9 minute read


An extroverted-introvert, Javannah Davis doesn't mind being around people, or going out and having fun, but will always prefer to be in the house watching a good show. Davis is a Community Advocate, Entrepreneur, and an Activist for equity in health care. She is a nurse, self-published author, and ordained minister. She is also the Founder/President of W.A.V.E Women INC.; a 501c3 not-for-profit organization based in Rochester, New York.

2023 is shaping up to be a very big year for Davis and her organization. She is setting the stage to create safe spaces for Black and Brown Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming women in the Rochester, NY community, networking and advocating for better healthcare for Trans folks, and setting up workshops that will educate and train other businesses, organizations, and healthcare facilities regarding how to safeguard Trans lives.

So Blaque/OUT asked our "Visionary of the Month" for March 2023, twenty-questions to get some additional insight about who she is and why she does the work that she does.

What’s your no-fail, go-for it motivational song?

That would definitely have to be “Unstoppable” by Sia. That’s the battle cry for the day! When I hear the words, “I put my armor on…”, though it’s a pop song, it lifts my spirit and reminds me of the protection and covering I assume from a higher power.

What’s most important to your mental health?

Not having to live in a state of confusion. Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals that I can trust and feel safe around. Also, doing things for myself that takes me away from always having to make decisions or think all the time. Sometimes I just like to be in peace and quiet and just be present.

Who’s your hero?

People who find the courage to become the best version of themselves everyday. People who continue to find the strength to push through life and the various challenges we face each day. People who genuinely care about those around them, and continue to fight against the harm society can place on them for being who they are as a person. Those people are my heroes, because I see myself in those people.

Who’s the one person who changed your life?

I have many people I’ve met along my journey that have inspired me, but I can’t say that I have met anyone that has “changed” my life. I hope when that does happen that it’s extraordinary!

What gives you hope?

As long as the sun rises on a new day, there will always be hope. I just have to keep reminding myself of that when the nights get really tough.

What the Trans community needs now is….

…to be able to trust their own community. It’s traumatic and frustrating enough dealing with “outside” communities, and the stigmas that are put on us on an everyday basis, just to experience the same from our own people, within our own community.

If you could send a note to yourself in 2033, what would it say?

“I hope this doesn’t find you in any state of regret. You did your best, you did what you felt was the best thing for you, you cared hard, and loved even harder, and I hope you have found the joy you deserve.”

What’s your favorite place on earth?

I don’t know what my favorite place on earth is yet, because I haven’t traveled that distance… yet. But I have to say, any quiet place by the water is definitely my favorite place to be.

What should be required reading for every human?

What’s the one thing in life you’re so happy you did?

I’d have to say, finally allowing Javannah to breathe. The moment I allowed myself to transition, and to do it my way, my life did a full 360 for the best. I gained my superpowers, and I’ve been flying ever since.

“Rest is Resistance - A Manifesto” by Tricia Hersey. This book, in so many words, helped me to get rid of the guilt I would feel if I felt my body required a little more rest. It also taught me that Black and Brown folks need to embrace their need to rest more, and how it is actually our silent protest against racism and capitalism.

Fill in the blank: ___”Minding the business that pays you!”_____ is underrated.

What’s most important to your mental health?

Not having to live in a state of confusion. Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals that I can trust and feel safe around. Also, doing things for myself that takes me away from always having to make decisions or think all the time. Sometimes I just like to be in peace and quiet and just be present.

Who’s your hero?

People who find the courage to become the best version of themselves everyday. People who continue to find the strength to push through life and the various challenges we face each day. People who genuinely care about those around them, and continue to fight against the harm society can place on them for being who they are as a person. Those people are my heroes, because I see myself in those people.

Who’s the one person who changed your life?

I have many people I’ve met along my journey that have inspired me, but I can’t say that I have met anyone that has “changed” my life. I hope when that does happen that it’s extraordinary!

What gives you hope?

As long as the sun rises on a new day, there will always be hope. I just have to keep reminding myself of that when the nights get really tough.

What the Trans community needs now is….

…to be able to trust their own community. It’s traumatic and frustrating enough dealing with “outside” communities, and the stigmas that are put on us on an everyday basis, just to experience the same from our own people, within our own community.

If you could send a note to yourself in 2033, what would it say?

“I hope this doesn’t find you in any state of regret. You did your best, you did what you felt was the best thing for you, you cared hard, and loved even harder, and I hope you have found the joy you deserve.”

What’s your favorite place on earth?

I don’t know what my favorite place on earth is yet, because I haven’t traveled that distance… yet. But I have to say, any quiet place by the water is definitely my favorite place to be.

What should be required reading for every human?

“Rest is Resistance - A Manifesto” by Tricia Hersey. This book, in so many words, helped me to get rid of the guilt I would feel if I felt my body required a little more rest. It also taught me that Black and Brown folks need to embrace their need to rest more, and how it is actually our silent protest against racism and capitalism.

What’s the one thing in life you’re so happy you did?

I’d have to say, finally allowing Javannah to breathe. The moment I allowed myself to transition, and to do it my way, my life did a full 360 for the best. I gained my superpowers, and I’ve been flying ever since.

Fill in the blank: ___”Minding the business that pays you!”_____ is underrated.

What’s the greatest gift we can give ourselves?


What is the greatest gift we can give each other?

Selflessness. Understand each other on a deeper level to know where they are coming from, and keep in mind that your experiences in life are not theirs.

When in your life have you needed courage?

Everyday I walk out of my front door I need courage. But If I have to pick a particular moment in time, i’d have to say it was when I found the courage to look forward to another day and live my life as intended.

City or Mountains?

MOUNTAINS HAS DOWN!!! I love people, but having lived in the city my whole life, I have come to the realization that city life is definitely not for me. I love and appreciate peace, and seclusion most of the time.

When was the last time you felt in awe?

I’m in ‘awe’ everyday I wake up and look in the mirror. The person I see is someone I never thought I’d EVER see for so long.

What do you think about on long flights or drives?

I don’t, I try to sleep if I can! When I can’t sleep I still don’t really think because I always listen to music or watch my favorite show.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Arrogance, and being ignored. Those two things make my blood boil. I understand life happens, but in this new technological age, anyone can send a 2second response no matter how busy you are. I just have very little patience for it.

What ignites your sense of injustice?

Those that try to use their authority over others in ways that feed into their ego, while leaving other people triggered or traumatized.

How do you define soul mate?

Someone who can have a complete conversation with and neither of you say a word. Someone that you literally want to go nowhere without, and when you are apart, you just think of them and smile. A mutual understanding between two individuals that just simply seems…right.