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War p & We f t Celebrating the women who maketh the saree

Rooted, contemporary, elegant, sophisticated, warm and inspirational... A personification of these qualities, the eight iconic women we invited shared with us their lives, loves and muses. Their stories - each so vibrant, so different and yet all from-the-heart - weave a sparkling tapestry of life in its myriad hues. As do the sarees they chose to wear. The drapes, in their many-splendoured designs, hues and textures are an ode to our rich heritage. Each saree mirrors the wearer’s personality and her sensibilities. This special publication celebrates their strengths, who they are, and the individual paths they tread with confidence and dignity. Read on and get inspired to raise a toast to women everywhere!

Website: https://www.taneira.com/

https://www.facebook.com/taneirasarees/ A brAnd of TiTAn CompAny LimiTed


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