Dog News, February 19, 2010

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DogNews The Digest Volume 26, Issue 7

Ch. Dior’s Copper Mine

Of Ame $5.00


February 19, 2010


* 2009, All Systems, 2010, The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed points

Dog News 3

Dog News 5

FEBRUARY 12, 2010

Dog News Cover Story

Ch. Dior's Copper Mine








212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER




IAN MILLER 212 462.9624

A beautiful blend of American and French bloodlines...


debuted at the tough Florida Circuit and won Multiple Group placements. An Excellent example of breed standard with a beautiful head, topline, and length of body. He is the grandson of Westminster Best of Breed winnner Dior Rainbeard On The Ball.

Owners Madelyn Warcholik Jeffery Deaver 6 Dog News

Bred By Denise and Peter Simenauer

Presented By Adriano Rocha

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Sharon Anderson Lesley Boyes Andrew Brace Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Yossi Guy Mary Jung Barbara Lounsbury John Mandeville Billy Miller Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Newcombe Robert Paust Lenora Riddle Sharon Sakson Gerald Schwartz Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette DOG NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis Paddy Spear

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

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*S.S. Group First Rankings

Dog News 9



Another Big W Ends he unsuccessful invasion by the HSUS/PETA animal rights extremists at the Garden ended in manifest failure as not only were these two individual booed out of the Garden their fiasco was never seen on television either. Fortunately nothing could take away from the success of the Scottish Terrier Sadie nor the over-all achievements rung up by the holding of the 134th Westminster Club Event. Sadie sparkled as did her handler Gabriel Rangel and her owner Amelia Musser who continue to perpetuate the fine values and ideals upon which our sport was founded lo those many years ago. For indeed not only is the ownership of this exhibit an example of the historic background of owning dogs but her breeding is of the finest that the sport of the purebred dog can produce. The husband of Sadie’s owner Dan Musser is the nephew of the late well known and established dog judge George Hartman. Mr. Hartman actually adjudicated Best at Westminster in l950 – and awarded best to, you guessed it – a Scottish Terrier!!! Furthermore Mr. Hartman was a two term AKC Director in the late forties and early fifties. Who says our sport does not have a foundation steeped in tradition and concern for the health and welfare of the dog. Those so terribly concerned with what they consider proper political thinking should look to those traditionalists who have spent the better part of their adult lives along with their families in promoting the high ideals upon which our sport is built. Additionally one of the co-breeders of Sadie is the respected Anstamm Kennels whose owner Buffie Stamm was honored as a breeder of the year at the AKC/Eukanuba Invitational tournament a year or so ago. Tradition, concern, welfare, looking out for a dogs health through the years that’s what this pedigree is all about. A winner too is Sadie in the dog ring for sure but more than that does this great victory represent for the purebred dog world. It is an answer to all those so quick to vilify our sport and our goals which is to constantly strive for the betterment and welfare of the purebred dog through the years and the decades and for the future as well. Job well done for all – Sadie, Gabriel and Amelia.


Reducing Board And Delegate Meetings t is reported that the Delegate Committees are finally reducing their number of meetings from four to three times a year but increasing the length of the meetings from two days to three days? What in the world are they going to do discuss for three days. They can’t find enough to talk about at a two day meeting. More time to be away from home, more time to sight-see and more time to rack up some bills for their clubs that’s what that accomplishes. Why not face the fact that meetings should be held once a year--possibly twice for in reality that’s the extent of the pressing issues which face these people and their clubs. And the Board is in a similar state of affairs. It is true that the By-laws were changed reducing Board meetings from 12 to 8 but the reality is that based on looking at how long these meetings run and the amount of real work accomplished this number could easily be reduced to 6 or even just 4 meetings a year. Is AKC really in need of saving money and looking for better ways to become more productive? Well certainly reducing meetings for both these organizations accomplishes that something about which these pages have been writing for years as have many of our writers. The fact is that the reported approach to the problem being taken by the Delegate Committees neither saves time nor increases productivity. To save the organization further embarrassment in these vital areas an independent committee must be established to tell these people how to operate more efficiently. Not ask their approval but tell them unless AKC wants to become another example of a failed corporate vestige in the future.


Almost Election Time arly in March is the Board election. There are an awful lot of factors to consider in advising your Delegate as to how he or she should vote presuming of course that your Club even instructs your Delegate how to vote. First of all it is strongly suggested that you read the Directors Questionnaire which is both on-line at and in the February 12th issue of DOG NEWS. And by no means is that suggestion meant to be the only factor which should help you to make your mind up as to whom to support. But what it does do is to tell you a lot about the thinking processes of the individuals running for the Board. Some candidates are concise, others verbose; some reflect an insight into their inner thoughts, some go out of the way to hide what they are really thinking; some reflect no personality at all, others through written body


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language express their real inner selves. Go back also to the Secretary’s pages in The Gazette to see how consistent they are in February as compared to only last December when they spoke directly to the Delegates. Confront them personally either through e-mails or when you see them at shows to ask about issues which concern you and may not have been discussed in any of their prior statements. Furthermore if your Club has decided to instruct your Delegate how to vote what happens should there be a run-off and the person your clubs wants is defeated. Have alternate instructions been given or is the Delegate to be left to make his or her own choice. Cover all your bases in cases of uncertainty if you are the least bit concerned about the judgement of your representative. And that’s not meant as a put down to anyone but as a means to be sure your club’s voice is heard and not just that of the single Delegate involved. Thought For The Week here is no doubt that Wayne Pacelle and his HSUS have decided to declare war on AKC and we concerned breeders everywhere. Just look at the recent posting of his and his organization on 16 February wherein he urges Americans to react as violently and viciously to the BBC program Pedigree Dogs Exposed as was done in the UK. Citing as fact the anecdotal presentation of that program and claiming that Westminster is the marquee event of the AKC not only does he compound his ignorance of the true health situation of the pure dog in America he deliberately misstates relationships among organizations to prove his point. He claims facts are difficult to ignore but the fact is that he is the one ignoring and exaggerating the facts. The easiest thing in the world is to cite animal rights extremists with doctorate degrees and use their quotations as gospel statements. But the reality is that the people he quotes are misguided individuals whose priorities are to make a point and ignore just how devoted and concerned the pure bred dog world is in curing ills which do exist as well as those created and imagined but the political activists. Our problem of course is to get our message across to the public at large. The public must understand that HSUS is using anecdotal evidence and making general conclusions based upon insular situations. One organization is better suited to get that message out than any other and that is the Canine Health Foundation. Given the work they do and what they have accomplished, that’s where the facts can come from and be believed by John Q. Public. But they need funding to do that effectively. AKC and the breed clubs must get together on this point and re-act immediately and positively to counteract that Wayne Pacelle and that HSUS. Indeed instead of AKC sending press releases how its Gazette has won awards from DWAA, a higher priority would be to send press releases telling people how to fight HSUS. That’s more important than tooting one’s own horn, don’t you think! Lest the time come when there is no horn to toot!!! •


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InsideOut by John Mandeville


ometime a decade ago when the Internet’s impact on placing puppies had become obvious I spoke with numerous breeders. I can’t claim there was anything “scientific” about my informal poll, as it were. But I was serious about it and, as I say, for some time I went out of my way to talk to breeders about their experiences placing puppies. Their reactions were striking – remember this was still relatively early days in the Internet becoming the go to source for all things, although it was to the point a good percentage of parent clubs had websites. Google, as I recall, wasn’t anywhere near the ubiquitous fount for everything search it has become. No matter the breed, most definitely including many breeds where placing puppies was difficult or really difficult or even frustratingly close to impossible, the reaction was the Internet was becoming a game changer. People were receiving more inquiries about puppies than ever. This was true for popular breeds and breeds acknowledged to be difficult to place. Some breeders in particularly difficult to place breeds reported they were regularly getting inquiries; something they had not previously experienced. So what are breeders experiencing today? The huge uptick in puppy inquiries generated by the Internet may have softened, perhaps having dropped significantly in many breeds. It’s speculation for another time but don’t discount the possibility “AKC” is identified with “Cadillac” puppies, which is exactly what I’ve been told by puppy callers, who say they’ll be satisfied with a Chevy – meaning they don’t “need AKC papers.” Based on our puppy calls “show dog” is nowhere near as pejorative with the public as it was not so long ago except it’s taken to mean a more expensive puppy. Still to the extent our experience in a breed which combines shaggy hair in the face appeal on a moderately sized dog that doesn’t shed is an indicator, Internet generated puppy inquiries have gradually dropped over the last few years… to the point it’s a significant falloff from the heyday seven or eight years ago . There was a period early this century at the peak time of the year when we averaged more than five puppy calls a day with close to three calls daily the rest of the year, except in January.

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Granted we’re in the New York metropolitan area, but those calls solely resulted from our being listed on the parent club’s breeder referral. As an aside, the message puppies are not appropriate Christmas gifts certainly appears to have become accepted wisdom with the pet buying public. Then and now we receive almost no holiday season puppies-for-gifts calls. That’s not zero, but so few they’re an oddity. In any case from the salad days of a decade ago, today we might get 15 puppy calls a week but that’s only at the busiest time of the year, late spring. Hmmm… on further consideration that our breed’s registrations have been relatively stable while AKC’s per annum registration totals have fallen by hundreds of thousands means something; obviously not real growth but it is relative growth in that the percentage of our breed relative to all AKC registrations has to have increased a good bit. Be all that as it may what interests me today is tomorrow’s breeders – the obvious question, where will they come from. Neither I nor anyone I have talked with is sanguine, which is not to say the tenor was “alas, the end is near.” Still it appears the best characterization of what serious breeders experience is that placing show puppies requires effort, can be frustrating, but is ultimately doable so long as you have realistic expectations and expect to be involved throughout the process. Meaning seeing a prospect that is placed makes it to its championship is realistic. It can also be frustrating and disappointing. And that doesn’t even count breeding. Or today as yesterday if you’re breeding show dogs your best bet is to keep them, show them and breed them yourselves. Then place them… or, as Pam was once advised “When they’re out of your house, they’re out of your control.” If there is any “good” news in the staggering decline in AKC registrations and the ever increasing difficulty of finding homes for young show/breeding prospects, I have been told by breeders in a many different breeds they have great success placing adults they have shown and bred with the proviso they must be well-mannered in the house and readily relate to people they’re meeting for the first time. What’s possible is there’s a transition well along from the time – now many, many decades in the past – when “breeder” and “exhibitor” were interchangeable to a time when most exhibitors aren’t and are unlikely to become breeders. That is not an impossible situation for the sport… to a point. Meaning decreasing numbers of show breeders are inevitably a concern. The potential for a tipping point to exist – the decline in the number of breeders producing show dogs – cannot be discounted. Meaning an ever smaller number of breeders might result in a point at which there are not enough show breeders to support the sport – at least as we know it. That is not beyond the realm of possibility. So, what can be done to assure there is the number of new show breeders required for the sport’s health? •

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Ch Dalriada’s Mystic



Multiple Best In Show & Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winner The Number One* Wire Fox Terrier 2009 & 2010 (and the only Wire to receive a Best In Show in 2009)

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Group First - Judge Ms. Virginia Lyne

Owners Cara Campbell DVM Cecelia Ruggles Beth Dowd Mike Doleski

Breeder Cara Campbell DVM

Presented By Scott Sommer Associates: Adam Peterson and Klayton Harris

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed points

Dog News 15

Ch. Casablanca’s Thrilling

“Beckham” Shown 12 times this year:

Best In Specialty Show American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show Judge Dr. Robert D. Smith 6 Best In Shows: Manatee Kennel Club Judge Mr. W. Everett Dean Jr. Clearwater Kennel Club Judge Ms. Helen W. Gleason Greenville, Mississippi Kennel Club Judge Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club of Georgia Judge Dr. Robert D. Smith Conyers Kennel Club of Georgia Judge Mrs. Molly Martin Lawrenceville Kennel Club Judge Mr. W. Everett Dean, Jr. 9 Sporting Group Firsts

Owners: Linda G. Moore, Bruce Van Deman, Carolee Douglas, Mary Walker 16 Dog News

Presented By: Michael & Linda Pitts Assisted By: Alyssa Gollwitzer


Judge Dr. Robert Smith Dog News 17

Celebrating the Work and Dedication of Americas Search and Rescue Dogs

The Chairman’s Report New York, NY With the recent earthquakes in Haiti, much attention has been brought to the search and rescue dogs working to free trapped citizens from the rubble. With certain capabilities far surpassing those of a human, these dogs have saved innumerable lives - and after working long shifts without complaint, these animals also provide comfort to their handlers in distressing conditions, making us appreciate the extraordinary canine-human bond and the innumerable ways dogs contribute to our lives in the most incredible ways! Locally, New York Task Force One, sponsored by the NYC Office of Emergency Management and staffed by NYPD and FDNY personnel, deployed to Haiti with four search and rescue K-9 teams in early January to assist with earthquake recovery and relief efforts. After a more than a weeklong deployment in Port Au Prince, the dogs and handlers returned with six rescues under their belts, including freeing 10 and 8-year old siblings from the rubble. In recognition of their efforts, the American Kennel Club and AKC Companion Animal Recovery Canine Support and Relief Fund have donated $25,000 to the United States Police Canine Association Region 7, which includes New York City, to enhance ongoing search and rescue education of law enforcement K-9s and their handlers wanting to further their training in detecting and locating lost, missing or injured persons. The AKC and AKC CAR have a long history of supporting SAR teams. The AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund was created in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in response to the exemplary work and dedication of the search and rescue dog first responders. Since its creation, the Fund has provided $3 million to date in search and rescue grants as well as

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disaster relief in response to hurricanes, floods and wildfires. The fund accepts both donations and applications for grant money at the following sites: and http://www. The American Kennel Club has also recognized search and rescue dogs since 2000 by awarding an AKC Humane Fund Award for Canine Excellence (ACE) in a search and rescue category. Over the past nine years, search and rescue ACE winners have located lost Alzheimer’s patients, children, and people with mental disabilities; have worked at Ground Zero at the World Trade Center on 9/11; and served in Iraq, at the Texas A&M bonfire collapse, the Oklahoma City bombing site, the Columbia Space Shuttle recovery operation site, and in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Were especially proud of our purebred search and rescue ACE winners including Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Border Collies and other sporting, hunting and herding breeds. For a job requiring a wellsocialized, healthy dog with predictable instincts and work ethic, purebreds are the dog of choice. If you know of a deserving search and rescue team please nominate them for the 2010 ACE at: http:// We hope that you join us in saluting these brave dogs and the important contributions they make in supporting our country and world in the worst disasters, as these search and rescue teams truly represent the best of what dogs have to offer. Sincerely, Ron Menaker Chairman

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Sire: Ch. Genesis Ambelike Silver Charm

Owner Mr. John Shaw Breeders Lou Guerrero Hank Nave L. Schanzle Presented By Larry Cornelius Marcelo Veras 352 401-5677 *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed Points

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Dam: Ch. Genesis Mahali Colby


Judge Mr. William Shelton

Dog News 21


T he

of t he Week Do You Think Breed Standards Should Have Disqualifications? If Yes, Should All Breeds Have Disqualifications?

Bob Stein Yes, DQ’s make the standards in many cases clearer. Sometimes certain breeds get carried away and have too many DQ’s. I think it should be up to the parent clubs to decide whether they think DQ’s are necessary to describe their breed properly. Mrs. Robert D. Smith Overall I would say no. I would rather the standard list a few major faults and keep a more positive tone to the standard. I feel that some of our newer breeds have way too many DQ’s. I also feel that a number of standards have been redone in too much detail. The standard should be a general blueprint for both the breeder and judge to use (within certain limits) to both breed a line of dogs or to judge these dogs. Most of your early standards were written in this manner and guide lines either in point scale or a list of major minor faults were given. Dee Hutchinson First of all let me say that philosophically I believe in standards having disqualifications primarily because the parent clubs seem to want them. The breeders within the parent clubs which have these disqualifications would eliminate them if they didn’t like or want them.

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Lee Reasin They have apparently been working for some breeds for years but all of a sudden we are getting some “foreign” breeds with 10 to 13 disqualifications and that makes one wonder what is left to judge after getting through that number? In my breed, Shelties, if there was no DQ some would be shown as big as small collies; so I would have to say, yes, I am in favor of them. Bob & Jane Forsyth Yes, we think some breed standards require disqualifcations such as color and height; others carry DQ’s too far. Greyhounds have none and have faired quite well through the years. One new breed has ten! Perhaps it’s time to establish a limit. Jane G. Kay I do not think there should ever be disqualifications in any breed. I much prefer a sliding scale of faults to be penalized. As judging goes, now it seems to be based on the faults that can be found in an exhibit rather than the virtues. “Negative” judging, which I think disqualifications foster, is the norm in today’s judging.

Bob Smith I think this is a matter that is better left to the parent clubs on an individual basis to decide for themselves. If the golden retriever club thinks a height disqualification is needed for their breed, then they should be allowed to put that in their standard. I do think that some parent clubs get carried with the number of disqualifications they have, but if that is what is needed, who am I to disagree? Michelle Billings I believe disqualifications should apply in all instances wherein a dog bites or seriously attempts to bite the judge. However, I do think disqualifications should be held to a minimum with more emphasis being placed on serious faults in the order of their importance. Keke Khan Thanks for asking me about this. I do think disqualifications are important in some individual breeds if they are specifically there to help and improve the breed. A breed that has a big problem area needs to address this carefully for both breeders and judges. The DQ should be concise and clear. In my opinion, every breed does not need them.

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owners carolyn koch victor malzoni, jr. handlers larry cornelius marcelo veras breeders eugene z. zaphiris matthew h. stander

24 Dog News


The Number One* Skye Terrier and Number Three* Among All Terrier Breeds

FLASH eed r B f o t s Be lub C l e n n e ster K n i m t s e reen W G r e t e P . r Judge M

Best In Show Judge Mrs. Karin Ashe

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed points

Dog News 25

Fancy Speaks THE

On The FCI

by Keven Harris


refer to the December 4, 2009 issue of DOG NEWS and in particular “The Gossip Column” on page 128. The writer makes reference to the FCI and suggests that other countries such as the AKC, The Kennel Club (England), and the “Australian Kennel Club,” as well as other non-FCI countries could make an umbrella alliance. Further, he reports on the passing of an Australian Icon in Mr. Graham Head. The writer further claims that Mr. Head was responsible for Australia joining the FCI, a decision later voted down. To put things in perspective, the correct term for matters Canine in Australia is The AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL KENNEL COUNCIL (ANKC), and is comprised of delegates (one or more) from every State or Territory member body, each of whom discuss and vote on agenda matters on behalf of the Nations members and put forward by the individual controls in each of those States and Territories. Mr. Graham Head, OAM, (an honour bestowed by Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth for services to the dog world) was the president and chairman for many years of the ANKC.

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It is true Mr. Head was responsible for Australia joining the FCI, however, that agreement took place without first going to the ANKC. After immediate discussions at State and National levels, it was not later voted down as reported, but modified. Australia became and still is an Associate Member of the FCI, and therefore subject to regulations thereto which prohibits for example, judges from officiating at events in an FCI controlled country such as China, events that are not approved by the Chinese (FCI) China Kennel Union (CKU) an organisation which is tied to a Memorandum of Agreement with the FCI. It has been awkward to say the least, having along with many others, legally as it were judged several times in China prior to that MOA coming into force and now risking a ban on any FCI event should one accept assignments not approved in FCI Countries, if your license comes under an FCI controlled country. The Chinese National General Kennel Club (NGKC) certainly seems to be supported by the exhibitors, however, so too are events that are CKU approved. In my experience, the Chinese are so eager to learn, improve on their lot, and generally make a fist of getting everything just right so as to be competitive with the rest of the world, I can see nothing stopping them. The dilemma, conflict even, between the likes of NGKC (and other clubs) and the CKU to these people is not an insurmountable issue in their minds.

Dog News 27



Judge Mr. Norman Patton

Marj Brooks

Mercury was the #5 Smooth Dachshund in 2009* and has started strong in 2010. This young dachshund has matured nicely and we are looking forward to a fun and rewarding year.

Owner: Sharon Lutosky 28 Dog News

*Breed points, All Systems

Presented By: Marj Brooks and Lorene Hogan



Judge Mr. Malcolm Fellows

Lorene Hogan

Sharon Lutosky

Thank you Judge Mr. Malcolm Fellows for Sammy’s first Best In Specialty Show Win in 2010! Sammy is starting out in 2010 as the #1 Longhair* Dachshund following a wonderful 2009 as the #1 Longhair* Dachshund All Systems Owners: Sharon Lutosky Terry Abst

*All Systems

Presented By: Lorene Hogan Dog News 29

Multiple Best In Show & Best In Specialty Show Winning


Mossimo wins the Indianapolis Specialty! “Mossi” starts the year as one of the Country’s Top Shar-Pei!

Owned and loved by NuStarShowDogs Bred By: ChaoYang Glen and Linda Cosier And Asia Lisa Myers

Deb and Robert Cooper 2912 State Porter Beach, Indiana 46304 AND Linda Teitelbaum, MingYu NuStar Show Dogs are always presented by: Nina Fetter, PHA, DHG, AKC Or his Owner Deb Cooper Assisted by Stephanie Palmer Dog News 31

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Dog News 33

The Bests oftheWeek

FEBRUARY 19, 1 2010

Westminster Kennel Club Scottish Terrier Ch. RoundTown Mercedes of Maryscot Judge Mr. Elliott Weiss Owner Amelia Musser Handler Gabriel Rangel Hoosier Kennel Club - Friday & Sunday Central Indiana Kennel Club Smooth Fox Terrier Ch. J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice Judge Mr. Jon Cole Judge Mr. Fred Bassett Judge Ms. Linda Robey Owners Howard & Sandra Hoffen and Phil & Amy Booth Handler Phil Booth Central Indiana Kennel Club - Thursday Gordon Setter Ch. Firethorn & Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes Judge Dr. Roger S. Pritchard Owners Don & Pat Coller, M. McLoughlin, DVM and Chris Kirby Handler Eileen Hackett

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To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday Fax: 212 675-5994 Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:

West Texas Kennel Club Doberman Pinscher Ch. Amonde’s Sand & Dunes Of Sahara Judge Ms. Keke Kahn Owners A.Levine & F. Mendes & R. Silverman & L. Ferrara Handler Ann Ramsbottom-White Central New Jersey Hound Association Afghan Hound Ch. Genesis Silverado Judge Mr. Colin Hamilton Owner John Shaw Handler Marcelo Veras Sahuaro State Kennel Club - Friday Boxer Ch. Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy Judge Mrs. Michele L. Billings Owners Charles Vose, Wendy Bettis and Lynn Janson Handler Wendy Bettis

The Nation’s Number One* Bichon Frise

By the light of the silvery moon

Judge Ms. Betty Regina Leininger

Judge Ms. Peggy L. Lloyd

Ch. Bodacious Moon Madness Breeders/Owners: Glenda and Daniel Blue, M.D.

*Breed points, All Systems

Judge Mr. Michael J. Dachel Handlers: Dennis and Katey Brown Dog News 35

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*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

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Dog News 41

AS OF JANUARY 31, 2010

The Dog News Top Ten List lists Best In Shows, Group Firsts and ALL Group Placements. ompetition petition titi TOP TEN IN GROUP • Based on All-Breed Competition

Sporting Group Hound Group

Working Group

1 CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed Setters (Irish) D Burke/N Conner 2 CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction Spaniels (Cocker) Black B Van Deman/L Moore 3 CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN Spaniels (Irish Water) S Duncan/C McDaniel/G Siner 4 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout Pointers (German Wirehaired) K Courtelis/J Witt/H Witt/J Wilkinson 5 CH Firethorn And Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes Setters (Gordon) D Coller/P Coller/M McLoughlin/C Kirby 6 CH Rush Hill’s River Road Payoff Retrievers (Golden) T Struble/M Struble/K Dunn 7 CH Fireside’s Spontaneous Combustion Wirehaired Pointing Griffons J Coughlin/E Hunsicker 8 CH Kaska’s Capture The Moment Setters (English) L Kuhn/L Gancer 9 CH D’Locks St. James’s Gate CD JH Spaniels (Irish Water) R Rubin 10 CH Bracon’s Leapin Lilly Pads Spaniels (Cocker) Black H Sullivan

1 CH Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy 4784 Boxers C Vose/W Bettis/L Jansson 2 CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici 3826 Doberman Pinschers J Mullins/K Mullins 3 CH Seng Khri Bartok Of Dawa 2641 Tibetan Mastiffs Z Smith/D Nechemias/L Claus 4 CH Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream 2559 Boxers D McCarroll/J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum 5 CH Bravo N Sunset Stealing Time 2216 Boxers K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins 6 CH Cammcastle’s Friar Tuck 2195 Rottweilers A O’Brien/V O’Brien 7 CH Aviators Luck Be A Lady 2094 Portuguese Water Dogs M Dugan/C Dugan 8 CH Allure Blazing Star Alisaton 1688 Doberman Pinschers N Bosley/J Porter/C Pitts 9 CH R And G’s Mystical Dancer 1625 Boxers R Bezerra/B Bachman/R Servetnick/G Steel 10 CH Indigo’s Synama Wood Imp 1555 Siberian Huskies D Qualls/J Duwaldt-Coutu/P Powell/B Mitc

9842 3994 3654 3348 2726 2706 1958 1844 1496 1311

1 CH Starline’s Chanel 5991 Whippets L Lawrence/C Lawrence 2 CH Genesis Silverado 3653 Afghan Hounds J Shaw 3 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands 2130 Whippets D Butt/J Cooney-Waterhouse 4 CH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind 2043 Scottish Deerhounds S Sweatt/C Dove/R Dove 5 CH Pupukearidge Ikaika O Sprngvly 1903 Rhodesian Ridgebacks T Peach/B Peach/P Lambie/I Mc Kinnon/S M 6 CH Soletrader Donald Duck 1837 Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens D Gau/G Robertson 7 CH Carma’s Indian Summer 1382 Salukis L Ackerman 8 CH Tumomak Simbamoyo JC 1333 Rhodesian Ridgebacks S Rexford 9 CH Thaon’s Mowgli 1042 Afghan Hounds J Hafford/J Blanchard/A Sterner 10 CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell 845 Bloodhounds S LaCroix/H Whitcomb

THE DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST is a monthly listing of the Top Ten Dogs All Breeds and the Top Ten Dogs in each Group. There is also a listing of the Top Ten Dogs in Each Breed. All of these statistics are based on All Breed competition. The American Kennel Club compiles these figures from the AKC licensed and member club shows. These figures will be printed monthly in DOG NEWS by Annual Awards Rating System. These are the most current statistics available to the fancy.

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Terrier Group 1 CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice Fox Terriers (Smooth) S Hoffen/H Hoffen/A Booth/P Booth 2 CH Bayleigh Shaireab’s Super Hero Welsh Terriers M Jacobs/K Bailey/S Abmeyer 3 CH Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman Skye Terriers C Koch/V Malzoni 4 CH Skyscot’s Poker Chip Norwich Terriers C Dodwell 5 CH Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek Fox Terriers (Smooth) J Smith 6 CH Gailaurie’s Zoom Zoomzoom West Highland White Terriers T Fraser/J Fraser/G Krieger 7 CH Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot Scottish Terriers A Musser 8 CH Efbe’s Merci Pour Le Poivre Sealyham Terriers M Good/S Middlebrooks 9 CH Dalriada’s Mystic Fox Terriers (Wire) C Campbell/M Doleski/C Ruggles/B Dowd 10 CH Jen-Lar Secret Warrior Of Marlyn Border Terriers M Title/C McKenzie/J Larson

9217 2114 2112 1628 1613 1550 1467 1365 1235 1074

Toy Group

1 CH Hallmark Jolei Austin Powers Shih Tzu J Walton/R Walton 2 CH Cashin’s Walk The Line Brussels Griffons F Cashin/C Ross 3 CH Palacegarden Malachy Pekingese D Fitzpatrick 4 CH Franshaw Hear Me Roar Pekingese J Shaw 5 CH Kimro’s Soldier Boy Miniature Pinschers L Stark/R Stark/K Calvacca 6 CH Smash Jp Moon Walk Poodles (Toy) R Scott/D Burke 7 CH Riversong’s Broadway Joe Pugs C Koch 8 CH Mondrian V.H. Lamslag RE Cavalier King Charles Spaniels J York

5245 2876 2594 2473 2154 1691 1572 1438

9 CH Mountain Crest U Don’T Own Me Pomeranians D Gilstrap/C Gilstrap 10 CH Amitzu China Doll Shih Tzu T Forman/M Forman


Based on All-Breed Competition


Non-Sporting Group 1 CH Dawin Spitfire 2909 Poodles (Standard) L Campbell 2 CH Jaset’s Satisfaction 2643 Poodles (Standard) C Bailey/S Tompkins 3 CH Hillwood Dassin De-Lovely 2286 Poodles (Standard) J Vergnetti/E Charles/K Lefrak/W Sammet/G Lajesky 4 CH Saks Hamelot Little Drummer Boy 2000 Bichons Frises B Weidner/L Darman/K Griffin/C Ruggles 5 CH Troika’s Adagio 1471 Dalmatians M Markoff 6 CH Paray’s Rime Time 1387 Bichons Frises L Rosio/M Winston/P Flores 7 CH Brighton Lakeridge Summer In Hampton 1108 Poodles (Standard) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff/D Ferguson-Jones 8 CH Dante Fire When Ready 1103 Schipperkes J Gossman/A Gossman/M Jameson/P Allison 9 CH Kepley’s Showbiz Razzle Dazzle 1046 Bulldogs J Fisher/R Speiser/B Wolfe 10 CH Mybliss Petite Coquette 1043 Bichons Frises L McDonald/M Wotton/C Boele

Herding Group 1 CH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins Bearded Collies E Charles/A Stein/L Stein/S Ross/L Woodc 2 CH Segni At Coventry Pembroke Welsh Corgis S Sadler/S Leyerly/B Williams/B Shelton 3 CH Avalon Frontier Sleepnlady Webber Bouviers des Flandres J Mcconnell/S McDaniel/J Guido/L Fenner/ 4 CH Lambluv Gambolon Blue Thunder Old English Sheepdogs K Richardson/J Marder 5 CH Paradigm’s Bayouland On Broadway Australian Shepherds M Pryor


2375 1896 1823 1586 1494


CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed Setter (Irish) D Burke/N Conner


CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice 9217 Fox Terrier (Smooth) S Hoffen/H Hoffen/A Booth/P Booth


CH Starline’s Chanel Whippet L Lawrence/C Lawrence



CH Hallmark Jolei Austin Powers Shih Tzu J Walton/R Walton



CH Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy Boxer C Vose/W Bettis/L Jansson



CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction Spaniel (Cocker) Black B Van Deman/L Moore



CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici Doberman Pinscher J Mullins/K Mullins



CH Genesis Silverado Afghan Hound J Shaw



CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN Spaniel (Irish Water) S Duncan/C McDaniel/G Siner


10 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout Pointer (German Wirehaired) K Courtelis/J Witt/H Witt/J Wilkinson



6 CH Mysharas Dream Girl 1403 Australian Shepherds S Fontanini 7 CH Sky Acres Spy Plane 1330 Belgian Tervuren M Edling/W Thompson 8 CH Heart Of Gold Power Play 1240 Cardigan Welsh Corgis L Phillips/J Phillips 9 CH Bugaboo’s Georgie Girl 1143 Old English Sheepdogs B Callahan/C Johnson/H Johnson 10 CH Lajosmegyi Singin’ In The Rain 1083 Pulik P Turner/S Lawrence/A Lawrence/A Quigley CONTINUED ON PAGE 50

Dog News 43


o t g n i u n i t s n t r o a C e H e r u t y p a Ca W s i H g n o l A

Owners Donna Bloom-Schwartz Donna Reece Mary Henricks 44 Dog News

S p n I e t c s i a e l B ty Show W & w o h S In innin t s e B g

w ’ s e i M V e a g g d i i c i R a . n h C

Our appreciation to Judge Mrs. Judith Goodin

Breeders Donna Reece & Anne Merkle

Presented by Erin Hall

Dog News 45

f o t i r r the G a e H ’s irls t e L Charlotte

Ch. Spring Hollow Roady’s Glory “Charlotte”

Betty Jo

In two consecutive weekends, this great team has achieved 5 Best of Breeds and a Working Group Third Thank you Judges Mr. William F. Hossler Best of Breed and Group Third Mrs. Fay Dorval Haupt Mr. Eugene W. Haupt Mrs. Lisa R. De Roulet Mr. Wlater J. Sommerfelt

™ Capturing the eye of the judges and the hearts of those who have come to know her! ™ 48 Dog News

w o R l l o o a H d y g ’ s n i G r l p o S ry . h C Soundness & Movement

Personality & Presence

Breeders/Owners Mary Adelle Horner Donna Reece


Professionally Presented By Betty Jo Patterson AKC Registered Handler

Dog News 49

w o s ’ l R G w l o r l o o l a o a n H d H d g y S g ’ n l n s a i i m r r G p p l S ory S . h “Wilson” C Wilson

Spring Hollow presents our next big hitter!


In two consecutive weekends at 9 months of age, Wilson has achieved 11 points and both majors Thank you Judges Mr. William Hossler Mrs. Lisa R. DeRoulet Mr. Eugene W. Haupt Mr. Walter J. Sommerfelt Presented by Breeders/Owners Mary Adelle Horner and Donna Reece Gates Mills, Ohio

Dog News 51

Ch. Clussexx See You

Watch out boys, there’s a new girl ready to strike! Breeders Doug Johnson Jeane Haverick Wayne and Kellie Holbrook Presented by Laura King Erin Gimbut Assisted by Alex Romero For New Owners: Jeane Haverick Antioch, Ill

52 Dog News

Kellie Holbrook Alpheratta, GA

Tracey Garvey Sydney, Australia

Later ALLIGATOR Flash d e e r B f o t Bes er t s n i m t s e W b u l C l e n n Ke

Sporting Group Second Judge - Mr. Desmond Murphy Dog News 53


nother Westminster has come and gone and although many thought this year’s contest was wide-open, at the end of the day it was the Number One dog among all breeds in the country for 2009 that walked away with the top prize. Congratulations to Handler Gabriel Rangel, breeders Mary O’Neal and Anstamm Kennels, and owner Amelia Musser, whose Scottish Terrier Ch. Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot took Best In Show under Judge Mr. Elliott Weiss. The Scottie was also the heavy favorite in Vegas, according to Johnny Avello, director of race and sports operations at the Wynn/Encore resort, who had it pegged at 8 to 1 odds. This marks the 45th time that a terrier has taken top honors at Westminster, most of any group, and the eighth time that a Scottie was adjudicated Best, second only to the Wire Fox Terrier, which leads all breeds with 13 Bests. There weren’t many other surprises among the final line-up, which featured other top ranked dogs all breeds, including the Puli, Ch. Cordmaker Field Of Dreams, which represented the Herding Group for the second consecutive year (a record for that breed), the Toy Poodle Ch. Smash JP Moon Walk, and the Doberman Pinscher, Ch. Allure Blazing Star Alisaton. All of these dogs were ranked among the Top Ten All Breeds for 2009 and the leaders in their respective groups. Perhaps the biggest upset was the inclusion of the French Bulldog Ch. Robobull Fabelhaft I’m On Fire, which captured the hearts of judges and spectators alike. The Frenchie may have been the biggest longshot to upstart the top ranked dog all breeds, but alas, as was the case at this past AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, the Scottie was just not to be denied. The only other

“upset” was seeing PETA members getting airtime on The Garden floor with more outlandish tactics. Thankfully, they were quickly whisked away and hopefully prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Their shenanigans took nothing away from another wonderful Westminster. Congratulations, “Sadie.”

the raw food in a safe manner by securing it in a covered trash receptacle. You can bring your receipt to your retailer for a full refund, or if you are no longer in possession of the receipt, you can bring the empty package in a sealed bag to your retailer for a refund or replacement. No other Nature’s Valley products have been recalled as of this writing, but if you feed these products MORE RECALLS! to your pets, pay close attention to the With all the festivities in and around company’s web site for updates. Madison Square Garden and at the speYet another announcement of a cialties in Long Island over the weekrecall – and not one that has to do with end, some fanciers may have missed Toyota’s brakes or accelerators. This the announcement of important recalls one is also of great concern to pet ownof pet related products. First off, Naers. Injectible, anesthetic drugs made ture’s Variety announced a voluntary by Teva Animal Health, a division of Isrecall of their Chicken Formula Raw rael-based Teva Pharmaceutical IndusFrozen Diet for dogs and cats with the tries, have been recalled. The injectible “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10 ketamine was found to be responsible because it’s believed that the products for pet deaths in some cases and were may be contaminated with Salmonella. so unreliable as to be rendered useless Most pet owners are probably thinking, in others. Teva received word from the “here we go again.” It seems like every Food and Drug Administration that it year news of a major pet food recall was recommending a recall and shutputs fear into pet owners. Hopefully, ting them downack in September, as Nature’s Variety is taking preemptive, did veterinary drug companies whose precautious measures in this instance. ketamine was manufactured by Teva, There have been no reports of pet according to a report in USA Today. Pet deaths or illnesses linked to consumpowners and veterinarians, however, tion of these products as of this writwere kept in the dark. ing, but consumers are being urged to As with the Nature’s Valley recall, take the warning seriously. this one is “voluntary”. The problem The only products affected conwith voluntary recalls is that the contain chicken medallions, patties and sumer aren’t always aware of them. chubs with a “Best If Used By” date Can you think of any pet owner who, of 11.10.10. Specifically, the products armed with the information that a drug recalled are the 3 lb chicken medallions or a food has been recalled due to poswith a UPC# 7 69949 60130 2; the 6 lb sible contamination and could result in chicken patties with a UPC# 7 69949 illness or death would still administer 60120 3 and the 2 lb chicken chubs that drug or feed that food to a valued with a UPC# of 7 69949 60121 0. If you family member? Something is radically have purchased one of these products wrong with a system in which health but have yet to open it, return the uncare providers and consumers are left opened package to the place of purout of the loop of a voluntary recall. chase for a full refund or replacement The object should be to save lives, not from the retailer. If face. Full disclosure of recalls – volunyou have opened tary or mandatory – should be the manone of these date when it comes to medicine and packages, food products, for humans and pets. safely Pet owners and veterinarians should be dispose making the decisions on how to best of treat and feed their pets, not big pharma and other conglomerates. Shame on the FDA for protecting their interests instead of those of our pets.

OFF LEASH by Shaun Coen


54 Dog News

HAMLET! FLASH! Group Second Lehig h Valley Kennel Clu b Judge Mrs. Patricia Hastings • Group Second Tam pa Bay Kennel Club Judge Mrs. Molly M artin • Group Third Clear water Kennel Club Judge Mrs. Tomas G omez

Best In Specialty Show Winning

CH. CLASSIC’S TO BE OR NOT TO BE Owners Dr. Ellen Kennedy & Mary Ann Gallagher & Carole Ann Mohr-Rio KEYNOTE BOSTON TERRIERS Philadelphia, PA Breeders Carole Ann Mohr-Rio CLASSIC Ocala, Fl Professionally presented by Chris Berg & Kellie Fitzgerald Dog News 55


tarting off on a high note is the fact that Sadie – Ch. Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot – was awarded the top award at the 134th Westminster event, marred during the finale by two placardcarrying individuals condemning the breeding of dogs and encouraging purchasing dogs from shelters instead.


They were whisked off the center arena fairly quickly whilst their insidious adventure I am told was never telecast. How they ever got by the Garden guards is a fair question to ask since a number of people with legitimate passes and or dogs could not get on the floor but these ladies managed it during prime TV time. Tis a mystery. As to confirming the number one dog at the number one show in America Judge Elliot Weiss did just that with what looked like comparative ease. The Scottie’s show record is of course impeccable with over 100 all-breed bests including both Montgomery and the AKC/Eukanuba Anniversary Classic this past year. What the future holds for the Amelia Musser owned bitch so capably guided and presented by Gabriel Rangle has to my knowledge not yet been announced. Whether they will decide to go after Shannon’s record-breaking record, spot show or retire her is as I understand it is still up in the air. Nonetheless one cannot deny the popularity of the decision although I must say I thought Sadie was pretty hard pressed by many of the finalists. She withstood these challenges, anyways in the eye of the most important person there – the judge – and became the first Scottie since Ch. Gaelforce Post Script in 1995 to earn the top spot and the eighth Scottish Terrier in the history of the show to earn this accolade. Of interest historically of course is that in 1950 the Judge who awarded Best in Show to a Scottie was George Hartman who was also a two term Director of AKC and the Uncle of Dan Musser the husband of Amelia who owns Sadie. The continuity of the sport and the breeding of purebred dogs and its competitions is only developed and strengthened through these great longtime and long term relationships and is testimony to the longevity of the conformation world. As to our activities the snowy winter weather forced us to check in New York City two days earlier--on Wednesday night rather than Friday. Wednesday was a work day as was most of Thursday. Thursday night was the trip to Doubles to visit with Karen Le Frak and Ellen Charles at their annual do and then onto a private dinner party. Friday was spent for the most part setting up our booth at the Garden under the watchful and helpful eye of Florence Foti, without whom it is hard to imagine a Garden. Then greeting and meeting old friends with a quick trip over to Progressive which was won by the Toy Poodle which also won the Group at the Garden. Candidly I have never seen the Toy Poodle show as magnificently as Kaz showed him in the finale at the Big “W.” I found her breathtaking. Friday evening was of course The Dog Museum benefit which consisted Of A little Night Music and dinner afterwards at the “21.” First was the Sosnoff party-an annual event for many and then A little Night Music which was a little too long and drawn out for most. “21” was fun but late since the show ran ten minutes shy of three hours!!! Saturday was more booth time,a run over to the Pennsylvania for some specialities, a cocktail party hosted by Tammy and Sean McCarthy for THE RAMP and then dinner with friends. We tried to get into the Angels on the Leash gala but it was so crowded that it was impossible to do. Back to the Garden on Sunday for me as Gene had his M & E Directors and General Membership Committee meeting – back to the

A Garden Write-Up...

by Matthew H. Stander 56 Dog News


Westminster Kennel Club photos by Eugene Z. Zaphiris




Group Winning and Multiple Group Placing

Ch. Kaylen’s In A Perfect World

Sire: Am. & Can. Ch. Tivin Colours Of The Wind

Dam: Ch. Kaylen’s I’M Here For The Party

Thank you Judge Mr. Fred C. Bassett Owners: Nancy Trombley Vic-Tori Standard Poodles Trenton, MO and Kay Palade Peiser

Breeders: Mary Ellen Macke and Kay Palade Peiser

Exclusively Handled by: Sharon Svoboda

Dog News 57

2010 Westminster Kennel Club Winners

Best In Show

Scottish Terrier Ch Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot Judge: Elliott Weiss Handler: Gabriel Rangel Owner: Amelia Musser Breeder: Mary O’Neal & Anstamm Kennel

58 Dog News



Gossip column WESTMINSTER 2010…She came, she saw, she conquered, that’s the way it’s been for SADIE the Scottie bitch and her handler GABRIEL RANGEL, and so she added another notch on her best in show belt, with great joy from all and not too much of a surprise. Congratulations to firstly, her breeders, MARY O’NEAL & ANSTAMM KENNELS, to her owner, AMELIA MUSSER, who believed in her and finally, GABRIEL, whose talent in condition and handling was second to none… a job well done. Congratulations are certainly in order to the other six finalists; none of them were losers they just didn’t win. A minor disruption during the best in show judging occurred when two protesters ran into the ring with

60 Dog News

By Eugene Z. Zaphiris

signs proclaiming “Mutts Rule” and something about when you buy a pure bred dog you kill a shelter dog. Security quickly removed the protesters and with any luck they were arrested for their actions. The kickoff Friday night DOG MUSEUM THEATRE BENEFIT was well attended in spite of the snowstorm that delayed many from arriving in New York on time. As I wrote last week, this is the last THEATRE BENEFIT hosted by the DOG MUSEUM, a benefit that brought them a total of $700,000 over the years and big presence with their core base. Some new and progressive thinking is needed on that board or the museum will just wither and waste. We’ve all heard the adage “Out of sight, out of mind” maybe

they never heard it in St. Louis. Now the AKC HUMANE FUND will take over the evening and you can expect the same great evening with the gentle hand of RON MENAKER pushing the event as he has in the past. Then ANGELS ON A LEASH held its benefit on Sunday evening with some of the past Westminster best in show winners in attendance. DAVE FREI, the man behind this charity that brings therapy dogs to hospitals, has worked hard to keep the charity in the public eye and his work is not going unrewarded. RUTH PEREIRA graciously underwrites the evening, which has become a sold-out event. Later that evening the AKC CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION also holds a cocktail party in the

same hotel to keep a presence during the WESTSMINSTER weekend. Then on Monday evening, following the group judging, TAKE THE LEAD held its annual cocktail party. This evening always has the most boldface names in attendance and it is a chance to catch up with old friends for a few minutes, instead of high-fiving them as you pass one another in aisles on the floor of the Garden. During the group judging I was informed that GLORIA REESE’S youngest child SHEREE had passed away. NAT & GLORIA have been like parents to me, and I was shocked and saddened by the news and just wanted to be alone for a while. So I skipped the TAKE THE LEAD party and went back to my

hotel room. I’m told the evening was successful by all accounts, financial and otherwise. TAKE THE LEAD added three new board members to its roster with AMY GREEN, PHIL GUIDRY and DAN NECHEMIAS. Some other boldface names watching the final were RENEE TAYLOR, BERNADETTE PETERS, CINDY ADAMS and RANDY LEVINE, president of the NEW YORK YANKEES. Fast forwarding for a moment, from one WKC to another. The WESTCHESTER KENNEL CLUB will be held on the same grounds, officially for next year only, as are TUXEDO PARK & SOMERSET HILLS. This clustering of these three September dog shows will certainly add to the entries of all three shows.

2009 French Bulldog Club of America National Specialty Best In Show

Ch. Devine’s LA Confidential

Zed starts the new year on top! Thank you Judge Mrs. Lesley E. Hiltz for this Group Win on the competitive Florida Circuit! Breeder-Owner: Mary C. Devine Co-Owners Derek Kowata & Allen Weinberg Professionally presented by Laura L. King and Erin Gimbut Dog News 61

Best In Show Winning


The Number One Chinese Shar-Pei 2009 & 2010 2009 National Specialty Winner d n a s d e e r B 2009 Top 25 Invitational Winner 11 Best of ts men e c a l P p u 11 Gro 010 so far in 2

Judge Mr.Michael Dachel Breeders & Owners: Jeff & Vicki Mauk New Albany, Ohio 614 855-3095 *The Dog News Top Ten List, All Breed

Handlers Clint & Karen Livingston Brighton, Colorado 210 865-8415 Dog News 63



A Garden Write-Up

64 Dog News

Dachsies at the Pennsylvania, some private time – onto a small Valentines Dinner with friends and to the SB affair held in Desi’s suite for a drop-in. Monday at the Garden before 7am to get the booth open for the onslaught and then to watch some breed judging. Garden was packed and they eventually had to stop selling tickets. Watched mostly toys, some hounds , nonsporting and some herding breeds.As usual some of the judging made sense from outside the ring some did not. It’s very hard to draw conclusions about decisions unless you actually are touching the exhibits – in most instances. Some odd results for me – some expected some maybe even shocking. Come the group time and the arena looked anything but filled to me. I really did not feel totally up to snuff on Monday so I left after only two of the four Groups were completed. I did see the normally extremely tough and competitive toy group which did not look as competitive to me as usual. Perhaps it was the judging, perhaps not. As I wrote earlier the Toy Poodle was victorious here. The Hound Group was first on and was awarded to the stunning Whippet from California, which has long been a favorite of mine – actually from the first time I saw her as a six month old. I have seen it give far better performances than it did for Best but for the Group I thought she was outstanding. Missed Herding won by the lovely Puli which in Best in show looked good whilst the Frenchie which won the Non-sporting group I saw win a breed on the Florida circuit and which I thought performed adequately for Best, a big crowd favorite was this adorable dog. Missed the Take the Lead party but was at the Garden Tuesday am for an early-on start to the days festivities. Not as crowded spectator ways but very respectable crowd nonetheless. Some surprises I thought in a terrier breed or two,working pretty “sop” except in a breed or two – great excitement watching Dobes, Boxers and Mastiffs which had a very large and interesting entry. PWD’s were equally fun to watch as were the ever interesting Spinoni Italianis. Sporting dogs always have great admirers and it was here that a number of what I would have considered upsets occurred. Rings seemed to have run late of Tuesday caused in part by picture taking – perhaps an area should be set aside to take pictures after a judge completes an assignment rather than in the ring itself. Marked improvement I thought in the clean-up in the grooming areas by either the Garden Staff, MB-F or both. As to the Groups first in was Sporting won by a lovely Brittany – for what I know about the Breed which was quite eyecatching in the breed. I just happened to catch that happen. That win had to be unexpected, although as I say I do not know the dog nor its past history with either the breed or group judge. If this was a first time find for both judges all the more glory to them for having the sense to find this glowing exhibit. Working next and I must say I found this to be the toughest group of the night quality and performance ways. The judge handled her ring well and who could deny the Dobe bitch. What a show girl – I’d love to hear what Mr. Kendrick would have said about her performances – she just steals your heart. Last was the Terrier Group which went on paper the way terrier followers probably could have easily predicted. No surprises – the Scottie was steady and in good condition but lacked the real excitement of what the Working Group had which were several outstanding, exciting performances. Well now its time to consider the 135th!!!! Will the folks at the BIG W have any surprises for us creatively one must ask. After all this is a pretty magical number. Personally I’d love to see a return of a Parade of all past BIS and Group winners to help cap off that celebration with Sadie of course at the head of the parade just where she belongs. •

Dog News 65

66 Dog News

Dog News 67

2010 Westminster Kennel Club Winners CONTINUED FROM PAGE 58

Sporting Group 1. Brittany

Ch Willowick Talltean

Judge: Dr. Donald Sturz, Jr. Handler: Kellie L. Miller Owner: Catherine Fitzgerald Breeder: Catherine Fitzgerald 2. Spaniel (Irish Water)

Ch Poole’s Ide Got Water Rn

Owner: Stacy Duncan & Colleen McDaniel & Gregory H Siner 3. Setter (Gordon)

Ch Firethorn And Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes Owner: Pat & Don Coller & Mary McLoughlin & C Kirby 4. Retriever (Labrador)

Ch Beechcroft Study’s Top Secret

Owner: Magdy Caban & Cecilia Martinez & Mary A Wiest Brittany: Ch Willowick Talltean. Owner: Catherine Fitzgerald Pointer: Ch Bookstor Inherit The Wind. Owner: Karen R Spey & E Reisman & B Reisman MD & H Spey MD Pointer (German Shortharied): Ch Rijaro’s Wynd Swept Fantasy Jh. Owner: Lynn Rhodes & Steven Herman Pointer (German Wirehaired): Ch Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout. Owner: Kiki Courtelis & James Witt & Helen Witt & Joyce Wilkinson Retriever (Chesapeake Bay): Ch Chesabar’s Anyone Anyone. Owner: Tammy Dennis Retriever (Curly-Coated): Ch Gladrags Original Buttonfly. Owner: Robert Cataldo & Michele McGroarty Retriever (Flat-Coated): Ch Quillquest Etched In Stone. Owner: Sharon McLean Retriever (Golder): Ch Toasty’s Treasure Island. Owner: Pamela & Jerome Oxenberg & Jane Bates Retriever (Labrador): Ch Beechcroft Study’s Top Secret. Owner: Magdy Caban & Cecilia Martinez & Mary A Wiest Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling): Ch Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper. Owner: Robyn Haskin & John Caleb Merced & Paul Campanella Setter (English): Ch Reidwood Red Alert. Owner: Georgette Perry Setter (Gordon): Ch Firethorn And Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes. Owner: Pat & Don Coller & Mary McLoughlin & C Kirby Setter (Irish Red and White): Ch Shireoak Caniscaeli Windsong. Owner: Y Herrera & L Stark & V Malzoni & D Johnson & G Harris Setter (Irish): Ch Greengate Buzz Lightyear. Owner: Mark & Judy Killam & Bernadette Elliott Spaniel (American Water): Ch Kei-Rin’s Honeyweiss. Owner: Kayla Kozak & Pamela W Kozak Spaniel (Clumber): Ch Clussexx See You Later Alligator. Owner: Doug Johnson & Jeane Haverick & K Holbrook & Jamie Hubbard Spaniel (Cocker – A.S.C.O.B): Ch Shaman’s No Doubt About It. Owner: Joann Stamm & Jim Fehring Spaniel (Cocker – Black): Ch Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction. Owner: Linda G Moore Spaniel (Cocker – Parti-Color): Ch Showcase Medicine Man. Owner: Dr Sarah Forbes & Becky Rapoport Spaniel (English Cocker): Ch Brasswinds Remember When. Owner: Linda L Fusco Spaniel (English Springer): Ch Wil-Orion’s Twenty Twenty. Owner: Laurie Green & Erline Jesseman & Janice & Erica Johnson Spaniel (Field): Ch Capriole’s Normandy Commander Cd Ra. Owner: Karin S Wiechmann Spaniel (Irish Water): Ch Poole’s Ide Got Water Rn. Owner: Stacy Duncan & Colleen McDaniel & Gregory H Siner Spaniel (Sussex): Ch Erinhill Cpnwy Mr Fuzzywrinkles. Owner: Cheryl Curtis & Constance Holt-Grenier Spaniel (Welsh Springer): Ch Heatherstone’s Jopa Blue. Owner: Kate Sinclair-Dunn Spinoni Italiano: Ch Sharpshot Aris. Owner: Allison A Schultz Vizsla: Ch Kezdet’s Grand Mark Gedeon Jh. Owner: Natalie Russo Weimaraner: Ch Smokycity Nanis Dbl Silhouette. Owner: Cindy Cassidy & Bruce Cassidy Wirehaired Pointing Griffon: Ch Fireside’s Spontaneous Combustion. Owner: Joan Coughlin & Elaine Huinsicker

70 Dog News


Dog News 71

2010 Westminster Kennel Club Winners CONTINUED FROM PAGE 70

Hound Group 1. Whippet

Ch Starline’s Chanel

Judge: Mr. W. Everett Dean, Jr. Handler: Lori Wilson Owner: Lori Lawrence & Carey Lawrence Breeder: Lori Lawrence & Carey Lawrence & Dianne Bowen 2. Greyhound

Ch Grandcru Clos Erasmus Owner: Rindi Gaudet & Melanie Steele 3. Scottish Deerhound

Ch Foxcliffe Hickory Wind

Owner: Sally Sweatt & Cecilia L Dove & Dr R Scott Dove 4. Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeen

Ch Rokeena Carte Blanche

Owner: J Herrera & Y Herrera & C Herrera & R & R Wallis Afghan Hound: Ch Al-Nacira Bint Roula Von Haussma. Owner: Juan Pio Milano-Ruiz American Foxhound: Ch Devlon’s Fame And Fortune. Owner: Kristin Kendall & Donald P Leonard & Kelly Leonard Basenji: Ch Ab-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool. Owner: M Jameson MD & P Allison & W Pooley & S Middlebrooks Basset Hound: Ch Blossomhil’s Mamma Mia. Owner: Suzanne Sukey Shor Beagle, 13 In.: Ch Skyline’s Dream Big. Owner: Kathy A Forbes & Judy Forbes Beagle, 15 In.: Ch Torquay Midnight Confession. Owner: Marcelo Chagas & M F & Alessandra Botelho Black and Tan Coonhound: Ch Silver Ridge Showtyme At Windbourne. Owner: Shelley Campbell & L Schermerhorn & S & T Skinner Bloodhound: Ch Heathers A Little Night Music. Owner: Elissa L Befus Borzoi: Ch Kenai’s Last Of The Dogmen. Owner: Genji Ozeki & Yukiko Aminaka Dachshund (Longhaired): Ch Pramada’s Living Legend L. Owner: Margaret E Peat Dachshund (Smooth): Ch Brodny Schoolhouse Dixie. Owner: Fred Vogel & Carol F Vogel & Judy Anderson & Nancy Eby Dachshund (Wirehaired): Ch Gleneagle’s Who’s Famous Now. Owner: Ann Bischel & Chris Erickson English Foxhound: Ch Foxrhode Virgils Morgan. Owner: Terry Furr & Cindy Furr Greyhound: Ch Grandcru Clos Erasmus. Owner: Rindi Gaudet & Melanie Steele Harrier: Ch Downhome Family Tradition. Owner: Dr & Mrs William Truesdale & Susan Stacy Lowder Ibizan Hound: Ch Serandida Spirit Of Serget. Owner: Jon & Lesa Manoskey & Rachel Ertle Irish Wolfhound: Ch Wolfhaven Aint No Fool To Olugh. Owner: Andrea & Michael Dormady & Donita Osborne Norwegian Elkhound: Ch Vin-Melca’s Wells Fargo. Owner: Beth Dowd & Carol Dowd & Cecelia Ruggle Otterhound: Ch Scentasia’s Shake Rattle N Roll. Owner: Cathy Glenn & Steve Glenn Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeen: Ch Rokeena Carte Blanche. Owner: J Herrera & Y Herrera & C Herrera & R & R Wallis Pharaoh Hound: Ch Siphra’s No Remorse JC. Owner: Linda Lysher Plott: Ch Alexanders Mob Boss Capone. Owner: Amanda Alexander Rhodesian Ridgeback: Ch Pupukearidge Ikaika O Sprngvly. Owner: Tom Peach & Barbara Peach & Pam Lambie & Ian McKinnon & Sonnet McKinnon Saluki: Dc Shahtani Ivory Moon SC. Owner: Lori May Scottish Deerhound: Ch Foxcliffe Hickory Wind. Owner: Sally Sweatt & Cecilia L Dove & Dr R Scott Dove Whippet: Ch Starline’s Chanel. Owner: Lori Lawrence & Carey Lawrence CONTINUED ON PAGE 74

72 Dog News

✩ o r i Z








Raincoast Newfoundlands Noelia Valle and Luis Fernandez Asturias, Spain

Seabrook Newfoundlands Kathy Griffin Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin Dog News 73

2010 Westminster Kennel Club Winners CONTINUED FROM PAGE 72

Working Group 1. Doberman Pinscher

Ch Allure Blazing Star Alisaton Judge: Mrs. Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna Handler: Carissa DeMilta Shimpeno Owner: Nancy Bosley & Julie Porter & Carmen Pitts Breeder: Carmen Pitts & Gwen Demilta 2. Boxer

Ch Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream

Owner: D McCarroll & M Fagan & Mrs J Billhardt & S Tenenbaum 3. Portuguese Water Dog

Ch Aviators Luck Be A Lady

Owner: Victor Malzoni Jr & Jerson Valle & Cathy Dugan 4. Alaskan Malamute

Ch Sno Klassic Play The Game Owner: Patricia A Peel & Martin E Peel Jr

Akita: Ch Sondaisa Seize The Moment. Owner: Colleen Sullivan & Alicia Meyer & Matti Varpula & Tuija Kaartinen Alaskan Malamute: Ch Sno Klassic Play The Game. Owner: Patricia A Peel & Martin E Peel Jr Anatollan Shepherd Dog: Ch Inanna Bay Boudreau Of Luckyhit. Owner: Erin Tallon & Kim Griffin Marcus Bernese Mountain Dog: Ch Trevi’s Lonestar. Owner: Barbara Ann Bych Black Russian Terrier: Ch Petr Pervy Iz Russkoi Dinastii. Owner: Laura Jordan Boxer: Ch Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream. Owner: D McCarroll & M Fagan & Mrs J Billhardt & S Tenenbaum Bullmastiff: Ch Ishana’s Play It Again Sam. Owner: Angela Kay & Tom Kay Doberman Pinscher: Ch Allure Blazing Star Alisaton. Owner: Nancy Bosley & Julie Porter & Carmen Pitts Dogue de Bordeaux: Ch Rhodonite Rolex Emberez. Owner: Chelsea Conway & Steve Conway German Pinscher: Ch Oakwood V Kaitlers Revival. Owner: Judy Vandervort Giant Schnauzer: Ch Skansen’s Sir August Brigs. Owner: Mary E Williams Great Dane: Ch Strider N Leinenstones Katalea. Owner: Renee Russo & Lori A Spicer & Glen & Kelly Tait Great Pyrenees: Ch Rivergroves Trump This. Owner: Norina D Shields & Clayton A Shields & Jean A Boyd Greater Swiss Mountain Dog: Ch Derby’s Academy Award. Owner: Brad Selleck & Chrissy Selleck Komondor: Ch Meadow View Officer N A Gentleman. Owner: Sherry Harman & Michael Harman & Janet Cupolo Kuvasz: Ch Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence. Owner: Lynn Brady & Constance Townsend & Claudia Muir Mastiff: Ch Lazy D’s Bonnie Blue. Owner: Nancy Walker & Colette Livingston Neapolitan Mastiff: Ch Conan Barberian Texan Of The Oaks. Owner: Cesar Perdomo & Millena Lebolo Newfoundland: Ch Bear N Mind’s The Guardian. Owner: Christine & Dwight Gorsuch Portuguese Mountain Dog: Ch Aviators Luck Be A Lady. Owner: Victor Malzoni Jr & Jerson Valle & Cathy Dugan Rottweiler: Ch Chancelor’s Gorgeous Patrone. Owner: Pamela J Rubio & Wendi Lewellen Samoyed: Ch White Magic’s For Your Eyes Only. Owner: Rosaria Dimaggio & Carrie Collier & P McCallum Siberian Husky: Ch Paragon’s Red Red Wine. Owner: Terri Erickson St. Bernard: Ch Alta Vista’s Billion Kilowatt CD. Owner: Thomas & Viola Brown & Robert A Bonito Esq Standard Schnauzer: Ch Pepper Tree Zorro V Morgenwald. Owner: Penny Duffee Tibetan Mastiff: Ch Seng Khri Bartok Of Dawa. Owner: Zane Smith & Dan Nechemias & Lois Claus CONTINUED ON PAGE 76

74 Dog News

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