7 minute read

a quick read for the qworls......

Looking for a little more guidance on what life might bring you this month? Tarot cards, read by an intuitive reader, can provide us that guidance. While your personal reading may vary slightly, the readings here are directed for all of those born in the same month for the current month For a more specific reading to your specific circumstance contact Doreen Scanlan on FB Messenger to set an appointment.

If you were born in :


In an attempt to share some of your responsibilities you set in motion a connection with someone that is very special to you. You also may get a communication from someone about an opportunity that will help you financially. Grab it. I would also find some quiet time to read or study something you are interested in You are going to need it as a distraction if nothing else. Reading can provide just the right escape from your hectic world. Take some time for self care.

Keyword: Grow


Don’t abandon your spiritual self this month. You may experience some betrayal and difficulties and it will be important for you to have your spirituality to pull you through It is important to stay as positive as possible and believe that this too shall pass. Focus on work and providing for your basic needs rather than doing extravagant things. This is definitely a month to find your strength and hold your space with courage

Keyword: Success


Look for new opportunities in your career. It may be time for a ch could touch into skills you aren’t currently using. Take some time new or as a refresher Don’t be afraid to let people know where yo you. It may be an opportunity for them to look at things from a dif Mid month I would be looking for new inspiration. Take some time Don’t rush into anything until you truly resonate with it Also, take interests. Perhaps one of your passions has been put on hold. Tak before the year ends.

Keyword; Hold space


Your authentic self wants to step forward this month There are th and explore so step up and be willing to open your mind. You are to open your month as well. This is a time to be heard. If there are things you have not felt you could say before, now is the time Use that authentic "you" energy to let people see and hear who you really are. In your pursuit of knowledge you may come across someone who is a wealth of knowledge. Don’t be afraid to pick their brain. Knowledge is only as good as those we share it with You might surprise yourself with how much you already know. Time to take what you know and maybe haven’t used yet and out it to good use.

Keyword: connect


Expect great year end inspiration. Meditation would be a great way to tap into it. Then once you have it clearly in your mind , find a way to share it.This is definitely a time for your authentic self to shine. You may also find that when things get challenging this month some so called friends are no where to be found. Might be time to clean house of those that really aren’t there for you But what you might find is some old friends decide to resurface. This time though, they are all about seeking opportunities for you both to grow. Take time to reconnect with them and see what they are about now.

Keyword: create space

It is time to drag out that sports equipment that you stuffed away into the closet and give it another try. Or maybe your craft cupboard hasn’t seen you in awhile. Create something new You might even want to call up some old friends to join in the fun. Look for more ways to enjoy yourself this month. All work and no play means stuff collects dust. Take a look at your current lifestyle and see what needs a tweak then have faith that you are moving in the right direction.

Keyword: patience


Time to find your stage. That can be a literal stage as in performance or speaking engagement or could be a virtual stage like starting a blog. People need to see and hear from you It is time to step into the limelight Trust your intuition to lead you in the right direction. This is also the month to make intimate connections. If you aren’t in a relationship, keep your eyes open . If you are in a relationship try something new together Let go of some of your limits and have some fun It is time to set a new rhythm for yourself. March into your power.

Keyword: aim high


You are not supposed to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself any more Don’t be afraid to share them. Start at first sharing with people you can trust just long enough to know what it feels like to be heard. Then branch out to people that really need to hear you The time has come to start setting your sites higher whether it is in your career or personal life. You are important and the sooner you realize it the better. That will give you the foundation to build your new self on.

Keywords: Peace


Celebrate your life. Your present is definitely attracting a great future. New opportunities are going to present themselves even if you aren't seeking them out. Use your intuition to decide if any of them are things you want to get involved in It is time to start looking ahead to 2023. The second half of the month may require a little more attention to detail. You may be asked to do something that you aren’t really seasoned in The payoff is good though Just maintain your balance so you don’t overcommit.

Keyword: grow where you are rooted



2023 is right around the corner. Time to start planning for it. Pick one or two things that you want to give lots of atttention to This is not the month to spread yourself too thin. The middle of the month finds you making a key decision that may impact more than just you. Keep in mind that you need to consider everyone’s best interests. A lot of what you have been putting out financiallly will come back to you. Your intuition is very strong coming closer to New Years. Trust it. You will very likely get a communication that has the potential to be quite profitable for you. You may need to reach out and grab it though so don’t procrastinate.

Keyword: Never alone


Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Share some of your burdens with others when you can . You need to lighten your load. You may get the opportunity to rekindle a relationship from your past. This may be a friendship or more. Take inventory of your successes. Are there areas if your life you need to develop further? Look for opportunities to do that. There is someone who wants to share what they have with you. Be open to receiving. Look for ways to expand.

Keyword: Mystic Power


Things finally start coming into balance for you.There is someone who draws nearer to you. The two of you have a lot of creative energy to share. If you were ever interested in moving into a creative arena this would definitely be a good time. It talks about having the ability to move up in any creative pursuit you choose.You are about to have a great end to your year.

Keyword: Peace