The Courier - October 2022

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WASHINGTON - The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued the National Synthesis of the People of God in the United States of America. The synthesis marks the completion of the Diocesan Phase of the 2021-2023 Synod: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.

Last October, Pope Francis invited the global Catholic Church to reflect on walking together and listening to one another. This “Synod on Synodality” is a two-year process that began with local dioceses and parishes engaging in dialogue through listening sessions. Each diocese then prepared a report of what was heard at these sessions. In turn, those local reports were then sent to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and a national summary was created and sent to the Holy See on August 29, 2022.

Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville, chairman of the USCCB’s, Committee on Doctrine, who shepherded the preparation of the synthesis, wrote, “With immense gratitude, I have the distinct honor of sharing the National Synthesis. This pivotal document is the culmination of ten months of intentional listening carried out throughout the Church in the U.S. The synodal consultations, from par ishes, dioceses, and national regions express the voices of hundreds of thousands in our local churches.”

The National Synthesis represents the synodal efforts of the 178 Latin dioceses in the United States, including the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter that serves



both the United States and Canada. Due to their long his tory of synodal practice, the Eastern Catholic Churches shared their reports directly with the Holy See.

Catholic associations, organizations, and national min istries in the United States were also invited to participate in the Synod by submitting a summary report from their listening sessions to the USCCB’s Synod Team. In all, one hundred twelve (112) submissions were received from organizations, and combined with the reports from each of the (arch)dioceses, two hundred ninety (290) documents in total were received. These contributions represent over 22,000 reports from individual parishes and other groups. There were over 30,000 opportunities to participate in the Synod through in-person and virtual listening sessions as well as online surveys. An estimated 700,000 people par ticipated in the diocesan phase of the Synod in the United States.

Bishop Flores expressed that “The synthesis is, among other things, an expression of the common joys, hopes, and wounds the bishops have heard and are hearing from the wider body of the Church. The publication of this document is not a concluding moment, it is instead an invitation to continue to dialogue and discern, together, those matters that weigh heavily on the hearts and minds of Catholics in the U.S.”

The National Synthesis is available in both English and Spanish. More information about the diocesan phase of the 2021-2023 Synod – For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission, as well as a brief overview of the next steps in the process can be found at synod.

Bishop Chad W. Zielinski Installed as Fifth Bishop of New Ulm

NEW ULM (Sept. 16, 2022) – The Most Reverend Chad W. Zielinski, 58, who served as bishop of Fairbanks, AK, since November 8, 2014, will be installed as the fifth bishop of the Catholic Diocese of New Ulm on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, at the Church of St. Mary in Sleepy Eye.

Due to limited seating, this event is by invitation only. The Mass will be live streamed at

Presiding will be the Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda, arch bishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, in the presence of the Most Reverend Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States. Bishop Zielinski succeeds Bishop John M. LeVoir, who retired on August 10, 2020, after 12 years of service to the diocese.

October 2022 Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN | Meet Our New Seminarians National Eucharistic RevivalUse 'Creative Courage' to Evangelize page 2 page 7 page 8 INSIDE this issue St. Luke the Evangelist October 18
Bishop of New Ulm, cont'd on pg. 12 U.S. BiShopS ReleaSe NatioNal SyNtheSiS fRom
Read the DOW-R's full summary of its own listening sessions on pg. 14.

Pope Encourages Young Catholics to Use 'Creative Courage' to Evangelize

Pope Francis greets a young woman during a meeting with members of the Shalom Catholic Community at the Vatican September 26, 2022. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis encour aged young Catholics to take an active role -- not be spectators -- in the church's mission.

"You are not museum people, but are instead walking with creative courage, being welcoming and having a missionary drive," the pope told hundreds of young men and women belonging to the Shalom Catholic Community Sept. 26.

The Shalom Catholic Community, founded in Brazil in 1982, offers members an oppor tunity to take part in "a community and mis sionary life in order to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all men and women, especially to those far from Christ and the church," its website said.

In 2007, it was recognized by the then-Pon tifical Council for the Laity as an international association of the faithful.

Noting that the movement began 40 years ago "during a eucharistic celebration," the pope said it was important that the Shalom commu nity "was not born 'at the table,' with a beauti ful plan" invented by the movement's founder, Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho.

Instead, he said, "it was born in prayer, in the liturgy."

"The liturgy is not a beautiful ceremony, a ritual in which our gestures or, worse, our gar

ments are at the center, no! The liturgy is God's action with us, and we need to be attentive to him," he said.

During the meeting, the pope heard the experiences and questions of several members from Mexico, Congo and Brazil.

Pope Francis began his address by answer ing a question from Fabiola, a 26-year-old from Mexico who recounted her experience of join ing Shalom after moving to Boston and then serving as a missionary in Rome.

"How can we persevere in a friendship with God in the midst of such a frantic world?" she asked. "How can we pass along this experience in today's world, in universities, in families and in the very church?"

Responding to her question, the pope recalled Jesus' call to his disciples to "remain in me" and "remain in love" and said that, through prayer, the word of God, adoration and the rosary, Christians can "bring forth much fruit."

"The fruit is love, and it is the love of Christ that touches people's hearts, wherever we are, in every environment," the pope said. "It is up to us to make the commitment to remain in him; the Holy Spirit does the rest. He is the protagonist, not us."

Answering a question from Bertrand, a 31-year-old Congolese member who asked how young people keep the "youthful spirit"

The Holy Father's Intention for October 2022

A Church Open to Everyone

We pray for the Church; ever faithful to, and courageous in preaching the Gospel, may the Church be a community of solidarity, fraternity and welcome, always living in an atmosphere of synodality.

Diaconal Ministry

The Most Rev. Robert Barron, Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, announces the following:

Vice Chancellor

Mr. Andrew Brannon: reap pointed to a six-month term as Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, effective September 1, 2022.

Delegate for Religious

Ms. Jenna Cooper: appointed Delegate for Religious within the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, effective September 1, 2022.

Rev. Mr. Simón Magaña, IVE: appointed to diaconal ministry at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Mankato, effective August 8,

Where to Find The Courier

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The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compas sionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507-454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is com mitted to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implemen tation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

Diocese of Winona-Rochester


W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987 or

2022. Articles of Interest October 2022 w The Courier w The Catholic Charismatic Renewal__________4 Discerning Our Spiritual Gifts________________5 Sacred Heart School Is Blessed___________6 Diaconate Application Process______________6 Meet Our New Seminarians______________7 National Eucharistic Revival________________8 MOMS Fight For Abortion Regulation_____10 Inside the Capitol_______________________10 World Youth Day Information___________11 World Headlines__________________________13 Diocesan Headlines____________________14-16 The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 113 - 10
Reverend Robert E. Barron, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)
Child Abuse Policy Information Officials The Courier Insider
Creative Courage, cont'd on pg. 8 2

�ust last week, I met with the deans of our diocese to discuss a number of issues, the most prominent of which was the ongoing process of merging some of our parishes and re-organizing others into clusters. These moves, which have been happening over the past several years, are necessitated by a number of factors: the diminishing number of priests, demographic shifts in our cities and towns, economic pressures, etc. Even as I expressed my approval for some of these changes, I told the deans that, for every strategy of consolidation, I want a strategy for growth as well.

I simply refuse to accept the proposition that I, or any other bishop, should be

Bishop's Calendar

October 2, Sunday

2 p.m. - Confirmation Mass - St. Columban Church, Preston

October 4, Tuesday

5:15 p.m. - Serra Club DinnerRochester

October 6, Thursday

8:45 a.m. - School Mass and Tour of Cotter Schools, Winona

October 8, Saturday

5 p.m. - Confirmation Mass - St. Mary Church, Lake City

What's Our Growth Strategy?

presiding over the decline of our churches. By its very nature, Christianity is centrifugal, outwardtending, universal in purpose and scope. Jesus didn’t say, “preach the Gospel to a handful of your friends;” or “proclaim the Good News to your own culture.” Rather, he said to his disciples: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” He also instructed his followers that the very gates of Hell would not prevail against the fighting Church that he established. Therefore, maintaining things as they are, or managing decline, or treading water is absolutely not what Jesus wants or expects of us.

Permit me to say, right away, that the expansion of our Church is by no means the exclusive responsibility of bishops and priests. As Vatican II clearly teaches, every baptized Catholic is commissioned to be an evangelizer; so we’re all in this together. Therefore, what are some of the strategies of growth that can be employed by any Catholic? A first one I would highlight is simply this: every family that comes regularly to Mass should make it their evangelical responsibility to bring another family to Mass this

coming year. Every faithful Mass-goer reading these words knows people who should be going to Mass and aren’t. They might be your own children or grandchildren. They might be co-workers who were once ardent Catholics and who simply drifted away from the practice of the faith, or perhaps people who are angry at the Church. Identify these wandering sheep and make it your evangelical challenge to bring them back to Mass. If we all did this successfully, we would double the size of our parishes in a year.

A second recommendation is to pray for the expansion of the Church. According to the Scriptures, nothing great is ever accomplished apart from prayer. So ask the Lord, insistently, fervently, even stubbornly, to bring back his scattered sheep. Just as we have to beg the harvest master to raise up workers to gather in his harvest, so we have to beg him to increase his sheepfold. I would encourage the elderly and the homebound in a parish to take on this specific task. And I might ask those who regularly do Eucharistic Adoration to spend fifteen or thirty minutes a day to ask the Lord for this specific favor. Or I would suggest that liturgy planners include petitions for the growth of the parish in the prayers of the faithful at Sunday Mass.

A third enjoinder is to invite seekers to raise their questions. I know from lots of concrete experience over the past twenty years that many young people, even those who claim hostility to the faith, are actually deeply interested in religion.

Like Herod listening to the preaching of John the Baptist in prison, even the seemingly anti-religious will go on religious websites and attend carefully to what is being discussed. So ask those who have disaffiliated why they no longer come to Mass. You might be surprised by how ready they are to tell you. But then, you have to have followed the recommendation of St. Peter: “always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you.” In other words, if you elicit questions, you better be ready to give some answers. This means that you have to bone up on your theology, your apologetics, your Scripture, your philosophy, and your church history.

If that sounds daunting, remember that in the last 25 years or so there has been an explosion of literature in just these areas, focusing precisely on the kinds of questions that young seekers tend to ask— and most of it is available readily online.

A fourth and final suggestion that I would make is simply this: be kind. Sherry Weddell, whose Forming Intentional

Disciples has become a modern classic in the field of evangelization, says that a crucial first step in bringing someone to the faith is the establishment of trust. If someone thinks that you are a good and decent person, she is far more likely to listen to you speak about your faith. May I be blunt? Even the most casual glance at Catholic social media reveals a plethora of obnoxious people. Far, far too many seem intent upon trumpeting their own correctness or tearing down their enemies. This kind of attitude is inimical to evangelization. So both online and in real life, be kind. No one will be interested in hearing about the faith life of an obviously bitter and unhappy person.

So, we have our marching orders: proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ to all nations. Let us start with our own parishes, our own families. And let us never settle for maintenance of the status quo.

October 9-11, SundayTuesday

Canon Law Society of America Conference - Cleveland, OH

October 12, Wednesday

4 p.m. - Mass and Dinner -

Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, Winona

October 14, Friday

Pastor Principal Day - St. Theodore School, Albert Lea

October 15, Saturday

5:15 p.m. - Confirmation MassSt. Theodore Church, Albert Lea October 16, Sunday

2 p.m. - Confirmation MassHoly Spirit Church, Rochester October 18, Tuesday

1:30 p.m. - Holy Half Hour and Diocesan Finance Council and Civil Corporation - Rochester October 20, Thursday

1 p.m. - Holy Hour and Bishop's Cabinet - Winona

October 22, Saturday

4:30 p.m. - White Mass - St. Marys Hospital Chapel, Rochester - Attendance limited to invited healthcare profes sionals and their families

October 25, Tuesday

11 a.m. - Holy Hour and Presbyteral Council - Pax Christi Church, Rochester

October 25, Tuesday

6:30 p.m. - Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

Bishop's Dinner - Rochester

October 26, Wednesday

9:30 a.m. - Holy Hour and College of Consultors - Winona October 26, Wednesday

7 p.m. - Confirmation Mass - St. Joseph Church, Rushford

October 29 - November 1, Saturday-Tuesday

Good News ConferencePhoenix, AZ

Nisi Te
Domine Bishop Robert Barron
October 2022 w The Courier w From the Bishop 3

Missionary Discipleship

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal

�ood October to everyone! I am yield ing part of the Missionary Discipleship page to my colleague, DEACON JOHN HUST, who is the diocesan liaison to the U.S. Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

As I write this article I am pondering where we have been as a renewal and where is the Holy Spirit leading us today. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal began at Duquesne University in 1967 among college students seeking to grow in gifts of Holy Spirit given them in Baptism and Confirmation. The students experienced a profound love of God, Jesus as personal Savior and began to manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and they experienced a baptism in the Holy Spirit. From this hum ble beginning millions of Catholics have experienced this personal Pentecost.

In our own diocese we have had active prayer groups for 50 plus years. The purpose of the renewal can be summed up in Acts 1:8, "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses.” The Holy Spirit helps us be witnesses to Jesus Christ in word (proclaim) and in deeds (signs and wonders), exercising charismatic gifts. Ongoing conversion to Christ, a personal rela tionship with the Trinity and Eternal Life with God are our goals.

Over the years, prayer groups have been scat tered throughout the diocese: Austin, Fairmont, Jackson, Mankato, Rochester, Winona, and Worthington. Some of the groups had up to 50 people attending the various prayer groups. In the early years they had liaisons for the renewal in our diocese, namely Fr. Volker, Fr. Joe Keefe and Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer. In 2001, Sr. Mary Anne left the diocese for another ministry. While a few prayer groups continued, many no longer met. In 2018 I

was appointed by Bishop Quinn to be moderator for the Charismatic Renewal for the Winona-Rochester diocese.

Questions for those of us affected by the charis matic renewal to reflect on are: am I growing in my relationship with God, experiencing new life (deeper conversion) and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit? Are we active members of our parishes, being humble servants? Are we reaching out with the good news of ongoing conversion and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? As we know the world needs to be evangelized and reminded of what our mission is as Catholics. I would encourage each person, each prayer group, to take time to pray for discernment about ways you can reach out in your Church and greater community. Come Holy Spirit!

I am convinced that the charismatic renewal is an essential voice in our quest to refocus on mission and deepening discipleship. If what Dcn. John says intrigues you, consider checking out the second annual charismatic renewal conference this Nov. 12, "Free to be Holy," at Church of St. Francis, Rochester (9am4pm). The main speaker is Matt Lozano from Heart of the Father Ministries, and the music is provided by Brian Kusek. You can expect inspirational talks, praise and worship music, lunch with new friends, and prayer group ministry. Please register as soon as pos sible at All are welcome, whether you have any connection with Catholic charismatic renewal or not!

In addition, even if you are unable to attend the Nov. 12 conference, everyone is welcome to an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 7 p.m. Nov 12, with a focus on the healing power of the Eucharist. This is also at the Church of St. Francis, and no registration is necessary.

Catholic in Recovery Groups Welcome All

Are you in 12-step recovery from addiction?

We have two active groups in the diocese, ready to welcome you and support you on your journey. These groups are meant to supplement tradi tional 12 step groups with Catholic spirituality and sacramental support. Please reach out to one of the leaders if you want to learn more:

• Austin, Queen of Angels Church (St. Francis room in basement), Thursdays at 7:00pm.

Leaders: Paul: 218-429-1662, or Jane: 218429-1522

• Rochester, Holy Spirit Church, Sundays at 7:30pm. Leader: Peter, at flies.pete@gmail. com or 507-696-7437

There are also Catholic in Recovery groups online if you are not close to Austin or Rochester; see .

If you would like to start a Catholic in Recovery group (or a Friends and Family group, similar to Al-Anon) in your parish, please contact Susan Windley-Daoust at

4 October 2022 w The Courier w

Discerning Our Spiritual Gifts to Serve God and Neighbor

Brothers and sisters:

As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit…. ...Now you are Christ's Body, and individually parts of it. Some people God has designated in the Church to be, first, Apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then, mighty deeds; then gifts of healing, assistance, administration, and varieties of tongues. Are all Apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work mighty deeds? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? Strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts.

-1 Corinthians 12:12-13, 27-31

�reetings of Peace!

In mid-September, over 40 lay people from across our diocese gathered in Winona at the Alverna Center to begin a process of reflection, prayer, and discernment through a partnership of our diocesan INSTITUTE OF LAY FORMATION and the Catherine of Siena Institute. The “Called & Gifted” process, developed by the Catherine of Siena Institute, “is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives. Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God's goodness for people” [].

I would like to offer some background on charisms and the “Called & Gifted” process by shar ing the teaching of Pope Francis on charisms, and by providing some information on these spiritual gifts from the Catherine of Siena Institute.

On October 1, 2014, Pope Francis spoke on the topic of charisms at a General Audience in St. Peter’s Square. He begins in this way: “From the very beginning, the Lord has showered the Church with the gifts of his Spirit, thereby rendering her always vigorous and fruitful with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Among these gifts, some can be identified as especially precious for the edification of, and for the journey of, the Christian community: these are called charisms.”

Our Holy Father then identifies three important elements of the Church’s understanding of charisms:

• First, it is important to recognize the source of these spiritual gifts – they are given by the Holy Spirit as a special grace. Because of this, we can distinguish charisms from natural talents or abilities we have. “In the Christian perspective, a charism is much more than a personal quality, a predisposition that one can be endowed with: a charism is a grace, a gift bestowed by God the Father, through the action of the Holy Spirit.”

• Second, it is also important to understand what

these gifts are given for – not for our personal enrichment, but for the good of others and of the community. “And it is a gift which is given to someone not because he is better than others or because he deserves it; it is a gift that God gives him, because with his freely given love he can place him in service to the entire community, for the good of all.”

• And, third, we come to discern and recognize our charisms, not on our own but only in com munity with one another. “An important thing that should be highlighted immediately is the fact that alone, one cannot understand whether one has a charism, and which one…. It is within the community that the gifts the Father show ers upon us bloom and flourish; and it is in the bosom of the community that one learns to rec ognize them as a sign of love for all his children.”

With this teaching as a foundation, I would share some more specific background on charisms provided by the CATHERINE OF SIENA INSTITUTE ( / 719-219-0056), as found in their brochure on, “Charisms.” [This material is reprinted with permission of the Institute.]

How do charisms differ from natural talents?

“Charisms are not ‘in born,’ that is, inher ited from our parents, but are given to us by the Holy Spirit, whom we received through Baptism and Confirmation. Secondly, charisms are supernaturally empowering. In other words, they enable us to have an effectiveness that surpasses our natural, human abilities…. Finally, we could use a natural talent for an evil purpose, or for our own enjoyment. God will not allow himself to be used for evil, and charisms are always for the benefit of others, rather than ourselves.

“As disciples, we offer our entire selves to God – including our personali ties, natural talents, education, life experiences, and background – to be used for his purposes…. Our natural talents can be wonderful tools for God’s purposes, and sometimes a charism is added to an existing natural talent by the Holy Spirit after an individual has undergone a deepening conversion.

“…We use our charisms together with our natu ral talents and all that we are to serve God and our neighbor.”

Are all baptized Christians given charisms?

“Yes. According to Catholic teaching, it is the faith of the Church that you possess one or more of the charisms (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #951). Our charisms manifest when our faith in God is per sonal, and there is a situation that needs [and] calls for one of the charisms we have been given.”

What is the difference between the traditional seven “Gifts of the Holy Spirit,” the “Fruits of the Holy Spirit,” and charisms?

“There are gifts of the Holy Spirit that we are given to keep and gifts we are given to give away. The traditional ‘seven gifts of the Holy Spirit’ and the ‘fruits’ of the Spirit are gifts given to us to keep. They are part of our inner transformation as Christians and provide the inner ‘Christlikeness’ necessary for the effective use of our charisms (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1830-1832). Charisms, on the other hand, are given to us to give away, and are one of the ways God continues to enter the world through our assent and cooperation. They always benefit other people.”

How many charisms exist?

“There are three primary lists of gifts in the New Testament (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4), and St. Thomas Aquinas lists about 14 charisms in his Summa. We have no reason to believe that these lists are meant to be exhaustive. The Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory (the Institute’s handbook on gifts discernment) covers 24 of the most common charisms, including most of those listed in St. Paul’s letters and St. Thomas' writings.”

To return, in closing, to Pope Francis’ General Audience, he extends this invitation to each of us: “So, each one of us should ask him/herself: ‘Is there a charism that the Lord has endowed me with, by the grace of his Spirit, and that my brothers and sisters in the Christian community have recognized and encouraged? And how do I act with regard to this gift: do I use it with generosity, placing it at the service of everyone, or do I overlook it and end up forgetting about it?’”

And, he concludes by reflecting that charisms are, “bestowed by the Holy Spirit in order that, together, we may all enter the heart of the Gospel and learn to follow Jesus in our life.” Deo Gratias!

The most beautiful experience is the discovery of all the different charisms and all the gifts of his Spirit that the Father showers on his Church! … [T]hey are all gifts that God gives to the Christian community, in order that it may grow in harmony, in the faith and in his love, as one body, the Body of Christ. The same Spirit who bestows this diversity of charisms unites the Church. It is always the same Spirit. Before this multitude of charisms, our heart, therefore, must open itself to joy and we must think: "What a beautiful thing! So many different gifts, because we are all God’s children, all loved in a unique way."

-Pope Francis, General Audience,

October 1, 2014 October 2022 w The Courier w 5 Lay Formation & RCIA

Catholic Schools & Diaconate

Sacred Heart School Is Blessed

Gr. 5-8 math. She lives in Spring Valley on a farm with her husband and two-year-old son, and has been a K-6 STEM (science, technology, engineer ing, math) teacher at Kingsland since September 2018. Jasper has a BS in Education degree from Winona State University. Mr. Koenigs is our phy. ed teacher. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Northern Iowa and lives in Stacyville, IA. Kari Boe is our new kitchen assistant. Kari lives in Taopi with her husband Rod and has had expe rience working at Grand Meadow Public Schools in their food program, at HyVee in the food depart ment and preparing food at Bubbles.

Sacred Heart School has 103 students and 59 families. We look forward to serving our families, their children, and the entire Sacred Heart School community.


t's a new school year, and Sacred Heart School, Adams, is blessed to have an amazing faculty and staff. There is a positive energy within the school building and a dedication to excellence in Catholic education. The faculty and staff have an exciting opportunity to make a difference at Sacred Heart School and to fill our school with the faith and love of Jesus Christ.

Sacred Heart welcomes to our Sacred Heart School family Mrs. Stephanie Coyle, Mrs. Jasper Oeltjen, Mr. Adam Koenigs and Mrs. Kari Boe. Mrs. Coyle is our 6th grade homeroom teacher and teaches Gr. 5-8 science. She lives in Austin with her husband and has 7 children. Stephanie has a degree in food science, agriculture economics and is finishing her teaching degree with a masters from Kansas State University. Mrs. Jasper Oeltjen is our 8th grade homeroom teacher and teaches

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.

-1 Peter 4:10

Darlene Boe is the principal of Sacred Heart School in Adams.

Diaconate Application Process to Begin Soon

family, and a career outside the Church. Following ordination, deacons are usually given a parish assignment by their bishop and often a diocesan or service ministry assignment as well. Deacons do not earn a salary for their diaconal service.

• Thursday, November 10, 7 p.m. at St John the Baptist Church in Mankato

Zoom meeting Sunday, November 13, at 7 p.m.

the Winona-Rochester Diocese Office of the Diaconate will soon begin the process of recruit ing and discerning a fourth class of deacons. Previous classes of deacons in the diocese were ordained in 2005, 2009, and 2020. There are 31 deacons currently active in our diocese, along with a few retired deacons on senior status.

The permanent diaconate was restored by the Second Vatican Council and subsequently approved in 1968 by the US Catholic Bishops. Over the past 50 years, approximately 19,000 per manent deacons have been ordained in the United States.

A deacon is a man, either married or single, who has been ordained to service of the Church. Thus, having received the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the deacon is no longer a layman but a cleric, often living in the secular world with wife,

Deacons are ordained to be icons of Jesus Christ the Servant, diakonia meaning service. The first deacons were ordained by the Apostles for service to the early Church, so it is considered an order in the apostolic line. The order of perma nent deacon was present and active for the first thousand years of the Church but subsequently devolved into a transitional state for those study ing for ordination to the priesthood.

It must be understood that a vocation to the diaconate involves a great deal of prayer and dis cernment from the man, his wife and family, his pastor and parish, his formators throughout his formation process, and his bishop. Most diocesan deacon formation programs are about five years in length before ordination, with continuing forma tion post-ordination.

We are holding a series of informational meet ings to provide an overview of the application process, the five-year program along with what it means to be a deacon. These sessions are open to all.

830 1776 0960,

309 205

• Thursday, November 17, 6:30 p.m. at St John Vianney Church in Fairmont

• Sunday, November 20, 2 p.m. at Holy Spirit Church in Rochester.

If interested in applying for admission into the next formation class (tentative starting date fall of 2023), please come to one of the above ses sions or contact the Diocese of Winona-Rochester Office of the Diaconate at and provide contact information to obtain further details about the prerequisites and the application process.

Deacon John Hust is the director of the Permanent Diaconate Program for the Diocese of WinonaRochester.

October 2022 w The Courier w
Marsha Stenzel Superintendent of Catholic Schools The staff of Sacred Heart School, Adams: (on ramp, L to R) Kari Boe, kitchen assistant; Stephanie Coyle, sixth grade / science; Pam Bamrick, first grade; Deb Wenum, art; Kathy Heimer, second grade; Mikaela Feuerhak, kindergarten; Erin Hoefs, kitchen director; Jasper Oeltjen, eighth grade / math; Tiffany Oeltjen, seventh grade / language arts; (on stairs, L to R) Troy Steinkamp, janitor; Deb Fasbender, third grade; Shannon Drees, administrative assistant; Maggie Weis, fourth grade; Kelli Popenhagen, fifth grade / social studies; Darlene Boe, principal; Father Antony Arokiyam, pastor. Not pictured: Heather Felten, bookkeeper; Jenna Steinkamp, music; Adam Koenigs, phy. ed.
o https://us02web.zoom. us/j/83017760960 o Meeting ID:

Meet Our New Seminarians

�mong the new seminarians of Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary this year are three who are discern ing priesthood for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Please pray for DAVID BAUER, JACOB FIALA and SAM MIRON as they seek God's will for their lives. This month, the Vocations page is dedicated to letting these men introduce themselves in their own words.

nary, I would think about the priesthood and my vocation in some way, shape, or form every day. It’s for the better if you don’t, at least not every day or even every week, because what you (and I) need to realize, is that we are beloved sons of God first. To develop a relation ship with the Lord and simply know you are loved is the first step, starting from scratch in a sense. The second and final piece of advice I will give you is to come to Come and See Weekend! It was such a fun time to learn about daily life here at the seminary and on St. Mary’s campus when I came last spring.

May God’s blessings be upon all of you, and please continue to pray for vocations!

I love the Lord and encountering Him in his cre ation. In my free time, I enjoy all things outdoors, from hunting and fishing to snowboarding down a face of a mountain. If you're looking for me, I'm prob ably outside! I grew up in an active Catholic family where both of my parents serve the Church full time. I have come to know God through the example of my family and the relationships I formed through my high school youth group. Through the years of my life, I have grown to be greatly zealous for the Lord; however, it was not until recently that I have decided to discern the diocesan priesthood.

I come from a unique background of account ing and campus ministry. After graduating from the University of Mary with a degree in accounting in 2016, I worked in corporate America as an accoun tant for three years. Later, I decided to change course and accept a missionary role with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), with whom I served another three years. Since then, I continue to learn how to follow the Lord’s voice and am now actively discerning the priesthood with our Diocese of Winona-Rochester.

I am originally from St. Paul, but have served my last year as a FOCUS missionary for Winona State. While living in Winona, I have fallen in love with our diocese, and that has led me to start discerning the priesthood with the help of Fr. Jason Kern, our vocations director. I have now begun the journey program in La Crosse and am looking forward to the adventure ahead of me.

I am excited to start this journey of discern ing the priesthood and kindly ask for your prayers. Please pray the Lord makes known his will to me and gives me the courage to say yes.

I am from Welcome, MN, and the youngest of three children of my parents, Rodney and Ann Marie. My siblings are my sister Kelsey, 30, and my brother, Caleb, 29. I am 18. I come from the tri-parish cluster of St. Luke’s in Sherburn, Good Shepherd in Jackson, and St. Joseph’s in Lakefield. My pastor is Father Jonathan Fasnacht.

I was always interested in the Mass ever since I was a little kid. Watching the priest and the servers constantly was always entertaining and reward ing to my faith. While I really enjoyed witnessing the role of the priest, I did not fully understand it. Throughout my young childhood I thought about being many different things when I grew up, as most children do. It wasn’t until I was about 13 that my vocation was sparked through a dream I had. That was when I seriously started to consider priesthood. Over those next couple of years, I asked God for more signs. He gave me two, and both of which were serving for Bishop Quinn at my parish when I wasn’t on the list to serve. I continued to ask God for more signs. I received none after that. However, I kept the discernment of the priesthood in the back of my mind. Throughout the following few years, even into the fall of my senior year, my prayer life was up and down. I thought about going into clinical psychol ogy, and eventually getting married. Then, October of my senior year came. I went to visit St. Mary’s and Father Kern here at IHM, and I wasn’t expecting anything except to keep my options open. The week prior, though, there was a feeling of unsettlement in my heart. So I went, saw Father Kern and a brother seminarian of mine, Riley Becher, and Riley shared his story to me. I shared mine with the two of them, and as one thing led to another, I finally confided in the Lord, confessing this is where I want to be, and this is where He needs me to be.

I’ve always felt the urge to help people in need. I was one of those kids who just naturally made a lot of friends, sometimes realizing I had too many because as life goes on, most of those secondary connections die out. However, I’ve always wanted to be updated on a lot of my friends’ lives, because I wanted to make sure they were doing okay. That’s one (out of many) thing that has inspired my call to the priesthood. To be present when someone needs it. Whether that is counseling, confession, the Eucharist, or the dying/grieving, I want to be there in the name of Christ.

If there is any advice I can give to those discern ing, it would be to not be so focused on actually becoming a priest. That probably sounds very con fusing. It is, at first. Most days before entering semi

I en�oy snowboardin�, dirt biking, and most of all fishing. I could do these activities morning, noon and night. I also enjoy learning new things, and I am not afraid to get my hands dirty.

I am from a small town in SE Minnesota called Chatfield. I live on a hobby farm with my two loving parents and my siblings - more specifically, my five older brothers, two younger sisters, and a younger brother. This arrangement taught me to be patient and loving.

I have always thought being a priest would be such a cool life. Then, when I got older, when I was in Confirmation class, falling asleep. I awoke to the yelling, then whispering, of, I assume, the Holy Spirit, saying PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTHOOD, PRIESthood, priesthood, priesthood. Then I looked around, and it was just a normal class. Following this class, I took this message home with me and prayed about it. To my astonishment, when next week's Confirmation class rolled around, it was about the priesthood and religious life. From that day on I have been living my life with Jesus as the focal point. I find the selfless ness and caring qualities of all Catholic priests so attractive and prevalent today. To put it simply, I love to serve others and help others grow closer to God.

It is such a joy to be entering the seminary. I love to just listen and learn. There is so much to learn and so many ways to grow, whether it be in life or faith. All the support and love that I received when I left back home makes me also feel great about entering the seminary. My heart just feels at peace, and I am truly happy. In summary, I am so glad that the Lord chose me.

David Bauer Jacob Fiala Sam Miron
7 October 2022 w The Courier w

The Diocesan Year of the National Eucharistic Revival

The Good

the National Eucharistic Revival has begun! Launched on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or Corpus Christi, the first year invites diocesan staff, bishops, and priests to what Pope Francis has described as “a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ”—particularly the trans forming power and mercy of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Each Diocese will offer events that encourage the faith ful to grow in their understanding and devotion to Christ in the Eucharist, complemented by formation and resources that will raise up Eucharistic Missionaries at all levels of the Church! The Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s plan for the Diocesan Year is being guided by the Three Transcendentals: The Good, The True, and The Beautiful. The Three Transcendentals represent what every human being longs for, and they point to what exists beyond space and time. Below is a snapshot of the Diocesan Plan

Youth Ministry & Faith Formation

of evangelization alive, the pope said it was impor tant to remain open to the Holy Spirit, "who renews hearts, renews life, renews the church and renews the world."

The pope recalled the example of the many

In the early days of Christianity, it was the moral goodness of Christ's followers that brought many to belief.

• Mercy Sundays are opportunities during Advent and/or Lent for each parish to highlight a social ministry they already participates in (i.e. Ministry to the Homebound, St. Vincent de Paul, Prayer Shawls, etc.) and invites parishioners to be involved as the hands and feet of Christ.

• Eucharistic Missionaries will be named and trained from each deanery to help build Parish Teams for the Parish Year that begins on Corpus Christi 2023.

The True

You cannot love what you do not know.

• A Diocesan Eucharistic Congress will be held in spring or early summer of the Diocesan Year. Dates and Location TBD. This Congress will help train Eucharistic Missionaries to be sent out for the Parish Year in 2023-2024.

Various Catechetical Opportunities will take place, such as the Emmaus Year for the Institute of Lay Formation. See our website for a list of scheduled events.

Vocational awareness will be woven throughout the Revival highlighting existing opportunities, such as Camp Summit, and offering new ones.

The Beautiful

There is nothing more beautiful than the dying and rising of Jesus Christ.

A Diocesan-wide Eucharistic Procession will take Jesus in the Eucharist to all parishes for Corpus Christi Sunday parish processions.

Eucharistic Adoration will be provided in each deanery, such as the Vigil Project coming to Rochester early March and during the Traveling Eucharistic Miracles Display.

The Traveling Eucharistic Miracles Display is a Vatican exhibit that will move from east to west during Easter 2023 throughout the dio cese. A complete schedule will be available on our website by Jan. 1, 2023.

For more information on The Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s involvement in the National Eucharistic Revival, visit www. To view the National website, visit www.

young saints in the Catholic Church who have and continue to "build up the church with their witness." He also emphasized the need for the church "to learn to not be paternalistic" and to keep young people engaged and involved.

"Sometimes we involve young people in pastoral initiatives, but not to the full extent. We risk 'using' them a little, to make a good impression. But I won der: Do we really listen to them?" the pope asked.

Pope Francis encouraged the Shalom commu

In future issues of The Courier, we will feature Eucharistic Testimonies that tell of the beauty and power of encountering Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist. Please consider sharing your testimony on how you have met Jesus in the Eucharist either through the Courier or by sharing with a friend. All are called to participate in this Revival by tell ing the Good News that Jesus Christ, present in the Eucharist, is Lord!

Please join us in prayer with our Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, present to us in the Most Holy Eucharist. In Your unfathomable love You sent Your Only Son, so that by His Passion, Death, and Resurrection He might free us from sin and gain for us eternal life. Through baptism we become Your adopted sons and daughters, members of the Body of Christ, the Church.

Lord Jesus Christ, at the Last Supper You instituted the Eucharist, when You gave the apostles Your Body and Blood and commanded them to do this in memory of You. As we continue to celebrate this Sacrament at every Mass, enkindle in us a burning love for Your Real Presence. Increase our faith so that we may always believe that You are truly pres ent, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, in the Most Holy Eucharist, and that through partaking in this pre cious gift You strengthen us to live as Your disciples.

Holy Spirit, pour out on us an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, and to worship and adore Him with our entire lives. Help us to approach the Mass and Holy Communion with greater devo tion, and to make time for silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Enkindle in our young people a love for the Church and the Eucharist, and raise up many holy and faithful priests who by their service at the altar will continue to nourish the people of our diocese with the Bread of Eternal Life.

We ask for the intercession of all the angels and saints, especially Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, that this Eucharistic Revival may be a time of spiritual fruitfulness for the Diocese of WinonaRochester and the whole Church, so that all hearts may be transformed by the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and come to know Him as the Source and Summit of their lives.

Blessed Carlo Acutis, patron of the National Eucharistic Revival, pray for us! Amen.

nity's members to be "docile to the action of the Holy Spirit" and to be open to listening to each other and the church "in order to best discern how to continue on your journey."

Such actions "will teach you to ensure that the various forms of common life within (your move ment) always protect the proper autonomy and needs of different vocations: of priests, of married people and those who have made a choice of celibacy for the mission," he said.

October 2022 w The Courier w 8
Creative Courage, cont'd from pg. 2
9 October 2022 w The Courier w

Life, Marriage & Family

MOMS Fight for Abortion Regulation

The following is reprinted with permis sion from The Catholic Spirit, newspa per of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis.

a group of mothers filed a motion to intervene in Ramsey County District Court Sept. 12, two months after a judge ruled July 13 that six laws regulat ing abortion in Minnesota were unconstitutional

under the state constitution. The laws struck down included a 24-hour waiting period and requirements affecting minors, including parental notification for abortion-seeking girls under age 18.

Teresa Collett, a law professor at the University of St. Thomas’ Minneapolis campus, serves as lead counsel to “Mothers Offering Maternal Support,” a group of about 50 mothers of at least one minor daughter, who filed a motion Sept. 12 to intervene in Dr. Jane Doe, et al. v. State of Minnesota.

She said she found it “astounding” that in three

Minnesota Catholic Conference Inside the Capitol

The Church as a Thermostat

years of litigation, Attorney General Keith Ellison failed to consider a fact known to every parent of a teenager: They often make risky decisions and are susceptible to stress and pressure.

MOMS held a news conference at the Minnesota State Capitol Sept. 13, where Collett and three mem bers of MOMS spoke. Renee Carlson, general counsel for Minneapolis-based True North Legal, which sup ports the MOMS group’s effort, emceed the news conference.

“We are optimistic that the district court judge will, in fact, allow us to enter the case, reopen the judgment and allow us to defend these laws that the attorney general failed to defend,” Collett said.

The Minnesota Catholic Conference and other pro-life groups support MOMS’ efforts, said Jason Adkins, MCC’s executive director and general coun sel. A decision on the motion is expected relatively soon, he said.

Mothers who have at least one minor daughter and are interested in becoming involved with the MOMS group can email

being asked and what is being ignored. For example, the State Fair poll neglects to ask questions about a spectrum of life issues, whether it be about leg islation that would support mothers in crisis preg nancies, improving family economics, or improving the quality of end-of-life care. Yet, when the poll addresses issues such as recreational marijuana use and school choice, the issues are not framed through a lens that brings into focus the impacts on human dignity and the common good.


n his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King makes an observation about the impact the early Christians had in the public square stating, “there was a time when the church was very power ful… the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opin ion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society.”

Every summer the Minnesota House and Senate Information Offices offer a thermometer to our legislators. Via their State Fair opinion polls, the nonpartisan staff encourage fairgoers to weigh in on

a mix of hot-button issues and issues that may not have been addressed but could emerge in the next legislative session. Because the fair draws voters from a wide range of geographic and socio-economic backgrounds, legislators readily admit that they pay attention to the questions and results as means to “take the temperature” of the state’s electorate.

The state fair poll can be a useful thermometer for Minnesota Catholics too. The poll is unscientific— there is nothing to prevent any one individual from submitting multiple responses—so the real utility for Catholics comes from examining the questions

The longer the culture is running cold or hot on an issue it can begin to feel normal even if it demotes life, dignity, and the common good. Therefore, we need the Church and all Her members to be ther mostats. Catholics can be the ones to help bring the culture back into a stasis that allows for human flourishing by ensuring vital issues are not mischar acterized or overlooked.

One way to be that thermostat is to start asking your legislative candidates the questions that mat ter to the Bishops and the Church in Minnesota. By doing this, you can help them begin to better under stand what issues are important to the Catholics they are vying to represent. To help you do this, the Minnesota Catholic Conference created a question naire for you to send to your State Legislative candi dates. The questionnaire features 11 questions that cover a spectrum of life issues and more.

Legislators’ longstanding affirmation of the state fair poll’s utility proves they want to know what their constituents care about. So, let’s make sure that as we help inform our legislators and candidates, we aren’t just providing a passive temperature reading, but that we are actively helping to change the tem perature by ensuring the right questions are being asked.

You can download your free copies of the can didate questionnaires by visiting www.mncatho You can view the complete State Fair poll results at www.mncatholic. org/2022_state_fair_poll_results.

October 2022 w The Courier w 10
of Life, Marriage & Family and Communications
Teresa Collett, center, a law professor at the University of St. Thomas in the Twin Cities, talks during a press conference at the State Capitol Sept. 13 by a group of mothers known col lectively as MOMS — Mothers Offering Maternal Support. At left is Renee Carlson, general counsel for Minneapolis-based True North Legal, who served as emcee of the press confer ence. Photo by Dave Hrbacek, The Catholic Spirit


11 October 2022 w The Courier w
Aaron Lofy
Director of Young Adult Ministry
Adult Ministry

12 Bishop of New Ulm, cont'd from pg. 1

Monsignor Douglas L. Grams has served as diocesan administrator since 2020.

There will be a Celebration of Solemn Vespers (prayer service) on Monday, September 26 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New Ulm, with a reception immediately following in the church basement. Everyone is wel come to attend. Vespers will be live streamed at

“I am most grateful to our Holy Father for entrust ing me to serve as the shepherd of the Diocese of New Ulm,” said Bishop Zielinski. “As I leave the vast expanse of Northern Alaska, I am fully aware of the countless blessings I received from 46 parish es. The faithful of the entire Diocese of Fairbanks patiently helped form me to be the shepherd I am today. Our Native Alaskan brothers and sis ters have opened my mind and heart to the cultural beauty and richness of their traditional way of life. I come to the Diocese of New Ulm with the same open heart and mind, eager to learn and encounter new blessings as I visit parishes and families in this beautiful prairie land of south and west-central Minnesota. Guided by the Holy Spirit, together we continue our journey of faith into a new era of peace filled with hope in Jesus Christ.”

Bishop Zielinski is a native of Detroit, Michigan, born on September 8, 1964. He is the son of Linda and the late Donald Zielinski of Alpena, Michigan, and is the oldest in a family of five children. After graduating from Alpena High School in 1982, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and, while stationed in Idaho, attended Boise State College and Park College. Having completed his tour of duty in 1986, he entered Mount Angel Seminary in St. Benedict, Oregon, where he earned a bachelor’s degree with honors in Philosophy in 1989. He was accepted as a seminarian for the Diocese

of Gaylord and entered Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit to complete his spiritual formation and theological studies, receiving his Master of Divinity degree in 1996. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 8, 1996, by Bishop Patrick R. Cooney at St. Mary Cathedral in Gaylord.

Following the ter rorist attacks of 2001, and aware of the great need for Catholic mili tary chaplains, Bishop Cooney released him to serve in the Archdiocese for the Military Services. In 2002, he began his chaplaincy at Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota.

From 2003 to 2005, he was sta tioned in Suffolk, England, before returning to the U.S. and being assigned to HQ Air Force Recruiting Service at Randolph Air Force Base in Schertz, Texas. In 2009, he was appointed Roman Catholic Cadet Chaplain at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In 2012 he was called to Alaska to serve as chaplain to the 354th Fighter Wing at Eielson Air Force Base in Fairbanks, Alaska. In the course of his military career, Bishop Zielinski served three tours of duty in war zones, includ ing Iraq and Afghanistan. He received numerous military awards and decora tions for his service and was promoted to Major in July 2013.

On December 15, 2014, he was ordained and installed as the sixth bish op of the Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska. Following his installation, he served two years in the reserves at Eielson Air Force Base and retired as a Major on January 1, 2017.

On July 12, 2022, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Zielinski as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of New Ulm.

Christine Clancy is the Director of Communications for the Diocese of New Ulm.

Coat of Arms of The Most Reverend Chad W. Zielinski Fifth Bishop of New Ulm

The following is a basic explanation of Bishop Chad W. Zielinski’s coat of arms, which, upon his installation as bishop of New Ulm, is merged with the diocesan crest, which was established in 1957 under Bishop Alphonse J. Schladweiler. The diocesan crest is represented on the shield to the viewer’s left, and Bishop Zielinski’s personal crest is represented on the right.

Wide-brimmed Hat: The green, wide-brimmed pilgrim's hat is part of traditional heraldry or the design of a coat of arms. Also known as a “galero,” the hat was once commonly worn by Church prelates. The symbol includes chords and “fiocchi,” or tassels. A bishop’s coat of arms includes six tassels on each side of the shield.

The Processional Cross: The display of a cross behind the shield is used to denote a bishop. The cross of an ordinary bishop has a single horizontal bar or traverse, also known as a Latin cross.

The Thistles: The thistles are reflective of the bishop's family background of his mother, whose roots come from Scotland and Ireland.

The Phoenix: In the art of heraldry, the phoenix represents "Something that was thought to have been lost, but reappears in a new splendor." For the Christian faithful, this is fulfilled per fectly in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The bishop selected the phoenix rising from the fires as a reminder of the challenges of combat as he witnessed men and women make countless sac rifices for our country's freedom. "They still carry the memories of war within them, and I have the continued honor to walk with them in a journey of healing to be born again through the grace of God into a new path of hope and light." The phoenix is also similar in appearance to the Polish eagle, which is representa tive of the family background of the bishop’s father.

Field of Blue: The field of blue on the right side of the crest is presentative of the deep blue waters of the Great Lakes. Raised in the small community of Alpena, Mich., located on the shores of Lake Huron, the bishop finds the water refreshing, peaceful, and life-giving - a clear reminder of our baptism. The water also produces a great amount of fish that sustain life as we hear about the Apostles in the Gospels going out into the deep at the command of the Lord and receiving an abundance. The blue background also reminds the bishop of his years of serving in Northern Alaska, looking at Mt Denali towering into the rich blue heavens.

Motto: Bishop Zielinski adopted the phrase expressing the words of John the Baptist (John 3:30), "He must increase, I must decrease."

October 2022 w The Courier w

CRS Launches Campaign for Greater Catholic Response to Climate Change

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Working with small farmers in the Horn of Africa, Yohannes Subagadis with Catholic Relief Services keeps hearing how difficult it is for growers to raise even minimal crops for their families to live on let alone to have extra to take to market.

For 40 farming seasons and counting, farmers tell Subagadis, the rainfall that once was so dependable isn't so any more. Such uncertainty makes it difficult to predict the best time for planting.

When it does rain, it's often not enough. Other times the rain that falls over a day or two equals what once fell over three or four months -- and then not again for weeks on end. Livestock are parched and grazing lands are little more than stubble.

Subagadis, an Ethiopian who serves as Africa coordinator for CRS' livelihood and landscape pro gram, attributes the challenges 22 million people in the region are facing to climate change as rising tem peratures alter weather patterns globally.

He spoke to Catholic News Service in advance of the Oct. 4 launch of a CRS campaign to build greater Catholic response to climate change and foster great er awareness of how climate change affects vulner able communities.

"The Horn of Africa has become one of the most vulnerable to climate change," he told CNS. "When climate change meets poverty like it does in the Horn of Africa, it is a kind of perfect storm of challenges."

The deep poverty in the region that encom passes Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan and South Sudan prevents people from having access to technology that might help them predict when it's best to plant and better manage drought conditions, Subagadis added.

The situation in East Africa he described and similar conditions in poor communities worldwide has prompted CRS, the U.S. bishops' overseas humani tarian aid and development agency, to embark on its new climate campaign.

The initiative will involve social media, education, prayer, study guides and opportunities for people to call on federal officials and members of Congress to implement meaningful policies in response to climate change, said Bill O'Keefe, the agency's executive vice president for mission, mobilization and advocacy.

Such outreach is necessary, O'Keefe told CNS, because the communities most affected by climate

Pope Tells Putin: Stop the War

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- With "rivers of blood and tears" still flowing in Ukraine and with the increasing threat of the use of nuclear weapons, Pope Francis begged Russian President Vladimir Putin: "Stop this spiral of violence and death."

With the situation being "so serious, devastating and threatening," the pope did not offer his customary commentary on the day's Gospel reading before recit ing the Angelus prayer Oct. 2. Instead, he focused on the war and the "terrible and inconceivable wound" it is inflicting on humanity.

While constantly calling for peace and offering prayers for the victims since the war began in late February, the pope drew attention in his talk to "the serious situation that has arisen in recent days with further actions contrary to the principles of interna tional law," a clear reference to Putin's announcement Sept. 30 that Russia was annexing four occupied ter ritories in Ukraine.

change have done the least to cause global tempera tures to rise.

"Right now we have a global food crisis. Climate is a huge and principal driver of that crisis. We felt it's an important time in human history to call and invite the Catholic population and others of goodwill to come together to take action on climate change," he said.

Supporting the effort are the results of an August survey of American attitudes on climate change that CRS commissioned.

Survey results were released during an online news conference on the Oct. 4 feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The date also marked the close of the Season of Creation.

Conducted by the firm Big Village, the survey found that a large majority of the 2,009 respondents -- 81% -- are very or somewhat concerned about the impact of climate change in the U.S. and worldwide.

The margin of error is plus or minus 2.2 percent age points.

O'Keefe said the results show that Catholics are motivated to act in response to climate change and are interested in doing so.

The campaign will provide various resources and stories of people struggling in response to a changing climate from around the world through a dedicated webpage: mate-change.

O'Keefe said CRS also is collaborating with Caritas Internationalis as the Vatican agency works with vul nerable people around the world to promote actions to mitigate climate change.

Survey results broke down respondents by age and ethnicity and whether they were Catholic or nonCatholic. Generally, younger generations, Hispanics and Blacks, and Catholics expressed more concern about the effects of climate change and were more likely to support action to address it in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Concern about how climate change affects the U.S. was higher among Catholics (85%) than nonCatholics (79%). Concern over climate change effects worldwide measured a bit lower among both Catholics (78%) and non-Catholics (74%).

More than half of all respondents (55%) said that the U.S. has a responsibility to help other countries suffering from the effects of climate change.

The survey also found that events such as

The decision, the pope told people in St. Peter's Square, "increases the risk of nuclear escalation to the point of fears of uncontrollable and catastrophic consequences worldwide."

"My appeal is addressed first of all to the presi dent of the Russian Federation, begging him to stop this spiral of violence and death, also for the sake of his people," the pope said.

But "saddened by the immense suffering of the Ukrainian people as a result of the aggression suffered," Pope Francis also appealed to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy "to be open" to any "serious peace proposals."

The pope also asked world leaders "to do every thing in their power to put an end to the ongoing war, without allowing themselves to be drawn into dangerous escalations, and to promote and support initiatives for dialogue."

While remembering Ukraine's "thousands of vic tims," including children, the destruction and the displacement of millions of people, Pope Francis also spoke of specifics.

"Some actions can never be justified. Never!" the pope said.

drought-induced famines, catastrophic widespread flooding and globalization are events that would drive Americans to act in response to climate change.

"One of the key points that we learned is just how Catholics compared to other people are concerned about the effects of climate change and believe that it deserves a collective response," O'Keefe said.

"I think that's because of our concern for the common good," he added. "We are able, as Catholics, to make this empathet ic connection between fires in California, hurricanes in Florida and South Carolina and floods in Pakistan."

During the news conference Oct. 4, Lheslye Pérez, chief of party for CRS in Guatemala, said communities throughout the Central American country can no longer depend on the rains to fall during a specific period as they have for genera tions.

"In Guatemala, it rains sometimes more than expected and sometimes it doesn't rain at all," she said.

the World

Pointing to hurricanes Eta and Iota, which inundated the country in November 2020, Pérez said poor moun tainous communities such as Chrotis continue to struggle to grow crops, find adequate clean water supplies and rebuild housing.

"The forest families, the most vulnerable, are the ones who bear the consequences of climate change," Pérez said. "They are the ones using less resources without basic services, but they are the ones expe riencing losing everything an event originated by climate change happens."

O'Keefe reiterated to the online news conference participants that church teaching holds that every one has a responsibility to respond to the challenges posed by climate change to poor communities.

Citing a World Bank estimate, he said an addition al 100 million people around the world will be pushed into poverty if climate change goes unaddressed.

"With just eight years left for us to take collec tive action and before these most devastating effects become irreversible, we must use every day wisely," O'Keefe said. "That's why we're urgently working to ensure people living in poverty, those most impacted by climate change, are able to manage risks, recover, adapt and build their resilience in the face of this escalating threat."

"It's distressing that the world is learning the geography of Ukraine through names like Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol, Izium, Zaporizhzhia and other towns that have become places of suffering and indescrib able fear," the pope said, referring to cities previously occupied by Russian troops and where mass graves were found once the areas were liberated.

"And what about the fact that humanity is once again faced with the atomic threat?" the pope asked. "It is absurd."

"How much blood still must flow before we understand that war is never a solution, only destruc tion?" the pope asked thousands of people gathered in the square for the midday prayer.

"In the name of God and in the name of the sense of humanity that dwells in every heart," he said, "I renew my call for an immediate ceasefire."

Pope Francis prayed for a negotiated settlement of the conflict, one that is "not imposed by force, but agreed, just and stable."

A just solution, he said, must be "based on respect for the sacred value of human life, as well as the sov ereignty and territorial integrity of each country, and the rights of minorities and legitimate concerns."

13 October 2022 w The Courier w

Synod on Synodality 2021-2023 Our Diocesan Summary

The following is available, along with other resources, at index.html.

the Diocese of Winona- Rochester is incredibly pleased with the amount of participation we had for the listening sessions for Synod 2021-2023. In total, 51 parishes or groups contributed comments from their conversations. As a reference, we have 44 pastors in our diocese. While we attempted to hold gath erings for those on the peripher ies, these were not very successful. Even so, we had one group of people with disabilities, two meetings of consecrated persons, two meetings of univer sity students, and the rest took place in par ishes. The most common response from our facilitators was how pleased they were at how the process went. One facilitator said: “People appreciated that the Synod was a ‘grass roots’ process where ordinary parishioners have the chance to express opinions, thoughts, concerns, and feelings. This was a ‘bottom up’ effort. We understand it is coming from Pope Francis. We very much applaud the Synod process and believe the Pope wants to address the overall health and long-term viability of the Church. Someone said perhaps we have too much of a ‘good enough’ attitude and should challenge ourselves to say ‘It could be better if...’”

Our Bishop had set a precedent years ago by requesting that all meetings held in the dio cese begin with a time of prayer. A two-hour meeting, for example, should be proceeded by a half-hour of prayer by all the participants. The request then, for the listening sessions to begin with a time of prayer was common for many. Besides the fact that the experience was a pleasant one, the second most positive response in our collected summaries was that many people requested that these listening sessions would continue. The gathering of parishioners to pray, talk and listen was very well received and, because of the opportunity it afforded to strengthen community, many facilitators and participants discussed concrete ways in which these sessions could be continued in the future. Many of the respondents acknowledged the importance of giving room for the Holy Spirit to move hearts and minds. As a result, many learned things about individuals’ faith from long-time parishioners they had not heard before. The Holy Spirit also allowed diverging opinions to arise with the result, not of discord, but deeper understanding.

There were many common deficiencies noted as well. Many of the summaries reported on the lack of youth and young adults among the participants. The lack of a younger audi

ence at the listening sessions presented for many a challenge that has been ongoing in the parishes: attracting and maintaining the par ticipation of the next generation in parish life. One of the responses pointed out: “There was an overwhelming feeling that we need to get our youth involved in our parishes and hear their thoughts, be more intentional with discussions with others, to ask more direct questions, and to share personal experiences of how communion and God have changed our lives.” Another group that was clearly missing from the listening ses sions were those “on the peripheries.”

Overall, the listening sessions provided an opportunity for people to come together and recognize the common love that we have for the Church. Even if someone came to air their griev ances with one thing or another, they did so because they want to see growth in the Church and because they want to see the Church as a credible witness in our world that is in such great need of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When the participants discussed the decreas ing number of people attending Mass and living their faith, it seemed to come out of a desire for others to know what they know of the love of God. A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together:” How is this “jour neying together” happening today in your par ticular Church? What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together”?

A great deal of those who attended the lis tening sessions felt a sense of belonging, but this was tempered by the fact that many of the participants were older. When they were faced with the declining attendance numbers many agreed that we need to do a better job of invit ing others. Some went so far as to acknowledge that those who took part in the synod shared a strong sense of belonging, but they were also the ones who are already very involved in ecclesial life. Several recommendations were made for this. A lot of those responses revolved around activities already part of parish life: din ners, social groups, improving faith formation. Yet others went outside the box to talk about evangelization. As was noted by one group, if we meet people in their place in life, that is what will lead to growth in the Church. One of the facilitators remarked: “Some attendees noted that they would expand their mission for the church but lack comfort in their knowledge or qualifications to do so.”

Our diocese is quite rural in its makeup and so the sense of belonging comes natural to the older generation. The younger generation, for the most part, moves away from the rural areas and so that affects the average age of many of our rural parishes.

In terms of journeying together, the synod process was an eye-opening experience. Many

people had a general idea that attendance was down and that the way things were done in the past can no longer sustain the way things are now, but they were able to hear from others about how that directly affects their parish.

One of the relatively new challenges that will direct the way our parishes journey togeth er is the lack of priestly vocations. Gone is the day when more than one priest is available in the rectory. Now our priests are spread out over several parishes and our laity recognizes the need to work with our pastors so that the mis sionary work of spreading the Good News does not just get delegated to him.

There is a mix of parishes who are happy with their priests, and those who are frustrated. Those who are happy tended to note the diffi culties for a parish that cycles through pastors quickly. There is a desire among participants to have priests who are transparent, good com municators and preachers, collaborators with laity, teachers of the faith, and men of prayer. There is also a strong desire for longer tenures for pastors. One facilitator summarized what was said in their listening session: “Regarding the effectiveness of communication within the church, members felt that communication from the top down was adequate but they felt a real void in communication from the parishioners to the upper levels of the church.”

Several groups have recommended allow ing priests to marry and to allow women to be ordained priests. One of the participants went so far as to say: “the hypocrisy of the Church is also a strong force keeping people away or driving them away from the practice of their religion. For example, women are the backbone of the church at the local level, but they are not at the table when decisions are made by bish ops and priests.” Not going so far as women’s ordination, the desire is clear: that women have more direct consultation with Church hierarchy and are included in decision-making at every level. Others recommend better training for lay staff and volunteers to share the load. Still others recommend a return to Latin Mass and hymns and celebrating Mass ad orientem as solutions to the priest shortage.

With that in mind, people recognized the good work of the many organizations in our dio cese: Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters, St. Vincent De Paul, just to name a few. These organizations assist in caring for the needs of others and they also help to build up a stronger community in our parishes. They also are the ones responsible most often for the homebound visits when communion is brought to the sick and elderly. Many of the events that take place in our parishes are because of these organizations of men and women who dedicate their service

October 2022 w The Courier w 14 In the Diocese
Synod, cont'd on next page


to the needs of others.

As a consequence of the lack of priests and decreased attendance, some of our parishes have had to close and many of them have been “clustered”. This can be a struggle for parishes who are proud of the traditions that are par ticular to them. Some would like to see their parish reopen. Several people who have experi enced parish mergers thought that the process of merger (“closure”) was cold and unhelpful in the process of healing and growing in faith in another parish community.

In many cases, these parishes have already learned the synodal way because they have had to listen to one another and decide how to work together and how to exist while having shared resources. These clusters learn what it means to journey together and they learn to be grateful for the gifts that they have. Although it is always difficult to see a parish close, many people rec ognize that the circumstances in our rural areas have caused this. They also recognize the need for more priests.

In terms of the needs of the parishes in the diocese, many people were very pleased with the way their parish was already going. Those who expressed areas in need of improvement spoke primarily of the need to reach out to those on the margins and young families. Our parishes all feel that they do well in serving those who already attend the church, but most people admitted the need to reach out and to welcome in those who either have fallen away or those who have never been in a Catholic Church. Several suggested that a key to growing the Church is rooted in the charity we extend to

others after we leave Mass. This charity is not necessarily meant to result in converts, but it is to be the fruit of the Eucharist we have received.

If we become who we are meant to be, and all the baptized accept and grow in their proper roles, the desired growth will happen.

A frequently seen need that was uncovered in this process is a more efficient way to pass on the truth of the faith. Faith Formation is seen as a great need because many people believe that younger people would stay connected to the Church if they better understood the beauty and the truth of the Church’s teaching. Very often young people recognize that the average church-goer is unable to explain the reason for their faith. This lack of proper catechesis often leads people to arrive at a variety of con clusions. One of our participants said it well:

“What are the core values/edicts/precepts of the Church? What is the balance between being too rigid or too lax? Multiple interpretations out there of what is acceptable/not acceptable.”

It is a real sadness of many participants that so many youth are never seen in Church after Confirmation. Many adults expressed the desire to grow in their understanding of the faith as well.

The need for stronger prayer lives was men tioned several times. Participants recognized the need for a strong prayer life and were grate ful for opportunities to pray during times of Adoration and during the Mass. The Liturgy was pointed to as being a great draw to converts, but it goes hand in hand with having a solid cat echesis. The more we stick to the will of Christ by sticking to the Gospel message, the more appealing our witness will be.

Several mentioned the importance of the Eucharist. A desire was expressed that a greater emphasis be placed on the Eucharist. Eucharistic processions, adoration and a more extensive catechesis around it were all called for. Respondents’ desires around the Eucharist

Autumn Fills Your Basket With Abundant Produce

This �rowin� season Holy Trinity Parish Garden Project donated over 1,250 pounds of vegetables and fruits, plus 70 tomato plants to Winona Volunteer Services/Food Shelf.

were particularly varied. Hopes were expressed by participants that we welcome all at the Eucharistic table, that Communion be made available to all-or more inclusiveand that the celebration of the Latin Mass, ad orientem, become more common in our diocese (again, the desires were quite varied).

Finally, people attending expressed a wide variety of desired emphases or changes that they felt would help us better journey bet ter together: A greater hospital ity towards people with same sex attraction and the LBGTQ commu nity (some would like to see a fuller acceptance of these individuals as they are, while others feel like noth ing is being done to minister to them or help them understand their path in the Church), the opportunity for married priests or women priests or deacons, a greater involvement of women in leadership in the Church, a Church that would be more involved in social justice initiatives, an easier route for divorced and re-married to receive Communion, the return to old traditions such as Latin Mass and Communion rails, an increase of Marian devotion both private and public. One of our participants pointed out what was on her mind: “Spending so much money on buildings, and not much on community outreach. Are we being true to Christ’s teachings?”

The pre-synodal diocesan synthesis includ ed a lively discussion about the need for our pastors and our laity to work together in build ing up the Church. It was clear that they recog nized the need for their pastors to have more assistance in their duties, but it was also clear that this idea of being co-responsible for the Lord’s vineyard was new and that the rules of collaboration were not clear. The listening ses sions helped people to realize that the priests and the laity are not working together as well as they should be. Parish councils have mixed results and, depending on the priest, they may be heard or they may seem to be ignored. Parish Councils are an appropriate and likely vehicle for the continuation of the synodal process in our parishes and diocese. Many people desired greater clarity as to how we could be co-respon sible and co-workers. Again, there was great appreciation for the synod listening sessions. It was said more than once: "This is a good start, and we need to do more of this open dialog and take action to improve."

For a diocese that has just received a new Bishop, we recognize that this will affect the timing of how we utilize the results of the Diocesan Synod. We do expect to share this with Bishop Barron as a way of introduction to the diocese. The Holy Spirit is clearly calling our diocese to make more Missionary Disciples and it is a blessing to know that we have so many who are already disciples of Christ. We pray that the results of this Synod process will help us to recognize the gifts that we have and to know how best to utilize these gifts to further the Kingdom of God.

15 October 2022 w The Courier w In the Diocese
Members of the Holy Trinity Parish Garden Project are: (front row, L to R) Lisa Donald, Allie Donald, Bonnie Kalmes, (back row-Mary Jane Vogel, Rebecca McCormick, Louise Kalmes, Father Chinnappa Pothireddy and Chris Klein. Not pictured are: Duane Klein, Mike Kalmes, Sandy & Tom Hengel, Jane & Roger Maschka, Maureen Speltz, Sr. Anne Walch, Sr. Marlys Jax, Mark Schmit, Ken Lindeman. Chris Klein is a member of Holy Trinity Parish in Rollingstone.
cont'd from pg. 14

Upcoming Events

Basilica of St. Stanislaus

Kostka, Winona

October 16, Sunday St. John Nepomucene Parish will hold its annual Fall Festival in the Basilica's Church Hall (603 E 4th St in Winona) from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch avail able, along with Big Ticket, gift card raffle, quilt/cash raffle, silent auction, kids' games. Big Ticket winners drawn at 3 p.m. The public is invited to join us!

St. Joseph the Worker Church, Mankato

October 16, Sunday Fall Festival 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Live music by Bullypulpit Band. Bingo, raffles, silent auc tion, kids' games, petting zoo,

corn pit & more. Breaded pork cutlet on a bun or sloppy joe, mashed or oven-roasted pota toes, coleslaw and dessert. All are welcome! 423 W 7th St. in Mankato.

St. Joseph Church, Owatonna

October 29, Saturday Seven Sisters Apostolate morning of reflection, Graced and Embraced: His Gift of Silence. 8 a.m. Mass followed by speakers: Janette Howe, apostolate foundress; Lola Baxter, Seven Sisters dioc esan coordinator; and Fr. Jim Starasinich, pastor of St. Joseph Parish. Light breakfast and lunch available. Free-will

donations welcome. RSVP by Oct. 24 to parish office (507451-4845 or Bridget (612867-2673 - text friendly) or SevenSistersWinonaRocheste

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

October 29-30, SaturdaySunday

Cathedralfest all weekend. Saturday night: sloppy joes and walking tacos served 5:30 p.m., followed by Bingo at 7. Sunday activities 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. $10 chicken dinners served until gone. Both days include Silent auction and Big Ticket for more than $4,000 in cash prizes and handmade quilts. Crafts and baked goods for purchase. Silent Auction ends 1:30 p.m. Sunday. Big Ticket drawn at 2 p.m. Sunday. Info at

St. Agnes Church, Kellogg

October 30, Sunday

Drive-Thru Fall Turkey

Dinner & Raffles, served 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. or until gone.

Turkey dinner with all trim mings in St. Agnes Parish Hall. Country store, bake sale, farm ers market. Parking lot behind church. 128 E Belvidere Ave in Kellogg.

St. Mary Church, Caledonia

October 30, Sunday

56th Annual Holiday Bazaar

11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Stage raf fle, live auction, kids' games, chance tables, sweet shop, luncheon & dinner, junk food walk, silent auction. Big Ticket drawing for a $5,000 grand prize. Benefits go to St. Mary's School. 453 S Pine St in Caledonia.

The Month of the Holy Rosary

Christ the King Church, Byron

November 12, Saturday

Fall Expo. 202 4th St NW in Byron. Vendors and Bake Sale. Contact for Arby's sand wich lunch: Kathy Lieburn ( or 507-775-6455). Vendors are signing up, and we wel come more! Current ven dors: Norwex, Glass by Gary, Mary Kay, A Unique Twinkle, The Crafty Lady, Thirty-One, Calico Cat, Avon, Watkins, Christina Crocheting, Lantern Design Co., Pampered Chef, Joan of Art Pottery, Tastefully Simple, Buck's Rugs, Wooden Ornaments and Such, Creative Cub, Tammi's Flowers & Crafts, Tickle My Toes Too, Nadine's Caramels, Paparazzi, Painted Items & Gnomes, Cute Crochet Crafts, Fancy Nancy's Flowers, and more to come!


ctober is the month of the Holy Rosary. The rosa ry is one of the most powerful weapons the Church possesses. We are constantly exhorted by saints, popes, and Our Lord and Our Lady themselves to pray this simple yet profound prayer. Accordingly, Mother Church has set aside a whole month to the promotion of this prayer. It is also the month of Respect Life. Roe v. Wade has been overturned but in Minnesota we still have abortion. The Doe v. Gomez ruling on December 15, 1995, stated that we have a right to abortion in our state constitution.

Remember when you vote that you have a say on how things turn out.

Thank you to all who attended the Spiritual Day for Women on August 13. We missed Bishop Robert Barron but Msgr. Gerald Kosse, our spiritual advisor, was able to say Mass and give us words of encourage ment. The speakers were exceptional, women were excited with the purse auction, Treasured Times from Marshall had religious items for sale, St. Paul Evangelization Institute had medals with cards to give out and our Commission tables were wonderful. The trucks for Haiti Missions and Rochester Medical Missions were nicely filled, people will benefit from the generous giving of our women.

Remember to register for the National Council of Catholic Women to be held in Minneapolis on November 2nd through the fifth. They will have Eucharist Miracles Display, talk and movie about

The Televised Mass Is Offered Every Sunday

Sioux Falls - KTTW Channel 7 at 7 a.m.

Sioux City - KPTH Channel 44 at 8:30 a.m.

Mankato - KEYC Channel 12 at 7:30 a.m.

Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 NEYC at 9:30 a.m.

Digital Channel 7 (DirecTV) or Channel 11 (DISH) KMNF at 9 a.m.

Rochester/Austin/Mason City

KIMT Channel 3 at 7:30 a.m.

MyTV 3.2 at 9 a.m.

Twin Cities - WFTC Digital Channel 29 or Channel 9.2 at 11:30 a.m.

Southeastern MN - HBC Channel 20 at 3 p.m. (repeated Wed. at 3:30 p.m.)

Winona/La Crosse/Eau Claire - WLAX/WEUX Channel 25/48 at 7:30 a.m. and on our website, (click "Weekly Mass")


Blessed Carlos Acutis, and a relic of his and excep tional speakers. The liturgies are unbelievably beautiful. You will find it very uplifting and rewarding. To register go to NCCW conven tion registration form.

Eleanore Jones is the president of the Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

Sister Patricia Keefe, 80, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights, Sunday, September 11, 2022.

Sister Patricia was born Patricia Agnes Keefe, July 11, 1942, in Caledonia to F. Lloyd and Vernice Corcoran Keefe. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1960, received the name of Sister Mary Brigid, and made perpetual vows in 1966. She received an MA in theology from Fordham University, Bronx, NY, in 1969 and a JD in law/poverty from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in 1975.

Sister Patricia taught at Lourdes High School, Rochester, in 1965, and at Wehrle High School, Columbus, OH, in 1966 before beginning studies at Fordham University. On receipt of a masters degree, she taught at the College of St. Teresa in Winona for two years. In 1972, Sister Patricia pur sued a JD degree in law, after which she worked for several years as a lawyer with Minneapolis Legal Aid, Minneapolis, and Southern MN Regional Legal Services, Mankato.

She went on to work in various capacities with Global Education Associates, East Orange, New Jersey; as an instructor at Hamline University,

St. Paul; at Amnesty International, London, England; at Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Oklahoma City; at Non-Violent Peace Force, St. Paul; and at ARC Retreat Center, St. Cloud.

From 1994-2000, Sister Patricia served on the Leadership Team for the Sisters of St. Francis, Rochester.

Survivors of Sister Patricia include her Franciscan Sisters with whom she shared life for 62 years; one sister, Sharon Ormsby of Robbinsdale; and one brother, David Keefe of Tucson, AZ. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her brothers, F. Donald and Rev. Joseph Keefe.

Sister Patricia made the gift of an anatomi cal bequest to Mayo Clinic. A private Memorial Liturgy was held at Assisi Heights Friday, October 7, 2022. Burial will take place at a later date.

Suggested memorials are to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901.

• The CourierOctober 2022

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