440 kW to meet the DC loads in normal course and emergency requirements (1 h of autonomy). The capital cost for solar thermal collectors would be around Rs.7.9 crores and for solar PV it is around Rs.16 crores. The payback period is around 8 years for solar thermal and 10 years for solar PV systems.

INTRODUCTION The use of solar energy as an energy source in thermal power plants has been of interest because of the available bulk thermal and electrical load and ease of utilization of energy. This comes in the wake of attempts at MW level energy addition by solar energy (power generation from renewables In India is 19 GW and from solar thermal collectors it is 3.7 million m2). Solar thermal energy finds application as a source of heat addition in the water-steam cycle and solar PV as a source of substitute electric power to augment auxiliary power loads. Recently an initiative has been taken to introduce solar energy in thermal power plants [1].

INTEGRATION OF SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEMS Solar thermal energy can be supplied through thermal collectors- either flat plate or concentrating receivers [2,3]. Energy efficiency of thermal energy supply to the power plant varies from as high as 80% (at low temperatures up to 100째 C) to as low as 11-16% (at high temperatures of around 240째 C). Solar energy systems can be integrated into the conventional fossil fuel fired process in one of the following ways: i.Solar water heating up to 80 째C through flat plate collectors. ii.Solar steam generation/solar hot water production at up to 240째 C through concentrating collectors. While flat plate collectors do not give temperatures

beyond 100° C, they are inherently energetically superior with conversion efficiencies touching 80%. Concentrating collectors produce high temperatures up to 240° C but their efficiency is around 8-12% due to high level of losses in the systems. The purpose of increasing temperatures in concentrating collectors is to boost the temperatures because the efficiency of conversion of thermal energy to mechanical energy (work) increases with temperature.

and make up water is 3 % of the main steam flow, i.e., 90 ml/kWh (=90 kg/MWh). If the load factor of the collectors is taken as 73 % (non availability of solar radiation), the collector area required is 7891 m2 this gives a fuel reduction of 0.263% and pay back period of 4.57 years (see Figures 1-4 for sensitivity of the collector system for various design load factors of the collector). Capital

Concentration ratios (C) of concentrating collectors (designed for higher temperatures) are: ? Conical collectors:1-9 ? Compound parabolic collectors:1-5 ? Parabolic troughs: 15-45 ? Cylindrical troughs: 10-50. ? Fresnel's lenses: 5-15. For maximization of energy input, ideal tracking rotation for re-orientation or tilting and tracking (2 axis tracking) is required. In the case of a fixed collector the integrated value of the incident angle efficiency factor gives an incident angle efficiency in the range of 94-100 %. Or, in other words, without tracking the reduction in energy output is around 6%. The classical Hottel-Whillier-Bliss equation (HWB) [4] which is the difference between the optical efficiency (8385%) and the heat removal factor (5-6 W/m2K) is sensitive to the ambient temperature, fluid inlet temperature and the solar insolation level. It is valid for thermal collectors, both flat plate and concentrating. The collector energy efficiency reaches stagnation at around 160-170° C. The stagnation temperature indicates the point at which there is no net heat absorption by the collector. In other words, all incident energy is lost as collector heat loss and the energy efficiency is zero. A realistic model of the collector is required to be adopted to accurately model and determine the energy efficiency of thermal collectors. It is seen that when the collector fluid temperature rises, the heat losses increases. The non linear dependence of the heat loss factor is due to increase in radiative losses at higher temperatures. The heat losses reach almost to 1000 W/m2 which amounts to stagnation for flat plate collectors. In concentrating collectors with high concentrating ratios (around 10) this would be acceptable. When the final objective of the system is to generate power, the hot fluid is to operate a heat power cycle like a Rankine cycle. In that case, the overall efficiency of conversion of work is the product of the collector efficiency and the Carnot efficiency which is strongly dependent on the temperature of the fluid. While the Carnot efficiency increases with temperature the collector efficiency decreases with temperature. Thus the optimal is around 180-250° C depending on the system. Thus, power generation through thermal route is not feasible in this case. In the context of the thermal power plant, solar energy can be used to either heat condensate feed which enters the low pressure feed water heaters or heat the de-mineralized (DM) make up water which is injected in the hot well below the condenser. Typically the cyclic flow of steam in the system is 3 kg/kWh (=3 t/MWh) of energy generated

investment of Rs. 7.89 crores in collectors will bay back in around 4.57 years. For sizing of the solar collectors load factors of 0.625 to 1 can be chosen as seen from Figure 1. The method proposes is to connect a large number of parallel flat plate collectors in-between the outlet of the DM feed storage tank and the hot well make up tank. The DM water will flow through gravity through the flat plate collectors and heat the make up to 80° C in continuous once through flow. The system can be easily be bypassed in the event of maintenance of the flat plate collectors. The pre-heating of DM make up arises in the case of condensing plants. Pre-heating of feed does not upgrade the condenser vacuum which is primarily dependent on the temperature of the cooling water. Moreover, the preheating is only to the extent of 3% or so. The other option is to pre-heat the feed water flow through the system in series with the low pressure feed water heaters. The quantity is quite high (3000 kg/MWh) and the area required to be used is much higher. The feed water is pressurized to 2.0 MPa which would raise the cost of the collectors. The reliability of the system would be affected


as another element is introduced and any puncture of the collectors would involve isolation. Hence, in the overall,

accomplished through minimal conversion of voltage type, (DC to AC), transformations and transmission of the power. Fossil fueled power plants have DC loads for emergency power and instrument power. The electric power output from the solar PV plant without maximum power point (MPP) tracking (fixed non tilting-radial or axial) and for non-concentrating systems, will be around 290-310 kWh/m2/year at an annual efficiency of around 15.67 %. Considering the energy storage and conversion losses it is around 200-230 kWh/m2/year at an annual efficiency of 11.75 %.

pre-heating make up water in atmospheric pressure solar collectors is preferable.


An energy efficient way of utilization of solar PV power in a thermal power plant is to provide DC power to the existing station battery banks. DC power is used in thermal power stations as stand-by power to meet emergency loads for either half an hour or 1 hour of autonomy. The batteries are either lead-acid plante (2.2 V)


Solar electric power can be either through photovoltaic route or through thermal conversion route where solar energy is converted into thermal energy and then used to operate a heat engine (Rankine or Stirling cycle) using steam or hot air as a working fluid. Energy efficiency of electric conversion through both routes is around 8-12 %. SPV systems can be integrated into the thermal power plant as follows: I. ii.



Grid connected systems by feeding the output energy into the grid at 11 kV, 33 kV, 66 kV level or higher. Utilization of solar PV for meeting the DC loads and for non-real time dependent AC loads which are not directly linked to the unit process. Storage based systems for decentralized power in isolated or remote areas.

In the case of grid connected PV systems the losses due to conversion of DC power output to AC power output, up gradation and transmission will decrease the overall efficiency from 16 % down to 8 %. Effective and efficient solar energy utilization through PV route can be

or nickel-cadmium (1.42 V). The battery capacity is given in Figure 5. Microprocessor based Battery Charger panels compatible to the existing battery bank are used. The battery charger comprises of Float charger & Float cum Boost charger. The float charger is normally on, supplying the station load current and at the same time tickle charging the battery. The characteristic are designed that if load exceeds the charger capacity, then the battery will supply the excess load. The boost charger will be normally in standby mode and has to be put into circuit manually to boost charge the completely discharged battery, to provide occasional equalizing charge as required or to take over function of float charger in case of failure. The main DC loads are 220 V DC system, emergency lighting, UPS, excitation system, Dc distribution board, etc. For a station of 1 GW, at 2 Ah/MW, the battery power is equivalent to a power rating of 440 kW for 1 hour or 440 kWh. This can be augmented by solar energy by a 1 MWp solar PV capacity which would be able to provide a steady power of 200-230 kW. Hence, for a typical station of 1 GW, a solar PV capacity of around 2 MW would be ideal to meet the DC emergency loads as well as provide certain steady loads. The cost of 2 MW PV panels is around Rs. 14 crores with additional costs of Rs. 2 crores for the mounting structures, power conditioning,etc. If battery

banks were to be installed then the cost would be around Rs. 1.4 lakhs per 100 Ah at 220 V. The battery cost can be totally eliminated in this PV application.

CONCLUSIONS Among the renewable options, while wind is capable of bulk energy addition at the MW level, solar thermal and photovoltaics have been till recently only augmented at the kW level. Very recently, 1 MW grid connected solar plants have been introduced. Thus development of MW level capacity addition routes is essential for solar thermal and photovoltaic technologies. ii. One such MW level capacity addition option is that both solar thermal energy and solar PV power can be integrated into existing coal fired stations in a very simple way without much technological intervention. iii. Solar water heaters are most efficient at water temperatures of around 80 째C. At higher temperatures, the collector efficiency drops and unless a Rankine cycle is coupled to it, obtaining fluid temperatures in excess of 100 째C is inefficient (implying high capital costs). iv. Atmospheric pressure solar flat plate collectors integrated into the DM water make up cycle in between the feed water tank and the hot well make up using gravity flow. The pay back on a capital cost of Rs. 7.89 crores (for 7891 m2) in around 4.6 years. There is no modification or addition to the

existing plant. V. Rankine cycle route of power generation is still in the developmental stage and is not suitable for integration in thermal power plants at this point of time. vi. Solar PV power can be directly integrated into the power plant auxiliaries through augmenting the emergency DC power supply system. The cost of battery and power conditioned can be considerably reduced. vii. A solar PV capacity of around 2 MW would be ideal to meet the station DC loads. The capital cost is around Rs. 16 crores and the payback period is around 10 years. REFERENCES: [1] (CEA), Report of task force on integration of solar systems with thermal/ hydro power stations and connectivity of solar roof top systems with grid, central electricity authority, New Delhi 110066, January 2010; [2] M.Siddhartha Bhatt & R.Sudir Kumar (2000), Performance analysis of solar photovoltaic power plantsexperimental results, Int. J. Renewable Energy Engg., (IJREE), 2(2), August, 2000, pp. 184-192; [3] M.Siddhartha Bhatt (2005), Performance enhancement of natural circulating storage type solar water heaters, J. Sc. Ind. Res., 67, July, 2008, pp. 549-555; [4] Duffie, J. A. & Beckman, W. A. 1991. Solar engineering of thermal processes, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

M. Siddhartha Bhatt is Additional Director and Divisional Head of the Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Division of CPRI. An energy expert he has a professional experience of 30 years at CPRI and has extensively contributed in the areas of energy analysis, energy efficiency & renewable energy. He has published over 40 international journal papers in the area of energy efficiency and one book. He has developed several energy products and holds 5 patents. In the area of industrial consultancy he has undertaken a large number of power audits, energy efficiency studies and studies on renovation, modernization & life extension of thermal and hydro power plants. He has been awarded the Young Scientists Award (1984), Mysore University Golden Jubilee Award for Science and Technology (1988), CBIP Best paper Award (1998). His contact email


Global Telelinks has added the following two new products “Mini Home Lighting System” and Solar AC/DC generator to its existing range of products. Both the products have extensive use in areas without power and where there are severe power availability problems. The Mini Home Lighting System a compact solar based unit with Solar/AC input and DC output both 12V and USB. It comes with an intelligent chip management base unit and supports upto 3 lights, a fan and a mobile charging facility. The system comes with different configurations to support scalable requirements and can accept up to 30 Wp Solar Panels. It can support small entrepreneurs for providing charging facilities to various products introduced by Prakruthi Power. It is extremely useful for Home Lighting in rural areas without power and those suffering heavy power cuts, small kiosks, shops, offices etc.

Mini Home Solar Power Lighting System (Best choice for emergency lighting and powerless area)

The PP Solar AC/DC Power Generator with AC/DC input and AC/DC output is a very compact unit with the latest PCB technology integrating solar controller, inverter & UPS with auto switchover all combined into one. It can accept 100 to 180 Wp & 18V Solar Panels and give AC 220V, DC 12V and USB 5.0V output. It is available in 500W, 1000W, 2000W and 3000W combinations. It is very useful for both, areas suffering heavy power interruptions and rural areas for Homes, shops, Service centers and small offices. The Business entity, GLOBAL TELELINKS is pioneered by Ch. Venkateswara Rao an engineering graduate from BITS Pilani, and Post Graduate in Business Administration, with over 30 years experience in many innovative areas of Technology and Industry. He draws his inspiration and ideas from a core of renowned environmentalists, energy consultants, and experienced engineers from The “Energy Conservation Mission” a wing of 'The Institution of Engineers (India), Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh.

Solar DC Generator with AC/DC Input & AC/DC output (Controller & inverter integration)

Global Telelinks 5-3-456/A/20, 201, II Floor Maruthi Grandeaur, Dwarakapuri Road, Punjagutta, Hyderabad - 500082. Tel:+ 91-4023350291 / Fax:+ 91-40-23350292

PP Solar DC Generator with AC/DC Input & AC/DC output (CONTROLLER & INVERTER INTEGRATION) PP SDCG is an integrated solar controller, inverter & UPS with auto switchover all combined into one unit. This product is simple, convenient and highly efficient. INPUT: (A) SOLAR: 18V Solar Panel with 100Wp to 180 Wp; (B) AC: 220V (Regular Mains) OUTPUT: (a) AC: 220V (b) DC: 12V (c) USB: 5.0V SPECIFICATION Solar DC Generator with AC/DC Output

Solar DC Generator with AC/DC Input & AC/DC output (Controller & inverter integration)

Solar panel: 10 to 30 Wp solar panels with mono crystalline or polycrystalline material. Input: 1. solar panel charging; 2. AC/DC power adapter charging; 3. car power adapter charging 4. Pedal Power Charging Battery:4Ah or 7Ah lead acid battery / Ni-MH battery/ Lithium battery. 3 indicator lights to show, battery charging,discharging and capacity. On/Off switch and product system working indicator light. System: Intelligent chip management system provides protection for charging and discharging & short circuit. 3 LED indicator lights show Battery energy availability. Output: 3 DC 12V ports supporting 1.5A at each port with indicator lights and on/off switch. Each socket can further support 4 extensions using a Mini Home Solar Power Lighting System 4 X 1 cable adapter. 2 USB 5V ports for mobile phone charging or for (Best choice for emergency lighting using any USB product. and powerless area)

Global Telelinks 5-3-456/A/20, 201, II Floor Maruthi Grandeaur, Dwarakapuri Road, Punjagutta, Hyderabad - 500082.

GREEN STRATEGIES Balancing green with financial results

How commercial building owners and operators can improve their financial performance by implementing green strategies By Rajesh Sikka

“Building owners and tenants are reminded of the high cost of energy every time they open their monthly utility bills. Energy costs are the largest operating expense for most commercial properties, accounting for 25-30% of a typical building's annual operating budget� Reducing energy costs can have a significant impact on the bottom line of a business and make commercial buildings

Energy Conservation Measures Can Yield Significant Savings No wonder many developers are making green design a centerpiece of new developments. But owners of existing buildings also can reduce costs and improve bottom-line


more attractive to current and prospective tenants. A 2008 study of more than 1,300 buildings by the CoStar Group found that buildings with the Energy Star label or LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification not only performed better, they also commanded premium rents, enjoyed higher occupancy rates and sold for higher prices on the open market.

performance by taking a green approach. By selecting and implementing the right energy conservation measures (ECMs), building owners and operators can reduce energy costs by as much as 30%, according to the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). For example, renovations to Hotel Le Meridien, Bangalore,

reduced energy, operating and maintenance costs for its owners. Replacing and upgrading the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system and installing a Trane Tracer SummitTM building automation system in the 256,161-square-foot building delivered US $85,000 in annual energy cost savings. In addition to the energy and cost savings, the building managers have noted a 40% reduction in noise level and a drop in service costs of around 30%. The improvement in the reliability and efficiency of the systems has also resulted in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced sustainability. Most importantly, the new systems are making the hotel's operating conditions more stable and provide greater comfort for guests. Improvements to the mechanical systems at The Claridges, Delhi, were just as dramatic. By installing a high efficiency and CFC (chlorofluorocarbons)-free, chilled-water system and a secondary pumping system to modulate water-flow in air-handling units, the hotel's management increased efficiency and reduced energy consumption and costs by approximately 10-15%. In addition, improvements included upgrading air handling unit valves from three-way to a two-way state-of-the-art pressure independent type to achieve accurate modulation. The hotel has also signed an annual maintenance contract with Trane to ensure that systems continue to operate at top efficiency.

Systematic Approach Delivers Greatest Benefit Building owners consistently see the quickest return on investment from installing window tinting to reduce sun exposure; upgrading lighting fixtures, bulbs and controls; and installing high-efficiency HVAC and automated control systems that optimize HVAC central plant performance. But every building and operating environment is different. An ECM that might be perfect for one building and set of circumstances may be totally wrong for another. Building owners need to be wary of the onesize-fits-all approach. A systematic, sensible energy conservation strategy requires that owners do their homework. With the right information, they can choose ECMs that meet their building's particular needs and provide a return on investment that justifies the up-front capital outlay. Following are steps owners should take before investing in any major improvements:

Partner with an energy services company (ESCO) such as Trane, to identify ECM opportunities, set priorities and drive implementation. Choose an ESCO with a longstanding industry presence, solid reputation, experience with similar buildings and proven track record. Compare building performance with industry benchmarks using aggregate data available from Energy Star; ASHRAE; the Environmental Protection Agency; the Energy and Resources Institute-India; Bureau of Energy Efficiency- Government of India; Indian Green Building Council or other industry sources. This step is usually both valuable and educational. Remember that a building is a system, so ECMs are often interrelated. For example, adding window tinting may mean increasing interior lighting, which may in turn require adjustments to the HVAC system. A capable ESCO can make sure that the net effect of all changes is considered. Understand utility rate structures and choose ECMs that take advantage of favorable rates, such as the flexible rates some utilities offer that can change with as little as 15 minutes notice. New HVAC and control technology enables managers to respond quickly to vary the load with the rate thus optimizing costs. Consider the total impact of retrofit costs and savings on the building's financial model. For example, understand how leases are structured and determine whether and how the costs and benefits of energy-saving retrofits are allocated to tenants. Remember that it takes training, service and regular maintenance to keep HVAC and other mechanical systems running at peak efficiency so they can deliver the return on investment numbers that justified their acquisition in the first place.

Energy Conservation Measures Bolster the Bottom Line With a still-uncertain economy and volatile energy prices in the forecast, commercial building owners are constantly looking for ways to reduce their operating costs and improve profitability. With today's highly efficient HVAC technologies and other ECMs, owners and operators can reduce energy consumption, push savings to the bottom line, shrink their carbon footprints and create a comfortable, affordable environment that will attract and retain the best tenants.

Rajesh Sikka, as a Business Leader, is responsible for the overall business management in the region, driving business results across all streams. Rajesh is also a member of India Operating Council of Ingersoll Rand in India. Rajesh is a member of ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers), ISHRAE, the Indian Green Building Council and the American Chamber of Commerce in India. Rajesh earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Delhi College of Engineering in the year 1991.


Best Practices for Energy Conservation in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning G’Subramanyam INTODUCTION: Cost of Electricity is a major share in the total operating cost of an enterprise. Ever rising energy bills and reduced availability, necessitates the need for efficient use and innovative techniques. A sizable portion of electricity (to the tune of 40-50%) is consumed by utilities like Refrigeration and Air Conditioning alone, in most hotels, hospitals, commercial buildings and dairy units. This article presents a compilation of some of the best practices in vogue in Indian industries, with energy saving potential of the order of 20 40%, Best practices like: incorporation of SCADA & BMS, Variable Speed Drives (VSD' s), Earth Air Tunnels (EAT), Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) etc. are few among them. The best practices discussed in this paper are already in practice and implemented (in India) and show great promise for large scale adoption in the near future. Performance Assessment of the Refrigeration & A/c system TR? Yes TR or Tons of Refrigeration is a commonly used and familiar term even by non-techies. It is something that even a housewife, barely initiated in technicalities would figure out & understand. However it clues one, only to the capacity and size of an air conditioning or refrigeration system, but not its performance. In industry on the other hand, where great footage is accorded to the quantum & quality of the refrigeration effect and where the power consumption & efficiency of the system are crucial, the term KW/TR has mileage and greater relevance and is the more apt energy performance related indicator in use. It simultaneously reflects the quantum of power consumed (kW) per unit of refrigeration effect (TR) i.e. the specific power consumption for the refrigeration system or the machine, as the case may be. Moreover kW and TR in any facility are parameters that are not too difficult to measure. Like any other specific power consumption indicator, kW / TR can be widely and conveniently used for comparison with bench marks, for inert-se comparison amongst a bank of machines & for performance trend analysis. It speaks of the conversion efficiency in broad terms and an upward trend warns of bad performance. Timely intervention to curb the rising trend would be in order, perhaps by restoring to good maintenance & operating practices and / or incorporating appropriate efficient technological changes /

retrofits. To obtain kW / TR value it is obvious, that one needs to measure power consumption in kW and refrigeration effect in TR. Power measurements, i.e. the input power to the drives of the refrigeration compressor, chilled & condenser water pumps, cooling tower fan, is an easy task involving use of a portable power analyzer or panel mounted power/energy meters. In contrast, the TR of the refrigeration effect or load is a slightly more involved assessment in the sense that, chilled water flow measurements are to be undertaken. TR in a basic reflects the amount of heat removed or the chilling effect, which would render 1 British Ton of water into ice in a period of 24 hours. The TR effect can be calculated by the relation: TR = Q X Cp X (Ti To) / 3024 Where: ? TR is the cooling duty ? Q is the mass flow rate of the chilled water/brine coolant in kg/hr ? Cp is coolant specific heat in kCal /kg . oC ? Ti is the inlet temperature of coolant to evaporator (chiller) in oC. ? To is the outlet temperature of coolant from evaporator (chiller) in oC. Flow measurement is the most tricky and difficult part in the overall assessment of the refrigeration system. Generally, flow measurements and indicators are not provided for in a majority of the cases. Only in recently installed new systems, off late are we finding online flow meters. Ultrasonic flow meters are now available in the market, which can be used for measuring liquid flows. Magnetic flow meters are also widely used though these have to be installed in the pipe line. For measuring air flows, (in cooling towers and A/c ducts) anemometers are good bet. A pitot tube can also be used for air flow measurements in A/c ducts. Once we have a handle on kW/TR values, then can be expressed, either in terms of Coefficient of Performance (COP) or Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), and other commonly used energy performance indicators. The relationship between kW/TR, COP & EER is featured below:


Typical normative kW/TR values, for different vapor Compression refrigerationmachine are:

The above figures includes Compressor power alone. If one adds the chilled water / condenser water pumps power and also the cooling tower fan power, then these kW/TR values may slightly go up. One often encounters the reciprocating compression systems in the field. The typical benchmark overall kW/TR figures including compressor, condenser pump, chiller pump, cooling tower fan, could be 1 to 1.1 for air conditioning systems. For Vapour Absorption Refrigeration (VAR), Systems the energy performance indicator is Kcal/TR instead of kW/TR. The typical Kcal/TR values as follows: In their endeavor to retain their competitive edge in the fiercely competitive market place, most of the business enterprises are readily adopting best practices in pursuit of energy conservation and energy cost reduction. Some of the popular and notable ones in the cooling/refrigeration field are discussed below: Recent technologies, best practices, systems that have been

actual real time data available at his finger tips. The facility to view key process parameters like, temperature, pressure and flow of chilled water, cooling water and air, and input power consumption of compressors, pumps, fans, allows the operating personnel to analyze and instantaneously take corrective action. The optimised utilization of equipment running time manifests as reduced energy consumption. The real time consumption trend, by individual departments, helps in overall optimization, leading to energy savings. Several

pharmaceutical and dairy units have implemented SCADA and have achieved overall energy savings of the order of 5 10%. Many commercial building are also going for Building Management Systems (BMS). Optimised running of cold water and hot water pumps


successfully adopted and implemented are: ? SCADA system for Air Conditioning Plants ? Optimised running of cold & hot water pumps ? Optimised running of Cooling Tower fans ? Optimised running of Air Handling Units (AHU's) through PID controls & VFD's ? Installation of VAR Systems in process industries including Hotels & Hospitals ? Adoption of Air ambiator for low cost air cooling requirements ? Replacing old efficient window A/C's with the latest energy efficient A/C's ? Use of Hybrid Water sink Energy Efficient window A/c ? Traditional cooling with Wind Towers ? Use of underground Earth Air Tunnel (EAT) to supply pre-cooled air ? Generation of hot water by waste heat recovery through De-superheating SCADA system for Air Conditioning Plants Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, is a sophisticated automation, data acquisition and data logging tool as well as a control option during operation, thus facilitating operators to effect parameter changes based on

Very often one finds the cold well and hot well concept being followed, in chilled water / brine centralized systems. Invariably, users encounter the nagging problem of hot water mixing into the cold water by overflow, thus killing the advantage of refrigeration, and losing precious energy in the process. To overcome this wasteful phenomenon, the speed (rpm) of the cold and hot water pumps can be varied as per need, to control flow as well as pressure, by installing PID controllers and variable speed drives. Motor speed is varies based on level in the cold / hot well and also the pressure in the cold water header. The power savings that have been achieved by some of the Dairy industries are worth more than Rs.2 lakhs annually, with an investment of Rs.4 lakhs. The investment has been paid back in less than 2 years. Optimised running of cooling tower fans CT fan operation can be optimised by installing temperature controllers for the cooling tower and Variable Speed Drives (VFD's) for the cooling tower fans. The controller provided in the cooling tower pump house keeps track of the temperature of cold water in the header through the sensor provided in the header and accordingly VFD varies the speed of the CT fans motor. This automatically optimises CT fan operation and results in sizable power savings especially for a 24 x 7 type of operation. A majority of modern dairies and pharma industries have implemented this type of system. A good number of industrial units hsve also implemented ON/OFF controls actuated based on cooling tower sump water temperature as a low cost solution. The power savings thus achieved by one of the modern dairy, in cooling tower fan alone was around Rs.8 lakhs annually.

the sensor provided in the header and accordingly VFD varies the speed of the CT fans motor. This automatically optimises CT fan operation and results in sizable power savings especially for a 24 x 7 type of operation. A majority of modern dairies and pharma industries have implemented this type of system. A good number of industrial units hsve also implemented ON/OFF controls actuated based on cooling tower sump water temperature as a low cost solution. The power savings thus achieved by one of the modern dairy, in cooling tower fan alone was around Rs.8 lakhs annually.

system. We can able to achieve temperatures much below the wet bulb temperature by using two stage cooling. The capital cost of the this system is also less and this system can be used for outpatient wards of hospitals, canteens, cinema halls, etc., the following table gives the capital cost, operating energy cost of different systems i.e Vapour compression and the air ambiator

Optimised running of Air Handling Units (AHU's) through PID controls & VFD's Optimization of Air Handling Units (AHU's) can be achieved by installing controllers and Variable Speed Drives for the AHU blowers. The controller installed in the AHU's continuously tracks & monitors the temperature inside the air conditioned area, and accordingly, the speed of the blower motor is varied by the Variable frequency drives (VFD's) resulting in lower power consumption.These types of controls and VFD's have become common now a days in most of the commercial buildings like hotels and hospitals. In industries also they have potentials to save energy to the tune of 15-20%. Installation of VAR Systems in process industries including Hotels & Hospitals Vapour Absorption Refrigeration (VAR) or Vapour Absorption Machine (VAM) are being used by many process industries like Pharma, Rayon, Textiles, Fertilizers, Refineries and Power plants where steam or waste heat is available in fact in one of the process industry in India had replaced existing single effect VAM to double effect VAM for cost savings. Recently one of the leading Rayon industry has replaced the existing centrifugal chillers by installing 525 TR single effect vapour absorption chillers. The reported cost benefits are as follows. Towards energy cost reduction, many people are going for direct fired VAR system, where steam is not available. One of the innovative method adopted by a multi specialty hospital in Vadodara, Gujarat is use of solar energy for air

conditioning. By generating 3 kg/cm2 steam by using solar concentric panels, they could able to run the VAR machines and reduce their high power bills. Adoption of air ambiator technology for low cost air cooling We can reduce our air conditioning energy cost by 50-60% by adopting air ambiator technology. If you are able to compromise little on humidity, we can go for air ambiator

Replacing old inefficient window A/c's with the energy efficient A/c's. The old window A/c's are bound to consume more energy. The window A/c's which are designed about 10 years back, the specific energy consumption is around 2 2.5 kW/TR. The present genre state of the art, window A/c's with scroll compressor are more efficient and are designed to consume about 1.2 to 1.4 kW/R. With the implementation of standards and labeling programme by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), the user has a choice to go for energy efficient window A/c's (including split A/c) before he buys. The following table gives the inter comparison of energy consumption of different models of A/c's, which are available in India. Use of Hybrid Water sink Energy Efficient window A/c New type of energy-efficient air conditioners are available in the market, that are more energy efficient (at least 30% when compared to 3-star rated ACs). The fluid that collects and releases it at the condenser is called refrigerant. A pump, called the compressor, forces the refrigerant through the circuit of tubing and fins in the coils. Air moves through the tiny spaces between the fins and is cooled by the refrigerant in the coils. This cycle is called vapour compression cycle. In the Hybrid A/c use the same compression cycle by adding another stage in condensation as seen in the photograph here. A unique condenser and evaporator design allowing for faster condensation and evaporation makes the cycle more efficient than the conventional vapour compression cycle. In most of our installations, we have been able to achieve average power consumption of 0.7 KW/ton.


heat at the evaporator and releases it at the condenser is called refrigerant. A pump, called the compressor, forces the refrigerant through the circuit of tubing and fins in the coils. Air moves through the tiny spaces between the fins and is cooled by the refrigerant in the coils. This cycle is called vapour compression cycle. In the Hybrid A/c use

through the towers and spraying water, similar to air coolers, we can able to reduce ambient air temperature by 5-7 OC. By passing this cool air through the chiller water fan coil in the AHU's, we can able to reduce the air conditioning load of the building by 2-3%. This is being practiced at the CII-Godrej Green Business Centre at Hyderabad, the first building outside USA to get platinum rating by LEED, USA. Use of Underground Earth Air Tunnel (EAT) to supply pre-cooled air

the same compression cycle by adding another stage in condensation as seen in the photograph here. A unique condenser and evaporator design allowing for faster condensation and evaporation makes the cycle more efficient than the conventional vapour compression cycle. In most of our installations, we have been able to achieve average power consumption of 0.7 KW/ton. Traditional cooling with Wind Tower By constructing Wind Towers and drawing fresh air intake


The principle of the tunnel is to take advantage of consistency in temperature through out the year at certain depth below ground. At a depth of 4M below the ground, the temperature remains constant, round the year and is equal to the annual average temperature of a place. For instance, Delhi this temperature is between 25-26 OC. So, if air is passed through such earth tunnel, before funneling into a room, we can expect it to be cool in summer and warm in the winter. In this system air is passed through the underground pipes and then circulated in the rooms by AHU's to reduce heat load. However the tunnels cannot remove the excess humidity from the air during monsoon, humid summers. So, additional chillers have to be installed to achieve the required comfort levels. The additional investment required to construct the Earth Air Tunnel can be paid back within an year. The TERI's Gual Pahri Campus near Delhi has incorporated this type of system Generation of hot water by waste heat recovery through De-superheating We are more familiar with waste heat recovery from

furnaces, boilers, DG sets etc. Waste heat recovery from refrigeration and Air conditioning system has become a reality. By de-superheating the refrigerant from the discharge of compressor, before sending to the condenser, we can able to produce hot water at 55-60 OC. As a thumb rule, we can generate 20 lit/TR hot water with a ? T of 30 O C. This type of system is more useful for hotels.

discharge of compressor, before sending to the condenser, we can able to produce hot water at 55-60 OC. As a thumb rule, we can generate 20 lit/TR hot water with a ? T of 30 O C. This type of system is more useful for hotels. Conclusion: The Energy Bill towards refrigeration and Air conditioning alone is contributing to 50-60% in majority of the industries such as Dairy, Hotels, Hospitals and commercial

buildings. The air conditioning loads are day by day increasing and creating burden on our already overloaded electricity grid. By adopting best practices that are given in this article will able to save energy to the tune of 10-20% depending on the application. The best practices discussed in this paper are already in practice and implemented (in India) and show great promise for large scale adoption in the near future.

G.Subramanyam is Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Certified Energy Auditor and also a IGBC Green Building Accredited Professional with over 22 years of proven success in undertaking Energy Conservation projects. Awarded three times Best Energy Auditor of the Year for the year 2007-08 & 2008-09, 2009-10.. Worked with National Productivity Council for 20 years in the Energy Management Division. Currently heading Siri Exergy & Carbon Advisory Services (P) Ltd., Hyderabad. Presently overseeing Energy Efficiency, Project Development & Registration of CDM projects with UNFCCC & capacity building. Expertise in energy management, project management, financing and implementation of energy efficiency projects under ESCO model, as well as policy analysis. Distinction of winning Rs.56,000/- cash prizes for contributing to Technical writing on various issues related to Energy Efficiency & CDM through the website www.energymanagertraining .com so far. One of Finalist in the Demonstration Marketplace 2006 Global contest of The World Bank�





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INDIA: Sun's Most Favoured Nation

INDIA: Sun's Most Favoured Nation

India's renewable future: Challenges and Prospects How concentrated solar power can meet India's future power needs? A proven renewable energy technology, most suited to developing nations Best practices for energy conservation in refrigeration and air conditioning

FOCUS INDIA: Sun's most favored nation By M. R. Menon “Radiant light and heat from the Sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar radiation, along with secondary solar-powered resources such as wind and wave power, hydro-electricity and biomass, account for most of the available renewable energy on earth”

MW/km square (megawatt per kilometer square). With a geographical area of 3.287 million km square, this amounts to 657.4 million MW. However, 87.5% of the land is used for agriculture, forests, fallow lands, etc., 6.7% for housing, industry, etc., and 5.8% is either barren, snow bound, or generally inhabitable. Thus, only 12.5% of the land area amounting to 0.413 million km square can, in theory, be used for solar energy installations. Even if 10% of this area can be used, the available solar energy would be 8 million MW, which is equivalent to 5,909 mtoe (million tons of oil equivalents) per year. In July 2009, India unveiled a $19 billion plan, to produce 20 GW of solar power by 2020.Under the plan, solarpowered equipment and applications would be mandatory in all government buildings including hospitals and hotels. On November 18, 2009, it was reported that India was ready to launch its National Solar Mission under the National Action Plan on Climate Change, with plans to generate 1,000 MW of power by 2013.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), coal/peat account for nearly 40% of India's total energy consumption, followed by nearly 27% for combustible renewables and waste. Oil accounts for nearly 24% of total energy consumption, natural gas 6%, hydroelectric power almost 2%, nuclear nearly 1%, and other renewables less than 0.5%.


Although nuclear power comprises a very small percentage of total energy consumption at this time, it is expected to increase in light of international civil nuclear energy cooperation deals. According to the Indian government, nearly 30% of India's total energy needs are met through imports. Currently, installed base of renewable energy is 16,492.42 MW which is 10.12% of total installed base with the southern state of Tamil Nadu contributing nearly a third of it (5008.26 MW) largely through wind power. India is world's 6th largest energy consumer, accounting for 3.4% of global energy consumption. The economy of India, measured in US$ exchange-rate terms, is the 25th largest in the world, with a GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of around $1 trillion (2008). GDP growth rate of 9.0% for the fiscal year 2007-2008 which makes it the second fastest big emerging economy, after China, in the world. There is a very high demand for energy, which is currently satisfied mainly by coal, foreign oil and petroleum, which are apart from being a non-renewable.

Solar Energy In India, in the solar energy sector, some large projects have been proposed, and a 35,000 km² area of the Thar Desert has been set aside for solar power projects, sufficient to generate 700 to 2,100 gigawatts. India is endowed with rich solar energy resource. The average intensity of solar radiation received on India is 200

India has a vast potential for renewable energy sources, especially in areas such as solar power, biomass and wind power. Technological breakthroughs for cost-effective photovoltaic technology could generate a quantum leap in the renewable energy sector since India is well endowed with solar insolation (average of 6 kwh/ India plans to announce increased subsidies for solar-power generation, as the country looks to scale up production of renewable energy and show it is committed to mitigating

climate change. India just had 2.12 megawatts of grid-connected solar generation capacity. As part of the National Solar Mission, the ministry aims to bolster the annual photovoltaic production to at least 1,000 megawatts a year by 2017. With an installed capacity of 123 GW, the country currently faces energy shortage of 8 % and a peak demand shortage of 11.6 %. In order to sustain a growth rate of 8 %, it is estimated that the power generation capacity in India would have to increase to 306 GW in the next ten years which is 2.5 times current levels. However, as of October 2009, India is currently ranked number one along with the United States in terms of installed solar energy generation

capacity. The Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) has installed India's largest solar photovoltaic power plant at Yalesandra village in Kolar district of Karnataka. Built at the cost of about $13 million, the plant makes use of modular crystalline technology to generate solar energy.

Wind energy The development of wind power in India began in the 1990s, and has significantly increased in the last few years. Although a relative newcomer to the wind industry compared with Denmark or the US, India has the fifth largest installed wind power capacity in the world. The worldwide installed capacity of wind power reached

157,899 MW by the end of 2009. USA (35,159 MW), Germany (25,777 MW), Spain (19,149 MW) and China (25,104 MW) are ahead of India in 5th position. The short gestation periods for installing wind turbines, and the increasing reliability and performance of wind energy machines has made wind power a favored choice for capacity addition in India. Samana wind farm is the largest wind project undertaken to

date by RULON. CLP India, the Group's subsidiary in India, is partnering with wind turbine manufacturer Enercon (India) Limited to develop this greenfield project in India's north-western state of Gujarat. Suzlon, India's largest wind power company, has risen to ranking 5th worldwide, with 7.7%of the global market share in just over a decade. Suzlon holds some 52% of market share in India. Suzlon's success has made India the developing country leader in advanced wind turbine technology.

Hydropower India is endowed with economically exploitable and viable hydro potential assessed to be about 84,000 MW at 60% load factor (1,48,701 MW installed capacity). In addition, 6,780 MW in terms of installed capacity from Small, Mini, and Micro Hydel schemes have been assessed. Also, 56 sites for pumped storage schemes with an aggregate installed capacity of 94,000 MW have been identified. However, only 19.9% of the potential has been harnessed so far. Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. It is the most widely used form of renewable energy. India is blessed with immense amount of hydroelectric potential and ranks 5th in terms of exploitable hydro-potential on global scenario. India was one of the pioneering countries in establishing hydro-electric power plants. The power plant at Darjeeling and Shimsha (Shivanasamudra) was established in 1898 and 1902 respectively and is one of the first in Asia. The installed capacity as of 2008 was approximately 36,877. The public sector has a predominant share of 97% in this sector. In addition, 56 number of pumped storage projects have also been identified with probable installed capacity of 94,000 MW. In addition to this, hydro-potential from small, mini & micro schemes has been estimated as 6,782 MW from 1,512 sites.

Biomass Biomass has been a key player in energy generation even in the past. Biomass, defined as all land and water based vegetation as well as organic wastes, fulfilled almost all of human kind's energy need prior to the industrial revolution. In present day scenario, once again its utilization for generation of energy has gained momentum because of limited availability of the conventional energy resources as


well as environmental concern due to GHG emissions. In the past decade there has been renewed interest in the biomass as a renewable energy source worldwide. The major reasons for this are as follows:

gases), reliable (average system availability of 95%), and homegrown (making us less dependent on foreign oil). India has reasonably good potential for geothermal; the potential geothermal provinces can produce 10,600 MW of power. Rocks covered on the surface of India ranging

First of all technological developments relating to the conversion, crop production, etc. promise the application of biomass at lower cost and with higher conversion efficiency than was possible previously. In Western Europe and in the US, the second main stimulus is food surpluses producing agricultural sector. This situation has led to a policy in which land is set aside in order to reduce surpluses. In these regions, a number of factors associated with surplus land, such as the depopulation of rural areas and payment of significant subsidies to keep land fallow, have provided sufficient driving force to the introduction of alternative, non-food crops desirable. Thirdly, the potential threat posed by climate change, due to high emission levels of greenhouse gases, the most important being CO2, has become a major stimulus for

in age from more than 4500 million years to the present day and distributed in different geographical units. The rocks comprise of Archean, Proterozoic, the marine and continental Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Teritary, Quaternary etc., More than 300 hot spring locations have been identified by Geological survey of India (Thussu, 2000). But yet geothermal power projects has not been exploited at all, owing to a variety of reasons, the chief being the availability of plentiful coal at cheap costs. However, with increasing environmental problems with coal based projects, India will need to start depending on clean and eco-friendly energy sources in future; one of which could be geothermal. India occupies 15th position in geothermal power use by country.



renewable energy sources in general. When produced by sustainable means, biomass emits roughly the same amount of carbon during conversion as is taken up during plant growth. The use of biomass therefore does not contribute to a build up of CO2 in the atmosphere. India is very rich in biomass and has a potential of 16,881MW (agro-residues and plantations), 5,000MW (bagasse cogeneration) and 2,700MW (energy recovery from waste). Biomass power generation in India is an industry that attracts investments of over Rs. 600 crores every year, generating more than 5000 million units of electricity and yearly employment of more than 10 million man-days in the rural areas.

Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy is the earth's natural heat available inside the earth. This thermal energy contained in the rock and fluid that filled up fractures and pores in the earth's crust can profitably be used for various purposes. This energy is accessed by drilling water or steam wells in a process similar to drilling for oil. Geothermal energy is an enormous, underused heat and power resource that is clean (emits little or no greenhouse

There is an urgent need for transition from petroleumbased energy systems to one based on renewable resources to decrease reliance on depleting reserves of fossil fuels and to mitigate climate change. In addition, renewable energy has the potential to create many employment opportunities at all levels, especially in rural areas. So Isolated systems, whose cost depends on load factor are needed to be linked with rural industry. Innovative financing is also a requirement. Mainstreaming of renewables is very essential. Energy security, economic growth and environment protection are the national energy policy drivers of any country of the world. The need to boost the efforts for further development and promotion of renewable energy sources has been felt world over in light of high prices of crude oil. A disparaging part of the solution lies in promoting renewable energy technologies as a way to address concerns about energy security, economic growth in the face of rising energy prices, competitiveness, health costs and environmental degradation. The costeffectiveness of Wind and Small Hydro power energy should also be taken into account.

An emphasis should be given on presenting the real picture of massive renewable energy potential; it would be possible to attract foreign investments to herald a Green Energy Revolution in India. Specific action include promoting deployment, innovation and basic research in renewable energy technologies, resolving the barriers to development and commercial deployment of biomass, hydropower, solar and wind technologies, promoting straight (direct) biomass

combustion and biomass gasification technologies, promoting the development and manufacture of small wind electric generators, and enhancing the regulatory/tariff regime in order to main stream renewable energy sources in the national power system. India's quest for energy security and sustainable development rests a great deal on the ability to tap energy from alternate sources or the renewable sources.

INDIA MOVES FORWARD WITH ITS CLEAN ENERGY CONCEPT India is perceived as a developing country, but it is developing at a pace that is not matched by many others. India has experienced significant economic growth. Yet the fact remains that its growth is constrained by energy supply and availability. Although the country has seen an impressive increase in installed capacity addition, from barely about 1,350 MW at the time of independence (1947) to about 160,000 MW today, over 90,000 MW of new generation capacity is required in the next seven years. A corresponding investment is required in transmission and distribution. The increasing appetite for energy that has developed in the recent past has been further complicated by r a p i d l y diminishing conventional sources, like oil a n d c o a l . To further add to the problems of increased demand and constrained supply, there are serious questions about pursuing a fossil fuel-led growth strategy, especially in the context of environmental concerns. The challenge facing a developing nation such as India is to meet its increasing energy needs while minimizing the damage to the environment. This is why, while striving to bridge its energy deficit, it wants to increase the share of clean, sustainable, new and renewable energy sources. Whether or not renewable energy completely replaces fossil fuel, India is determined to develop renewable energy to its fullest potential. Today, India stands among the top five countries in the world in terms of renewable energy capacity. India has an installed base of over 15 GW, which is around 9% of country's total power generation capacity and contributes over 3% in the electricity mix. While the significance of renewable energy from the twin perspectives of energy security and environmental sustainability is usually well appreciated, what is often overlooked, or less appreciated, is the capacity to

usher in energy access for all, including the most disadvantaged and the remotest of our habitations. In its decentralized or stand alone avatar, renewable energy is the most appropriate, scalable, and optimal solution for providing power to thousands of remote and hilly villages and hamlets. Even today, millions of decentralized energy systems, solar lighting systems, irrigation pumps, aero-generators, biogas plants, solar cookers, biomass gasifiers, and improved cook stoves, are being used in the remotest, inaccessible corners of t h e c o u n t r y. Providing energy access to be most disadvantaged and remote communities can become one the biggest drivers of inclusive growth. Though solar e n e rg y i s t h e future, wind energy is where India competes globally in manufacturing and deployment in the present scenario. India has an installed capacity of over 11,000 MW of wind energy, and occupies the fifth position in the world, after USA, Germany, China and Spain. India's policy framework in wind energy generation is extremely investor-friendly, and an attractive tariff and regulatory regime provide a strong foundation for the growth of the sector. India's Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has recently taken the decision to introduce generationbased incentives, a scheme whereby investors, as well as getting the tariff as determined by the respective state regulatory commissions, will also receive a financial incentive per unit of electricity generated over ten years. The decision to incentivize the generation of power will create a level playing field between Biomass, which is an eco-friendly source for production of electricity, also holds considerable promise for India. Estimates indicate that, with the


present utilization pattern of crop residues, the amount of surplus biomass materials will be about 150 million tons, which could generate about 16,000 MW of power. Hydro projects up to 25 MW capacities are termed as small hydro, and this energy stream has a potential of over 15,000 MW. Currently, a capacity addition of about 300 MW per annum is being achieved from small hydro projects about 70% is coming through the private sector. So far, hydropower projects with a capacity of over 2,700 MW have been set up in the country, and projects for about 900 MW are in various stages of implementation. The aim is to double the current growth rate, and take it to a capacity addition of 500 MW per year in next twothree years. The challenge in the renewable energy sector generally, and in India particularly, is to reduce the per-unit cost of renewable energy. Hence, there is a continuous need to innovate to increase efficiencies and bring down costs. Innovations can be brought about in various ways it is possible to harness lower wind speeds; the energy of tides and waves can be channeled to produce electricity; alternate transport fuels can make the journeys less carbon intensive; hydrogen can be an ideal energy storage and carrier; and it is possible to have a larger grid with lower losses of electricity.


Innovations need not always be technology-based. Insightful policy interventions can also significantly increase the use of renewable energy. For instance, in India MNRE is working with the regulators to lay down the framework for tradable renewable energy certificates. While this will enable the ministry to achieve a larger share of renewable energy in the electricity mix, the federal regulator's recent announcement of normative guidelines for provincial regulators to fix tariffs for renewable energy will provide a mechanism for better returns for renewable energy developers. “For centuries, the Indian tradition has worshipped the sun, the wind, the earth, and water, as sources of life, energy and creation. Today's technology provides us with a real opportunity to transform the promise of

boundless and clean energy into reality. From rooftop solar power in urban agglomerations, to decentralized and offgrid solutions in remote rural communities the opportunities in renewable power are immense. We believe that governments, in their facilitative role, have to create enabling ecosystems, which will, in turn, in facilitate the

healthy unleashing of the entrepreneurial spirit of the private sector and lead to the rapid development and deployment of renewable energy,” says MNRE's Minister Dr. Farooq Abdulla. India has a 12% shortage in power during peak hours between 5:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. As such massive renewable energy projects are needed to supplement conventional energy like coal, petroleum, gas, etc. “India occupies 5th position in the world in Wind Energy. Hitherto depreciation benefits are given to large industries that set up wind farms. In Denmark most of the wind turbines are owned by wind farm co-operatives. The same concept can be promoted in India. A renewable energy fund (Bonds) can be created and those invest in them can be exempted from Income tax under Section 80C. . In India an attempt can be made to install Offshore Wind since it has long coast. Other areas where much efforts to harness renewables include efficient LED lighting, hydrogen and fuel cells, increasing energy efficiency in irrigation pump sets, electric vehicles, etc.” says Dr. A. Jagadeesh, a renewable energy expert from Andhra Pradesh, India.

M.R. Menon has more than two decades of experience as a journalist and a writer on Energy andEnvironment subjects, interacting with energy sectors both conventional as well as nonconventional in India and abroad. He was also the editor and publisher of 'Sun Power', a quarterly renewable energy magazine during 1995-2002. His contact email address:

PROVEN TECHNOLOGY A proven renewable energy technology, most suited to developing nations By V.K.Desai

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100,000 solar thermal power plants for tiny cement plants, capacity 10 KW; 2500,000 solar thermal power plants for various industries, capacity 5 to10 KW; 2000,000 solar thermal power plants for electricity generation of 20,000 MW, capacity10 KW; 5000,000 solar power plants for charging batteries for 5000000 electric vehicles capacity 1 to 10 KW;

Total 15 million solar power plants in India In the above picture, it can be seen that there are no big centralized factories and no big centralized power plants but still there are millions of industries. Most of the people will be working at home or nearest to their homes eliminating unnecessary transport. Most of the production will be for local consumption. Transport will be through electric vehicles as far as possible. The tiny solar thermal plant RAVIRAJ-32 manufactured by Tinytech Plants in Rajkot, India, is a 32 Sq.M. solar concentrator and steam engine combined with simplest technology. These tiny solar thermal power plant will consist of solar concentrators of 6 M x 6 M size preferably

in modules of 3 or 5 concentrators. At focal point, there will be heat receiver where steam will be produced which will run steam engine which can be directly connected to various machines. Steam engine can also drive alternator to produce electricity. For 1 KW power, maximum 16 Sq.M. reflectors are required. Thus, tiny solar thermal power plant will be strongly viable compared to giant coal power plant. So it will spread everywhere very fast in such a way that present giant coal consuming plants will lose ground for their existence in 20 years time and they all will have to close down permanently. So entire world is poised for unprecedented huge energy revolution from centralized polluting giant power plants to tiny environment friendly solar power plants, from miseries to happiness, from poverty to prosperity, from multinational companies to home based industries, from cities and slums to prosperous villages, from centralized power structure in a few hands to autonomous village republics. Then there will be equitable society free from exploitation, free from poverty, unemployment, disparity, pollution, war and other evils. Then true democracy will emerge and real global family will come in to existence leading to prosperity of all with local production and local consumption. Then everybody will enjoy peaceful life without tension. Thus Mahatma Gandhi's cherished dream will be realized.


RAVIRAJ-32 10 hp - 6kw solar steam power plant

V.K. Desai is a mechanical engineer and a law graduate Born in poor farmer's family and was influenced by Mahatma Gandhi's life, his heart always burns for poor, oppressed and trodden people. In 1982, he founded TINYTECH PLANTS in Rajkot and since then he is deeply engrossed in development of small and simple technology for creating and strengthening local economy. At present Mr. Desai is engrossed in the development of various technologies such as wind mills, wind turbines, solar thermal power plant, steam engines and hence entire business is run by his son Gopal Desai who is also a mechanical engineer. In fact, development of appropriate technology is their partial activity.

Waste-to-Energy: Market Analysis and Industry Trends By Salman Zafar

The increasing clamor for energy and satisfying it with a combination of conventional and renewable resources is a big challenge. Accompanying energy problems in almost all parts of the world, another problem that is assuming critical proportions is that of urban waste accumulation. Waste generation rates are affected by socio-economic development, degree of industrialization, and climate. Generally, the greater the economic prosperity and the higher percentage of urban population, the greater the amount of solid waste produced. Reduction in the volume and mass of solid waste is a crucial issue especially in the light of limited availability of final disposal sites in many parts of the world.

Waste-to-energy Waste-to-Energy (WTE) is the use of modern combustion and biochemical technologies to recover energy, usually in the form of electricity and steam, from urban wastes. These new technologies can reduce the volume of the original waste by 90%, depending upon composition and use of outputs. The main categories of waste-to-energy technologies are physical technologies, which process waste to make it more useful as fuel; thermal technologies, which can yield heat, fuel oil, or syngas from both organic and inorganic wastes; and biological technologies, in which bacterial fermentation is used to digest organic wastes to yield fuel.


The quantity of waste produced all over the world amounted to more than 12 billion tonnes in 2006, with estimates of up to 13 billion tonnes in 2011. The rapid increase in population coupled with changing lifestyle and consumption patterns is expected to result in an exponential increase in waste generation of up to 18 billion tonnes by year 2020. Ironically, most of the wastes are disposed of in open fields, along highways or burnt wantonly.

Waste-to-energy technologies can address a host of environmental issues, such as land use and pollution from landfills, and increasing reliance on fossil fuels. In many countries, the availability of landfill capacity has been steadily decreasing due to regulatory, planning and environmental permitting constraints. As a result, new approaches to waste management are rapidly being written into public and institutional policies at local, regional and national levels.

Technology Options A wide variety of conversion methods are available for realizing the potential of waste as an energy source, ranging from very simple systems for disposing of dry waste to more complex technologies capable of dealing with large amounts of industrial waste. These methods can be broadly divided into thermal and biological processes. Some of the emerging technologies are summarized below: 1. Gasification Conversion of carbonaceous materials into synthesis gas by reacting waste at high temperatures with a controlled amount of oxygen and/or steam. 2. Thermal depolymerization process of reducing complex materials into light crude oil. 3. Anaerobic digestion (AD) Making use of microorganisms to break down biodegradable material in absence of oxygen. 4. Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) combination technique where recyclable elements are

waste minimisation, recycling, materials recovery, composting, biogas production, energy recovery through RDFs, gasification and residual land filling.

Size of the industry Around 130 million tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) are combusted annually in over 600 waste-toenergy (WTE) facilities globally that produce electricity and steam for district heating and recovered metals for recycling. Since 1995, the global WTE industry increased by more than 16 million tonnes of MSW. Incineration, with energy recovery, is the most common waste-to-energy method employed worldwide. Over the last five years, waste incineration in Europe has generated between an average of 4% to 8% of their countries' electricity and between an average of 10% to 15% of the continent's domestic heat. Currently, the European nations are recognized as global leaders of the SWM and WTE movement. They are followed behind by the Asia Pacific region and North America respectively. In 2007 there are more than 600 WTE plants in 35 different countries, including large countries such as China and small ones such as Bermuda. Some of the newest plants are located in Asia. The United States processes 14 percent of its trash in WTE plants. Denmark, on the other hand, processes more than any other country 54 percent of its waste materials.

36 removed from a mixed waste stream and a biological process is used to extract energy from the elements. The types of biological processes utilized encompass anaerobic digestion, composting and bio-drying. 5. Pyrolysis - Thermal degradation of organic materials through use of indirect, external source of heat. Product is char, bio-oil and syngas 6.Plasma Gasification - Use of electricity passed through graphite or carbon electrodes, with steam and/or oxygen / air injection to produce electrically conducting gas (plasma). Organic materials are converted to syngas of the various modern energy conversion methods, pyrolysis and plasma gasification are attracting maximum attention these days, and these technologies have the potential to change the face of solid waste management in the coming years. Present trends indicate a move away from single solutions such as mass burn or landfill towards the integration of more advanced WTE technologies, based on setting priorities for waste treatment methods. These include

As at the end of 2008, Europe had more than 475 WTE plants across its regions - more than any other continent in the world that processes an average of 59 million tonnes of waste per annum. In the same year, the European WTE industry as a whole had generated revenues of approximately US$4.5bn. Legislative shifts by European governments have seen considerable progress made in the region's WTE industry as well as in the implementation of advanced technology and innovative recycling solutions. The most important piece of WTE legislation pertaining to the region has been the European Union's Landfill Directive, which was officially implemented in 2001 which has resulted in the planning and commissioning of an increasing number of WTE plants over the past five years.

Global market trends The global market for WTE technologies was valued at US$19.9bn in 2008. This has been forecasted to increase to US$26.2bn by 2014. While the biological WTE segment is

expected to grow more rapidly from US$1.4bn in 2008 to approximately US$2.5bn in 2014, the thermal WTE segment is nonetheless estimated to still constitute the vast bulk of the entire industry's worth. This segment was valued at US$18.5bn in 2008 and is forecasted to expand to US$23.7bn in 2014. The global market for waste to energy technologies has shown substantial growth over the last five years, increasing from $4.83 billion in 2006, to $7.08 billion in 2010 with continued market growth through the global economic downturn. Over the coming decade, growth trends are expected to continue, led by expansion in the US,

European, Chinese, and Indian markets. By 2021, based on continued growth in Asian markets combined with the maturation of European waste management regulations and European and US climate mitigation strategies, the annual global market for waste to energy technologies will exceed $27 billion, for all technologies combined. Asia-Pacific's waste-to-energy market will post substantial growth by 2015, as more countries view the technology as a sustainable alternative to landfills for disposing waste while generating clean energy. In its new report, Frost & Sullivan said the industry could grow at a compound annual rate of 6.7 percent for thermal waste-to-energy and 9.7 percent for biological waste-to-energy from 2008 to 2015.

The WTE market in Europe is forecasted to expand at an exponential rate and will continue to do so for at least the next 10 years. The continent's WTE capacity is projected to increase by around 13 million tonnes, with almost 100 new WTE facilities to come online by 2012. In 2008, the WTE market in Europe consisted of approximately 250 players due in large to the use of bulky and expensive centralized WTE facilities, littered throughout Western Europe.

Conclusion The world's view of waste has changed dramatically in recent years and it is now seen as a resource to feed the ever-growing demand for energy. The growing use of waste-to-energy as a method to dispose solid and liquid wastes and generate power has greatly reduced environmental impacts of municipal solid waste management, including emissions of greenhouse gases. The global energy market is witnessing a shift toward waste to energy technologies due to growing energy demands worldwide, the rapid depletion of conventional sources of energy, and c o n c e r n s o v e r environmental pollution from conventional energy sources. An increase in the quantity of waste generated, coupled with the need for proper means of waste disposal as well as widespread adoption of technology and better collection efficiency of municipal solid waste offers significant growth opportunities in the Indian market. As WTE facilities are increasingly becoming profitable cash generators in their own right, private sector companies and investors have been increasingly taking a greater stake in this industry. Private participants in India have shown considerable interest in projects to generate power from MSW, and several of them are operational and using a diverse range of technologies, despite the lack of subsidies and support from the government and municipal authorities.

Salman Zafar is a Renewable Energy Advisor with expertise in biomass energy, waste-to-energy, waste management, cleantech investment and social entrepreneurship. He is widely respected in cleantech circles worldwide and is closely associated with a host of cleantech and environmental companies from USA, Singapore, India, Bangladesh etc. He has successfully accomplished a wide range of technical/commercial assignments in biomass energy, waste-to-energy, waste management and cleantech fund-raising in different parts of the world. Salman has been a significant contributor towards popularizing biomass energy technologies and in making 'waste-to-energy' a byline for sustainable development. He is a prolific writer with more than forty articles in reputed journals, magazines, newsletters, websites and blogs. Salman possesses Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Chemical Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India) and can be reached at


OPINION Germany's Nuclear Panic By Alan Caruba



he likelihood of a major earthquake in Germany is slim. The possibility that it would be followed by a catastrophic tsunami is unlikely. These are the events that caused the failure of the Fukushima plant in Japan, but that has not deterred Germany from its recent announcement that it would close all 17 of its nuclear reactors by 2022. This is pure panic and not something one would expect from Germans who have always excelled at the development and use of new technologies. Other than Japan that has good reason to close Fukushima and reconsider its use of nuclear energy, few other nations have indicated any change in their policies regarding it. The world is in desperate need of real grownups to run its various nations and, instead, the only growth industry to which one can reliably point is stupidity. The endless blather about “alternative” or “renewable” energy sources has led to the waste of billions on wind and solar power, neither of which would exist if governments did not lavish subsidies or issue mandates for its unpredictable and unproductive delivery of electricity. Germany has long had a Green Party and its Chancellor, Angela Merkel, heads of Social Democrat-Green coalition. In general, environmentalists worldwide hate the generation of energy by any source, but particularly if it is nuclear or coal. Ironically, by shutting its nuclear plants,

Germany will have to use coal, dubbed “dirty” by mindless opponents of anything that might let you turn on a light bulb. If you Google “nuclear energy” you will learn that nuclear power provides about six percent of the world's energy and an estimated fifteen percent of its electricity. The U.S., France, and Japan account for about fifty percent of the electricity generated by nuclear power. There have been nuclear and radiation accidents. Fukushima was the result of unprecedented geological events, something no amount of planning and caution can prevent. The 1986 Chernobyl disaster was largely the result of its staff manually overriding its safety control systems. The Three-Mile Island accident in 1979 did not endanger anyone. It coincided with a film “The China Syndrome” that had no basis in fact. Simply stated, nuclear power plants are not atomic bombs that go off when a “meltdown” occurs. Under normal circumstances plants can be shut down in the event of a malfunction. Germany's over-reaction to the Fukushima accident has nothing to do with reality, science, economics or any other sensible response. Nuclear power provides about 23% of its electrical energy and, despite that, Germany's electricity prices have “more than doubled in the past decade” according to a Wall Street Journal

report. The decision to phase out nuclear power will affect Germany's ability to remain competitive in the global marketplace, particularly as regards its heavy industries that require large amounts of electricity. The decision was part environmental, part political. It is entirely idiotic as is always the case when these two factors come together. To no one's surprise, one of its largest utilities, E.ON, announced it would sue the pants off the government to compensate for its financial losses. Others are likely to join it. Environmentalism in all its many forms is opposed to any and all forms of energy generation and use with the exception of wind, solar, and the so-called biofuels. Here in the U.S. Greens have fought any expansion of the use of coal, despite the fact that just over half of all electricity generated depends on it. The Obama administration has waged a public war on the extraction, refining, and use of oil. Nuclear power generates about twenty percent of the electricity in the U.S. It is the growth of government that lies at the heart of so many of the problems the West has encountered. Coupled with the environmental movement's insanity, we get bans on the incandescent light bulb, insane requirements for increased mileage from a gallon of gasoline that is required to include ethanol, a chemical element that actually reduces mileage!

heating as the result of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is still insisting that it be regulated as a “pollutant” even though all life on Earth depends upon it as the “food” that generates every piece of vegetation, crops, forests, and beautiful flowers. It is stupid to shut down perfectly good nuclear plants as Germany plans to do. It is stupid to insist on covering areas the size of several states to generate solar energy or spoil the landscape with wind turbines that kill hundreds of thousands of birds and bats every year while, combined with solar, contribute barely three percent to our electrical supply. Ordinary people know that stupid people are in charge of making decisions like Germany's nuclear energy panic or the moratorium on drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Ordinary people understand the need for more energy based on traditional sources. Ordinary Americans know it is stupid to require an environmental impact study in order to shoot off some fireworks on the Fourth of July. Ordinary Americans know that there are some very bad, even evil, decisions being made that will undermine our future.

We have all just escaped the ravages of a massive, global campaign to convince everyone that the Earth was rapidly

Alan Caruba is the founder of The National Anxiety Center, a clearinghouse for information and commentary on "scare campaigns" designed to influence public opinion and policy. Begun in 1990, the Center has attracted national attention and a vast audience for Caruba's weekly commentary, "Warning Signs", posted on the Center's Internet site,, and excerpted widely on other sites. His new book, "Warning Signs" has just been published by Merril Press. It is a collection of his weekly columns of the same name. Caruba is the author of several books, a contributor to others, and widely published in consumer and trade publications over his long career A former fulltime journalist, Caruba is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, as well as the American Society of Journalists and Authors, and the National Association of Science Writers. In addition, a charter member of the National Book Critics Circle, Caruba maintains, an Internet site offering news of the best new fiction and non-fiction. These days, he writes about a broad spectrum of public issues including environmentalism, education, energy, immigration, the United Nations, and international affairs. He has authored three "pocket" guides, "The Pocket Guide to Militant Islam", "America: A Nation Without Borders", and "The United Nations Versus the United States", each available from the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center. The CEO of The Caruba Organization (, he is a veteran public relations counselor. He can be contacted by email at or by writing to him care of The Caruba Organization, 28 West Third Street, Suite 1321, South Orange, NJ 07079 (EMail:


OPPORTUNITIES: SOLAR THERMAL POWER Potential for Propulsive Thermal Energy Storage in a Modern Steam Powered Ship By Harry Valentine “The earth's crust offers a range of materials that may form the basis of grid-scale and marine-scale thermal energy storage batteries. Such technology can allow power stations to generate electric power and allow large ships to undertake shortdistance voyages at locations where marine transportation has logistical advantages over land-based transportation� Steam powered ships and marine vessels have sailed the oceans and waterways of the world for well over a century. Many navies still boil water to produce steam in their ships and submarines to drive steam turbines that in turn drive electric generating equipment. The propellers on many navy and commercial ships are electrically driven.


New developments in thermal energy storage technology provides opportunity to re-introduce steam power to ships and vessels that sail relatively short distances, in contrast to extended oceanic voyages. Some thermal storage systems involve groups of well-insulated accumulators capable of holding saturated water at high-pressure, even within the super-critical range. Other systems store thermal energy in the latent heat of fusion of mixtures of molten salts. Thermal Energy Storage The solar thermal power industry has found it necessary to develop some form of grid-scale energy storage that can allow solar thermal power stations to continue to provide electric power after sunset, or during short periods of cloud cover. Several companies are developing thermal storage systems based on the heat-offusion of mixtures of costcompetitive salt mixtures. Salts such as sodium nitrate, potassium carbonate along with related rock salts occur naturally and are commercially available in large quantities at low cost. The molten salt thermal energy storage installation in Nevada USA is rated at 280MW and stores thermal energy in a molten mixture of

naturally occurring sodium and potassium salts. The stored heat is able to generate superheated steam that sustains the operation of steam turbines over periods of several hours, driving electrical generators. There may be scope to scale down the thermal energy storage technology for use in short-distance marine transportation. Future development of heat-of-fusion thermal energy storage systems may include eutectic mixtures of the oxides and hydroxides or oxides and fluorides of the same naturally occurring metals. Several bi-metallic oxides such as lithium aluminum oxide (Li-O-Al=O, LiAlO2) occur naturally in the earth. Mixtures of closely related bi-metallic oxides offer the potential for increased thermal energy storage in the same size of package. Such metallic-oxides mixtures may extend the voyage distances of thermal rechargeable ships, the optimal mixture being the fluoride and oxide of thorium. Marine Application The sheer size of a ship provides scope to undertake such research and the ocean provides a natural heat sink to sustain the operation of a marine steam condenser. Steam turbines have been used in ships and electrically driven propellers are long proven in commercial marine transportation. Oil tankers are the largest ships afloat at some 1600-ft length, 200-ft width and weighing in at over 500,000tonnes deadweight, with engines rated at 35,000kW (35MW) output. A solar thermal energy storage system of 28,000-tonnes of molten salt mixture can develop 50MW for 7.5hours. The system flows the molten mixture between the storage tanks and the boilers. Some 20,000-tonnes of that low-cost mixture plus some 1,000-tonnes of engine equipment would constitute less than 5% of the fully laden deadweight of the ship and provide some 7.5-hours of service. Modern steam ships that use thermal storage technology may operate short-distance routes carrying freight or as a bulk carrier. Thermal power

stations and/or thermal storage installations may be located close to the marine terminal. The thermal-battery ships would be recharged during layovers at port, using interconnecting insulated steam pipes. It is also possible to combust gaseous fuels such as producer gas on board the ship during layovers at port, to recharge the thermal storage system. The ship could recharge on thermal sources and fuels that may otherwise present a hazard if carried onboard ship, especially services that include passenger transportation. Stored onboard thermal energy may offer a low-cost marine propulsive option. Higher Performance Thermal Storage Heat-of-fusion thermal storage systems offer cost advantages over chemical battery energy storage technologies, as well as many times the service duration. While molten mixtures of naturally occurring nitrates of sodium and potassium are now being used for thermal energy storage, many other molten mixtures involving naturally occurring metallic oxides are possible. It is also possible to manufacture any of several bimetallic oxides to increase thermal storage capacity per unit weight, at slightly higher temperatures. Reacting recycled molten aluminum with caustic soda (NaOH) will produce Na3AlO3 that can be mixed with naturally occurring cryolite (Na3AlF6) to produce a useable melting temperature, with higher thermal storage capacity. Reacting aluminum with potassium hydroxide will produce K3AlO3 that can be mixed with both cryolite and Na3AlO3. It will melt at a temperature closer to that of the molten nitrates of sodium and potassium, with higher thermal storage capacity (KJ/Kg or BTU/lb). There is the option of mixing naturally occurring minerals such as cryolite (Na3AlF6) plus aluminum-oxidehydroxide [AlO (OH)] also know by trade names Diaspore and Bhoemite]

to raise thermal storage capacity at competitive cost. The objective would be either to raise power output or extend operating range. The molten mixture of sodium and potassium nitrates will still flow through piping systems to carry heat between the thermal storage tank(s) and the boilers. Direct Drive Option While a downsized version of a power station size thermal storage system could sustain the operation of steam turbines in a large ship, there is the option of using a direct drive propulsion system. Many of the large marine diesel engines directly drive the propeller that rotates at 75 to 100RPM. These engines are built to rotate in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions. S everal des igns of pos itivedisplacement rotary engines are compact and able to operate on steam. There may be scope to adapt several of these engines to bi-directional rotation capability so as to directly drive large-scale marine propellers. This may be accomplished by installing piston-type control valves and bypass valves in the pipes connect to the engine ports, to allow the same pair of inlet/outlet ports to operate in the reversed order. Adapting positive-displacement rotary engines for bi-directional

rotation using piston-valves can also introduce variable inlet timing to the engine. It is a method by which to efficiently adjust power output. The engines may also operate as a 3-stage steam expansion system involving high-pressure, intermediate-pressure and low-pressure sections of the engine to ensure optimal thermal efficiency. It would be possible to use double-jointed cardan drive shafts and closely spaced rod drive mechanisms housed inside a casing to connect the rotary engine system to a propeller installed on an azipod.

Extended Ship Routes Thermal energy storage ships using eutectic mixtures metallic-oxide or bimetallic oxides for thermal storage may sail extended routes that may include: - Wellington and Christchurch - Melbourne and Hobart - Shanghai and Taipei, Nagasaki and/or Pusan - Hong Kong and Taiwan - Helsinki and Stockholm - Tunis and Rome - Barcelona and Algiers - London and Rotterdam

Ship Routes Conclusion: Thermal energy storage ships using salt mixtures may see service on many short-distance routes around the world. These routes would include: - Florida and Nassau, Bahamas or may provide service between some of the Caribbean islands. - Buenos Aires and Montevideo - Barcelona (Spain) and the Balearic Islands - Rome, Italy and the islands of Sardinia and/or Corsica - Havana and Miami and/or Tampa - Liverpool and Dublin, Liverpool and Belfast - Port Sudan and Jeddah - Nagasaki (Japan) and Pusan (South Korea). - Vancouver and Nanaimo, Sydney (NS) and Port-aux-Basque - Melbourne and Tasmania

The earth's crust offers a range of materials that may form the basis of grid-scale and marine-scale thermal energy storage batteries. Such technology can allow power stations to generate electric power and allow large ships to undertake short-distance voyages at locations where marine transportation has logistical advantages over land-based transportation. There is scope do undertake further research into higher performance thermal energy storage mixtures, suitable for short-distance marine propulsive applications. A steam powered ship engine powered by a bi-directional rotary engine offers the option for direct-drive operation.

41 Harry Valentine holds a degree in engineering and has a background in free-market economics. He has undertaken extensive research into the field of transportation energy over a period of 20-years and has published numerous technical articles on the subject. His economics commentaries have included several articles on issues that pertain to electric power generation. He lives in Canada and can be reached by e-mail at

ENERGY means

Earth Never Expects Returns, Guarding You‌..

GREEN BUSINESS An insight into green purchasing trade, trends and techniques By Staff Writer

What is green purchasing?


What is green purchasing? Simply put, it is one of the three cornerstones of sustainable purchasing, where the other two cornerstones are sound social policy and economic soundness. However, whereas economic soundness insures that the overall decision is sound from a life-cycle cost and corporate sustainability perspective, and whereas social policy addresses your need to be a responsible corporate citizen when it comes to human rights and welfare, green purchasing addresses the environmental impact of your buying decision. G r e e n Purchasing, also known as Environment a l l y Preferable Purchasing (EPP) is important, and not just because we would need the resources to sustain us if everyone in the world consumed l i k e t h e developed world do. It's important because purchasers, be they government, corporate, or institutional, yield a great influence over the future of the planet with every buying decision they make - and because every purchase has a hidden cost on the environment. One might think that buying green is the easiest criterion of

the spend triumvirate to meet now that we have "organic" and "local" food and "eco-friendly" labeling and "energystar" standards, but it is, in fact, the most challenging criterion! A food product does not necessarily have a low carbon footprint just because it is "organic" or "local"; just because a product is "eco-friendly" when used, does not mean that it's production process was "eco-friendly"; and just because a product is "energy-star" compliant does not mean that it will have the best overall energy utilization. Buying local produce makes sense during the fall harvest season, because you are eliminating the carbon footprint that accompanies transportation, but it does not make sense in the spring when the entire product is coming from greenhouses. Why? The energy footprint associated with a greenhouse often has a much higher carbon footprint than transporting products by land from the opposite hemisphere. Eco-friendly detergent is much better than hazardous bleach, but if it has been produced in a factory that (still) uses a process that generates toxic chemicals as byproducts, it is not very eco-friendly at all. And your average energy-star desktop workstation still consumes 80+ watts of power, which really adds up if your employees never turn them off. If all your employees are doing is word-processing and internet purchasing, they could be using a thin-client that only consumes 4W of power when in use, and a fraction of a watt in standby mode, hosted on a multi-core modern server that supports automatic powerdown of processors, drives, and power supplies when utilization drops beyond a certain threshold.

Why go green? Green materials provide myriad environmental benefits. They can replace toxic materials that may be harmful to people or animals. Also, some products save energy and water, while others limit solid waste and manufacturing releases. For example, going green provides hospitals with financial benefits by reducing a hospital's dependence on hazardous materials and hazardous-waste disposal costs. Personal protective equipment costs also drop when hazardous materials are limited. Additionally, using green materials creates a healthier environment for patients, workers and employees through reduced exposure to cleaners, solvents, paints and other hazardous substances.

Furthermore, with the recent popularity of environmental causes, adopting greener materials can be a major boost to a hospital's image. Using green materials fosters positive external publicity and community support when data on a hospital's environmental efforts are released to the public. Due to growing public awareness on environmental issues, consumers are increasingly including environmental criteria in their purchasing trends. They are willing to buy products that: ? ? ? ? ?

Consume less energy; Consume less raw materials and produce less waste such as packaging; Help the development of small producers (fair trade); Are manufactured in a way that is less damaging to the environment; Minimize the overall carbon footprint.

Importance of green purchasing growing stronger In recent years, the importance of green purchasing by the public and private sector to reduce environmental damage has been a local point throughout the globe. Consumers are becoming more aware of the earth's fragility and the need to preserve its resources. In light of the negative impact indicted on the environment to date, consumer preference is for environmentally friendly goods and services. Governments are under pressure to take a firmer stand to reduce environmental hazards, and many have enacted new laws, prompting enterprises to take responsibility for the entire life cycle of their products and services.

In 2010, U.S. corporations continued to enhance their sustainable business efforts by making bigger, bolder, longer-term sustainability commitments. That's according to the 4th annual State of Green Business report from GreenBiz. The report measures the progress of U.S. business and the economy from an environmental perspective, and highlights key trends in corporate culture in regard to the environment. This year's report shows a dramatic shift occurring in mainstream business: Companies are thinking bigger and longer-term about sustainability: An analysis of businesses in 2010 shows that even during economically challenging times, many companies invested more in their sustainability activities and have made bold new sustainability commitments. For example: ? ? ?

Procter & Gamble made a commitment to power all of their factories with renewable energy within the next 10 years; FedEx committed to improve vehicle fuel efficiency by 20% by 2020; Wal-Mart pledged to sell $1 billion of fresh produce sourced from 1,000 small- and medium-sized farmers;


Hasbro promised that 75% of its paperboard packaging will come from recycled materials in 2011.

According to Joel Makower, executive editor of and principal author of the report, “Companies are thinking bigger and longer-term about sustainability a sea change from their otherwise notoriously incremental, short-term thinking. And, during these tough times, many have doubled down on their sustainability activities and commitments. During 2010, we saw a steady march of progress, with some of the world's biggest companies and brands putting a stake in the ground in the name of environmental (and, sometimes) social sustainability.” This steady march toward progress is marked by 10 big trends that Makower identifies in the 2011 State of Green Business Report including: 1. Consumer giants awaken to green big push by consumer package good companies to make bold sustainability commitments; 2. Companies aim for “zero” growth of zero-waste goals and achievements by big companies; 3. The developing world yanks the supply chain key issues like “conflict minerals” and sustainable palm oil rattling supply chains; 4. Greener transport gains speed new green technologies coming to market not just electric vehicles and plug-in cars, but also trucks, trains, and planes; 5. Sustainable food sourcing becomes palatable more commitments by big companies, led by Wal-Mart; 6. Metrics and standards become the rule a surge of interest on sustainability standards and on standardizing metrics for assessing companies; 7. Greener chemistry comes out of the lab combination of toxics headlines around the world and surge of new products from Big Chemical makes this a mainstream market; 8. Companies learn to close the loop the growth of new products made from recycled materials; 9. Water foot printing makes a splash the growth of methodologies and technologies for understanding the


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informal green procurement policy rose from 34% to 60% of respondents (62% by 2008). In Canada and the US, the majority ñ 76% and 64% respectively ñ of government departments or agencies have green purchasing policies. In Canada, 51% of responding firms had a green purchasing policy, as did 57% of US firms, while in Canada 64% of non-profits had such programs alongside 55% of US non-profits. The AT Kearney study that analyzed the green purchasing practices of Fortune 100 companies found that 38% had a sustainability purchasing policy. Six out of eight sustainability metrics tracked by study respondents concerned environmental issues, indicating that green purchasing was a major focus of their programs, including use of recycled materials, impact of material waste, material toxicity, use of sustainable sources, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions. The EcoMarkets Report reveals the following outlook for green purchasing over the next two years (based on 692 respondents from Canada, US and Mexico): ? ? ?

76% of organizations predict they will be more active in green purchasing, 21% of organizations predict they will be neither more or less active, 1% of organizations predict they will be less active (TerraChoice, 2007) (The 2008 report which surveyed only Canada and US with 336 respondents revealed that 91% predict more activity in green purchasing over the next two years.

These predictions suggest a trend towards increasing green purchasing activity in the years ahead. In Europe, membership of the ìBuy-It-Green Network has seen its membership of government purchasers more than double from 1997 to 2001, and more than triple since 2001

(Big-Net, no date), an indicator of the growth in green purchasing within Europe is government sector. As big retailers such as Wal-Mart move into sustainable purchasing, this will further mainstream the practice. For example, in 2006 Wal-Mart committed to run its operations on 100% renewable energy, produce zero waste and double offerings of organic foods. It also announced a 2011 seafood goal to only carry seafood certified wild by the Marine Stewardship Council, a group dedicated to preventing the depletion of ocean life from over fishing.

Green purchasing trend in Asia Asia, today, is the world's largest manufacturing hub and is emerging as the new nexus of potent force in promoting eco-products and green technologies. Against a backdrop of increasing consumer awareness concerning global climate change and demand for green products, many businesses are Going Green. The United Nations, European Union, North America and countries such as Japan and Korea have enacted legislations and regulations to support green purchasing. These countries are also the world's largest consumers of goods and services, and their consumption preference will severely impact on the way that goods are manufactured in Asia. In realization of this new trend, Asia is also in the race to produce low carbon green technology and eco-products. Products such as paper, office supplies, motor cars, office automation equipment (computers, printers etc.), furniture, clothing, food, lighting equipment and household appliances; as well as services including banking, construction, cleaning, printing, hotels, transportation and electricity supply are currently being subjected to green procurement by the government.

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