November 2022 DSN Supplier Guide - Executive & Customer Experiences

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SEARCHING FOR AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE FOR YOUR LEADERSHIP OR FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS? CHECK OUT these experts in delivering the best and most unforgettable level of experience solutions. Every great company knows the importance of what Mary Kay Ash did to grow her empire. She never held back on “ “Praise and Recognition”! And even better, the best i incentives or rewards are the ones that give you the greatest ROI. Best Selling Author, Business and Life Strategist Gary Coxe offers an unduplicatable experience that perfects those two ingredients. Once you’ve booked, Gary will take care of the rest! You and seven of your top leaders will be wisked off in a private jet to Sandals Royal Bahamian in the Bahamas. The treatment your team will receive is that of royalty. It’s one full day that they will never forget. They depart early in the morning from Central Florida and arrive to a VIP dignitary police escort fit for Kings and Queens. It’s truly Beyond First Class. The gratitude, loyalty and appreciation that attendees come back with for their company is unmeasurable due to the unforgettable experience Ask how you can receive a $3,000 Sandals Resort all-inclusive vacation package when you book your Beyond First Class with Gary. (offer is valid for the first 5 qualified companies) MARY KAY ASH USED THESE TWO INGREDIENTS TO BUILD AN EMPIRE, ARE YOU?

much more.

Gary created this program over twenty years ago as he realized there wasn’t a way to directly access the experts that he wanted to learn from which could help him shave years off his learning curve. He wanted to give others access to what he had to share in a most amazing day of luxury learning that others couldn’t match.

He brings results like no other! I wish I would have done this years ago. I have never experienced so much buzz at an event or received so much positive feedback on a speaker – ever! Don’t make the mistake I almost did – hire Gary today!

Exclusively at Jack Tempfer “The trip was a motivating tool that has just kept on working! Oh, by the way, I went on and became salesman of the month and doubled my monthly income.” The Internet Marketing Nerd “This is an unduplicatable experience!” G A R Y C O X E B U S I N E S S A N D L I F E S T R AT E G I S T G A R Y C O X E B U S I N E S S A N D L I F E S T R AT E G I S T YOUR LUXURY DAY OF LEARNING INCLUDES: Gary will personally pilot you and your team to the islands in his private jet VIP dignitary police escort upon your arrival Get a taste of 3 gourmet meals at Sandals Royal Bahamian A full day of coaching with Gary by the crystal blue waters Excursions such as a visit to Gilligan’s Island or snorkeling with the sea turtles An intimate group that’s limited to only 8 people Footage included for your branding and marketing And
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