1 minute read

Sustainability at Spring Hill Public School

Spring Hill Public School hosted Jo Smith, from NetWaste on Monday, June 19.

Jo, who is an expert in environment sustainability, spent an afternoon teaching the eager students the value of reducing waste.


Sebastian Joseph Albie Puata

BORN: 08/06/2023 WEIGHT: 2830g

PARENTS: Ricky and Regan Puata of Orange

SIBLINGS: Freya (4 years) and Jack (2 years)

GRANDPARENTS: Scott and Fiona Jones of Dubbo, Kath and Shane Puata of Orange.

GREAT GRANDPARENTS: Spike and Dayle Jones of Dubbo, Valda and Eddie Hohnberg of Trangie, Max and Ruth Fahy of Orange, Albert and Elvia Puata of Upper Hutt New Zealand.

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