10 minute read

We Can Fix Co-op City

Smoking in these areas is a violation of the public housing lease. Prohibited tobacco products are any item that involves the ignition and burning of tobacco leaves, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and wastates that: Secondhand smoke is smoke that comes from burning tobacco products or that is exhaled by smokers. Secondhand smoke contains deadly chemicals and moves between apartments.

In Co-op City, our policy prohibits smoking in the common areas—lobby, stairwells, basement, etc.— of our buildings. Nevertheless, there have been several discussions concerning smoking in apartments. And, some of these discussions have been with cooperators that have made complaints about secondhand smoke. So, this matter about smoke entering other apartments needs to be brought up again by our board. Thereafter, we need to consider the negative effects of secondhand smoke entering other apartments. Lastly, we need to consider prohibiting smoking in our buildings.


On The Job

On Monday, April 17, 2023, Mr. Marvin Walton took over the role of executive general manager. Mr. Cary Smith is our assistant executive general manager. Both managers are employees of Douglas

Elliman. Our board “froze” Mr. Noel Ellison’s former position of general manager to let Mr. Walton choose his own candidate.

Now, unfortunately, some cooperators have questioned the role of the board in freezing this position. However, the bylaws clearly states that the general manager: “shall have charge of the day-to-day operties as may be assigned to him by the president or the board of directors.” So, our board controls the position of general manager.

Close nances around. Thereafter, we must put a stop to these unnecessary carrying charge increases. Thank you.

Contact Information

Please send a letter to: Board Director Daryl Johnson, Riverbay Corporation, 2049 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475. Or, you can send an email to me at: djohnson@riverbayboard.com.

Also, please call me ONLY at 718-671-4544 if you would like to have a brief discussion with me. Okay, that’s it for now. So, please have a wonderful week. And, may God bless you and your family. Thank you.

Earth Day ––

(Continued from page 5)

Ms. Peguero led the procession as the Grand Marshal and was adorned with a flower crown and wings. She announced that Borough President Vanessa Gibson’s office is collaborating with other borough presidents on the One Million Tree Initiative. The project would provide trees to environmentally underserved communities.

“It’s about taking smaller steps,” said Senator Jamaal T. Bailey, “literally taking more steps, making sure that you’re walking, reducing your carbon footprint, planting trees.”

The Senator held both of his daughters’ hands and explained that every father relies on Mother Earth. Senator Bailey discussed his Urban Agriculture bill as well as his bill on youth sports grants. He urged the young folks in the audience to preserve the planet and explained that everyone has a role.

Assemblyman Michael Benedetto, who was a his pride at the holiday’s continuation. Riverbay Assistant Executive General Manager Cary Smith reminded shareholders to use trash cans in order to keep Co-op the cleanest community in the Bronx. Alex Ruiz, Little League president, thanked the sponsors who were instrumental in supporting of the Co-op City Little League.

“They’re helping me see my vision through for our Little League. We’re gonna grow this Little League making major renovations.”

He announced the renaming of the field’s concession stand to “Cookie’s Cafe” and presented a plaque to Estella Carattini. Ms. Carattini has worked board for decades, and her son, grandson, as well as her great-grandson, played with the Little League over the years.

Flag-bearers Lloyd Edmondson and Antonio

Codrington of American in front of the parade to the garden. They were followed by Mother Earth and Grand Marshall Janet Peguero, the New Orleansstyle band, members of the community garden, the Little League, and the rest of the community. The Compost Project, Bronx Green-up, Jackson Forest Community Garden, free hotdogs and refreshments, Girl Scout cookie vending, Agatha House food distribution, and Staples Connect.

“[W]e know that you are an integral part in our community, and we are your extended family,” said director of Community Relations, only days before the event, yet was able to provide an art supply giveaway, and a tree to plant in the garden. Members of the Garden and Little League anticipated this event for months, and it proved to be a success.

State of the Black World Conference V

Caribbean, and Central and South America. The theme was “Empowerment, Reparations and Healing.”

Stay Vigilant

Be mindful of your surroundings at all times.

Bingo Cruise & Casino trip on August 22. All are cordially invited to enjoy deluxe Motor Coach transportation to Philadelphia where we will enjoy a twoPhiladelphia cruise ship. We will also enjoy a two-hour casino stay at the Parx

Building 21 Association

Be the change you want to see… Remember that you are a shareholder in a business partnership with your neighbors. We are not tenants; we do not pay rent. That check you write or the online payment you make is for your Monthly Carrying Charge/Maintenance payment. We must coexist and cooperate with each other in order make and keep our community rated as among the best places to live in New York for its current residents and for the generations to come.

Greetings, 21er’s! The next 21 Association Meeting will be held via Zoom at 7 p.m. on May 25. Join in by going to: 21WatchParty.com, on your mobile/ cellular phone or your computer, laptop or tablet.

––James Payne

Building 23 Association

notaries were available

Covid-19 personnel for the service they provided to our community during the

When we “see something, say something;” and that is what our shareholders did when they recognized an orange-colored car parked face-in near Bellamy was questioned and informed that he could not stay parked and living in his car and was asked to vacate the area. This investigation is ongoing and we thank this situation. We will continue to monitor and keep our shareholders updated. We thank shareholders for coming out and participating in our April 19 ever they observe things that are out of the ordinary for our safety. Riverbay’s inspections and repair work being performed associated with the recent apartment Participate in the candidates’ forums by keeping up to date and reading the weekly Co-op City Times for the date and time of the candidates’ forums. Please Building 23 Update: Shareholders’ Concerns Addressed and submitted inspection reports and repairs are being performed. Please conapartment.

We have rescheduled CPR training for a later date in May. Check our bulletin board for the new date.

Things to Know:

Always stay plugged in… Find a group or organization that suits you. Join the African-American Association of Co-op City, or the Spanish American Club, or one of the numerous clubs and organizations of this community and always stay plugged in to your Building Association. Information on these groups can be found in this periodical each week.

All we ask of anyone kind enough to be a Floor Captain is as follows:

1.bers and distribute to each neighbor

2. Co-op City Times


4. Promote



If you have questions regarding the 21 Association, you have three ways of gaining information: email: 21association@gmail.com, attend the monthly general meetings via Zoom video conference on the fourth Thursday of every month. Everyone from all buildings plan to come and join us at Building 21. Bring a friend.

“Each one of us, multiplied by all of us, equals a force for good.”


Mission Statement cial, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons. Known as the National th Century American History.

Zoom guest speaker

Campaign, criminal justice, political participation, economic justice and education equity. He explained how important each is when you vote and how voting affords the people power to change laws and provide evidence. Special

Remember, memberships are the life blood of the NAACP. In honor of Mother’snominations. We could not think of a more wonderful person to honor than our Join the NAACP to help us do the work. “Thank you.” –Membership Chair Brenda Brown

Mindsets to Promote Student Success. Freshman, current students, full-time, August 1. If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please send email to: champss@mec.cuny.edu.

NAACP Youth and College Scholarship Opportunities: range in award amount, academic interests, and age. Whether you are a graduating high school senior or early in your professional career, we are pleased post-educational endeavors.

Applications will open on April 17 and will close on May 21. Scholarship eligibility criteria and further information, go to: Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship, Building Beautiful Futures Scholarship; Empowering a Better Tomorrow Scholarship; Hurbertus W. V. Willems Scholarship; Katherine McIntrye Scholarship; NAACP Creative Sole Scholarship; NAACP x Society Awards Scholarship; Write Your Future Scholarship, or go to: NAACP.org.

Follow us on Facebook: Co-op City NAACP. Become a member, gift a mem-

––Brenda Brown

Section 4 Partnership

Our next gathering will take place on Friday, May 19, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Building Associations and Committees time of the year. If you do not have one, make sure you get one or two! Many buildings are celebrating 50 years of existence, making up the largest cooperative in the country. The shirts are beautiful and on sale now with the Section 4 Partnership logo on the back. You will be proud to wear it. If you would like one or two, contact us by emailing: section4partnership@gmail.com, or phone: 347-915-4939.

We must all (in every section and every building) show up for our Building Associations and Committees. We may be on Zoom or Webex or other modes of video conferencing, but that is no excuse not to show up. It is even more of a reason to attend because you do not even have to leave your home. You cannot beat that commute. We all owe it to our shared community. Think about this and make a silent pledge to get involved.

S4P Mission Statement: The Section 4 Partnership’s purpose is to promote a community of more than just neighbors, but as one family of many cultures that proactively embraces greatness, and promotes neighborhood interaction. The goal of the organization is to offer solutions that will educate, elevate, inspire, and mobilize our community in unity, to sustain affordability and growth in order to remain environmentally sound and vibrant for generations to come.

Anytime Gift Idea! –– 50th Anniversary T-Shirts!

“All of us divided by each one of us equals a force for good.”

––Michelle Marbury

National Council of Negro Women

Bingo – Today, our section is planning a little spring fun! Calling all Bingo players to join us today, April 29 from 5 p.m.-7 p.m.! We will be playing via Zoom so you can even keep your pajamas on! The $20 entry includes two Bingo cards; $20 or $5 additional individual cards for beginners. We promise prizes, music, games and a lot of fun! To purchase tickets, visit: eventbrite.com/e/ncnw-coop-city-section-bingo-night-tickets-605986972347. For additional information, email: ncnwcoopcityfr@ gmail.com. It is not too late to join us!

NCNW Co-op City Section – We are presenting a Financial Education Webinar on May 10 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Sabrina Lamb, the founder and chief cial education for underserved youth in the New York City and tristate area. She has presided over the NASDAQ Opening/Closing ceremonies and tesServices Subcommittee. Use the Meeting ID: 890 6237 1377 and passcode: 051023 to attend via Zoom. This vital webinar is open to the public, especially young people. Any questions can be sent to ncnwco.opcity@gmail.com.

On April 22, President Sheila Richburg attended Island Section. It is traditional that sister sections support each other. The program was well worth the trip to Staten Island, she reported.

NCNW Co-op City Youth Section – Save the Summit! They will be hosting this program to provide low-income and minority students, as well as with the skills to help with the transition from high school to post-secondary life. The purpose of this program is to break barriers by providing access to information. The College Summit will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 177 Dreiser Loop (outdoor lower level) in the Bronx, NY 10475. For more information on this program to support youth college and career readiness, contact ncnwcoopcitycollegesummit@gmail.com. This program is open to all! Vendor opportunities are available.

NCNW National – Leaders of the nation’s Blackled legacy civil rights organizations emphatically rejected the effort to suppress Black history and endorsed the Freedom to Learn campaign, a movementpaign against the erasure of history and lived experiences of marginalized communities, critical race theory, and equitable legislation. At this moment, 21 states have enacted measures that censor the examination of racism and race in this society; a measure that has already impacted millions of K-12 and college students. Together, we stand against those who allege that anti-racist teachings are a form of racism.

––Joyce Howard out for detailed information posted near elevators as we get closer to the meeting com. If anyone has problems accessing the building email address, please let us know. you lost and also giving something of that person to other people, so they can –Pattie

Celebrate Co-op City’s Diversity!

Wishing all neighbors born in April a happy birthday. For those of you who are under the weather, we hope you get better soon. For our neighbors who lost loved ones, our heartfelt prayers go out to you.


Hello, neighbors. We hope all is well. We are still not out of the woods yet. The word is to keep wearing your mask, particularly in gatherings. We keep hearing about colds, etc. Just stay alert and take care of yourselves. Spring is here and plants are blooming. Temperatures are unusually cool or hot, so be careful. The deadline to submit your notarized 2022 to do, always ask and inquire. For any questions at all regarding the annual

. Shareholders of Co-op offered shareholders the opportunity to get to know all seven candidates by three

Good day, neighbors,

With deep sadness and heavy hearts, we inform you of the death of a longtime resident, neighbor, and friend, Marguerite Snead, on April 21. Marguerite - children in the neighborhood, caring for them while their parents worked. She was one of the kindest and funniest shareholders we knew. The benches during the summer will never be the same anymore since we lost her and so many others in her generation. To her husband, Claude, and her children, Claude Jr. and Shane, you are in our prayers.

Shareholders need to give several neighbors contact information in case anything happens to them. She was surprised to hear so many people were con- to meet them and ask questions. The third and last forum will be Wednesday, your voting ballots in the mail.

Shareholders not signed up are encouraged to sign up www.coopcity.com, or go to your in prayer. We continue to offer our sincere sympathy and condolences to the families who lost loved ones. We wish you all the best of health and safety. neighbor has become deceased or transferred to a nursing home.

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” –Margaret Wheatley

Co-op City is an affordable community right now. How long that will last, we volvement, maybe we can work together to get our community in better shape. take your headphones off, and pay attention! you, please contact us. Take care now; walk good. month.