Business Cornwall May 21

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Flying to the


Cornwall Air Ambulance is appealing to tourism businesses for support this summer. Over the last decade, Cornwall has emerged as one of the world’s iconic destinations. From the sheltered bays of the south coast to the dramatic north coast, ancient woodlands, moors and river estuaries. Visitors who are seeking a break from the last 12 months of isolation are flocking to Cornwall in numbers. Tourism bosses predict that visitor numbers will exceed five million in 2021 and the pressure on Cornwall

Air Ambulance as a small, local charity to deal with serious incidents has increased significantly.

pounds each year, the charity is engaging with local visitor resorts and attractions to try and bridge this fundraising gap.

In 2020, around 14% of airlifted patients were visitors to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 81 adults and 16 children had the flight they didn’t plan to take while on their holidays. Yet less than 5% of donations to the charity come from the tourism sector. With visitor missions costing nearly half a million

Interim CEO of Cornwall Air Ambulance, Steve Murdoch, says: “While four out of five patients are local people, it is true that one fifth of the incidents we attend are to help seriously sick and injured visitors. We need to work in collaboration with tourism businesses across Cornwall to meet the increased cost of trying to save lives when things go horribly wrong for people on holiday.

It’s a win-win for all parties

WHAT YOUR BUSINESS CAN DO TO SAVE A LIFE The charity is asking tourism businesses to support them by highlighting the value and importance of Cornwall Air Ambulance to their visitors. There are so many ways in which you can do that: • Offer visitors the option to add-on a donation when booking • Donate £1 for every new booking or a percentage of your sales • Place donation envelopes within your business • Host a collection jar in your reception and guest areas • Hold a fundraising event using your facilities • Display Cornwall Air Ambulance posters and other materials • Encourage your staff to take on a charity event by paying their registration fee Whatever way your business chooses to support the charity, there are a whole host of benefits you will receive from the collaboration. • Tourism Business Supporter brand stamp to display in your business and online • Brand association with one of Cornwall’s best-known charities • Dedicated fundraising and marketing support including social media promotion and press releases • The opportunity for you to visit Cornwall Air Ambulance HQ BUSINESS CORNWALL | 17

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