The Village NEWS 09 Dec - 16 Dec 2020

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9 December 2020

LET'S TALK The Village NEWS firmly believes in freedom of the press as well as the right of individuals to freely express themselves, as long as they don’t infringe upon the rights of others. The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors therefore do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of The Village NEWS. Letters may be shortened and/or edited for clarity and style. Send your letters to

Denying Covid will not make it go away I was truly shocked to find out how many people there are in Hermanus who insist on downplaying the dangers of the Covid-19 pandemic. Some even flatly deny the threat with ridiculous arguments like: “They put Covid-19 down as the cause of death even when people die of other conditions” and “Most of these cases are not Covid at all, they are just the normal flu” or “They are just making up the numbers to frighten and intimidate us”. Who exactly “they” are, even the deniers can’t say exactly. But calling it all a big conspiracy somehow explains everything. My guess is that

this attitude makes people feel better, less vulnerable and more in control. Powerful even. It’s obvious in the way they flout the rules and ridicule those who try to do the right thing. I had thought this is an attitude that is only rife in America, but no, it is alive and well right here in Hermanus.

person with no comorbidities who ended up on a ventilator in hospital for many weeks before his organs shut down and he passed away. Not from any other causes, or from the normal flu. No, from Covid-19. Deny it all you like, it’s a reality and it can kill you.

All I want to say to these people is that you will change your tune once you, or one of your loved ones, actually contracts this disease which “doesn’t really exist”. Three people close to me have had it, and suffered horribly. None of them have recovered fully. I also have a family member – a strong, fit and healthy

Which brings me to the other part that people don’t seem to get: it’s not just about you. It’s about the countless other, non-suspecting people you could unknowingly infect. By insisting on your right to socialise as you wish and to not wear a mask or keep your distance from others, you are putting everyone in danger. You

Delay in sending out Overstrand muni accounts Overstrand Municipality would like to advise its customers that there is a logistical delay in the posting of municipal accounts. As a result, ratepayers may be receiving their December 2020 statements late and in some cases even after the usual due date. Ratepayers who did not receive their accounts before the account due date (the 20th of each month) are requested to pay their monthly average amount. Alternatively request a duplicate invoice of the accounts by contacting your closest Municipal Office, or sending an email to Customers who have registered their email contact details will receive their account by email as per usual. Overstrand Municipality would like to apologise to all its customers who have been affected by these delays, and thank them for their understanding and cooperation. Thanks

also go to those ratepayers who have been able and willing to keep up their account payments despite the many challenges. Residents can settle their municipal accounts at food stores, via the Pay@ and Easy Pay systems, EFT and other online banking options that are available. If you would prefer to receive your monthly account via email, send a request to enquiries@ Contact us: KLEINMOND: 33 5th Avenue, Kleinmond. Tel 028 271 8400 HERMANUS: Magnolia Street, Hermanus. Tel 028 313 8000/8111 STANFORD: 17 Queen Victoria Street, Stanford. Tel 028 384 8500 GANSBAAI: Main Road, Gansbaai. Tel 028 384 8300

are not immediately going to know if you have been exposed or potentially infected until it is too late. Why would you knowingly take this risk when there are a few simple rules in place that could prevent it? The question simply beggars belief.

to happen, and yet so many seem unable to commit to the few simple steps required to ensure that it does not happen. This makes no sense at all. What is it going to take for people to come to their senses and act in a rational manner?

And no, it’s not about living in constant fear of becoming infected. Everyone wants to live as normally as possible – and we can all do that while taking the necessary precautions at the same time. If we don’t, a second wave after the holiday season is inevitable and then, once again, even harsher steps will need to be taken. Nobody wants that

It only takes a few to ignite a resurgence, for which everyone will have to suffer the consequences. Please, stop thinking only about yourself and spare a thought, for your fellow human beings, your neighbours, family and friends – and for the economic future of Hermanus. Do the right thing

Thank you for supporting Enlighten As this year with its share of upheavals comes to an end, we want to thank our funders, friends and the Hermanus community for their loyal support and encouragement. Your contributions towards Enlighten Education Trust (EET) in countless ways are hugely appreciated. In spite of the difficulties, the year also presented us with significant

opportunities and elevated the work of the Trust to a new level. In sharing our highs as well as our lows, I am extremely proud to be part of this community and grateful to the people we work with. We invite you to enjoy our online portal – Our latest Annual Report (2019–2020) clearly depicts the full

scope of our work. May 2021 be a year of recovery and good tidings. The EET team will continue to implement educational initiatives where these are most needed and provide opportunities for those who have very few. Magriet Peter Trust Manager

WHALE COAST RESTAURANTS TAKE SAFE EATS PLEDGE With the hard lockdown restrictions still fresh in our minds, and a real fear of a second wave of Covid-19 infections hitting the Overstrand, Whale Coast Tourism developed a Safe Eats Pledge stating eight operational measures that make restaurants safer and Covid-19 compliant. The pledge was rolled out in collaboration with hospitality expert, Vanessa Bisschop-Louw. Vanessa (on the left with Whale Coast Tourism Manager, Frieda Lloyd) has done safety and service excellence training with a number of local restaurants, specifically those on the Hermanus Waterfront and in Hemel-en-Aarde. The pledge is visible confirmation of efforts to contribute to the economic recovery of the restaurant industry, which has suffered great losses due to the lockdown. PHOTO: Supplied

Articles inside

KIA Sorento Carbuyer ‘Car of the Year’

page 25

Hino helps farmers in need

page 25

Hyundai’s Creta a fresh new face

page 24

BMW 4 Series Coupé

page 23

What lurks below

page 21

A Christmas gift from nature

page 20

Getting back into Tip Toe shape

page 19

Blue Flag season now open

page 18

Transfer duty or VAT?

page 16

New exhibition by pioneering artist

page 12

Warwick’s Chef School keeps cooking

page 10

Delay in sending out Overstrand muni accounts

page 9

Denying Covid will not make it go away

page 9

Coloured roots and laughter lines

page 8

The new facts of life

page 8

‘Nostalgia is priceless but at Romantiques it’s free’

page 5

Strongwomen against Gender-Based Violence

page 4

Blue Flag season now open

page 18

Art is alive and well in Hermanus

page 6

Fears of second wave as infection numbers rise

page 3

A busy season lies ahead

page 1
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