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Beauty in the bottle, and in your veins Our Editor Marja-Leena had a double skin boost at Esthe Clinic in Richmond


here’s nothing better for an instant glow than a great facial. Or is there? I went to find out what Esthe Clinic would recommend for my mid-life skin. And it certainly wasn’t what I expected. Sarah the owner of Esthe Clinic in Richmond is a strong believer in beauty starting from within. She asked how I felt about an IV infusion of a bespoke blend of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. These are tailored to the needs of each client, be it for hydration, boosting your immune system or enhancing your energy levels and she knew exactly what my skin needed. Getting the needle in and the whole drip was over in less than 30 minutes. IV infusions bypass the gut which gives 100% absorption of the nutrients – compared to 20-30% from oral vitamins. Esthe Clinic is one of the very few places in SW London and Surrey offering infusions as part of your beauty and wellbeing routine. I must add that I felt really well and energised that evening and the following day.

unbuffered glycolic acid and 10% lactic acid to improve the look of fine lines, wrinkles, and discolouration.

The second part of my glowing skin treatment was a SkinCeutical’s Micropeel 20, also known as ‘the red carpet peel’. It’s a gentle chemical peel and works by exfoliating the skin’s surface and works instantly, reducing the appearance of blemishes and giving you that smooth and more radiant skin. It’s formulated with 20%


The SkinCeutical Peel £60 (instead of £85)

38 read more at darlingmagazine.co.uk autumn 2021

The treatment was not dissimilar to a facial, add a little tingling for a few minutes whilst the acid solution is left on your skin. It’s then wiped off and followed by a soothing pigment correcting mask, finished off with a moisturiser with SPF. It’s important to avoid sun for a few days after and always wear a high factor SPF, especially in the summer and lower SPF 20-30 even for cloudy days. It’s now six days after my treatments and my skin is definitely looking more radiant and smoother. It’s easiest to see in my forehead where I have the deepest lines. The full effects take a while to show and a course of treatments is recommended for best results. n 7 Hill Rise, Richmond TW10 6UQ 01748 889594 | 07867 590636 estheclinic.co.uk

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