7 minute read

When love leads to big loss

Love leads to loss

Self-love inspires ranch-raised agvocate to lose big, gain bigger

by Kiah Twisselman for the California Cattleman

Iwas sitting in a hotel lobby in Louisville, Kentucky behind a table of beef industry brochures and recipe books. It was the annual state convention for registered dietitians, and I was there to advocate for beef’s role in a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle on behalf of Kentucky’s 38,000 cattle farmers. I felt out of place. Sure, I knew the information on the table was accurate. I believed to my core that beef is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. But sitting there, weighing 285 pounds and out of breath after carrying a few boxes from the parking lot, I had to wonder, “Who’s going to believe beef is healthy when I don’t exactly look like someone who should be giving health advice? Am I doing more harm than good for the beef industry I was raised in?”

Ouch, that last question stung.

Beef has always been a big part of my life. I grew up on my family’s now seventh-generation cattle ranch in rural California on the outskirts of San Luis Obispo County. Some of my fondest memories as a child were gathered with family and friends around the grill, covered in dust - and Lord knows what else - after a long day of working cattle.

I was a proud member of 4-H and FFA, showing cattle at my local county fair. I even used the money from my first heifer project as a down payment for my dorm room at UC Davis. In college, I became an active member of the Young Cattlemen’s Association. I took my love of beef advocacy into my first “big kid” job out of college, taking a position as the Director of Consumer Affairs for the Kentucky Beef Council.

Through every stage of my life, beef has always somehow been woven into my story, personally and professionally. But, as I sat there at that dietetics conference, I felt deep shame that I was the voice speaking on its behalf. Not because I didn’t believe in the product, but because I wasn’t practicing what I preached and representing it well. ____________________________

Looking back, I don’t ever remember a time I wasn’t overweight. The earliest diet I can remember was when I was 10 years old doing Atkins with my parents. After losing 30 California Cattleman February 2021 some weight, I was eager to go back to “normal” eating, so I gained it all back and then some. That pattern continued as I yo-yo dieted off and on through high school and college, desperate to be thin and beautiful. After countless failed attempts, eventually I resigned myself to just being a victim to the poor genetic hand I was dealt, and accepted the fact there was nothing I could do about it.

Until the seatbelt moment, that is.

I was boarding a plane from Kentucky to Arizona for a work conference. After squeezing into my seat, I reached down to buckle my seatbelt. Crap, it didn’t fit. Before I had a chance to think about it, the stewardess offered me a seatbelt extender. The only thing I could do not to burst into tears was hide my face in the book I just so happened to buy at the airport book store, Rachel Hollis’ Girl, Wash Your Face.

In so many ways, that rock-bottom moment and the off-chance that I bought that book the very same day, is what saved me. Her book was the words I needed to hear at a time I was finally ready to receive them. It was my wakeup call that I had been blaming my circumstances in my life - my job, my income, my genetics, my partner - instead of taking ownership of my choices. It was a hard pill to swallow, to realize that MY choices were the reason I was feeling unfulfilled and unhealthy. But at the same time, it was the most freeing moment of my life. Because if it was MY choices that got me here, then it was MY choices that could get me somewhere else.

On Oct. 1, 2018, I decided I’d give this health thing another shot. I started with five simple daily habits as part of Rachel Hollis’ Last 90 Days Challenge. • Get up one hour earlier and use that time for yourself. • Move your body for at least 30 minutes. • Drink half your body weight in ounces of water • Give up one food that doesn’t bless your body. • Write down 10 things you’re grateful for.

By the end of the 90 days, I had already lost 25 pounds, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t feel like I was making a bunch of empty promises on January 1st. I regained self-

confidence and started trusting that I would show up for myself when I said I would. But most importantly, I started speaking to myself better.

I realized that every time I tried losing weight in the past, it was always coming from a place of self-hate and judgment, fueled by a desperation to change myself. This time around, it was about learning to love and appreciate myself just as I was. I always thought the missing piece to loving myself was weight loss, but in reality, the key to losing weight was learning to love myself first. When we love and respect ourselves, we start showing up and treating ourselves like we do. We nourish our body with foods that make it feel good, hydrate it well, make time for rest and movement, and speak to it as a loving friend would.

In one year, I lost 103 pounds and I’ve lost more than 125 pounds to date. The most rewarding part of my entire journey was the way that showing up for myself inspired so many others to start showing up for themselves too. My best friend lost over 50 pounds, my brother lost over 70 pounds, and as I started sharing my story on social media, people started reaching out asking me for advice and guidance. In a very unexpected turn of events, I became a full-time life coach teaching others the mindset tools that helped me transform my own life from the inside out. __________________________

Inspired by my journey and how I incorporated beef into my weight loss, the marketing team at Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. asked if they could pitch my story to national media. I had the incredible honor of being featured in People Magazine, Good Morning America, Access Hollywood, Daily Mail and others, sharing my story to over 1.5 billion people across the world. Yes, billion with a “b.” I even had the opportunity to testify on behalf of U.S. farmers and ranchers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Dietary Guidelines Committee.

Through my own health journey, I became a better voice for the beef community than I could have ever dreamed of. I created a platform that not only inspires others to live their happiest, healthiest lives, but one that also allows me to advocate for an industry so near and dear to my heart. The one thing I always felt was my greatest curse - my battle with weight - has now become my greatest blessing. By overcoming that challenge I now have the incredible opportunity to empower thousands of others all over the world to create a healthy life they love too, one baby step at a time. Looking back I would have never guessed that the woman sitting in the corner of a hotel lobby in Louisville, ashamed of her body and ability to be a confident voice for the beef community, would one day be here.

Farmers and ranchers are the hardest working people on the planet. They’ll work long hours for low pay because they love what they do. They’ll sacrifice everything to support their family, they’ll go to the ends of the earth to help a neighbor or rescue a new baby calf. In a society that seems to lack motivation, farmers and ranchers set the standard for hard work and grit. It amazes me what we are willing to do for the people and things we love, but we usually can’t find the motivation to show up for ourselves.

Don’t forget that the most important asset on your ranch is you, and in order to show up your best for the people and causes you care about, you must take care of yourself first. That doesn’t have to mean overhauling your lifestyle overnight. It’s just about being 1 percent better each day and showing up to honor your mental and physical health in one small way. It could be an extra glass of water, an extra hour of sleep, an extra dose of gratitude or an extra serving of veggies or protein. The magic is in the baby steps and learning how to believe in yourself enough to take them. My story is proof of it. ____________________________

To learn more about Kiah’s journey and coaching services, visit coachkiah.com, or follow her on social media. @kiah_twisselman // Coach Kiah