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Clackamas Print

An independent, student-run newspaper since 1966 Clackamas Community College, Oregon City, OR

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008

First Thanksgiving Clackamas’ international students celebrate Thanksgiving and reminisce about why they came to America in the first place

Volume 42, Issue 8

Club attendance drops as student interest wanes Lydia Emily Bashaw Editor in Chief

Lisa Sellars Clackamas Print

Students from around the globe gathered in Gregory Forum on Tuesday before Thanksgiving to celebrate the feast a few days in advance in the company of other international students.

Lisa Sellars The Clackamas Print

“It’s a really big advantage having international students on campus,” Anne Bachmann, an ESL instructor, said of the 33 international students at Clackamas. Many of those students attended a Thanksgiving lunch on Tuesday, Nov. 25, in the Gregory Forum, where some got to experience their first Thanksgiving ever and many were reminded of why they came to America. At the Thanksgiving lunch, everyone watched an animated clip from brainpop.com of the first Thanksgiving, ate the traditional Thanksgiving foods, talked with fellow international students, won raffle prizes and each person said what they were thankful for. Some were thankful for family and friends, others teachers, advisers and financial aid. Jung Ik Lee, from Korea, said he was “thankful for lunch.” After Lee’s humorous statement and a room full of laughter, the thankfulness continued down the tables to a 23-year-old girl from Goa, India named Simona Desouza. “Thank God for giving me the strength and courage to come here and (for) helping me to study,” Desouza said sincerely, as her eyes welled

up with tears. This is Desouza’s third year in America and her second chance at college. The first time that she came to America to study, she became really homesick and, in her longing for home, let her homework become a lesser priority. In talking to her mother, Desouza was told how important her schooling is and she was reminded of how hard her parents were working to keep her here. Currently living in downtown Portland, Desouza originally attended Portland Community College. She decided to transfer to Clackamas last spring to work on her nursing program prerequisites. Desouza said that Clackamas is different than PCC and universities back home in that the teachers and advisers actually help the students. She went on to say how nice it is to have teachers that are more personal and actually care about talking with their students. When asked how long she was planning on staying in America, Desouza stated, “I don’t know, but to work, for sure.” She continued on to say that she didn’t like the scrubs back home. “They’re the white dress kind,” Desouza said, as she crinkled up her face in disgust. “Yours are more comfortable.” Please see Turkey, Page 3

Financial woes strike Clackamas Matt Ostergren The Clackamas Print

A startling state revenue shortfall is causing unexpected budget cuts in community colleges all across Oregon. Many colleges are cutting staff and faculty as a means of making up the losses. Clackamas is not exempt from these cuts, and while expected to cope with the losses – hard times are ahead for the college. In the board of educa-

tion meeting last month, the board reviewed the college’s budget and its revenue for the current and future years. Financial forecasts predicted a continued decline in income for the state and for the college. Vice President of College Services Courtney Wilton explained to the board what steps were being taken to avoid dire consequences here at Clackamas. Small cuts in faculty and staff have been made and will continue, as well as hold-

ing off on long term projects until stability returns. Last week in an interview, Courtney Wilton told The Print that the governor had notified the college that all state agencies were receiving budget cuts. Revenue is down so much for this year, a cut had to be made after the budget had already been finalized. The cut is 10 percent of the income from the general fund, approximately $456,000. Please see Budget, Page 2

Something is dying on campus and it’s starting to stink, but unlike road kill it can’t just be swept off the pavement and forgotten. Clackamas has 33 official clubs, yet most do not exist anymore, with several facing death due to low student turnout. The biggest concern amongst new and old clubs is that recruitment isn’t working and Clackamas’ Associated Student Government (ASG) has been little help to their cause. For students, the fear is that without clubs they will lose one of the few outlets they have to be involved on campus. “Most of us just worry that without clubs, students won’t have a way to express themselves here,” said student Morgan Christensen. “Clubs are very beneficial to student life. It helps us to get involved and do something. Without them we have nowhere else to go.” Epsilon Tau Alpha (ETA) President Eric Cameron has been trying to build its criminal justice club numbers, to no avail. With low attendance, concerns in regards to the future of his club are on the forefront. “No one wants to play, and the club dies,” said Cameron. “It happened when I was running a non-profit concert hall for underage kids, (it) lasted for five years, but then the people who were helping with it all went away and no one filled their place. No more concerts after that,” Cameron continued. At the first Inter Clubs Council meeting, held Nov. 4, there was much concern over ASG’s job duties in regards to clubs. This year’s Club Senator, Esther Haikkila, heads up the division of ASG that is responsible for club awareness and promotion. They are also responsible for approving new clubs and handling their budgets. “I think that … ASG needs to be more involved with the clubs,” said Cameron. “Maybe having representatives not only show up to the occasional meeting, but actually members of the clubs. If they are emotionally invested, they’re more likely to help out,” Cameron continued. Clubs are only looking a little bit into the future, with plans for a four day Clubs Fair in February to help with recruitment. However, the success of clubs lies in the hands of student involvement.

Recession leads to drugs and depression increase in the number of students seeking help this year in compariAssociate News Editor son to previous years. “We are seeing quite a few Economic recession may seem students in crisis,” Wolfson said. like a distant thought that may have “We’re seeing students who are been blown out of proportion to struggling with meds, depression many, but to those who have lost and anxiety.” Although Wolfson cannot be sure jobs and housing nationwide, the words can be almost unbearable that the increase in students seeking help is due to the economic climate, to hear. The situation has become all she does have her suspicions. “I would intuitively say the ecotoo real for many Oregonians, and unfortunately, it can get so bad some nomic crisis is creating a lot of fear and stress. People are losing their feel like there is no way out. According to Oregon Partnership jobs, parents and families are being – a non-profit company dedicated to affected,” Wolfson said. “Mental drug and alcohol awareness and health and career go hand in hand.” History shows that when indisuicide prevention – calls to their crisis lines have seen significant viduals feel stressed, their tendency increases over the last two months, is to cope by abusing substances. The counseling department has with an increase of 30 percent in calls to their suicide prevention line not recorded an increase in drug It’s not only Oregon Partnership related problems recently, but that that has seen an increase in the doesn’t mean there haven’t been amount of people who are searching higher instances of use. for help in rough seas. Ellen Wolfson, counseling department co-chair, has noticed an Please see Stress, Page 2

John Hurlburt



Clackamas Print


Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008

STRESS: Getting help is key to road of recovery Continued from STRESS, Page 1

“I think it takes students a while to figure out what’s use, what’s abuse and what’s addiction,” Wolfson claimed. “Sometimes people won’t realize how (drugs and alcohol) are creating some of the challenges in their life.” Student Rick Khamsuk, a former substance abuser who has been clean and sober for 18 months, understands from experience the problems that can be created through substance abuse. “It’s a good way to escape, but the problems, they are always there,” Khamsuk explained. “(The problems) get worse when you come out of it.” Another student, Lindsey Buzan, has recently watched as some friends of hers lost their jobs and subsequently started abuse. The biggest change Buzan has seen is how they act. “They are much more loners now,” said Buzan. Buzan understands that it’s not just a problem for them, but for the people around them. “It’s frustrating watching them go on a downword spiral. Everything they worked for has crashed,” Buzan said. Fortunately for students seeking help with depression and drug problems, the college is willing to help. “Sometimes it’s hard to cope with all the things happening in people’s lives, So letting other people help is a good thing,” Wolfson declared. “If you had diabetes, would you go to a doctor? We look at mental health the same way.” The counseling center is open five days a week and there is always at least one counselor on call at all times while the department is open. The hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Walk-ins are accepted. If the issue isn’t urgent, you can set up an appointment either with the secretary Guadalupe Gomez or by calling 6576958 ext. 2794 or ext. 2213.

Photo illustration by Kayla Berge and John Shufelt Clackamas Print

BUDGET: Tuition may rise due to state cuts Continued from BUDGET, Page 1

best, the next biennium will be the same as the last. Wilton said the timing of the cut Unfortunately, costs are going to was very strange, as the college had increase. already budgeted for that money. The The costs, in which 85 percent go college has to make up the shortfall towards salaries and wages, are both before the end of the year. It was not negotiated in contracts. Wilton said anticipated at all. labor costs are expected The college did not to increase about five think the recession percent each year. If would effect this revenue remains flat, year ’s budget. It but costs increase, the does have a reserve college will have to run fund, but it is not a deficit. large enough to “The college may cover this problem. have to negotiate changBeyond the es in salaries,” explained immediate conWilton. cerns, there are There are other methmore long term ods of closing the budproblems as well, get gap, but none is Courtney Wilton according to Wilton. particularly savory for Vice President of Revenue for the students. College Services state is expected to Cutting services or be almost a $1 bilreducing financial aid lion less than last are options. The most year. unpopular way to raise money to Community colleges received close the budget gap is an increase in from the state approximately $500 tuition, but it may be necessary. million for this most recent bien“Tuition increases suck,” said stunium, which is a two-year period. At dent Alicia Stalcup.

“The college may have to negotiate changes in salaries.”

The ten percent cut With the cut, Clackamas is set to lose $456,000 out of their current budget which could buy... — 1,824,000 packs of Ramen at $0.25 each. — 152,000 energy drinks at $3 a can. — 28,518 months of “World of Warcraft” at $15.99 a month. — 1,824 Nintendo Wii at $250 each. — 1,140 Sony Playstation 3s at $400 dollars for the basic system. — 332 Dell XPS M1530 Laptop computers at $1,373 a unit. —114 rebuilt Volkswagen Type 3s at $4,000 each.

Letter to the Editor: ASG doesn’t deserve scholarships On Nov. 24, 2008, Clackamas Community College held College Night in Oregon. At the end of the night, four $500 scholarships were handed out at random – two of them happened to be for Associated Student Government (ASG) Officials who already receive some form of a tuition waiver. Good for them? Maybe unless you think about the fact that our economy is failing and 50 percent of the people who are receiving these scholarships already get their school paid for. The truth is, you exist under an institution that seeks to de-humanize you in to nothing more than statistics (FTE or Full-Time Enrollment). This system is collapsing around us; colleges all over


Clackamas Print The Clackamas Print 19600 S. Molalla Ave. Oregon City, OR 97045 503-657-6958, ext. 2309

Oregon are going under and CCC is just another domino. Does that matter to most students? Doubtful. After all, stuff like that doesn’t really happen, besides even if the college does collapse, it won’t happen in their time here. It’s this nihilistic attitude that is the driving force behind students not getting the necessary money to attend. By sitting back and watching things unfold, you’ve created a nobility on this campus, they call themselves ASG. They don’t have your best interest in mind, unless your best interest is a cheap hot dog and increased tuition. The administration of this college looks at you and sees next to nothing; after all, intelligent

Editor in Chief: Lydia Emily Bashaw Copy Editor: Emily Walters Associate News Editor: John Hurlburt A&C Editor: Jess Sheppard Photo Editors: Kayla Berge and John Shufelt Photo Associates: Robert Crawford and Lisa Sellars

people don’t go to community college, do they? Enough is enough, the ASG should hand those scholarships to students in need, along with their tuition waivers. That’s the duty of a public servant. Or maybe that’s what you, the students want your government to be. No? Then the question becomes: What have you done? — Jayc Izso, Student Letters to the Editor have been edited for clarity and space by The Clackamas Print.

Ad Manager: Meredith James Production Assistants: Ashley Campos, Lindsay Hofer, Staff Writers/ Photographers: Mistymarie Wilks-Salguero Jon Helmkamp, Nick Kornafel, and Kelsey Schneider Matthew Ostergren and Megan Shaw Journalism Adviser: Melissa Jones Department Secretary: Pat Thompson

Goals: The Clackamas Print aims to report the news in an honest, unbiased, professional manner. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the student body, college administration, its faculty or The Print. E-mail comments to chiefed@ clackamas.edu.

3 C P & TURKEY: Experiencing thanks The

Arts Culture

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008



Continued from TURKEY, Page 1

With dreams of staying here to work and live, at least for now, Desouza still can’t shake her homesickness. Really, though, who can blame her. In India, she went to boarding school, where she missed out on really getting a chance to spend time with her family. She talked about how her father went to boarding school and that he thought it would be a good idea for her to go as well. He said that it would help her gain responsibility and independence. Apparently it did, because she came alone to a foreign country to attend college. In December, Desouza is planning on going home to visit her family. Another international student who was at the lunch was 26-year-old Alberto Cortes from Spain. Cortes was originally planning on studying English in Australia, but decided to come to America to study instead. The reason he changed his plans was because of his girlfriend, whom he met in Spain, who was studying abroad there for a year. She is from here and her sister used to go to Clackamas and she said she really liked it. Living in SE Portland, Cortes could have easily gone to a closer Portland school, but he decided to attend Clackamas, not only because of word of mouth, but because he likes the small numbers in the classes. For that reason, Cortes said that he doesn’t like bigger schools like Portland State University. Cortes has been in America since Aug. 29 of this year and plans on stay-


Lisa Sellars Clackamas Print

From left to right, Hyunsoo Choi, Junta Chinen and Jung Ik Lee enjoy each other’s company over traditional pumpkin pie dessert. Over a dozen of the thirty-three international students gathered in the Gregory Forum for their very first Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 27. ing until next September, but is really not sure. When asked what he thought when he first arrived here, he said, “I was surprised because when I got here it was more green. Where I come from, it’s like Mexico.” He said that it’s really sunny in Spain and that he is still adjusting, even three months later, to the rain. Cortes joked about someone telling him that he was lucky because Oregon has received less rain than normal this year, but he said that it’s still too rainy for him. Although he misses his family and friends back home, Cortes is enjoying seeing new places. He said that he has seen differences in places and things here and didn’t realize that they would be any different than the things back home. Desouza and Cortes represent only two of the ten countries that the many international students at Clackamas are from. Along with India and Spain, 24-year-old Junta Chinen is from Okinawa, Japan. Hyunsoo Choi, who is also 24, is from Seoul, South Korea.

Also represented at Clackamas, by international students, is the United Kingdom, Vietnam, Taiwan, Germany, Hong Kong and China. Most students come here separately, but there have been sisters and friends that have come together, in the past. According to Patty White, the Admissions Specialist in the Registrar’s Office, in order to come to Clackamas to study, students must acquire an F-1 Visa and “they must be enrolled in an academic educational, language training or vocational program.” “Clackamas Community College is authorized by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services to accept students who enter the US on an F-1 Visa,” White continued. International students can attend Clackamas to either study regular college classes to achieve a degree or certificate, or study in the Program for Intensive English or PIE. For students in the PIE program, the length of stay is one year. Degree seeking students are required to study here for two years. The requirements for an international student to enter a degree seeking program are to either complete the PIE

program or to pass the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement test. “Some PIE students complete their one year program and then go on to the regular college classes for the additional two years,” said White. “Also, once an international student completes their degree, they may spend one additional year in the US working in their chosen field of study.” “There are many government rules and regulations that govern their entrance to the US, monitoring of their studies, working and finally, their return to their home country,” White continued. Out of the 33 international students currently at Clackamas, 17 are enrolled in college degree programs and the other 16 are PIE students. Different from exchange students, international students have to find their own place to live. Many of the students live with family, friends, rent an apartment or find housing through an independent home stay program. Just like any other out-of-state student from a non-bordering state, international students have to pay out-of-state

tuition. Financial aid can still be found for international students. One way for them to get help with paying for tuition is to apply for a position in the upcoming International Student Club. Ellen Wolfson and Molly Williams, who are both Clackamas staff, have started to put together a club that will be in effect as soon as club positions are filled. The club is currently taking applications from international students and will be doing interviews the first week of winter term. The students that are picked will receive a tuition waver. “When the International Student Club gets up and running, we will encourage English speakers to join,” said Williams. This new club will be a good way for everyone to come together, regardless of where you are from. Who knows, maybe it will stand for something bigger. Maybe this club will represent the new symbol of cooperation and interaction between nations, just like the first Thanksgiving did between the English colonists and the Native Americans.

‘Oh Teriyaki’ brings great, affordable food and great service Lisa Sellars M e g& an Shaw

The Clackamas Print

Lisa: Do you want to go to lunch today, Megan? Megan: Sure, where? Lisa: I don’t know. Let’s just drive around and look for a place. Megan: Okay, I’ll drive. Lisa: Sounds good. Hey, there are places over by Bi-Mart here in

Oregon City, right? Let’s see what’s over there. Megan: Okay. Lisa: There’s a place called “Oh, Teriyaki.” Do you want to try that? I’m down for chicken. Megan: Yeah, sure. Lisa: Wow, there’s no one here at lunch time. Weird. Megan: That is kind of weird. Maybe no one knows they are here. The restaurant is kind of buried in the parking lot. Lisa: That’s true. Hey, check out

Lisa Sellars Clackamas Print

According to writers Megan Shaw and Lisa Sellars, this local Teriyaki restaraunt is a good deal. Oh Teriyaki is located next to the Burger King on the corner of Molalla Ave. and Beavercreek Rd.

the menu. I really like how easy it is to read. Megan: Yeah, and there are pictures! Lisa: Do you know what you want? Megan: Hmm, let’s seeTeriyaki, Combination, Yakisoba or Specialty Plates. I think I’ll get the teriyaki chicken with yakisoba noodles. Lisa: Hey, me, too! Well, teriyaki chicken with rice, that is. Megan: Do you want chopsticks? Lisa: Sure, but I will probably use silverware. Oh, we need to check what time it is, to see how long our food takes. And I’m definitely getting Mountain Dew; I’m so glad they have Pepsi products. Where do you want to sit? Megan: It doesn’t matter. How about this booth right here. Lisa: That works. Megan: That was fast! Lisa: Wow! It took them less than two minutes to get us our food! That’s insane. Mmm, and it looks good. I’m so hungry. Wait, why are you rubbing your chopsticks together? Megan: Don’t ask me what I’m doing. I saw it in a movie once. Do you know how to use chopsticks? Lisa: Yes, ma’am, I do. *Picks

Lisa Sellars Clackamas Print

up chopsticks and shows Megan how to use them* Megan: Nice! Just like in the picture. Megan: This food is pretty good. I don’t like the mixed vegetables in it, though. At least I finally found another place to get yakisoba noodles. I can’t get them anywhere. There’s good music here too. I really like this place. Lisa: Yeah, I really like the food here. I think this is the perfect amount of food. Megan: Oh, I’m so full. Lisa: Stop putting your salad on my plate! You’re making a mess. Do you not like your salad or something? Megan: It’s cabbage, dude, enough said. Lisa: I’m eating the broccoli out of mine though. It’s good. Man, it’s so cold in here. It probably doesn’t

help that it’s empty. This place is a pretty good size, I just can’t believe no one is here. Oh man, look, it says on the drink machine that refills are 50 cents. Better buy the size you want, I guess! Megan: This is a good song! This place has some good jams. Lisa: It’s quiet, though. That’s so you can talk. I really wish they would have given us some extra napkins so I can clean things up. Go scrape your plate, Megan. They make you clean things up yourself here. Got a to go menu? Megan: I do now! Lisa: Good, I want to look at it. Dude I should have just gotten the lunch special! It’s two bucks cheaper and it’s basically the same thing. At least we spent under twenty bucks. How much was it again? Megan: We each spent $7.34. Lisa: Yeah, but mine was more. I left a tip. Megan: We need to come back here again; I really like it. The lady’s nice, the restaurant’s clean and their food is good and not too expensive. Lisa: I’m down. I just still can’t believe we got our food in under two minutes. That’s faster than fast food and you can just as easily get the food here to go. It’s a good deal all around.

& Annual fair is full of crafty creations 4


Clackamas Print

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008

Arts Culture

Right: Former Public Affairs Specialist for Clackamas Community College, Moma Escrive, sells homemade jars along side her husband Joe at the the college’s Craft Fair on Dec. 1 and 2.

Below: Janet Mallon of Custom Cranium Covers hands Tayla Larsen one of her creative homemade hats to try on. Mallon sells a variety of colors and a few special for the upcoming holiday season. All Photos by Robert Crawford Clackamas Print

Above: Using graham crackers, frosting, gumdrops and other candies to apply the finishing touches on her gingerbread campground, Bailee Sanders, Associated Student Government Promotions Officer, finishes up her art at the Clackamas gingerbread house contest. The event, held by ASG Monday in the Bill Brod Community Center, awarded three prizes to the best creations.

Murder and love become subjects onstage in the one-acts Jess Sheppard Arts & Culture Editor

The Clackamas Print sat down with one-act directors James Sharinghousen and Jake Whitten to discuss the production that runs through Thursday, Dec. 4. Clackamas Print: What is your one-act about? James Sharinghousen: It’s about a young woman who finds herself being the witness to a murderer disposing of a body, being seen, and finding refuge in a small bus stop. She tells her story to a man who is already there, but a second man appears, and without remembering what she saw clearly, or knowing who the killer is, she finds herself figuring out her last mystery. It’s set vaguely in a 50s or 60s style bus stop somewhere in the Midwest. The two men and one woman make up the cast of veteran actors, all of which were recently seen in Fortinbras. This is a very different direction for all three of them since Derek Sweet, who plays Man 1, is a next door neighbor type with a creepy side. Kelly Miller is a woman in distress, and Chris Carstensen is playing Man 2 as a layman one shouldn’t trust. It’s all dark and yet a light tone is given to the story. Jake Whitten: My one-act is called “Young Love” and it is

about a mother named Constance, played by Jennifer Schwartzman, getting ready to go out on a first date and her 16-year-old daughter named Sandra, played by Madelynn Marcotte, is in the room sort of prepping her for it. It’s a role reversal. Instead of the mother traditionally helping the daughter get ready for a first date, it’s the other way around. CP: What made you choose it? JS: I read it a couple years ago and liked the story, and thought it would be fun to try putting it together into a show. I was also attracted to the technical aspects of it, since a little part of me is a “techie,” or theater stage crew (member). JW: I really liked the play because lots of people’s parents gave them grief when they tried to go out as a teenager, and in this play the teenager really gets to get back at her mom, and I think the audience will really relate and find the irony in it. CP: What do you hope the audience will feel about your show? JS: Dread, fear, humor, shock, suspense, remorse, intoxica – um, I want them to leave smiling, but afraid to! CP: What difficulties have you faced being a student director? JS: This is the first time I have directed something of this level and it has been hard. First, I picked a tech heavy show, and

with not knowing everything I’d JW: I would like to. need to know coming into the CP: Why? process, it was crunch learning at JS: Who knows, maybe the its finest. Learning how to com- next one will be so good I’ll need municate my intent to the actors to buy scrapers for all the faces comes in second, followed in that melted off from its awethird by working with the script someness. That or it’ll be better. and figuring out solutions, both JW: I think it’s a great learning tech and perforexperience about mance, to varia different aspect ous problems. of theater. I have As long as I’m a new found ap“Dread, fear, not dead or sterpreciation for humor, shock, ile by the end of directors. David it all, it’s a sucSmith-English suspense, cess for me. makes it look so remorse, intoxiJW: It has easy and it reca – um, I want been sort of difally isn’t. Also, ficult because in in helping the them to leave this production actors develop smiling, but not only did I their characters, have to direct it gave me a lot afraid to!” the show, but I of great ideas on James had to produce how to prepare Sharinghousen it as well. I was for future roles One-Act Director in charge of the as an actor myset, the props, self. the lighting, so CP: In your that was a chalopinion, what is lenge. Also with this being my comedy improv? first show I’ve directed, it was JS: A free expression for those sometimes hard to communicate little voices and demons inside what I wanted out of the actors your head to say, “HELLO!” regarding their subtext or vocal JW: Comedy improv is a series pattern choices. But I think they of forms that the actors on stage have done a great job and I am perform without prior rehearsal proud of this show. of lines, while using a few basic CP: Will you direct another techniques to make the audience show in the future? laugh. JS: Most definitely, how can CP: What do you like/dislike you understand or utilize what about improv? you learned unless you do it JS: It’s a lot harder to make again? it work really well than people

think, and caught me by surprise when I did it the first time last year. I like the challenge though and the fun I have with my fellow performers, and the skills they bring to the table make it all worth it. JW: What I like about comedy improv is that you have to really be on your toes, ready to go the entire time you are on stage, because it’s so rapid fire and fast paced. If you lose focus for just a second, you can end up falling flat on your face. You have to have a quick wit, because you don’t really have time to think about what you are going to say or do, you just have to let it go and hope the audience thinks it’s funny. And usually they will, because when comedy improv is done well, it’s almost like watching magic happen. CP: What first drew you to join? JS: Cupcakes! That and it’s insanely fun. We have a great group this term, and I can’t wait to hear the laughter, because entertaining the crowd, in the end, is what I love. So I’d say the laughter drew me in, like a drawing-in-ray. JW: Well this is my fifth term doing this now, but when I first joined, I had watched shows like “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” and really appreciated their ability to just come up with this stuff right off the top of their heads, and that was something I wanted to be able to do.

& Treasure hunters find new hobby 5


Clackamas Print

Ta m a r a H u b e r Contributing Writer

Find the cache. Watch out for muggles. Don’t forget to log your visit. If as a child, a person dreamed of being a pirate or gold miner, geocaching is her new treasure hunt. Searching for hidden objects using Global Positioning System (GPS) is gaining momentum each year. In Oregon City alone, there are more than 200 caches including four right here on the college campus. Caches are usually boxes filled with small toys, knick-knacks, and a pen and paper to log your visit. When an item is taken out of the cache, it is expected that an item of equal or greater value will be added in its place. The person hiding the cache is responsible for its

maintenance. Cachers attempt to be discreet while on the hunt, as to not let muggles, or non-geocachers, see what they are doing. It is because of the fear of cache vandalism that makes geocachers try to be private. According to the Geocaching.com, the hobby began on May 3, 2000, a few days after the U.S. Government disabled a security feature, called Selective Availability (SA) that made GPS units less accurate by creating random errors when used. After SA was disabled, one theory states that Dave Ulmer, a Beaver Creek resident, placed a five-gallon bucket near his home, and posted the coordinates online. While there are many other theories regarding the birthplace of geocaching, this legend is the most exciting for Oregon residents. When a person conceals a cache, they log on to geocaching.com and enter the coordinates to their hide. It is then that the cache is open to public viewe r s o f

Photo illustration by Kayla Berge Clackamas Print

Wednesday, Dec.3, 2008

the Web site. On the site, which lists over 680,000 caches throughout the world, there are often clues to help the seeker find the hidden object. The deciphered clue to one of the Geocaches here at the campus is, “The cache is at ground level under small pieces of concrete.” The cache has had 94 logged visits since being placed in January 2007. Robert Taylor, a local geocacher, believes that campus security has been discouraging the public from entering the area where his cache is hidden. As geocaching is a covert operation, the name used is a code name. Taylor, or “ORNITH,” has been geocaching off and on since the sport began. He also participated with the Clackamas County Tourism Development Commission and placed 22 caches for them, as well as one of the four here at Clackamas. The funniest thing anyone has left at one of his caches was, “A 30 lb weightlifting weight, a seriously macabre mannequin head – just about anything can be left, but if it doesn’t fit in a weatherproof geocache, you can expect serious deterioration in the Oregon weather.” Geocaching can be done any day of the year, in any kind of weather. The only requirements are: an adventurous seeker, Internet access, and transportation. While a GPS unit can make finding the cache a lot easier, Google maps, from the geocaching.com Web site, is also an option for those who would like to try out the sport without

Arts Culture

Geocachers Lingo Cache: shortened version of the name geocache. DNF: Did not find, an acronym used to state that the cacher did not find a cache. Also used to alert cache owners of potential problems with their cache. GPS: Global Positioning System, a network of satellites that work with a GPS receiver to determine your position on the planet.

t h e initial investment. A map can be used on some of the simpler caches. GPS units can cost anywhere from around $90 to several hundreds of dollars. Caches are located in many countries, on every continent on Earth. There are many in Clackamas County, and can easily be looked up using a zip code on the Web site. “It is a great activity for young and old. It teaches awareness of your environment. It takes you to places that many people will never see,” Taylor said. Adventure types, as well as computer geeks, get a thrill out of discovering a cache. There are hundreds of geo-

Ground zero: This is the point where your GPS unit shows that you are zero feet from the cache. Muggle: a non-geocacher, or someone who accidentally stumbles upon a cache. For more information, visit www.geocache.com

caches in the Oregon City area. No school for most of the month of December means plenty of free time. “Try it. You’ll like it!” Taylor said.

Students fight exhaustion with energy boosting drinks posed to help with jet lag. Since the day it hit the Contributing Writer shelves, it has continued to dominate and still makes up With finals just around 50 percent of the energy drink the corner, many students are market. looking for a little legal lift, Red Bull contains taurine the boost they need to get – from which it gets its name through those nights of cram- – and about as much caffeine ming nine weeks of education as a cup of coffee. This is now into their already exhausted the model which most of the minds. other brands base their own Coffee, tea, and cola just drinks on. doesn’t seem Most of to do the trick these energy anymore, and drinks do the that has left the same thing – a “That stuff is door open for a little B12 here, new contender a dash of tauhorrible ... I felt – the energy rine or guarana like the back of drink. there and the From Red caffeine to fill my throat had Bull, Rockstar, in the cracks. been burned Full Throttle, Many now with hot gravel Monster and come in larger Amp, to more 16 ounce cans or something.” wild drinks like rather than the Bawls, Cocaine Red Bull model and Blow, the of 10 ounces, energy drink but even Red Corey Stenhouse market seems Bull sells largStudent to have a comer variations. mon theme: All of these high caffeine, have come appeal in the under fire for video gamer ’s market and the potential health risk, many names that sound like they for marketing toward young were made up by, well, over- teens. A lot of trouble has caffeinated geeks. come from the connection to In 1997, Red Bull came partying. In the end though, to the U.S. from Austria and most endure the bad press and started the energy drink revo- do their best not to look too lution. Red Bull was adapt- “bad.” ed from a Thai drink called But then there was Krating Daeng that is sup- Cocaine.

Jeff DeVilliers

One can already imagine the trouble an energy named Cocaine has been in. Schools, parents and news anchors all seem appalled at the marketing of this extremely highly caffeinated beverage. The writing on the can is even made to look like lines of true cocaine. Beyond the drug connection and bad press is even more trouble. The ingredients in this drink go far beyond the norm Photo by Robert Crawford Clackamas Print for standard energy substance abuse. Various popular energy drinks are stacked on a shelf at Fred Where an eight- Meyer in Oregon City. ounce can of Red ingested nasally as the pack- can anyway, the bigger ones Bull has 76 miljust make you feel sick,” ligrams of caffeine, Cocaine, aging may suggest. Corey Stenhouse goes Jackson said. which is now called No Name, Health concerns have contains an astounding 280 to Clackamas, and has his share of late nights to power always been an issue with milligrams. Copycat companies have through. He mentions that he these powerful pick-me-ups, tried to capitalize on Cocaine’s has had most every energy but most college students have press. Blow began duplicating drink on the market, even already given up on worrying about health the second week the marketing concept from Cocaine. “That stuff is horrible, I felt they got here. the drink, and package their The majority of students energy powder in vials and like the back of my throat had even are shipped online in a been burned with hot gravel or know that when you go up, you’ve got to come down, and Styrofoam box made to look something,” Stenhouse said. Another student, Nick the higher you fly the harder like a brick of cocaine and come with a fake credit card Jackson, says he enjoys Red you crash. But now and then, a little legal boost helps get and a mirror. The powder is Bull more than the others. “It isn’t so sweet and syr- the job done. meant to be put into a beverage to give it a kick, not upy; you only need the small

Sports 6 Clackamas Print Wrestling holds high hopes of trophy finish The

Wednesday Dec. 3, 2008

Jon Helmkamp The Clackamas Print

At the start of the season, Coach Joshua Rhoden and his coaching staff had a meeting with their team to set the groundwork for the upcoming season. Combining the idealized goals of he and his staff with the goals that his team verbalized, Rhoden and his team have their eyes set on a fifth place trophy in the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). Rhoden, in his third season as the wrestling head coach, started off his tenure at Clackamas with two very successful seasons. In his inaugural season, he led the wrestling team to a fifth place finish in the NJCAA National Championships, beating first-ranked North Idaho College in the process for the first time in team history. Along with the fifth place finish, six members of the team were named to the All-American team. The following season, his team returned to the NJCAAs and ended in a respectable seventh place. This year, with returning sophomores Kris Spencer and Jace Lewis as team captains, the thought of a trophy finish – finishing in the top six – seems very achievable. “It was great bringing home a trophy two years ago. We would love to do that again,” said Rhoden. In their first match of the season, they beat ninth-ranked Southwestern Oregon Community College on Nov. 15 in a blowout, 34-6. Out of the Tyrell Fortune (bottom) waits for the referee’s whistle third in the country in the 185 pound weight class. 10 matches, Clackamas only dropped one. “Our conditioning was way better than theirs continued. and the match-ups were good. They had some After the first two matches of the season, the tough kids, but we were tougher,” said Lewis. Cougars are ranked eleventh in the country, with Their second match of the season was a much four players ranked in the top eight more difficult task. Squaring of their respective weight classes. off with fourth-ranked North Leading the way is freshman Tyrell Idaho College on Nov. 20, “We feel confiFortune, who is undefeated and Clackamas fell short, losing ranked third in the 185 pound 21-15. dent that we can weight class. Kris Spencer and Despite the loss to North bounce back and Josh Miller, sophomores, and Caleb Idaho, Rhoden feels good Kociemba, freshman, are each about the position his team is make the adjustranked seventh in their respective in. ments that we weight classes. “As a staff we feel really need to in order “Getting a trophy is something good about where we are. We that’s attainable for us. If we comwere frustrated about the loss to get back on pete at a high level and stay comto North Idaho, but they’re track for our mitted to our goals, I think that a tough team and we didn’t we can achieve something really wrestle our best that day,” said national goals.” great,” said Rhoden. Rhoden. Their next match is at Pacific “We feel confident that we Joshua Rhoden University on Friday Dec. 5, folcan bounce back and make the Wrestling Coach lowed by a match the next day at adjustments that we need to in home against Highline Community order to get back on track for College. our national goals,” Rhoden

Megan Shaw Clackamas Print

while in the referee’s position. Fortune is ranked

Recent scores Men’s Basketball: Nov. 30 against Everett Community College Clackamas 107, Everett 79 Women’s Basketball: Nov. 30 against Umpqua Community College Clackamas 90, Umpqua 99 Wrestling: Nov. 20 against North Idaho College Clackamas 15, North Idaho 15

Baeckel named first team All-American Calendar of events

Contributed by Tracy Swisher

Kristel Baeckel (13) leaps at the net to spike the ball in a match at the NWAACC Championships. Baeckel was named first team All-American for her play this season.

Kristel Baeckel, sophomore, became one of only three volleyball players in the Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges to be named first team All-American for the National Junior College Athletic Association Division I for this season. This year, the NWAACC is naming six players to the All-American teams – three to the first team and three to the second team. The coaches of every team nominate their potential All-Americans, then the coaches in the American Volleyball Coaches Association vote on the players that will be named to the All-American teams. Baeckel, along with the other three sophomores on the Cougars volleyball team, will be playing in the NWAACC Sophomore All-Star event Saturday Dec. 6 at Edmonds Community College in Washington. The event is comprised of one Sophomore All-Star team from each region in the NWAACC conference. The coaches from each region vote on which players will be named to the 12-person team. Taya Clark, Alaura Little and Melita Elliot will be playing in the event along with Baeckel. Woods will be coaching with Terry McGloughlin, the head coach at Chemeketa Community College. – compiled by Jon Helmkamp

Men’s Basketball: Friday, Dec. 5 @ home against Spokane Community College, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 9 @ home against Linfield Community College, 7 p.m. Women’s Basketball: Saturday, Dec. 6 @ Longview, Wash. against Lower Columbia Community College, 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15 @ home against Highline Community College, 6 p.m. Wrestling: Friday, Dec. 5 @ Forest Grove, Ore. against Pacific University, 4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6 @ home against Highline Community College, 5 p.m.

Wednesday. Dec. 3, 2008



Cougar athletes rise to the challenge

Megan Shaw Clackamas Print

Megan Shaw Clackamas Print

Top left: Caleb Kociemba, a Clackamas wrestler, tries to escape Rudi Burtschi from North Idaho College. Burtschi won the match by decision 11-6 on Nov. 20. Top right: Shayla Fetters (3) from Clackamas dribbles down the court. Fetters and teammate Dayle Powell led the way, scoring 24 points each against Walla Walla Community College. Left: McKenzie Meyer (10) guards Nicole Duncan (10) from Walla Walla Community College. Meyer has been a consistant player, averaging 11.2 points per game. Bottom: Forward Chehales Tapscott (23) goes for the rebound against Linfield College. Tapscott was sought after by more than 30 colleges and was offered 20 scholarships from schools in the NWAACC. Robert Crawford Clackamas Print

Megan Shaw Clackamas Print

Robert Crawford Clackamas Print

8 u j e e r t s a m t s i r h c w j e v z


Clackamas Print

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Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008

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