The Courier - February 2021

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Ash Wednesday February 17

February 2021

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |

A Message from Bishop John M. Quinn �ear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On February 9, 2021, the Diocese of Winona-Rochester reached a settlement with the Creditors' Committee that represents the 145 survivors primarily of clergy sexual abuse. This is an important step that will lead to the completion of the bankruptcy process and exiting Chapter 11. Since the time that I first received notice of the sexual abuse claims against the Diocese, efforts were made to reach a settlement that is just and equitable to the survivors of sexual abuse. It is my desire and hope that the compensation paid in this settlement will help the survivors heal from the pain they have experienced over these many years. We must never forget the tragedy and anguish caused by those who abused their power and positions of authority. We must stay vigilant in our unwavering commitment to protect the youth and the vulnerable in our Diocese who rely on priests, deacons, religious, and lay people to keep them safe and provide for their spiritual care. This settlement, mutually agreed to by the Diocese and the Creditors' Committee, also includes resolution of other claims against the parishes, schools and Catholic entities within the Diocese. The $21.5 million settlement allowed the Diocese to submit a Plan of Reorganization to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for approval as part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. About two decades ago, national publicity made us alert and aware of the reality of clergy sexual abuse. These past several years have made it clear that our own parishes and families were not spared of this tragedy. Since the implementation of its safe environment program over 18 years ago, the Diocese has conducted over 44,000 background checks and 16,000 clergy, teachers, staff and volunteers have completed the VIRTUS safe environment training. As your Bishop, I continue to rely on and I am guided by the strong advice given by the Ministerial

Standards Board to ensure accountability and proper monitoring of interactions between youth and all persons who minister in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. I want to express my sincere apology to all those who have been affected by sexual abuse in our Diocese. My prayers go out to all survivors of abuse and I pledge my continuing commitment to ensure that this terrible chapter in the history of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester never happens again. Finally, I want to affirm the deep and abiding faith of the people of the Diocese. Your faith inspires me and I am grateful for how you continue to live out that faith, and the many ways you support your parish and diocese. I'm deeply grateful for the love and trust you have for our priests who are serving the Church faithfully and who work daily with you to protect our youth. Blessed are you. Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

SEEK21 Features Smaller Groups, Live Streaming

WINONA - In the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart on February 7, Bishop John M. Quinn celebrated the closing Mass for the SEEK Conference, an annual conference organized by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, SEEK21 comprised local conferences held across the country from February 4-7, rather than a single national conference. According to the conference website, "The SEEK21 experience is specifically catered to small group set-

SEEK21, cont'd on pg. 9

INSIDE this issue

Stay in the Boat

Share the Light of Hope page 5

page 6

A National Examination of Conscience page 8

Pope Francis Watch

The Courier Insider


Pope Francis: Witness to the Truth by Exposing 'Fake News'

VATICAN CITY, Jan. 23, 2021 (CNA) - Pope Francis issued a new warning about misinformation on Saturday, weeks after he was the subject of a viral “fake news” story. Writing in his World Communications Day message, released on Jan. 23, the pope said that “the risk of misinformation being spread on social media” was now widely recognized. “We have known for some time that news and even images can be easily manipulated, for any number of reasons, at times simply for sheer narcissism,” he wrote. “Being critical in this regard is not about demonizing the internet, but is rather an incentive to greater discernment and responsibility for contents both sent and received.” “All of us are responsible for the communications we make, for the information we share, for the control that we can exert over fake news by exposing it. All of us are to be witnesses of the truth: to go, to see and to share.” Earlier this month a false report that Italian police had arrested the pope amid a Vatican “blackout” was widely shared on the internet. The report was posted on a Canadian website which had also previously posted a fictitious claim that former U.S. President Barack Obama had been arrested on espionage charges. In his message, the pope also stressed the internet’s positive qualities. “Digital technology gives us the possibility of timely first-hand information that is often quite useful,” he said. “We can think of certain emergency situations where the internet was the first to report the news and communicate official notices. It is a powerful tool, which demands that all of us be responsible as users and consumers.” “Potentially we can all become witnesses to events that otherwise would be overlooked by the traditional media, offer a contribution to society and highlight more stories, including positive ones.” The pope signed the message on Jan. 23, the Vigil of the Memorial of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and journalists. World Communications Day, established

by Pope Paul VI in 1967, will be celebrated in many countries this year on Sunday, May 16. The day will be observed as the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord in places where it is transferred from Thursday, May 13 to Sunday. In his message, Pope Francis issued an impassioned call to journalists to recommit themselves to “original investigative reporting.” “Insightful voices have long expressed concern about the risk that original investigative reporting in newspapers and television, radio and web newscasts is being replaced by a reportage that adheres to a standard, often tendentious narrative,” he wrote. “This approach is less and less capable of grasping the truth of things and the concrete lives of people, much less the more serious social phenomena or positive movements at the grassroots level.” He continued: “The crisis of the publishing industry risks leading to a reportage created in newsrooms, in front of personal or company computers and on social networks, without ever ‘hitting the streets,’ meeting people face to face to research stories or to verify certain situations first-hand.” “Unless we open ourselves to this kind of encounter, we remain mere spectators, for all the technical innovations that enable us to feel immersed in a larger and more immediate reality.” “Any instrument proves useful and valuable only to the extent that it motivates us to go out and see things that otherwise we would not know about, to post on the internet news that would not be available elsewhere, to allow for encounters that otherwise would never happen.” Pope Francis suggested specific topics for journalists to investigate. He said: “We can risk reporting the pandemic, and indeed every crisis, only through the lens of the richer nations, of ‘keeping two sets of books.’ For example, there is the question of vaccines, and medical care in general, which risks excluding the poorer peoples.” “Who would keep us informed about the long wait for treatment in the poverty-stricken villages of Asia, Latin America and Africa? Social and economic differences on the global level risk dictating the order of distribution

'Fake News,' cont'd on pg. 4

The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 112 - 2

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

February 2021 w The Courier w

Articles of Interest

What Is a Parish?__________________________4 Stay in the Boat___________________________5 Share the Light of Hope___________________6 A National Examination of Conscience_______8 Ban on Abortion Pills Via Mail_____________9 Year of St. Joseph______________________10 Catholic Schools Updates_________________11 Diocesan Headlines______________________12

The Holy Father's Intention for

February 2021

Violence Against Women We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be protected by society and have their sufferings considered and heeded. Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester, announces the following appointments: Pacelli Catholic Schools Ms. Faye Bollingberg: appointed to the Pacelli Catholic Schools Board of Trustees for a one-year term, effective January 1, 2021. Mr. Jeremiah Johnson: appointed to the Pacelli Catholic Schools Board of Trustees for a three-year term, effective January 1, 2021. Ms. Sarah Nelsen: appointed to the Pacelli Catholic Schools Board of Trustees for a two-year term, effective January 1, 2021.

Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

Where to Find the Courier

Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hard copies of the Courier are currently not available in our churches. • Hard copies of the Courier are available in the churches of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester at the first weekend Masses of each month. • An online version may be viewed at courier/index.html • To be added to the home delivery list, readers should send their names and addresses to: Diocese of Winona-Rochester The Courier 55 W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987 or

St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

Bishop John M. Quinn

�ear Friends in Christ,

Year of St. Joseph

On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis declared the start of a special “Year of St. Joseph,” which will run through December 8, 2021. This announcement took place on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX proclaiming St. Joseph the patron of the Universal Church. Pope Francis introduced this year in a letter entitled Patris Corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), in which he shared his own personal reflections on the foster father of Jesus. In it, he stated that the goal of proclaiming the year was, “to increase our love for this great saint, to encourage us to implore his intercession and to imitate his virtues and his zeal.” Pope Francis writes that, “St. Joseph reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation.” Despite his silence in the Scriptures, St. Joseph speaks powerfully to us by his hidden life lived in obedience to the will of God. St. Joseph has been frequently upheld as an example for all Christians, and

for 30 minutes; and praying an approved prayer to St. Joseph, particularly on his feast days of March 19 and May 1, or on Wednesdays, a day traditionally dedicated to St. Joseph. Year of the Family

In addition to the Year of St. Joseph, Pope Francis also recently declared a year devoted to the family. These two years will overlap for several months, as the family “Year ‘Amoris Laetitia’” will last from March 19, 2021, the feast of St. Joseph, to June 26, 2022, marked by the World Meeting of Families in Rome. Our Holy Father announced this year-long celebration on December 27, the Feast of the Holy Family, an exemplar for all Christian families. The start of this year, March 19, 2021, marks the fifth anniversary of the signing of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”). This document reflects on the challenges and joys of married and family life, and encourages the Church in her care for families. The goals for the Year “Amoris Laetitia” include sharing the content of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation so families can better discover the beauty of family life, and building up families in prayer and knowledge of the faith so that they in turn are able to be missionary families who spread the joy of the gospel to all those they meet. As we enter into both the Year of St. Joseph and Year “Amoris Laetitia,” the diocese will be providing more information on how the faithful, both individuals and families, can observe these two celebrations. World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, when we celebrate Mary and Joseph bringing their first-born Son

to the temple in Jerusalem, 40 days after His birth. On this day, the prophet Simeon proclaimed Christ as, “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel” (Luke 2:32). In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted this feast as a day of prayer for all those in consecrated life. While all Christians are called to be the “light of the world” (Matthew 5:14), men and women in consecrated life are especially tasked with reflecting the light of Christ to our darkened world. By their lives of poverty, chastity, and obedience, they manifest the joy that comes from devoting their entire lives to our Triune God, and they share His love through their works of charity. Due to February 2 falling on a weekday this year, February 6/7 has been set aside as the weekend for parishes to celebrate and observe the World Day for Consecrated Life. On February 7, I celebrated a special Mass for both our consecrated men and women in the diocese, and also for our local college students participating in the FOCUS SEEK Conference, this year held online in conjunction with smaller, local events. It was a wonderful occasion to pray for our consecrated men and women and for young people discerning their vocation. At a later date, when the weather is warmer and we can again safely meet in large groups, I hope to celebrate a Mass for Consecrated Life with a luncheon afterwards, for all those in consecrated life in our diocese to attend. Catholic Schools

The week of January 31 February 6 marks our annual national Catholic Schools Week, when we celebrate the role that Catholic education plays in assisting parents in educating and forming their children in the faith. Here in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, we are blessed to have


several Catholic high schools and elementary schools to serve the faithful of southern Minnesota. T h e commitment of our Catholic school teachers, parents, a d m i n i s t ra t o r s , and staff is especially evident this year, as they have navigated school in the time of COVID-19. Our schools have worked hard to be able to continue in-person learning safely, and have gone to great lengths to prepare and follow protocols so our children can be in the classroom as much as possible. Our schools have had only a very limited number of COVID cases, and have been an example of how we can continue to serve our children’s educational and social needs while also staying safe and healthy. This year I taped a Mass for Catholic Schools Week that was viewed by all those in our Catholic Schools. I am grateful to all of our parents, teachers, staff, and administrators, for all their hard work and diligence in serving our students in this challenging year. Blessed are you!

From the Bishop

Rejoice in Hope

in addition to patron of the Universal Church, he also has several other titles, including patron of workers and of the dying, Pillar of Families, and Terror of Demons. St. Teresa of Avila claimed that St. Joseph never failed her when she invoked his help, and, as Guardian and Protector of the Church, we can be assured of his assistance in our own lives as well, if we devoutly entreat him. St. Joseph especially provides us with a powerful example of fatherhood. Our world today is suffering from a crisis of fatherhood, and in St. Joseph we find a man who was not afraid to embrace the role of father, taking responsibility for caring and providing for the child Jesus and His mother Mary. Sadly, in our society today, many people have not experienced the presence and / or care of a loving father. In the Church as well, many have been hurt by spiritual fathers who abused their authority and have seriously harmed children and scandalized the faithful. Our Church and world are in need of holy fathers, who are not afraid to image the perfect and divine fatherhood of our Heavenly Father, and diligently provide for the people entrusted to their care. In order to assist the faithful in spiritually entering into the Year of St. Joseph, the Holy See has granted special indulgences. An indulgence is granted when the faithful perform some specified action, along with the usual conditions of sacramental Confession, Holy Communion, and praying for the pope’s intentions. For the Year of St. Joseph, there are several ways of obtaining an indulgence, including: asking for St. Joseph’s intercession for the unemployed; praying the Litany of St. Joseph for persecuted Christians; entrusting one’s day and work to St. Joseph; performing a corporal or spiritual work of mercy; praying the rosary as a family or engaged couple; meditating on the Our Father

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

The Bishop's Calendar is on Page 4. February 2021 w The Courier w


What Is a Parish? �

ast July, the Holy See issued an instruction entitled The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community in the Service of the Evangelizing Mission of the Church. This document takes inspiration from the Scriptures as well as more recent documents from Vatican Council II and Canon Law. This shows a necessary relationship between the structures and legal expectations within the Church, while also discerning the movements of the Holy Spirit. We in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester have been discerning the Spirit’s

'Fake News,'

cont'd from pg. 2

of anti-COVID vaccines, with the poor always at the end of the line and the right to universal healthcare affirmed in principle, but stripped of real effect.” “Yet even in the world of the more fortunate, the social tragedy of families rapidly slipping into poverty remains largely hidden; people who are no longer ashamed to wait in line before charitable organizations in order to receive a package of provisions do not tend to make news.” The pope also praised the “courage and commitment” of journalists, camera operators, editors, and directors who risk their lives to uncover the truth. “Thanks to their efforts, we now know, for example, about the hardships endured by persecuted minorities in various parts of the world, numerous cases of oppression and injustice inflicted on the poor and on the environment, and many wars that otherwise would be overlooked,” he said. “It would be a loss not only for news reporting, but for society and for democracy as a whole, were

Bishop's Calendar

February 1, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary University February 2, Tuesday 11 a.m. - Holy Hour and Priest Pension Plan Board Meeting - Winona 4-7 p.m. - Parish Civil Corporation Virtual Board Meetings February 4, Thursday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Parish Civil Corporation Virtual Board Meetings 5:15 p.m. - Opening Mass - Local FOCUS SEEK Conference - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona February 5, Friday 11 a.m. - Diocesan COVID Task Force Meeting February 6, Saturday 10 a.m. - Opening Prayer and Welcome Local FOCUS SEEK Conference - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona February 7, Sunday 12:45 p.m. - Closing Mass for Local FOCUS SEEK Conference, also Mass for the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life - Livestreamed - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona February 8, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary University 3 p.m. - Sacred Heart Major Seminary Virtual Board Meeting - Zoom February 2021 w The Courier w

movement toward a culture of evangelizing and missionary discipleship for several years. This movement is confirmed by the publication of the Pastoral Conversion document. So what is the pastoral conversion that is envisioned by the Church? I will address that question more next month. Before getting there, it is helpful to think about the nature of a parish. What comes to mind when you think of this term? Most likely, it is the building you attend when you go to Mass. That, however, is not exactly what a parish is. A parish is first and foremost the individuals who live within a

those voices to fade away. Our entire human family would be impoverished.” The theme of this year’s World Communications Day, the 55th commemoration, is “‘Come and See’ (Jn 1:46) Communicating by Encountering People as They Are.” The pope quoted approvingly advice that the Spanish Blessed Manuel Lozano Garrido (19201971) once gave fellow journalists: “Open your eyes with wonder to what you see, let your hands touch the freshness and vitality of things, so that when others read what you write, they too can touch firsthand the vibrant miracle of life.” Francis also cited William Shakespeare as he condemned the “empty rhetoric” that he said abounded in public life. Quoting from “The Merchant of Venice,” the pope wrote: “This or that one ‘speaks an infinite deal of nothing... His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff: you shall seek all day ere you find them, and when you have them, they are not worth the search.’” “The blistering words of the English playwright also apply to us as Christian communicators. The Good News of the Gospel spread throughout the world as a result of person-to-person, heart-to-heart

February 9, Tuesday 2:45 p.m. - IHM Seminary Finance Council - IHM Seminary, Winona

February 10, Wednesday 6:30 a.m. - Lauds and Mass - IHM Seminary 11 a.m. - Diocesan All-Staff Virtual Meeting 3 p.m. Meet with the Presbyterate Zoom St. Vincent de Paul District Council Meeting - Zoom February 11, Thursday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Parish Civil Corporation Virtual Board Meetings 1 p.m. Catholic Higher Education Working Group Conference Call February 13, Saturday 7 p.m. - Opening Prayer for DOW-R Virtual Youth Event - Zoom February 15, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary University February 16, Tuesday 10:30 a.m. - Guest on Real Presence Radio - 970 AM 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Holy Hour and Presbyteral Council Meeting 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. - Parish Civil Corporation Virtual Board Meetings February 17, Wednesday 12:10 p.m. - Ash Wednesday Mass Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

Very Rev. William Thompson Vicar General

particular geographical boundary. The idea of registering at a parish is relatively new, and is not practiced everywhere in the world (this is one of the reasons that it can be so difficult to convince Catholics from Latin America to register in our parishes). Registering as parishioners has its benefits--such as

Parish, cont'd on pg. 9

encounters with men and women who accepted the invitation to ‘come and see,’ and were struck by the ‘surplus’ of humanity that shone through the gaze, the speech and the gestures of those who bore witness to Jesus Christ.” The pope said that all Christians faced a challenge: “to communicate by encountering people, where they are and as they are.” He concluded with a prayer: Lord, teach us to move beyond ourselves, and to set out in search of truth. Teach us to go out and see, teach us to listen, not to entertain prejudices or draw hasty conclusions. Teach us to go where no one else will go, to take the time needed to understand, to pay attention to the essentials, not to be distracted by the superfluous, to distinguish deceptive appearances from the truth. Grant us the grace to recognize your dwelling places in our world and the honesty needed to tell others what we have seen.

February 18, Thursday 11 a.m. - Clergy Personnel Board Meeting - Winona 3-7 p.m. - Parish Civil Corporation Virtual Board Meetings 7 p.m. - Opening Prayer and Welcome - DOW-R Ministerial Standards Board Zoom February 19, Friday 11 a.m. - Diocesan COVID Task Force Meeting February 21, Sunday 10:30 a.m. - Mass - St. Mary’s Church, Winona 3 p.m. - Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion Celebration Livestream - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona February 22, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary University February 23, Tuesday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Parish Civil Corporation Virtual Board Meetings 2:30 p.m. - Catholic Higher Education Working Group Conference Call 4 p.m. - Evening Prayer with the Presbyterate - Zoom February 24, Wednesday 2 p.m. - Record Easter TV Mass - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona 4 p.m. - Evening Prayer with the Presbyterate - Zoom

February 25, Thursday 1 p.m. - Holy Hour and Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting 4 p.m. - Zoom Meeting with MN Bishops and Jason Adkins from MCC February 26, Friday 1:30 p.m. - New Pastor and Mentor Virtual Meeting February 28, Sunday 10 a.m. - Mass - Basilica of St. StanislausKostka, Winona March 1, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary University March 2, Tuesday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Holy Hour and Deans Meeting 3-5 p.m. - Clergy Personnel Board Meeting March 3, Wednesday 4 p.m. - Evening Prayer with the Presbyterate - Zoom March 4, Thursday 3-7 p.m. - Parish Civil Corporation Virtual Board Meetings 4 p.m. - Zoom Meeting with MN Bishops and Jason Adkins from MCC March 5, Friday 11 a.m. - Diocesan COVID Task Force Meeting

Stay in the Boat �here is difficulty in writing an article mid-January,

amid unheard of tumult in our nation. But I do want to share a message I heard over Christmas that I think is incredibly important as we love forward, in good times and in bad. In late December, I was able to attend (virtually) the Encounter conference, the yearly conference held by Encounter Ministries. Barbara Heil of In His Heart Ministries was one of the speakers, and much of what follows comes from her talk. I give her full credit for the interpretation of Scripture I am about to share. As much as I can, I am even using some of her words. So let’s plunge into the Gospel of Mark. If you are reading Mark, ch. 3, you realize that Jesus is bringing the Kingdom in ways that are dramatic, transformative, controversial, and attractive at least to many. The crowds are following him as he heals people of illnesses, including casting out evil spirits. He is calling the Twelve to preach and drive out demons, and he is accused by people who should know better of having unclean spirits or having lost his mind. None of this was status quo rabbinic behavior. This was the Kingdom of God breaking into the world through Son of God behavior. Then you move into ch. 4, and Jesus begins to teach the ways of evangelization through parables. Some would understand what they were hearing, and some would not. Starting at Mark 4:35, Jesus says, “Let's go to the other side [of the lake, or sea].” As Barbara said, Jesus knew there were people on the other side waiting for their visitation. The disciples may not have realized this, but those people were waiting. They were in need, and they were waiting for the Son of God. Jesus knew this when he told the disciples to get into the boats.

Stay Warm

and Get Prepped for Mission! The January Revive Parishes minicourses needed to be postponed due to facilitator surgery. They are now being offered starting mid-February. • Who's in the Pews: Understanding Generational Change will be offered Tuesdays, February 16 - March 16, 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. • Fundraising from a Mission Perspective will be offered Thursdays, February 18 March 11, 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Please contact Rosalie Beyer at to sign up for these Zoom courses.

people awaiting their visitation. They need God. He asked you to bring himself to them. Keep going. And what did they encounter when they got to the other side? They encountered a man known as the Gerasene demoniac. This is one of the most powerful stories in Mark, and I encourage you to read it again: 5:1–20. There was a man possessed by a spirit of selfdestruction. "Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones…." He was possessed by many evil spirits, which he named as “Legion, for we are many.” Is there a people, a generation, intent on self-destruction in our own day and age? Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones… Does that sound like people we know, living among the spiritually dead, crying out, destroying themselves? I'm not saying that we have multiple spiritually possessed generations, but the reality we are living in should give everyone pause. Our youngest generation is the unhappiest generation on record, and this is statistically backed up. The move onto social media has had some positives, but also an incredible number of negatives, including an increase in depression, anxiety, and dehumanization of the other. They, we, need a visitation from the Lord. They, we, are called to carry an encounter with the transformative goodness and power of God to these people, our brothers and sisters. They need God. We need to stay in the boat and get to them. If we allow the storm to thwart God's plan for us to carry the word to them, they continue to spiritually destroy themselves. The good news in this - and there's so much good news! - is that Jesus is with us! He has the power to calm the storm (we can ask!) or, he will be with us as we get us to the other side. He has the power to transform people's lives for the better. He has the desire to draw all people to himself, the Prince of Peace. But we have a choice to make. Will we stand by Jesus in the storm? Will we trust him? Will we keep our eye on what he has called us to do--to bring his powerful peace and love to people in desperate need?

Missionary Discipleship

Susan Windley-Daoust

Director of Missionary Discipleship

He also knew there would be a storm. And he went to sleep as the disciples pointed the boat to the other side. Mid-journey, the storm came. The disciples were frightened and alarmed. The water was about to swamp the boat and they were afraid that they were going to die. And so they shook Jesus awake, and shouted at him over the storm, "Don't you care if we drown?" Jesus woke up, looked at the storm, and said “Quiet, be still.” Creation heard the voice of the one present at the creation and said, “oh, the one we love! And creation became calm.” And Jesus turned to the disciples in that calm and quietly said, where is your faith? So: what is your storm? There have been plenty of storms, and storms are real. They are frightening. They can destroy. Is it the pandemic? Your health? Our political situation? The economy, and your ability to make ends meet? Is it your parish? Your workplace? Your children? Your marriage? Most of the above? Jesus Christ knows our storms. And he is right there. But Jesus Christ called you, through your baptism, to share the good news. And you were called with the divine foreknowledge that these would be the circumstances. The call still stands. The call was made for the storm. The call is greater than the storm. There are people still waiting for us. They are on the other side of the storm. Jesus calls us to them. How tempting it is to say, “But Jesus, I know you called me to do this, I know you want me to do this, but look there's a great big storm! I can't! Because look at it! Don't you care if I die? Which brings us to the second question, Jesus’ question: where is your faith? Personally, I don't hear that question as a harsh question. I hear it as a pointed question, a medicinal question. But it is incisive, like a scalpel. So what if your life doesn't look like how you expected? Your vocation doesn't look like what you expected? Your family doesn't look like what you expected? Your parish doesn't look like what you expected? Your town doesn't look like what you expected? Your nation doesn't look like what you expected? The call of Jesus Christ to stay in the boat and get to the other side remains. Stay in the boat. There are


February 2021 w The Courier w

February 2021 w The Courier w

February 2021 w The Courier w

Undertaking a Lay Formation & RCIA


National Examination of Conscience Dear brothers and sisters, I offer an affectionate greeting to the people of the United States of America, shaken by the recent siege on the Congress. I pray for those who lost their life – five – they lost it in those dramatic moments. I reiterate that violence is always self-destructive. Nothing is earned with violence and so much is lost. I exhort the government authorities and the entire population to maintain a deep sense of responsibility, in order to calm souls, to promote national reconciliation and to protect the democratic values rooted in American society. May the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of the United States of America, help keep alive the culture of encounter, the culture of care, as the royal road to build the common good together; and may she do so with all those who live in that land. -Pope Francis Angelus Address, 1/10/2021

�reetings of Peace, Friends in Christ! Like most Americans, I was deeply saddened

(although, perhaps, not shocked) by the siege on our nation’s Capitol on January 6. It is an event that, growing up, I would never have thought I would witness in my lifetime. An angry, violent mob storming the Capitol building and forcing the evacuation of our Congressional representatives to safe shelter. Even to write these words brings a deep ache and sadness to my heart. I have told my children that this is not the country that I grew up in. It is meaner, angrier, and more divided; and we, its citizens, are less trusting, less respectful, and less caring of one another. I wish it were not so – and, indeed, there is still much beauty and tenderness all around us – but, as Pope Francis encourages us, we must endeavor to see things as they are. And, such also is the state of our U.S. Church – as divided and fragmented as our country, and we

should not close our eyes to this painful reality as well. On January 6, while our Capitol was under siege, a nationally-known Catholic priest posted on his Twitter account that, [President-elect] “Biden should shut up,” and that, “the rest of these sanctimonious, self righteous Democrats should stop complaining.” I do not seek here to make a partisan political point myself, and I certainly don’t know this priest’s heart. It is not for me to judge him! But, I can say with some sense of clarity that this is not how our Church, and our clergy, should be leading us in such a time of turmoil and division as is now facing our nation. As I’ve written before, the toxic cultural and political environment present in our country has infected the Church, and we are witnessing its damaging effects all around us. So, what to do – both for the health and wellbeing of our country, and of our Church? On this same day, another prominent Catholic cleric, Bishop Robert Barron, also offered public comments about what was taking place that day in Washington, D.C. He offered a very different approach, and called us to take a very different path. He posted a short video on Twitter, accompanied with this message: “Friends, the appalling events in Washington, D.C., today are a disturbing sign of a breakdown in our democratic system and compel us to a national examination of conscience regarding the civic life of this country.” I would affirm his suggestion, and only add that such self-reflection also "regard the ecclesial life of our Church." Such an “examination of conscience” would offer us, both personally and communally, a way to move forward in faith. A few days after the siege on the Capitol, Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP, posted an article on the Word on Fire web page, A National Examination of Conscience in a Divisive Time, to take up Bishop Barron’s invitation to prayerfully review our actions as citizens and Christians. In her article, she offers several concrete and challenging questions for reflection and discernment: •

Do I make an effort to inform myself in a way that is open to truth wherever it may be found, or do I only read opinions and media with which I always agree?

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

• • • • • • • • •

Do I make an effort to find, understand, and read news sources that are objective and follow journalistic standards?

Do I regularly reduce complex issues to simplistic, partisan sound bites to avoid engaging honestly and vulnerably with people with whom I disagree?

Do I speak of my ideological opponents in a way that dehumanizes, stereotypes, or objectifies them? Do I speak scornfully or dismissively of those with whom I disagree rather than engaging with their ideas? Do I allow feelings of rage, hatred, and bitterness toward those I see as political enemies grow in my heart?

Do I cultivate sin in my heart more than I cultivate virtue?

Do I read spiritual books as much as, or more than, I read the news? Do I speak of and focus on political events more than the Church’s liturgical calendar?

Am I regularly distracted from my responsibilities by news, pundits, political arguments, and negative feelings toward those with whom I disagree?

What are my highest priorities? Where do I direct most of my energies? Do I put living for God first in my life?

Sr. Theresa also provides this helpful advice as we undertake this exercise: “[I]f you begin to think of other people to whom [these questions] might apply, begin again and focus on your own behavior. An examination of conscience is meant to challenge and convert our own hearts, not examine other people’s behavior.” As Catholics, we follow an examination of conscience with prayers and acts of repentance, seeking God’s forgiveness of our sinful behaviors and asking that He purify and convert our hearts. We pray for the grace to move away from our sinful ways and to allow God to bring us healing, hope, and new life. May it be so for each of us, for our nation, and for our Church. Deo gratias!

In my fraternal meeting, which I gladly recall, with the Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, "we resolutely [declared] that religions must never incite war, hateful attitudes, hostility and extremism, nor must they incite violence or the shedding of blood. These tragic realities are the consequence of a deviation from religious teachings. They result from a political manipulation of religions and from interpretations made by religious groups who, in the course of history, have taken advantage of the power of religious sentiment in the hearts of men and women… God, the Almighty, has no need to be defended by anyone and does not want his name to be used to terrorize people." For this reason I would like to reiterate here the appeal for peace, justice and fraternity that we made together: … "In the name of God and of everything stated thus far, [we] declare the adoption of a culture of dialogue as the path; mutual cooperation as the code of conduct; reciprocal understanding as the method and standard.”

February 2021 w The Courier w

-Pope Francis Fratelli Tutti, #285

Supreme Court Reinstates FDA's Ban on Abortion Pills Via Mail By CNA STAFF

WASHINGTON D.C., Jan. 12, 2021 (CNA) - The U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision Tuesday reversed a federal judge’s injunction that had blocked FDA rules requiring women to obtain an abortion pill from a doctor in person. “The question before us is not whether the requirements for dispensing mifepristone impose an undue burden on a woman’s right to an abortion as a general matter,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote Jan. 12. “The question is instead whether the District Court properly ordered the Food and Drug Administration to lift those established requirements because of the court’s own evaluation of the impact of the COVID–19 pandemic.” “Here as in related contexts concerning government responses to the pandemic, my view is that courts owe significant deference to the politically accountable entities with the ‘background, competence, and expertise to assess public health,’” Roberts said, citing his previous arguments supporting state-imposed regulations on churches during the pandemic.

Parish, cont'd from pg. 4

staying connected with mailings or phone calls--but a pastor has responsibility for the spiritual care not only for those who are registered, but for all who live within a defined geographical area. Did you notice that I didn’t say “all Catholics” who live in the area? A priest has responsibility for everyone in the area! The people, the local community, is what makes a parish. Only after that do we speak of a parish building. That’s why a parish can exist before a church is built, or even after a church

SEEK21, cont'd from pg. 1

tings, while allowing flexibility to scale up or down as needed." Video conferencing made small group discussion accessible to attendees who could not be physically present at their local conferences. This year's speakers presented over video from a different city each day of the conference. They included evangelist and author Chika Anyanwu; Bishop Robert Barron, founder of Word

“In light of those considerations, I do not see a sufficient basis here for the District Court to compel the FDA to alter the regimen for medical abortion,” Roberts continued. The normal requirement of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in place since 2000, is that the abortion pill be dispensed and administered inperson. The regulation is part of the REMS protocol, reserved for higher-risk drugs and procedures. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and other pro-abortion groups pushed for the restrictions to be lifted during the COVID-19 pandemic so women would not have to travel to get the abortion pill; they successfully won an injunction on the restrictions in July, at a federal district court. Judge Theodore D. Chuang of the District of Maryland ruled that women could be prescribed the pill remotely and have it delivered or mailed to them. In response, members of Congress asked the FDA to classify the abortion pill regimen as a public health hazard, and remove it from the market. Justice Department attorneys appealed the case to the Supreme Court, which in October did not reverse Chuang’s decision or rule on the merits of the case; the court rather sent the case back to be reconsidered in several weeks, with the administration having an opportunity to present new evidence for its case. Chuang did not change his ruling in a Dec. 9

decision, writing that the pandemic circumstances have not changed and women would still have difficulties traveling to obtain a prescription for the pill regimen in-person. He wrote that “particularly in light of the substantial spread of COVID-19 in recent weeks that increases the risk of all travel, the Court does not find that any changes to economic conditions or access to medical facilities, childcare, or transportation since the issuance of the (prior block on the rule) have been so favorable as to constitute changed circumstances” to justify lifting the block. The administration then appealed back to the Supreme Court, saying it presented new evidence to Chuang that its restrictions are not an unlawful “undue burden” on abortion, because abortions increased in 2020 in states where the regulations remained. Chief Justice Roberts was joined in his decision by newly appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett, as well as Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch. Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor penned a dissent, and Stephen Breyer also said he believed the previous ruling should have been left in place.

on Fire Ministries; Sr. Bethany Madonna, S.V., of the Sisters of Life; and Fr. Mike Schmitz, the director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth; among many others. Falling on the World Day for Consecrated Life, the conference's closing Mass was also a Mass for Consecrated Life, and consecrated men and women in attendance were recognized by Bishop Quinn during his homily. In his homily, Bishop Quinn reflected on the Gospel reading, in which Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law. He urged the conference attendants and consecrated religious to live with an "empty bowl" ready to receive God's healing in their own lives. "Take a look at your heart. Is it empty enough to receive from the Lord? Will I allow Jesus to really

heal me, or is it just another day of drama, filled with all the things that Jesus wants to heal me of? These days, we wear masks, gloves. We're very conscious of the sick. But, remember, Jesus is our physician. He heals us and raises us, one day, to eternal life. Receive from Him. Be the bowl. Be like Peter's mother-in-law, ready to be raised by Him, and then get to work about hospitality and preaching the Gospel. Be His bowl and receive His grace." A video of the Mass may be viewed on the Diocese of Winona-Rochester Facebook page. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, FOCUS missionaries are active on the campuses of Winona State University, St. Mary's University of Minnesota in Winona, and Minnesota State University, Mankato.

is no longer physically present; it’s about the people. What does the Pastoral Conversion document have to say about a parish? While it does talk about the building, it does so only after it talks about the behavior of the parishioners themselves. While priests have a particular role in the life of a parish, “It does not pertain to the clergy alone…to carry out the transformation inspired by the Holy Spirit, since this involves the entire People of God” (37). Have you ever been frustrated that Father wouldn’t plan a particular event or faith activity? Have you ever looked for another parish or church because your current parish didn’t provide the spiritual support you needed? Have you ever wondered if you might be the person to offer that support or plan that faith activity? Granted, you may need Father’s permission, but not everything needs to depend on him. The first two questions are probably pretty common, but the

Life, Marriage & Family

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family


last? Not as much. If a parish only offered those faith activities or spiritual supports that were led by a priest, that parish would likely be in decline. Yes, priests have theological training and have committed their lives to the Church, but they are still limited by their time, talent and treasure. Your parish will be nurtured and supported by the work of a priest, especially in the Sacraments, but it will grow with the faith of the parishioners. It is worth considering what a parish - your parish - is. There is a worldwide decline in the practice of the faith. This is not all bad, because it reminds me that we need to be about the business of evangelization and missionary discipleship, two aims that we should have always been intentional about, because the parish is not a social hall, but the local manifestation of the Mystical Body of Christ.

February 2021 w The Courier w

Youth & Young Adults

Pope Francis Proclaims 10

Year of St. Joseph By VATICAN NEWS

�Patris n a new Apostolic Letter entitled corde (“With a Father’s Heart”),

Pope Francis describes Saint Joseph as a beloved father, a tender and loving father, an obedient father, an accepting father, a father who is creatively courageous, a working father, a father in the shadows. The Letter marks the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. To celebrate the anniversary, Pope Francis has proclaimed a special “Year of St Joseph,” beginning on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2020 and extending to the same feast in 2021. The Holy Father wrote Patris corde against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, which, he says, has helped us see more clearly the importance of “ordinary” people who, though far from the limelight, exercise patience and offer hope every day. In this, they resemble Saint Joseph, “the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence,” who nonetheless played “an incomparable role in the history of salvation.” A Beloved, Tender, Obedient Father

Saint Joseph, in fact, “concretely expressed his fatherhood” by making an offering of himself in love “a love placed at the service of the Messiah who was growing to maturity in his home,” writes Pope Francis, quoting his predecessor St Paul VI. And because of his role at “the crossroads between the Old and New Testament,” St Joseph “has always been venerated as a father by the Christian people” (PC, 1). In him, “Jesus saw the tender love of God,” the one that helps us accept our weakness, because “it is through” and despite “our fears, our frailties, and our weakness” that most divine designs are realized. “Only tender love will save us from the snares of the accuser,” emphasizes the Pontiff, and it is by encountering God’s mercy especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation that we “experience His truth and tenderness,” – because “we know that God’s truth does not condemn us, but instead welcomes, embraces, sustains and forgives us” (2). Joseph is also a father in obedience to God: with his ‘fiat’ he protects Mary and Jesus and teaches his Son to “do the will of the Father.” Called by God to serve the mission of Jesus, he “cooperated… in the great mystery of Redemption,” as St John Paul II said, “and is truly a minister of salvation” (3). Welcoming the Will of God

At the same time, Joseph is “an accepting Father,” because he “accepted Mary unconditionally” — an important gesture even today, says Pope Francis, “in our world where psychological, verbal and physical violence towards women is so evident.” But the Bridegroom of Mary is also the one who, trusting in the Lord, accepts in his life even the events that he does not understand, “setting aside his own ideas” and reconciling himself with his own history. Joseph’s spiritual path “is not one that explains, but accepts” — which does not mean that he is “resigned.” Instead, he is “courageously and firmly proactive,” because with the “Holy Spirit’s gift of fortitude,” and full of hope, he is able “to accept life as it is, with all its contradictions, frustrations and disappointments.” In February 2021 w The Courier w

practice, through St. Joseph, it is as if God were to repeat to us: “Do not be afraid!” because “faith gives meaning to every event, however happy or sad,” and makes us aware that “God can make flowers spring up from stony ground.” Joseph “did not look for shortcuts but confronted reality with open eyes and accepted personal responsibility for it.” For this reason, “he encourages us to accept and welcome others as they are, without exception, and to show special concern for the weak” (4). A Creatively Courageous Father, Example of Love

Patris corde highlights “the creative courage” of St. Joseph, which “emerges especially in the way we deal with difficulties.” “The carpenter of Nazareth,” explains the Pope, was able to turn a problem into a possibility by trusting in divine providence.” He had to deal with “the concrete problems” his Family faced, problems faced by other families in the world, and especially those of migrants. In this sense, St. Joseph is “the special patron of all those forced to leave their native lands because of war, hatred, persecution and poverty.” As the guardian of Jesus and Mary, Joseph cannot “be other than the guardian of the Church,” of her motherhood, and of the Body of Christ. “Consequently, every poor, needy, suffering or dying person, every stranger, every prisoner, every infirm person is ‘the child’ whom Joseph continues to protect.” From St Joseph, writes Pope Francis, “we must learn… to love the Church and the poor” (5). A Father Who Teaches the Value, Dignity and Joy of Work

“A carpenter who earned an honest living to provide for his family,” St Joseph also teaches us “the value, the dignity and the joy of what it means to eat bread that is the fruit of one’s own labour.” This aspect of Joseph’s character provides Pope Francis the opportunity to launch an appeal in favour of work, which has become “a burning social issue” even in countries with a certain level of well-being. “There is a renewed need to appreciate the importance of dignified work, of which Saint Joseph is an exemplary patron,” the Pope writes. Work, he says, “is a means of participating in the work of salvation, an opportunity to hasten the coming of the Kingdom, to develop our talents and abilities, and to put them at the service of society and fraternal communion.” Those who work, he explains, “are cooperating with God himself, and in some way become creators of the world around us.” Pope Francis encourages everyone “to rediscover the value, the importance and the necessity of work for bringing about a new ‘normal’ from which no one is excluded.” Especially in light of rising unemployment due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Pope calls everyone to “review our priorities” and to express our firm conviction that no young person, no person at all, no family should be without work!” (6). A Father “in the Shadows,” Centred on Mary and Jesus

Taking a cue from The Shadow of the Father—a book by Polish writer Jan Dobraczyński—Pope Francis describes Joseph’s fatherhood of Jesus as “the earthly shadow of the heavenly Father.” “Fathers are not born, but made,” says Pope Francis. “A man does not become a father simply by bringing a

Aaron Lofy

Director of Youth & Young Adults,

child into the world, but by taking up the responsibility to care for that child.” Unfortunately, in today’s society, children “often seem orphans, lacking fathers” who are able to introduce them “to life and reality.” Children, the Pope says, need fathers who will not try to dominate them, but instead raise them to be “capable of deciding for themselves, enjoying freedom and exploring new possibilities.” This is the sense in which St Joseph is described as a “most chaste” father, which is the opposite of domineering possessiveness. Joseph, says Pope Francis, “knew how to love with extraordinary freedom. He never made himself the centre of things. He did not think of himself, but focused instead on the lives of Mary and Jesus.” Happiness for Joseph involved a true gift of self: “In him, we never see frustration, but only trust,” writes Pope Francis. “His patient silence was the prelude to concrete expressions of trust.” Joseph stands out, therefore, as an exemplary figure for our time, in a world that “needs fathers,” and not “tyrants;" a society that “rejects those who confuse authority with authoritarianism, service with servility, discussion with oppression, charity with a welfare mentality, power with destruction.” True fathers, instead, “refuse to live the lives of their children for them,” and instead respect their freedom. In this sense, says Pope Francis, a father realizes that “he is most a father and an educator at the point when he becomes ‘useless,’ when he sees that his child has become independent and can walk the paths of life unaccompanied.” Being a father, the Pope emphasizes, “has nothing to do with possession, but is rather a ‘sign’ pointing to a greater fatherhood:" that of the “heavenly Father” (7). A Daily Prayer to St Joseph

In his letter, Pope Francis notes how, “Every day, for over 40 years, following Lauds [Morning Prayer]” he has “recited a prayer to Saint Joseph taken from a 19th-century French prayer book of the Congregation of the Sisters of Jesus and Mary.” This prayer, he says, expresses devotion and trust, and even poses a certain challenge to Saint Joseph,” on account of its closing words: “My beloved father, all my trust is in you. Let it not be said that I invoked you in vain, and since you can do everything with Jesus and Mary, show me that your goodness is as great as your power.” At the conclusion of his Letter, he adds another prayer to St Joseph, which he encourages all of us to pray together: Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen.

Thinking Outside the Box 11 at Crucifixion School, La Crescent Submitted by LORI DATTA

�rucifixion School located in Southeast Minnesota

is a faith-filled family school. This year has been a year of “thinking outside the box” to provide memories for our students, especially the sixth graders in their last year at Crucifixion. Like many schools across the diocese, we have had to make some changes in how we do things at school. Instead of students switching classrooms for their different subjects, the teachers are doing the switching. Teachers at our school have been given extra jobs. We now have lunch with our students in our classrooms. We serve students their lunches and clean up after them. At the end of the day, we sanitize the students’ desks and spray locker handles, doorknobs, pencil sharpeners, etc. with disinfectant. If a student is quarantined for some reason, we will zoom with those students while teaching faceto-face with the rest of the class. We make it work. We also zoom with our preschool reading buddies. We are unable to read to them in person, so each week three to four sixth-graders pick out books to read via zoom to the preschool class. It works out well and the preschoolers and sixth-graders enjoy it. Specials like music are in the classroom. Students participating in band are doing band lessons via Zoom. P.E. is outside all year long, and it is cancelled if it is raining or below zero. Thank goodness for the

Crucifixion students practice handbells at a healthy distance.

mild weather we’ve been having this year. Mass is offered twice a week for our school. Grades third through sixth attend Mass on Thursdays while grades kindergarten through second attend on Fridays. Students still read at Mass, but we don’t have “special” Masses anymore. Father Evans visits each classroom twice a month. He talks about saints, religion, prayers, etc. Our morning and afternoon prayers are now led by our principal, Mr. Harpenau. In the past, each class took a week to say the morning and afternoon prayers and announcements. Concerts, field trips, and group assemblies have been cancelled this year. So, how does one create memories? School Spirit Days, Dress-down Days, Packer/Viking Day (aka Favorite Team Day), classroom parties, etc. This year, the sixth graders practiced handbells to have a Christmas concert. They practiced the bells with their teacher, Mrs. Norris, while keeping socially distanced. The concert was held in the church after Sunday Mass. Mrs. Norris was able to socially distance the students across the front of the church with a few down the aisles. They did a wonderful job, and they have another memory of their sixth-grade school year.

The WACS Way Submitted by LINDA SCHRUPP

�hen you enter our Winona Area Catholic Schools,

you are greeted by a sign that proclaims the WACS Way. It is the school culture that we strive to establish with our staff, students and parents every day. We believe these four principles can serve our

Catholic Schools

Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

We still do service projects for the community. We collected food the week before Thanksgiving for the local food shelf. Each class collected the items, put them in bags, and the bags were taken over to church for our Thanksgiving Mass. The week before Christmas we had a different theme each day. Students and staff paid one dollar each day to wear Christmas pajamas, Christmas socks, ugly Christmas sweaters, Christmas hats, and anything with Christmas on Friday. We collected over $860. The money was donated to a local family who had just found out that their son had brain cancer. All of this would not be possible without the support and encouragement of our principal, Doug Harpenau. He brings out the best in every one of us and challenges us to “think outside the box” to get something done. Every person in this school is valued and treasured. Lori Datta teaches sixth grade at Crucifixion School in La Crescent.

students not only now, but as a lifelong guide to Christian witness: 1. Help others succeed.

2. Let others know they matter.

3. See the problem—own the problem. 4. Honor the absent.

Our schools have been mainly in-person during this school year despite the global pandemic. We are continually impressed by the resiliency and willingness to quickly adapt, which is displayed by our parents, students, teachers, and staff. We are blessed to have all of these people as part of our school system. The future is very bright for our Catholic schools in Winona. We continue to grow and expand our programs. We are proud to be able to offer our faithfilled programs to so many in our community and surrounding area. If you would like to be a part of our exciting school system for the 2021-2022, school year, please contact our admissions office at or call 507-453-5016 to schedule your walk/talk tour today!

Linda Schrupp is the local admissions director for Cotter Schools and Winona Area Catholic Schools. February 2021 w The Courier w


few weeks ago I wrote a song for a funeral. For inspiration, I looked up the meaning of the woman’s name. “Tenderly Loved.” The resource I used was a copy of a copy. Part of the scripture reference was missing so out came my Bible to see if I could find a verse. From the Song of Songs, I found this verse: “Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come!” (2:10). As our days of quarantine continue into February, a month of hearts, flowers and chocolate, when handshakes, hugs and kisses are not allowed, I wondered how “tenderly loved” fits into everyday life. For the woman the song was written for, she tenderly loved family, community and parish through her active involvement from taking grandchildren to practices to helping serve funeral dinners. Her tenderness had patience when necessary and power when needed. She loved and was loved in return. Who are those who tenderly love in your life? In what ways do they demonstrate this

February 2021 tenderness? Who do you tenderly love? In the Council of Catholic Women, there are many ways the Council tenderly loves: Walking With Women in Crisis, monthly membership calls on topics such as Respite Care, Domestic Violence, Homelessness, to name just a few. Area and parish meetings that build community and support. Then, there are the women you meet and work with. One such woman who tenderly loved was MaryAnn Kramer. A member of the Diocese of New Ulm who served as NCCW President from 1987-1989, she was a teacher at heart and valued the power of education. She served as a Catholic school principal without pay. She empowered children and Council Sisters to be their best. She died on December 21. Her funeral celebrated the tender love she lived. In simple ways, on difficult days, may you be tenderly loved. On February 17, as Lent begins, focus on Christ who tenderly loves us through his life, death on the cross, and resurrection. Tenderly Loved. Jeanette Fortier is the president of the WinonaRochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

• The Courier

The Televised Mass Is Offered Every Sunday Sioux Falls - KTTW Channel 7 at 7 a.m. Sioux City - KPTH Channel 44 at 8:30 a.m. Mankato - KEYC Channel 12 at 7:30 a.m. Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 NEYC at 9:30 a.m. Digital Channel 7 (DirecTV) or Channel 11 (DISH) KMNF at 9 a.m. Rochester/Austin/Mason City KIMT Channel 3 at 7:30 a.m. MyTV 3.2 at 9 a.m. NEW Twin Cities - WFTC Digital Channel 29 or Channel 9.2 at 11:30 a.m. Southeastern MN - HBC Channel 20 at 3 p.m. (repeated Wed. at 3:30 p.m.) Winona/La Crosse/Eau Claire - WLAX/WEUX Channel 25/48 at 7:30 a.m. and on our website, (click "Weekly Mass")


The ladies from St. Luke’s Parish in Sherburn have been making quilts for the past year, meeting every Wednesday following 8:30 a.m. Mass and bringing a sack lunch for their noon meal. Ladies work until about 3 p.m. making baby quilts, lap quilts, twin size and full size. The total for this year is 405 quilts so far. They say there is a job for anyone who wishes to help, including cutting fabric or sheets, pressing the fabric, making fronts and backs, sewing the edges and tying the quilts with yarn. The ladies thank people who have donat-

ed sheets, blankets, fabric and already-made tops, and those who tie quilts at home. The batting is purchased new. They plan to make pillowcase dresses with the many pillowcases that have been donated. This year, quilts have been boxed up to send to the missions. Some have been given to the Food Shelf in Sherburn and to the Food Shelf in Fairmont. 79 quilts were given to Kinship in Fairmont. Receiving blankets and baby quilts go to the Options Pregnancy Center.

Catholics at the Capitol Catholic Charities to Offer April 15, 2021 Financial Workshop for Seniors By MARLENE LEVINE

�he Active Aging Programs, of Catholic Charities of Minnesota, is now offering the Money Smart for Older Adults workshop. This is a FREE two-part program for older adults concerned with protecting their assets and finances. Participants will be taught to recognize and reduce the risk of financial exploitation, guard against identity theft, plan for the loss of decision-making capacity, and other helpful tips about recent scams and common fraud. Money Smart for Older Adults will be provided via Zoom video-conference. Participants must have access to the internet and have a personal computer, laptop or tablet device

with a camera, microphone and speakers. Detailed instructions to help participants access the Zoom video-conference will be available, as well as one-to-one phone calls to work through specific technical challenges. Registration is now being accepted for Money Smart for Older Adults: Part One: Monday, March 22 from 10:00-11:00a.m. and Part Two: Wednesday, March 24 from 10:0011:00a.m. Space is limited. Register today to reserve your space. To register, call or email Marlene at 507-450-1518, Marlene Levine is the Active Aging Programs administrator for Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota.


Catholics at the Capitol is back, and the need for Minnesota Catholics to speak up for life and dignity is greater now than ever. So, join Catholics from across the state on mission for life and dignity. This day of prayer, education, and advocacy will form you in our faith by celebrating Mass and hearing from inspiring speakers, inform you on the most critical issues facing our state, and send you on mission from the Cathedral of St. Paul to the State Capitol during a Eucharistic Procession before meeting with your legislators to advocate for life & dignity! The big day is April 15. Visit catholicsatthecapitol. org to learn more and secure your spot. Together, we can protect life and dignity!

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