Crochet Patchwork Throw

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Crochet Patchwork Throw

2 Intermediate For more inspiration, tips and facts, visit

Crochet Patchwork Throw (Intermediate) MEASUREMENTS Width (approx) 120 cms/48 ins Length (approx) 120 cms/48 ins emotive taradale 6 x 50g balls Main Colour (MC) 3 x 50g balls 1st Colour (C1) 3 x 50g balls 2nd Colour (C2) 3 x 50g balls 3rd Colour (C3) 3 x 50g balls 4th Colour (C4) 3 x 50g balls 5th Colour (C5) HOOKS A 5.50mm (US I/9), (UK 5) Crochet Hook or size that gives correct tension/gauge. MATERIALS A Yarn Needle. TENSION/GAUGE 1 Motif = approx 15 cms/6 ins in width, using 5.50mm (US I/9), (UK 5) Crochet Hook. Note - Correct tension/gauge is essential for a successful item. ABBREVIATIONS Note - Instructions are given in UK/Australian terminology. St/s - stitch/es, ch - chain, sl st - slip stitch, dc - double crochet (US single crochet), tr treble (US double crochet), sp/s - space/s, beg - begin/ning, rep - repeat, rem - remain/ ing, yoh - yarn over hook, tr2tog (US dc2tog) - yoh, insert hook as indicated, yoh, draw up loop, yoh, draw through two loops, yoh, insert hook into next st as indicated, yoh, draw up loop, yoh, draw through 2 loops, yoh, draw through all loops on hook. CREATE Motif (make 64) Using 5.50mm (US I/9), (UK 5) Hook and C1, make 8ch, join with a sl st to form a ring. 1st round - 3ch (counts as 1tr), 31tr into ring, join with a sl st to top of beg 3ch = 32 sts. 2nd round - 7ch, miss 3 sts, * sl st to next st, 7ch, miss next 3 sts, rep from * to last 3 sts, 3ch, 1tr in base of beg 7ch = 8 x 7ch sps. 3rd round - Sl st along 3ch of next 7ch sp, 3ch, 6tr in base of 3ch (beg cluster made), * 7tr in 4th ch of 7ch sp (cluster made), rep from * to end, join with a sl st to top of beg 3ch.

4th round - Sl st across next 3 sts (3 sts rem in beg cluster), 7ch (counts as 1tr and 3ch), 1tr in same place as 7ch (corner made), * 3ch, tr2tog in the 6th st of same cluster and 2nd st of next cluster, 3ch, miss next st, 1dc in next st, 3ch, miss next st, tr2tog in the next st and 2nd st of next cluster, 3ch, miss next st, (1tr, 3ch, 1tr) in next st (corner made), rep from * until 4 corners have been made, join with a sl st to 4th of beg 7ch. 5th round - Sl st to first 3ch sp, 1ch, (3dc, 1ch, 3dc) in same sp (corner), * 3dc in each 3ch sp to next corner, (3dc, 1ch, 3dc) in corner, rep from * to end, join with a sl st to dc at beg of round. Break off C1. 6th round - Join MC to any 1ch corner sp, 1ch, * (1dc, 1ch, 1dc) in corner sp, 1dc in each st, rep from * to end, join with a sl st to beg dc. Fasten off. Make 12 motifs in each of C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5, noting to work 6th round on every motif in MC. Make 4 more motifs in desired contrast colours, noting to work 6th round in MC as for other motifs. FINISHING Using yarn needle, darn in ends. Arrange motifs in an 8 x 8 grid and using MC sew motifs together. Alternatively, using MC, crochet the motifs together by holding them together with RS facing and working dc sts through back loops of each motif. Edging - Using 5.00mm (US I/9), (UK 5) Hook, join MC to edge of throw and work 1 round of dc sts around edge of throw, working 3dc in 1ch sp of each of 4 corners of throw and making sure number of dc sts along each side is a multiple of 9 + 8 (excluding 3 sts in each corner) and joining with a sl st to dc at beg of round = approx 512 sts in total around edge of throw. Fasten off. Join MC to 3rd st to the left of any corner stitch; 1st round - 1ch, 1dc in same st, miss next 2 sts, 5tr in next st, miss 2 sts, (*1dc in next st, miss next 2 sts, 5tr in next st, miss 2 sts, rep from * to corner sp, work 7tr in 1ch corner sp) 4 times, join with a sl st to dc at beg of round. Fasten off.


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