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Technology helps DOCIB


Shinsi Ibrahim, CEO of DOCIB Healthcare, documents the challenges her company faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, how they leveraged technology to lead the fightback against the virus – and how ‘customer satisfaction’ remains the priority for DOCIB in 2021.

Can you outline to our readers how DOCIB was impacted by COVID-19 and what challenges did you face during lockdown?

Much like every other enterprise out there, DOCIB Healthcare felt the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic in its day-to-day operations. The entire workforce, constituting of over 250+ employees had to be well briefed and drilled to overcome these unprecedented days.

We had to navigate and evolve on daily basis as the challenges were from all sides. Ensuring safety of our staff at the frontend was our priority. Times were as such that we had to extend our working hours to service the community.

Ensuring smooth operations, product availability, logistics, accessibility at odd hours and much more, all while maintaining high safety standards and customer satisfaction were a few of the top challenges we faced in 2020.

Out of every crisis comes opportunity, and the healthcare industry has been transformed by technology. How important a role did technology play in terms of keeping you operational during the pandemic?

The world has inevitably been transformed by COVID-19 and the healthcare sector is one of the many that saw instantaneous changes. People were concerned of how dependent we as a generation were on technology.

But this past year has shown us that we can rely on technology to carry us forward when humanity came to a standstill. Technology without doubt played an inevitable role in keeping us operational during this phase.

Being switched to an ERP was a blessing which facilitated remote operations by our backend staff. Also being made available in the digital platforms helped us to reach the customers at their comfort zone. Technology played an integral role of business continuity and build loyalty

As we know regardless of industry, digital experiences are key. It is vital for businesses to deliver a seamless experience for their customers. How has DOCIB applied technology to help its customers avoid long queues and waiting times to make their retail experience a much better one?

Ever since DOCIB Healthcare was founded, our prime focal point has been “Customer Experience” and we ensured it carried on for our customers who were acquiring our services digitally. We deployed an entire fleet of delivery executives that delivered all essentials to our customers doorsteps.

Our retail force worked on a much swifter and smarter scale keeping time spent on each customer short and efficient.

We live in an on-demand digital economy, a world in which we can book a taxi, order food and shop online by simply clicking on an application on our smartphones. Do you think it’s inevitable that physical stores that resist digitalisation will go out of business?

The UAE’s business sector has undoubtedly been the survival of the fittest for many years now. After all we have seen in 2020, if businesses are still reluctant to go digital, or at the very least have a digital presence it might prove to be terribly unsavory.

In this modern era, we see huge empires like Amazon, Uber and others being built up in the digital space. We must come to terms that digital is the inevitable future.

2020 has been a difficult year for everybody. Are you optimistic about the next 12 months and what will be your strategy to continue your growth in 2021?

2020 has brought many positive

“We leveraged technology to maintain business continuity and build further loyalty with our customers.”

Shinsi Ibrahim

CEO of DOCIB Healthcare changes within the company. Being in Healthcare industry we have seen a positive growth in our toplines, however with pressurised margins. Being able to adapt and change according to times is what matters after all.

DOCIB Healthcare’s strategies would not drift too far from our core principle which is to aim for optimal customer satisfaction.

We have plans to open new outlets in neighborhood areas and introduce natural and organic products in UAE market, thus ensuring to spread and inspire better health in years to come