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Terms to know

Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty

Faculty hired to work a full load, usually five classes, with full rights and privileges that have been negotiated. For California Community Colleges, it is a four-year probationary process.


Generally, tenure means full-time employees but positions exist where tenure-faculty work parttime or a faculty member is tenured to a limited percentage.

Temporary Faculty

Faculty that are hired atwill. According to state law, part-time temporary faculty cannot reach more than 67% of a full-time load. They usually are paid on a different salary and do not recieve the same benefits.

Most part-time faculty are temporary, but full-time temporary positions do exist and are usually on a year or semester basis.

The 75/25% Goal

1988 law to address a goal that 25% of credited instruction taught in California community colleges should be taught full-time and 25% of instruction should be taught by part-time instructors. The Chancellor’s office collects and maintains district progress.

This is a statewide aspirational goal with no penalties.

Faculty Obligation Number (FON)

The minimum amount of full-time faculty staffing a district must employ. Districts that do not meet the FON have their revenue reduced. It was introduced by the Chancellor’s Office and approved by the Board of Governors as a way to work toward the 75% goal.

Individual college percentages are set based on faculty’s fulltime equivalent and any student-centered funding recieved.