Business Cornwall May 22

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WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG? I wanted to be a travelling surfer and I also wanted to own my own business so that I could do what I wanted, this part turned out to be completely wrong but still a good plan.

WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST FULL TIME JOB? KP in a hotel kitchen right above Fistral Beach.

WHAT’S IN YOUR POCKETS? A phone which is always there, my card wallet, a pen and a masonry drill bit, I always seem to get practical jobs done while plotting whatever’s next!

HOW DO YOU LIKE TO RELAX? By being in or near the sea, being at home with the fire lit and also hanging out with friends, I’m actually not very good at relaxing at all, I get bored very quickly.

WHAT HAS BEEN THE BEST MOMENT IN YOUR CAREER? When I finally bought the run down commercial property site that has now been transformed into Mor Workspace. Over the years I have tried to buy the site several times but finally got it about seven years ago.

WHAT HAS BEEN THE WORST MOMENT IN YOUR CAREER? Probably the last recession or credit crunch when we ended up in litigation through no fault of my own. It was the most draining and demotivating thing that I have ever done. Looking back though, I learnt a huge amount which was basically, avoid it at all costs, there are no winners!

IF YOU COULD INVITE ANY TWO PEOPLE FOR DINNER, WHO WOULD THEY BE AND WHY WOULD YOU INVITE THEM? There’s a guy called Tobias who plays in a Swedish rock band called Ghost and I think he is fascinating, or Amy Poehler (from Parks and Recreation) because she makes me laugh so much.

WHAT’S THE BEST THING ABOUT CORNWALL? The quality of life and the sea which I’m sure we all appreciated through the lockdowns and also the people and entrepreneurial spirit here (I do hate that word though).


MATT MILLER Mor Workspace founder 48 | BUSINESS CORNWALL

Accelerate the fight against climate change and the dependence on fossil fuels but still have an Italian or British beast in the garage.

WHAT WAS YOUR BIGGEST MISTAKE IN LIFE? I don’t look back at things at all and seem to erase them from my memory or learn from them. I wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t made mistakes, I know that for sure!

WHAT WAS YOUR LUCKIEST BREAK? I believe that you make your own luck as someone smart once said, ‘the harder I work the luckier I get’ but it did lead to me meeting my amazing wife Sarah!

WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS’ TIME? Watching my sons, my team and my businesses grow and be able get more free time too….. if I can allow myself.

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