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Giving Back Life Lessons





Giving Back Life Lessons

Henry Moses teaches life skills to students with special needs.


The Friendship Circle of Michigan nominated Henry Moses, 85, of West Bloomfield for recognition because of his dedication to their Lessons for Life program.

Moses spends his time with the Lessons for Life Program at the organization’s cityscape known as Weinberg Village, where children with special needs come to experience life skills in a safe, controlled environment.

“Various school groups from Southeast Michigan bring their special needs kids to Weinberg Village, which is a mock village where kids are given $12 and learn how to budget their time, money and how to speak up for themselves,” said Moses, who volunteers there two to three times a week.

“The kids have various lesson plans and are able to wander around the village and have a good time,” Moses added. “I love seeing these kids open up, learn and enjoy the experience.”

He began volunteering 15 years ago, when he first volunteered at Friendship Circle for Federation’s Mitzvah Day. “I just fell in love with the organization,” he said.

The nonprofit organization’s goal is to provide every individual with special needs the support, friendship and inclusion he or she deserves.

“A large part of Friendship Circle’s mission is to enrich, inspire and motivate teen and adult volunteers through sharing of themselves with others,” said Friendship Circle Director Bassie Shemtov. “Henry Moses is a perfect example of selfless giving. “

Moses encourages those who are interested in giving back to the community to consider volunteering with the Friendship Circle.

“I would encourage anyone who has the time to get involved because it’s just a wonderful way to give back to the community,” he said.

Moses says his time with the Friendship Circle has been a fulfilling experience and he volunteers whenever he can. “I love working and seeing the kids learn and grow. It’s very rewarding.”

If you are interested in learning more about the Friendship Circle and how you can volunteer, email Shayna at Shayna@friendshipcircle.org or call her at (248) 788-7878, ext. 207. If you would like to nominate someone to be the next volunteer of the week, send a nomination with a short paragraph telling us why to socialmedia@thejewishnews.com.