9 minute read

Congratulations on Retirement

Noel Ellison: Retirement

Congratulations! Itis such a momentous event — after decades in the workforce, being able to relax and focus on passions other than work is a wonderful gift. Welcome to retirement life! Now, no more worrying about meetings, just concentrate on planning fun times. Your years of hard work have paid off, and now you enter into this next part of your life. Have fun enjoying everything you may not have had time for when you were working 9-5. Happy retirement and best wishes!


NAACP Co-op City and DOE Chancellor David Banks Townhall: The NAACP was pleased and honored to host and organize the Townhall Event with the Riverbay Corporation. As a community, we have a vested interest in what is best for our youth and our community. Hearing so many conversations and concerns about education, the NAACP branch knew it was important to have the Department of Education Chancellor and his team visit our community and have meaningful dialogue with educators, parents and the community at-large. I am the President of the NAACP Co-op City Branch and was pleased that, as a special treat, Ron Hartridge contacted me and made the collaboration with the PS153x Color Guard, led by Ms. Lisa Williams, possible. The performance by the youth was absolutely awesome. They showed up and showed out!! Kudos. We asked questions important for the schools but also spoke to the guests about the adult programs Truman offered the community years ago. If anyone has one of the booklets from back then or knows where I can get one, the NAACP would appreciate you contacting our Center, Room 36.

I escorted the Chancellor’s Deputy in charge of Security to meet Chief Riley and Hannah from the 45th Precinct Community Affairs Unit, so they could discuss the ongoing problem many areas of the community near the schools face when school is dismissed for the day. Hopefully, they will be able to come up with a viable solution.

City Retirees Medical Co-Pays: The judge has issued a preliminary injunction to Emblem directing them to stop collecting the co-pays. The Public Service Retirees Attorneys have advised subscribers to not pay any co-pays not already paid.

Any co-pays you have already paid will not be refunded until the case is won. Emblem will, at some point, have to notify the providers to cease collecting co-pays. They haven’t done it yet (they will be doing that in the near future or the Public Service Retirees attorneys will let the judge know and the judge will make sure they do). But subscribers/retirees have to

Building 6 Association

I hope everyone is having a healthy and happy cooperators to Building 6.

I spoke to the Maintenance supervisor and he waxed, buffed and looking good in the weeks ahead. There have been a lot of complaints of people not cleaning up after their dog. Please clean up after your dogs. I know everyone is happy that all the fencing and gates around our building are down.

I am looking into us having a Zoom building meeting.

safe in and around Co-op City. We also have a new Maintenance worker in our building; I would like to welcome him to the building. Our Maintenance workers Rodney and Gooden and our Maintenance Supervisor Brandon are doing a great job making sure our building is clean.

Little League is now open. You can register online at CoopCityLittleLeague.com.

––Jeffrey Schwartz

give them a reasonable amount of time to do that. Most of the providers have been cooperating when members explain it to them and give them a copy of the order. If after explaining they still insist on collecting the co-pay, members have two choices – either pay it (and it will be refunded when/if the case is won) or battle with your doctor or his billing people. Please, do not take that second option. Here is a copy of the order: https://iapps.courts. state.ny.usnyscefViewDocument?docIndex=UG2jCDAtxxldVYwbkU6sDg== cepted in a full-time, matriculated, degree-granting program at an accredited college or university. We believe that education is the gateway to a productive life. This opportunity will instill a greater sense of belonging — and motivation — for your child to make it through their higher education. The deadline

Scholarship: Don’t miss the chance for your line for high school seniors to apply for an Albert Shanker Scholarship is quickly approaching.

When you have decided what you believe, what you feel must be done, have the courage to standalone and be counted.” –Eleanor Roosevelt I am pleased to be of service to the community. I can be reached by e-mail at lpeterson@riverbayboard.com.


SATURDAY, FEB. 18, 2023 at 8:00PM

Tickets: $75, $55, $45, $35, $25

Five performers present an evening of rowdy, raunchy, and humorous songs that encapsulate the various moods of the era and pay tribute to the black musicians of the 1920s and 1930s who were part of the Harlem Renaissance, an era of growing creativity, cultural awareness, and ethnic pride.


National Council of Negro Women

NCNW Co-op City Section – This is just a friendly reminder that our General Membership Meeting is scheduled for next Sunday, February 12, at 3 p.m. Members will be receiving an email with our meeting agenda and January’s meeting minutes from President Sheila Richburg. You will also receive the Zoom link for our meeting from Corresponding Secretary Stephanie Brown.

MLK Day of Service – On Saturday, January 28, our Adult Section and our Youth Section answered the call from our City Councilman Kevin Riley to join members of many other organizations for a voter registration drive marking our Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. Our members met at Bay Plaza Mall, from 11:30 a.m.- 2 p.m., distributed PPE, and encouraged community members who were not registered to register to vote. It was an excellent opportunity for our young women ages 9-18 to lead and advocate for African American communities.

NCNW National – On behalf of the National Council of Negro Women membership, our hearts and prayers go out to the family of Tyre Nichols. The released video of his beating was disturbing and regrettably continues to tell the story of the need for law enforcement to reinvest in universal training stan- dards which foster systemic unbiased practices that citizens regardless of race, color, creed, or location.


NCNW has always been committed to the pracadvocate for sustainable reform in law enforcement. The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is legislation we support, though throttled in the U.S. Senate last year, despite passage in the U.S. House of Representatives. We are dedicated to making sure fam- ily members who experience tragedy at the hands of to serve as a symbol of their loved ones’ memories. In addition to standing with the family of Mr. Nichols, NCNW stands with the Memphis community.

Social Media –website: www.ncnwcoopcitysection.com: on Facebook: NCNWCoopcityBethune; Twitter:@NCNWCoop City; Instagram: NCNW Co-op City and email: ncnwco.opcity@gmail.com ––Joyce Howard

Co-op City’s Mike Miller Scores First Place at PKF International Martial Arts Competition

Action Magazine Martial Arts Mega Weekend Expo and Awards Banquet held at the Tropicana Resort and Casino in Atprofessional sports who joined in celebrating the accomplishments of award recipients.

Co-op City’s Michael Miller, father of martial arts Training Center here in Co-op City, received the Elite Esteemed Warrior’s Award at the awards banquet.

“I was so very honored to receive this award along with so many other greats and legends in martial arts and with celebrities in movies and television in attendance applauding and congratulating us,” said Mr. Miller.

To conclude the Action onship tournament with over 400 competitors. Competition went from mornbelt kata division. “This was a wonderful weekend of honors for me after all of the hard work, training, and dedication to martial arts excellence,” he said. “These two awards are very special to me. I wish to thank God and my family and friends and the Co-op City community for their support and well wishes.”

Caregivers Outreach Mentorship Empowerment

A National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP study found that women’s caregiving is essential in supporting the long-term care system. Women have multiple roles as mothers, daughters, sisters, counselors, providers and protectors. Women shoulder more responsibility now in and outside the home than ever before. An estimated 66% of caregivers are female. The average caregiver is a 49-year-old woman who works outside the home and provides her mother 20 hours per week of unpaid care. Although men also assist, female caregivers may spend as much as 50% more time providing care than male caregivers.

Caregivers are at risk for “caregivers’ burnout.” One may experience fatigue, anxiety, depression and overwhelming emotional and physical stress, which can lead to cardiac instability. Uncontrolled stress can cause panic attacks, chest pains, rapid heartbeats, hypertension, and shortness of breath. Not getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, and taking time for yourself can increase the potential for heart disease.

to National Wear Red Day as an awareness day for American women to understand their number one health threat, heart disease. Women are encouraged to know their blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol levels, and body mass index (BMI) to better understand their health risk for heart disease.

Women must nurture themselves as profoundly as they nurture their families and communities. National Wear Red Day is supported by the American Heart Association and is celebrated in conjunction with National Heart Health month. It focuses on raising awareness of women’s heart disease and stroke risks. About 80% of cardiovascular diseases may be prevented by understanding your family health can help healthcare providers determine their risk for developing cardiovascular diseases. Maintaining a heart-healthy diet, incorporating daily physical activity, and not smoking can be the best weapons in preventing heart disease and stroke. on that red lipstick, jacket, pant, hat, dress, or scarf.


Building 4 Association

Please be advised that Building 4 Association will be sponsoring what we ets can be purchased by contacting any Building 4 board members listed below. Our second association event will be a bus trip to Resorts International Ca-

Date Departure Time

Bus Departs AC Ticket Price

We will also explore other activities and entertainment offered by the casino.

To make your reservations, contact:


• All association meetings for the Building 4 Association are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Bldg. 4B community room.

• All building residents are welcomed.

• Please continue to be a good neighbor and check on all elderly, sick or shut-in residents.

• Co-op City is your home. Therefore, if you see something, say something.

––Dawn Mitchell

Section Five Association

Association will represent your building. Make sure concerns are made known with your building association. There should be a point of contact listed on each building bulletin boards.

volved, and better represented community within Co-op City.

Congratulations: General Manager Noel Ellison as he joined in with the Co-op City family, staff and friends in celebrating his grand retirement on January 27 at the Dreiser Loop Auditorium. It was a lovely and fun time. We wish him the best of health, good will and safety for him and his family.

To better understand the construction affecting our area, please go to YouTube ation a strong and vibrant organization representing the ten high-risers plus a strive to make all those who started this organization for the betterment of our 646-644-4055.

The Objective of the SFA shall be: tion 5.

To act as a liaison between Management and the building associations and townhouse associations in all problem areas.

––H. Overman understanding or rather the truth. www.comeoutreach.org. Let

Medical Cannabis Consultant.


––Diane Cooper

Whistleblower Anonymous Hotline

If you have knowledge or a concern of possible violations of law, accounting irregularities, or other suspected wrongdoing affecting Riverbay, you are encouraged to report it to law enforcement, or you may report it through an anonymous

Go to an independent website, www.lighthouse-services.com/riverbaycorp to complete an online disclosure form; Call or fax must include “Riverbay” in the subject of the report). dealt with the 500 Baychester Avenue property. We reviewed the three most critically outstanding issues:

On Tuesday evening, January 24th, I was pleased to have NYC Councilman Kevin Riley as a guest speaker at our Legislative Committee meeting. The agenda was designed to cover a number of topics, addressing issues that were discussed during last year’s meeting (November 15, 2021), as well as issues that are currently at the top of our quality of life agenda.

1). The dismantling of the illegal illuminated signs remaining on the property;

2). The rezoning of the property from its existing C7 zoning to something more consistent with the existing commercial businesses here in our community; former Councilmember, originally wanted to change the zoning district of the property to a C8, eliminating the possibility of erecting future illuminated signage. As I wrote about back in 2019/2020, a C8 zoning district would not be in the best interest of Co-op City, because C8 zoning uses allow for businesses that are inconsistent with our quality of life. The NYCDOB issued a complete revocation of the approvals, permits and sign-offs of all of the illuminated signs on the property. The owner lost his arguments and appeals with the NYCDOB, the NYC Board of Standards & Appeals, and the NY State Court of Appeals. The signs (not the monopole) were supposed to be dismantled, yet continue to operate illegally.

3). A follow-up as to why the New York City Dept. ings regarding the near tragic wind turbine collapse, as well as an engineer’s inspection of the top of the monopole’s structural integrity.

At a January 29, 2019 meeting here in Bartow Center’s Room 31, NYCDOB representatives promised cooperators, and our State & City elected representatives that there would be an internal investigation into the total collapse of the illegally erected wind turbine