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Need insurance? Page 3

Black Friday sales could start riots Page 6

Cougar soccer heads to semifinals Page 4

Clackamas Community College, Oregon City, OR

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

Volume 44, Issue 6

The Clackamas Pr int An i ndependent, student-run newspaper s ince 1966

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Sculptress takes a new direction By Joshua Baird Arts & Culture Editor We have all heard of waxing philosophical, but have you ever heard of artistic wax? That is exactly what Kandace Collins of Ashland used as a medium for her art exhibit on display in the Alexander Gallery located on Clackamas Community College’s Oregon City Campus. “I was working with wax probably for about two years, and out of that came two large-scale pieces. The first one and this one are sort of related to each other,” said Collins. “I like the movement of it,” said student Rebekkah Weakley. “It really feels like it’s moving and it has a kind of white and … ghost-like luminance that I like. My art teacher said that there is beauty in simplicity, and I really see that here.” “There are two related pieces. They are separate but related,” said Collins, who used a 50-50 combination of microcrystalline wax and paraffin wax to make them. “The structure that’s on the floor is one that’s meant to be entered and so I wanted to make a structure that looked and seemed inviting. I wanted people to be invited into the structure. I also wanted the broken bricks to … guide you to walk around the back of the structure and interact with it.” Unfortunate events sometimes can happen when a sculptor sets out to display their work. This happened while Collins set out to put all of the bricks into place. “The structure was completely built and was about eight feet tall, and after it was finished I was making some really

minor adjustments to it and the whole top – I would say about three or four feet – just totally fell off into the middle of the structure and also to the sides,” Collins said, “so I had in the middle of the structure a whole bunch of broken bricks and pieces of bricks. “I took those pieces that broke and turned them into the wall piece and the wall piece is the exact width of one of the bricks, more or less. It’s four inches wide, so I wanted that to reference a brick that was whole.” Kate Simmons of the CCC Art Department enjoyed the display. “What I really appreciate about the work is its very minimalist in nature, and the material really lends itself to the process that it’s undergone to become the forms that they are. (For example,) the repetition of using the casting process to create this mass and command the space; the same as the wall pieces that she has done,” she said. Collins has been working with sculpture for several years, since attending Portland Community College where she first tried her hand at stone carving. “For me, as soon as I was working in a threedimensional medium, I felt like this is exactly what I need, this is exactly how I need to express. I immediately took to it; I immediately felt like that is what I wanted to do as far as artistically speaking,” said Collins. After that she began to expand her focus into wax. “She has another piece that she didn’t display that is wax hands, and I love the simplicity of all white,” said Kelly White, the art department secretary. “Sometimes pieces get too loud and too distracting, so her consistency with shape

and color and form is … eye catching.” Collins isn’t staying with wax, though, and has moved on to other mediums for her current projects. “I haven’t been working in wax at all (recently); the two large scale pieces that I made in wax were enough for now. I’m not doing any casting at all,” she

said. “Now I’m working with found objects that I alter or use them in a different context. It’s a different direction, but it’s still multiple or repetitive actions.” The display runs through Dec. 10 and can be viewed during school hours in Alexander Gallery.

Nathan Sturgess Clackamas Print

A CCC student admires the eight-foot tall masterpiece created by Kandace Collins out of microcrystalline wax and paraffin wax. The structure is open for viewing in the Alexander Gallery in Niemeyer until Dec. 10.

Dedicated adviser scheduled to leave beloved position By Pamela Hollis The Clackamas Print If you have had the pleasure of meeting advising specialist Paul Creighton, you will be sorry to hear he is leaving the “family” at Clackamas Community College. His last day to assist students with their placements onto the pathways they will follow will be Jan. 16, 2011. Paul decided that he would like to follow a career course toward nursing, which he learned through an assessment test he was taking to help advise the students. “Two and a half years ago we

had to learn how to do these career assessments so we could show the students how to correctly do them,” said Paul. “It is ironic; this was supposed to make me better at my job, and in turn, it is leading me away from here.” Paul has been at Clackamas since he started here as a student in 1998. He did leave for a few years to get his a master’s degree in teaching at the University of Oregon; he came back and has found CCC to be a lot like a home to him. “I love this place. It is very comfortable. It is more than comfortable; it is my home. I love it,” said Paul.

Leaving Clackamas was a hard decision to make, but Paul feels that he has gone as far as he would like to on the ladder of college. “The higher I climb, the farther away I get from the students. It is the students I like best of all. I like to sit down and be face to face with them. I want them right here, I want to meet with each one of them,” he said. Paul pursued the findings in his assessment and won a scholarship from Providence Hospital to get his bachelor’s degree in nursing at Portland State University. The program he will be entering is 20 months long, and after completion

he has committed to a three-year contract working for Providence. “I thought I was terrified of needles, disgusted by fluids and body stuff,” said Paul. “It turns out I am fascinated by the idea of infections and fluids and body stuff. The assessment test worked.” While in school, most of his income will come from music. Paul is the lead vocalist in the band Intervision. Paul and the band play all over and he writes a lot of the lyrics for the songs he sings. Intervision is definitely a pleasure for Paul, who started playing trumpet and singing in choir when he was in the fifth grade.

Intervision first came together in 2003. At the time the band’s drummer Jon Barber, guitarist Tony Stovin and then-bass player Mike Glidden were playing together under the name Stovin. They asked Paul to start singing with them and soon after asked Kit Taylor to join on keyboard. “We did our first photo shoot, completed some tunes together and were off and running before long,” Taylor stated in an e-mail. “Within a few months we changed our name to Intervision 5 and a few years after, to Intervision.” Please see PAUL, Page 3


The Clackamas Print


Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

Horticulture instructor honored

Christina Pearl Clackamas Print

Bruce Nelson stands in front of a campus tree. He recently received the Bill Naito award.

By David Spears The Clackamas Print “Go west, young man, go west!” In 1974, Bruce Nelson took the advice Horace Greeley popularized and moved west as the famous saying enjoined. Now Nelson is Clackamas Community College’s very own bug expert and horticulture instructor has recently been awarded Portland’s Bill Naito Community Tree Award for 2010 by the Urban Forestry Commission. The award goes to people that have continued Bill Naito’s passion for planting trees in the Portland area. Nelson came to the forested state of Oregon from Maryland’s eastern shore. The move was a drastic change

of topography. He described his childhood home on the Delmarva Peninsula as “a flat sandy land about 60 miles east of D.C. (where) the major sledding hill has a five foot raise.” “I had never really seen trees … or forests of the size and magnitude we have in the Pacific Northwest. It was quite an eye-opening experience for me,” said Nelson. After his arrival in the Northwest, Nelson lived with a family who grew their own vegetables; this was his first experience with horticulture. The need to find a job quickly led to Nelson’s second experience. “Right out of college I did not have any work. I took a job with a friend of mine. His dad had a landscaping company. I started working part-time with him and I actually enjoyed it a great deal,” said Nelson. Fast forward to 2010 and Nelson is still doing what he enjoys as a horticulture instructor and entomologist for CCC. The enjoyment Nelson finds in his work translates well to his students. Christopher Salmon, a first-term student, explained that Nelson teaches helpful, practical classes and has a “very amusing, dry sense of humor.” Salmon was also impressed by Nelson’s contacts in the professional world. “(He’s) fun!” said Horticulture Club president Karli Thompson. “He knows how to make things interesting for the students, and he definitely pushes us to actually learn the material. The homework is hard, (but Nelson) is a favorite teacher for all of us.” Nelson’s work does not stop at the classroom door, according to Thompson. “The real story is right here, the student career day, because he puts a lot of time into doing it for us,” said Thompson. The career day is an event at the end of a three-day horticulture fair with potential employers visiting from all over the world. Nelson helps find the funding for it. “Last year, he was up every morning with the supplies for us; he cheers us on,” said Thompson. Nelson’s career as a teacher and his commitment to community service is not surprising, considering his heritage. His grandfather was a teacher, his grandmother was a teacher, his mother was a teacher, and his aunt was a teacher. What is surprising is his passion for it. “I really appreciate the opportunity to have a work sometime in my life that is very meaningful to me because I know many, many people never have that experience ... I feel really lucky,” said Nelson. Students of Nelson are beneficiaries of this passion and, thanks to his humorous teaching style, will always remember what a spider-mite looks like.

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Class helps deployed veterans keep businesses afloat Clackamas offers class to help struggling small businesses owned by deployed veterans stay on top By Harley Jackson The Clackamas Print In the past few years, many of this nation’s young men and women have volunteered for the U.S. military. Many have gone back to the states to continue in their business affairs, and of those troops, many own small businesses. A number of these small businesses struggle to stay afloat while the owner or key members of the working team are stationed overseas. Fortunately for these troops, there is a course at Clackamas Community College that offers them the opportunity to get the help they need to keep their organizations alive.

Staff The Clackamas Print 19600 Molalla Ave. Oregon City, OR 97045 503-594-6266

Co-Editors in Chief: Kayla Calloway Erik Andersen News Editor: Jaime Dunkle Associate News Editor: Brian Baldwin Sports Editor: Robert Morrison Arts & Culture Editor: Joshua Baird

The program is called Veterans Small Business Management. The course helps train veterans in money management, book-keeping, advertising and much more. It is a four-month program and class is usually held once every three weeks at Harmony campus or in the Gregory Forum at the Oregon City campus. “The intent is to serve business owners whose business was impacted by deployment,” said Tim Shea, the course director. The school has received a large grant specifically meant for funding this program. This grant ensures that all small business owning veterans will be able to take the class free of charge. Right now there are over 50 small businesses in the program, ranging from graphic design to construction. “It’s statistically shown over and over again that businesses who seek outside assistance perform better than those that don’t,” said Shea. VSBM caters to all vets, not just the recent Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Each business is allowed two rep-

Ad Manager: James Duncan Copy Editor: John Simmons Co-Design/Web Editors: John Shufelt Corey Romick Photo Editor: Michael Bonn

resentatives to attend the class. This is so the class size will not be too large, but even with the rule in place there are still more than 70 people in the class. Many veterans believe this is an excellent resource for our troops in need of help. “I think it would be great, (having) another resource to help veterans out,” said Justin Lay, a sophomore and former Marine. The more resources the better, especially for those troops recently discharged and still having trouble adjusting to civilian life. “(The program) looks pretty solid and could get the ball rolling,” said sophomore Cody Gabriel. This program could be just the element veterans need to get their small businesses out of the red and back into the black. Veterans are encouraged to take full advantage of this opportunity and sign up for this enlightening course and better both themselves and their businesses. For those interested, information about the class can be found at http://veteransmeanbusiness.org/.

Staff Writers/ Photographers: Ben Carlson, Max Dorsey, Conni Gaunt, Mandie Gavitt, George Craig, Pamela Hollis, Harley Jackson, Tyler Kern, Sarah Mitts, Christina Pearl, John Petty, Kyle Smith, David Spears, Nathan Sturgess, Katherine Suydam

Production Assistants: Katie Aamatti, Ashley DeHut-McCollum, Neil Lundin, Dakota Miller, Jesse Pierce, Ryan Rau, Tom Redick, Kelly Van Hook Journalism Adviser: Melissa Jones

Goals: The Clackamas Print aims to report the news in an honest, unbiased, professional manner. Content published in The Print is not screened or subject to censorship. E-mail comments to chiefed@clackamas.edu


Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

The Clackamas Print


Cover your mouth, insure yourself The risks of domestic college living are explored, enforcing the idea of insurance coverage for all college students to insure their safety in the event of an unexpected accident

dropped her. There may be a way to achieve a decent level of coverage at a reasonable cost through one of the Sentry Student Security Plans offered to Clackamas Community College students by E.J. Smith & Associates. The plans offer two levels of coverage with the lower plan premium starting at $25 a month for single students ages 24 and under.

By Kyle Smith The Clackamas Print Imagine one day you’re in the Niemeyer parking lot walking toward your class and in the blink of an eye, you get run over by someone in a truck trying to get a good parking spot. Maybe you’re in a biology class, dissecting some rare, highly venomous and not-quite-dead Peruvian slime worm, and it rears up and bites you. There are countless ways you could become injured and require medical attention, and not all of them are limited to the college campus. The question isn’t “if” but “when,” and when it does happen, will you be insured? Many students are already insured either through their parents, their place of employment or through an individual insurance plan. These plans can expire with age, end with unemployment or simply cost too much to maintain over time. Many more students are uninsured with no plan to repay medical services rendered in an emergency. “The company that was here previously offered insurance benefits,” said uninsured student and Outlaw Barbeque employee Brittany Kolb. Kolb also had insurance through her family, but said insurance was dependant on her remaining a full time student. When she dropped to part time, the insurance

Illustration by Tyler Kern Clackamas Print

Prices increase with the age of the student, marital status and children. “The insurance is available to all students, full time and part time, but is, I think, targeted toward younger students. It costs less the younger you are,” Michelle Baker, the Student Leadership adviser, stated in an e-mail. “CCC cannot and does not endorse any particular insurance plan; this is just one option that is available.” Baker clarified, “Students are encouraged to also research other options and choose the best coverage for their situation.” Dawn Folk, another Clackamas student, is also currently uninsured. “I am in the process of getting the Oregon Health Plan. Maybe once that goes through, I can deal with my wisdom teeth.” Although dental is not integrated into the two plans, it can be added to either for an additional fee. E.J. Smith & Associates also offer a Prescription Drug Discount Card, as neither plan offers drug discounts on their own, and Interscholastic Sports Coverage for college athletes. For students and faculty looking to insure something beyond their own body there is a program from National Student Services, Inc. designed to protect personal property. Laptops, digital cameras, MP3 players, cell phones, musical instruments, furniture and more can be covered against many types of damage including accidents such as drops and spills. Students interested in the Sentry Student Security Plans can pick up a brochure in the ASG office in the community center, visit the Smith & Associates website at www.ejsmith.com or write them at 899 Skokie Blvd. Northbrook, IL, 60062. Students who want to insure their personal property can visit www.nssi.com for more information.

PAUL: Says goodbye with a smile Continued from Page 1

The band won’t be affected too much by Paul’s venture in nursing, as it is currently on hiatus. “The band was never meant to be for a living. I don’t like to mingle my business with my pleasure too deeply,” said Paul. “My decision is not going to affect my intentions with the band.” When Paul has finished his general studies in nursing he would like to specialize in the area of the vocals, possibly ear, nose and throat. Furthermore, he hopes to open a clinic to assist his people: musicians. Paul’s father, Jim Creighton, was a former counselor and passed away last June from a heart disease. Paul credits him as his greatest influence. “He didn’t teach me to build things, change oil, go fishing or things like that. He taught me how to treat people. He taught me how to treat women, how to read well and write well. He taught me how to think critically; he taught me how to work hard,” said Paul. Paul is following closely in both his parents’ footsteps. First his father’s, then his mother’s. When he told his family of his plans, his mother laughed and told him to “get his own career.” “Nursing is a lot like teaching, and he’ll love it,” said Paul’s mother, Jan Creighton, who is a maternity nurse. “He wants to give something back. I think it is fantastic.” Paul can never be replaced in the hearts and minds of the students and staff he has touched. Sunny Olsen, a counselor that has been employed

at CCC for four years, will be moving into Paul’s office and assuming his position when he leaves. She started with the college in the Gateway to College program, giving dual credits to high school students to count toward college credits. “I really like meeting with the students,” said Olsen. “Students that walk up and are overwhelmed and don’t know where to go.” Olsen feels confident about taking over her new role at the college. “I know I still have a lot to learn, but I have the resource of the other advisers and am confident I will learn it,” she said. “I am sad for us because (we will miss) the energy he brings and his degree of student support and advocacy. There will be a hole that needs (to be) filled, but we will all squeeze into that spot. I am really excited for him. He is pursuing his dream.” Paul will miss many aspects of his life here at Clackamas when he leaves. “I will miss the students, I will miss my co workers, I will miss my office and I will miss the family that has been created. I will miss driving to the school and turning left at that damn light and that damn six minute wait,” said Paul. Although he is sad to leave, Paul is grateful for the good things life has given him. “I have a roof over my head, good food, good friends and good beer. I have the opportunity to do anything I want. Not anything in the world, but anything I want.”

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Pamela Hollis Clackamas Print

Beloved adviser, Paul Creighton (center), aids students like Morgan Walsh (right). Come January, Creighton will leave his job to pursue a career in nursing. CORRECTION: In Issue 5, page 7, we mislabeled the woman in the photograph for “Cougars create clubs on campus.” Her name is Karli Thompson, not Radiah Gaines.

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The Clackamas Print


Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

Soccer wins, moves on to semi-finals By Christina Pearl The Clackamas Print The chill and drizzle last Saturday night did not dampen the heat on the field as the Cougar women’s soccer team battled hard to win their quarter-final match against the Columbia Basin Hawks at Oregon City High School’s Pioneer Stadium. Clackamas Community College’s women’s soccer team defeated the visiting Hawks, securing a spot in the Northwest Athletic Association of Community College’s semi-final match this upcoming weekend. Last Saturday’s game demonstrated a remarkable struggle between two tough teams. Both came close to scoring in the first half, including one near miss by Cougars Midfielder Gabby Nevell that brought cheers from the CCC crowd, until they realized the shot had traveled just left of the goal. The brutal Hawks team played rough and earned two yellow cards for unsportsmanlike conduct. Emotions ran high with only a few minutes left in the first half. Hawks Forward Shelby Gunion attempted a back tackle to gain control of the ball over Cougars Forward Rachel Nevell. An accidental elbow from Nevell struck Gunion square – and hard – in the jaw, sending Gunion to the ground and out of play for the remainder of the game.

The first half ended without either team scoring. The second half came alive with greater force from both sides. At 55 minutes, the Cougars were awarded a corner kick. Defender Lindsay Bauman played directly off forward Yasmina Coto’s kick to score the first goal of the game. The Hawks countered with a straight shot into the net at 65 minutes, tying the game. Intense competition continued until forward Jennifer Jackson finally managed to score a second goal for the team at 77 minutes. Despite fervent effort from the Hawks in the game’s final 13 minutes, the game ended with the score of Cougars 2, Hawks 1. “It was a great win,” said Head Coach Tracy Nelson. “We played a very tough team. That was a final game right there. They were a very aggressive, physical team and they were definitely dangerous.” Bauman was adamant about the team’s focus. “We were just coming out to play our own game and we weren’t looking at anything else. We were very pumped,” she said. Gunion, the injured Hawks player, appeared alright as she packed her sports bag to leave. She ran her hand downward from her nose to her jaw to indicate the pain from Nevell’s elbow strike, but declined to comment on the incident or the outcome of the game.

John Petty Clackamas Print

Cougars forward Rachel Nevell goes in for a kick during the playoff game last Saturday. The Cougars beat the Hawks 2-1 and advanced to the semi-finals that will take place this Saturday. The Cougars move on to the NWAACC semi-final match against Spokane this Saturday. “I feel confident about next week, but we still have a battle ahead of

us,” said Nevell. The Cougars lost to the Spokane Sasquatch team during their second game of the season this year. The semi-finals will take place at 11 a.m.

on Nov. 20 at the Startfire Sports Complex in Tukwila, Wash. If their rematch against Spokane goes as hoped, the Cougars will play in the finals in Tukwila on Sunday.

Cougars gain potential star athlete By Katherine Suydam The Clackamas Print A basketball fan that has any clue about the NBA should know who Kevin Love is: power forward for the Minnesota Timberwolves. But how many know of the Cougars’ post player Max Jacobsen, who played with Love at Lake Oswego High School? Jacobsen was on the basketball team at Lake Oswego High School, playing in three consecutive Three Rivers League championships. He was awarded a scholarship to play at Portland State University, a Division I school. Why then, you might ask, is he now playing post for the Clackamas Community College basketball team? Why is he a third-year defending champion in the Northwest Athletic Association of Communtiy Colleges league and not on a D-1 team?

He’s a very bright kid, and I think he can do whatever he wants to do. Clif Wegner Cougars Head Coach

Though he was a member of the Vikings basketball team at PSU for a year, Jacobsen watched most of the season from the side lines with a knee injury. “I got micro-fracture surgery,” said Jacobsen. Even though he had received a scholarship in high school and played for a Division I school, Jacobsen was not automatically accepted onto the Cougars team. “I didn’t see him much until last spring. He came out here and said that he was not sure if he was going back to Portland State,” said Clif

Wegner, Cougars basketball head coach. “At that time, to be honest with you, Max was pretty overweight and slow. His knee hadn’t recovered and he really didn’t look very good.” Max returned at the end of the summer after telling Wegner that he was still interested. “He started playing and right away we noticed he had got a lot better. What had happened was that his knee had gotten better and he had slimmed down a bit and gotten in better shape,” said Wegner. As a Cougar, Jacobsen is sure to be an asset on the team. Wegner says that he is a very intelligent player who has a good shot and his footwork is improving. As for the person that helped Jacobsen become the smart athlete that he is, Jacobsen names his father. “He always kept me going; he had me out at night shooting shots when I didn’t want to. He just always pushed me and he helped me out a lot,” he said. Though he has been playing basketball since he was five years old, Jacobsen does not plan on becoming a professional basketball player. He wants to be an engineer, and though being on the team takes up a lot of his time, he still has the grades for it. “At Portland State I got a 3.78, and I’m looking to get a 4.0 here,” said Jacobsen. “He has already taken every single math class they have,” said Brandon Troxel, a second year forward on the Cougars basketball team. “He’s probably the smartest guy on the team.” Jacobsen might have taken every math class, but he still has a long way to go before he is an engineer. He hasn’t decided what school he wants to go to after CCC, but he hopes to gain another basketball scholarship. “He’s a very bright kid, and I think he can do whatever he wants to do. If engineering is what he chooses, he is going to be fine,” said Wegner. As a basketball player and as a student, Jacobsen is sure to be an asset to Clackamas. He has drive and the intelligence to bring the team to the top, and Troxel thinks that he could even become Southern Region MVP by the end of the season.

Ben Carlson Clackamas Print

Cougars player Max Jacobsen awaits a pass during practice last week. Jacobsen is a promising new addition to the Cougars roster.


Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

The Clackamas Print


Classes rid students of freshman 15 By Mandie Gavitt The Clackamas Print It is not uncommon for diet and exercise to go downhill when starting college. For many college students, mom no longer cooks meals and budgets require you live off of Cup Noodles and Top Ramen. With all of the work school entails, grades become more important than a workout routine. Thus, you begin on a journey that is a slippery slope leading to the dreaded “freshman 15.” However, whether you believe it or not, a college student can avoid getting those unwanted 15 pounds. Even sophomores that have lost the battle can begin to fight back to rid themselves of the freshman 15 once again. Of course, Clackamas Community College is here to help, armed with classes just for that objective. Clackamas offers a variety of sports classes for students of all athletic levels and abilities. These classes include a wide assortment of sports: track and field, volleyball, baseball, basketball, bowling, wrestling and cross country, just to name a few. There are also other classes that are designed to teach general sports technique and fitness, though it may not pertain to a specific sport, such as: total body boot camp, self defense and swimming. During the classes you will not only learn the technique of the sport but also do physical conditioning to keep shape. “No matter how well you know technique, if you aren’t strong enough it won’t be good enough,” said

Kristiana Baraku, who is currently taking the self-defense class. While physical classes can be a reprieve from the academics, students should not expect it to be easy. Keoni McHone, one of the school’s health and PE instructors, says students can expect to work out hard. He also recommends that students make sure that they are healthy before signing up for a sports class. Robin Robinson, who has taught several sports classes and is the baseball coach, said that sports classes are especially rewarding for both teachers and students. Robinson said that he enjoys watching students become physically better and more confident. “You get to watch a student’s personal development,” he said. While there are many lowerlevel sports classes for students who may not be athletes, there are classes designed specifically for students who are. These classes are more physically challenging and expect a higher level of skills and knowledge of the specific sport. They are geared toward students who play on a competitive team and want to improve their skills and sportsmanship. According to volleyball coach Kathie Woods, students can expect to learn how to raise their skill level. Sports classes offer students a chance to escape their academic classes a few times a week. They give students a chance to work out in a group rather than alone. Students can take sports classes if they desire to learn more about a sport, get in shape, or lose that ever-lingering extra weight.

John Petty Clackamas Print

Kelby Evans practices his long jump on Nov. 12 at the Clackamas Community College field. He is preparing for the upcoming track and field season.

In the words of the Bengals’ Chad Ochocinco, ‘Kiss the baby!’

By Robert Morrison Sports Editor “Kiss the baby!” This is a famous saying by the Cincinnati Bengals’ own Chad Ochocinco, originally Chad Johnson. He uses it as something of a catchphrase. Ochocinco has one of the biggest egos in football, and it just so happens that he plays with another man with a big ego: Terrell Owens, or T.O. These two players are known for their complaining when things don’t go the way they want them to. They both have countless touchdown celebrations and even have their own reality show. Both played a part in the NFL deciding to put restrictions on touchdown celebrations. With these two egos on one team, the team is bound to implode. After all, there is only one football to go around. Matching the egos of “T.O.cho” is the famed Randy Moss. Moss has played for three different teams this year: the Patriots, the Vikings and the Titans. Moss went from the Patriots to the Vikings in a move that no one saw coming. He apparently got on a caterer’s case when food was brought into the locker room. His time with the Vikings lasted for a grand total of four games before he was waived and claimed by the Titans. Each time he left, Moss felt it was OK to be critical of his old team. This year and in years past, it has been Moss’ way or the highway. Athletes with egos don’t just hold a place in football but in most sports in general. They can be found from professional players to college players. Players will often holdout for a new contract because they feel they are that good. Many play-

ers feel they are the best at a certain position and want to be the highest paid player at that position. Rarely are these players “team players.” The famed Allen Iverson is among basketball players to have a big ego. These past few years, he has held back from playing for a team because he feels that he could hold out for more money. He ended up making a return to the 76ers for a cheaper price than demanded. He just wasted time. This year no one wanted him because of his injuries, price tag and – for many teams – because of his ego and baggage that he brings. He ended up going to play for a Turkish team this year. Egos don’t stop there. Players like to demand trades when they don’t get their way or don’t feel they have had the appreciation they deserve. There are way too many players than I can remember to name that have demanded a trade. This isn’t a thing that starts late, though; athletes usually develop egos early on. Many college players get called good and then get a big head on their shoulders. They become cocky and feel that they need big money when they get into the pros. Some of these players fail to even meet their college level of play. Some players develop an ego when they fail to lose. Some players will win so often at the high school level that they feel they can’t be beat. But any team can beat any other team on any day. It’s called an underdog people. Sometimes having an ego is just having confidence in oneself or one’s team. Confidence is often a part of sports but shouldn’t reach the level of Moss, Owens or Ochocinco’s in any sport. “I don’t think I will have very much competition. The team shouldn’t have very much competition this year,” said Tyrell Fortune. Fortune is Clackamas Community College’s 285 lb. wrestler. He is a confident of his own athletic ability as well as that of the CCC wrestling team. This is how an athlete should control confidence, not letting it get out of hand and turning into a massive ego. Egos can always get worse, and a player needs to be able to control how he acts on and off the field. A little ego can always turn into a big one. Both individual players and teams as a whole need to know that, even though they may have the name, it doesn’t mean they’re better than the others. We all must learn to lose with respect someday.

Robinson: heart, soul of Cougars’ sports By Harley Jackson The Clackamas Print Experience: knowledge or practical wisdom gained from what one has observed, encountered or undergone. This is exactly what baseball Head Coach Robin Robinson has. He is a man of experience, and he has a flood of it. Robinson has had an expansive career as a baseball coach. He coached 10 years at the high school level before moving up to the college level. He is currently in his 21st year as Clackamaas Comunnity College head baseball coach, which gives him an unprecedented 31 years as a coach and resident expert of all things baseball. Robinson developed an appreciation for the game early in life. “I was born and raised playing baseball. It’s a good way to learn a lot about life,” he said. Robinson played primarily as an outfielder throughout his high school and college years due to him being a southpaw. It wasn’t until he played a few season in the semi-professionals that he got to examine the life of a left-handed catcher, and he thought that was very unique. “My preference would have to be catcher, if I was right-handed I would have been a catcher,” said the coach. His favorite part about the game is the personal growth and development of his players. “He’s a great coach. He tries to help our mistakes and look for ways to make us better,” said Blake Mulholland, a freshman pitcher for the team. “He doesn’t babysit us. He’s very down-to-earth and knows

when to be serious,” said Sean Moran, another freshman pitcher. To say that Robinson is a onetrick-pony is laughable. In fact, he seems to be a jack of all trades. Not only does he coach baseball, but he is also the school’s swing dance aficionado and karate enthusiast, both of which he instructs. “I have quite the agenda on a daily basis. I teach swing dance in the morning, followed by karate/ self-defense, then conditioning and finally baseball,” said Robinson. His love of swing dancing began about 18 years ago when he was enjoying a meal. The restaurant he was attending offered free swing lessons. He saw it and he had to do it. He had only been practicing it for about 10 months before he was proficient enough to teach. Robinson has had many pupils in his dance class who have gone off to become competitive dancers. Many join to burn off stress, but the majority of his students join for the entertainment. He encourages everyone to take up swing dancing, even his baseball players. As for karate, Robinson started practicing it years ago and started training from style to style to help him learn some personal development. “I trained in nine styles and rank in seventh with two black belts three browns and so forth,” he said. He would try something for a couple years then they try something different, just for the experience and personal growth. He has been teaching martial arts since the early 1980s. Robinson is a very experienced and cultivated man whose knowledge knows no bounds. If you are interested in baseball, dancing or martial arts, look him up; you just might learn something.

& ‘Leading Ladies’ pushes envelope 6

The Clackamas Print

Arts Culture

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

By Nathan Sturgess The Clackamas Print “Leading Ladies” is set in 1958, a period in American history when the United States was on the cusp of social revolution. The average American was finally beginning to question longstanding social norms surrounding sexuality and gender roles, along with increased cynicism about social institutions like government and church. The 1950s could be considered the last hoorah to America’s cultural golden age, a period characterized both by its distinctiveness and unanimity just before two decades of political, social, and economic volatility. Into this still very trusting and respectable American society step two British second-rate actors, Leo and Jack, played by two outstanding actors, Addison Benya and Stephen Cassista, respectively. Maligned by financial troubles as a result of their half-baked compilations of Shakespearian performances, they find themselves in need of a new start. Necessity meeting opportunity, Leo, a spastic visionary, concocts a devious plan, along with the ever-doubtful Jack, to masquerade as the long-lost female heirs to whom they think is a deceased millionaire aunt. Upon arriving as Maxine and Stephanie at the home of their dead aunt Florence (played by Katie Farrell) they are surprised to find not only that their aunt isn’t dead but that they both have a romantic interest in two women of the small Pennsylvanian town – Jack with a sweet, young school girl named Audrey (played by the similarly ravishing Annie Scharich) and Leo with the melodramatic but kind-hearted niece

fiancé, Duncan (played by Dylan Marchek) and tries to woo her for himself. At this point in the play Meg comes to a revelatory conclusion that rocks the historical relevance of the play and emphaisizes the delecate time within which the play is set. I was amazed by the precision in dramatic execution throughout the play. The transitions made between characters, Leo and Maxine as well as Jack and Stephanie, were nearly flawless and quite compelling. The jokes and comedic elements were all well placed and well received by the audience. Further aided by the natural stage presence and gestures of the actors and the incredible attention to detail paid to both set design and costumes, it was easy to get lost in the story. When the curtain finally does fall, all has been set right. And you leave those reasonably comfortable fold-up seats believing a little more that your story, too, can end happily ever after.

Leading Ladies Contributed by the Theater department

Addison Benya and Stephen Cassista act out a scene for “Leading Ladies.” These two actors are first year students at Clackamas Community College. of aunt Florence, Meg (played by Heather Ovalle). The dramatic energy and rapidity of the first four scenes is incredible, almost rushing by the audience in a blur of plot construction. The actors largely characterize themselves as somewhat larger than they are, as if to bring attention to their general presence rather than the more delicate weaknesses of each character. For this reason, some

subtler details about each character take longer to develop. Similarly, the comedic texture of the first four scenes is driven largely by one-liners that serve to acclimate the audience for the more interlaced, situational comedy of the following four scenes. By scene one of the second act, both the audience and the actors have nestled into their roles in the drama and this is where the characterization expertise of the

cast is most clearly displayed. Meg, enticed by the feigned acting reputation of Maxine and her supposedly more famous alterego Leo Clark, delivers some of her most compelling lines as she gets a chance at the life of acting she’s always dreamed of having. With a plot strikingly similar to the Billy Wilder film “Some Like It Hot,” Leo attempts to use Meg’s dreams as a way to pull her away from her anal-retentive

Ticket Pricing: Adult: $10 Youth under 18: $8 Students: $8 Seniors: $8 Location: Niemeyer Hall Show Times: Nov. 18-21 Thurs.-Sat. 7:30 p.m. Sun. 2:30 p.m. Rating:

Diving into the consumer mosh pit By Christina Pearl The Clackamas Print I must confess my sacrilege to the devout Black Friday participants who may be reading this: I have never shopped or sold goods during the official open of the holiday season. However, for those readers upholding their enthusiasm for door-buster discounts, consider this a quick guide to local shopping and possible savings. Black Friday will officially begin at the stroke of midnight on Nov 26. Many Clackamas Community College students will be braving the crowds from behind the register. Retailers promise an abundance of shopping bargains for those of you not working that day. Clackamas Town Center has yet to advertise some of their plans for Black Friday, according to the mall’s marketing manager Rachel Trice. Few shoppers know that select retailers, including Victoria’s Secret, Express and The Disney Store will open at midnight and are offering special promotions. The entire center will open at 6 a.m. and will give out $10 gift cards for every $100 spent, until noon. “There are little giveaways throughout the day,” said Trice. “Shoppers should expect it to be crowded, but we’ll have roaming entertainment and sampling from Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee here that day.”

Coffee and redemption for gift cards will be provided outside the mall’s West Side Village entrance. Trice highly recommends taking advantage of the free covered parking garage outside Nordstrom, where there is ample lighting and security patrol. Early birds can also shop retailers in Clackamas Promenade and up 82nd Ave. Websites such as www. BlackFriday2010.net and www. TheBlackFriday.com feature the ads of most major retailers in one place. Many CCC students work on Black Friday. Student Micah Rydman will work during this year’s event. He also worked Black Friday 2008 at Woodburn Company Stores’ Tommy Hilfiger Outlet. “There was a constant flow of people,” he said, “Every store hires a lot of extra employees just to work those 24 hours. Tommy (Hilfiger Outlet) actually hires up to 60 just for

that extra slot. So everything is pretty maintained,” he said. Rydman will endure a wild work day while other students are happy to stay home. “I shopped on Black Friday once,” said Billie Jean Bidwell. “It didn’t seem like much savings. There are just too many people, the lines are too long, and there’s too much traffic. It was dangerous. People were mean. I’m going to stay home and enjoy my family this year.” Each year, retailers rely on holiday sales to boost their financial statements out of the red and into the black. Black Friday is their holiday commencement, fueled by shoppers who don’t mind a little chaos. Others, like Bidwell, see Black Friday as a dark day to avoid. How about it? Are you interested in a 24-hour trip to the dark side? The schedule below will get you started. May coffee and door-busters be on your side.

Store Hours for Black Friday Best Buy 5 a.m. - 10 p.m. Fred Meyer 5 a.m. - 11 p.m. Kohl’s 3 a.m. - midnight Nordstrom Rack 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. Target 4 a.m. - 11 p.m. Wal-Mart 7 a.m. Thurs. - 11 p.m. Fri. Woodburn Company Stores 10 p.m. Thurs. - 9 p.m. Fri. Clackamas Town Center Select retailers Midnight - 10 p.m. All shops 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Pamela Hollis (971) 237-4674

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Arts Culture

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

The Clackamas Print


21+: Light and fluffy

By Joshua Baird Arts & Culture Editor Oh my god! This stuff is so good. Whipped Cream Vodka is possibly the most popular of Pinnacle’s new line of flavored vodka. In fact my favorite part about the stuff isn’t even the booze itself, it’s the freaking bottle. Pinnacle makes no attempts at disguising that this particular isn’t supposed to taste like real whipped cream. The official name for the stuff is “imitation whipped cream flavored vodka.” As if we wouldn’t have figured it out once we tasted it. I mean come on; it comes complete with the aftertaste that you get from the gas after taking a mouthful of canned whipped cream. I had been told by literally 43 people that I needed to try this stuff, and I’ll tell you this: it did not fail to impress me either. The first thing I do every time I buy a new bottle of flavored booze is pondering all the cocktail opportunities. This stuff has endless possibilities. Of course I had to experiment with orange juice and make a whipped cream screwdriver. It tasted just like a creamsicle; all that imitation whipped cream flavor mixed with something called “orange drink.” This must be the cousin to “tropical fruit drink,” because it was as much orange juice as the pink stuff in the gallon jug is strawberry juice. Either way, creamsicle. ‘Nuff said. After that I realized just how cold it is outside and decided to make some hot chocolate. My original intention was to just have the one cocktail that night, but once my hot chocolate was ready I couldn’t help but wonder what it would taste like with some imitation whipped cream and another great combination was discovered. Pinnacle Vodka comes in a number of interesting flavors, many of which I have not had, including chocolate, cherry lemonade, root beer and cotton candy. Its madness, madness I tell you, all of these sweet flavored vodkas! It’s like being in a sorority house filled with chick drinks, only these are actually good chick drinks – the kind that anyone would want. With all these new ideas rushing through my head, I decided to take a break from the drinking and my brain started to think about the implications of booze that doesn’t taste like booze as much as it does candy. This could potentially become the favorite brand for underage drinkers everywhere, and that is not what alcohol is supposed to be for. I have said it before and I will continue to say The Clackamas Print does not encourage underage drinking, and neither do I.

Illustration by Tyler Kern Clackamas Print

By Kayla Calloway Co-Editor in Chief I remember that night perfectly. I had just gotten off work, and I was racing to Clackamas Town Center’s Barnes & Noble bookstore. I arrived just before 11, got my bracelet that proved I had reserved my copy and stood in line for my first ever midnight book release, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” by J.K. Rowling. The mall was crowded as if it was midday, not midnight. It had taken 20 minutes to find a parking spot. My legs were killing me from standing and moving with the very slow line. In the end, it was totally worth it. The night of July 20, 2007 was an experience I will never forget. This Friday, Nov. 19, the first part of the book will come to life in theaters everywhere. To prepare for the highly anticipated movie release, I cracked open my copy of the book to refresh my memory and simply because it’s awesome. The book opens with a familiar and menacing face. Severus Snape,

the greasy-haired potions master that fans love to hate, enters Malfoy Manor with Yaxley, a Death Eater, for a group meeting with Lord Voldemort. The topic of discussion is, of course, defeating Harry Potter and taking down the Ministry of Magic. The crowd gathered around the table is made up of more recognizable characters, including Bellatrix Lestrange, Peter “Wormtail” Pettigrew, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, and finally, their son, Draco. As decorative art, hanging above the large table is the unconscious body of former Muggle Studies professor, Charity Burbage. The Dark Lord wakes her, tortures her, kills her and feeds the body to his pet snake, Nagini. So begins the final installment of the epic tale of Harry Potter. Picking up where the sixth book, “Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince,” left off, Harry and his two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, set off to find and destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes, objects that the Dark Lord had hidden parts of his soul in. Destroying all these objects will render him

mortal once again. The problem is the gang has no clue where any of Horcruxes are or even what they are. The only clue they have is a fake Horcrux in the form of a locket that Dumbledore and Harry had found hidden in a cave on the coast. The Golden Trio starts their journey after the wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour is ruined by the news that the Ministry has fallen. They stay at Number 12 Grimmauld Place, the former headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, for about a month while they hatch out a plan to break into the Ministry to steal the real locket Horcrux from Umbridge (they found out its general whereabouts from Mundungus Fletcher). Though the plan was pulled off successfully in the respect that they did retrieve the locket, Harry, Hermione and Ron cannot go back to Grimmauld Place and instead are forced to camp out in the woods, never staying in one place longer than a day. The isolation from the rest of the world and the feelings of depression and anxiety brought on by the prox-

imity of the Horcrux cause the trio to fight, and eventually, Ron leaves. The first half of the book, and what I ca+n only assume will be the main focus of the movie, is filled with character development with sprinkles of action. The friendship of Harry, Hermione and Ron is tested by their constantly empty stomachs and the loneliness of life on the run. While many have called this journey an extended camping trip, I simply cannot imagine the book without this crucial element. Before, we never got to see the teens outside of the comfort of Hogwarts. Everything is essential to the plot development. We needed to see the kids struggling with each other and with the fact that they have no idea what step to take next. “Deathly Hallows” is the best way to end the series that has been such a crucial part of my childhood since I first read “Sorcerer’s Stone,” “Chamber of Secrets” and “Prisoner of Azkaban” in the fifth grade. Even though I know it’s coming to an end, these books are ones that I will pick up and reread often. I’m confident that the last two movies will not

100 years later, Mark Twain still causes controversy By Christina Pearl The Clackamas Print “We suppress an unpopular opinion because we cannot afford the bitter cost of putting it forth,” wrote Mark Twain in 1899. Twain’s views regarding politics, religion and the nature of man were far too controversial to publish in his time. However, the first of three uncensored volumes of Twain’s autobiographical work is now available, 100 years after his death. “The Autobiography of Mark Twain” was released in stores nationwide this past Monday after exclusive online sales propelled it to the top of New York Times Bestseller list last month. Twain seems to have no reservations when it comes to expressing his opinions in the book. The author made nearly 40 attempts to pen his autobiography throughout a 35-year period, all to no avail. He eventually decided that the only way to accomplish his final work was to dictate it. Twain began voicing his thoughts and memo-

ries to his stenographer in 1906 almost daily, relating contemporary issues to stories from his past as they came to mind. Twain had no way of knowing that his fiery opinions of politics and religion might still be considered shocking today. “There is one notable thing about our Christianity: bad, bloody, merciless, money-grabbing and predatory … ours is a terrible religion. The fleets of the world could swim in spacious comfort in the innocent blood it has spilled,” he writes. Honest – and sometimes brutal – appraisals of both friends and enemies alike emerge throughout the book. Twain also relates precise assessments of American presidents – many of whom he knew personally. His manuscript grew until it was completed in 1910, four months before he died. Twain decreed in his will that the work not be published until 100 years after his death. Between 1924 and 1959, several editors ignored Twain’s wish, attempting to publish parts of the work. Albert Bigelow Paine, Bernard DeVoto and Charles

Neider all managed to produce weakened and callously edited versions of Twain’s original text in 1924, 1940 and 1959, respectively. None of these amounted to more than a third of the volumes that the current Mark Twain Project at the University of California Berkeley has developed, nor did they match Twain’s objective. He wanted his autobiography published in its entirety and in the order in which it was written and dictated. In fact, it took an entire team of literary scholars at the University of California Berkeley six years to uncover Twain’s intent and with it, the work’s virtuosity. Their construction includes all of Twain’s dictations, letters, early attempts, and the small biographies he wrote on people he knew. The early attempts and Twain’s preliminary dictations preface his formal autobiography in the book. Throughout my reading, I often found myself chuckling at dictations that were obviously given when Twain was feeling jovial. Other times, he puts

forth succinct criticisms of the actions of those in power. None of these is more memorable than his criticism of the massacre of Filipino guerrillas, ordered by Theodore Roosevelt after the Spanish-American War. Overall, the most affecting details of the book for me are contained in Twain’s intimate portrayal of his family. The biography of his oldest daughter, Suzy, provides the best of these details. Twain’s words on his family provide more insight than his social and political expressions could possibly provide. Here you may judge what true grit and passion he possessed. “The Autobiography of Mark Twain” is published by the University of California Press and lists for $34.95. It is a compelling, and thus highly recommended, read. Twain’s undying character, wit and straightforwardness permeate the present day through his autobiography, making it apparent that little in politics, religion or the nature of man has changed. One hundred years after his death, Mark Twain has managed to provide a magnificent read.

& Tune in for Vocal Jazz choir concert 8

The Clackamas Print

By Nathan Sturgess The Clackamas Print The roots of jazz stretch back to the foundations of American music itself. It speaks of a time when informal oral traditions held together the fabric of our diverse human heritage. “Aside from American Indian music, jazz is America’s only indigenous musical art form,” said Lonnie Cline, Clackamas Community College’s choral director. Cline has been directing CCC’s Mainstream Vocal Jazz Ensemble for the past 30 years, but his enthusiasm for his students and the jazz swing haven’t relented in the least. “(Lonnie is) extraordinary,” said Alyssa Smith, a three-year veteran of the Jazz Ensemble. “He’s very, very good at what he does, and I’ve never seen (someone have) so much love for what (they do). I think CCC is the place to learn vocal jazz because he’s here.” To Cline, jazz is not just about creativity and spontaneity but also about making an impact on the lives of others. “We try to influence people’s lives, make them happier, confirm something they believe, cause them to think about something they haven’t thought about before. That’s what we try to do. First with the students and then hope that gets off the stage,” Cline said. And the students get the message. “The performance is a celebration of what we do in the class, and the class is a celebration of what we do on our own,” said John Howard, a two-year veteran of the choir and its current publicist. Coming from a competitive background in vocal jazz performance, Smith observed that the noncompetitive atmosphere at CCC has really benefited her as well. “I’m not

here now ‘in it to win it;’ I’m here to work on myself. It’s completely life changing, and I must say I’ve learned more here than I ever have in my whole life,” she said. “The whole point is to get the music into everybody else,” said Tiffany Vess. Vess has been with the choir for only a term but has extensive choral experience. The time and commitment that each student makes to the class reflects their enthusiasm for the musical form. For these students it becomes a means for saying something unique about themselves. “What draws me to jazz is the way someone can take a song and just make it their own,” said Nick Woods, a first-year tenor whose been singing in choirs since elementary school. “Performance becomes much more of an expression than a test,” said Howard. But for the students, being part of the Jazz Ensemble is not only about their passion for musical expression but also about the bonds that they form with each other as well. “I really like how close we are getting, and the sound we’re making so early is insane. We’re really like a family,” said Woods. The diversity in the students’ backgrounds is reflected in the incredible variety that Cline emphasizes in the class. “If (students) are studying jazz they’re getting nontraditional harmonies and non-traditional rhythms. Their getting jazz, rock, pop, funk, fusion, Afro-Cuban, bebop, big band … all the different styles that apply to jazz,” Cline said. The Mainstream Vocal Jazz Ensemble’s first performance of the year will echo this remarkable diversity. “We have so much variety. We’re not strict jazz. We’ll be singing Earth Wind and Fire, Marvin Gaye,

Nathan Sturgess Clackamas Print

Clackamas Community College’s Vocal Jazz Ensemble prepares for their first preformance of the year. and we’re singing Jaime Cullum. If you don’t want to fall asleep, come to this concert,” said Woods. The concert will be held in the Leroy Anderson band room inside the Niemeyer Center on Nov. 24 beginning at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $5. “We are singing this concert in honor of all the students over the past 30 years who have built this legacy of excellence in choral and jazz expression,” Cline said.

Veterans club creates positive environment for young and old By Max Dorsey The Clackamas Print Are you a veteran in need of information and advisement? The Veterans Club is there for you. The Veterans Club is a place where “vets can go to vets,” said Jared Sundquist, a member of the club. The club meets in the Veterans Education and Training Center in Dejardin 192, by the large windows. A sign indicating the meeting space is visible on the inside of the glass windows. The meetings are on the first Tuesday and third Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. They have comfortable chairs and couches around a semi-circle table. The Veterans Center is also a place for study time. According to the Clackamas Community College Veterans homepage, “The VET Center staff’s goal is to support every veteran’s transition from warrior to student to graduate and finally to working professional.” “We’re going to be about the social exchange and the business aspect of the club, like setting up events and talking to each other,” said Justin Lay, a member of the club. He is running for club president. The club is not limited to veterans only; everyone inter-

ested can join. “Membership is open to anyone interested in supporting or learning more about veterans,” said Sharon Maggard, co-advisor and an educational benefits specialist. Tena Olsen is the club’s past president. “This is my third term of being extremely active in the club,” Olson stated in an e-mail. The club only has 11 members at the moment and is looking for more. According to Olsen, the club just recently restarted because they were inactive for a term, and they have not had elections yet. Club members get together and talk about issues that veteran’s experience, and also check in on each other. “The club is necessary for Portland and Oregon City students who’ve returned from Iraq and Afghanistan,” said Dianna Fine, co-adviser of the club and a training and workforce specialist. “They go to each other for their issues.” “I think it is very necessary for the newer and older veterans to be able to come together for a greater purpose and help one another through different walks of life and make an impact on the ones that are coming into the school to make an easier transition,” Olsen stated. The veterans of wars can help each other and can relate because they’re “like-minded people,” said Sundquist. Veterans vary in age, but

Arts Culture

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

they all have experiences in common. “There are young and old vets, some even from the Vietnam War,” said Fine. For more information or to ask the veteran students for help, you can find Fine in her office in DJ211. Veterans can hang out with other veterans downstairs in the VET Center. You can check out the VET Center’s Facebook page by looking up Clackamas Community College Veterans Club, or by going to their website at http://depts.clackamas. edu/veterans/VETCenter.aspx.

The concert will also be celebrating the incredible devotion and commitment of Cline in his 30 years of vocal jazz direction at CCC. Cline encourages everyone to come to the concert as there will be a little of something for everyone. “We’re going to sing with a lot of energy and at a profound level, and if people enjoy jazz, rock, pop, funk (or) fusion, they should show up,” he said.


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Nathan sturgess Clackamas Print

Greg Seaver promotes Clackamas Community College’s veterans club in the community center.

We have a new baby CCC’s new Call Center needs a name. log onto myClackamas, click on the “ASG survey” tab and submit your idea for the new name for the CCC call center. Thank you!

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How to play: Make sure the numbers 1-9 are in each box. At the same time, there must be the numbers 1-9 vertically and horizontally. All numbers must match Last week’s sudoku answers up accordingly.

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