Christian Thought Series Jan Feb issue

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he Old Year is gone. New Year is ushered in. In our last issue we dealt with the subject that had more to do more with the eschatology (final destiny) and of apocalypse (the end of the age), than with advent (the period of time leading up to Christmas).

While we ready ourselves for Christ’s Second Coming, we are not yet freed from our pain and perplexity. The mystery of one’s suffering never ends but extends. Prayers seem to go unanswered. God appears to be brazenly stubborn and silent. The saint’s cry: “How long, O Lord, how long?” or “Why this, Lord,” no longer seem to make any sense. “My foot almost slipped,” muttered many a people of God.

To put it this way, things had not been easy for so many of us. We toiled and tried. Our souls grew weary. Intense mental anguish and restlessness in the spirit marked our days and nights. Someone might ask: “Is this a fair picture of a Christian?” The simple answer is: “Look through the lives of men and women of God in Biblical accounts and scan through the history of the church”. If you have not passed through similar situations, do not gloat over others’ misfortune. There are people who react in two different ways when they see others suffering. One—the curious and other—the serious. The first kind consider themselves elevated and view others’ suffering with utter indifference and disdain. The latter ones try to understand situations, empathize and exercise spiritual sensitivity. I know of a Christian leader who carelessly commented about two of his colleagues. This was when their children went astray. Little did this critic realize that In a couple of years time, he himself would pass through the pain of a different sort in his own family. There was a young man who invariable got into the business of talking glibly about many Christians who go through some trials. He made some comments about a certain family that went through separation. He never thought that his own wife would desert him like the way he made comments about someone. He is a lonely man now. Just a day ago, I lovingly cautioned another young friend of mine, not to 1



write-off or bring about a quick judgment when people go through very difficult times. We may never know of the deeper implications. “What if that comes to us sooner or later?” I asked him. When we hear others interpret it to our dismay, won’t our hearts be broken?

Conclusions derived out of one’s interpretation brings much of woe and agony. Jesus was misrepresented. So it was with many of the apostles, martyrs and saints.

It is not so much of the suffering that causes pain. Conclusions derived out of one’s interpretation brings much of woe and agony. Jesus was misrepresented. So it was with many of the apostles, martyrs and saints. We need extraordinary sensitivity whereby we can help people who pass through strange experiences through their lives. Solving of puzzles are not always easy as it might appear to be. For example: Why does a person suffer? May be, he is out of the will of God. Perhaps, he suffers because of others fault. But what when he suffers even though he is obedient to God? These things, humanly speaking, are not easily recognized. Sometimes, it involves time or events before we get a clearer picture. Have you come across any of your friends, families or individuals who suffer silently? There are those who cannot dress up neatly and come to worship service as you might do. They need to hide for a while near a brook of loneliness like the prophet Elijah did. Further still, their only hope - their brook itself dries up! Have you been through such a situation? There are those who do not wish their problems to be shared. They know why. In such cases, do not poke, probe or provoke! This is of the curious type! If in case, they would want to share their pain, remember that God had called you to be a “burden-bearer.” Do it with all your heart. Keep matters to yourself with strict confidentiality. Do not try to interpret. Just pray over it. If there are dimensions of disturbance in what you have heard, wait until you pass judgment. If you have the extraordinary capacity to break through into the life of someone with a genuine concern, even though nothing was shared with you, you may then face two reactions in all probability. One, you will be appreciated for the bold venture and compassion. Your attempt to barge into their privacy of suffering had indeed 2



brought great release to them! They might share a whole lot of the story and wish to be prayed for. Two, they may turn against you and say, “Mind your own business.” Many people fear this criticism and do not attempt to do anything to lessen the pain when people suffer. A couple of years ago, in my own sorrow and pain, I attempted to seek a friend’s prayer and was squarely misunderstood. The former kind of “pastoral boldness” is required for all believers. Nevertheless, this boldness must never be turned into a spiritual mishap or an adventure of utter carelessness. Basically, a pastor is taught or trained to handle people in their most difficult situations. Unfortunately, many pastors sound eloquent in their pulpits. When it comes to grappling with the realities of life, they are not quite sure how to handle it. Great sufferers are qualified burden-bearers. This is one way of looking at how God permits suffering in the life of His children. It is when the burden becomes a blessing. Pain and suffering are indeed God’s prerequisites for qualifying a man or woman to be an effective minister of the gospel. In a time when more and more people go through suffering, the community of believers must constantly strive to bring about healing to the body, mind and spirit of those within the Body of Christ. In fact, there is much to do. More care-givers are required. We need volunteers who can visit lonely people in the homes, hospitals and orphanages. Sometimes, ministers need to be ministered all the more. Are there people available capable of ministering to the ministers? Against this back drop, I somehow get an uncomfortable feeling that while God’s people should be actively involved in meeting innumerable needs around us, much time and resources are lost by those who sit endlessly before a computer –hooked on to the FB. Such people’s only concern is the social net-working with face-less human beings (More on this subject on page 22…). In normal life, we do not see eye to eye with each other. There is absolute communication break-down in most families. Relationships sour as people rub shoulders each day. How on earth would the FB community carry on and say that they are reaching out to unknown people? Are they all un-realistic, face-less monsters on FB? Just when I get in and get out of FB rarely, I see some monsters to my own dismay in that FB–calling themselves Christian ministers, making crude comments and silly jokes or pokes on some movies stars. They still claim to be counselors or those involved in specialized ministries. This is a 3



sure case of “ship-wrecking” and wandering away from faith and piercing themselves with undue pain which might come to them at a later stage. Even well-informed people who are not Christians know all too well about the ill-effects and dangerous consequences of the so-called social net-working through Facebook. Recent newspaper report says that psychologists are battling a strange problem now with Twitter addiction. A stranger befriended a teenager through FB, called her to an undisclosed spot and molested her – says another news paper report. As a counselor I have come across parents’ anguish over their children’s plight of getting addicted to FB. No godly man or woman would spend wasteful hours chatting or chanting through FB. FB Addicts make big claims citing reasons or excuses of reaching out to others with the gospel is to be scrutinized. My anguish is that when people of my age or even older folks pretend to be up-to-date with the younger generation writing endlessly on the wall portrays a poor taste of their own life. I personally plead with those who like me, engaged in ministry, may spend adequate time on their knees with an open Bible. That is the best Face Book one can interact with. God also writes on the wall. His Face Book is different. “Mene,mene tekel, parsin.” Are we found wanting in this new year? How does God see us? Our pretense, selfpromotion, pride, insecurity – all expressed in one way or the other in the FB. To all those who are addicted to FB, God’s directive is: “Flee from it all at once!” May our lives express true godliness, humility and love. Become productive for God’s sake. Discard FB. Dispose anything that may appear to be detrimental to spiritual growth. Do not ship-wreck your faith. There are layers and layers of technological traps that the devil is capable of inventing. All may sound brilliant and beautiful- productive and useful. These are nothing but death-traps. Has things like pornography, FB, wrong-relationships or any other addictions have taken control of your life? Sometimes, they fly above our heads, as Luther explained. But would we ever give room for the bird to build its nest over our heads? What are our convictions? How do we confess (express) them? Resolutions or Reservations? I leave it to you to decide! - Joshua Dhanabalan





“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Rom. 12:2).


e live in a world that is largely governed by opinion makers. They are the ones who, in a sense, hold a vast majority of people under their spell. Take for example, the cult leaders in the Christian world. Some decades ago, Jim Jones, a cult leader promised his followers a spiritual Utopia in the jungles of South America and eventually lead a huge number of his followers into a mass suicide on Nov. 18, 1978. This was known as the Jonestown Massacre. Today, gullible Christians rallying around some charismatic leaders who claim to have extraordinary powers, solely received from Jesus Christ. The last decade had seen the rise and fall of many such leaders. Large gatherings, mass rallys, miracle-crusades, Christian Rock-Bands or concerts draw huge crowds. Those who participate in these gatherings are vulnerable to the subtle manipulation of the leader on the stage. Something about him attracts them. His voice, charisma, eloquence, his style, manners are captivating. People are just ready to obey him. Whatever he says is sure to be from the mouth of God Himself. These are the Bollywood style preachers. Some die-hard fans of the celluloid world would do anything to get near to that famed movie-star- just to get a hand shake or his flying kiss! Would we disagree that most of what Christians view on most Christian Television channels differs much from the Movie Masala of Kollywood? What Do We Seek After? There is a longing – a yearning in the heart of every individual which is a void that constantly seeks to be filled. Until a person is touched and transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he will believe in every lie of the devil. That is when he or she is under the sway or spell of some leader who dictates what one should do. Every form of false doctrine springs up from a cultic leader who claims special anointing and revelation from God. Here is how the Bible depicts those 5



who invent ways to fill their inner void: “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water (Jer. 2:13)”. This is precisely the problem of those who call themselves believers or even claim to have been- born again. There is a special category of people who seem to believe and claim some special privilege from the Lord and have been specially anointed or gifted with extraordinary revelation. Jesus referred those who sought after signs and wonders as adulterous generation. Christians must not be found in the company of seekers all the time. They must be those who have already found the truth. From then on, the truth sets them free from all bondage. It elevates them to a higher plane of thinking – of which the apostle Paul calls as the renewed mind born out spiritual transformation. Are we those who are Those who are outside this experience are the seekers of all kinds. No doubt, for all of us, there is swayed by the opinion a supposed stage of seeking. But that seeking of the majority? must end sometime soon. Have you been a Aren’t we familiar Christian seeking one thing after another except with that statement Christ? The fallacy of seeking things among men that Christian other than Christ makes you and me a Christian believers make often: with no spiritual conviction. These are the things “Our church does not the heathen (the worldly people), seek after, said permit that.” “We do our Lord. It does not matter as to which sophisticated church or denomination that we belong to. Some evangelical groups have special tags called “spiritual”. How spiritual we are depends on the kind of things that we seek after.

not follow this in our assembly” and so on.

Are we those who are swayed by the opinion of the majority? Aren’t we familiar with that statement that Christian believers make often: “Our church does not permit that.” “We do not follow this in our assembly” and so on. No one must question a 6



scriptural mandate or pattern laid out for any church or assembly. But stretching any doctrine into a man-made dogma is dangerous. I know of my many pastor friends who love the Lord and His Word. But when it comes to their strong convictions, they just go by what their denomination says. Ultimately, it the veto exercised by any Bishop or an elder. Why do we manipulate the simple truth of the gospel and distort it into a denominational dogma? Jesus spoke against the Pharisees on laying upon heavy burdens on the shoulders of simple people. No wonder, we too have among us, the Pharisees with an evangelical stance. We know the truth, but are lacking the conviction the truth itself would bring out of us. It is when we become men-pleasers much more than obeying the truth of God’s Word. When such a stage occurs in our lives, our leaders are made as super-models to follow in all aspects. In life, in faith or in Christian conduct – they direct our thinking. Years ago, when I worked as a Field Staff with the Scripture Union ministry, I visited a catholic public school to seek permission in order to conduct a week-long school mission. The Headmistress, in the course of my conversation did not appreciate us teaching the scripture to the students. I vividly remember what she told me: “We don’t just teach scripture only; we teach our church doctrine.” Not many of us are aware that the Roman Catholic Church strongly believes in Church Tradition than the doctrine of the Word of God. Church Tradition emerges out of a Cardinal or a Pope. Then would follow the Sale of Indulgence (ticket to heaven!) and every other man made dogma. As I go around different churches, each one exerts superiority – one over the other. Some insist that the gifts have ceased in the very beginning of the first century (Dispensationalists!). Some over-emphasize the signs and wonders, gifts and tongues. Then there are the anti-charismatics – and I can fearlessly bring the Baptists (the one’s that I know) into this bracket. There are also the antitraditionalists who say that the traditional churches are dead. The answer is both a resounding yes and no. For that matter, I have been raised in a traditional church. I owe much to my parents and my Sunday School teachers who diligently taught me the Word of God. They taught me and instilled in me what it was to fear God – which I might call the holy reverence. They explained in clear terms what it is to be godly. I know through experience, that in these many years godliness is only a measure of maturity in knowing and obeying God and not simply attainable all at once. 7




For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks (Matt. 12:34).


ost people express their hearts through their mouths. It does not take much time to know the kind of people we are or others by the way we talk. While talking to someone and carefully watching everything he or she might say, It is possible, to a great extent to understand what is buried deep beneath that human heart. So much so, in the same way, one might understand what is behind the heart of a person who writes. For whatever he writes, makes up for the heart of the matter. Mostly, through his writing an author expresses his own beliefs or convictions – be it right or wrong! But when the expressions are weak, it becomes all the more difficult for us to diagnose – for words and phrases are the heart-beat and the listener’s heart and ear act as a stethoscope. To a great extent, if unbiased, our judgments can be quite fair depending on what had been spoken out. Clearly, when people pretend and do not speak the truth, sooner or later the same can be detected too. Deeper still, when a person does not speak, it is quite possible to read his thoughts. Jesus asked more than once his audience this even though they never said a word: “Why do you harbor evil thoughts in your hearts?” Confession is a declaration or profession of what one believes. Everything else depends on the matter of the heart. Belief and Behavior: “…. That with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Rom. 15:6). Our expressions will exhibit the kind of people we are. For instance, if you have a friend or a neighbor, take a walk with him near a beach or in the garden. Engage yourself in a conversation. Usually, people talk about weather, politics, inflation and so on. That is only their empirical observation. But if you were to ask them as to what they thought about pre-marital sex, adultery, gay-marriage, ordination of women, ordaining gay priests – and more local issues like giving or receiving bribes, indirectly encouraging, hoodwinking, or 10



tolerating evils at home, church or in the society how would they respond? A probable answer of a man with a weak conviction would be: “I do not bother to look into such issues or get involved in these matters. I just mind my own business.” What conclusion would you draw out of that person? Are there priests, pastors, bishops and elders who hold on to this kind of conviction? If that be so, what would be their confession? Let us sharpen our focus further: What about our conduct in the church? How do we worship? What do we preach? Do we hear a popular sermon acceptable to all? Here is what Paul says: “…that our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. ( 1 Thess.1:5). He goes on further to explain the kind of conviction and the expression (confession) that follows it: “For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you. On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God who tests our hearts. You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed – God is our witness. We were not looking for praise from men, not from our anyone else.( I Thess. 2:4-6). Here is a check-list for those of us who are in full-time service of the Lord. Are we those who are called as greedy ministers and those who are running grabbing ministries? Are there private enterprises – I mean, ministries that are being operated like private limited companies? When convictions are weak, our confession too is faint. It may sound loud or eloquent. But as Paul explains, the power of the Holy Spirit may be absent. The declaration and confession may sound weak. Again, when Paul writing to Corinthians he had this to say: My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive word, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power (1 Cor.2:4). After reading Paul and the epistles of other apostles, where have we gone wrong? 11



Nevertheless, there are many things I dislike in the traditional church. Why? Simply because I find many things today that are far from the truth of the Scripture. I may never allow my church to put a yoke on me to yield to any such teachings. I would rather be willing to forfeit my church membership. Traditional Christians hold membership for three reasons as it had been said – Baptism, Marriage and Burial. If I were to be a member for these, may I be cursed! While I criticize my own background, I look at the supra-spiritual evangelical groups who tend to brag that their “born-again” tag settles every other issue. It is not so. I look at them with dismay when there is the absence of the fear of God – and God is treated with such an utter disregard in their worship places. There is no place for repentance in the believer’s life or corporate confession or contrition of heart when believers meet for worship. Is it all joy or exuberance only? Among the Pentecostals, it appears, the worship leader has all the power in the palm of his hands to manipulate the Majesty on High to his own tone or tenor. Most of us seem to fail at the basic level. But when it comes to worship or leading in singing, it all appears as though we have just descended through the clouds on to the stage! What is this? Are those words we utter found to be appropriate or acceptable before a Holy God who is the consuming fire? On the other side, is it all grace, love and forgiveness theology as the Baptists would describe? Where is the fear of God? How sin is dealt with? These are things of utmost importance that we need to reflect and define through the subject of Christian conviction. Ask a Worship Leader of a wellknown charismatic congregation about moral purity. Further, inquire him as to how sin is dealt with in his life on a daily basis. How about handling finances, or the ethical use of time, resources, making right decisions in accordance with the will of God etc., Why do many of them stumble when faced with such questions? Not the least, but of serious importance is the matter of studying the Word of God, meditating upon it, and spending alone those treasured moments of prayer in secret. What do our churches have to say on such things? One more comment: Why not the free churches keep their silence for a while and the traditional churches shout for joyfor they have been singing a dirge for too long! All that we have discussed here form just a superficial crust or crux of the matter. 8



There are much more issues of vital importance – from a mere doctrine to that of deed. “Love thy neighbour as thyself.” It is not just theology, but doing theology. We must move further on from a mere confessional Creed to that of Conduct“Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” (Phil. 1:27). Finally, it not just a belief system that evolves around a religion. Christian faith provides men and women convictions that conquer the world. The last 20 centuries have seen countless heroes of faith apart from those whose names have been inscribed in the holy scriptures in the book of Hebrews chapter 11. It is one thing to merely call ourselves believers. What is commendable is our uncompromising convictions based on the Word of God. Why do many believers found to be in a state of fluidity? Here is Paul’s response to this condition: Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up in Him, who is the Head, that is Christ (Eph.4:14, 15). Growth and maturity are essential requisites for developing Christian conviction. Apart from the Word of God, the above characteristics are unattainable. Word of God and the maturity to handle the truth and applying it to the context provides a Christian a necessary conviction to lead a life of obedience in keeping with the Word of God. Christian conviction requires a balancing act! - JD When troubled thoughts in me cease, Self and sin no more appease; When God’s strength increase, His power dwells within at ease. 9



We talk so much about the apostolic teachings – and fashion our churches calling them “apostolic.” But where is the demonstration of God’s power? Is there a perfect link between what we believe and how we live? By and large, both the liberals and evangelical Christians have become one with the world. There are only marginal emphasis or claims by each other. One tends to express superiority over the other. But the bottom-line question is: Where is the stronger conviction? What about the confession? Is it vague, foggy, faulty or dim? Is this the case with so many of us - that a lot many of us began well years ago, and that our passion for the Lord and His work was on higher scale. Somehow, down-theline, our hearts grew cold. The love of Christ is gone. The love of the world is come. We pretend. We confess. But that is a faint-hearted confession. We are afraid lest anyone would discover the inner state of our own life. It has become rather messy. We pray and fast. We do read our Bibles. We are engaged in various church activities or ministries. All these are done systematically – but without stronger convictions and bolder confessions. Why? Let us look at how Paul is encouraging Timothy to hold on to the confession: Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. ( 1 Tim. 6:12). To confess our convictions are not always easy as simply as it is thought of . It involves battling bravely. Scars and wounds are marks of pride to a soldier. So it is with a Christian. Compromising Confessions: Christians have learned to live in peaceful co-existence. This means that they tolerate everything under their nose. For example, when godly values are flouted at home who dares to question it? If the leader of the house does it, then hell breaks loose. Therefore, many Christian homes adhere to “live-and-letlive” policy. No one ever interferes with others’ business. Today’s culture talks about privacy, space and freedom in the absence of any moral or ethical code of conduct. There are always some who want “peace” at the cost of truth when moral and spiritual issues are grappled at home, church or in Christian institutions, This is 12


Martin Luther said “My conscience is captive to the Word of God.”


precisely why many pulpits are silent on moral standards (as set by Christ Himself ). Those in the pews are groping in darkness – for the right Word of Wisdom had not come to them from the shepherds.

Also, there are those who soft-peddle on Biblical values and spiritualize them in order to suit their own ends. Such people act as the endorsing authorities on spiritual matters. The result is the invention of “convenient theology.” No one gets hurt. Anyone who dares to question is dubbed as being bigot, narrow-minded and so on. Some Christian homes go through turbulence all the time while some enjoy the silence of a cemetery! Why this? When lives are lived and issues tackled, there is bound to be confusion, conflict and also consensus. In the absence of active involvement of lives at home or church, there will always be a cemetery silence. Someone used to say to me: “We have no quarrels or fights in our home.” I replied: “Well, none of you ever related or communicated well to cause any good fights!” Talk to such people. They may call themselves believers. The talk of their conversion experience may be very sensational one. They are attached to the most sophisticated church in town. Somehow, the Spirit of God would reveal to us that not all is well with that individual. Why? Their biblical convictions are weak, so also their confessions. The other side of their nature is yet to be developed. Paul, talking about this in 1 Corinthians chapter 3, calls such people as spiritual babes who were not yet ready for the intake of solid food. They are worldly, mean and material minded. How then would they be called as spiritual people, asks Paul. People’s confession of Christ has become weak. You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God, proclaimed Peter. “My God, and My Lord,” Said the apostle Thomas, filled with awe and wonder. David Livingstone, the missionary statement who toiled in Africa said in his twilight years: “My Jesus, My King, My Life, My all: I dedicate my life wholly unto Thee.” Martin Luther said: My conscience is captive to the Word of God. John Knox prayed with missionary zeal and burden: “Give me Scotland or I die.” 13


Read the measure of Amy Carmichael’s devotion to Christ:” The vows of God are on me. I may not stay to play with shadows or pluck earthly flowers; Till I my work have done and rendered up an account.”


Faith of our fathers! Living still In spite of dungeon fire and sword, O how our hearts beat high with joy Whene’er we hear that glorious Word!

Faith of our fathers holy faith! “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for We will be true to thee till death. me to make for Him,” was the - F.W. Faber statement made by C.T. Studd – a cricket champion in the university and a member of the Cambridge Seven (1832-1931). He was a missionary to Africa, China and India. What marks these confessions so distinctively different from the hollow-sounding claims that we casually make? These great men and women of old had great convictions, experienced them and expressed them in truer confessions that brought about profound transformation in the lives of people. Wherever they went, their flaming confessions of Jesus Christ brought scores of people to the saving knowledge of the Lord all across the continents. It must be our own experience and each of us must long to emulate the passion and zeal that engulfed these godly men. It was said that a man wanted God to perform a certain miracle and loudly prayed: “Where is the God of Elijah?” It seemed that God responded, but asked him: “Where are all the Elijahs?” Where are the Elijahs who would say with conviction: “ I stand in the presence of God; there will be neither dew nor rain except my word.” Today’s religion requires God’s blessing alone. We need God’s justice and judgment too. - JD 14





eople are engaged in doing many things which are done out of mere zeal. In our context, let us say, things such as engaging in the ministry work, community service, church involvement etc., Those who do such things find it difficult to explain why they do it. Even plain logic or reason fails them. May be, such people are carried away by fanciful feelings of themselves, and any of their act directed toward others can be a frenzied action. Instead of becoming productive, such acts and activities become more destructive in the longer run. The activists of this kind misunderstand involvement to be some kind of dedicated service born out of their commitment to God or man. This may be detected when some young men/women, newly wedded couple or couples with no issues form a certain category of “believers.” As one observes them closely, they find themselves in more difficult situations “relating to their own neighbors” – unable to see eye-to-eye, communicate or care, grapple issues boldly or rub shoulders bravely. These people may be termed as “local failures” who opt for some greener shores. The first category belong to those who quickly change their church membership citing reasons of others being unkind or unspiritual. There are still those who suddenly resign their decent jobs which they had obtained with great difficulty. All too quickly they have a vision of going overseas to “Serve Christ.” They embark on a mission trip to some uttermost corner in the dark continent. Their peers open their eyes wide with amazement, while appreciating their deep sense of commitment. “Such a person is daring and bold,” they exclaim. Many years ago, I had a brilliant young man who helped in our ministry as a volunteer. He was decently employed in a nationalized bank. Once he came to me and told of his plans of resigning and entering full-time ministry. I had cautioned him to take steps carefully. He was upset and angry and told me that I being a 15



servant of God, did not encourage him of his serious commitment. A year later, he had a nervous break-down, lost his job and had no ministry either. This example need not threaten those who have received a genuine call to serve Christ. In recent times, I noticed at least three couples whom I know who had resigned from the corporate sector and had gone abroad in order to be involved in some kind of service which had created a strange kind of sensation among their peers. Back at home they were those who were found to be moving along with their own clique groups and never broke away to care for the poor and needy. They saw their own families or friends doing meaningful service in their backyard and were not attracted by it. They had developed their own sophisticated religion without a cross. Somehow, they never seemed to have expressed a deeper level of concern for the poor and needy in the slums or by-lanes on a day-to-day basis – places or people that could be easily reached. They did not understand the meaning of the saying: “The light that shine at home, shines farthest.” How can they ever endure hardship in an African jungle when they suffer culture-shock at the slightest instance locally? Changing a vocation, trying to fit-into some odd job or place is being interpreted by their peers as “challenge” or “sacrifice.” The bottom-line question is and goes unanswered by these men and women: a)

Have they sought God’s will and direction?

b) Were there godly mentors who advised and guided them consistently? c)

Wherever they may be found, is it due to God’s approval?

d) Back at home, were they trouble-makers, gossip-mongers, quarrelsome – struggling all the time with relationship problems – and this to them, a temporary way out? Godly men and women who have a desire to serve God will wait on Him and seek His direction. Sad to say, these vital parameters are totally absent in most cases. A bold venture is called “escapade” while a cowardly act is termed “escapism.” Taking a vocation can be a worthwhile decision if ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ are weighed through prayer, God-given direction from His Word and counsel by men and women of God. 16



What happens in most cases is that they are afraid to face the reality of life. In my opinion, they have for a long time failed to face the Real Christ. They kept themselves hiding from God- while all the time He called out to them, asking: “Where are you?” Once the prophet Elijah, afraid of the queen Jezebel, ran for his life. God confronted him and asked: “What are you doing here, Elijah (I Kings 19:33). God’s servant was found himself to be in the wrong place. We all can miss the mark God had set for our lives if we are not careful. It is good to ask ourselves: “Am I in the right place, doing the right kind of things?” There may be problems or difficulties that requires mature way of resolving as God enables us. Simply moving away from situations never resolves our problems. It might return four-fold sooner or later. If we insist on moving further without allowing God to direct our lives , things can turn pretty grim in the future. Paul mentions a whole list of adversities and asks: “If God be for us, who can be against us?”(Rom.8:31). He further states, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height or depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 8:37-39).

UNBURNT OFFERING There are many believers who say they have offered themselves to God. It appears to be true. Visibly, the offering remains there at the alter – stale and smelly. All the while, the believer is elated over the “visible” offering, say- some good works, little sacrifices over-exposed, meager sharing that was magnified and so on. But until the fire of God falls down and consumes it as a “sweet smelling sacrifice,” it remains an offering unacceptable to God.




Undoubtedly, this is commitment, par excellence! In case of any other kind of sacrifice that we offer to God deceptively, only men such as Peter alone would be able to expose the pretense and hypocrisy as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira. - JD

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Program Weekly Bible Study Fellowship


Travel/Follow-up ministry Magazine and Literature work Counselling and Family ministries


Weekly Bible Study Fellowship Providing Impetus To Rural Pastors’ in and around Chennai Church Ministry at Tirupattur Pastors Training at Chattisgarh Church Meetings in and around Chennai. Weekly Bible Study Fellowship Lenten Convention – Coimbatore


Magazine and Literature work (March - April issue) Lent /Good Friday Devotions in Chennai Churches Pastor’s Training – Chitra Durga Dt. Karnataka




Please Uphold These Concerns In Prayer….. ♦

Young believers who are in contact with us – for their marriage plans – that God may guide them.

Christ may break the bondage of many believers, Christian boys and girls and Christian workers who are addicted to unhealthy worldly connections or communication through Face Book, pornography, mobile chats and many other subtle traps of the devil.

The hunger and thirst to spend quality time with God through His Word and prayer may increase among believers who have become spiritually barren.

Renewal and transformation of lives in the churches

Pastors/Bible-teachers to expound the Word of God faithfully.

Believers not to be carried away by the emotions of the crowd – not to go by mere sensational moments and that they recognize that worship is a matter of Spirit and truth.

Those who merely over-emphasize the Worship aspect may recognize that there is equally a vital dimension of witnessing which is over-looked

That every believer stands as a living witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ

DFC Website Website work has started and swiftly moving forward. Please check out— . Watch for this space!






his is my simple observation and I believe that it might go down well with every person who thinks he walks in humble obedience to God. And that is, when anyone who is confident of being a child of God submits to His authority and lives daily under His control. If that be true, any kind of hormonal deficiency, emotional distraught, psychological conflict or chemical imbalance would ever over come or over take a Christian. Instead, the believer would be an over comer in spite of the difficulties. To say the above conflicts are absent in the life of a believer is far from truth. They may be present very much. We battle against them daily – physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological. It is only when a person becomes too independent of God that he/she becomes arrogant and filled with pride as in the case of Nebuchadnezzar that abnormality sets in. It is when pride itself is translated into insanity. Most humble people keep themselves ‘sane’ – safe and sound, while the proud and arrogant are over taken by the excesses of one’s own self.

Any moments of utmost intimate relationship can never be penned, explained or interpreted. So it is our communion with God. Shallow spiritual experience that are momentary and prone to sudden evaporation cannot be counted upon always. Testimonies springing up from such experiences tend to fail too soon unless such beginnings move on to a higher plane sooner. Flimsy faith is too satisfied with too little and this is the result of the one’s superficial knowledge of God. “My soul longs,” “My soul thirsts,” “My soul is satisfied…” Whoever is interested in this longing these days? If this longing is absent, then the soul becomes barren and dry like a parched land. Many believers are satisfied with shallow spiritual experiences. It requires the streams of living water to flow through before life springs up from beneath.




For an over comer, the secret lies in translating a thorn into a throne! The forces that fight against us are made to work in favor of us. “No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Rom. 8:37) - JD

To make a claim that we have been saved and not to show any indication of “real-change”, a transformation of thinking or possessing a renewed mind is a gross indifference anyone of us may exhibit to God’s plan of salvation.

Friends and partners who are prompted by God to share in the needs of the work may do so through their free-will voluntary gifts. The offerings may be utilized for: 1.

Rural Pastor’s Training in North India


Production of DVD messages


Training Materials/Pastor’s Manual and other booklets


Publication of Christian Thought Series that reaches hundreds of Pastors/ Leaders and seminary students across the county.

Please send your contributions to Disciples For Christ State Bank of India, Kellys Branch, Chennai 10 Savings Bank A/c No—32694836912 IFSC: SBINOO11736 / Branch Code:11736




Question: "Should a Christian use social networking tools (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, blogs, etc.)?" Answer: Hundreds of millions of people are running toward social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to participate in the relational components of the Internet. Are these networks the next big mission field or an enormous waste of time? Should a Christian participate in social networking? The answer to these questions should be determined by whether we can honestly ask God to bless and use our actions for His own good purposes. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31). If we are willing to let God use our participation for His glory, we have freedom to participate. Christians who choose to participate in social networking should be aware of the negative aspects of social networking. It should be remembered that not everyone on the Internet has pure motives, and we should use safety precautions, utilize the privacy settings, and be selective as to who is accepted as a “friend” or “fan.” Parents should regularly interact with their children and be active participants in their child's use of social networking sites. In addition, Christians should be aware of the danger of the narcissism (excessive self-love and preoccupation with self) inherent in self-oriented sites. Studies have shown that overuse or wrong motives in social media participation can breed narcissism. When we rely on social media sites primarily to promote ourselves or draw attention to ourselves, it is time to take a step back. It’s wise to utilize accountability, encouraging spouse, family members, and Christian brothers and sisters to view our social networking activity and hold us accountable. Proverbs 27:17 says, "Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens his friend's countenance."

It’s also important to understand the impact our status, photo, comments, or blog posts may have in the future. It should be remembered that social networking sites involve publishing to the entire Internet, including family members, current and future employers, college admissions personnel, etc. The ramifications of any statements, both now and in the future, should be considered. It should be assumed 22



that everything written is permanent and viewable by everyone. Furthermore, while maintaining relationships is important and healthy, addiction is not. Limiting the amount of time we devote to these social networking sites is both healthy and wise. On the other hand, there are definitely positive aspects of social networking. For the Christian, social media sites can be an enormously productive mission field. Reconnecting with old friends and increasing our sphere of influence can lead to evangelistic opportunities unavailable elsewhere. Social media allows us to reenter the daily lives of people we may have lost contact with and open up new avenues for sharing Christ. As such, we can influence the views of others by what we post, bringing encouragement and spiritual guidance to others and using friends lists or Facebook status updates to pray regularly for friends and their needs.

"Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Finally, social networking sites can engage spiritual seekers on the Internet, meeting those seekers where they are. Just like face-to-face evangelism, we can establish credibility and authenticity in the seeker’s natural and comfortable environment, and then build on that foundation and share the love of Christ with new online friends . - Excerpt taken from

If God were to make an appraisal of our lives for every day, month or an year, our performance in terms of His expectations or standards would surely fall far below. Our thoughts and actions on His Kingdom was the least while concerns about our own families- children’s career, loan repayments, accumulation of wealth topped the list. Who knows? Jesus might say, “I was hungry – you didn’t feed me. I was naked – you didn’t clothe me. I was in prison and you didn’t visit me.” These are the concerns of the Kingdom. We need to take serious note before the great appraisal takes place while all of us stand before the white throne! 23



Tract Distribution On 13th Jan. 2013, Volunteers of Disciples For Christ ministries had distributed over 1000 tracts in the IIT campus during their annual cultural fest called SAARANG. There were both response and refutation from students who received the tracts. A student used Einstein’s equation of E = mc 2 with one of our friends and argued that it was the energy (power)( according to him is the Supreme Being), changed into Mass/ in the form of Jesus Christ. However, he would not believe Christ as the Way to the Father. A girl student from IIT called me up to say that she read Techno Solutions tract and was excited to know of the message of the gospel found in it. She is following the Lord as the only member among her Hindu family members. I have not been a science student. However, God enabled me to write three tracts which might attract the students in the IT/engineering sectors. True to the word, “God chooses the fools to confound the wise!” Please pray as the bandwidth of our ministry covers both the urban and rural mass. Most rural pastors we train in North India possess very meager form of education with lesser levels of IQ. Yet God in His wisdom uses them for His glory – as He chose those simple fishermen to turn the world upside down

Is it you that God had pleased to have chosen – first to pound and crush and then to compress into a mould? How often have you grumbled or complained against God’s crushing-yard? Have you been there for too long? He knows how long you should remain there before long you will be placed at the citadel of God’s glory – to sparkle like a price-less jewel! 24

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