2 minute read

Doc Notes.    Shani Wilson, PA

"This time of year can be a very trying time for many of us. It is so much easier to stay busy and watch the season can pass us by while dreading the upcoming interactions with family, and friends. Just trying to survive in our current political and social minefields while staying ahead of the holiday blues.

For some of us, the holidays are a reminder of the friends we miss and the family we don't see anymore. That is why it is crucial to make sure you prioritize yourself. Remember: you can prioritize your care of yourself AND have safe spaces during the holiday season. Your mental health needs a space to breathe. Give it all the room that it needs.

Create your traditions with those closest to you. Reach out to your friends. Our community survives because of community. Be daring and unapologetic about self care. Set boundaries on your time. Say no and walk away from drama. Journal See your therapist every week Consider calling a friend who you haven't talked to in a while. Take a yoga class. Host a cookie decorating party. You deserve to feel safe, warm and connected this holiday season."

Shani Wilson, PA