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The Man Behind The Threads: Who is Aiko Finesse



Q: Who is Aiko Finesse?

A: Unique

Q: Can you tell us a little of your background story? What was the journey you took to get here?

A: I’m a SC native. My mom actually named me Aiko Finesse. I’ve been into the arts since I was a child. Writing, poetry, music. I’ve always seen myself in the spotlight. Not knowing how but I just always saw it. I picked up djing in 2013, started teaching myself. I kept at it and started making a name for myself. The journey to get to this point of my life, I learned to love myself, know my worth. When I learned that, I found my purpose in life.

Q: Quote you live by?

A: If it’s not hurting you or harming others, do what makes you happy.

Q: We see you’re a DJ… What resonates with you about being a DJ? Why is that your “thing”

A: The love of music. I love seeing people enjoy life, having a good time. When you're dancing you're enjoying the moment. You forget about the problems, the stress, and pain. Nobody is sad or upset, just enjoying life and making memories. I love when I get approached after an event of people telling how much fun they had and how they enjoyed the music. It makes me feel good knowing I made them smile through music. That’s something they’ll never forget.

Q: You caught our attention by the many, many #TransManThread posts you run on social media that highlight pics of Transmen from around the country. What made you start doing that and why does it matter?

A: Honestly, one day I was sitting around and it popped in my head to do a thread. I’d come across other threads of trans guys, and it’s always the same ones. Or ones that had the “look.” Body, facial hair, etc. I was surprised I made a few since I had just started my journey. So I made a post asking trans guys if they wanted in on a thread. If so, send me a picture. I didn’t think it would get the attention. I just wanted to help these guys feel good about themselves. A few even went viral. The more I do them, the more guys start hitting me up to get added. I kept at it because so many guys don’t have that support system. Some don’t get that encouragement. There are so many others out here just like you. You're not crazy, you're not alone. And mainly, no matter where you are in your journey you LOOK AMAZING!

Q: Where is the farthest you’ve gotten pics from?

A: California

Q: How many pics do you think you've had submitted total?

A: About 1600

Q: Why does visibility matter?

A: Because we exist. We are not going no where.

Q: What is one thing you’ve learned that you’ve tried to pass on to other people that are early in their transition?

A: That everybody’s body reacts differently. Don’t rush the process.

Q: What do you want to be remembered for?

A: That, through all the years God allowed me to breathe, I found my peace on earth. Everybody can’t say that

Q: What does your activism look like?

A: I’m always putting my story on the front line. Whether it’s Vlog, or giving out information about doctors or surgery. I respond to dm’s from other trans guys. Most are shocked I do respond which I don’t understand why lol

Q: Where will Aiko Finesse be in 5yrs? 10?

A: Showing the world it’s ok to be yourself. Being on a bigger platform. And doing more for the trans community.

Q: What is your booking info, website etc. and where can folks find your threads?

A: My booking link is aikofinesse.com/booking. I’m on all social media platforms @ aikofinesse. The threads mainly are on facebook. I just started up the IG page @ iamhim.21 I’ll be posting there soon as well.