2 minute read


Ben Hall, director of Newquay-based festival organiser Quick Panda Productions, explains his thrill at a return to live music and events.

The buzzis back

When the pandemic first hit, as with many industries, events and live music took such a beating that initially it was uncertain as to whether many could survive.

The main ethos of people within the events industry it would seem, is to adapt and improvise to unpredictable circumstances. There is a ‘show must go on’ kind of mentality that drives everyone to deliver the seemingly impossible at times.

Everyone that I saw around me utilised the time where events and music were stifled, to harness that very spirit to keep the creative flames fanned and to carry on, regardless of the situation. Rather than giving in and falling into negativity, quite the opposite seemed to be happening.

It made me truly proud to see friends and colleagues starting up new businesses, taking on jobs that they’d never usually consider, just doing whatever it took to make ends meet, with zero ego attached and a positivity that prevailed. The same positivity that events just could not exist without.

As event after event got postponed, we worried that perhaps we too would crumble. We were looking for alternatives to replace our once thriving business to keep us afloat. Perhaps we would break under the financial stress with the huge demand for ticket refunds, however, something brilliant came to light. The love of music and festivals became more apparent than ever.

The main reason events can go ahead is due to the ticket holders, each person that buys a ticket becomes a shareholder, supplying an investment that funds the amazing world within the fence line.

Rather than panic and demand refunds, most people held on to their tickets and came along for the crazy ride. With each postponement came a barrage of well wishes and support from many festival goers that kept cheering us on. It became clear that people would not give up their tickets, but instead clung to positivity in the face of adversity.

With a thirst for the buzz of live music, crowds of thousands interact in a way that allow you to escape the realms of normality and head to a fairy tale land - if only for a weekend. This magic is what gave us the break we needed.

This magic is what gave us the break we needed

Paid for by the people and delivered by a group of incredibly special crew, artists and creative legends that always keep the wheels turning.

Once the gates to our first event opened since the pandemic, the buzz in the air was palpable, never again would this magic be taken for granted and what a bond it created for all those that held on and kept positive.

Bringing joy and escapism to so many, bringing back creative outlets for those that had been forced out of their professions as artists. The positivity to mental health that is gained from meeting new friends, dancing wildly and living freely really is more than just a bit of fun, it is lifesaving - a necessity as part of one’s own wellbeing.

Long may the arts be cherished as such.