6 minute read

I'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER.   Doreen Scanlan

I've Got Your Number


We are surrounded by numbers everywhere. Phone numbers, addresses, pins and many more. We are even identified by a number to the government. The Universe takes it a step further and shows us that we can convert numbers associated with us to indicate personal characteristics and tendencies. We all fall into one of 9 birthpaths according to Numerology. As a Professional Intuitive I use those numbers along with tarot cards to guide people in their lives. To determine your own Birth Path just follow these few simple steps. It is based on your date of birth. Example : If I was born on April 5 2002 I would find it this way. April is the 4th month so 4 + 5+ 2+0+0+2 = 13 then you reduce that to a single digit 1+3 = 4 . So I would have a 4 Birth Path. What I am doing here is to take each Birth Path number each month and do a tarot reading for each one to give you guidance of what you might expect energetically during the issue month. I hope you enjoy reading yours. A new addition for 2022 I will include a keyword for you for the month to incorporate and build into your affirmations. If it is not the positive version of the word , look to find the opposite and turn it around. If nothing else, look at what you believe about that concept.

1 Birthpath : This is time to leave the past in the past for good. You can’t change what has been done you can only choose better choices moving forward. You are going through major changes now in order to make you stronger in the present and the future. Time to let toxic relationships go once nad for all. Then it is necessary to change your mental perspective to one that allows you to connect only with people who have your highest and best in mind. This is area of focus you need to develop so you can proceed. Keyword: Affirm your intention.

2 Birthpath : Following and sharing your passion is important this month. There are feelings that you are being asked to explore. You deserve to find a comfortable level of connection with a loved one. Sharing dreams and goals is a great way to see who in line with you. You may find that you need to make some decisions about who you want to bring into your inner circle. It is time to allow yourself to be a little vulnerable to see if you are ready to connect on an emotional level with someone. You deserve to be loved too. Keyword; Stop hesitating

3 Birthpath: Goals and dreams are a must thus month. Allow yourself to daydream a little. For too long you have allowed other people’s issues to take precedent over your dreams. Find time to reconnect with your spiritual practices whether it is mediation, prayer or just connecting with nature. If you take time for this you may find that others are more receptive to adding to your experience and are there to support you in whatever challenges you may face in the near future, Maybe you can pursue a spiritual experience together. Keyword: Testify

4 Birthpath : Payoff time. Something you have been working on for a while finally pays off. Take some time to celebrate your accomplishments. Don’t be surprised if others aren’t as enthusiastic about it as you are, Find people who are. Time to set your sights on the next thing. What are you willing to take on next? Once you can see it, move on it. Talk about your vision and get others excited about it. You may find that the naysayers from earlier may get it this time. Keyword: Shine your light.

5 Birthpath : Connecting with others is a good idea this month. It looks like two heads are better than one . Something you want to take on will be easier if you have others to share the burden. Put systems in place to make sure things run smoothly. You may need some rules. Keeping morale high is important to the success of any project. Make it fun. This way everyone can stay on the same page instead of being opposing forces. Keyword: Connect with your authentic self

6 Birthpath: Things that have seem to have been out of balance , start to right themselves. Not only that but your financial status seems to be improving. This puts you in a better place to be able to start making future plans. Don’ t rely too heavily on the support of things like government agencies or anything that is considered as a long standing institution. Their support may be a long time coming and that might not be enough help when you need it. Instead try to look for different approaches that could bring about solutions sooner. Keyword: Don’t be held down

7 Birthpath : July for you is a time of righteous action. Take time this month to make things happen that are important to you. The clarity you receive as a result will be amazing. There is so much more out there for you to experience and enjoy. Go for it. If there is a career move to make now is a great time to make that happen too. Life is too short to not seek all that it has to offer you. Keywords: Give yourself permission.

8 Birthpath : Check to make sure things in your physical world are moving in the direction you choose. Do you need a better job? Do you need more income? Do you need to redecorate your living space or even move? Now is the time to make moves in those directions. Talk to people who might be able to help. You have skills that you haven’t even tapped into yet. It is time to take control in as many areas of your life as you can because you have dreams waiting to happen. . Keyword:Energy flows where attention goes.

9 Birthpath : You have come to a spiritual crossroads. It is no mistake either. Open your eyes, or better yet close your eyes and envision where your next steps might take you. Sharing your inspired ideas will not only benefit you but others as well. There are many people around you with desire but no direction. Perhaps they are waiting for someone like you to light the torch and lead the way. You may also find yourself doing some kind of give back work this month. Find someone that could use something you have to give. It might be just the thing that lightens their load and allows them to take a few steps forward as well with a little help from a friend. Keyword: Give yourself the go ahead.

Doreen has been doing Intuitive Tarot readings and spiritual work for over two decades and is available for private readings . Text 585-615-8494 for details and availability. Any feedback on how these readings have helped you would be appreciated.