Nutridom health guide 007 July 2017

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Issue No. 007 / 2017

A Complete Health Guide to Family Wellbeing






loving family

June 2017 | ISSUE 7



Probiotics (Digestive Health) NEW............................. 2-4 Dandelion (General Health).......................................... 5 L-Theanine (Stress & Sleep Support) NEW................. 6-7 Melatonin (Stress & Sleep Support).............................. 8 CoQ10 (Heart Health)................................................... 9 Chitosan (General Health) NEW............................. 10-11 Milk Thistle (Liver Health).......................................... 12 Magnesium (General Health). ............................... 13-15 Vitamin D3+K2 (General Health) NEW.................. 16-17 Vitamin B Complex (Energy & Vitality).................. 18-19 Biotin (Hair, Skin & Nails)....................................... 20-21 Lutein (Vision Health)............................................ 22-23 Serrapeptase (General Health).............................. 24-26 Evening Primrose (Women's Health).......................... 27 Cranberry (Women's Health) NEW........................ 28-29 Aronia (Antioxidant) NEW.......................................... 30 Tart Cherry (General Health) NEW.............................. 31 Chaga Mushroom (General Health)....................... 32-35 Moringa (Energy & Vitality). .................................. 36-37 Velvet Elk Antler (Energy & Vitality)...................... 38-39 Collagen (Joint Health).......................................... 40-41 Glucosamine & MSM (Joint Health)........................... 42 Bee Products (General Health).............................. 43-44 Royal Jelly (Energy & Vitality) NEW............................ 45 Bee Propolis(General Health) NEW....................... 46-47

HERBAL SLIM (Weight Loss)

Garcinia 80%............................................................. 48 Detox Colon.............................................................. 49 Slim Multivitamin..................................................... 50 Sleep Slim.................................................................. 51 Slim Total................................................................... 52 Q drops...................................................................... 53 Green Coffee Bean.................................................... 54

Other Brands

IVIZON (Vision Health) ............................................... 55 AdvancedOmega Krill (Heart Health) NEW........... 56-57 INKA MACA (Energy & Vitality)................................... 58 Brazil Acai7 (Antioxidant)........................................... 60 ArthGold (Joint Health).............................................. 61 Sahm’s Canadian Red Ginseng (General Health)........ 62 Memorax (Brain Health)............................................. 63 Prosta Gold (Men’s Health). ....................................... 64 VIVAMAX (Energy & Vitality) NEW.............................. 65


Nutridom Multi Probiotics 40 Billion Per Day What is Probiotics?

more acidic and toxic environment for pathogenic bacteria. Outside the gut, the microbiome in the gut also acts to boost the function of the immune system by increasing the production of immunoglobulins and other immune factors. A healthy gut bacterium is also associated with fewer allergic environmental and food allergies. Changes in the gut microbiota can affect the peripheral and central nervous systems which can alter brain function. Poor balance of healthy gut bacteria can contribute to an increased stress response and anxiety. Neurotransmitters such as GABA and serotonin can be positively affected with a healthy balance of gut bacteria indicating that the gut bacteria can play a role in mood. Other neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s, dementia, ADHD and autism may all be affected by the bacteria that is present in the gut.

Probiotics are non-pathogenic bacteria or yeast that can survive in the harsh environment in the gastrointestinal tract. The interest in these “good” bacteria in the human body has increased over the past few years as there is growing understanding of how these bacteria significantly affect our overall health and wellbeing.

Why should you take a probiotic? Our diet, lifestyle and environment significantly impact our own microbiome. The foods you eat, the water you drink, hygiene practices and your general exposure to the outdoor environment are all factors that can affect your gut microbiome. Eating a variety of foods especially fiber and fermented foods, and maintaining a healthy weight are helpful to maintaine healthy gut microbiome. While taking antibiotics may be necessary to fight some infections, antibiotic drugs can be especially harmful to your microbiome as they can kill and significantly alter and deplete the healthy bacteria present in your gut. Taking a probiotic supplement can help maintain and recover a healthy gut microbiome from antibiotics we counter in our environment and pharmaceutical treatment.

What do probiotics do? Inside the gut, healthy bacteria will help to breakdown food and activate vitamins and hormones to be absorbed into the body. Vitamin K2, for example, is produced by the healthy gut bacteria and is significantly depleted in people with poor gut bacteria due to chronic antibiotic use. The gut bacteria also improve the health of the intestinal lining which protects us from pathogens and other molecules that should not enter the body. Healthy bacteria can prevent and help in the treatment of gastroenteritis, travellers’ diarrhea, ulcerative colitis and IBS. It is thought that good bacteria out number and overcrowd bad bacteria and prevent them from adhering to the intestinal cell wall. Gut bacteria also help create a 2

Specific details to know about probiotic supplements

bacteria that are guaranteed at the time of expiry. Enteric Coating of probiotic supplement is a polymer barrier can help increase the number live of bacteria delivered to the gut by helping to protect against gastric juices, bile and enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract which can kill probiotics. Enteric coating will protect the bacteria in the probiotic supplement from the high acidity in the stomach but slowly dissolve as the pH rises and becomes more basic in the intestine, thus effectively achieving a targeted delivery to the large intestine.

Lactobacillus are the most predominant bacteria present in the small intestine. They are responsible for producing lactase which is the enzyme required to breakdown lactose, the sugar found in milk. They also act to ferment carbohydrates in the gut which produces lactic acid, helping to prevent unwanted bacteria from growing in the gut and aiding in the absorption of several minerals. Bifidobacterium is a spore forming bacterium which can act to protect it from many harsh environments, making it an excellent option for supplemental use as it can do well in surviving transit through the GI tract. It also produces lactic acid which provides energy for the cells of the gut, aids in mineral absorption and helps in fighting off harmful bacteria. Bifidobacterium also helps in the production of B-complex vitamins and vitamin K. Colony Forming Units (CFU) is a way to quantify the number of viable live bacteria in the product. Each living bacterium is referred to as a colony forming unit. Over time the number of live cultures will decline and thus labels should indicate the number of


Hemaiswarya S et al. Mechanism of Action of Probiotics. Braz. arch. biol. technol. vol.56 no.1 Curitiba Jan./Feb. 2013 Węgielska I, Suliburska J. The role of intestinal microbiota in the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases. Acta Sci Pol Technol Aliment. 2016 Apr-Jun;15(2):201-211. Stenman LK et al. Probiotic With or Without Fiber Controls Body Fat Mass, Associated With Serum Zonulin, in Overweight and Obese Adults-Randomized Controlled Trial. EBioMedicine. 2016 Nov;13:190-200. Mayer EA, Tillisch K, Gupta A. Gut/brain axis and the microbiota. J Clin Invest. 2015 Mar 2;125(3):926-38. Bienenstock J, Kunze W, Forsythe P. Microbiota and the gut-brain axis. Nutr Rev. 2015 Aug;73 Suppl 1:28-31. The international Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics-




What is Dandelion? ​ andelion is a flower commonly found worldwide. It D is between 5-25 cm long and appears yellow or orange depending on seed dispersal. People generally find it a nuisance as it grows everywhere, on lawns, roadsides, banks, and waterways. Dandelion is one of the most nutrient-rich herbs in the plant kingdom. The thought of eating common lawn weeds might be curious,​ but people around the world have been doing so for thousands of years. In Western culture, dandelion is an ingredient of root beer. In Asian and Arabian culture, leaves and buds are ingredients of salads, ​soups and ​​ teas. Because of its versatility, these cultures have also been using it to treat medical conditions, and to promote healthy organs.​ The use of Dandelion in traditional medicine goes back thousands of years in different parts of the world. Chinese, Arabian, Native American, and European traditional medicine have used it since as early as the 10th century. Following this tradition, many studies have looked at the benefits of Dandelion. The Dandelion is officially listed as beneficial in the United States National Formulary. It also appears on the Pharmacopoeias of Austria and Britain, as well the as The Czech Republic and the Ayurvedics. Dandelion has uses in herbal medicines as a treatment for liver problems as it has some pharmacological compounds. In Chinese medicine, it's used to treat upset stomachs and breast problems, such as inflammation or lack of milk. Native Americans brewed tea to treat kidney disease, swelling and heartburn. In Europe, dandelion was used in remedies for fever, eyesight

problems and diarrhea. In recent scientific studies on dandelion, the compound in dandelion called choline was found to increase urine production and decrease swelling. The roots are mainly for stimulation of the appetite and for liver problems. The leaves are used as a diuretic, as skin toner, blood tonic, and digestive tonic to help relieve dermatological conditions and increase bowel movements. In addition, Dandelion leaves are good sources of calcium, potassium, iron, and manganese, and contain abundant vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A,C and K. Only the best quality dandelion roots that are selected by our research team go through extraction in certified GMP manufacturing facility for guaranteed safety and effectiveness. For those who like to take it as tea, each capsule can be easily dissembled, and the inside powder can be used as tea in warm water. Nutridom Dandelion is recommended for people with liver problems and digestive disturbances such as feeling of bloating and constipation after high protein/ fat meals. Nutridom Dandelion is also recommended to relieve skin swelling and redness.



Nutridom L-Theanine What is L-Theanine?

reflection. When examining brain waves in response to theanine supplementation, several studies have found increases in alpha wave activity in periods after cognitive tasks in those supplemented with theanine. This was especially evident in those participants who were characterized with higher trait anxiety. Several studies have shown theanine may augment the actions of certain chemotherapeutic drugs by preventing the efflux of the drugs from tumor cells and thus significantly increasing the concentration of the drug inside of the cells. Its antioxidant properties may also help protect normal, healthy cells in the body. Theanine may be best for times of increased stress and anxiety but still requiring a state of alertness (eg. exam, work deadline, big presentation) as it generally does not result in drowsiness.

Theanine is an amino acid found almost exclusively in Camellia species which are small trees whose leaves and buds are used to produce tea. Theanine is also what gives green tea its distinct flavour. Theanine is first produced in the roots of the plant, and then it becomes concentrated in the leaves. Sunlight will convert the theanine into polyphenols, which is why many tea companies avoid growing their tea in direct sunlight in attempts to conserve as much theanine and thus flavour in the tea leaves. While both black and green tea have theanine, green tea is made from leaves that have not been allowed to oxidize and thus generally have higher levels of theanine.

What does the research say about L-Theanine?

Cautions Theanine is generally well tolerated and safe. While green tea has high amounts of theanine, the caffeine present in green tea can be higher than coffee and thus it is advised not to drink green tea at night. If you are undergoing cancer treatment, discuss theanine supplementation with your medical provider prior to starting any supplementation.

Theanine has been studied in isolation mainly for its anti-stress or anxiolytic properties. After being absorbed in the small intestine, theanine can pass through the blood-brain barrier where it has been shown to increase production of the neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter responsible for feeling of calm and relaxation, while dopamine is what is responsible for gratification and joy. Having sufficient and balanced levels of these neurotransmitters is important for overall positive mood and wellbeing. Studies have also demonstrated lower heart rate variability and subjective reduction in stress in response to theanine supplementation, indicating that theanine can reduce the sympathetic nervous system response to stress. Brain waves studies have also been useful to observe the effects of theanine on states of anxiety. Beta-waves are the predominant in normal waking consciousness and higher arousal, but are also most active in states of anxiety and stress. Alpha waves are present in states of deep relaxation, meditation and


L-theanine. Monograph. Altern Med Rev. 2005 Jun;10(2):136-8. White DJ, de Klerk S, Woods W, Gondalia S, Noonan C, Scholey AB. Anti-Stress, Behavioural and Magnetoencephalography Effects of an L-Theanine-Based Nutrient Drink: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial. Nutrients. 2016 Jan 19;8(1). pii: E53 Rogers PJ, Smith JE, Heatherley SV, Pleydell-Pearce CW. Time for tea: mood, blood pressure and cognitive performance effects of caffeine and theanine administered alone and together. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2008 Jan;195(4):569-77.




What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone found naturally in the body. Animals, plants, fungi and even bacteria all have melatonin, and it plays a different role in each species. Melatonin is released by darkness while bright light supresses melatonin. Melatonin regulates circadian rhythms, which is a factor in sleep timing and blood pressure regulation. Melatonin is present in the nervous system where it plays a role as a powerful brain antioxidant and immune system modulator. Melatonin count peaks in early childhood and declines with age. Among elderly people, no matter how healthy, the frequency of sleep disorders is high. There is association between sleep disorders and impaired melatonin production.

Circadian rhythm

Circadian rhythm is your body’s internal clock that follows a roughly 24-hour cycle. It responds primarily to the light and darkness in your environment. It is important in determining sleep-wake cycles and sleep patterns as it releases melatonin. An abnormal circadian rhythm has been linked to various sleep disorders such as insomnia, and is affected by many daily activities. In order to have a good circadian rhythm, it is important to have proper sleep hygiene, avoid bright lights at night, and/or supplement dietary melatonin if deficiencies are present.

How does Melatonin work in the body?

Melatonin’s main job in the body is to regulate night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles. Darkness causes the body to produce more melatonin, which signals the body to prepare for sleep. Light decreases melatonin production and signals the body to prepare to stay awake. People who have trouble sleeping often have low levels of melatonin. 8

CoQ 10

production and propagation of lipid peroxyl radicals - a harmful substance from fat metabolism which damages the cell. Unlike other antioxidants, CoQ 10 inhibits both the initiation and the propagation of this step, providing more potential benefit in cardiovascular disease. Heart Health : Coenzyme Q 10 assists in maintaining the normal oxidative state of LDL cholesterol, helps assure circulatory health, and supports optimal functioning of the heart muscles. Studies in both animals and humans proved significant association between decreased levels of CoQ 10 and a wide variety of heart diseases. Since CoQ 10 is naturally found in high concentration in heart muscle cells, deficiency is shown to be associated with cardiovascular diseases such as angina, arrhythmia, heart failure and high blood pressure. A clinical study found that patients on daily CoQ 10 were less likely to have subsequent heart attacks and chest pain. The patients were less likely to suffer from heart diseases than those who did not take the supplements. In addition, several studies involving small numbers of people showed that taking CoQ 10 lowers blood pressure by up to 17 mm Hg in 4 to 12 weeks. Migraine Relief : Migraines are severe disabling headaches that affect up to 17 percent of the population. A study from Neurology found that Coenzyme Q10 plays a role in reducing the number and severity of migraine headaches. Among 43 patients, a group who took 100 mg of CoQ 10, three times daily, reported significantly reduced frequency and severity of headaches than a placebo group. Cautions: Coenzyme Q 10 is safe for most adults when taken by mouth or when applied directly to the gums because CoQ 10 is well tolerated in the human body. However, since CoQ 10 is a powerful antioxidant that helps decrease blood pressure, taking CoQ 10 along with medications for high blood pressure might need consultation with a health care practitioner. Nutridom CoQ 10 : Taking 100 mg of supplemental CoQ 10 2-3 times per day is recommended for therapeutic effect. Since, CoQ 10 is insoluble in water, taking it with a meal containing fat is recommended for absorption. Nutridom CoQ 10 is packed in lipid-based soft-gels for absorption and freshness.

What is CoQ 10? Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ 10) is a natural antioxidant synthesized in body cells. It is naturally present only in small amounts in a wide variety of foods, but high amounts can be found particularly in organs with higher energy requirements such as the liver, heart and kidneys. CoQ 10 comes in two forms: ubiquinol, the active antioxidant form, and ubiquinone, the oxidized form, which the body converts to ubiquinol. Nowadays, both types are available in supplements and deliver pretty much the same therapeutic effects: antioxidant, heart protective and migraine prophylactic. Coenzymes help enzymes to catalyze biological reactions such as digestion and energy production. The beneficial effects of CoQ 10 are focused on its vital role in oxygen utilization and energy production, particularly in heart and skeletal muscle cells. A typical North American diet includes approximately 10 mg of CoQ 10 daily, thus taking CoQ 10 supplements is recommended to meet the daily value. Although, CoQ 10 can be synthesized in the body, deficiency occurs due to disease, low dietary intake, or CoQ overuse. Symptoms of deficiency include high blood pressure, chest pain and heart failure in severe cases.

Benefits of CoQ 10 Antioxidant : Coenzyme Q 10 has been studied for use as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage. As an energy carrier, the CoQ 10 continuously goes through an oxidation-reduction cycle. As it accepts electrons, it becomes reduced. As it gives up electrons, it becomes oxidized. In its reduced state, the CoQ 10 holds electrons rather loosely, so CoQ 10 molecules easily give up one or both electrons, thus, acting as an antioxidant. Early studies proved that CoQ 10 also provides antioxidant benefits by preventing the 9


Nutridom Chitosan What is Chitosan?

treatment option for the 20-30% of the population in the western world that suffer from NAFLD.

Chitosan is a carbohydrate found in the exoskeletons (external skeletons) of arthropods, usually crustaceans (shrimp, crab, lobster) and the walls of some fungi. It is biocompatible and non-toxic which is why it has received attention as something that can be used for human consumption.

Along with dietary and lifestyle changes, chitosan may be most useful for those individuals suffering from excess body fat, abnormal cholesterol levels and high blood sugar levels or metabolic syndrome which involves the presentation of these conditions together. Given the preliminary animal studies and the mechanism of action that chitosan has in the body, those with NAFLD may also benefit from supplementing with chitosan.

What does the research say about Chitosan? Human studies involving the use of chitosan have demonstrated its ability to bind with fats in the intestine and prevent their absorption as well as inhibit the release of pancreatic lipase which is an enzyme that helps breakdown fat. These combined actions have resulted in several studies reporting decreases in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and increases in HDL resulting in improved overall cholesterol profiles of patients with hypercholesterolemia. A 12-week double blind placebo controlled trial involving subjects with prediabetes showed that those given chitosan supplementations had significant improvements in several markers of postprandial glucose control, including lower HbA1c and inflammatory markers.

Caution Those with allergies to shellfish should NOT take chitosan. You should always seek advice about taking chitosan from your qualified medical provider especially however if you currently take warfarin or other blood thinners or are taking medications for diabetes. Chitosan may prevent the absorption of fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A,D,E and K thus is it suggested that it be taken away from other supplements. Side effects may include some digestive upset, constipation and gas.

Aside from improving cholesterol levels, animal studies have also shown that chitosan supplementation decreased markers of inflammation, and peripheral fat accumulation. One study also demonstrated that rats fed a high fat diet for several weeks which resulted in fat accumulation in the liver and associated decreased function, a condition known as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). The rats were then given a 4-week treatment of chitosan which not only improved blood lipid levels but also improved liver enzyme activity and other abnormalities caused by NAFLD. While more human studies are needed, these findings indicate a possible


Pallela R. Nutraceutical and pharmacological implications of marine carbohydrates. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2014;73:183-95. Patti AM, Katsiki N, Nikolic D, Al-Rasadi K, Rizzo M. Nutraceuticals in lipid-lowering treatment: a narrative review on the role of chitosan. Angiology. 2015 May;66(5):416-21. Kim HJ, Ahn HY, Kwak JH, Shin DY, Kwon YI, Oh CG, Lee JH. The effects of chitosan oligosaccharide (GO2KA1) supplementation on glucose control in subjects with prediabetes. Food Funct. 2014 Oct;5(10):2662-9 Ahmed, M. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in 2015. World J Hepatol. 2015 Jun 18; 7(11): 1450–1459.



Milk Thistle

What is Milk Thistle? Milk thistle, or silybum marianum, is the most wellresearched plant for liver health. It has been used for over 2,000 years as a natural treatment for liver problems including cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis and gallbladder disorders. Its use for treating liver ailments dates back to the ancient Greeks, and this herb has also been used in Chinese medicine for a very long time. By the 15th century physicians used it as a blood cleansing herb. In the late 16th century, milk thistle was used as a remedy for obstructions of the liver and the spleen Infusions from the fresh root were used to dissolve and excrete gall stones. Physicians in America at the turn of 20th century used a tincture of milk thistle for liver and kidney disorders and gallstones. Currently, Health Canada NHPID (Natural Health Product Ingredient Database) states that milk thistle is used in herbal medicine as a liver protectant to support liver function.

the body from damage caused by free radicals and lipid peroxidation, which can injure healthy cells and tissues. Also, milk thistle stabilizes the liver cell membrane and stimulates protein synthesis while accelerating the process of regeneration in damaged liver tissue. Last, milk thistle optimizes the production of bile, and therefore makes fat digestion and absorption easy on the liver.

Help Lower Cholesterol level

A clinical research suggests that milk thistle, combined with traditional treatment, can improve diabetes. Other studies also have shown a decrease in blood sugar levels and an improvement in cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes. This lowering LDL, “bad� cholesterol level, by milk thistle helps decrease the chance of developing heart disease too. Remember, diabetes is a serious condition. Ask a primary health practitioner before taking any supplement, as milk thistle may interfere with diabetic medication.

What are the Benefits hat are the Benefits Liver Health

There are over 300 research studies on milk thistle use and benefits that back up its proven value in liver health today. Many of these studies were carried out in Europe, and now milk thistle is a prescribed medication in Europe. Milk thistle is one of the herbs approved by the Commission E for its beneficial effects on liver-related diseases such as toxic liver damage, inflammatory liver disease, and cirrhosis. An active component of milk thistle, silymarin, comes from the seed extract and offers proposed liver detoxification. Silymarin, a bioflavonoid complex, is both an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and is responsible for the main medical benefits . According to studies, milk thistle protects the cells of the liver by blocking the entrance of harmful toxins and helping remove these toxins from liver cells. Silymarin makes milk thistle a powerful antioxidant. It works to maintain health and energy by protecting

Nutridom Milk Thistle Nutridom Milk Thistle uses pharmaceutical-grade milk thistle seed extract from the fresh European milk thistle plant, standardized to 80% silymarin. A daily dose contains 400 mg silymarin, and all our products are tested in the laboratory prior to production to ensure quality and safety. Effectiveness and safety of Nutridom Milk Thistle have been reviewed by Health Canada (NPN 80024649), and all products are made in a GMP certified facility. 12


What is Magnesium? Magnesium is one of the minerals in the human body that is naturally present in many foods and in the human body in large amounts. As an important cofactor, magnesium has various effects on the human body. Clinically, it is proven to be effective for constipation, heartburn and high blood pressure. Magnesium works as a laxative for constipation and for preparation of the bowel for surgical or diagnostic procedures. It is also used as an antacid for acid indigestion. Also, taking magnesium regularly reduces symptoms of heartburn. Among various forms, magnesium hydroxide is proven to work the fastest. Magnesium helps to reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol called low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and helps to increase levels of “good” cholesterol called high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. These two lipoproteins are key factors that control blood pressure. Even though more research is needed, magnesium has proven somewhat effective for heart-related conditions. Not only intravenously, but also regular intake of magnesium helps to treat a certain type of irregular heartbeat. In addition, it may possibly be effective for anxiety, weak bones, athletic performance and skin disease. Taking magnesium may help treat mild to moderate anxiety disorder. Also, magnesium helps prevent bone loss in older women with osteoporosis. A study suggests that taking estrogen along with magnesium appears to increase bone strength in older women better than estrogen alone. Some athletes use magnesium to increase energy and endurance during athletic activities. In some cultures, people put magnesium on their skin to treat infected skin ulcers, boils, carbuncles and to speed up wound healing. It is also used as a cold compress in the treatment of a severe skin infection caused by strep bacteria, and used as a hot compress for deep-seated skin infections.

nutrients are provided in the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) developed by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine in collaboration with Health Canada. RDA is the term describing the average daily dietary nutrient intake level sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all (97-98%) healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group. Those whose daily intake is less than the RDA amount could have magnesium deficiency and have a higher risk of developing chronic magnesium deficiency, which is harder to treat than acute.

Recommended Dietary Allowance of Magnesium Source: Monograph: Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Supplements, Health Canada, 2015

What is Magnesium Deficiency? Dietary surveys of people in the United States consistently show that intakes of magnesium are lower than recommended amounts. A report says that only 32% of people in the United States meet the RDA, and

How Much Magnesium Do You Need? Intake recommendations for magnesium and other 13

Dietary Supplements

adult men aged 71 years and older and adolescent females are most likely to have low intakes. According to the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), average intakes of magnesium among supplement users were higher than that of non-users. When supplements are included, average total intakes of magnesium were well above RDI levels. Magnesium deficiency due to low dietary intake is not uncommon in modern times. Consumption of processed foods and depletion of magnesium from agricultural soils are main two reasons why people develop habitual low intakes. Also, excessive loss of magnesium is common with alcoholism due to the kidney filtering too much magnesium out of the body. Chronically low serum magnesium levels are associated with metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 2, and hypertension. Signs of magnesium deficiency can vary from mild loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and weakness to high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and insomnia. In the late stage, magnesium deficiency may result in depression, insomnia, osteoporosis and leg cramps at night or after exercise. Severe magnesium deficiency may result in hypocalcemia or hypokalemia (low calcium or potassium levels in blood) because the body cannot adequately keep its mineral homeostasis.

Magnesium supplements are available in a variety of forms, including magnesium carbonate, chloride, citrate, hydroxide, oxide, sulfate and so on. Both the amount and absorption of elemental magnesium varies depending on the type. Thus, it is important to know which kind is the best for you. In general, forms of magnesium that dissolve well in liquid are better in terms of absorption in the gut than less soluble forms. Commonly available forms, magnesium oxide and sulfate, are usually less absorbed and bioavailable than other forms such as magnesium aspartate, bisglycinate, citrate and chloride.

Recommended Supplement Nutridom Magnesium Bisglycinate (capsule and powder)

• Amino acid chelated to enhance bioavailability (4 times more absorbed than magnesium citrate) • Stable form for improved absorption • Higher dosage (up to 400 mg of daily dosage for elemental magnesium) • Vegetable capsules and easy-to-use powder form

Why is it better than other magnesium products? Magnesium bisglycinate is magnesium bound to the amino acid glycine. The best magnesium is the one that does not break down in the digestive process and is absorbed in the intestinal (gut) wall and further into the blood stream. Many researchers found that amino acid chelated minerals are better for bioavailability than other forms. The bisglycinate form of magnesium passes into the cell via the human body’s natural amino acid transportation. Therefore, it is better able to cross the blood brain barrier, making it an excellent choice for anyone with depression and/ or anxiety. Other commonly available forms of magnesium , such as magnesium oxide and citrate, often cause diarrhea because of poor absorption. Magnesium bisglycinate rarely causes diarrhea and is four times more absorbed than other forms.

Sources of Magnesium Foods

According to USDA food charts, five foods with the highest magnesium per typical serving are: halibut, mackerel, boiled spinach, brand breakfast cereal, and almonds. One serving of halibut (3 oz)provides 23% of the daily recommended amount of magnesium. In general, people get enough magnesium from their diet but only 30% to 40% of the dietary magnesium consumed is absorbed and used by the body. The actual magnesium content of products grown today is drastically lower than in pre-industrial times. Thus, a wise meal planning and supplement choice would be essential in most people with busy lifestyles. 14


Vitamin D3+ K2

Vitamin D3 + K2

- Cardiovascular + Cellular Health Support What is Vitamin D?

that will regulate where calcium ends up in the body. While healthy bones require calcium, calcium build up in the arteries is a significant risk factor for heart disease. Preventing calcification of the arteries is thought to be the main mechanism of how vitamin K2 d ​ ecreases cardiovascular disease risk. Vitamin K ​​ also​​​has​​​​​anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and antioxidant effects in the body.

Vitamin D can be obtained in the diet, or made in the skin when exposed to sunlight. There are two forms of vitamin D, vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), of which the D3 form is generally accepted to be the more bioavailable form of the two. Deficiency in vitamin D has become more common as the evidence of sun damage and skin cancer has resulted in people limiting their skins exposure to the sun. In northern climates where long cold winters keep people inside and covered up, deficiency is even more common. A recent US study reported deficiency rates of 41.6%-86% in a study of over 4,000 individuals. The importance of vitamin D in bone health has been known for a while as it was shown to eliminate defective mineralization of bones in the 1930’s and decrease risk of fracture. This effect is due to vitamin D improving the body’s ability to absorb calcium in the intestine. Vitamin D however also plays a role in the management of autoimmune conditions, cardiovascular health and maintaining a healthy immune system.

Why Take Vitamin D3+ K2?

Research into vitamin D3 and K2 has increased in recent years and specifically their synergistic relationship to skeletal and cardiovascular health has caught the attention of health professionals. Studies have been done on the synergistic effects of the combination of D3 and K2. Compared to the placebo, vitamin D3 or K2 supplementation alone has shown significant improvements in bone mineral density among a group of postmenopausal women. Both vitamins have also been shown to decrease inflammation in the body, which is implicated in both cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. It appears that the two vitamins target different inflammatory cytokines and biomarkers. Finally, both vitamins appear to enhance each other’s antioxidant capabilities in the body.

What is Vitamin K?

Vitamin K was first discovered in Germany in 1929 as an essential nutrient for the process of blood clotting. There are two main forms of vitamin K: K1 (phylloquinone) which is found in a variety of plants and Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) which is found in animal and fermented food, as well as being produced by healthy gut bacteria. While vitamin K1 is more abundant in foods, vitamin K2 is more bioactive in the human body. The main function of vitamin K is to modify proteins in the body so they bind calcium. Vitamin K1 is mostly used by the liver to activate calcium-binding proteins that are involved in blood clotting, while vitamin K2, is used to activated proteins


Forrest KY, Stuhldreher WL. Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US adults. Nutr Res. 2011 Jan;31(1):48-54. Newman, Paul. & Shearer Martin J. (1998) Vitamin K Metabolism. In PJ. Quinn & VE. Kagen (Eds.) Fat Soluble Vitamins (pp 455-488) New York, NY: Springer US. Margueritta S. El Asmar, Joseph J. Naoum, and Elias J. Arbid. Vitamin K Dependent Proteins and the Role of Vitamin K2 in the Modulation of Vascular Calcification: A Review. Oman Med J. 2014 May; 29(3): 172–177. Kidd PM. Vitamins D and K as pleiotropic nutrients: clinical importance to the skeletal and cardiovascular systems and preliminary evidence for synergy. Altern Med Rev. 2010 Sep;15(3):199-222.

<Written by David Health Research Centre>



Vitamin B Complex

What is Vitamin B Complex? Vitamin B3, Niacin

B vitamins are a class of water-soluble vitamins that play an important role in the metabolism of energy and macro molecules such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. While many of the following vitamins work in tandem, each has its own specific benefits. For example, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and biotin participate in different aspects of energy production, whereas vitamin B6 is essential for amino acid metabolism, and vitamin B12 together with folic acid facilitate steps required for cell division.

Like the other B complex vitamins, niacin is important for energy production. Two interchangeable forms of vitamin B3, NAD and NADP, are essential for conversion of dietary proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into usable energy. Another primary role of niacin is to boost the level of HDL, the good cholesterol. Large doses have been used to treat hypercholesterolemia, the condition in which too much bad cholesterol is present in blood. The higher a person’s HDL, the less bad cholesterol in the blood. Fish, meats and enriched grains are good sources of vitamin B3.

List of B vitamins

Vitamin B5, Pantothenic Acid

Vitamin B1, Thiamine

Pantothenic acid is responsible for the production of sex and stress-related hormones, including testosterone. Although vitamin B5 deficiency is rare, it can result in serious symptoms such as fatigue, stomach pains, and vomiting. The deficiency can cause severe burning and aching in the feet.

B1 helps the body make healthy new cells by acting as a cofactor in energy metabolism. It is often called an anti-stress vitamin because of its ability to protect the immune system, as well as to maintain membrane and nerve function. Thiamine is widely distributed in foods, mainly in meats, legumes, and enriched grains. It is easily destroyed by heat. Alkaline and alcoholic beverages interfere with its absorption.

Vitamin B7, Biotin

Because of its association with healthy hair, skin and nails, biotin is known as “the beauty vitamin.” It is therefore found in many cosmetic and health products for the skin and hair. However, it cannot be absorbed through hair or skin. It is widely available in certain foods with large amounts being found in beef, soybeans, and egg yolk. It is one of the vitamins that is synthesized by beneficial bacteria in the human digestive tract. Therefore, deficiency is quite rare under normal circumstances. However, abuse of alcohol, intestinal problems and pregnancy increase the risk of deficiency, and the consequence is usually more severe than with other vitamins. Also, biotin is especially important during pregnancy because it is vital for normal growth of the baby.

Vitamin B2, Riboflavin

Riboflavin can be found mainly in dairy products, eggs, meat and legumes. It works as an antioxidant to prevent deterioration and early aging of cells. In addition, riboflavin utilizes Vitamin B6 and folate into active molecules. It is also important for the production of red blood cells, which is the body’s main oxygen transporter. Riboflavin is easily destroyed by sunlight, and this is why milk is packaged in opaque containers;it keeps the Vitamin B2 from breaking down. Interestingly, when there is a lot of vitamin B2 in the diet, urine turns bright yellow.


Vitamin B9, Folate/Folic acid

Vitamin B6 also helps break down proteins. The more protein you eat, the more Vitamin B6 you need. Also Vitamin B6 is required for the production of red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a complicated protein in red blood cells. It delivers oxygen throughout the body. The production of the heme part of the hemoglobin requires the presence of Vitamin B6.

Vitamin B9, also known as folate or folic acid, can be found in large amount in mushrooms and green vegetables. Vitamin B9 is crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health. It also assists in the production of DNA and RNA, the human genetic materials, and is especially important when cells and tissues are growing rapidly, such as in infancy, adolescence, and pregnancy. A newborn with vitamin B9 deficiency may develop birth defects, such as spina bifida, which is a neural tube defect characterized by incomplete closure of the bony encasement of the spinal cord. In addition, vitamin B9 works closely with vitamin B6 and B12 to maintain the levels of red blood cells and homocysteine, which in high amounts is associated with heart disease.

Vitamin B4 & B8

Vitamin B4 refers to distinct chemical compounds, none of which is currently considered a true vitamin. Adenine, carnitine and choline are designated in this vitamin group. Adenine is a component of DNA structure. Choline is the precursor for the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which is critical for nerve transmission. Carnitine is a component that affects bone mass and thyroid hormone action, although it is not an essential dietary nutrient for humans. Vitamin B8,inositol, is found in many plants and animals. It is mainly used to balance certain chemicals in the body to help with conditions such as depression, panic disorder and high cholesterol.

Vitamin B12, Cobalamin

Vitamin B12 works with other vitamins to produce red blood cells and DNA, and induces healthy nerve transmission. Vitamin B12 works with vitamin B9 to produce red blood cells to create oxygen-carrying proteins and hemoglobin. Cobalamin can be found in meat and meat products, and relatively small amounts in dairy products. A strict vegan or vegetarian is at risk of developing Vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to anemia. A mild deficiency may cause no symptoms, but if untreated, it may progress into megaloblastic anemia, in which red blood cells are larger than normal producing weakness, pale skin, and nerve and mental problems. In addition,it is highly recommended that the elderly take Vitamin B12 supplements since their bodies are less able to absorb it.

Nutridom B-Complex Medicinal Ingredients are: • Vitamin B1 (Benfotiamine) 30 mg • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin-5’-phosphate) 30 mg • Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) 25mg • Vitamin B4 (Choline bitartate) 25mg • Vitamin B5 (D-calcium pantothenate) 25 mg • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride) 25 mg • Vitamin B7 (Biotin) 50 mcg • Vitamin B8 (Inositol) 25 mg • Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) 500 mcg • Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) 250 mcg Overall, Nutridom B-Complex helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It also helps to form red blood cells, and induce normal growth, development and tissue formation. Nutridom B-Complex contains all essential ten B vitamins. Only one capsule a day is required. The formulation is based on safety and effectiveness; the form of each B vitamin is selected based on clinical results.

Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6 helps regulate levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which at a high level is a risk factor for heart disease. Pyridoxine plays a role in mood and sleep patterns, since it induces the production of serotonin, melatonin and norepinephrine, chemicals that transmit signals in the brain. Also, Vitamin B6 is involved in the formation of myelin, a protein layer that forms around nerve cells.



Nutrients for healthy skin, hair and nails and decreases in splitting and irregularities of the nail plate with 3-6 months of treatment with supplemental biotin. While the human body is unable to directly produce biotin, certain types of good bacteria present in a healthy human digestive system synthesize biotin for the body to use. Biotin is also widely available in foods such as organ meats, egg yolks, some vegetables and cows milk. The majority of biotin found in food is bound to a protein and thus requires a certain enzyme (biotinase) to act on it before it can be absorbed by the body. Obvious deficiency in biotin usually only occurs in people that are deficient in this enzyme or in people that consume a large amount of raw egg whites, as the avindin protein found in egg whites binds to biotin and prevents absorption. Deficiency can also be possible in pregnant women, those not consuming a well-balanced diet and those who have inflammatory bowel disease and/or gut dysbiosis where insufficient amounts of healthy gut bacteria limit biotin production. The actual recommended amount of biotin is unknown since healthy gut bacteria do contribute to the total biotin levels in the body. The National Academy of Medicine has indicated that an adequate intake of biotin is 30 micrograms for adult men and women, however there are studies which indicate that it appears to be safe even at much higher milligram doses.

Hair and nails are a type of modified skin cells, which is why skin, hair and nails are often grouped together when considering health. Skin acts as a barrier to the outside world and protects the internal organs and tissues. The outer layer of skin known as the epidermis contains three types of cells, one of which is keratin. Keratin is a type of protein that is a basic component of skin, hair and nails. Hair grows by forming new cells at the base of the root embedded in the skin. As the cells multiply and produce keratin to harden the structure, they get pushed to the surface and form the shaft of the hair. Nails are also formed by skin cells hardening to form keratin as they move to the surface of the skin. As all three are fast growing structures, they need adequate and consistent amounts of nutrients to do so. They are often the first structures to show signs of deficiencies or imbalances in the body. The following are some examples of changes in hair, skin and nails that may indicate a deficiency in one or several micronutrients. Scaly skin and/ or lips- biotin, essential fatty acids Dandruff- vitamin B2, B6, zinc, magnesium, biotin Graying Hair- folic acid, biotin, vitamin B5 Brittle, dry hair- zinc, vitamin A Hair loss- deficiency in zinc, vitamin B6, sulfur, selenium, biotin Brittle nails- biotin, vitamin A, C, calcium Many of these nutrients may be familiar to you, however while biotin is one that is common to many of the conditions listed above, it is not as commonly discussed.

References: Said HM.Biotin: biochemical, physiological and clinical aspects. Subcell Biochem. 2012;56:1-19. Hendrik Uyttendaele, Adam Geyer, and Richard K. Scher. Brittle nails: pathogenesis and treatment. J Drugs Dermatol. 2003 Jan;2(1):48-9. Table: Recommended Dietary Allowance and Adequate Intake Values, Vitamins and Elements Retrieved from http://www. DRI-Tables.aspx Scheinfeld N, Dahdah MJ, Scher R. Vitamins and minerals: their role in nail health and disease. J Drugs Dermatol. 2007 Aug;6(8):782-7. Baumgartner MR. Vitamin-responsive disorders: cobalamin, folate, biotin, vitamins B1 and E. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;113:1799-810.

So what is biotin? Where do you find it? And Why do you need it? Biotin is one of several water-soluble B vitamins and is referred to as B7 or sometimes vitamin H. Biotin is used for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and proteins as well as repairing of DNA, regulation of glucose metabolism and proper immune function. The use of biotin as a treatment for nail and hair issues was suggested for humans after it was found to improve immune function in horse’s hoofs. Since then, a human study demonstrated improvements in nail thickness 20



Healthy Eyes for Healthy Aging

We often don’t spend much time thinking about the health of our eyes as things like diabetes, heart disease and cancer tend to take most of our attention when it comes to major health concerns. According to experts, rates of blindness and vision loss are on the rise in Canada. While your eyes are not considered a vital organ to human survival, being informed about your eyes and how to protect them can help to ensure that you can have a high-quality life well into your golden years.

shows that 75% of all vision loss can be prevented or treated if detected early enough. Most Canadians however are not getting regular eye checks. Eye care experts recommend comprehensive eye exams every 1 to 2 years, regardless if you wear corrective lenses or not. Supplementing your diet and lifestyle with high quality antioxidants and nutrients specific to eye health is also helpful. Vitamin C and E are needed to keep our body tissues healthy and strong, while zinc helps to protect the sensory part of your eye. Antioxidants protect our eyes from damage and Omega-3s will help fight off damaging inflammation.

What are the factors that can damage your eyes? There are a variety of factors in our modern world that can be harmful to our eyes and overall health. UV light from the sun is likely one factor that most people consider when thinking about their skin health but it can also be very damaging to any part of the eye that UV light touches. The blue light from digital devices is also something we need to be aware of. Most people spend a large part of their day in front of a computer, tablet or smart phone. Early research shows that too much exposure to this type of light could, over time, damage retinal cells of the eye contributing to premature aging of the eye. Vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and omega-3 fatty acids all play a role in protecting eye health. However, a typical American diet, which is low in nutrient density, high in sugar and highly processed, will deplete levels of helpful nutrients in our bodies. Even without the stressors previously listed, aging alone is the main cause of most eye related diseases. With age comes more exposure to the factors that damage our eyes as well as decreased ability to absorb vital nutrients from the food we eat. The Canadian National Institute for the Blind estimates that the number of people living with blindness or partial vision loss is expected to double in the next 25 years.

What does the science say about supplements for Eye Health? The AREDS (Age Related Eye Disease Study) research group, demonstrated that a combination of antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, along with vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc slowed the progression of age related macular degeneration (AMD). 3500 subjects from the ages of 55-80, who had been diagnosed with some AMD related visual dysfunction were followed for 6 years. Those taking the antioxidant supplement had a 25% risk reduction for developing AMD. So what exactly are Lutein and Zeaxanthin? Lutein and zeaxanthin are macular carotenoids and antioxidants, which work together to protect the eye from free radical damage. They act to absorb and filter blue light exposure, which is the most damaging of light waves. As humans we are not able to make lutein and zeaxanthin in our bodies so we must obtain them from our diet or supplementation. Eggs, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, peppers, zucchini, peas and brussel sprouts are good food sources. In addition to eating well and getting regular eye exams, taking a supplement that include lutein and zeaxanthin is a good way to protect your eyes as you age.

How can we protect our eyes? The structures of the eye can be very delicate and susceptible to damage. Because of this, the eye contains high levels of antioxidants for protection. Poor diets may impede our ability to produce, store and utilize antioxidants. So, eating a variety fruits and vegetables of many colours and avoiding sugar and processed foods can be very protective for your eyes. Getting a regular eye exam is important too! Research


Blindness on the Rise in Canada. (May 22, 2013) Retrieved from Zampatti S, Ricci F, Cusumano A, Marsella LT, Novelli G, Giardina E. Review of nutrient actions on age-related macular degeneration. Nutr Res. 2014 Feb;34(2):95-105. Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 Research Group. Lutein + zeaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acids for age-related macular degeneration: the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2013 May 15;309(19):2005-15.




What Is Inflammation? What is Serrapeptase?

Inflammation is the body’s natural reaction to injury or wounds. It is a series of protective responses that aim to contain the injury at the initial site. This helps to protect the body from general infection, allergic reactions, and further bleeding. This protection, however, comes with a wide range of symptoms, such as mucous, stuffy nose, swollen throat, swelling, pain and fever, to name a few. When an injury happens, acute inflammation occurs within a few seconds or minutes. Acute inflammation is characterized by one or more of following: pain, redness, swelling, immobility and heat. The degree and duration of inflammatory responses differ from person to person and case by case. However, some people might suffer from chronic inflammation, a condition in which the inflammatory process is ongoing. Chronic inflammation could pose serious health threats. Medical conditions such as Ulcerative Colitis, Asthma, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease are a few examples of chronic inflammation.

Serrapeptase is an enzyme produced by serratia bacteria living in silkworms. Silkworms use it to dissolve their cocoon while emerging from the moth. Researchers have applied this unique characteristic to modern medicine. Serrapeptase has been used as a drug in Europe and Asia for more than 25 years, and it is used increasingly in North America.

What makes Serrapeptase interesting and distinct from other enzymes is that it affects only non-living tissues. This is due to Serrapeptase targeting a specific protein. According to Health Canada, Serrapeptase reduces swelling and pain from inflammation. It is a proteolytic enzyme, used to reduce the symptoms of pain, quantity of secretion, ability to perceive smell, stuffy nose and ears, and nose and/or throat infections. It is also a mucolytic enzyme, which helps break down mucous. Research is currently conducted on using Serrapeptase for fibrous blockages in coronary arteries.

Obesity and the Risk of Inflammation There is an interesting trend that links obesity to a higher risk of inflammation. In fact, some define obesity as a chronic inflammatory disease. For instance, at the physical level, being overweight can exert greater pressure and stress on the knee joints, accelerating the onset of osteoarthritis. As well, obesity significantly increases the risk of fatty liver, which in turn increases the risk of hepatitis and inflammation of liver. At a physiological level, some research findings suggest that obese people tend to have higher levels of inflammatory markers. In one finding, unfit men or those with high BMI, had higher levels of white blood cells. Another study showed that obese patients also tend to have higher levels of fibrin, another marker of inflammatory response.

Serrapeptase Reduces Pain

Pain is triggered by the presence of a protein called amine. When tissue inflames, an amine called bradykinin causes pain and soreness. Serrapeptase has been indicated to block the release of Bradykinin, thus


- Reduces sinus pain due to sinus congestion and a stuffy nose

reducing pain.

Serrapeptase Reduces Inflammation

Why Enteric Coating?

Serrapeptase is known to break down fibrin, a protein involved in blood clotting. It contains infection at the initial site. In prolonged inflammation, fibrin converts healthy tissue to a fibrous matrix which maintains inflammatory responses.

Serrapeptase is an enzyme.

Enzymes are effective only within a certain pH range. A pH too high or too low will denature the enzyme and its function. This change is permanent. Optimal pH at which Serrapeptase brings benefit is a pH within the range of 5-9.

Serrapeptase is used in various ways, including:

Enteric-coating protects Serrapeptase.

- Promoting respiratory health - Thinning mucus (ear, nose, throat) - Relieving pain and inflammation associated with various conditions such as allergies and allergic reactions, as well as post-surgery swelling.

Generally, a capsule or tablet is dissolved by stomach acid, and its content is released into the stomach. If ingested uncoated, Serrapeptase will be released into the stomach, which has a characteristic pH of 1-3. This will denature serrapeptase and even if it reaches the small intestine which has the optimal pH of 7-9, it will not revert back to a normal state. By enteric coating the capsule, making it resistant to stomach acid, Serrapeptase is dissolved in the small intestine, and it is, thus, absorbed in its activated form.

Nutridom Serrapeptase 120,000 Each capsule of Nutridom Serrapeptase 120,000 contains 120,000 Serrapeptase units. A serrapeptase unit is a measurement of Serrapeptase’s ability to break down protein.

Nutridom Serrapeptase, the quality you can trust - Enteric-coated to protect the enzyme - Vegetable capsules with vegetable-derived enteric coating - The highest potency on the Canadian market (120,000 Units)

Nutridom Serrapeptase is effective for the following symptoms:

- Reduces secretions from the ears, nose and/or throat - infections. - Breaks down mucous. - Reduces sinus congestion associated with seasonal allergies


Breathe easy


Got Mucous? Stuffy Nose?

● Break down the Mucous ● Helps to reduce pain from ear, nose and throat infection ● Relieves stuffy nose and sinus congestions ● Naturally derived enzyme without anti-histamine or anti-inflammatory drugs

60 capsules, Take 1 capsule 1 time per day. Take 2 hours after a meal.

* Hypersensitivity/allergy has been known to occur; in which case discontinue use.

What is Serrapeptase? Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme (protease) produced from silkworm (Bombyx mori L.). Serrapeptase is present in the silkworm intestine and allows emerging moth to dissolve its cocoon (which is, silk). It is known to be effective in removing protein waste (like dead cells or mucous) in your body which might be impeding your health. Serrapeptase is especially beneficial for pain caused by inflammation (especially nasal and throat inflammation), reduction of swollen tissues, and breaking down the mucous.

What are the benefits of Nutridom Serrapeptase? - No drowsiness or light headed unlike conventional anti-histamine drugs. - Natural inflammatory benefits without the drugs. - Proteolytic & Mucolytic enzyme to helps break down mucous. - Can be used safely for the recurrent nasal congestion & sinus congestion.

What is Inflammation Mucous, stuffy nose and swollen throat are all caused by inflammation. Inflammation is caused by general infections or allergic reaction. It is body’s natural reaction to protect the body, but it also causes swelling, mucous, pain and fever. Anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-histamine drugs and antibiotics are usual treatment for inflammation reactions. However, there is a growing concern with long term effects and potential dependency with the usage of NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug).

Nutridom Serrapeptase is effective for : - Reduces secretion from ear, nose and/or throat infection. - Break down mucous. - Reduces sinus congestions associated with seasonal allergy - Reduces sinus pain due to sinus congestions and stuffy nose

Nutridom Serrapeptase, the quality you can trust on. - Enteric Coated to protect the enzyme - Vegetable capsules with vegetable derived enteric coating - The highest potency on the market (120,000 Units)


Evening Primrose

What is Evening Primrose?

The Evening Primrose is a plant native to North America, but it also grows in Europe and some parts of the Southern hemisphere as well. The name comes from its yellow flowers that bloom in the evening. Thousands of Evening Primrose plant seeds are crushed to extract oils, which have many preventive and therapeutic qualities and have become a standard recommendation of many herbalists for maintaining youth and prevention of many disease. Evening primrose oil has been used since the 1930s as a traditional remedy for eczema (a condition in which the skin becomes inflamed, itchy, or scaly because of allergies or other irritation). More recent uses include conditions involving inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis and conditions affecting women’s health, such as breast pain associated with menstruation, menopause, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is largely responsible for the remarkable healing properties of the plant. In fact, evening primrose contains one of the highest concentrations known of this substance and only a few other plants contain it at all. GLA improves elasticity of the skin, helps to regulate hormones and improves nerve function related problems such as PMS and migraine headaches.

Evening Primrose relieves symptoms of PMS, menopause and menstruation By interfering with the production of inflammatory prostaglandins released during menstruation, GLA helps to lessen menstrual cramps. It may also minimise premenstrual breast tenderness, irritable bowel flareups, carbohydrate cravings, endometriosis-associated inflammation. Those who suffer from post menopausal symptoms tend to have unusually low levels of GLA in the body, in which case supplements can alleviate these symptoms and promote well-being.

What are the benefits?

Evening primrose oil contains high concentrations of


Cranberry 25X

How does it work?

Cranberry, a North American fruit, is a small, evergreen shrub grown from Alaska to Tennessee. Pink to red coloured fruits bloom from May to August and have a long history of use among native American Indian tribes, primarily for the treatment of bladder and kidney ailments. Canada produces an annual volume of 20 million kg of cranberries from 1150 hectares of land. Cranberries were also used as a poultice to treat wounds and blood poisoning. Sailors used the berries as a scurvy preventative. Nowadays, cranberry juice and supplements are effective urinary acidifiers and even used in Eastern European cultures to reduce fever and, because of their folkloric role, in the treatment of cancers.

Cranberry works for urinary tract infections by making the urine acidic and, therefore, unlikely to support the growth of bacteria. Moreover, some of the chemicals in cranberries keep bacteria from sticking to the cells that line the urinary tract where they can multiply. In addition, cranberry contains significant amounts of salicylic acid, which is an important ingredient in aspirin. Drinking cranberry juice regularly increases the amount of salicylic acid in the body, which eventually reduces swelling and prevents blood clots;it may also have antitumor effects. Raw cranberries are a source of phytochemicals, particularly polyphenols, which have possible beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, immune system and cancer. Cranberries also contain a high amount of non-dialyzable material that is under research for its potential to prevent tooth decay and kidney stone formation. According to Health Canada, almost 30 grams of fresh cranberry fruit is needed per day to prevent a UTI and to have an antioxidant effect. This is equivalent to one liter of cranberry juice (not sweetened) or 2 pills of concentrated extract.

What are Benefits

Nutridom Cranberry 25 X

What is Cranberry?

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) : A urinary tract infection (UTI) affects the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra, all passageways for urine flow. UTIs are one of the most commonly acquired bacterial infections in ambulatory and hospitalized populations. Approximately 11% of all women over the age of 18 in the United States have a UTI each year. The incidence of UTIs is highest among women between 18-24 years. Much research shows that drinking cranberry juice or taking certain cranberry extracts can lower the risk of repeated UTIs. Neurogenic bladder : Cranberry is also used for neurogenic bladder (a bladder disease), as well as to deodorize urine in people with difficulty controlling urination. Some people use cranberry to increase urine flow, kill germs, speed skin healing, and reduce fever. Antioxidant : Researchers at a human research center suggest that the abundance of phytonutrients and antioxidants present in cranberries provides protection against problems that may accompany aging. Cranberries provide therapeutic properties by protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals which contribute to aging.

• Canadian cranberries from upper lands in Ontario and Quebec • Highest concentrated extract powder (25X) processed in Canada • Provides daily dose equivalent to 25g of raw cranberries • Vegetable capsules

Why is it better than other Cranberry products? Cranberries grow from May to August, and only fullyripened fruit is harvested in the fall season. To provide the best quality fruit, we select only berries that are protected against the frost . A system whereby water is applied through a sprinkler to the cranberries protects the ripening fruit from freezing. This occurs anytime the temperature drops below damaging levels, usually between late evening and early morning hours. It is considered the best way to preserve the quality of the cranberry, and only these berries are chosen and processed for our product. Taking only 2 capsules (1 capsule, 2 times a day) provides the maximum amount needed for therapeutic effect. 28




Chaga Mushroom

What is Chaga Mushroom? Known by the Japanese as ‘the diamond of the forest’, by Siberians as ‘the gift of god’ and ‘the mushroom of immortality’, chaga mushrooms have been widely used as a great herbal medicine for centuries by Siberians and the Chinese. Chaga mushrooms are non-toxic mushrooms with extremely high amounts of antioxidants. These mushrooms differ from other mushrooms, as they grow by extracting nutrients from living trees instead of dead ones. Chaga mushrooms primarily grow on birch trees and are only found in the coldest locations of the northern hemisphere. In addition to this exclusivity, Chaga mushrooms take at least five years to mature, and are very rare. Also, they cannot be cultivated. Attempts to cultivate them have resulted in significantly reduced and different bioactive constituents. In addition, out of a hundred trees harvested, only 2 to 3% of the harvested mushrooms are certified as “superior grade”. Many commercial foragers are highly motivated to harvest them because of their high value. Chaga mushrooms contain several beneficial bioactive constituents. Their antioxidant content is among the highest of any herb or fungus in the world.1 They also contain considerable amounts of betulin and betulinic acid, which several studies show to have anti-cancer effects.3 Betulin is also effective to balance and maintain the metabolic system in the body. Aside from these powerful constituents, Chaga mushrooms also contain B vitamins, minerals such as copper, calcium, and zinc, as well as essential enzymes.1 These constituents are essential for daily life, and deprivation of these nutrients will result in reduced immunity and increased risk of disease.

regions, thus providing more antioxidant activity and anti-cancer effect This is because Canadian Chaga mushrooms receive relatively higher amounts of ultraviolet light compared to those found in other regions. Canadian Chaga mushrooms, as a result, produce more melanin and contain higher concentrations of Vitamin D.1

From Unpolluted Northern Canada

Chaga mushrooms are known to have higher quality nutrients when they are grown in colder regions because they are able to store valuable nutrients in themselves. Despite this fact, most commercially marketed Chaga mushrooms tend to be harvested in warmer climates because it is faster and cheaper. Northern Canadian Chaga Mushrooms are slowly grown in extremely cold weather where there is no environmental contamination. This is why they are better quality than the ones harvested from other regions.

Composition of Chaga Mushrooms Betulinic Acid

The most valued constituent in Chaga mushrooms is betulinic acid. This acid is naturally formed by the mushroom using the betulin fed from the birch tree that the mushroom resides on. Betulinic acid is effective against lymphatic disorders and tuberculosis, and recent clinical studies have shown that it is also effective against tumors.5


Like many other medicinal mushrooms, Chaga mushrooms are rich in beta-glucans, which perform immuno-modulating activity. Since cancer cells consist of our own body cells, the immune system does not recognize them as foreign. Hence, the cancer cells grow without interference from the immune system. Beta-glucans bind to the complement receptor 3 (CR3) that allows the immune cells to recognize cancer cells

Superiority of Canadian Chaga Mushrooms Higher Melanin Concentration

Canadian Chaga mushrooms have higher concentrations of melanin than those found in other 32

as foreign, and eliminate them.6 Also, beta-glucans are involved in modulating blood cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that regular consumption of food containing beta-glucans reduces the cholesterol level in the blood, lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.7

Betulinic acid, one of the unique components of Chaga, has demonstrated anti-HIV properties.9 In folk medicine, chaga was often used to treat gastritis and gastrointestinal related problems. Since most ulcers are caused by bacteria such as helicobacter pylori, a well functioning immune system will reduce the risk. A high quality Chaga extract includes the sclerotium, the outer layer of Chaga. Sclerotium contains a massive amount of a specific fungi-melanin and antioxidants, boosting your immune system further.


The Chaga mushroom has extremely high levels of Superoxide Dismutase, an antioxidant that works for nearly every single cell in the body.1 Antioxidants benefit health by removing free radicals from the bloodstream. They have a wide range of health benefits. Some studies have shown that antioxidants reduce the signs of aging by minimizing wrinkles and preserving the texture of the skin. They can even protect the skin from sunlight by reducing the incidence of sunburn.

Provides Antioxidants

Oxidation is a chemical process that happens in our body everyday. Individual cells use oxidation to harmonize and maintain normal body function. Although necessary, at the same time oxidation yields free radicals, which cause damage or death to cells. Free radicals can affect any cell in our body. It can be your brain cells or your liver cells, and this damage is often permanent. It is important that our cells protect themselves from this damage so they can continue to work in harmony. Antioxidants are molecules that fight oxidation. Simply put, antioxidants minimize and mitigate the oxidizing effect of free radicals. Chaga mushrooms have an extremely high concentration of the antioxidant superoxide dismutase. SOD has the ability to reduce oxidation damage in nearly every single cell in our body.


Chaga helps us to ‘adapt’ to our surroundings and respond accordingly without stress. Stress creates havoc on all levels for our general health. When a person faces the ‘change,’ adaptogens help a person adapt and respond to that change by stabilizing physiological processes through an alteration of metabolic and hormonal pathways.

Major Benefits of Chaga Mushroom Boosts Immune System Against Diseases and Infections

Supports Cardiovascular Health

There are two forms of cholesterol- LDL (Low- Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein). Cholestrol helps with many body functions such as hormone production. However, a high concentration of cholesterol can clog and narrow arteries. HDL could actually work to remove cholesterol from arteries, but LDL could be an artery-clogging plague. High LDL could jeopardize your cardiovascular health by constraining the amount of oxygen arteries carry to the heart. Research has suggested that the betulinic acid which is present in high concentration in Chaga mushrooms can help break down ‘bad’ cholesterol in the bloodstream.1 In addition, studies regarding ß-glucans, a part of the polysaccharides in Chaga, indicate that they can lower cholesterol levels.

The immune system classifies Chaga as an adaptogenic Biological Response Modifier (BRM). It not only stimulates the body’s immune function when necessary, but can also slow it down when it’s overactive. The beta-glucans are widely known to be responsible for their adaptogenic action, but many researchers believe it is actually the synergy between several, if not all, constituents that are responsible for this. Because of this property, Chaga can be used to neutralize the side effects of pharmaceuticals, to compensate for age-related declination of our immune function, and, in general, to help us deal with stresses that negatively impact our daily lives. Betulinic acid and the phytosterols in Chaga also play an important part in boosting the immune system. 33


Q: Where does Chaga come from and why are birch trees


A: Wild birch trees grow in northern climates, north of

the 45th parallel where they have to endure challenging weather conditions. From the hot summers to the extremely cold winters, wild birch trees need the most powerful of nutrients to withstand the harsh environment. The Chaga mushroom benefits from these powerful nutrients.

Q: What makes chaga so special? A: It is a dense powerhouse of 215 potent and unique

phytonutrients. Some of these nutrients, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), polysaccharides, betulin and betulinic acid only come from a limited number of sources. Chaga is nature’s richest source of these unique compounds, and it delivers these nutrients in a whole food, bioavailable form. Chaga, and its constituents are the subject of extensive research.

daily diet?

A: There are many benefits of using Chaga. Commonly, it is used as a daily tonic. It is a powerful adaptogenic herb with an amazing nutritional profile to support the body’s general health and ability to balance itself. Chaga is an excellent natural source for B-complex, plant sterols, SOD, and beta glucans. Benefits include improved vitality and well-being. Q: A:

Is chaga safe?

Yes. Chaga is completely natural and there have been no reported side effects in several thousand years of use. Furthermore, there are no known conflicts in using Chaga. It is completely safe to use every day, even many times a day. It is recognized as a nutritional supplement, and is produced under Good Manufacturing Practices for supplements.

Q: What is superoxide dismutase? A: SOD is an antioxidant enzyme needed for the

entire body. SOD is the main antioxidant responsible for counteracting superoxide, which is one of the most common and most damaging free radicals in the human body. Normally, SOD is created by the body, but by ages 25-30 the level of enzymes needed to create SOD in any significant amount diminishes. This makes Chaga an essential supplement to any diet, especially for those 25 years and older.

Q: What are the benefits of supplementing Chaga into a REFERENCES >>

7. Aarsæther E, Straumbotn E, Rösner A, Busund R. Oral β-glucan reduces infarction size and improves regional contractile function in a porcine ischaemia/reperfusion model. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012 Apr;41(4):919-25. 8. Hyun KW, Jeong SC, Lee DH, Park JS, Lee JS. Isolation and characterization of a novel platelet aggregation inhibitory peptide from the medicinal mushroom, Inonotus obliquus. Peptides. Jun 2006;27(6):1173-1178. 9. Qian K, Bori ID, Chen CH, Huang L, Lee KH. Anti-AIDS agents 90. novel C-28 modified bevirimat analogues as potent HIV maturation inhibitors. J Med Chem. 2012 Sep 27;55(18):8128-36. Epub 2012 Sep 14. 10. Sawada N, et al. Betulinic acid augments the inhibitory effects of vincristine on growth and lung metastasis of B16F10 melanoma cells in mice. Br J Cancer. 2004 Apr 19;90(8):1672-8. 11. Lu X, Chen H, Dong P, Fu L, Zhang X. Phytochemical characteristics and hypoglycaemic activity of fraction from mushroom Inonotus obliquus. J Sci Food Agric. 2010 Jan 30;90(2):276-80. 12. Thornton, Dwight. “Fiddlehead Heaven - Harvesting Chaga.” How To Harvest Chaga Mushrooms. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014.

1. Ingram, Cass. D.O. Wild Forest Chaga—The King of All Herbs, Mushroom of Immortality. 2010. 2. Park YK, Lee HB, Jeon EJ, Jung HS, Kang MH. Chaga mushroom extract inhibits oxidative DNA damage in human lymphocytes as assessed by comet assay. Biofactors.2004;21(1-4):109–112. 3. Lemieszek MK et al. Anticancer effects of fraction isolated from fruiting bodies of Chaga medicinal mushroom, Inonotus obliquus (Pers.:Fr.) Pilát (Aphyllophoromycetideae): in vitro studies. Int J Med Mushrooms. 2011;13(2):131-43. 4. Kim, Yong Ook; Park, Hae Woong; Kim, Jong Hoon; Lee, Jae Young; Moon, Seong Hoon; Shin, Chul Soo (2006). “Anti-cancer effect and structural characterization of endo-polysaccharide from cultivated mycelia of Inonotus obliquus”. Life Sciences 79 (1): 72–80. 5. Jonnalagadda SC, Corsello MA, Sleet CE. Betulin-betulinic acid natural product based analogs as anti-cancer agents. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2013 Dec;13(10):1477-99. 6. Caifa Chen WZ, Gao X, Xiang X, et al. Aqueous Extract of Inonotus obliquus (Fr.) Pilat (Hymenochaetaceae) Significantly Inhibits the Growth of Sarcoma 180 by Inducing Apoptosis. Am J Pharmacol Toxicol. 2007. 2(1):10-17.




What is Moringa? Moringa, also known as “drumstick tree,� is a fastgrowing tree, native to the Himalayan Mountains in northwestern India. The moringa tree grows best in dry soil and is drought tolerant. It grows well even in soil of poor quality, such as in sandy soils of the coastal areas. Due to its superior cultivating quality and nutrient-rich edible parts, the moringa is researched and actively cultivated by several NGOs for the purpose of reducing poverty and malnutrition in developing countries.

protein as yogurt, seven times the amount of Vitamin C in an orange, nine times the amount of iron as in spinach and four times the amount of fibre in oats. The moringa plant yields health benefits from the roots to the sap. First, moringa plants are rich in phytochemicals and other antioxidants. Phytochemicals are compounds produced by plants that have health benefits. Seeds, in particular, protect the liver and help to normalize blood pressure through their antioxidant properties. - Traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine uses the flowers, gum, bark, roots and seeds of moringa trees for heal. Practitioners use Moringa for its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, antidepressant and antiinflammatory properties. Moringa gum is used to treat headaches, fever, dysentery, asthma and intestinal cancer. - Moringa plant compounds have significant antibacterial properties. A 2010 study found that moringa seed and leaf extracts killed Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterobacter aerogenes bacteria. Moringa extracts are also effective against Salmonella typhimurium, a germ that causes dysentery and inflammation of the stomach and intestines. In addition, the researchers found that moringa has significant anti-fungal activity.

Moringa, the Natural Nutrition For the Tropics Although many parts of the moringa are edible, the leaves are the most nutritious part of the plant. They contain three times more iron than spinach and are loaded with tons of vitamins, including vitamin C and vitamin A, calcium, potassium and protein, as well as powerful antioxidants.

Benefits of Moringa

- Currently with its high content of nutrients, moringa is recommended for energy enhancement by researchers and doctors. Compared to common foods, each serving has twice as much Vitamin A as carrots, 14 times as much calcium as milk, four times the amount of potassium as a banana, twice as much

Moringa Pure

-P ure Indian Moringa Powder 500 mg - Vegetable Capsule - 120 Capsule - 2 capsules, 2 times per day

Moringa Concentrated Extract

- Concentrated 4 times - Easy to use powder - 124 g



Concentrated 4 times Vegetable Capsule 120 Capsule 1-2 capsule(s), 2 times per day


Elk Velvet Antler

What Is Velvet Antler? loaded with 24 amino acids, chondroblasts, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, glycosaminoglycans (mucopoolysaccharides) and anti-inflammatory agents. Together, they provide the following benefits: ① Enhances Energy – Elk velvet antler increases energy and muscle strength, and reduces fatigue. For this reason, body builders have been using elk antler for decades. ② Slows Down Aging – Elk velvet antler contains pantocrin which accelerates the natural process ofregeneration within the body. It helps to maintain physical and mental function in elderly people. ③ Arthritis Relief – Elk velvet antler provides nutritional support for joint structure and function. It is rich in chondroitin sulphate, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory benefit.

Moose, elk and deer produce new antlers yearly (primarily males, except caribou/reindeer). When the new antler grows, it is covered with short hair which looks like “velvet”. It is referred to as ‘velvet antler’. This grows rapidly from about March or April until July. Velvet antler refers particularly to the whole cartilaginous antler at a pre-calcified stage, rather than the velvety “skin” on growing antlers. The antler will become hardened (calcified) and will fall off before spring. The antlers, both calcified and the soft new ones, are an important ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine.

The Benefits of Velvet Elk Antler Velvet antler usage in traditional Chinese medicine Velvet antler has been considered a nutritional tonic ingredient and has been widely used in China for more than 2,000 years. Traditionally, in Asia, the antler is dried and sold as slices. Then, tea is prepared by boiling slices in water, usually with other herbs and ingredients. This tea has long been used to: - Treat impotence in men - Modulate the immune system - Increase blood production in anemia - Improve blood circulation - Improve muscle strength and mental alertness - Treat infertility in women

Canadian Elk Velvet Antler How is it harvested? Health Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and the Alberta government have set strict regulations for the practice of elk ranching. Elk are raised on spacious farms with plenty of room to roam. This free-range environment promotes healthy and normal development. All elk processed in Alberta undergo mandatory and rigorous testing. Elk ranching is a governmentregulated industry controlled under the Livestock Industry Diversification Act. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regularly inspects elk herds and tests for illnesses. The antler removal process is approved by veterinarians. The harvesting is done under a protocol developed with the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association. This protocol requires training and certification of the owners/operators so that it is done humanely.

Velvet antler usage in Western dietary supplements In the West, antler is dried and powdered, and consumed in capsule form as a dietary supplement. Famous athletes worldwide have noted the velvet antler product as a performance enhancer. In particular, Canadian elk antlers have been a preferred source of velvet antlers for decades due to their superior size and quality.

Velvet antler benefit Pure Canadian (Alberta) elk velvet antler powder is 38



What Is Collagen? Collagen comes from the Greek word for “production of glue.” Collagen is the main structural protein of various connective tissues and body parts in animals and humans. These include key organs including the lense of the eye, artery walls, bones and intestines. Collagen consists of protein chains bound in a tight triple helix, with great tensile strength. An exact molecular structure of collagen has been researched by renowned scientists for a very long time. A total of 28 types of collagen have been identified and described so far, each expressed by a unique gene, and each playing an important role in our body. Examples of Collagen Types are: - Type I: most abundant collagen in the body. It is found in the skin, tendons, vascular ligatures, organs,

bones, teeth, artery walls and many more. - Type II: makes up for 50% of all cartilage protein. It is also found in the space between the lens and retina of the eye. - Type III: tissue that forms on the surface of a wound. It is also found in artery walls, skin, intestines and the uterus. - Type IV: found in the lense of the eye, capillaries and the nephron in the kidney. Collagen gives structure to key organs in the body. Genetic defects or mutation of collagen leads to many adverse medical conditions. These include osteogenesis caused by Collagen Type I, resulting in weak bones.

Joint Structure

The simplest description of a joint in the body is “the meeting place of two or more bones.” Our body is made of rigid bones. Joints connect bones together, providing mechanical support and allowing movement such was walking, running, and moving. Without joints, every step we take would be extremely painful due to bones colliding into each other, and causing friction. Joint complex is made of bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue. Lack of normal function of any part of the musculoskeletal system can jeopardize joint health. Muscles keep the bones in place and allow movement of the bones. Cartilage is the material that covers the end of bones in normal joints. Its main function is to reduce friction in the joint and serve as a “shock absorber.” About 60% of dry weight of cartilage is Collagen

Type II which provides strength to the cartilage. ① The tendon is a band of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscles to bones. Normal healthy tendons are an array of collagen fibers held together. 86% of dry weight of tendons is Collagen Type I. ② Ligaments connect one bone to another. Similar to tendons, ligaments are bands of fibrous connective tissues consisting of collagen fibers. 70% of dry weight of ligaments is Collagen Type I. ③ Bones consist of collagen fibers and inorganic bone material. 6-70% of bone’s total dry mass is mainly collagen fiber. 40

Joint Disorders- Arthritis Joints can be damaged by many injuries or diseases, including arthritis. Arthritis, from simply years of use of joints, may cause the joints to wear away. This can cause pain, swelling and stiffness. Osteoarthritis is degeneration of joint cartilage and underlying bone due to bones becoming weaker and fragile from the loss of connective tissue. An increasing number of people suffer from joint disorders. The main risk factors are age, genes, obesity, and repeated injury from sports or work.

- Swelling and stiffness in one or more joints. ③ Following are a few tips that could reduce the risk of osteoarthritis.

① According to Osteoporosis Canada statistics, osteoporosis: - Can strike at any age; bone loss can start in the mid 30s. - Can result in lower self-esteem, reduction or loss of mobility, and decreased independence. - At least 1/3 women and 1/5 men will suffer osteoporosis in their lifetime. In a family of five, one person is likely to have it. ② Common symptoms or warning signs of osteoarthritis include: - Deep, aching joint pain, more severe with activity; the pain may subside with rest. - Transient joint stiffness after a period of rest (such as getting up in the morning or after a long time spent sitting).

Maintain your ideal body weight Higher body weight increases stress on the joints. For example, a 10-pound gain in weight exerts 30-60 pounds of force on the knee. Similarly, higher BMI (Body Mass Index), a measure of body fat and obesity, is associated with a higher risk of osteoarthritis. Stay Active Exercise! Regular exercising not only helps you maintain weight, but also relieves fatigue, eases stiffness and strengthens muscles. Practice Good Posture Poor posture is one of many causes of joint damage. A simple task of practicing good posture, such as keeping your back straight, can maintain your joint health.

Hydrolyzed Collagen from G.Gallus (chicken) Hydrolyzed collagen is rich in 8 out of 9 pure forms of essential amino acids at a very high concentration. Hydrolyzed Collagen plays three key functions. 1. Hydrolyzed Collagen helps to reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Scientists believe this is due to hydrolyzed collagen accumulating in the cartilage, and stimulating collagen production by chondrocytes. 2. Hydrolyzed Collagen promotes joint health by

strengthening and maintaining the cartilage and joint complex. This stimulates chondrocytes, key cells in collagen production. In particular, lysine is a critical component of collagen triple helix structure, and helps with collagen formation. 3. Several studies show that a daily intake of hydrolyzed collagen increases bone mass density. It is suggested that hydrolyzed collagen stimulates osteoblast activity- increasing bone mass production.


Glucosamine & MSM

What is Glucosamine & MSM? According to Society report (2012), 4.5 million, or one in six Canadians aged 15 years and older report having arthritis. By 2031, approximately seven million Canadians (one in five) are expected to have arthritis.

Glucosamine Sulfate? Glucosamine is the main compound of glucosamine sulfate (proteoglycan). It acts like a spring within the joint cartilage. After the age of 40, the body’s ability to make glucosamine decreases dramatically; this is the major contributing factor to the development of osteoarthritis. This results in cartilage erosion, narrowed joint space, inflammation, stiffness and deformity. When taken orally as a supplement, glucosamine sulfate acts as an anti-arthritic agent by providing the connecting matrix between the protein filaments in cartilage. Clinical studies have shown evidence that glucosamine: • Slows or halts cartilage erosion (Kwoh CK, et al. 2014) • Reduces pain, swelling, stiffness (Kwoh CK, et al. 2014) • Increases hyaluronic acid, which increases joint viscosity and improves the joint’s shock absorption. Increases collagen synthesis by chondrocytes • Is a safer choice than NSAIDS.

between joints. MSM also provides methyl groups that support many vital biochemical processes in the body, including energy production. MSM is a naturally-occurring nutrient that has proven to be useful for osteoarthritis and other joint inflammatory conditions, as it relieves pain and stabilizes cartilage. Formulated and manufactured specifically to relieve joint pain and protect against the deterioration of cartilage. Glucosamine and MSM, when taken together, are shown to provide greater joint comfort and pain relief than when taken alone.

What is MSM? Methylsulfonylmethane is an organosulfur compound, providing sulfur, which is a vital building block to for joints, cartilage, skin, hair, and nails. Sulfur strengthens the tissues that make up the joint by maintaining the disulfide bonds of connective tissue 42

Bee Products

Hone​y : FAQ


Is honey Healthy? True. Bees produce honey to feed the bees in the nest. Honey and propolis are used to protect the queen bee from disease and infection.

2 3

NUTRIDOM Royal Jelly 1000 mg 120 Softgels

NUTRIDOM Royal Jelly 1000 mg 60 Softgels

Dose honey have any toxin? False. Botulinum, a toxin used to paralyze muscles when injecting Botox,(it contributes to wrinkle reduction), is, in fact, produced from honey. However, honey itself is far from being dangerous or toxic. An unprocessed toxin doesn’t harm the body at all. Why is my honey ​​crystallised​? Crystallization actually vouches for the quality. It is an indication the honey has not gone through significant processing - that it is pure, as it came from the beehive.

NUTRIDOM Fresh Royal Jelly 250g 1 bottle

NUTRIDOM Bee Propolis Spray 30 ml 1 bottle

Honey Bees Bees are flying insects related to wasps and ants. They are known for their role in pollination, produce honey and beeswax. Bees have been a fixture in mythology and folklore since an ancient time. In early traditions bees were known as “little servants of Gods,” and killing bees was considered a bad luck. Wales folklore believes a bee flying around a sleeping child means the child will live a happy life. In Europe, honey bees are symbol of sexuality, chastity and fertility. They are also considered to be an image of human soul because they are able to navigate back to their nest from a great distance. In Egypt, it was a common practice to place bees and honey in tombs as offering to the spirits of the dead; honey was found to be stored in a jar back in Egyptian times, some of which were found in tombs of Pharaoh.


NUTRIDOM Bee Propolis Capsules 500mg 120 Vegetable Capsules

NUTRIDOM Bee Propolis Spray Gift Pack / 30 ml 6 bottles

NUTRIDOM Raw Honey 1 kg 1 bottle

NUTRIDOM Acai Raw Honey 1 kg 1 bottle

NUTRIDOM Bee Pollen Gold Small / 200 g 1 bottle

NUTRIDOM Bee Pollen Gold Large / 1 lb 1 bottle

Human and Bee are Similar! Unlike other creatures, honey bees have amazing community- similar to that of human society! Many theorists including Aristotle and Plato compared the bee community to human society. Like humans, bees form a community of their own, working together to build nests, find food, and protect their own kind. In the nests, there are family members of several generations. They feed each other, divide labour, enforce monarchy, tend to the young, fight invaders, and in times of death, lose sight of morality and violently rob weaker colonies. Divided into Queen, Drone, and Worker bees, each member has specific tasks to do, and a single bee cannot grow or survive by itself.

Why Choose Nutridom Canadian Honey Products?

All products are: - CFIA(Canadian Food Inspection Agency) registered facility - Natural - Sustainably harvested without permanently damaging beehives.

Premium quality you can trust: - Little or no processing - No preservatives added - Preserved enzymes, nutrients and helpful compounds for full spectrum of taste and health benefit.


Royal Jelly is a honey bee secretion that is fed to the larva of all bees, including queen bees. Drones and worker bees are fed royal jelly for the first three days of life. Queen bees are fed royal jelly until their complete transformation into adults. Rich nutrients in royal jelly allows queen bees to grow larger, become sexually mature, and live longer. Royal Jelly is rich in B complex vitamins (including high concentrations of Vitamins B5 and B6), minerals, enzymes, amino acids, Vitamins A, C, D and E, nucleic acids (to make RNA and DNA), and acetylcholine.

It has been used in traditional medicine in Europe and Asia for longevity. Nutridom Royal Jelly Premium: - Enhances energy. - Promotes healthier hair and skin. - Promotes a stronger immune system. - Reduces stress levels.




Bee Pollen

Bees are very important pollinators, moving pollen within flowers and allowing flow-ers to fertilize and reproduce. Bee pollen carried to the nests is used as a food for larva. Crops that rely on bees for pollination and fertilization include kiwifruit, cucum¬bers, carrots, apples and many more. Nutridom Bee Pollen uses pollen collected from bee hives in North America. In order to maximize the quality and quantity of fruits and vegetables,a maximum of only one hive per acre of crops was placed. Hives were placed when blossoms bloom and were removed when petals drop, before any spraying takes place which might affect bees.

Raw Honey

Honey bees produce honey using nectar collected from flowers. It is a naturally sweet food, highly nutritious with enzymes and antioxidants. Honey has a long history of human consumption, as a sweetening agent, flavouring agent, for religious purposes and many other uses. Our Raw Honey is non-pasteurized (non-processed) to preserve the natural flavour, nutrients and health benefits of honey. Processing honey causes damage to or loss of its nutrients, small pollen grains, and bee wax suspended in raw honey.


Bee Propolis Honey bees collect propolis from tree buds, sap or other botanical sources. When taken back to the hive, it provides:

Nutridom Bee Pollen: - Boosts the immune system - Helps relieve allergy symptoms - Increases energy level and endurance



Acai Honey

Nutridom Honey is now available in Acai flavour. Nutridom Acai Honey contains 95% pure nonpasteurized raw honey and 5% Acai extract. No additional processing was applied.


Structural Support - Propolis fills unwanted open spaces in the hive, adding to struc¬tural stability and stopping intruders from entering. Immune Support: - Propolis is a natural antibacte¬rial and antibiotic agent. It dis¬infects the beehive, boosts the immune system and protects bees from disease and infection. Nutridom Bee propolis: - Has been traditionally used in herbal medicine to help relieve minor inflammations and sores of the mucous membranes of the mouth. - Also provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health.










Omega Krill Oil

Advanced Omega Krill Oil What is Krill?

What makes krill a desirable source of omega 3?

Krill is a small red crustacean that live in the cold waters of the northern and southern poles. They produce rapidly and are abundantly available, primarily as a food source for whales and other marine animals but also for human consumption due to their high level of omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA. While krill is not as well studied as fish oil, the research which has been done, demonstrates similar or potentially superior health benefits to nonconcentrated fish oil.

In addition to its high levels of omega 3 fatty acids, krill oil also contains several antioxidants such as vitamin A and E and astaxanthin. Antioxidants can provide further protection against inflammation and the damaging effects of free radicals. Another benefit to krill is that it comes from some of the cleanest waters on the earth and is at the bottom of the food chain and thus is less prone to accumulating pollutants to the degree that marine animals further up the food chain do (including some fish!). While more research is needed, krill oil does appear to be a healthy and beneficial source of omega-3s. Advancedomega Krill oil uses Neptune Krill Oil (NKOÂŽ) which is known for its superior EPA and DHA level. NKOÂŽ also contains naturally occurring vitamin E and astaxanthin, which enhances its antioxidant capacity. The phospholipid-bound forms of EPA and DHA in Krill Oil have demonstrated superior bioavailability.

What are the benefits of Krill omega-3 oil? Krill oil helps maintain healthy cholesterol level. A recent meta-analysis of studies investigating the effects of krill oil supplementation on humans, concluded that krill oil can significantly reduced LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL or healthy cholesterol levels. Krill oil also has antiinflammatory properties. A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial involving patients with arthritis and high levels of inflammation indicated that a daily dose of 300mg of krill oil for 14 days reduced markers of inflammation by almost 30%. There was also a significant reduction in scores of pain, stiffness and functional impairment by those that were treated with krill oil over the placebo group. Lastly, Krill oil may help with pain reduction. A study involving women who suffered from dysmenorrhea (extremely painful menstruation) demonstrated that 3 months of supplemental krill oil was superior to nonconcentrated fish oil in decreasing the need for pain medications and the emotional symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


Yurko-Mauro K, Kralovec J, Bailey-Hall E, Smeberg V, Stark JG, Salem N Jr. Similar eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid plasma levels achieved with fish oil or krill oil in a randomized double-blind four-week bioavailability study. Lipids Health Dis. 2015 Sep 2;14:99 Ursoniu S, Sahebkar A, Serban MC, Antal D, Mikhailidis DP, Cicero A, Athyros V, Rizzo M, Rysz J, Banach M; Lipid and Blood Pressure Meta-analysis Collaboration Group. Lipid-modifying effects of krill oil in humans: systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. Nutr Rev. 2017 Mar 22 Deutsch L. Evaluation of the effect of Neptune Krill Oil on chronic inflammation and arthritic symptoms. J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Feb;26(1):39-48. Sampalis F, Bunea R, Pelland MF, Kowalski O, Duguet N, Dupuis S.Evaluation of the effects of Neptune Krill Oil on the management of premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea. Altern Med Rev. 2003 May;8(2):171-9.








Enhance Your Brain Function

What is Memorax? As you get older, your brain and your cognition also age. Cognition is a combination of mental processes that include the ability to learn and to remember new things, intuition, judgment, and language. The cognitive impairment—from mild cognitive decline to dementia—can happen to anyone but especially and significantly to old-aged people. Memorax is formulated with fortified natural ingredients including ginkgo extract to enhance your cognitive function and memory.

The Wonder Formula! Ginkgo Leaf Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) has a number of therapeutic properties and contains high levels of flavonoids and terpenoid. In particular, Ginkgo in Memorax is 10:1 concentrated, and standardized to 25% flavonoid and 6% terpene for high potency. It is approved by Health Canada to help with peripheral blood circulation, and as a cognitive function and 1 capsule 3 times daily. memory enhancer for adults. It is widely used in research studies as a treatment to improve memory 60 capsules in people with dementia. Many studies show that Ginkgo’s health benefit could apply not only to old aged people but also healthy young and middle-aged people. Lemon balm Sage Leaf Rosemary Lemon Balm has been used Since ancient times, Rosemary More commonly known for its use in Herbal medicine to reduce is associated with remembering in cooking, Sage Leaf has been used in traditional medicine to help improve significant events, and is a symbol of memory stress/anxiety, promote sleep and ease pain. memory, and for this reason, people have added and recollection. Herbal traditional medicine More recently, Lemon Balm is being studied sage leafs to teas for a very long time. Currently, saw its use in improving memory and cognitive as a cognitive enhancer. A journal in 2003 shows that Sage Leaf is being studied as a possible treatment function. Presently an ingredient carnosic Neuropsychopharmacology for Alzheimer’s disease, and one research study acid in Rosemary is being widely studied for individuals given Lemon Balm had increased has shown that even a small dosage of sage oil improving memory and protecting brain from accuracy, memory and cognitive performance. saw notable improvement in memory recall in damage due to free radicals. *Sage Leaf , Rosemary, Lemon balm (NON-MEDICINAL INGREDIENTS) healthy young adults.

Why Memorax? • 10:1 Concentrated Ginkgo Leaf standardized to 25% Flavonoid and 6% Terpene. • Formulated with fortified natural ingredients based on research studies. • Product approved by Health Canada as a memory and cognitive function enhancer. • GMP & NPN Certified.

* Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are taking medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, or seizures. Any patients with diagnosed chronic disease have to consult a health care practitioner before taking any other medicine, alternative therapy, and/or natural health care products. * Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. * Do not use if you are taking health products that affect blood coagulation (e.g. blood thinners, clotting factor replacements, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, fish oils, vitamin E) as Ginkgo, can impact on the peripheral circulation and may increase the risk of spontaneous bleeding.

‘Memorax ’, enhance your cognitive function and memory Memorax is formulated with natural ginkgo extract and fortified medicinal constituents. It has some proven effectiveness in:

- Helping to support cognitive health and/or brain function - Helping to enhance memory - Helping to support peripheral circulation.




This booklet is written by members of the research team at David Health International.

David Health International Located in Toronto Customer Service Research Team 1-855-387-1010

The product descriptions in this booklet are for general information purposes only, and are not intended as medical advice, which can only be administered to each individual by qualified health professionals. These statements have not been evaluated by any government body. These products are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before starting any new program, it is recommended that you check with a qualified health care practitioner, especially if you have a specific medical problem or are taking any medication. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this booklet; however, David Health International will not be responsible for errors or accidental omissions. If you require further product information, or should you have any questions, please call or visit our web site at All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission from David Health International.

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