The Missionary Messenger Magazine Spring 2013

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march of missions






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MEETING PEOPLE WHERE THEY ARE As followers of Jesus, we can look to him for how to live out this theme and focus because he “lived” it every day of his life while he walked on this earth. In each of the Gospels we quickly see how Jesus found common ground with everyone in order to open their eyes to his love and grace. He met a Samaritan woman at the village well during the heat of day. He encountered Zaccheus the despised tax collector who was literally up a tree and called him down from his perch in order to go home with him for dinner. He touched lepers and raised the dead, talked with women and hugged children. In scripture, we see him surrounded by the kinds of folk that the religious establishment would avoid and shun if one were a “good” Jew. We don’t see him spending too much time hanging out with those religious leaders, unless he is challenging them or overturning their tables in the temple. Jesus clearly understood how to meet people where they were – at a well, on a deathbed, on the road, up a tree. Do we? We live in very homogeneous settings - meaning that we may rarely encounter non-Christians in our day-to-day lives. Most of us are surrounded by family and friends who think and believe very much like we do. There may be the family member or two, or friend who is a non-believer, but that is not the norm. Our churches have outreach programs, but do those programs get us OUT of the church and INTO the lives of people…on a regular basis and not just the occasional event? We will bring clothing and food items into our church and then distribute them out to others…and that is a good thing. BUT do we get involved in the lives of non-Christians so as to begin to build a relationship with them in order to share the good news that we have within us? The 2013 March of Missions theme assists us to meet people right where they are with the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Introduction Bible Study Poster Bulletin Insert



For more than forty years, March of Missions has been a seven-week study/action period, set aside by the General Assembly, to make Christian missions a priority in the congregations of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. As Christians we feel called to share our faith, fully aware of the needs of persons throughout the world for fellowship with God through Jesus Christ. This year’s March of Missions theme assists Cumberland Presbyterians in that calling and effort. The Missions Ministry Team offers the following resources to help make the Easter to Pentecost season a time for missions emphasis in your congregation: 5. Children’s Message 6. Worship Resources 7. Order Blank

For assistance in planning, please call and visit with a Missions Ministry Team staff member at 901/276-4572. Check us out on Facebook and join the March of Mission conversation!

For more information and resources visit our website at h t t p ://m i n i s t r y c o u n c i l . c u m b e r l a n d . o r g /m a r c h o f m i s s i o n s .


VOL. 2, NO. l


features: 1



NFWM began in 1920 as a ministry of service to the farm workers.

As followers of Jesus, we can look to him for how to live out this


Beth-El Farmworker Ministry achieves

year’s theme and focus of "Meeting

self-sufficiency through worship,

People Where They Are" because

education and outreach.

he "lived" it every day of his life

Project Vida serves three

while he walked on this earth.

neighborhoods and over 1500 families.





The Coalition for Appalachian

I've been deeply privileged to serve

Ministry (CAM) serves geographical

as a missionary in Asia with the

areas encompassing nearly 200,000

Cumberland Presbyterian Church since

square miles of mountainous terrain

2001. There have been times when it

covering 420 counties in 13 Eastern

seemed my heart could hardly contain

states extending from New York to

the joy I felt at being in the middle of


God’s work.

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"Mis-Communication Age"

{ VOL . 2, NO. l}


STEP OUT 6 Ways To Evangelize At Work





“Philippine Motor Scooter”


BIBLE STUDY /currentissue


To read the previous issues of The Missionary Messenger visit us at: /mmarchives

Meeting People Where They Are

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/ " MIS-COMMUNICATION AGE" by G e o rg e R. Est es




t’s prosaic to say that we live in the communication age. Never in human history has there been such pervasive opportunity to share thoughts and images. Communication satellites and advanced electronic technology lets us be virtually present almost anywhere in the world within seconds through television, the internet, and cellular phones. By just making allowances for different time zones, we can visit face-to-face with loved ones, friends and business associates half a world away. Our phone opens the door on vast libraries of information, tells us where the nearest gas station or restaurant is, entertains us in waiting rooms, sounds weather alerts, and, oh yes, makes calls. Social networking, emails and texts connect us with thousands of our “best friends.” The media bombard us with an avalanche of “news and entertainment” – newspapers, magazines, books, films, music, DVDs, TV, and radio. Almost lost in the shuffle, but not quite, are the personal notes, office memos, business letters and reports that we prepare and receive. Despite the sales argument that computers promote “greening” and the lessening of paper consumption, there is still a mountain of paper in most offices and households. In the political arena there are speeches and news conferences, legislation in the hundreds of thousands of pages. Church life is not exempt from this endless supply of words in sermons, Bible studies, educational curricula, committee reports, newsletters and periodicals.

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"What we say and write reflects something

of who we are as followers of Christ."

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For all this communication, you’d think we could understand each other a little better! Unfortunately, human communication is difficult, even with all that technology at our finger tips. Consider the vast number of different languages and cultures, and the wealth of dialects and idioms within languages. Add to that the unique personality and “voice” of each individual. From at least the time of the tower of Babel, human communication has been quite challenging! Even family members sometimes misunderstand each other, to say nothing of more casual acquaintances, strangers or adversaries. Maybe we’re also living in the miscommunication age. If anything, emails and texts seem subject to even greater misunderstanding than other written messages because we tend to dash them off without a second thought. The follower of Jesus is especially concerned with good communication. Christ himself was a peerless communicator, and he has charged us with sharing Good News with all people. The New Testament refers to “speaking the truth in love.” [Ephesians 4:15] Such truth-telling considers the other person as well as the truth to be told. The Book of James exhorts us as Christians to be careful in our speech [e.g., James 3:10], and we could include our written and electronic communications. What we say and write reflects something of who we are as followers of Christ. With The Missionary Messenger, we hope to inform and inspire our readers concerning the mission work of Cumberland Presbyterian churches and fields. Our goal is to provide a communication tool to encourage you in your life as a disciple of Jesus. You can help by letting us know how we’re coming across. After all, genuine communication goes two ways! M M



by T.G.


The following is an article by CP missionaries using egg production and distribution as a means to reach into communities of a closed country and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Names of places and individuals are substituted with initials in order to protect identities.


n early November four American businessmen (who have been coaching in our ministry) together with T. [CP missionary] and Natural Agro’s director gathered at the home of a young man named J. They traveled to a city in Central Asia where we do ministry to celebrate the opening of a new business. J. and his helper A. spent much of the summer and fall building a new hen house and a feed mill. He is now running his own egg farm and, as our distributor, he is open for business, providing full service and sales to other egg producers in his area. This was a significant moment in our company’s mission to place national church planters at the center of the poultry and feed industry throughout this country. This moment was also part of the remarkable story of this young man’s faith. J. comes from a village in the southern part of his country. His hometown is a place known for its Islamic fanaticism. J. had a rough childhood. His father died while he was young, leaving his family impoverished. His mother put him into an orphanage to make sure he had enough to eat, but she kept him connected to his family, bringing him home on the weekends. And remaining connected was important for another reason - one of his aunts became a believer and led J., his mother and his two sisters to faith. Of course, becoming a believer in his hometown wasn’t easy. When people found out about his faith, he began receiving death threats. So, along with praying for his daily bread, J. says, he learned to pray for his protection. When he was old enough, he moved to the biggest city in the south in order to look for work. And as commonly happens here, the whole family ended up emigrating to Russia


{ VOL . 2, NO. l} for the sake of work. Although things were going well for him there and he was making ‘good money’ J. had a strong conviction that God wanted him to return to his home country. So without any idea of what he was going to do, he returned home and began looking for work. This was also the time our company began operations there and as it turned out he became our company’s first employee. Over the next couple of years J. learned all about poultry and feed-making. He also got involved in outreach and church planting in nearby villages. One of those villagers who came to faith was his helper A. He invited A. to come and help him build partly because J. wanted to continue speaking into his life, helping him to grow in his faith. When J. believes that God wants him to do something he does it. After two years with our company J. felt that God wanted him to move to a particular city in the northern part of the country. So J. left us and moved there. Two years later our company opened operations there and he again worked for us part time. Now he is a local egg producer with shop keepers coming to him for fresh eggs. Now he is making his own feed and supplying some of our clients in his area as well. Now people seek him out wanting his help in starting their own egg farms. And now he is able to take care of his mother. J. finds himself right where he hoped to be: involved in the lives of people, building relationships through his business with families who haven’t yet heard the good news and encouraging believing families to rely on our faithful God in dealing with the difficulties of living here. Please join us in praying for J. that God will continue to direct and prosper his path. M M

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MISSIONS MINISTRY TEAM Cumberland Presby terian Church

8207 Traditional Place Cordova, TN 38016-7414 phone 9 01.276.4572 fax 9 01.276.4578 messenger@

ART DIRECTOR Sowgand Sheikholeslami: ext. 211

EDITORS George R. Estes: ext. 234 Pam Phillips-Burk: ext. 262 Lynn Thomas: ext. 261 T.J. Malinoski: ext. 232 Jinger Ellis: ext. 230

PRINTER A1 Printing Memphis, Tennessee


Associated Church Press

Evangelical Press Association

Evangelical Press Service (EP)


News Network International (NNI)

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6 ways to



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. . . . by T. J. Malinoski . . . .


The workplace can be a difficult place to share the Gospel with others. Policies, job responsibilities, and the rapid pace in which work takes place often does not allow opportunities for us to let others know about having a relationship with God. Understanding that we need to be sensitive to the workplace and aware of your employer’s policies and regulations, here are some practical ideas to engage people around us. Not all of these are for everyone, but the following ideas can illustrate how God may use them to help us intentionally develop relationships at the workplace/job site:


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1. Talk to your co-workers – how difficult is that? Listen to your coworkers as they share aspects of their life. Share your own life stories and how God has helped you in similar situations. Say hello to those you don’t know (and those you do know). Strike up a conversation during break time. 2. Eat with your co-workers – we do not always have to take a lunch by ourselves. Invite someone or a few co-workers to have lunch together. Try that newly opened restaurant, go to your favorite place, ask a co-worker to choose. A meal gives people the opportunity to talk and develop relationships. 3. Carpool to the office – this is not just an urban option. Many people in more rural areas have to drive several miles to get to one’s workplace or job site. Find out if others live in your area. The travel time lends the opportunity to get to know one’s co-workers. 4. Visit co-workers and their families during a time of crisis or loss – take the initiative to visit the hospital when a co-worker or their loved one is sick. Go to the funeral or visitation when a coworker has lost a loved one. 5. Start or adopt a local humanitarian project – with prior approval, your office may be able to support a local project to help those in need such as an angel tree that allows one to adopt a child or family during Christmas time, volunteer at the Room in the Inn or shelter. These projects do not have to be seasonal. Find a local project that is connected to your field of work or in which your work may have the skills to benefit the community. 6. Avoid gossip in the workplace – be that person in the office who is encouraging and uplifting. Be the one who knows everyone’s name, including clients and vendors. M M

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A New Non USA Mission Field


he General Assembly challenged Cumberland Presbyterians to be proactive in missions through the Step Out movement which has as one of its goals to open a new mission field outside the USA. After a year of study, discussion, analysis, and consultations, the Missions Ministry Team announces our new CP mission field… Spanish speaking CENTRAL AMERICA! The Missions Ministry Team approved Central America as the new mission field in response to the Step Out goals, with the understanding that this in no way diminishes continuing commitments to, and in support of, existing fields. This does not inhibit us from opening additional new fields in the future as opportunities arise. Why Central America? As a result of our Latino/Hispanic work in the USA and Colombia we have contacts in every country of Central America. Many CPs have family and friends that live in Central America. We already have mission work in Guatemala, one missionary and a new endorsed missionary we hope to deploy early in 2014. Guatemala has many language schools and is a natural gateway for the CP Church into Central America. Central America is geographically smaller than Texas, and it is

within easy access of most CPs in the Western hemisphere. The goal is to proclaim Christ and disciple his followers by planting churches. In addition to church planting the mission work will be particularly sensitive to opportunities to share the compassion of Christ by establishing institutions that serve the needs of others. Above all, as our Confession of Faith states, we desire “to glorify God” through our mission efforts. Over the coming years the Missions Ministry Team will be recruiting and deploying CP missionaries to work in Central America. We are interested in both lay and clergy missionaries. The Prep 1:8 program will be used to gather those interested in missionary service and help them explore future service in Central America. M M The church is apostolic because God calls her into being through the proclamation of the gospel first entrusted to the apostles. The church thus is built on the apostolic message which is faithfully proclaimed by messengers who follow in the footsteps of the apostles (5.05). The church in the world never exists for herself alone, but to glorify God and work for reconciliation through Christ (5.09). CP Confession of Faith

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Appalachian Ministry

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he Coalition for Appalachian Ministry (CAM) serves geographical areas encompassing nearly 200,000 square miles of mountainous terrain covering 420 counties in 13 Eastern states extending from New York to Mississippi. It is a region of high mountains, rushing water and evergreen trees, a region abounding in natural resources: minerals, forests, water and coal. But Appalachia is more than land - it is a very diverse people, rich with history, pride and values. Religion, sense of family, and hospitality are part of the backbone of the Appalachian culture. The region also ails from poverty. Over 24 million of the region’s population live at or below the poverty level. Some areas are geographically isolated making education, employment, running water, and health-care services difficult to obtain. Beginning in 1965, CAM has served as an agency in a cooperative ministry. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, the Christian Reformed Church, the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Reformed Church in America. They work side by side with local churches and communities to provide educational and service opportunities. CAM’s mission is to make a positive impact wherever the Reformed tradition and Appalachian SP R ING 2013

culture come together. For years, a focus for CAM has been to provide region-wide ministry through seminars and training. CAM has sponsored these events on a variety of topics important to Appalachia, such as: change in Appalachia, the quality of healthcare, land use, Appalachian cultural values, history and social structures and the vitality of ministry in small membership churches. Another facet of CAM’s ministry is providing retail space in the CAM Craft Cabin located in Townsend, Tennessee. Here, Appalachian crafters sell their handmade wares providing low to moderate income persons with an economic alternative and an opportunity to share the Appalachian culture with purchasers. Once a year, CAM Craft Cabin sponsors a Fall Craft Festival in September where regional crafters offer their products for sale: quilts, paintings, wood carvings, stringed instruments, metal sculptures, and more. Items at the CAM Craft Cabin are made available for purchase on their website (http:// Also at the Townsend location is the Weller Cottage. The cottage is named after Jack Weller who was instrumental in establishing CAM. The cottage is adjacent to the CAM Craft Cabin, providing lodging for volunteers and as a retreat site for individuals and small groups. MM / 8

CAM maintains ties with an extensive network of agencies and programs throughout Appalachia from advocacy to work camp projects. CAM provides lists of places seeking volunteers; partnering individuals and church groups to areas of need for mission service projects and financial contributions. CAM can help your church group by matching skilled labor to a service project, materials needed, estimated costs, and an awareness of cultural sensitivity. Manuals are available to help those planning to volunteer for a mission service project and for those planning to host a work group. Jerusalem Cumberland Presbyterian Church and CAM have partnered to serve the Del Rio and Sunset Gap communities in Cocke County, Tennessee. Through the CAM network, the church provides and distributes school supplies in backpacks every July for these two communities. Jerusalem takes the proceeds from their annual ham and turkey fundraiser to purchase needed school supplies. This past July, 306 backpacks were distributed by the church to area children. CAM also connected the church to another ministry need and in December 2012, Jerusalem purchased Christmas gifts for elementary age students connected to the Wesley House and donated clothing and 30 bicycles to Del Rio Elementary.




You can share in CAM’s ministry through the volunteer program, attending or hosting a seminar or training event, visiting the craft cabin, shopping online at /cam or become a “Friend of CAM" or a “CAM Partner”. “FRIENDS OF CAM” ARE THOSE WHO:

Pray for CAM’s ministry Make financial contributions


Participate in educational events Assist in the work of CAM Pray for CAM Make financial contributions THE CAM CRAFT CABIN IS LOCATED 10 MILES SOUTH OF PIGEON FORGE ON ROUTE 321 AT:

1329 Wears Valley Road Townsend, Tennessee 37882-2427 Open: March – December Hours: 10am – 5pm Monday through Thursday 12pm – 6pm Friday and Saturday FOR MORE INFORMATION: Therica Breazeale Phone: 865-448-6940 CURRENT CPC REPRESENTATION ON CAM BOARD

Tennessee Synod: Rev. Tommy Jobe Tennessee Georgia Presbytery: Rev. Glen Brister East Tennessee Presbytery: Rev. Fran Vickers Tennessee Synod: Charles Floyd Murfreesboro Presbytery: Nadra Jones Cumberland Presbytery: vacancy Missions Ministry Team staff liaison: Rev. Pam Phillips-Burk WORKS REFERENCED

Volunteering in Appalachia. The Coalition for Appalachian Ministry, 2006. CAM Brochure. The Coalition for Appalachian Ministry, 2006.

• “Follow,” the Youth Evangelism Conference in the planning for two years, had to be cancelled last December 27 due to blizzard conditions throughout Central Arkansas and a power outage at the conference center near Little Rock where the event was to be held. YEC Coordinator BJ Mathis and the planning team are pulling together a retreat-format curriculum from “Follow,” featuring DVDs from speakers David Bowden and Kathleen Murphy, to be made available to youth groups.

year, having served nine years each: Jo Ann Shugert, Sam Suddarth and Mikel Davis. We extend special thanks to these dedicated folks for their service to God and the work of missions in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church! • Have you checked out the Missions Ministry Team Facebook page? You’ll find some great insights, get updates, and hear from missions friends around the world.

• Again this year there will be pre-General Assembly workshops in Murfreesboro, TN, before the opening • Prep 1:8, designed for of GA June 17. Two those exploring missions groups of particular service in the CP missions interest are Church, met in January. (1) Implementing Step A second gathering is Out in Church and set for this summer. We Presbytery, and (2) Set invite those exploring Them Free, offered by the call to missionary CP Women’s Ministry. service to contact the Missions Ministry • The Mexico Council, Team. composed of clergy and lay representatives of • The Ministry Council our CP churches and and all Ministry Teams missions in Mexico, met met concurrently in Mexico City January January 25-26 at 16-20. Lynn Thomas Faith CP Church in and MMT elected team Bartlett, TN. Three member Sam Suddarth elected members of represented the Missions the Missions Ministry Ministry Team. M M Team rotate off this

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M M F E A T U R E / 2 0 1 3

NFWM as a ministry

b egan in 1920

of charity and service, providing food, clothing and day care to the farm workers. When United Farm Workers founder Cesar Chavez began organizing in the 1960’s, he called on the religious community to change its emphasis from charity to justice. NFWM became the vehicle for people of faith to respond to that call. NFWM brings together national denominations, state councils of churches, religious orders and congregations, and concerned individuals to act with the farm workers to achieve fundamental change in their living and working conditions. Grounded in faith, NFWM works side by side with farm workers throughout the country, organizing vigils, picketing, coordinating boycotts and educating constituents. The success of the SP R ING 2013

farm worker movement historically and today depends on a broad base of support. There are plenty of ways that you can be involved in supporting farm workers who are organizing themselves for equality, freedom, and justice. 1) Support national campaigns to improve farm workers conditions. Visit the NFWM website for news and updates about ongoing campaigns. 2) Support local organizing by connecting with a local NFWM office. 3) Buy food from farmers that you know and trust. Meet these farmers and the workers who work with them. 4) Remember farm workers when you pray for your meals. 5) Lead the conversation about farm worker justice in your faith community. MM/10

6) Get your NFWM “Thank a Farm Worker” reusable shopping bag. This high quality reusable bag is strong & roomy. And best of all, other shoppers get the message – “Did You Eat Today – Thank a Farm Worker!” The bag is made in the USA of natural cotton. It is 18”w by 15’h, with 7” gussets and 25” handles. Your donation of $10 or more supports NFWM’s work for justice for farm workers.

National Farm Worker Ministry w w 438 North Skinker Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63130; 314-726-6470

Current CPC Representation on Board: Rev. Pam Phillips-Burk serves as the denominational liaison with NFWM and attends board meetings.







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Farmworker Ministry began in 1976 when a small group of Cumberland Presbyterians rented a tiny house in Ruskin, FL and began holding Spanish-language church services for migrant farmworkers. When the families came to worship, their many needs were obvious – they were usually hungry, often cold in winter, some slept in cars or trucks, many could neither read nor write, and most lived in fear of deportation. In its effort to meet some of those needs, Beth-El grew. Now legally a nonprofit corporation, Beth-El has a 27-acre site in Wimauma, about 20 miles south of Tampa. The ministry serves the nearby rural population. Beth-El also

has outreach ministries in Imokolee, Arcadia and Fort Meade. It operates under a covenant among its governing bodies, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Tampa Bay and Peace River Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Beth-El helps farmworkers achieve self-sufficiency through its open opportunities to WORSHIP, its extensive EDUCATIONAL programs, and the many OUTREACH services it provides to meet basic needs, which are available for all who need them. An estimated 200,000 people are impacted each year through this ministry. There are weekly worship services conducted

in Spanish along with Bible study and prayer groups for all ages. BethEl works in partnership with the local school district to provide Adult Education opportunities, alongside their excellent charter school and head start programs. In addition to spiritual and educational support, Beth-El helps to provide the basic necessities to those in need such as food and clothing. The offices of Bay Area Legal Services, a separate nonprofit corporation on-site at BethEl, also provide legal services. Three full-time attorneys and their staff handle all types of civil law problems at no charge to low-income persons.

Beth-El Farmworker Ministry 18240 US Highway 301 S., Wimauma, FL 33598-4307; 813-633-1548

Current CPC Representation on Board: Rev. Eddie Jenkins and Sue Rice, Valrico, FL; Rev. Don Schulz and Joyce Kalemeris, Tampa, FL; Penny Knight, St. Petersburg, FL


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Project Vida is located in the center of El Paso, three blocks north of the Rio Grande, within one of the nation’s most impoverished neighborhoods. Its ministry actually serves three neighborhoods and over 1500 families are enrolled in each of its programs. Based on the needs of these lowincome neighborhoods, Project Vida has expanded over the years into a multi-faceted center striving to change lives in a holistic and profound way. Project Vida is a project shared by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church (USA).


1) Health – includes three

clinics, dental health, low-cost pharmaceuticals, counseling & behavioral health services, preventative health, home visits to families with newborn infants, plus much more.

2) Education – this service is

central to Project Vida’s work including newborns through adulthood. It includes licensed child care for 0-5 years of age; latch key after school program which is a licensed child care

center for school age children 6 years to 12 years; after school enrichment, youth recreation and gang prevention programs for ages 6-18 (no cost); parenting classes and GED classes. 3) Economic Development –

to provide and serve the microenterprises of the city of El Paso (businesses with 5 employees or less) – business management training, technical assistance, access to small business loans, on site credit union, Christmas savings programs, etc.

4) Housing – Due to the need for

low income housing, Project Vida has built and maintains 102 low cost apartments; and, developed Roots and Wings Transitional Living Center for homeless single parent families. M M

Project Vida 3607 Rivera, El Paso, TX 79905; 915-533-7057

Current CPC Representation on Board: Diane Sowell and Rev. Lee Bondurant, El Paso, TX

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“Philippine Motor Scooter”

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MISSIONS MINISTRIES Project #34386 Supplemental Second Mile Project


THE NEED In a recent visit to the Philippines a Cumberland Presbyterian work team learned of a new outreach and evangelism opportunity. Our missionary Rev. Daniel Jang shared his new outreach initiative. He has been visiting and sharing Christ with those on a neighboring island. While in Iloilo he has a car that he uses, but there is no way to take the car to the


island where he is doing outreach. He shared how it would be helpful to have a motor scooter to take back and forth on the boat and use while on the island. We are asking Cumberland Presbyterians to make a donation to the Philippine Motor Scooter project. These funds will help our missionary buy a motor scooter to use in outreach and evangelism.

Amount Needed from Second Mile Amount Contributed to Date Total Amount Needed for the Project

$2,000.00 $1,100.00 $ 900.00

DURATION : January 2013 - December 2013

CONTRIBUTIONS: Please make check payable to the Missions Ministry Team indicating for project #34386 and mail to 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Lynn Thomas at, or (901) 276-4572, ext. 261. ADDITIONAL SECOND MILE PROJECTS Children’s Fest 2014 - #34382 – amount needed $10,000; contributed to date $1,000 International Youth Participants - #33097 – amount needed $24,000; contributed to date $1,881.40


Entering the Mission Field: PAS Goes Global - #34381 – amount needed $5,901; contributed to date $5,951.00 Missionary to Mexico - #34303 – amount needed $12,000; contributed to date $24,376.97

ALTHOUGH THE FOLLOWING THREE PROJECTS HAVE EXPIRED YOU ARE STILL ABLE TO MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS. Clergy Crisis Fund - #35004 – amount needed $12,000; contributed to date $18,585.67 Missionary Internship Program - #34034 – amount needed $10,000; contributed to date $5,227.63 English as a Second Language - #34379 – amount needed $580; contributed to date $630

For additional projects please visit our website at secondmileprojects. MM/13

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M I S S I O N A R Y / N E W S


by Glenn Watts, Hong Kong Presbytery

ve been deeply privileged to serve as a missionary in Asia with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church since 2001. There have been times when it seemed my heart could hardly contain the joy I felt at being in the middle of God’s work. Other times have been, shall we say, “less enjoyable” -- for sure, living and serving in another culture can be terribly challenging in myriad ways. But I can honestly tell you that one of the most difficult things about being a missionary is doing what we call “home assignment.” Many of you are by now aware that ALL missionaries in the CP Church must raise their own financial support for their ministries. Thanks to God, the staff of the Missions Ministry Team are a

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great resource, and without the wisdom and help of people like Bob Watkins, Lynn Thomas and George Estes over the years, I would have given up long ago -- all of them have given their lives to serve and support those called into missions within the CP Church. But the fact remains that many in the CP denomination are still woefully uninformed of this policy, and even those who are familiar with our current system seem to have many misunderstandings about how it works and what doing “home assignment” is really like. With that in mind, we offer a little “True or False” quiz to test your knowledge:



“home” allows me the possibility to reunite face-to-face with family and friends who I may not have seen for years. However, the actual day-today schedule of home assignment is one of TRAVEL and SPEAKING engagements -- and in fact, from my own experience, it’s much harder work (both physically and emotionally) than what I normally do when I’m here in Hong Kong. If there is any “myth” about home assignment I would love to dispel, it’s that going on home assignment is somehow “time off” -- if anything, it’s more like “overtime”.... MY MAIN JOB ON HOME ASSIGNMENT IS RAISING MONEY. TRICK QUESTION. I do have to raise

the funds, trusting God will provide every step of the way. But is “raising money” really my main job? NO. My main job as a missionary is to tell you and your church what God has been doing in the part of the world where I am serving -- and then let you know that we do need financial support in order for me to return and continue working. When I visit your church, I want to make sure you know that the work of the CP Church around the world is still on track and bearing fruit. Whatever financial support comes from that, I leave to God. THE CP DENOMINATION PAYS THE EXPENSES OF MISSIONARIES ON THEIR HOME ASSIGNMENT. FALSE. That is to say, I have to raise

the money to pay for my fundraising. Raising money this way can be terribly expensive -- plane tickets to the USA and back, gas,

food, hotels (when necessary) -- it adds up so quickly. Take car rentals, for example. Please consider the conundrum of being asked to raise money by traveling around the denomination, but then there’s no car available for me to use to do it! So, absent the generous loan of a car (in my case, it was the late, great Rev. James Gilbert who helped me last summer), I would need to spend literally thousands of dollars just renting cars to get to your church. Meanwhile, I still have to pay rent and minimal utilities for an apartment back in Hong Kong. The raw financial cost of raising money for ministry can be a source of tremendous stress and concern, if not managed properly. IF YOU’RE NOT SURE YOUR CHURCH CAN SUPPORT A MISSIONARY FINANCIALLY, IT’S BETTER FOR YOU TO NOT LET THE MISSIONARY COME VISIT. FALSE. You want to know the truth?

It’s harder for me to be rejected from getting to come visit your church than it is for me to come visit and then find there’s no support forthcoming. I mean, it’s helpful if you at least take up an offering to

Glenn Watts, Hong Kong Presbytery

help pay for my gas, etc -- but I’d rather come and find out you can’t be regular supporters than to hear you say, “I’m just not sure it’s a good idea for you to come here.” Let me just COME. We have no idea how a visit from a missionary might impact some young person in your church -- and anyway, we shouldn’t let our own ideas about what God can or cannot do LIMIT us. You think your church can’t “help” us financially?? FINE! Let me just come share what’s going on, and then we’ll let GOD lead your people to either support my ministry or not.

I O N A R Y / N E W S


I can tell you the basics in 20 minutes. But I can’t really tell you what you need to hear in that short of a time. Give me an HOUR. Let me tell you the stories. Let me show you the photos. Let me try to take you on a journey into my world, and the world of those with whom I live and work. Just don’t make me try and cram everything I want to share about a life and ministry into a 20 minute sermon. I can do that, but your people will miss out by not hearing “the REST of the story”.... HOME ASSIGNMENT IS FUN. ABSOLUTELY TRUE!! There are few

things that can make one fall in love with the CP Church more quickly than spending 5 months traveling around the denomination visiting churches. With all the challenges and difficulties, I wouldn’t trade the time I spend on home assignment for anything. It’s really worth it!! M M

❙ http://w w


S P R I N G 2013



{ CP Women's Ministry / Convention }












ome prepared to hear some amazing stories of how God has been working and active in the world. Come ready to hear missionary stories. Come eager to hear the story of your fellow sister in Christ. And come ready to tell your own story in your own way – through worship, study, service, and fellowship. We will continue our focus and emphasis on human trafficking, Set Them Free. We will hear the story of how Magdalene Community came into existence in Nashville, TN – a ministry to women who have been trafficked through sexual exploitation. Becca Stevens, the founder and executive director of Magdalene Community and Thistle Farms will be our keynote speaker and Bible study leader. In addition SP R ING 2013 FA L L / W IN T E R 2012






nis t



e r i a n Wo me n’ June 18-20, 2013 Murfreesboro, TN

by t s e r


W O M E N' S / M I N I S T R Y



to her ministry with Magdalene Community she is a wife, mother, sister, friend, and Episcopal priest!!! Becca has a beautiful way of telling God’s story through word pictures. You are sure to be encouraged and challenged. We will also have the wonderful opportunity to hear how God is working in the Philippines through missionaries Daniel and Kay Jang; we will hear from Boyce and Beth Wallace and even get to hear how God is very much at work in Uganda with witnesses of that work, Kenneth and Delight Hopson. It will be a rare treat to hear from so many missionaries at one time. Don’t miss it. There are several ways to register – online, download a form from the website and mail in, or use this form below.

MM/16 MM/16

{ CP Women's Ministry / Convention } Return your completed registration form and a check payable to Missions Ministry Team to Jo Ann Shugert, Convention Coordinator, 5208 Bellis Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76244. If you register after May 1, the Late Registration fee (an additional $15) applies. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address :_________________________________________________City: _____________________ State: __________ Zip Code: __________ Telephone Number: _________________________Cell Number: _____________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Congregation: _____________________________________Region: _________________________ Credentials Information: Additional credential information will be taken at Convention. _____ Regional Delegate

_____ Youth Delegate

_____ Yes, I plan to attend Fun Night

_____ This is my first time at Convention

_____ Yes, I would like to participate in a Convention Choir Fees & Meals: Please indicate the number of tickets or fees you are paying in the blank in the left column; calculate the total cost in the right column.

_____ Registration - $30

$_____ (before May 1)

_____Late Registration - $45

$_____ (after May 1)

_____Regional Delegate Dinner - $ 20


(The Evening Meeting will be Monday, June 17)

_____Luncheon - $28

$_____ (Thursday at 12:00 NOON – note time change)

_____If you attend One Day Only - $15


Total $__________ Make checks payable to the Missions Ministry Team A packet of information will be sent to those who register by June 1st. If you have questions please contact Jo Ann Shugert at or 682-593-0350

 YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING YOUR OWN HOTEL RESERVATIONS: Embassy Suites Murfreesboro Hotel & Conference Center (615) 890-4464 1200 Conference Center Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Ask for “Cumberland Presbyterian Church” when making reservations by phone Use group code “CPC” to reserve your room online at: Room Rate - $139 * ALL rooms are two room suites * Complementary (FREE!) cooked-to-order breakfast served each morning in the atrium * Manager’s Reception (FREE!) each evening featuring beverages and hors d’oeuvers * Free wi-fi available for our group Cut off date for reservations at this rate: May 15, 2013 Make your reservations EARLY. Last year the main hotel filled up quickly. Check-In: 3:00 pm Check-Out: 12:00 Noon MM/17

S P R I N G 2013


JACK BARKER The Rev. Jack H. Barker received the Crown of Life December 20, 2012, at the age of 79. Jack served the denomination’s Board of Missions for twelve years (1986-1988), first in the capacity of Director of Church Growth and Evangelism, succeeding Rev. Bert Owen in that office, and then as Executive Director of the Board from 1993 through 1998. Prior to his service on the Missions staff, Jack was pastor of several Cumberland Presbyterian congregations in Tennessee, including Murfreesboro, Olivet, Jackson, Milan,

Clarksville and Hohenwald. After his retirement from the Board, Jack served the Waynesboro and Olive Hill congregations. He was an ordained Cumberland Presbyterian minister for over forty years. Originally from the Savannah, TN, area, Jack was involved in the building of a new jail in that area, advocating for the human treatment of inmates. He was committed to human rights, evangelism and missions throughout his ministry. The Missions Ministry Team extends sympathy to Jack’s family and offers thanks to God for this loyal and dedicated servant. M M

CP WOMEN GIVE TO GOD’S WORK IN THE WORLD Special thanks for all the faithful giving by Cumberland Presbyterian Women this past year. We were given three wonderful opportunities to serve God and meet people at their point of need. 1. CHILDREN’S FEST 2014 – our giving will help get this event off the ground, which is sponsored by the Discipleship Ministry Team. Children’s Fest will offer the children of our denomination an opportunity to gather in one place, to begin the important work of building relationships, to worship, to work, to play. You can continue giving toward this effort by making your check payable to Missions Ministry Team, indicating that it is for Children’s Fest 2014 (#34382), and mailing it to our office at 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414. As of 1/17/13 total giving is $550.00. 2. PAS GOES GLOBAL – our giving helps to make available Program of Alternate Study training for pastors in Colombia, South America. PAS leaders and teachers go “on the road” to make important educational components available to those in Colombia who may not have access to educational opportunities. The first courses have already been offered, a director is in place in Colombia, and the future training is now secure. This project was completed as of 1/17/13. Total giving is $2,014.40.

SP R ING 2013

3. SET THEM FREE – we have wholeheartedly embraced this new emphasis, an initiative focused upon human trafficking. This coming Convention you will have the opportunity to make financial contributions to Magdalene Community and Thistle Farms, a ministry and social enterprise in Nashvillle that works with women who have been sexually exploited. Many groups have ordered Thistle Farms bath and body products and sold them at your meetings, retreats, and elsewhere with the proceeds going back to Thistle Farms. Keep up that good work. We’ve already had very generous donations to Set Them Free. We will receive the Convention Offering on Thursday, and it will go to Magdalene Community. You can make your check payable to Missions Ministry Team, indicating that it is for Set Them Free (#34380), and mail it to our office at 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414. As of 1/17/13, $2,042.22 has already been given toward this effort. M M




{ Bi b l e St u d y/D evo t i o n a l }

Meeting People Where They Are MARCH OF MISSIONS 2013 Mark 8:27-38 by Ly n n T h o m a s, M i s s i o n s M ini s t r y Te am


Jesus and the disciples are on vacation. As they walk to their destination Jesus asks his followers, “Who do people say I am?” What a strange question. Who among us would turn to our peers and ask what others are saying about us? It would be embarrassing to hear what others are saying about us. Giving our peers the opportunity to reveal the comments of others would be painful, even if some were nice comments. Jesus was not trying to gather rumors; he was setting a bench mark. He was asking his disciples to state what everyone was saying about him as a way to compare what others believe in comparison with what his disciples believe. As Jesus’ peers recount what they are hearing we learn that what others were saying was extraordinary. Some thought Jesus was a resurrected prophet. That was no small step of faith. People believed Jesus was Elijah. Elijah had been dead for hundreds of years, he was a historical rock star, a famous Jewish prophet. It is extraordinary that people believed that Jesus was a resurrected prophet from the past. Having enough faith to believe Jesus was from the past, maybe a famous historical figure from centuries ago, was certainly significant faith. But for Jesus this faith didn’t step out far enough. Jesus was meeting the disciples where they were by allowing them to tell what they heard and what they thought, but he was going to take them much further. ‘So who do you say I am?’ Jesus asked his disciples. The disciples are now positioned to reveal the depth of their faith. Peter steps up to the plate, ‘You are the Messiah!’ That is certainly a huge step of faith. The Messiah, or as it was translated in the Greek, the “Christ,” is a major figure in Jewish theology. In Psalms 2 the anointed one breaks the chains of bondage - the anointed one is a King, he rules over nations, frees the oppressed, and destroys the enemy. There are many Old Testament references about the Jewish Messiah; they all show him to be powerful, establishing a

Kingdom by overpowering unjust kingdoms. In the eyes of the disciples, the oppressive Romans were in the cross-hairs of Jesus the Christ. The Jewish people were soon to experience freedom at the hands of a new King, a Jewish King. Peter called Jesus a conqueror, a world leader soon to take the throne and put Rome in their place, and then rule with justice and righteousness. It was certainly a big step of faith to call Jesus the Christ, even bigger than calling him a resurrected prophet. The Messiah was not an “old rock star” from the past; he was a force of world change. Peter really stepped out in faith…or did he? Then Jesus pushed the faith bar immensely high. He says, ‘The Christ must suffer, be rejected, die and three days later rise again.’ Then Peter stalled in his faith climb. Peter confronted Jesus, ‘You have got to be kidding, no authentic messiah, world ruler, conqueror, will suffer, be rejected and die - that would not be how we define the Messiah.’ Jesus rebuked Peter, “get behind me Satan!” Using Jesus to fulfill our personal ambitions is demonic. How often is, “in the name of God,” used to justify selfish ambitions? Peter was well aware of the advantages he and the other disciples would enjoy as associates of the Messiah. The Jews had legitimate complaints against Roman rule, but Jesus was much more ambitious than dealing with just Rome. Jesus’ plan was bigger than conquering Rome, his plan was to conquer sin and death, and establish a new and eternal Kingdom full of love and hope for all of humanity, not just for the Jews. Peter’s problem, as far as his faith, was it was still too limited, too small. Jesus the Christ was aiming much higher than his disciples realized. He was positioning himself and his disciples to literally change the hearts of men and women, thus establishing a new international and multi-ethnic Kingdom by giving all the opportunity to have his Holy Spirit in their hearts. World conquest was going to involve the transformation


D E V O T I O N A L / B I B L E S T U D Y


S P R I N G 2013


M D E V O T I O N A L / B I B L E S T U D Y

{ Bi b l e St u d y/D evo t io n a l } .... of lives, at the heart level, something no military conqueror could ever do. ‘Will you step out and be my disciples in this Kingdom?’ Jesus explains just as the Messiah will suffer, so will the disciples. Are you willing to suffer, to be rejected, to sacrifice everything for the sake of establishing the new Kingdom? Do you have faith? Believe in the new Messiah, the Jesus version that comes to do much bigger things than conquer Romans. He comes to conquer sin, to conquer death, to bring peace, to suffer and offer salvation to all of humanity. He comes to put his Spirit in human hearts, and establish a lasting eternal paradise for all of his followers. My suffering, your suffering, says Jesus, is to establish this Kingdom. Step Out! Express faith that sees past geographic, nationalistic and political boundaries, see the hearts of men and

women. World conquest is in reality a battle for the hearts of men and women, to fill them with God’s love and grace. The discourse then challenges the disciples to profess their faith, to not be ashamed of Jesus. Taking up the cross implies many things for Christians, but one thing it should involve is a tongue that expresses allegiance to Jesus the Christ. The faithful are also to express actions in harmony with their verbal expression of allegiance. The Kingdom is here among us, we have access now to God’s Kingdom. The Holy Spirit is available to enter the hearts of all men and women and transform them. That should not be a secret; it is Good News to be announced shamelessly. Be a public witness, profess openly your faith, be sacrificial in service, unashamed of Jesus the Christ. Now that is faith!

Questions For Ref lections 1. The greatest revelation is when

2. Jesus ends with a challenge to

we see our faith does not go far take up his cross. He is talking enough and we grasp how much about many things when he says larger God’s perspective really is. this. What does it mean to take How did the disciple’s perspective up his cross? What does it mean change as Jesus pulled them to not to be ashamed? a much deeper faith? Can you think of times in your life when 3. What is something you can do you had a revelation that showed this week that expresses your you God’s plan being much faith to those around you? greater then you first thought?

visit our website: naturaldisasters

or contact George R. Estes at 901-2764572 ext. 234, gre@

 Interested in supporting a Missionary? You can get a list of missionaries at missionaries

Support checks can be made payable to: Missions Ministry Team with the missionary name noted on the check.

 How do I get information about Missions programs such as Loaves & Fishes, Gift to the King, OGHS, etc.? Visit our website at: specialprojects

Or you may contact Jinger Ellis at 901-2764572 ext. 230, jellis@

 How can a pastor complete or update a Personal Information Form (PIF)? leadershipreferral

Or you may contact Joyce Reeves at 901276-4572 ext. 224, jar@

 How to find guidelines for Pastor Search Committees? Visit us at leadershipreferral

 How do I explore a call to missionary service?

Prayer: God of faith, open our hearts to see past our limited perspective and see how expansive is your plan for our lives, families and our church. Help us examine our hearts to have pure motives when we express our faith, being selfless in our faith expression. Give us boldness to take up your cross, to be unashamed in professing your son Jesus the Christ. Amen. M M SP R ING 2013

To get information about mission trips and ministries of compassion?


By attending one of the Prep 1:8 classes. For more information visit: prep18

or call Lynn Thomas–901-276-4572 ext. 261 lynndont@

because he "lived" it every day of his life while he walked on this earth. During this season of missions emphasis look for ways in which you, too, can meet people right where they are.

"Meeting People Where They Are"

As followers of Jesus, we can look to him for how to live out this year’s theme and focus of



Place, Cordova, TN,

8207 Traditional

For more information and resources visit our website at

Presbyterian Church

of the Cumberland

Ministry Council



1 Corinthians 9:22b-23 (New Living Translation)

share in its blessings."

c an t o save so me. I d o eve r ything t o spre a d the G o o d N ews and

"I tr y t o find c o mmon ground with eve r yone; d oing eve r ything I



THE MISSIONARY MESSENGER is published for the Cumberland Pres­by­te­ri­an Church by the Missions Ministry Team. Opinions expressed by the individual writers are not nec­es­sar­i­ly those of the publisher or the editors. THE MISSIONARY MES­SEN­GER does not accept advertising. ADDRESS CHANGE: send new address and label from a recent newspaper to the Circulation Secretary at the address below. THE MISSIONARY MESSENGER (ISSN 08868344), (Publication permit number: PE14376) is published quarterly by the Missions Ministry Team of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414. Periodicals postage paid at Memphis, Tenn. The magazine is sent free of charge to each household in the denomination. POST­M AS­T ER: Send address changes to: THE MISSIONARY MESSENGER, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414.


ENDORSED CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN MISSIONARIES DIRECTORY This list contains CP missionaries that work in countries open to the gospel and countries closed to the gospel. If you would like to communicate with missionaries in closed countries you may use the missionary e-mail and we will forward your e-mail to the missionary. For the safety of our missionaries we cannot share contact information in public forums.


Boyce and Beth Wallace Cali, Colombia Phone & Fax: 011-57-23-391579 Home Email: Danny and Joey Potts Cali, Colombia Cell: 011-57-317-279-7968 Email:


N. Email:


Lawrence and Loretta Fung Email: Glenn Watts Tin Shui Wai N.T. Phone: 011-852-2639-9176 (office) Email:





S&M Email: Anay Ortega San Lucas Cell: 011-502-4-467-9225

M & H - presently in the USA Email: P. T. Email:


T&T Email:

Daniel and Kay Jang Iloilo City Phone: 011-63-33-321-3297 Email:




D&S Email:


Carlos and Luz Dary Rivera Mexico City Cell: 011-52-1-55-3105-8377 Email:


Kenneth and Delight Hopson Kampala Phone: 011-256-772-710-723 Email:

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