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Stakes, too high



Repent or Perish



Can a sinner face the anger of God?



Too hot to handle


Christian Thought Series July-August 2015 Vol.12 Issue 06 Published by :


C/o Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan 1/3, Happy Home Flats, 17, Balfour Road, Kellys, Chennai - 10. Ph : 044 - 26602135 / 09380709875 Email :

Managing Editor Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan Publishing Associate Ms. Rita Dhanabalan

Whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him

Editorial . . .

(John 3:36)


ho on earth will speak on the wrath of God in an age of Grace?” The human mind is capable of playing tricks – for it is part and parcel of the fallen race. A corrupt mind can be as deceptive as in spiritual matters too. It is therefore, essential that a believer rightly understands all that is said under the guise of spirituality. One of the earlier issues of CTS dealt with the subject: Fear. There were few

articles in it which brought out the nature of fear, the kinds of fear and finally the antidote to fear prescribed by God through His Word. To our surprise, we found that through the on-line digital publication there were over 1500 readers within a short period of time who had read through the pages and were curious to know whatever kind of fears meant to them personally. It was their utter curiosity which urged themselves identify with their own fear of various sorts. Incidentally, I am reminded of the fact that in our previous issue of CTS we concentrated on the subject of Abandant Grace. It is definitely a message of hope and comfort to all of us. But again, the wrath of God too must be taken in that same count for it brings a message of caution and cure. Some time ago, one of our readers wrote: “We are in the last minutes of the grace era...” It is so true. We cannot take the grace of God for granted for


too long. Those of us who emphasize much about the grace of God must be willing to talk about the wrath of God too. While there is legitimate fear about loss of health, finances, family etc, why then there is this lack of fear of God? Further, not many of us are afraid or fearful of being under the wrath of God. We are part of a generation that does not possess the fear of God – even to be fearful about the wrath of God. In the Old Testament, the wrath of God was seen as a divine response to human sin and disobedience. The Old Testament prophets often wrote of a day in the future, “as the day of wrath” (Zephaniah 1:14-15). God’s wrath against sin and disobedience is perfectly justified because His plan for mankind is holy and perfect, just as God Himself is holy and perfect. God provided a way to gain divine favor—repentance—which turns God’s wrath away from the sinner. To reject that perfect plan is to reject God’s love, mercy, grace and favor and incur His righteous wrath. In the New Testament, Jesus’ teachings support the concept of God as a God of wrath who judges sin. The story of the rich man and Lazarus speaks of the judgment of God and serious consequences for the unrepentant sinner (Luke 16:19-31). What comes to our mind immediately when we think about

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the wrath of God is all fire and brimstone, tremor or thunder that may shake the very foundation of the earth. We fail to realize that God’s anger may be expressed in so many ways. One might think that wicked people are having better times than those who fear God. In reality, they have hard time getting a good night’s sleep! Those men and women who travel in limousines and plush cars are all heated up within when their blood pressure shoots up. Who knows? They were the ones known to have exploited the poor or the innocent. The cry of deliverance by the weak or the defenseless may have rent the air and God heard their agony – as in the case of the Israelites. God said to Moses: “I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, I know their sufferings….” (Exodus 3:7). We have a God who sees peoples’ afflictions, hears the cry and understands their sufferings. One might think that God had lost His control and power over men who exploit one another. As each chapter unfolds events in the book of Exodus, God’s wrath begins to burn against Pharoah and the Egyptians. The Darwinian theory of “survival of the fittest” becomes so true in social, economic and poilitcal spheres of any society. The rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer has become a watch-word and experts of social transformation sound it so well from their conference halls without sweat in their brows. In the meantime, God sees, hears and understands the sufferings of the weak and the powerless. Vol. 12

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A time comes when God’s wrath will be stepped up against all Pharaohs who in their pride stand against the power of God and rebel against Him. God’s wrath and fury is manifested in so many ways these days. Criminals who loot public property rule over the people and nations. It is a time when social injustice is being overlooked by those who are committed to guard and protect it. Economic exploitation of the poor has become rampant. Justice is perverted. Family values are over thrown. The fabric of unity in the society and family is torn into two. What would God do? How long would God’s mercy and grace be shown - be it individuals, Christian families, a church, society or a nation? We have a mistaken idea that while we enjoy the grace of God, there is no place for the exposure of God’s wrath. Right now, Christian families are being judged for their rebellion against the ways of God. God cannot tolerate spiritual deception. We cannot simply call ourselves as believers and escape the impending punishment. “For it is time for judgement to begin with the family of God, and if it begins with us, what will the outcome of those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Pet.4:17). Now, do we see how individuals, families and nations come under the wrath of God? If we are wise enough, we will be humble enough to discern and see if our families are under the judgment of God in one way or the other.

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Then onwards, we shall slowly move pulpit to preach are those who have forward to more complex and larger soaked themselves with secularism of contexts of family units – say, the all sorts. There is a clever mix up of church, society or the nation-at- the word with the world and almost large. Let us not spiritualize and say everyone in the congregation is happy that we must express God’s love at all for the excellent message delivered times. If you are a mature Christian by the newly invited speaker. or a Pastor, you should know when Do you know that the speaker, to use the embrace of love and the the pastor and the congregation will whip of discipline. God does that all be judged by God? And those who the time. Do we not do this with our either speak or do something about children being their earthly parents? it are summarily silenced by ethical Now, to the question of whether methods! There is an impending our Churches are being judged by wrath of God waiting to fall on to God- we need to explain the nature any church which dilutes the gospel by which they are under the wrath of of Christ. If you and I are not afraid God. One way of looking through the of God’s wrath, God will step up his Scriptures to find an answer is in the plagues from the lowest degree to Book of Revelation 3:15-17: “I know that of one with His intense pressure your deeds, that you are neither cold nor or power. Pharoah with his arrogance hot. I wish you were either one or the asked: “Who is the Lord that I should other! So, because you are lukewarm– heed his voice and let Israel go?” neither hot nor cold – I am about to (Ex.5:2). God had to manifest His spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I power before him. So it is true today. am rich; I have acquired wealth and God is just about to judge our do not need a thing’. But you do not families and Churches before He realize that you are wretched, pitiful, would stretch His hand out on our poor, blind and naked”. society and the nation. If you belong to such a congregation One reason why we have grown or local church, it is quite probable cold toward the directives of God is our that your own household will reflect own misunderstanding of the doctrine that kind of a life-style. of God’s grace. God cannot be mocked I am part of a congregation where or He cannot be taken for granted by Sunday special pageant goes on week sinful man. Let us beware, lest He after week. It is a general pattern that will bring judgment between spouses, the shephereds deliberately bring children and the whole assembly of down the spiritual standards to keep God if any one of us choose to rebel the congregation happy. Special against Him. We all may pretend to speakers are invited who either speak be doing very good. The real picture about health or wealth. They seldom shows to be otherwise. All is not well warn about the impending wrath with us. We are stricken with disease– of God. There is hardly any room incurably severe – deep within our for the preacher to emphasize on souls where the dark domain of the repentance. Those who go up to the devil is vastly spread out everywhere. 4 Christian Thought Series Vol. 12 Issue 6

We may be those who eagerly read our Bibles and pray earnestly. Still we seem to find no cure for our ills. The prophet lamented and wept bitterly identifying with his own people this way:“Woe to me because of my hurt! My wound is grievous, But I said, Truly this is an affliction and I must bear it. My tent is destroyed and all my cords are broken; my children have gone from me, and they are not; there is no one to spread my tent again, and to set up my curtains. For the shepherds are stupid and do not inquire of the Lord; therefore they have not prospered, and all their flock is scattered”. (Jer. 10:19). How well are we able to identify with this situation in our own days? There are several instances recorded in the Old Testament when God’s wrath either killed or destroyed men and matter. The fact that God is holy is never to be tampered with. All along, people tried with this and have met with serious consequences. One of which is the handling of God’s holy fire in a casual attitude. The saddest and disheartening matter all across Christendom is when men in multitudes everwhere throng in hundreds and thousands without considering the seriousness involved about the call of God. This call is all about serving a God who is holy. Here is an event recorded in Leviticus 10:1& small. Nadab and Abihu were sons of Aaron. All too impulsively, they tried to manipulate the power and position to earn their own reputation. What did they do? They had taken the censors, put fire in them and laid incense and offered an unholy fire Vol. 12

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before the Lord. What happened? Fire broke out from the presence of the Lord and consumed both of them and they died instantly right in the presence

of the Lord. What did Moses tell Aaron? The Lord said: “I will show myself holy among those who are near me, and before all the peopole I will be gloried.” Lesson Of Warning: Too many young people without any inner preparation or strenuous external training entering ministry saying, “The Lord has called me”, often had fall out with serious personal problems sooner or later. Someone said: “Religious energy is too dangerous known to man”. We know of religious and communal flares happening in India or elsewhere due to this energy within. Each claiming to dominate the other results in biotry, hatred and fanaticism. Now all over the middle east, the IS is either beheading or torturning christians and other sects who are not acceptable to them. Among Christians too, this energy is working in the wrong way. Unless chanelled in the direction of the Holy Spririt, it can burn oneself up. Taking holy things into your hands can be pretty too dangerous! You may serve as a deacon, an elder or as a council member of a church holding a certain degree of authority. But don’t let that fire burn you up. Beware! Do not take pride in saying that you are the secretary or the Treasurer

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elect. You must, in fact, tremble at the seriousness of serving God. Do you fear God? Do you know about the wrath of God? What about the pastor, the Bishop and every other leadership in the Church? One may not see this fire consuming many of them for their gross violation of spiritual laws of God. But there is a fire within them that is slowly burning them up for what they do. They still hold the censers with an unholy hand. God’s wrath will be kindled against such people in ways we may not comprehend. If God has provided us zeal and energy – say, spiritual energy, learn to use it in the right direction. Do we have mentors who warn us? Have we become leaders out of our own might? Moses wandered in the wilderness for forty years as a nobody, grazing the cattle when God called him. Unfortunately, to us spiritual things happen almost instantaneously. There is absolute lack of the fear of God in most of our churches today. We may not expect people to be killed the way Nadab and Abihu died. We must not forget the fact that God does strike the rebellious people in each dispensation but in His own way that is designed to be different on each occasion. Are you the one in whom God’s wrath has come upon lately? You may appear to be the one too prosperous and successful. But God detests your dubious ways of honouring Him with your lips while your heart is far away from Him. By the click of your fingers, you get things done through human influence and say it


is from God. Most of the times, God is neither present in you or working through you. You wail, cry or shout aloud saying the power of God is flowing in the church or through people. Nothing of that sort happens at all. You simply deceive people. How many such people do we see in our television channels every day? There are more Nadab’s and Abihu’s are around. As long as others follow the tricks of their trade – or of counter-feit spirituality, the fire of God or the wrath of God will sure to fall on them. Let’s be watchful lest we fall into this snare. If you are serving God, clearly define why you serve Him. Do not use the energy – the spiritual propulsion within you for wrongful purposes. Never get burned up! Remember this? Our God is a consuming fire! (Heb.12:29). Let us offer to God acceptable worship and service. The Lord will judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Heb.10:31). The wrath of God is a fearsome and terrifying thing. Only those who have been covered by the blood of Christ, shed for us on the cross, can be assured that God’s wrath will never fall on them. “Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him!” (Romans 5:9). - Joshua Dhanabalan

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“For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God” (1 Pet.4:17) We need to begin with a question: Am I part of the household of God? If yes, then I must be prepared for the judgment to begin with me. What kind of judgment? Well, the Lord knows! But it is for sure that there is a judgment. The Sovereign Judge pronounces His verdict without partiality –for He is no respector of persons. We are well aware of all that goes on in the judiciary system. Justice is often perverted. In India, we hear of judges being bought for a couple of million rupees so they give a judgment not in favour of the victim but the one who victimized an innocent person. We are too familiar with the term criminalization of politics – which means that political leaders are being indicted for criminal charges. Corruption in public service is the order of the day. Many of the offenders escape the drag-net of justice. The righteous in the land cry out to God saying: “How long Lord, how long? Why do the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer?” (Jer. 12:1; Ps. 73). This had always been the reverberating voice echoing in the presence of God for ages. God had not been silent. God is a God who acts in the history of mankind. If one carefully reads the Old Testament, it is quite clear how God judges the nations for their iniquity and wickedness. Vol. 12

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The Justice Of God: In all our frailty as humans, we tend to give up when we are faced with difficulties that are surmountable. We pray and no answer seems to come through. We are tempted to ask: “Why trust God anymore?” The devil whispers that God had given us up. It is no point striving any longer. Our commitment to God does not pay off. God is no longer interested in our commitment to Him. How many of us have felt this way? It may have been true that most of us were victimized,brutalized, banished or crushed under the feet of those who the vast majority thought were men and women of worth. They simply owned positions of authority and honour among men. No one ever dared to raise a finger at such men and women who commanded great respect. Such things can occur beginning from one’s own home. People always have a tendency to listen to only one side of a story. We lack discernment in this area. Appearance, as it had been said, is quite deceptive. We trust the appearance. We go by the majority verdict. At most, we are fooled by deceptive words spoken eloquently by those who are determined to destroy lives in and out. When they utter words, it equals words as if spoken by God. We have seen such people in the arena of politics and in religion. This sort of thing has crept in to Christian homes, Churches-

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and almost everywhere. There are principalities and powers that are backing up such evil structures existing among men and women. The Bible calls this back-up force as “the spiritual hosts of wickedness” (Eph. 6:12). It is so surprising to see how a powerless person is shot up to fame over night and keeps a whole array of mass spell bound by what he/she says. Think of anyone in the political field – be it national or global. Where were these powerful men who rule countries like the USA or India ten years ago? At least the one in India was responsible for genocide and mass killings ten years ago. Once considered almost a criminal by the West, denied Visa to the US, is now poses to be the champion of the masses. The same USA that brushed him aside invites him now to be the guest at the White House with pomp and splendour! Do we see the point? Everything changes over-night! Evil seems to have its way. People are suddently shot up to limelight. No one ever speaks about what they had done. Is this the world we live in? Christians tend to lose heart seeing this and say their prayers have all gone unanswered. We must recognize that there is a back up system called the “spiritual hosts of wickedness”. “Moreover, I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, even there was wickedness, and in the place of righteousness, even there was wickedness. I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for he has appointed a time for every matter and for every work” (Eccl.3:16). This must provide us comfort and courage that God is the Judge and


will recompense the righteous and bring to light the wickedness of evil men in His time. Judgement To The Household Of God: While this article tries to give a background as to what will be the outcome of the wicked, the essential factor here is the issue of God dealing with the people of God. No matter who you are, if you judge anyone, you have no excuse. When you judge another person, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the same things. We know that God’s judgment is right when he condemns people for doing these things. When you judge people for doing these things but then do them yourself, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Do you have contempt for God, who is very kind to you, puts up with you, and deals patiently with you? Don’t you realize that it is God’s kindness that is trying to lead you to him and change the way you think and act? Since you are stubborn and don’t want to change the way you think and act, you are adding to the anger that God will have against you on that day when God vents his anger. At that time God will reveal that his decisions are fair. He will pay all people back for what they have done. He will give everlasting life to those who search for glory, honor, and immortality by persisting in doing what is good. But he will bring anger and fury on those who, in selfish pride, refuse to believe the truth and who follow what is wrong. There will be suffering and distress for every person who does evil, for Jews first and Greeks as well. But

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there will be glory, honor, and peace for every person who does what is good, for Jews first and Greeks as well. God does not play favorites. (Rom.2:1-11). This passage clearly shows how God would deal with the believers and unbelievers. And for that matter, believers are not spared for their deeds. It is one thing either when a man or woman causes havoc to his family or elsewhere due to godlessness or ignorance. But when we claim to be those who know Christ and indulge in godless acts, would God keep silence? I know of a certain family who belong to the mainline church denomination. On the first Sunday of every month, they would fail not to travel long distance in order to part-take in the communion. They thought the Lord will bless and protect them if they do it regularly. On the other hand, they have squarely forgotten the warning about part-taking in communion in an unworthy manner. Today, I see them having voluntary invited trouble and undergoing the experience of judgment. According to Paul’s admonition, here is how it works: “For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died ( 1 Cor. 11:30)”. How Judgment Begins: The Lord’s Supper is not an antidote for all our ill-will. A sense of unworthiness with a penitent heart brings abundant grace and relief from the burden of sin. Consider a person being too strict and legalistic in observing monthly communion goes about with the same Vol. 12

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count everywhere with a ‘tongue of fire’ (Jas. 3: 4,5), engaging in gossip and slander, bringing families to ruin, working craftily with negative words and create such disrepute of others in such a way that their plan or prosperity is brought down to ruin. Then that person may be lying in a hospital ward stricken with some deadly disease and has to be burned with some kind of fire (please understand the medical connotation for fire). You burned others down with a little tongue of fire and you need to be burned up atleast to be restored for bodily healing. Do we see the point? Therefore, when we talk about the wrath of God, we must also understand that God burns us up in a different way. And for that kind of person who bears false witness against one’s own flesh and blood- it may be a spouseor, that you have disgraced your parent before a stranger – the same fire needs to be sent through you in the form of a lazer beam which may penetrate your body to cure an illness. God’s fire is sent to you in some form so that you will repent. Yet your ways are not straight forward, but crooked and perverse. God has to touch your body and in some cases the mind as well. Those who played havoc with crafty mind had to be dealt with by God and they are gripped by constant fear in their mind instead of the peace of God. In a sense, God’s displeasure is manifested in so many ways which we fail to recognize. What of those whose mind is not at rest and for long have not eaten a

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meal quietly? God’s fire is burning such people up! Do you have money all stacked upbut there is hardly any appetite for good food? Much money is spent on subsiding heart-burn. You roll up and down all through the night. The Air Conditioner is switched on to provide maximum cooling effect. But there is sweating in your brow. There is a burning sensation in your chest! There are different kinds of fires that might kill you while being alive. Fear of the enemy, fear of death, fear about hell – not really sure where you will end up. Are you the one married for years but always choose to be away from spouse and family citing professional reasonstrying to live apart conveniently not facing up to issues or problems? In which case, there is every possibility the fire might burn you up. While we talked about the negative working of this fire, we have a comforting promise of the fire which is positive. Fire In The Life Of The Believer: This fire is not punitive but productive John the Baptist announced: “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matt 3:11). There is a possible meaning that baptism of fire also means judgment of Christ on the ungodly and the unbelieving. But here, it more to do with God’s enablement whereby a believer is ridden of all the dross. “You are already made clean by the words I have spoken to you” (John 15:3).


It is through the fire of suffering, God will strengthen the believer to be more productive and fruitful and to be able to mature in Christ. God uses fire in this context as that of a goldsmith. It is said the goldsmith increases the heat in such a way that the dross in the metal is separated. The moment he sees the reflection of his own image, he puts out fire! There are two kinds of fire. There is a kind of fire which constantly burns you up with torment. But there is also a fire – ‘baptism through fire’ which prunes you to be clean. The entire humanity is under curse ever since the fall of man. There is suffering both to the believer and the unbeliever. (By the way, the word believer is to be redefined again and again for every one makes a claim out of it! To our dismay, the worthless and the wicked too call themselves as believers. And for that matter, even the devils too believe that Jesus is the Son of God -Jams 2:19). In a fallen and suffering world, each of us goes through a fire of some kind. The kind of fire you undergo determines the person you are. Either you suffer for the sake of obeying God or rebelling against God. What kind of fire is burning you up? A punitive fire or a productive fire? If God had permitted a punitive fire, it is high time you obey God and repent. Or else, the stakes will be too high! - J.D

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ll across the Christian world there had been a gradual decline or can we say, a sort of compromise as to the way the gospel is being preached or presented. In the last five decades or so, we have hardly heard in many of our churches or meetings such things about repentance, forgiveness of sins, assurance of salvation, newness of life in Christ etc., Christians everywhere have modernized the gospel. They talk about ‘Utopia’ – “the realization of life in all its fullness – here and now!” That is precisely what communism teaches. Today, the gospel preacher teaches pretty much the same and a lot many Christians have followed suit. The Message Of Wrath: Before hope could come, there always had been a warning about God’s wrath. This is how John the Baptist preached. Today, it is not so much of God’s wrath we fear about. Preachers like me are aware of the wrath that may come either from a congregation or a study group. In two years time, I saw three youngsters deserting us just because we taught them the way the scriptures are given to everyone of us. Perhaps, they wanted the gospel to be offered their own way. No way! Sometimes, there are instructors of all kinds who say to us: “Be kind and loving to young people. Allow them time. Walk the extra mile with them. Empathize with them. Christ loved sinners,” and Vol. 12

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You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? (Matt.3:7). so on. Every servant of Christ who wants to remain faithful to God and His word may have come across this kind of criticism. What we find in the Bible is different from our evangelistic methodology or strategy of evangelism. We become too aware of the hearer than the gospel itself. We bend, twist and distort the message of the gospel lest we lose out on our hearers. We are afraid of offending people while presenting the gospel. Therefore, we have invented ways so the gospel does not hurt anyone. The Way Gospel Hurts: One of the ways to ascertain the effectiveness of the gospel is to find out if there had been an inner spiritual turmoil created in the hearts of the hearer. If this was not so, then it is probable the hearer may go the same way as he or she came before hearing the gospel. This is what happened in Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost. When the people heard this, they were cut to their hearts and said to Peter and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent…”. We are not including baptism at this point as the verse goes on to mention that aspect. For repentance precedes baptism. The gospel is a double-edged sword which can both kill or cure. This is how Paul explains: “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in

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Christ and through us spreads everywhere John further states:“Whoever rejects the the fragrance of the knowledge of him. Son will not see life, for God’s wrath For we are to God the aroma of Christ remains with him”. (John 3:36). among those who are being saved and How I wish various cult groups those who are perishing. To the one we like Jehovah’s Witnesses read this are the smell of death; to the other, the passage carefully. They are the spirits fragrance of life” (2 Cor.2:14-17). who had gone out into the world For a while, let us look at the way who deny the vital fact of Christ as John the Baptist presented the gospel. being the Saviour and Lord, and as The Gospel Fire:We must notice one equal with the Father. (I John this amazing fact of the wrath of God 4:2; Col. 1:15-20;John 14:6). and the Grace of God going together, One way of bearing the fruit of always hand-in-hand. There is hope of repentance is to develop a hunger and escaping the burning hell if one obeys, thirst for God’s word. By thoroughly but the disobedient is prepared for meditating, reflecting and studying eternal damnation. Unlike the popular the word of God, a believer grows gospel message of our times, Biblical from spiritual infancy to maturity – of message of the gospel always had the knowing the will of God, to discern the two edged sword. spirits and to judge or evaluate things What if You Repent? John the in the light of the gospel. Baptist explains that repentance must No Tall Claims Please! When you produce the fruit of righteousness. If repent, do not come to Christ with people were to ask you: “What kind your frills on! People calling themselves of believer you are?” How would you as Christian believers are those who are answer them? I had been a Christian too self-conscious about their pride, believer for over 25 years or 50 years. power, position or possession. In fact, What kind of fruit have I produced? they wear their crowns and hold on Never trust a man or woman who to them lest they fall, when they bow simply calls himself or herself a believer. before the Lord! None of these things Look for the fruit. “That is the way the count before the King of Kings. You gospel works”, says John the Baptist. and I come before Him as unworthy sinners – seeking for His grace and What If You Disobey? mercy. This kind of repentance must The answer is “the very be a daily affair in the life of a Christian. gospel fire will burn you If repentance is absent in the life of a up!” That is the way one believer, then there is no scope for might face himself up to confession of one’s sins and of seeking the wrath of God. “Every tree that does not produce good God’s grace and forgiveness John said: “If we say we have no sin, fruit will be cut down and thrown into we deceive ourselves and the truth is the fire. (Matt.3:10).” It may not be necessary again for us to not in us.” (1 Jn.1:8). mention what Jesus taught his disciples He further says: Do not think you about bearing fruit in John 15. can say to yourselves, we have Abraham 12 Christian Thought Series Vol. 12 Issue 6

as our Father. I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. (v.8). Here is something that we need to ponder. Do we have tall claims about our denominations? Are we considered superior for belonging to a certain missionary movement, a Christian institution or Church? “Oh, our forefathers had been worshipping here!” “We are fourth-generation Christians”. My great-grand father built the belfry tower of our Church. Do we think any of these credentials would count before God? Oh well, we are a newly born-again charismatic believers, anointed by the Holy Spirit But then, do you deal justly with your brother? Are all your business dealings ethically sound? Are you bragging about your tongue-twisting gibberish? I mean, your claims about speaking in tongues! Do you talk much about dreams, visions or revelations than the revealed Word of God? Furthermore, if we agree that God’s Word is given to us so that God could unfold His plan of Salvation through the written Word which is illuminated by the Spirit of Truth, we still need to ask ourselves if that revelation of God is 100% or less? If everything about God, sin, salvation, faith in Christ, eternal life, the coming of Christ plus a whole lot of doctrines are more than sufficient for our Christian life, why then do we seek after the cultic-style preachers of our times? Why do people flock to air-conditioned churches that are run like mini-theatres where every kind of amusement is offered in the name of Christ? What is wrong with Christians Vol. 12

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of our times? “Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?” Earlier, we said that religion is known to arouse a kind of energy that is quite dangerous. Rightly put it, it is the inner longing, a spiritual thirst, an inner urge or propulsion to know the truth. Until the time God takes over man – when He is enthroned within and self crucified, this religious fire will consume anyone for the wrong reason. That is why religious fanatics of other faiths resort to extreme ways such as piercing themselves with knives, pulling a temple car with their tuft, or walking on fire, inflicting injury to their bodies, lying down on a wodden plank embedded with nails and many more such diabolical feats. Not all the classical religions resort to such practices. It is only among the popular religious circles do we find expressions of this energy. We must carefully understand that Christian faith representing itself as a major religion of the world had also been counter-productive in keeping with other popular religions of the world. No wonder, what we view through our television channels - miracle workers, healers, prophets, prosperity proponents form part of this kind of popular Christianity. They do not teach or practice Biblical Christian faith. Do You Want To Flee From Wrath? Let’s look around and see how God judges individuals, families and nations. This is what He says: “My anger and my wrath will be poured out on this place, on man and beast, on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground, and it will burn and not be quenched” (Jer. 7:20). We live in a world where to fear God is something which is completely

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forgotten. “By the fear of the Lord men depart from evil,” we read in Proverbs 16:6. We carry with us the mistaken idea that while we enjoy the grace of God, there is no place for the exposure of God’s wrath. Would we be able to say that the coming era (age) will be one of abundant grace? No! it will be one of God’s judgment and wrath. Even now, it is being fulfilled and glimpses of God’s wrath are clearly visible and discernible among godless nations and their societies. To the carnal man, it would just appear to be a natural catastrophe – jostling or the moving of the tectonic plates! A dermatologist will attribute the redness or the rashes in the skin due to reasons of having been exposed to the UV rays of the sun. One can go on giving out scientific reasons for cause and effect – say, for example the ruptured ozone, the green-house effect or of global warming and so on. Here is an interesting passage in the scripture where intense global warming

is predicterd by an apostle who was not a scientifically tempered person! “But the day of the Lord will come like a theif. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives, as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. (2 Pet. 3:10-12)”. Where would we end up? If we are of God, it is possible to walk through the fire like the three young men in the fiery furnace. You may either be found in the bosm of Abraham like lazarus or be tormented in the burning hell like the rich man. To which category do you and I belong? - J.D.


had a fellowship meet of Chennai readers of Christian Thought Series. There were about 150 letters Event sent locally. It is understood that many mails were lost Info in transit. We had a small group of readers who met on 27th of June 2015 at ICSA conference hall. Those who attended the meeting were refreshed through the time of fellowship. We reflected from a topic: “On Cross-Roads of Unlearning.” We encourage readers in other towns and cities to come together for fellowship locally, which will strengthen our spiritual bonding with each other. CTS readers are drawn from a wide spectrum - say theologically trained personnel, pastors from various denominations, professionals who serve the Lord through corporate world, and believers and others who are voluntarily involved in Christian ministry. Please let us know how we can do it together in other places too in order to be effective servant of our Lord.

Contact: 14

Christian Thought Series

Vol. 12

Issue 6

reality of hell. We Can a Sinner face the the have almost come to the point of conclusion Anger of God..? God is a righteous judge who expresses His wrath every day (Ps.7:11).


n July 8th, 1741, Jonathan Edwards preached a sermon: “Sinner In The Hands Of An Angry God,” in Enfield Connecticut, USA. It is considered the most famous sermon in American history and was part of a nationwide revival that changed the course of America for many years. Like Edwards’ other works, it combines vivid imagery of Hell with observations of the world and citations of the scripture. It is Edwards’ most famous written work, is a fitting representation of his preaching style, and is widely studied by Christians and historians, providing a glimpse into the theology of the Great Awakening between the period 1730–1755. This is a typical sermon of the Great Awakening, emphasizing the belief that Hell is a real place. Edwards hoped that the imagery and message of his sermon would awaken his audience to the horrific reality that awaited them should they continue without Christ. The underlying point is that God has given humanity a chance to rectify their sins. Edwards says that it is the will of God that keeps wicked men from the depths of Hell. This act of restraint has given humanity a chance to mend their ways and return to Christ. Old Fashioned Theology? Christians have come of age, regenerated into an age of reason and seasoned with spirit of renaissance. To them, the doctrine of hell would make no appeal at all. As a Bible teacher myself, I have never had ample opportunities to speak about Vol. 12

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that hell does not exist. I have heard sermons from my church’s pulpit saying that a loving God would never destroy a sinner in hell’s fire. What do you think? Or, what does the Bible say? Further, who is trying to interpret the scripture? The devil is capable of handling scriptures too. And for that matter, you and I may see some of those shepherds – wearing cassocks, serving communion pronouncing benediction to the congregation while they pronounce judgment of God upon themselves. Such pastors may be found in the so-called evangelical churches too – consisting of all the three waves (as they are called),– i.e, the Pentecostal Movement, The charismatic Movement and the NeoCharismatic Movement. I recently heard a young (culttype) pastor say that it is hard to go to hell than heaven. By saying this, he is discounting the very fact of hell. I think he belongs to the third wave movement. These are the ones who teach pseudo-gospel and emphasize manifestation of Spiritual Ecstasy– such as the laughing in the Spirit or of being slain in the Spirit. A Christian who is well aware of all that is going around Christendom will know what we are discussing here. The fact is that Jesus, our Lord taught clearly about hell. It is quite interesting to see in Mark 9:46 that the thermodynamic state Jesus relates to hell, eternal energy, is the opposite to the direction our universe receives. The universe constantly seeks

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its lowest energy state. The creator of this universe is very determined to go the other direction, away from a thermodynamic state in which the flame never dies! Jesus taught on hell and here are some references: “Where men will weep and gnash their teeth…” (Mt. 13:41-43) “Tormented in fire…”(Luke 16:24) “Cast into the furnace of fire…” (Matt. 13:42) “Depart from me… to everlasting fire …” ( Mat. 25:41) “Where their worms do not die, and the fire not quenched…” (Mk.9:46). Consequences of Rejecting The Son: From the very beginning, there were kings and nations that rejected Jehovah God. Pharoah asked: “Who is this Lord that I must obey Him?” (Ex.5:2). Finally, the Jews rejected Jesus. “He came to His own, and His own received Him not” (John 1:11). Christians may not openly deny Christ or reject Him verbally. But there are subtle ways by which many of us reject Jesus Christ. We may call Him as “Lord, Lord!” Who knows? Christ may reply and say to us: “I know you not!” Often, it is our actions that betray us. Our belief and behaviour do not go together. We have aligned ourselves well with the world than Christ. To some of us, our Churches are the end in themselves than Jesus Christ. And to some, our ministries and missions are our very breath. Years ago, I warned a young man who was passionately involved in raising funds to his organization that was supposedly “christian.” I told him that there was nothing Christian


which existed in that institution. (In 1844 Geroge Williams founded this organization in London with strong underlying Christian Principles. Today, all over the world, this organization is a mere secular organization with a mere “christian” tag attached to it.). I asked him to take care of his health and family and to go slow with whatever he did. But he claimed:“This organization is my breath!” In his early 30’s he suffered from very serious cardiac problems and his organization which he passionately termed as his “breath” disowned him, issuing a notice saying that he was “found to be unfit for service.” Today, having lost his “breath”, he does so many other things under the banner of “Christian ministry.” Through our conduct we reject Christ in many ways. The money making racket through various ministries–national or international is mind-boggling. People have lost the fear of God. I know of a certain person who is an employee in Central Government in India. I really do not know if that person has any definite call or vocation to run a ministry of his/her own. There is a fashion in India that those Christians who are gainfully employed do not set apart their tithes or offering to the local Church or to ministries/missions. Instead, they find it convenient to start a ministry of their own and try to channel their funds. They never share their resources to genuine ministries or to the local church where they own membership for reasons known to them and other Christians. From then on, all kinds of

Christian Thought Series

Vol. 12

Issue 6

chaotic rumbling and rattling go on in their ministry. They cause confusion, teach wrong doctrines and impose themselves as spiritual leaders anointed of God. There are still those who do not associate with any other local church. They run their “family congregation” of 5 to 10 members. Money is pooled between them. It is like ‘Dead-Sea’. There would never be the outflow of blessings even after years of their ministry. Since they adopt ways that are nothing but “cunning and craftiness of men with deceitful scheming” (Eph.4:14). They appear to be “spiritual” and present a picture of “toiling for Christ.” The way matters are presented with all of their harship and labour for Christ appear to be genuine. Many gullible christians are taken for a ride by such pastors and ministers. It is only through spiritual discernment one can scan thoroughly and see through clearly the invisible and deep seated spiritual scheming. Many such ministers or servants of Christ would come on that day and say: “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?” Then Jesus would reply them: “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” (Matt. 7:21). Have we found any where such a terrible rebuke of Christ to those who ministered in His name? Yes, it is possible that we may be rejected by Christ due to our misdeeds in His name. It is good to ask few questions as to why so many enter either full-time or part-time ministry. Is it due to psychological comfort, imposing of self-style spiritual leadership, personal Vol. 12

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convenience, identity among Christian community or economic benefit? There may be more reasons why a person may serve Christ. Ask those who are toiling in the vineyard of Christ for decades. They will tell us it is tough job serving Christ - very sacrificial, highly demanding but a challenging vocation. Nevertheless, it is very true that many Christians who serve the government and other service sectors in the secular world devote their time, talent and resources for the Kingdom of God and serve Christ with deep devotion. Such men and women and young people are to be commended for their commitment. Christ will be glorified through their work and service. Not so, with the deceitful servants of Christ who earn their “captial gains” through their ministry. Again, it is equally wrong to consider serving Christ as a past-time recreation. If it does not hurt but only brings returns of “psychological satisfaction” then it is no ministry at all. “Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment.” (Ps.2:10). Face God’s Wrath For Suppressing Truth: Jesus criticised the Pharisees for their convenient theology: He said: “You blind guides! You strain out a gnat and swallow a camel. How will you escape being condemned to hell?” (Matt. 23:24,33). Remember, these are Jesus’ words! Those of us who are used to teaching only about the love of Christ must also weigh these verses equally. Christ was called as ‘meek and mild.’ His meekness was misunderstood to be weakness.

Christian Thought Series


Christ is vehemently opposed to evil structures. Jesus, as Lord and master cares for wholesome truth. Therefore, it is essential that we acknowledge and follow the whole counsel of God than fragmented truth. Today, we have no yard-stick to measure morality. In a world of filthy morals, opinion makers term something as ‘right’ and others as ‘wrong.’ Long ago, we have lost the sense of right and wrong. Where there is such hue and cry raised against sexual harassment, rape and so on, the internet is loaded with all such filth and one can enter into bottomless abyss of unexplainable immoral den and indulge in all kinds of sexual fantasy or perversion endlessly without any restrain by law or moral code of conduct. How many married men (I do not know about women – atleast I heard of a wealthy young girl who was addicted to pornography and the maid in her house knew what was going on. But then, the girl tipped the maid with loads of money to keep her mouth shut!), young men, pastors, Bible-teachers have been caught up in this web of the devil– unable to help themselves outfor the lustful current is so strong that it sweeps them right into the whirlpool. We need to pray and conscientize men and women of God about this The Bible shoots the arrow of God’s wrath from a point-blank range against all those who commit themselves to such godless activities. “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain


to them, because God has made it plain to them. (Rom.1:18).” Of the many forms of sinfulness of mankind, there is a clear reference to people’s invention of idolatry, lustful passion, perversion and depravity of mind. London granted equal rights to gays for marriage recently. India is not far behind. Many countries in the West has followed suit to endorse LGBT in order to grant privileges for their sexual orientation and gender identity. We do not know what our theological institutions are saying about this. The ecclesiastical councils have no say from God’s word to this issue. We have come to say that we need to respect people with different sexual orientation. Most pulpits are silent about this godlessness. Too early in the Biblical history, we read about God saying this to Abraham: “The out cry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me” (Gen.18:20). Peter provides the following comments in his epistle: • Those who bring destructive heresieswill bring swift destruction on themselves • Follow their shameful ways and bring way of truth into disrepute. • Sodom and Gomorrah – God burned them into ashes – made an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly. • Lot, a righteous man was distressed by filthy lives of lawless men day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul ( 2 Pet. 2:1-8).

Christian Thought Series

Vol. 12

Issue 6

Where does an average Christian believer stand in a world with no morals? Are You Wise In Your Own Eyes? Amidst such terrifying and heartwrenching situations of godlessness, there are different kinds of Christians who tend to ‘play safe.’ They tend to turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to all that goes on around them. We must never say: “I will not bother, for I will not be affected by these.” We need to recognize our own moral position for or against all moral degradation. We must speak up, help others speak, conscientize others, check what the Bible says and be alert. Or else, we too may be swept away by the tidal waves. We may have to run for our lives as in the case of Lot and his family. “Lot was hurried by the angels to leave Sodom. But he kept on delaying”. (Gen. 19:16). Do not linger on places or situations where you may feel unwise morally to prolong. Do not even say I am well past 60! The moral wave of our times is no respector of persons. We must be able to work against our senses ‘appeal. The mind can play trick citing reasons of innumerable benefits or even blessing of tarrying a little longer. If this is not your place of safety by all means, quickly move on. In extreme situations, it may even mean change of our work place, vocation, our dwelling– and everything which may mean a lot to us as our comfort zones. • Are you a man or woman working on your own wisdom as absolute standard apart from God’s word as the highest counsel? Check or evaluate whatever had gone wrong with you or your household as a result of this. In time of need, you Vol. 12

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never consulted the One who is the Wonderful Consellor (Isa.9:6). • You may be the man or woman compared to king Asa who simply trusted physicians instead of the Great Healer. “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from the physicians.” (2 Chron. 16:12). While our Lord never disregarded the use of physician to heal the sick, those of us with our aquired knowledge virtually google up for even the minute information on health, education and almost anything – but we fail and are still miserable! Remember: Jehovah Ropheka – “I am the Lord who heals you”. (Ex.15:26b). God’s time of faviour is now. You may be the one wrongly calculating for opportune time when you would seek him. When will you submit yourself to God or when will all your problems end? The burdens will all be there as long as we live! Do not say: Let my problems be solved. I shall go to God then. You are rebelling or rejecting God. His wrath is awaiting against those who miss out on God’s grace. • Are you a man or woman connecting well through the world with unholy alliance for your business purposes or ungodly associations with meanness of thoughts or plans? Your attachment to the gadgets with the childish spirit in what you say or think shows you to be spiritually immature person for your age! • God has granted fresh lease of life more than once. But you seem to evade every barrier God had placed

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before you in order to protect you. You still do not seem to have learned your lesson for life. You have become proud and arrogant. • Where is the place of God in your life? Is it all money, education, security or social status that you strive after? Are you truly happy after attaining a certain degree of all of these? • Have you recovered for your yourself money or materials through wrongful means – but have lost much through unexpected ways? Do you sense that God is dealing with you? • You seem to possess double standardsone for the world and the other of Christ. Have you realized that you do not honour God with all your heart? • You are a person terrified at the thought of death. You take utmost

care to protect your body and life on earth. Your are scared to death about your future security – of yourself, your children and family. But sadly, you have thrown to the air the fact to depend upon – that “God is your refuge and strength an ever present help in trouble” (Ps.46:1). You may be a Christian believer. But if you qualify by those things mentioned above, or you consider yourself to be one among them, then, you are a sinner in the hands of an angry God! Do you think the grace of God will go on for ever? Whoever we may be. We have to repent and mend our ways. If not, sooner or later we have to face the wrath of God. - J.D.

Building Project

We have begun the work of rigging a bore-pump - after the erection of wall on one side. God willing, soon we plan to raise a multi-purpose hall for our ministry.


Christian Thought Series

Vol. 12

Issue 6

While it is true that Christian ministry entails hardship and labour with no immediate tangible returns, it is still the most exciting thing with new vistas, new challenges and new Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that strength which Christ provides we who teach will be judged more strictly morning by morning. (James 3:1) Beware! I keep saying that t had been 35 years since I stepped Christian ministry is the most out for full-time Christian ministry. dangerous thing not because of After having been in the work of persecution that may be involved serving the Lord, I have to say this to beginning from one’s own home those who may be younger to me or or elsewhere or any other kind are contemplating or praying about of suffering that may arise out of entering the Lord’s service. The work cross-bearing. The dangerous thing, of Christian ministry is the most I mean is when almost everyone dangerous thing one can attempt to everywhere is considering (without do – for it involves anguish of the counting its cost), ministry as a way heart, inner turmoil, emotional pain, for self-promotion and that ministry loneliness, risks of all sorts and finally is utilized for material pursuits or for crucifixion. One has to pass through self-aggrandizement. all of them. If one evades crucifixion, Today, Christian ministry is abused, then there is no resurrection at all! misunderstood, commercialized and Paul says: “If you have been raised communalized. Unfortunately, all this with Christ, then seek those things that is said and done in the name of Jesus are above.” (Col. 3:1). But he also goes Christ. Everyone is a Bible teacher, on to say: “You died…and now your every one is a pastor! life is hidden with Christ.” (v.3). This No doubt, God does call each means that one’s life is protected, of us to serve Him. But it does not safe and secure in Christ, provided mean we take this vocation or call he or she had died to self, taken up too lightly. Serving Christ is a serious the cross and followed Christ at all business. No where in the Bible do costs! we find older folks or the invalids My word of caution calling the following Jesus. Men - robust, strong ministry as ‘the most dangerous and sturdy and even at times violent thing’ might perhaps warn a were the kind of gangsters Jesus hand prospective evangelist, a missionary picked as disciples from different or anybody who is willing to serve walks of life. Fisehrmen, takChrist from boldly venturing into collectors, zealots and all! They were the Lord’s vineyard. all busy doing their daily business.

Too hot to handle...


Vol. 12

Issue 6

Christian Thought Series


Not many of them were opting for voluntary retirement. Jesus called them and said: “Follow me. I will make you fishers of men”. Taxcollectors and fishermen left behind their only means of livelihood to follow Jesus. At a certain point in the process of training into discipleship, when everything seemed to turn topsy-turvy, Peter asked Jesus: “Lord, we have left everything. What would we get?” It shows they truly left behind all of what belonged to them. Scenario In The 21st Century: Today’s Christian world is different. Whether it is West or East, Christian ministry is no less than a money making racket. Thousands of gullible people who do not possess sound scriptural knowledge follow these self-styled and self-acclaimed leaders in the ministry. Those who claim to be Bible teachers manipulate or misinterpret the word to suit their own advantage. We need to identify or recognize these enemies of the Cross of Christ. Their characteristics are as follows: “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths” (II Tim.4:3,4). Do we agree now that this is the most dangerous element in Christian ministry?


Many such men are drawn from nowhere into Christian ministry and found to have been guilty of misconduct of all sorts. They have been resorting to the most godless ways that worldly people may fear to do or speak about! These men perform their duties like a robot. They attend court cases, contest elections, cause divisions within the church, canvass for or against groups, create communal spirit within the church and read prayers from a printed book and read out a sermon from notes written down word-to -word. Are they not being robotic in their functional ability? Some churches give more importance to traditions, vestments, liturgy, procession, music and so on. Once the choir is seated in the pews, those in the pews giggle, gruntle, mutter, gossip, laugh – while the message goes on. On the other hand, in some churches – (which may include the extreme groups of Pentecostals and the Charismatics), the whole aspect of the vocation or call to ministry is viewed not in terms of obedience to God’s call but mostly to one’s own self-revelation of extra biblical experience. In the church, the pastor is all in all. He is the authority per se. No one dares question his actions. He is the Lord’s anointed. God had revealed things to him that an ordinary church member dare not question them.

Christian Thought Series

Vol. 12

Issue 6

Again, Christian ministry, is the most dangerous thing to even talk about! Young or Old, traditional or evangelical – everyone is looking for short gains. Nobody wants to lose anything for Christ’s sake. The Church Before The Watching World: The church is being viewed by critics of christian faith. Our credibility as Christians is losing ground. The gospel message is no longer considered seriously by a non-Christian. Although millions of rupees are spent on evangelistic efforts, we are producing Christians who are just pigmies. They are stunted in their faith life. They have not grown to be productive, fruitbearing Christians. It had been a long time we have seen anything such as a rivival or the power of the Holy Spirit descending upon His people. Everything we do in the name of “power ministry” is the result of merely creating an audio-visual effect! The dazzling light which struck down Saul and the sound that he heard in Damascus Road is nowhere to be seen or heard now.

What should we do? Before the anger of God comes upon us, we need to tremble and fall at the feet of our Lord. It could be a believer or a person misleading or manipulating ministry. All are in need of God’s grace and forgiveness. Churches must be vigilant but vibrant with Christ’s power. We must watch out for the angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14), within and without the Church of Jesus Christ. We must, as individuals or as small groups pray for the visitation of Christ through His Spirit. With deep longing and sigh, we must seek for a spiritual renewal among God’s people everywhere. Here is the first step we all can follow: “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked way, then will I hear from heaven and will for their sin and will heal their land (2 Cor. 7:14)”. Should we not begin this rightaway? - J.D.

Please Pray: Work At Our Site In Progress.

Vol. 12

Issue 6

Christian Thought Series


Disciples For Christ - Centre For Training Building Project

Readers of CTS for atleast 5 years or more would know how Disciples For Christ as a ministry operates. CTS is just a part of its literature work. We have a commitment to train and help God’s people serve the Lord faithfully in our country. The phase of working in Northern India and other states through Pastor’s Training workshops are minimized now. We have produced useful training materials and mobilized local personnel to continue the work. We have communicated to our partners why we intend now to move into a territory where we will have a centre for training which will go on regularly. To realize this, we have started clearing our site- situated about 20 kms away from the city of Chennai. Phase I: Recently, we have raised a compound wall to prevent encroachment on one side. Walls on all three sides remain to be raised. We have spent Rs.50,000/- for a wall covering 50 ft. (You will find few pictures of this in the inner cover of this issue). Phase II: We have applied for electricity connection and started working on rigging a bore pump. By God’s grace, we shall fulfill this with the available funds Phase III: Through faith, we shall put up a building - a hall with 300 sq. ft with some basic facilities such as wash room and a small kitchen. The total area will be around 430 sq. ft. Cost estimated for this initial phase of the building is rupees 5.4 lakhs. As God wills, when the building is extended in due course,the actual training hall will go upstairs at a later stage and the downstairs will be utilized for residential purposes. If you are reading CTS for first time, we do not want to intimidate you with this appeal. Those who know us for years may pray and consider supporting this project. If God prompts even a new reader to be a faith partner in this ministry, one may do so. On the whole, we do not want to exert pressure or engage in fund raising tactics. God loves a cheerful giver and giving to God must be purely voluntary and of free-will. Please contact for any clarification or details Chennai partners are welcome to visit our site. We request you to pray for these efforts. Any contributions solely for building project may kindly be sent to: Disciples For Christ HDFC Bank, A/C No. 50200007377501 IFSC HDFC0000124, Kellys Branch, Chennai 10.


Christian Thought Series

Vol. 12

Issue 6

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