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Student Reviews

“It’s definitely the best looking animated movie I’ve seen since Spiderverse. It’s a really tight plot, like you can poke no holes into it. I quite enjoyed the metaphor of Death being the big bad wolf knocking at your door, I thought that was a really nice touch.”

-Bryson Morgan, 11


“It was so good and I loved it.”

-Caris Stutes, 12

“The villain, Death, is the best villain that Dreamworks ever made.”

-Evan Fife, 11 scythe. It really is quite beautiful, and the fight scene itself was made incredibly intriguing by the animators.

One of my favorite aspects of The Last Wish is how it has us connecting with this protagonist who might appear to be very different from ourselves. Most of us aren’t older gentlemen who’ve spent their lives as swashbuckling outlaws, or cats. Still, I felt very connected to the protagonist. He relishes in his glory, he’s confident in his talents, and he’s quite self-satisfied in ways that can get in the way of developing personal relationships in a healthy way.

You could be wondering why Diego is getting so worked up over a children’s flick, but I can assure you it really is quite a beautiful meditation on self-confidence, at least. There’s some more sophisticated humor in there, and I couldn’t imagine someone walking out of the theater without laughing at least a couple times. The movie’s pretty, the movie’s funny. Yeah, watch it.

“It’s not really related to kids at all. If teens watch it, its like the adults get the jokes and the kids are like ‘what are y’all laughing at?’ The Big Jack Horner, he’s so stupid but I love him.”

- Lexie Rodgers, 12

“It’s a very good movie that explains the symbolism between life and death and how much one life can mean, not just to you, but to other people. Because you have these experiences, these memories, and who you are as a person: that’s all your one life.” -Carson Green, 9

“It was beautiful and a perfect story and I loved the animation, it was very Into the Spiderverse. Very satisfying to watch, very anime. You know the scene I’m talking about when he’s on the ceiling and he’s going [vocalizes zooming noise].”

-Maria Rivera-Figueroa, 12