Business Cornwall April 22

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WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG? All I ever wanted to do for as long as I can remember was write for magazines – particularly Kerrang! (a weekly rock music mag) which I collected from a young age. I was lucky enough to do work experience with them in my early 20s and then write for them for a couple of years so managed to tick that off!

WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST FULL TIME JOB? Marketing assistant at Truro School.

WHAT’S IN YOUR POCKETS? Phone, wallet, keys! I also carry a 7-year-old note from a fortune cookie that reminds me of my dog.

HOW DO YOU LIKE TO RELAX? A good Stephen King in a comfy chair or a run along the coast with loud music in my ears.

IF YOU COULD BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, WHERE WOULD IT BE? In a bit of woodland, with a water source, near the coast.

WHAT HAS BEEN THE BEST MOMENT IN YOUR CAREER? Lying in the Lawn Terraces at Newquay Orchard in the sun last year knowing I’d played a part in creating this beautiful space through the most difficult of times.

WHAT HAS BEEN THE WORST MOMENT IN YOUR CAREER? Being told at an interview in London that I didn’t “have enough experience to scrub the toilets let alone write for this company.” Incidentally that lead to me walking into the Kerrang! offices an hour later and pitching myself as their new freelance reviewer... so every closed door etc.!

IF YOU COULD INVITE ANY TWO PEOPLE FOR DINNER, WHO WOULD THEY BE AND WHY WOULD YOU INVITE THEM? There’s a guy called Tobias who plays in a Swedish rock band called Ghost and I think he is fascinating, or Amy Poehler (from Parks and Recreation) because she makes me laugh so much.

IF YOU COULD BE GOD FOR A DAY, WHAT MIRACLE WOULD YOU PERFORM? I would lift every ounce of single use plastic from every stretch of water, every forgotten alleyway, every roadside hedge on the planet and then blanket ban the whole lot of it.

WHAT WAS YOUR BIGGEST MISTAKE IN LIFE? Spending too much mental energy on battling a lack of self-belief. It’s a work in progress!

WHAT WAS YOUR LUCKIEST BREAK? Seeing this role at Newquay Orchard advertised less than a year after I moved to Newquay, at the exact time I was ready for a new challenge, not long after the birth of the project.



marketing manager at Newquay Orchard

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