JeffCO Indian ED Speaks Vol. 3

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Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks! Volume. 3 Cafe Cultura Comminity Speaks Project #54 Youth Poets from Jefferson High School

Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks! Volume. 3 Copyright Š 2018 by Youth Poets from Jefferson High School All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

This book is dedicated to all of the amazing and resilient students from Jefferson J.R and Senior High School. It was an honor working with you all. It was refreshing to work with a group of students who loved writing so much. You made our jobs very easy. Continue to write and remember that your stories matter!

Acknowledgments Thank you to all of the staff at Jefferson J.R and S.R High School. Special shout out to Mrs. Carter, and Mr. Hawkins you all helped us so much and it was clear that you all sincerely cared about your students. Also a special thanks to Katherine Flecksing from JeffCo Indian Ed. Keep up the amazing job and remember… “It’s our responsibility and choice To express ourselves and lift our voice. Together building unity, Leaders in our community. This is how we tell our stooorriiieesss!!”

Foreword It was a privilege to partner with JeffCo Indian Ed. And Jefferson J.R AND Senior High School for a third time this school year in offering our poetry enrichment. We used our “Telling Our Stories” curriculum to guide students in writing insightful poems about how they see the world. Their potential is limitless. We look forward to staying connected, as they develop into the leaders we need. Enjoy and share their words! For those who do not know about our organization: Café Cultura is an award-winning arts, culture, and youth development organization in Denver that promotes unity and healing among Indigenous peoples through creative expression while empowering youth to find their voice, reclaim oral and written traditions, and become leaders in their communities. Café Cultura has been providing positive, creative, and engaging community spaces for the Denver metropolitan area for more than thirteen years. After the passing of respected elder and veteran poet Abelardo “Lalo” Delgado, we accepted responsibility to continue using our oral and written traditions to provide opportunities for creative expression often not offered in schools or in the larger community. Café Cultura also drew inspiration from the movement connecting Indigenous people from throughout the Americas. We use creative expression to unify people representing southern Indigenous nations, known by terms such as “Chicana/o” and “Latina/o,” with those Natives of northern nations, referred to as “American Indian” or “Native American.” Café Cultura hosts one of the best open mic venues in the Denver metropolitan area, and the only space focused on family and youth. We also conduct highly engaging and culturally relevant spoken word/poetry workshops for underserved youth throughout Colorado. Café Cultura partners with select organizations and schools to facilitate an intensive workshop series, publish youth poetry, and organize participant showcases. In an effort to develop young leaders within our community, we also coordinate a youth leadership program for Indigenous youth. If you or your organization is interested in collaborating, feel free to contact us.

For more information about our open mic events, workshops, youth leadership program, and other programs: 720-460-9203

Table of Contents Mugz by Anthony ............................................................................................... 1 Dream by Breann ................................................................................................ 2 I Come From by Carlos ..................................................................................... 3 De La Virgen de Guadalupe by Jaime.............................................................. 4 Looking in the Mirror by Anthony................................................................... 5 The Rose by Jaime .............................................................................................. 6 Sweet like a Mango by Jaide .............................................................................. 7 I Am by Kyler ...................................................................................................... 8 Escape by Adrien ................................................................................................ 9 Like Mother Like Daughter by Jaime............................................................. 10 Riding the Bus by Sean..................................................................................... 11 The Things I'll Never Forget by Marisol ....................................................... 12 Music by Jaime................................................................................................... 13 Memories by Natalie ......................................................................................... 14 Coyote by Anthony ........................................................................................... 16 Picking Us Up by Adrien ................................................................................. 17

Mugz by Anthony As I look at the mat, I see a piece of history. I see the name of Anthony. I see him succeed. I see him lift himself from misery. I see his depression and anxiety. But he keeps getting up and facing all this misery. Raised alone, he gave his only love to the woman who was his mom. He screamed and cried for his dad But the coward wasn’t there. He got into fights in his world. He didn’t give in though. He strived to be great and make this world a little better. He wrestles because it understands his misery. He takes it from the man named Anthony, the warrior that is going to make history. My name is Anthony. and I will destroy misery, while making my own history.


Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks

Dream by Breann I will never forget how my grandma would always tell us her great-grandma was 100% Apache. I will never forget how she sacrificed her body to provide for the family. She created her kids: my mom, my aunties, uncles, her grandkids She sweat hard work and dedication just to get from point A to point B. I will never forget the Christmas day my boyfriend gifted me with a watch. My eyes lit up. My heart glowed with excitement. My face turned as red as my sweater. It wasn’t just a gift to me. It was the thought that counted. He said he knew it was something I would love. I didn’t love it because it was a nice gold rose watch. I loved it because he spent hours looking for a gift. When he laid his eyes on the watch, he knew it was the right one.

Youth Poets from Jefferson High School

I Come From by Carlos I come from the strength and power La Virgen de Guadalupe shows us. In her eyes, I see hope for my future. She has the heart that rises beneath. The lord up above watches down. I am an angel who keeps my words and tries to make better decisions.



Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks

De La Virgen de Guadalupe by Jaime I come from La Virgen de Guadalupe, the one who brings hope. When bad situations go on, she brought hope to Juan Diego when his uncle was very sick and could die. I come from La Virgen de Guadalupe. When I see her in a frame, it reminds me of how easy something could be if we believe in ourselves.

Youth Poets from Jefferson High School

Looking in the Mirror by Anthony As I look at myself, I see some history and ancestry. I see my family‘s mentality, the hardship of being a family. I look at my photos of me as a baby and in the end, I see myself in the love with my family but I also love my writing. I am glad I have their hands to write history. As I look at the history, I see the hardship of my family. Sometimes we fail to unite. We confuse ourselves for the enemy. I see the part of my family being revolutionary. I look at the cross and I am glad that I wrote my name in history. I am connected to that place spiritually and I keep my head up, hoping to one day see my family looking at me looking at my home known as Mexico. In the end, we will unite like a family to make history I am Mexico.



Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks

The Rose by Jaime I am a rose and come from the rain, that flows into a river I look in the mirror and see the light that life has set for me In my dreams, I imagine the sky full of hopes and dreams. I am a rose. I cry when my soul is hurt. But sunshine makes me laugh. My love for clouds feels like butterflies flying around me. I am a rose. It is unfair that we get stepped on by others. I feel angry when my petals fall. If I could change one thing, it would be the cruelty in the world. I am a rose.

Youth Poets from Jefferson High School

Sweet like a Mango by Jaide I am the sweet mango that farmers work hard to grow, the connection to the past. I come from the delicious nutrients of the earth’s soil. My sweet and sour taste helps make any cold winter night feel like a hot summer day.



Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks

I Am by Kyler I am Edgewater Colorado, I come from the ashes that my family leaves behind. I will never forget the times of non-fatality. I remember the feeling of non-loneliness before the years pass. I remember the location of my life being born. I remember the quiet peaceful places described by all the entrapped noises inside my head. I remember the realization of life itself. I am Edgewater. I am Colorado. I am Edgewater, Colorado. I realized I am me and I am one with Edgewater as a whole. I want my life as a good not bad system of trust. I want the remembrance of my life as I look back for my family and future family. I realize I am the one to show. I am the one to trust. I am Edgewater. I am Colorado. Our lives depend on the middle of Jefferson county as a whole. Our decisions decide how each of our lives depend on how this life is made. I am the person who notices little changes inside my life with a positive re-creation of everything. I think of how I am Edgewater, Colorado. I am not alone. I am free.

Youth Poets from Jefferson High School

Escape by Adrien I often escape to the music I make with my bass. I try to use it whenever I can It helps that it’s a class I choose to take. When I’m playing, I feel like I can express myself in so many ways. It’s big, strong, and out. In times of need, I can leave my personal rock. I can’t forget to thank the school for giving me the opportunity to play and grow, just like I am always striving to do in my personal life. It reminds me of speaking your mind. When I’m feeling weak, it helps to know I have something I know I do well. I’m not afraid to do what I like. People have been writing songs and playing music to better express how they feel. My bass represents the freedom I don’t have yet.



Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks

Like Mother Like Daughter by Jaime I come from my mom, the one who never gives up. When I feel sad and blue, her advice makes me happy. She has green eyes and dark hair. I come from a strong and powerful mom. Her faith makes me feel like everything is possible. She is like a friend. I can tell her everything. She is a part of me. I come from a mom who will give everything for her daughter.

Youth Poets from Jefferson High School

Riding the Bus by Sean I will try to figure out a mystery from a kid named me. If I try to think of riding the bus, I think about hate, racism, comments. But to overcome them, I must face and achieve success. If I try hard, I will succeed. If I don’t, I will fail and have pain and hatred upon me. This is the story of my mystery. Figure it out, and you will see what things there are to see.



Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks

The Things I'll Never Forget by Marisol I will never forget her struggles, the way she never backs down. She wouldn’t take no as an answer. Her strength, her comfort, her intelligence, it all comes together. She becomes a queen, a fierce leader. She is unstoppable. If someone ever hurt her rose, she would tear them apart. She wouldn’t let anyone touch her rose. She is overprotective. She comforts her rose with love and affection. Her rose knows the woman is important, because that woman is her mother. I will always remember the time I got my first blanket. It was when I was one year old, just a tiny baby. Whenever grandma sees me, I can look at the joy in her eyes. Her soft, hardworking hands holding me tight. Then something wraps around me. It’s soft. It’s warm. The prints were tweety bird. For years I had that blanket. I never let go. Never let anyone take it away. I keep it close to protect me from creatures in my closet, to give me warmth from the cold nights. I love you grandma. Thank you for this gift.

Youth Poets from Jefferson High School

Music by Jaime The speakers blow up, listening to my favorite song. Singing, a melody that makes me want to dance, suddenly the music stops, the speakers stop. I stop bad vibes coming inside of me. People don’t like my music. Should I listen to them? Nah, whatever they think is their opinion. I put the music back on, and blow up the speakers. Pop music is the rainbow I see after a rainy day. It’s like an ice cream on a summer day, a roller coaster that makes you have a good time. Life is music, and music is happiness.



Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks

Memories by Natalie I am the sizzling carne asada being made in my grandpa’s cazo. I will never forget the weekends we would go to my tia’s just to eat. The smell will always stay with me, those happy days with my family. I will always remember how much the food brought us all together. I am Garfield Way. I come from a street named after a fat cat that loves lasagna. I will always remember the feeling of running around the grass in the back of that green and white house in the suburban area of Thornton Colorado. I will never forget the memories from that house that lasted only a few years but were good enough to leave a big impression. I am my sister Bianca struggling to pick yourself up while carrying two other people on her back and with the weight of her parents’ mistakes on her shoulders. I am a tan skin, dark haired girl with braces sacrificing herself for the well-being of others making it out and better than ever. I come from someone who defines strength

Youth Poets from Jefferson High School

because she gave up her own teenage years to raise her siblings. I will never forget how she always made sure we were fed every night. I look at her now and think, “There’s always a comeback.” I am a gold necklace holding onto three lives. I come from a sun and a heart only connected by gold chain now. I will always remember the day my grandma handed me her gold chain with the Virgin Mary on it, alongside a small sun that belong to my father as a child. I will never forget when my mom gave me her heart pendant always reminding me of how many times she’s been there for me. I am the Fillmore, a place that brought me the happiest day of my life. July 14, 2017 was a day I experienced my first concert. I will always remember the cold air I felt in my face as I walked out of the building. I will never forget the star struck feeling I had standing in that crowd looking up at my idols. I will never forget wiping my tears and realizing that in this moment, I could finally say I was happy.



Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks

Coyote by Anthony I come from a place full of war, violence, isolation, and seeing the pain and the violence of my history. I see myself as a coyote. I see him raised by a family. Then, I see his family turn on him like my father that left me. Look at his face and all he has to do is smile, wiping away the scar and being happy that you are alive and that you meet friends that come and go. I clench my fist seeing my history being torn apart away from me. But I am a warrior. Just like a coyote, I stay strong. I keep walking, meeting new people, smiling. This coyote has goals and he will not be torn. My name is Tony and I do not belong to the dark of this world. I will smile and make it mine.

Youth Poets from Jefferson High School

Picking Us Up by Adrien I am the smooth and strong very tasty coffee. I made it with plenty of seasoning, sweet milk, and sugar. I am the smell of coffee in the morning It wakes me up and makes me feel like I started the day right. I come from millions of people waking up early to start the delicious process and bring coffee. I bring my family together in the morning to enjoy a coffee and chat with each other. I will always remember the electrifying slap in the face, waking up to the taste that starts my day and fills me with determination. I never forget the times my family has been brought together to laugh because I am the smooth, strong, and very tasty coffee. I will always remember my sister, her courage to keep going, and infectious happiness. My sister, with her short hair and dazzling smile, always brings my family to a great place. Every day she sacrifices. Every day she helps people. She keeps our house sane. Whenever I am around her, I feel joy.



Jeff CO Indian ED Speaks

I feel respected and loved. My sister is one of my best friends, always encouraging me to stay positive and keep my head up. She represents the glue that holds our family together. She is the rock of our family.

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