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Blaque/OUT Magazine Aug 2022



Writing is my blessing and it’s my curse. I either know what to right about or I don’t. Being an open Trans masculine man in 2022 is a blessing and a curse. Being accepted all around town and educating others, is one thing. Then constantly looking over your shoulder left and right making sure your not being targeted like Paloma Vazquez, or Keshia Chanel Geter, who both were shot faintly. I walk with my head held high for those other 19 victims (that are reported in 2022) who aren’t here today with us today. I don’t know about you but I’m a proud Trans man of Color. Ever since I’ve met all of my amazing mentors, I’ve haven’t been able to view life anymore clearer! The way their love flows for one another all throughout the atmosphere, just gives me chills. The amount of times I’ve been stuck in idiotic situations and either Britt or Alex would help me figure it out. I’m just beyond thankful for y’all. Becoming Cori Ethan definitely wasn’t for the weak and may or not have taken a village to raise me, but I was up for the challenge. I’ve lost family members, friends, aquatints, etc… over my journey and me choosing me to survive, and I’m okay with that. 100%. I’ve also gained family members, new friendships, as well as new connects. With the new family/ support system I have now is better than ever. We are all on the same type of time, with the same mindsets, encouraging each other to do better and I love that for us. The love in the ROC LGBTQ+ community is beyond welcoming and filled with beautiful people of all kind. It’s like you’re a kid in a huge candy store and your parents say “ you can have what ever you want”. Just in heaven, right? So yeah I was Super psyched about ROC Pride. Being at and in the parade this past month has made me view my life a bit differently . As I was interpreting “TRANS LIVES MATTER” in ASL (EQUAL ACCESS BABY)with my brothers on the back of the truck made me a bit emotional. Like “ why did it take this long to feel like I’m at home, this is where I belong.” I don’t think I’ve shut up about Roc Pride since. Another thing is, SOOOOOO many people of all unique kinds where with it, supporting us Trans males and were being educated while enjoying such things like a parade. I learn something new everyday. Someone new everyday has questions for me and I try to answer them to my best ability and if I can’t that night I’ll do the research about my self, like y’all don’t get how much y’all helped me grow into the man that I am today. Cori Ethan. I thank those who support me and go outta their way to learn more about Transgenders and how to support us, ME better. I thank my support system 110%, without y’all, I don’t know where I’d be. Follow me on Insta for more on my journey: BecomingCoriEthan--