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the Covid horrors: a love story

office as well. It’s not merely a partisan thing: they really do just see murdering foreigners as normal American presidential stuff.

A lot of Biden criticism is going to consist of, “If Trump had done this Democrats would be screaming!” And it will just be false; they wouldn’t. Not if it advanced the interests of oligarchs, war profiteers, or sociopathic intelligence agencies. We know this because they didn’t. ––––––––As things heat up with Iran again, please remember that there is never, ever any reason to treat unproven US claims about aggressions by an unaligned nation with anything other than derision and dismissal.


First show me verifiable proof that the accused nation did what the US government says. Then show me proof that what was done wasn’t a valid response to what the US is doing. Then show me proof that interventionism would help. Then fuck you, because you won’t do any of the above. ––––––––People who say the world is controlled by space reptilians have more credibility than reporters from high-profile news outlets who uncritically repeat unproven government claims about aggressions by unaligned nations. ––––––––It will never not infuriate me that when the time came for women to start claiming a human-sized amount of space in our society, the solution we came up with was for


us to start acting more like men. Which was the exact opposite of what the world needs. ––––––––Cynical closet shitlibs can make anything sound woke. Regime change in Syria. Cold war escalations against Russia and China. Assange smears. Attacks on Glenn Greenwald’s marriage. Anything. A little cleverly-diddled lefty jargon and suddenly it can be leftist to support the CIA. ––––––––When humans first showed up it was the strong brutes who led the tribe. Later on it became the clever manipulators who led, because they could manipulate the strong brutes into doing their bidding. Now the manipulators are workthe hot-knife-through-butter destruction of basic liberties currently taking place in the name of the fight against Covid, you can actually learn interesting new things the thought processes of your fellow human beings.

For example, most reasonably well-educated citizens of Europe and North America believe that while organised campaigns of propaganda might in fact exist, they themselves are certainly ing on making even their brute armies obsolete via technology, so it will just be clever manipulators at the top and everyone else at the bottom. This is the real revenge of the nerds. ––––––––The way to get what you want is to keep courageously jumping down inner rabbit holes of self-exploration, learning what makes you tick, clearing your illusions and healing your psychological wounds. Also, you’ll wind up wanting completely different things from when you started. CT

Caitlin Johnstone is an Australian blogger. Read more of her work at her website,

Thomas S. Harrington The Covid Horrors: A love story

If you can take your mind off

www.caitlinjohnstone.com among those least susceptible to their charms. They know, in the same way they know that all their children are beautiful and smart, that mistaking a plutocratic pussy-grabber for a working class champion stems from ignorance, an error of judgement they can effortlessly avoid thanks to their long years of schooling.

I recently took a dance with the Covid bug. When we hit the floor, she did step on my toes a bit, but far fewer times than that