Sept Dec '15

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Table of Contents 1

Editorial - Possessions



Clay-Pot Treasure



Treasure - Hunting



Riches to Rags



Building Project Report


Christian Thought Series September-December 2015 Vol.13 Issue 01 Published by :


C/o Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan 1/3, Happy Home Flats, 17, Balfour Road, Kellys, Chennai - 10. Ph : 044 - 26602135 / 09380709875 Email :

Managing Editor Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan Publishing Associate Ms. Rita Dhanabalan

Editorial . . . I

Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have, I give you! (Acts 3:6)

n terms of its price, the yellow metal had lost its sheen in recent times. There had been a sharp drop in its price. The precious metal sank to over five-year lows in the global market. People thought gold investment is a safe way of finanancial security. But it doesn’t appear to be so. Well, one can switch over to stocks and shares. But they too are all bullish and bearish – so unpredictable! Well, we are just talking about possessions! No wonder, we live in a material world. Matter matters! Everything is valued in terms of what one posssesses. Christians are no exception in this issue. Sometimes, they are far worse than the heathens in terms of their attachment to earthly possessions. The Swedish pop group took the music world by storm in the 1970’s with their hits. Here’s just one of their lyrics depicting what money could do. I work all night; I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay. Ain’t it sad And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me. That’s too bad In my dreams I have a plan If I got me a wealthy man. I wouldn’t have to work at all, I’d fool around and have a ball… Money, money, money Must be funny


In the rich man’s world. Money, money, money Always sunny In the rich man’s world. None of us would ever disregard money. But the sad part is that we end up serving the interests connected with money. Jesus therefore had to say:“You can’t serve God and Mammon”. What is considered a wise investment option is when funds are kept through stocks, shares, gold or deposits of cash lying around in too many banks. What is the position of a Christian believer in such a climate? Should he become an ascetic? Did Jesus or the apostles teach that one has to denounce all earthly possessions? Where do we go wrong? Why do we misread or misquote the scriptures? We tend to hit either one of the two extremes. There is a section of Christians who have begun their teaching on “health, wealth and prosperity”. There is yet another group which thinks that money is all evil. The Bible never says this. It teaches that the love of money is the root of all evil. For the fear of facing criticism of having become material minded, wellmeaning Christians tend to lose out the natural blessings of food, clothing, shelter besides a whole lot of materal blessings. Let us make this clear: All material blessings in themselves are not evil. They turn out to be bad when our attitude or attachment alters our priorities of the Kingdom of God.

Christian Thought Series

Vol. 13 Issue 1

It was something of a reflection of what happened in the early Church. Believers were of one mind. They sang and prayed and praised God. They were able to share with the poor and needy. Their heart was not set on earthly possessions. Instead, they were endowed with imperishable treasure from above. Do we long for a revival? It may not begin elsewhere, except with us! Unfortunately, we are caught up with endless material pursuits that our minds are unwilling to turn to Christ. Here is that old little chorus which goes thus: Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of this world will grow strangely dim, In the light of his glory and grace. At the temple gate, Peter was not trying to engage in some little charity work. He went beyond and saw the need for the man’s total deliverance. We seldom have this perspective. Our Christian world view is distorted. It is being coloured by worldly aspirations. It is why we keep giving provisions and alms – but unable to make people get up and walk. Please do not misunderstand and stop helping people! We are just saying that whatever we do must result in its totality of deliverance which Christ offers to mankind. Peter simply declared: “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have, I give” (Acts 3:6). I wonder if we Christians had given to the world what Peter owned, much of the it would have turned to Christ. Christ had called us to be the light and salt of this earth. It is indeed a commendable thing to be involved Vol. 13 Issue 1

in social upliftment, extending health programme or imparting education. But without the gospel power which is an invaluable possession, none of us will make the cripple stand. I do not believe in Christ-less social transformation. As I had mentioned earlier elsewhere, a Christian NGO (supposedly posssessing Christian values!), was providing condoms to slum dwellers so as to protect them from the spread of HIV-AIDS. But they have no say on whether one should commit adultery or not. Recently, the same organization invited a cine actress for one of their promotional meetings who was known for having created controversy for making statements in favour of premarital sex. By and large, this is what our Churches’ stand is and most of the Christian organisations’ position too remain the same. Human means are devised to achieve ends which are assumed to be divine. This is hardened into a policy where Christ doesn’t even have a vote. Alas, there are still millions of people who are crippled, blind or broken-hearted. We tend to give them mere “silver or gold.” We work out big budgets, spend millions trying to alleviate the sufferings of people. But something, somewhere goes terribly wrong. After all the execution of our programmes, people are found to be cripple – sitting where they had been squatting. They are immobile. We only make tall claims and say: “Peoples’ lives in millions are transformed”. During Welsh Revival (19041905), people’s lives were transformed inside out. It was not a closed door

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affair. The community-at-large came to hear of “changes in the lives of men and women”. Its effects were felt in the society. The media’s attention were drawn immediately. People were interested to know as to what or who transformed the lives of people who were once wretched and remarkably wicked. It was something which turned the world upside down. It was a bench mark – a beginning of new set of transformed values. Priorities were set at order. Personal preferences were pushed behind to the advantange of the poor and the needy. This was the change that the gospel produced. The gospel is not just about forgiveness of sins, finding salvation or eternal life. It is about the newness of life in Christ. Without this, the very gospel loses its vitality. Once when Augustine went to Rome, he was shown the pomp and splendour of the Church. He was ushered in to the Church’s treasury. An archbishop sitting there looked at Augustine said: “Augustine, no longer can the church say:“Silver and gold I do not have!” “Oh yes!” Augustine replied.“It can also no longer say, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ, arise and walk!.’ ” This is exactly where we are today. We have sprawling campuses, gothic buildings, commericial holdings and the assertion of the seat of power at the helm of affairs. But Christ has today


almost no authority at all among the groups that call themselves by His name. Those in authority decide the moral standards of the church. It is because of this, it is now possible for the youngest pastor just out of the seminary to have more actual authority in a church than Jesus Christ has! It is all because of the result of our arrogance – and of what we possess. Our possessions are greatly valued than the power and authority of Jesus Christ. It is just one thing to sing week after week:“All hail the power of Jeus’ Name!” while in actual practice Christ is stripped of all power and authority in the Church. Having said all this, where have we placed our focus? How would our Lord value what it is to possess true riches in our lives? True riches are not comprised of material things. The Scripture calls these “uncertain riches” and warns us not to trust in them (I Tim.6:17). True riches is “to know the love of

Christ, which passeth knowledge and so to be filled with all the fulness of God (Eph.3:19).” Why not make a statement of your present spiritual status? - Joshua Dhanabalan

Christian Thought Series

Vol. 13 Issue 1

CLAY-POT But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us (2 Cor. 4:7)


e are a generation chronically obsessed with a motivation to own power and possession. This craving and obsession are not normal conditions and are eventually the result of a disorder of the mind. Our wants are unlimited. Needs and necessities are on the increase day by day. We do not recognize that there is a dead-end to all this. Yet, man toils all the more for his safety. “The more one earns or saves, the more safer it is,” is how human mind thinks. I feel that thought is a kind of disorder-triggering a wrong signal somewhere in the brain. Outcome Of Godliness: We dare not call ourselves godly if we are bound by material pursuits. It is always better to look at what our Lord taught on this subject. “These things the pagans seek after,” he said. He made the truth simple: “Seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness.” Righteous behaviour involves godly conduct. This is seldom found in our homes or Churches. Godliness is a rare virtue to be found among the brethren. Spiritual experience and godliness are not one and the same. One cannot brag about yesterday’s mountain top experience with Christ. What counts is today’s godly Vol. 13 Issue 1

TREASURE conduct and obedience to His command. We have messed it all up one with the other and call ourselves spiritual people. Jesus further stated: “Where your treasure is, there your heart be also.” When a certain obsessive thought controls your behaviour, technically or medically you should be termed as being abnormal. If fear controls your behaviour, it means that emotion has taken center-stage in your life. Everything else is controlled by fear. Fear triggers the panic button which results either in hyper-activity or confusion of the mind. That is why we find people trying to be too busy for no reason. They are either confused, finding no time for productive or purposeful duty. A healthy mind, trusting in God’s assurances will rest and find comfort in His promises. “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you (Isa.26:3)”. Those of us who have learned this truth and its effect will need no reason to be fearful. The apostle Paul taught this: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

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Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age.” (1 Tim.6:17-19). We must recognize the fact that the outcome of godliness is contentment. But godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Tim.6:6). Those who invest or sow these qualities will either reap a bountiful harvest or a profitable divident. Believer’s Wealth Paradox: We may always find several portions of the scripture appearing to be in conflict with each other. For example, Jesus said: “By losing your life, you will save it.” Through death life is restored. Jesus further illustrated this truth: “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life (John 12: 24, 25). The above mentioned passage of 1 Timothy chapter 6 talks about “God providing us everything for our enjoyment,” and John chapter 12 wherein Jesus’ teaching about hating one’s life might appear to be contradictory. Many believers young in their faith may wonder what these things are meant to be. The scriptures are evenly balanced with perfect


tension. With our superficial spiritual experience, we tend to get puzzled with these seemingly contradictory verses. Both the above verses are true and are to be understood righty. To think that enjoyment of Godgiven natural pleasures of life is sin is not found in the Bible. “For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving” (1 Tim.4:4). A Christian believer is neither an ascetic nor an epicurean. Unfortunately, many people land in any one of the two extremes. Let us bear this in mind: Crucifying of self does not mean unnatural mortification or unhealthy deprivation. It is the total surrendering of our wills to that of God. One can present a picture of a simple ascetic. Such a person may not have yielded to Christ totally. It is possible that an individual may well be controlled by his ego. On the outside he may just be looking ‘religious!’ As a part and parcel of discipleship, we are called to suffer in any given situation. This also means martyrdom or death. This willingness is the outcome of our surrendered wills. Usually, not many of us tend to think in those lines. To many of us, Scriptural truth or spiritual experience is a kind of muddled up jigsaw puzzle. To explain it still further, we might think of what Paul said: “For me to live is Christ, but to

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Vol. 13 Issue 1

die is gain.” Both are acceptable as long as they are ordained by God. The Bible is not saying anything contrary to the wellness of one’s body. Infact, the Bible says that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Again, we must remind ourselves about a higher goal: “Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day (2 Cor.4:16)”. This is a natural phenomena and a principle. However well we appear to be glossy with our extensive use of soap and a variety of expensive lotion, we will find wrinkles on our faces sooner or later. How well do we take care of the inner man/being is the question in order. We spend millions in facelift surgery, nose cosmetic surgery, breastlift surgery and so on. All through our lives, the inner man/ being had never been attended to. The inner man appears to be in a bad shape. There had never been an inner over-hauling or renewing exercise taken place even once over the years. The inner man is weak and ailing. We have pampered the physical man more than necessary. This is the actual condition of many Christians today.

Wealth Within: In a world of

material pursuits, the worth and value of the soul is not known to the carnal man. Somehow, our material world and the entire concept of metaphysics do not go together. And for that matter, the soul of man which is intangible, invisible, invaluable and eternal does not make any appeal to mankind that is surrounded by physical world. That is why Jesus said: “What shall it profit a man if he gains the world and loses his soul?” The soul of man is the ‘God-in-built’ power house which draws its source of energy from the breath (spirit) of God. God built a muddy house to put in the tourbine or the generator which propels into action with a life-giving force. The body, soul and spirit concept spoken from Genesis and all through the scripture must be understood in this fashion. In a different spiritual connotation, Paul calls this “the treasure-trove” put into a mud pot. It is amazing how the word of God can provide us with logical reasoning and intelligence. The Scriptures are written in such wonderful setting that a truly intelligent man can understand and appreciate the vast knowledge, the wealth and riches of God kept in vaults of spiritual understanding.


ne can never attain mastery over the mysteries of God. When a believer is perplexed at all that goes on around him which makes him question God’s ways by asking: “Why this, Lord?” he fails to understand the omniscience of God. It is purely God’s prerogative to know why He does certain things. Again, when one feels helpless and utterly frustrated on seeing how ‘the righteous suffer’ and ‘the wicked prosper,’ that too has to do with the omnipotence of God – for He alone has the power to do according to His sovereign will. On both counts, - J.D. His will prevails and He is in control of what He does and why does things. Vol. 13 Issue 1

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Each time when Paul writes a letter to a specific Church, he prays that the believers must be filled with the knowledge of God. Let me quote one such verse from Colossians 1:9: “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” One might excel in scientific temper. But the same person may express ignorance when it comes to the things concerning God. Why is this? “Their minds are darkened,” says Paul in Ephesians 4:18. They may be considered as brilliant minds as far as the world is concerned. God has a way of showing man both his finite nature and the way he had been created for heavenly glory. Man, even though considered merely mortal, is destined for eternity is something which portrays the creative power and the wisdom of God. Now, about the treasure in jars of clay which Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 7, it

is the outcome of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without the gospel, the soul of man is something like a power reactor yet to be commissioned. It was once commissioned, but soon went out of action when the generating system itself got seized when a faulty circuit got entangled with the originally designed reator. There occurred a sudden ‘trip’ in the transformer! We are just talking about the fall of man and his inability to get connected with his Creator. But there again, the gospel of Jesus Christ provided light, knowledge and glory (Paul trying to equate the Jewish expression of ‘God is my light,’ with that of Greek’s knowledge and Rome’s glory) 2 Cor.4:6. This gospel encompasses all of man’s wisdom and glory. It is when this spiritual treasure is embedded in the soul of man. Though he may be despised, struck, persecuted, crushed, perplexed – yet he possesses the treasure of this kind the world does not know of. By now, we must be sure as to the kind of treasure we possesss


ther than God (though not like Him in the sense of omniscience), every believer or a servant of the Lord who had given himself thoroughly to the word, coupled with observation, study and adequate experience in the service of the Lord would not find it difficult to penetrate and discover ‘what is in the heart of man.’ In other words, a servant would know the pulse rate well by just observing or engaging in a brief conversation. This gift of discernment is not limited only to a select few. Any mature believer would be able to quickly grasp the spiritual atmosphere in which a Christian lives. Often times, what appears to be ‘godly’ on the outside in not godliness at all. As Paul puts it: “It is a form of godliness which is devoid of God’s power. -J.D.


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Vol. 13 Issue 1

within ourselves. Is that all trash, dirt, filthy rags – representing every form of sinfulness within? Can we call this treasure? Oh yes. May be sinful treasures we have accumulated over the years. It is time we discard them. Many of us cling to the old sins that are so dear to us. They have taken possession of us. We only have to brag saying, “These are our only possessions!” How sad! Christians need to be possessing the priceless gifts that Christ had already offered to us freely. Gifts and graces, provisions – both earthly and heavenly are there for us to possess. Spiritual knowledge of God’s will, discerning His will are all part of that treasure. But we do not have the desire to possess them. We are after

different kind of treasures – money, fame, power, position and all. It is not possible to enjoy the inward treasure of heavenly joy, peace and every other fruit of the Spirit if we are already lured into a kind of bondage to earthly treasures. You and I need to choose either one or the other. As Jesus said: “A man cannot serve two masters.” Have you been interested in possessing this kind of treasure in your clay-pot life? The clay pot is an ordinary, breakable, weak vessel. In the sight of the world we too may appear to be so- unworthy, unrecognized or unkempt. It doesn’t matter. We must make sure if we have spiritual treasures within or not. - J.D.

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id you ever find a religious book in all the world which describes the nature of man, his thoughts and conducts so clearly other than the written Word of God? To know who we are and what God thinks about us, it is necessary that we look into the Scriptures regularly. When God’s Word nurtures us spiritually, we begin to appreciate the ways and the will of God. There would occur developments in us such as discernment, spiritual maturity, godliness and obedience to God’s will. - J.D. Vol. 13 Issue 1

Christian Thought Series


TREASURE “If you have been raised with Christ… Set your minds on things above” (Col.3:1-3)


n the context of our thoughts which is supposed to plunge on the subject – Possession, the above verse further stimulates us to indulge in a deeper level of sanctified thinking. We are pondering on treasures, wealth or riches this world would afford to provide us with. As we have been studying, there again is a paradox. Paul urges his readers to ‘set their minds on things above.’ How could anyone possibly do that? The answer is: “If one has experienced resurrection together with Christ.” Elsewhere, in Galatians Paul teaches the believers that in order to be risen with Christ, a person needs to be crucified with Christ. Paul emphatically makes that as his own experience (Gal.2:20). Do we find heavenly-minded believers all over our Churches today? Well, to make it simply personal, this question needs to be asked: “Are you a heavenly minded Christian?” Personally speaking, I am often baffled at the way I am wallowing in murky water unable to rise up and throw behind the layers of mud that I have accumulated by my long lying periods of spiritual lethargy. While saying this, I am reminded of the buffalloes that cannot stand the harshness of sun for


HUNTING too long but find any source of water to cool themselves off. This is the way most of us Christians operate. We cannot stand any little stress. Enduring tests or trials is something we do not appreciate. We want the riches of this word plus riches that Christ offers. Way Of The World: Our problem with identifying heavenly riches is that we are so much caught up with the murky water. We find it hard to get up. The slushy water provides temporary relief. Momentary relief is all that we require. In most cases, we are like Esau who just got settled down for a bowl of brown broth! Do we see how soon we all can mortgage our commitment to Christ with that of something that is mean and worthless? Think of events or occasions when we have bartered Christ for some peanuts? I know of a girl who was raised in the Church where I had pastored many years ago. I had warned the father on many occasions to be watchful. (Well, however watchful and careful that we are, I have come to learn that somethings tend to go topsy-turvy – and we wonder why things go wrong even though we have done our best. There are no quick answers. God wants us to learn that

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Vol. 13 Issue 1

we are not saviours of our society, Church or our family. All that we can do is to obey God and leave the consequences to Him (however disastrous or catasrophic). I allude this to some of my own personal and family experiences. The girl when she grew up wanted to marry a Hindu man. The father objected. The mother supported the girl and arranged for a marriage in the presence of a licensed Christian marriage registrar. This was done without the knowledge of the father. In the column to be filled in the application form for marriage registration, the lady simply stated as her husband had long been deceased. The marriage lasted for few years and ended in divorce. The girl again wanted to marry a man who was a Hindu. The man’s family arranged the wedding in a Hindu temple. The girl consented. The mother accompanied the girl into the temple. In the meantime, this wayward mother’s teenage son was left in a school hostel to fend for himself.

I also see now a brilliant young man, who tends to come forward and lead a sort of ‘praise and worship’ in a Church. He pours out words from Scripture to exhort the worshippers as he sings. But he himself had made a choice to “unequally get yoked with an unbeliever.” He is trying to neutralize all these by initiating the girl of his love into the church membership. He provides spiritual leadership and speaks about loving God and serving him faithfully – which is an irony. The point I am trying to make is this: Both the cases I have mentioned above are supposedly Christians. But both have followed the way of the world. The former’s case may looks bizzare, while the later one appears to be an angel of light. What sense would it make to both of them if we attempt to talk to them about heavenly treasures? It will be like throwning pearls before swines. We are part of a generation that is engaged in eating and drinking,


he New Testament records events of believing Christians serving the Lord through their wealth. Our wealth must be invested in the business of the Kingdom of God. It will be an investment for eternity. Jesus said: Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy, and where theives break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destory and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matt.6:19-21).

Are you in the habit of making investments for eternity? Vol. 13 Issue 1

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marrying and being given in marriage. And for that matter, we are so obssessed with it. Our is vastly different from the wedding which took place during Jesus’ time at Cana in Galilee. Earthly concerns eclipse the vision of the Kingdom of God. That is why Jesus taught: “Do not worry, what you should eat or drink or, what you should wear. These things the heathens seek after. But you seek the God’s Kingdom first”. What are our priorities? Savings, stocks, shares, investments, insurance policy coverages, bank balances, gold reserves - and for quite a few, hoarding black money. With all our monetary wisdom and calculations, the stocks may crash on some unexpected day. There are people today who would like to make us think we can do anything. It is a deception. So common for people to say, “You can do anything you want. You can accomplish anything you desire, just believe in yourself.” “To assume that we can do anything we want to do is pretty ridiculous. There are all kinds of limitations on what we are able to do. There are limitations of talent. There are limitations of opportunity. There are limitations of circumstances. There are limitations of time. We all understand that. Life is full of limitations. Some of them belong to us and some of them basically are part of the environment in which we exist. You can’t do anything that you want to do, necessarily, just because you want to do it. And


believing that you can do it doesn’t alter the fact that you can’t do it if you can’t do it. That kind of folly belongs in the self-esteem psychology which is deluding people with exaggerated opinions of themselves”. For example, the banks get looted. Gold loses its sheen. This is not a theology of pessimism, but a Christian’s practical thinking. Way back, in Genesis account, when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. She may have thought about her kitchenware which was left behind Her gold ornaments, fine clothing, potteries, furnitures made of expensive wood– were all going to go into ashes. That was a grim reminder of how a person who was about to be saved by God from consuming fire and sulphur had willfully given herself to be destroyed into a more different fashion! Way To Find True Riches: Matthew 19:19-26 records the event when a Rich Young Ruler met with Jesus Christ. Unlike most of us, he was thoroughly equipped with the knowledge of the commandments.

Jesus wanted to help this young ruler get free. This young man had come to him with a question in his heart.

Christian Thought Series

Vol. 13 Issue 1

(Take note of the questions you have for God – it is quite possible that the Holy Spirit has put those questions there. He wants you to come to God and find the answer. As mentioned earlier, the question prompts a SEEKING in you, which, if followed, usually results in God revealing to you some point of Truth which He knows that you need to see to get free). This young ruler needed to see that there was nothing he could do to earn his way into eternal life. The question on his heart led him to seek the Truth of Jesus, and opened up the opportunity for his freedom. The Truth was right to the point. And it applies to each and every one of us. Jesus said, “If you really want to be perfect, then go and sell everything you possess, and give to the poor. And then you will have treasure in heaven. And then come and follow Me.” What we see here is that if you want treasure in heaven, you have to become poor in yourself. For this young man, there was a physical and literal application, for it was his material riches which had come to possess him, keeping him from true riches. But for the rest of us, it may be something else. Yet the admonition of Jesus is the same: “Sell everything about yourself which makes you feel rich. Then you will be poor enough to come and follow Me.” This echoes Jesus’ words from His Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is Vol. 13 Issue 1

the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 5:3) Being “poor in spirit” means to declare spiritual bankruptcy – to

confess that I do not have what I need and have no way of getting it. It means to come to the place where the law seeks to bring me: At the foot of the Cross with nothing to offer God but my sin and spiritual poverty. Then, Jesus says, you are blessed. You are able to enter into true riches – eternal life. None of us are going to come to this place simply because we read about it. God has to bring us there. He will use all kinds of vehicles and methods in our lives, supplemented by God’s law, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. God will again and again put the question on our heart, “What shall I do to enter into life?” And again and again we will see that there is nothing we can do. And then we will come to the defining moment – the moment that will send us on one path or another. It is the moment when Jesus says, “Go and sell. And then come and follow Me.” Never think that there are not going to be clear and definite choices in our lives which, depending upon

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how we choose, will determine the direction of our spiritual walk. Many of the choices we make in life are not of such a magnitude. But there are going be times when we are going to be asked to “sell everything about ourselves” and follow Jesus Christ. Most of us eagerly obey God if it PAYS us to obey. That is human nature. But what if we discover that it will COST us everything to surrender to Christ? The fact is, it will cost us everything about ourselves. But God wants us to see that there is nothing about ourselves worth clinging to. It is all ruined through sin. And if we will sell everything about ourselves, and come and follow Jesus, we will not only find JESUS, but we will find our true selves in Him. Wisdom is better than money (Pr 3:14; 8:11,19; 16:16). Little with the fear of the Lord is better than treasures with trouble (Pr 15:16). A salad with love is better than prime rib with hatred (Pr 15:17). A little with righteousness is better than much with wrong (Pr 16:8). Humility with the lowly is better than wealth with the proud (Pr 16:19). A cracker with quietness is better than filet mignon with strife (Pr 17:1). Grasp these comparisons. Consider other comparisons. The exceeding and eternal weight of glory far exceeds short and light affliction here (II Cor 4:17). The pleasures of this life can be easily seen, heard, and considered, but God has prepared things that are beyond your senses (I Cor 2:9).


David, with kingly riches and pleasures, thought being a doorkeeper

in the house of God for one day was greater than living for years with the rich and famous (Ps 84:10). Was he crazy? He settled on one thing for his life – the kingdom of God (Ps 27:4). Paul, whose star was rising rapidly in Jerusalem, forsook it all to follow Jesus Christ (Phil 3:4-11). Though he suffered horribly for choosing Christ (II Cor 11:22-28), he was confident of being crowned in heaven (II Tim 4:7-8). He could not wait to be there! Every day, a believer can go for a treasure hunting. The scriptures provide us with innumerable promises to obtain immeasurable riches of heaven. There are clues and road maps provided all through its pages. Some of us are not just interested in any of what we are saying for the moment. We have other interests taken over the upper most tiers of our minds. We have our health, education, well-paid job, a good family. This is where self-sufficiency of man creeps in to overthrow the rule of God. Until a certain time when disaster strikes, we would not bother to pause or stop to think of the brevity of life or of its uncertainty.

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Vol. 13 Issue 1

As long as a Christian experiences a life of resurrection, he will be sure to focus his attention on the things above. He will establish priorities that are of the Kingdom. His preferences are not his own, but of God’s. His values are not governed by the world, but the heavenly Kingdom. Such a life will enjoy safety and security. Paul calls this a wellprotected life. “Your life is now hidden with Christ, because you have died to Christ.” (V.3). This kind of death is a serious business in Christian discipleship. Unfortunately, the Christian church had not produced many disciples. Instead, it has numerous ‘Jesus devotees’ the world over. Self no longer reigns in the life of a disciple. It is put to death or crucified. From then on the cross

become central in the life of a believer. Through the words of Jesus Christ, it is not a burden, but a gentle yoke (Matt.11:29). The secrets of joy of bearing the cross are only known to those who have learned to walk together with Jesus Christ, carrying His yoke. How can a man explain his pain and burden and count them as blessings? One of our Lord’s chosen apostles beautifully narrated both his pain and pleasure, agony and ecstasy in 2 Corinthians 12.1-10. While on earth he suffered physical pain and anguish. Yet, he enjoyed the joy ride when he was transported to heavenly realms in his spirit and witnessed what a mortal man dare not express it through mere words. Paul did go on a treasure-hunting trip! Do you as a Christian ever long for this kind of heavenly vision? - J.D.

Every time we read or hear God speaking to us but deliberately disobeywe invite God’s displeasure. We store up this to such a measure that some day sooner or later it swells up. When that time comes, we may never escape the discipline of God. Such a discipline may vary in degrees - J.D.

Is your spiritual power house once shut down commissioned again for power generation? - J. D.

Vol. 13 Issue 1


Four pages (pg. 21-24) with the article titled: “Too Hot To Handle” was omitted by the printer in the previous issue of CTS (July-Aug 2015).The omission is regretted. - Editor.

Christian Thought Series


Riches To Rags “Jesus emptied Himself… took upon the nature of a servant… (Phil.2:7).”


W words:

e might try and equate the above word with similar

Rootless – Deprived – Without Status – Evicted – Banished – Abandoned. A mere half-a-dozen words explain to us so much! This is exactly what our Lord did before he landed on our planet earth – “found to be in appearance as a man. (v.8)” He completely stripped himself– of his glory and splendour. Don’t we tremble and feel ashamed and humbly acknowledge that we find nothing in us worthwhile to write or speak about our Master? I certainly feel worthless, except for His grace. Upside Down Theology: In a world of mathematical calculations, Christian faith seem to offer absurd, illogical, unintelligent equations. The world urges: “Be smart.” “Be aggressive.” “Be successful.” But Christ


exhorts: “Give up.” “Be submissive.” “Be willing to lose.” This is a theology of the “narrow-minded people.” A lot many are called, but few are chosen. There is a demand in this kind of theology to walk through the narrow way. Popular theology teaches us to go through “broad-way.” Isn’t Christian teaching a bundle of abstract, unsuccessful or impractical dogma? “Who on earth will follow this?” commented Jesus’ own disciples (John 6:60). Try and make a filtering and find out how many heads will count in favour of following Jesus? Even well meaning Christians who want to love Christ and follow Him are baffled at what appears to be seemingly contradictory teachings. Parodox, as one might call it. That is why many were ‘offended’ through the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are living in times when these teaching are safely omitted by tele-evangelists and prosperity proponents. Jesus Did It All: As a Servant committed to suffering, the Lord submitted himself to His Father. It is strange to find this in Isaiah 53:10 “Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush

Christian Thought Series

Vol. 13 Issue 1

him and cause him to suffer.” Let’s take to heart: Christian theology is

not all gloom or despondency. There is a sudden reversal of darkness being turned into a dawn of joy and liberation. If someone were to think Chrstian life is all but sorrow and suffering, such a person is wrong. In fact, it is sorrow turned into rejoicing. Mourning made into a celebration. Death is celebrated as victory. Do we see how this paradox works? When Jesus submitted to His Father, He was exalted and glorified all the more by His beloved Father. If this is true of our Lord, it should be very true of every one of his followers. Exaltation never comes to a person without submission. He who humbles himself will find grace from God. Paul exhorts his readers: “Let this be your attitude – that of Christ Jesus.” (v.5). You and I have problem with our attitude. We often struggle with our attitude which is proud and arrogant. It is one that is rebellious and unsubmissive. What right do we have to teach or preach during the Lent or the Season of Christmas about Christ’s Vol. 13 Issue 1

humility when we hardly find any trace of that humility in us? As preachers, pastors and Bible teachers we have manifested our lovelessness, harshness and rudeness. Believers in our congregation also tend to reflect our own character. Where is Christ in all our meetings, celebrations or festivities? He has gone a long way from us! During this Season, let us invite Him in and plead with Him to be present with us – for He is our Immanuel. Without Him, everything we do loses its sheen. Our Filthy Rags: In our reflection further on the subject of Christian paradox, the Bible clarifies that what we count as gain to be loss and loss as gain. If ever you and I think we possess something of our own, they are to be equated with ‘filthy rags.’ That is why, it is important for us believers not to put our trust on earthly riches or possessions. David was clear in his perception while saying this: “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we

trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees

Christian Thought Series


and fall, but we rise up and stand firm (Ps.20:7).” Please note further on these paradoxical verses: “Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low, the rough ground shall become level and the rugged places a plain (Isa.40:4)”. “He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things and has sent the rich away empty” (Luke 1:52,53). There is much to talk about during Christmas from these verses! Would we, as pastors and Bible teachers consider this as a serious mandate of our Lord and reinforce this truth to our congregation during this Season? There is present always this inherent secret of the Kingdom – that God looks at the meek with favour and resists the proud. We may be those who would either be tranformed from ‘rags to riches’ or ‘riches to rags!’ Our Lord showed us the way: “It is through the way of humility and of emptiness one is exalted.” What are our true riches? Are they found in earthen pots? P e r h a p s , there may be treasures unknown to naked eye hidden in a physical body which appears to be insignificant in so many ways. The strong and the powerful may count on their wealth which may appear to be as filthy rags before God’s eyes.


This way, the gospel of Jesus Christ defies every bit of human wisdom of logic. Two plus two equals four. What if two minus two are made into numerous multiples through God’s formula? The carnal mind is yet to grasp this truth. There are God’s people living all through the face of the earth who have known and experienced this truth through their lives. They are always at a loss to verbalize such mysteries to a man or woman who cannot comprehend the ways of God. Our God is a God who turns the table upside down on those who rebell against Him. He also repays those who are bent upon trampling the children of God. Sensationally Spiritual: We are just living in times when everything spiritual is turned to be sensational! When Jesus taught that worshipping God is a matter of Spirit and truth, we have added much of sensationalism into our worship. We have given ourselves to be controlled by our senses. In the Christian arena, this means whatever we see, hear or feel. We must see grand halls as worship centres. We must hear melodious music. We must feel the presence of God. Truly sensational Christians, that we are! True worship of the Spirit of God goes well beyond all of these. The following worship song I have often heard young people sing during

Christian Thought Series

Vol. 13 Issue 1

praise and worship. How much of its intent they (we) have understood is left to one’s honest reflection. When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come Longing just to bring Something that’s of worth That will bless your heart I’ll bring You more than a song For a song in itself Is not what You have required You search much deeper within Through the way things appear

You’re looking into my heart. Worship is the matter of the heart. That is, again, the very heart of the matter! We never get entangled with mere sensationalism. It is something to do with true inward humility of our spirits. Now the question remains: Do we possess true riches that are inward? Are we those who have been transformed from rags to riches through Christ’s enabling power? - J.D.

We provide platform for fellowship of readers in other cities/towns. Such occasions will provide opportunities for discussion on subjects which may require further clarification. This also includes issues arising out of the articles published in the columns of CTS. Readers may please contact if they wish to organize such open-forums in their towns. - Editor. NOTICE

Due to reasons which involve my travelling, family events and much of local ministry commitments besides overseeing the construction work of our centre during the next quarter, it is intended to bring out a quarterly publication of CTS – covering September – December 2015. It is learnt that many seminaries and Christian institutions are busy during Christmas Season and so also pastors tend to be engaged with schedules which may not allow them adequate time to read leisurely. Therefore, November – December 2015 issue will not be published. Please bear with us. Through God’s enabling grace, the next issue will reach you in the beginning of New Year 2016. We wish all our readers and ministry partners God’s blessings during the coming months and the joy of celebration during the Season of Christmas. We want to thank those few partners who stood with us during the past year and prayed with us. We acknowledge and express our gratitude to those who shared their gifts either to the ministry of Disciples For Christ or for the publication of Christian Thought Series.

Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan (Editor) Christian Thought Series, 1/3, Happy Home Flats, 17, Balfour Road, Kellys, Chennai 10. Vol. 13 Issue 1

Christian Thought Series


Disciples For Christ - Centre For Training Building Project

Readers of CTS for atleast 5 years or more would know how Disciples For Christ as a ministry operates. CTS is just a part of its literature work. We have a commitment to train and help God’s people serve the Lord faithfully in our country. The phase of working in Northern India and other states through Pastor’s Training workshops are minimized now. We have produced useful training materials and mobilized local personnel to continue the work. We have communicated to our partners why we intend now to move into a territory where we will have a centre for training which will go on regularly. To realize this, we have started clearing our site- situated in a place called Kallikuppam, near a township called Ambattur, about 20 kms away from the city of Chennai. Phase I: Recently, we have raised a compound wall to prevent encroachment on one side. Walls on all three sides remain to be raised. We have spent Rs.50,000/- for a wall covering 50 ft. Remaining area to be covered 220ft (approx). We might require 2.25 lakhs for this. Phase II: We have got electricity connection, installed a motor pump and dug a bore-well to a depth of 150 feet. This has costed us Rs.50,000/Phase III: About 50% building work is completed. To begin with, we shall have a small facility such as a hall, a wash-room and a kitchen. We require Rs.5.4 lakhs to realize this. As God wills,when the building is extended in due course, the actual training hall will go upstairs at a later stage and the downstairs will be utilized for residential purposes. If you are reading CTS for first time, we do not want to intimidate you with this appeal. Those who know us for years may pray and consider supporting this project. If God prompts even a new reader to be a faith partner in this ministry, one may do so. On the whole, we do not want to exert pressure or engage in fund raising tactics. God loves a cheerful giver and giving to God must be purely voluntary and of free-will. Please contact for any clarification or details Chennai partners are welcome to visit our site. We request you to pray for these efforts. Any contributions solely for building project may kindly be sent to: Disciples For Christ HDFC Bank, A/C No. 50200007377501 IFSC HDFC0000124, Kellys Branch, Chennai 10.


Christian Thought Series

Vol. 13 Issue 1

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