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BBB Scam Alert: Weight Loss Scams

Better Business Bureau Scam Alert

Spotting Misleading Ads and Subscription Traps for Weight Loss Products


When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, scammers know that losing weight is one of the most popular goals. This popularity has led to a slew of scams involving supplements and weight loss formulas claiming to offer rapid results. Not only are the products themselves questionable, but so are the business dealings of the companies peddling them.

How This Scam Works

Most weight loss product scams start with promises that are simply too good to be true. Body wraps, topical creams, dietary supplements, pills, powders, skin patches, and even earrings have

You may see these ads on TV, in periodicals, or, more commonly, on social media. They usually come with some amazing before and after pictures of people who claim to have used the product and glow weight loss products often claim to have been featured on popular TV shows like Shark Tank.

The sad truth is the ads are misleading and many contain ingredients that can be damaging to your health.

To make matters worse, some of these companies engage in unscrupulous selling techniques. product doesn’t work as claimed in the ads. Some consumers believed they were making a onetime purchase. Instead, the company repeatedly billed their credit cards for more of the product.

How to Avoid Phony Weight Loss Products

• Don’t be quick to trust endorsements. Many scammers use pictures of celebrities, TV show mentions, or well-known company logos to gain consumers’ trust. Always research the company before doing business with them, no matter who supposedly endorses their product. • Avoid products that tout sudden weight loss without diet or exercise. eticians, and other experts agree that losing weight takes work and should be gradual. Pass up any product that promises miraculous, sudden results without any effort. • Be wary of free trial offers, and before signing up, understand all the terms and conditions. These deals can become “subscription traps” that hook consumers into expensive shipments of products they did not agree to buy.

If you’ve been the victim of a scam, report it to Better Business Bureau’s Scam Tracker. By reporting your experience, you can help others avoid falling for the same scam.

Reminder – Feeding animals

Shareholders are reminded that it is a violation of your lease to place food out for animals to eat.

A Community Complaint may be issued for littering to anyone who puts food out for any reason. Well-intentioned cooperators may think they are putting food out for stray cats or birds, but the food ends up attracting rats, raccoons, skunks, coyotes or other animals which can be a threat to residents. Feeding wildlife, such as geese, also tends to change the migration and feeding patterns of these animals as they end food sources could also dry up leading to starvation. Food placed out for animals is often lacking in the nutrition needed by the animals and serves to upset their ecological balance. Please resist the urge to place food out for animals in Co-op City or elsewhere.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Are you an Artist interested in being featured in the Co-op City Times? We encourage Co-op City artists to submit their best pieces (Paintings. Poems. Photos.), regardless of age or technical skill for this month’s presentation.

Email your best work to PMcCoyCampbell@ riverbaycorp.com with “Co-op Creatives” in

the subject line. Along with your artwork, please send a picture of yourself, your section of Co-op, a short personal bio including your pronouns, and an explanation of your piece/pieces. If you are selected, you will be featured in the Co-op City Times. If you’re not selected for this month, don’t worry; there is always next month! We can’t wait to share all the very talented artists from Co-op City with our community!

Fatalities Dropped in 2022 for First Time in Three Years

Pedestrian Deaths Drop 6.3% from 2021

portation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez announced that in fewest in recorded history.

New York City continues to defy national trends around pedestrian deaths, which are at a four-decade high nationally. Traf bicycle ridership has soared in recent years.

“Across the board, the numbers are clear: New York City is getting safer,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. North Star remains Vision Zero, and we will continue working York City.” Ydanis Rodriguez. “We are proud that last year saw some encouraging trends, but Mayor Adams has made it clear that where number is zero. As we enter the New Year, I want to thank the improvements through a variety of treatments, including intersection redesigns, signal upgrades, all-way stop installations, day, seven days a week. The expansion more than doubled the with month-over-month declines. In August, cameras recorded tinue working with city and state elected leaders on legislative proposals aimed at increasing accountability among reckless drivers and keeping drivers with a history of dangerous behavior

“The city is taking proactive steps to ensure that it’s safe for pedestrians to traverse the vast expanses of our city,” said State beginning to take a detour away from years of pedestrian and cycling dangers. The city’s work coupled with our efforts in the state legislature to lower the legal blood alcohol content from creating truly safe streets for everyone.”

The Co-op City Times welcomes issue-oriented letters to the editor to be considered for publication. All letters, in prose, not poetry, must be addressed to the editor, not to third parties. All letters must be signed by the Letter to the Editor writers and include their addresses and phone numbers, which will be kept

Illegal Postings are an Eyesore

Did you know the New York City Department of Sanitation has a unit that addresses illegal postings around posted to city (public) property. This form of advertising is illegal and an eyesore in our city. Upon receiving a 311 complaint, the NYC Sanitation department will respond to the location, obtain the contact information and, if possible, notify the party to remove the advertisement. If the advertisement is not removed within the time allotted, the party. Why is this important?

When you travel around our community, it looks cleaner when there are no signs attached, glued onto street light land grass. All of the above are eyesores and create garbage around our city. The signs are a distraction for drivers; importantly, it is illegal, and in order to have a cleaner community, this activity has to be reported to the city for action.

Look around our community and other areas of the city, do you see the difference?

What are your thoughts and comments, please share them in the Co-op City Times with a short letter (email) to the editor.

Shareholders should be aware that home invasions are on the rise nationwide. These individuals dress up as if they are from a commonly known commercial delivery company and display a fraudulent package as if they are going to deliver it to you. Once you open up the door, the delivery impersonator, along with other hidden individuals, push their way inside of your home. They are known to use zip-ties to restrain their victims, then remove any valuable items inside your home.

There have not been any reported incidents in Co-op City, however, CCPD would like shareholders to be vigilant when a company is attempting to deliver a package to you.

It is always a wise decision to keep balcony and all other doors locked. Have a light on a timer to give the impression that someone is home. You can also consider keeping a radio or television on even if it’s just for an hour while you run a quick errand.

Door knob turners are also another version of a perpetrator attempting to commit a home invasion. Remind all members of your household not to open the door for strangers and if you suspect criminal activity, please call 911 and CCPD, (718) 671-3050.

Nowadays, anybody can obtain a delivery company uniform as well produce a bogus ID. To be on the safe side, have the person attempting to deliver a package to you leave it at your ing before retrieving it. If you suspect suspicious activity, immediately notify 911 and/or CCPD at 718-671-3050.

The leading cause of death and injuries during winter storms is transportation accidents. When winter storms strike, do not drive unless necessary. Keep vehicles clear of ice and snow. Good vision is a key to good driving. Plan your stops and keep more distance between cars. Be extra alert. Remember, snowdrifts can hide smaller children. Always match your speed to the road and weather conditions.

Schedule extra time for winter travel and be patient during ice and snow removal operations. Never follow a snowplow too closely or attempt to pass one. Remember that the highway ahead of the plow is usually snow-covered. Assume that bridge surfaces are slippery, as they freeze more quickly than road surfaces. but makes conditions slippery when pavement temperatures are below freezing. Have a cell phone handy and charged. Equip your car with emergency supplies. Inform a responsible person of your destination, intended route, and estimated time of arrival. Keep calm and do not panic in case of a vehicle breakdown, accident, or if you become snowbound. Keep your gas tank full to prevent gasoline freeze-up.

Run your engine for short periods of time to stay warm. Keep your down-wind window open and make sure your exhaust pipe is clear of snow. Turn on the dome light at night when you are running the engine to signal rescuers. Hang a brightly colored piece of cloth or piece of clothing from your car. Exercise from time to time by vigorously moving to keep warm.

Preparing your vehicle for winter weather travel will help ensure your vehicle is in good working order when you need it most. Have a mechanic check the following items on your vehicle: * Battery * * Antifreeze * Ignition system * Thermostat * Lights * Exhaust system * Flashing hazard lights * Heater * Brakes * Defroster * Oil level equate tread. All-weather radials are usually adequate for most winter conditions. You may also want to carry a set of tire chains in your vehicle for heavy snow conditions. Keep a windshield scraper and small broom for ice and snow removal and maintain at least a half tank of gas throughout the winter season. Finally, plan long trips carefully. Listen to the local media report or call law enforcement agencies for the latest road conditions.

Co-op City Times

Co-op City Times Co-op City Times Co-op City Times Co-op City Times Co-op City Times Co-op City Times


We welcome letters to the editor only from Co-op City shareholders at .

Letters should address issues of interest to the Co-op City community. Comments should be fact-based and responsible. Letters should not personally attack others and must be written in a respectful manner.

Co-op City Times

Submissions must include the writer’s address and phone number – which ity and residency of the writer can be

Thank you for your cooperation.

Co-op City Times / January 7, 2023 7 CCPD Offers Illness Prevention Tips for the Duration of the Flu Season

Now is the perfect time to get a flu shot if your doctor recommends it. No one wants to take a chance of contracting the flu. Some flu symptoms may mimic Covid-19 symptoms. Getting flu in addition to Covid-19 is something no one would want to experience. By taking a few simple precautions, you can greatly reduce your risk of exposure to flu. Many of these precautions can also be effective at reducing your risk of contracting Covid-19. The Department of Public Safety offers these tips to keep you safe during the cold and flu season. If you have never gotten a flu shot, this may be a good year to start. The healthier everyone can be, the better. Disease awareness has heightened during the Covid-19 pandemic. The flu is starting to receiving media attention which has not been the case since the “Swine Flu” epidemic of 2009. Every year, scientists attempt to predict the pending flu strains and produce an effective vaccination. We do not know yet if the devised vaccination will be 100% effective against all of the current flu strains that may affect the population. Some years’ vaccines are in short supply after the media creates flu awareness. It is always best to get your vaccine before supplies run low or you actually catch a full-blown case of the flu.

Do not put off getting your flu vaccine. Once you get the flu, it is too late. If you have ever had the flu, you know it is not something you would like to experience again. Fortunately, the large number of people receiving flu vaccinations and public awareness regarding disease prevention may have slowed the spread of flu and other illnesses.

The symptoms and degree of illness caused by the flu virus and Covid-19 vary for each individual. Some people will become very ill while others sustain only minor symptoms. Your general health and other risk factors will determine how any illness will affect you. Persons with other underlying health problems can face serious complications in connection with Covid-19 or the flu. High risk groups include the elderly, young children, pregnant women,

obese persons, diabetics, asthmatics and those with compromised immune sysPublic tor recommends it. No one wants to take a chance of contracting the flu. Some flu symptoms may tems. Those at high risk of complications should see their doctor and consider being vaccinated against this year’s strain of the flu. Vaccination has proved Safety Report perience. By taking a few simple precautions, you to be highly effective in preventing flu infection. Your doctor is your best resource for information regarding flu vaccinations or other vaccinations you see advertised on television. can greatly reduce your risk of exposure to flu. Many The media may be focusing on Covid-19 reporting at this time. Illness preof these precautions can also be effective at reducing vention is always a good idea. The single most important step everyone can take your risk of contracting Covid-19. The Department of to prevent contracting Covid-19, the flu or any other illness is frequent and thorPublic Safety offers these tips to keep you safe during ough hand washing. This is especially important for school-age children. Chilthe cold and flu season. If you have never gotten a flu shot, dren may sneeze or cough and then come in contact with items other children this may be a good year to start. The healthier everyone can may touch. Children may then touch their face or their mask area allowing flu be, the better. germs to enter the eyes, nose or mouth very easily. By washing your hands freDisease awareness has heightened during the Covid-19 pan- quently and thoroughly with warm water and soap, you minimize the risk from this type of exposure. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer should be utilized. Hand sanitizer is available in small containers which can easily be carried in a pocket or purse. Some of these decorative, small containers have cases designed to be clipped onto a lunch bag, backpack or belt loop. If you or any member of your family exhibit flu or Covid-19 symptoms, be sure to stay home from work or school, get plenty of bed rest and increase fluid consumption. These are very important steps in preventing the spread of various illnesses. This gives the body the chance to rest and recover as rapidly as possible. Any school closings or outbreaks in the New York City schools can be found on the NYC website, www.nyc.gov/flu, or www.nyc.gov/coronavirus. Please be sure to notify your child’s school if your child becomes ill with the flu or any other contagious illness. Follow the advice of your doctor to determine when it is safe for your child to return to school. Taking certain drugs can greatly decrease the severity of the flu virus if taken within 24 to 48 hours of exposure to the flu virus. See your doctor, especially if you have other underlying medical conditions or health risks. Don’t always expect a doctor to prescribe antibiotics for every illness. In many cases, antibiotics do nothing but make illnesses resistant to antibiotics. Upsetting the balance of your good intestinal bacteria can result in serious illnesses. It is still a good idea to rule out illnesses such as strep or flu. The Centers for Disease Control no longer recommends taking flu medication for exposure to flu. It is only recommended for persons who actually exhibit flu symptoms. Check their website for more information at www.cdc.gov/ flu or www.cdc.gov/coronavirus. Do not allow media attention to create panic in regards to the flu virus. This year’s strain of the flu virus is no more serious than previous strains of flu. By taking precautions, you can minimize your risk of exposure to the flu virus. Your health goes hand-in-hand with your well-being and safety. Remember, Covid is still with us. Be sure to take necessary precautions, especially when entering indoor spaces without room to social distance. Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

Public Safety Blotter

December 25 – December 31, 2022

December 25 133 Einstein Loop

CCPD officers responded for larceny of an e-Bike. The owner reported the bike was removed during business hours.

100 Carver Loop

CCPD officers responded for a dispute over money. Upon further investigation, it was determined that the perpetrator struck the victim and removed the victim’s cell phone and wallet. The victim’s property was recovered and the perpetrator was arrested. A community complaint was issued for Anti-Social Behavior.

December 26 100 Elgar Place

CCPD ESU responded for a wellness check. Upon entry into the apartment, the cooperator was located on the bedroom floor. EMS transported the individual to Montefiore Hospital.

120 Benchley Place

The building association reported their holiday ornaments being vandalized.

120 Elgar Place

CCPD responded to a dispute. Upon arrival, it was determined a domestic incident occurred and a report was prepared.

2071 Bartow Ave.

During a routine inspection, CCPD found the commercial establishment unsecured and corrected the condition.

December 27 99 Carver Loop

A cooperator reported his motorcycle stolen from Garage 3.

Adler Place Townhouses

CCPD responded for loud music. The offending apartment was issued a community complaint.

December 28 120 Casals Place

CCPD responded for individuals removing tires. Upon further investigation, the vehicle was listed as stolen. The vehicle was removed to police impound.

920 Baychester Ave.

A cooperator reported money being removed from his person by an unknown individual. It appears he was targeted after returning from the bank located at the Baychester Mall.

Adler Place Townhouses

CCPD responded for loud music. The offending apartment was issued a community complaint.

December 30 920 Baychester Ave.

While on routine patrol, CCPD officers observed a vehicle with the passenger window broken and the hood removed.

(Continued on page 23) OPPORTUNITIES AT CO-OP CITY

For information on CONTRACT OPPORTUNITIES ONLY, please contact: Lenya Garcia at Lgarcia@riverbaycorp.com; and Anatoliy Budnitskiy at abudnitskiy@riverbaycorp.com. Please note: emails should be sent to both parties. Please DO NOT email resumes for EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES to the aforementioned emails. For EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES,


There are no contract opportunities to list this week. Please check back.


For employment opportunities, please search “Riverbay Corporation” at the following sites:

www.Indeed.com www.Glassdoor.com

Candidates may review full position descriptions and apply directly at either site.

Current Riverbay employees should submit a transfer request and resumé directly to the HR department.

Thank you for your interest in working for Riverbay Corporation.

BLOTTER BONUS: Shareholders should be familiar with their surroundings. There are scammers and fraudsters at work looking for an easy, dishonest buck. Bring a friend with you if you are withdrawing large sums of money from a financial institution. Better yet, have the money electronically transferred to a debit card. So now you know…protect that dough!

Director’s Viewpoint – Daryl Johnson

Welcome to 2023

cial problems for a long period of cial problems for a long period of tors are fed up with this nonsense and with this new 7.5 percent carry charge increase. So, the board must try to make things better in 2023.

We Must Do Better

Shortly, our executive general manager will be retiring. So, it’s possible that NYS will start to make agement company here. Now, naturally, NYS will nity. And, it’s possible that those thoughts could be true.

On the other hand, some management companies might not be good for our community. So, without a care in the world, they might think that they can do whatever they want. Therefore, they might try to spend almost every penny that we make. Furthermore, they might try to drain our bank accounts. Then, their quest for more money might continue.

Therefore, they might request additional carrying us. And, of course, they will always keep a watchful can continue to get more money for their projects. Thereafter, this community will just stay in debt.

And, sadly, some folks will foolishly go around tors that this is the proper way that Riverbay should be operating. But, in my opinion, they’re horribly wrong. For instance, everyone needs to understand Therefore, the affordability of carrying charges is the primary purpose of this program.

Now, do you honestly believe that most NYC ability of their apartments with a community like carrying charges to their rents. For instance, here are the median

So, does it make sense to compare our carrying ment, to what most landlords are charging in other tive, the answer is no. Regardless, this is the type of nonsense that goes on here to justify raising up our carrying charges on an annual basis. dous improvements to our community have been published in this newspaper on many occasions. ers that can work with our board in a productive way to achieve the results that we want. Negative make it happen.

Out of Control Dogs

There were some shows on television about dogs that were biting their owners, destroying families, and terrifying neighborhoods. Furthermore, those shows featured some dogs that were so out of control that they would not let anyone go near their owner. dogs and people. ing in a similar manner. And, unfortunately, some dog owners think that everyone is supposed to put up with this foolishness. They’re wrong! Why would a dog owner get upset and argumentative when their other person when they’re in an elevator or outside? No, this type of conduct is simply wrong.

Do you think that there’s a problem when a dog owner cannot physically control an aggressive dog? What about dogs that are growling and barking in their apartment, and disturbing their neighbors? ers refuse to clean up after their dog. For instance, there were allegations that a dog owner would let their dog go out the back door of their building to do their business. Afterward, the dog would run back inside to the owner. NYC does not allow dogs and their owners cited ways. Therefore, Riverbay can legally have aggressive dogs munity. Also, NYC and against cooperators that refuse to clean up after their dog. However, how can Riverbay stop porting these matters? Therefore, please call partment immediately see or experience these negative behaviors. erators and their dog might need some professional help? Yes! Therefore, please get that professional tain our community in a positive way. Thank you.

ingly, the director wanted to justify a pay increase not have enough money to pay their own bills. So, say that broker does for us. From my perspective, Riverbay should have



Thank you.

Please send a letter to: Board Director Daryl Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475. Or, you can send an email to me at: djohnson@riverbayboard.com. you would like to have a brief discussion with me. ful week and a wonderful holiday. And, may God bless you and your family. Thank you.




1 block from Pelham Parkway & White Plains Road Accessible by #2 & #5 trains • #12, #22 & #39 buses DAVID BRODMAN,Esq. 718.239.7110