3 minute read

Whosoever Cries...  Pastor Roni

God is in the business of mental health. Your faith is not an enemy to your cries. They are not enemies, but friends who are able to exist together. For the Word tells us, “...Blessed are ye that weep for now: for ye shall laugh” (Luke 6:21). Ultimately, whosoever cries can find peace and comfort.

Your tears can be cleansing and purifying. They allow you to rid you bottled up things that you have held in for far too long. Release tho Remember that God is concerned with your mental well-being. Ther seeking the help you need. God said that Adam should not be alone you think that you need to be? You pray about it, but you don’t have to stop there. Look for the help you need.

Your faith is not lessened by medication or therapy. Praying about help does not still come in physical form. So see your therapist, take medication, do what needs to be done because your faith can be in to make your life better. The Bible instructs us to receive wise council and to take care of our bodies which are the temple. If we follow these instructions, then it means God accepts your pain and sorrow. God wants you to have the capacity to experience real peace in your life. Do not shy away from putting your faith into the work it takes to access your best self.

Be encouraged, loved ones. There is no place in you that God has abandoned. Seeking help in your darkest of places does not mean you are not a person of faith. It does not reduce your trust in God’s healing and deliverance. It strengthens it. It is the truth that faith without works is dead. Do the work, pray to God, and remember that whosoever cries is not weak, but strong. Take your power and seek balance to your mental health. Take back what the enemy has tried to steal from you!

We cannot afford to lose you to the darkness. You are too precious for that. If you need help, get it. When you come out of your prayer you know God’s ear has heard you, now pick up the phone and call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline to seek another ear to hear at 1-800-662-HELP.

Be well and be blessed! - Pastor Roni