9 minute read

The Winstons

Winston & the Mrs. (E. L. and Roni)

Love lives in us…the Winstons and we want to share a little of it with you. Maya Angelou once said, “Someday we’ll be able to measure the power of words. I think they are things. They get on the walls. They get in your wallpaper. They get in your rugs, in your upholstery, and your clothes, and finally into you.” Love and how we define it is infused into our very being, but if we don’t share its meaning with our partner, then love may look like pain, apathy, or isolation. Speaking the same language, not about giving gifts or personal touch, but actually defining the words we use to express our emotions is one of the first things we must do for a healthy and long lasting relationship.

The Mrs.

Winston and I built a foundation on what we call ‘The Rules of Engagement’ which ensure even in a disagreement, there are specific things we do and don’t do For instance, there are no raised voices or speaking in broad strokes like ‘you never’ or ‘you always’ The rules help us to understand the way in which we like to communicate and keep us from misunderstanding one another’s intentions

I think sometimes couples don’t clarify what love, hurt, joy, anxiety look like for them as individuals because they don’t know for themselves I had to put in the work Winston knows that I used to spend a lot of time fearful of judgment of my creative works, so he also knows that giving constructive feedback would go awry if I didn’t understand the meaning behind his words Our communication style required that he understood how I felt about my creativity and that I understood how he felt about being a supportive spouse We are individuals combining lives, but with that comes a lifetime of experiences both good and bad If we don’t share the shades of meaning to our partner, then we cannot expect them to read our minds


Words mean things and can build or break a relationship. That's why it's important to have those Rules of Engagement I never want my words to harm or not be understood as we learn how to speak to each other in love We build much needed communication skills We often get into the thought process that our partner should know what we're thinking or what we meant which is a mistake It’s not true or realistic It is the work that we put into our daily conversations that ensures we are successful in not doing harm with our words This thing called relationship takes work and application I’m blessed to being doing that work with the Mrs

Thoughts to Leave You

Communication is about the message we want to convey and the message our listener receives. Disagreements in our relationships happen more often than not because the message has either been unclear in its delivery or convoluted in its receipt. Take the time to share with your partner what certain words and phrases mean to you based on your experiences. Explore the roots of your emotional inner workings. Find your triggers and your peace. It is a responsibility you owe to the success of your relationship. Recognize the meaning of the love that lives in you.

Looking for a little more guidance on what life might bring you this month? Tarot cards, read by an intuitive reader, can provide us that guidance. While your personal reading may vary slightly, the readings here are directed for all of those born in the same month for the current month For a more specific reading to your specific circumstance contact Doreen Scanlan on FB Messenger to set an appointment.

Tarot done specifically for you if you were born in :


Partnerships are extremely important this month for you. Take a look at who you consider as your closest associates. When was the last time you actually put an effort into showing them your appreciation? Too often we take our friends for granted Just like anything worth having, relationships take not so much effort but dedication. Use your intuition to get an understanding of what your friends need from you Is it time? Is it a listening ear? Is it some friendly advice? Then do what you can to determine if now is the time to offer those things. Relationships take at least two people so recognize your needs as well. Learning to ask for them can truly be a challenge.


Time to get serious about where you are on your career timeline. You have gifts and talents to utilize in this lifetime Unfortunately, there are times when we get stagnant in our careers. Sometimes we just get comfortable where we are . Other times we just get lazy The problem with this is that our grow also gets stunted Now is the time to evaluate where you are and where you could possibly go if you were to be using all your skills. Maybe you are there Maybe you aren’t Don’t let your unwillingness to strive keep you from thriving. This is the month to make moves. Only you know how that applies to your situation It is time to remember that you are the creator of your reality so what do you want it to include? Change what you can. Don’t hand your power over to anyone else. Become self empowered to live your best life.


Use your best judgment this month when it comes to the atmosphere you surround yourself with. Does your living situation suit your needs? Does your work space reflect your personality and your goals? Do the people your surround yourself with encourage you or hold you down? You need to create the right atmosphere to be able to continue to grow You will find yourself at a crossroads this month The decisions you make at this crossroads , set the tone for the next phase of your life. Are you ready to set the basis for how you want to move forward? It is time to shove off any deadweight so you can rise. That could be people, obligations, financial burdens or just mindsets Then start surrounding yourself with likeminded, supportive people. Things might not turn around immediately but you will have started the wheels turning


This whole month is based on communication for all you November babies. The first door of communicating that you need to open isn’t with other people but with your inner being The force within you that is your higher self. Take some time to quiet your mind so that the most important line is open. Doing this helps you to align yourself with your highest emotion which is Joy Move away from the things that stress you out for at least a little while and find a way to experience true joy.Once you have experienced that, set that as your emotional goal Start to recognise when you are drifting too far away from it Trust that your authentic self knows the difference. The next line of communication needs to be with anyone that is getting in the way of who you really are It may be time to break those ties so you can continue to rise as you. The final communication comes with sharing your climb with others that may also be looking for ways to connect with their authentic selves. Share your experiences in the hope of encouraging someone else. Their road may look different but hope is the commonality you share.


It is going to be more important than ever for you to be able to roll with the punches this month. In order to prepare for that it is going to be important to have a strong spiritual basis to draw from Your best defense is going to be knowing where your spiritual strength lies, whether that is in prayer, mediation , yoga , nature or church. You need to be able to draw on any or all of those when things get challenging You are going to be in a very different place at the end of this month than when it starts out by no fault of your own. Believe it or not though these changes will be for the best. It may not feel like it at the time but if you stay true to yourself you will definitely be moved in the right direction.


Are you doing the work you want to be doing? Is there a skill you have that is untapped? Now is the time to start looking to upgrade. Start looking for opportunities that better suit your skill set Then go for it Even reach for things that you might not qualify for on paper. If you are not happy, do what you can to change that. If you are truly on the correct path you would be happy to take on tasks that allow you to show what you can do even if it is a challenge Your path is lined with happiness Are you on it?


You, like many of the others born in some of the months above, are in for some changes this month. It is a matter of deciding if you are going to be the one directing the changes or whether you are just going to be the one reacting to them Changes are definitely coming either way. Wouldn’t you rather be the one holding the baton?

The key for you is to align yourself with people that have similar goals and dreams as you Find the people you feel you can really relate to and band together Then ride out the storm together. It is time for a chapter in your life to close and for you to move forward Who do you want to be in the lifeboat with? The Universe has something very special in line for you but you may have to detach from some things in order for them to float in your direction


Time to find the courage to step at least one step outside your comfort zone That is where growth occurs. You have been holding yourself back what is meant to be yours to experience It is time to look at where you are now and compare it to where you are meant to be. You deserve to be happy. To be living a life that perpetuates that happiness Start by finding friends that want the same things that you want Spend more time supporting their dreams so they can support yours. Brainstorming together will initiate a new mindset of success and happiness


The path you have been on is about to start paying off You have definitely paid your dues. Things are about to swing more in your favor. Keep standing in your truth . You may come to a crossroads towards the end of the month that opens up some new information for you. How you process that information is up to you. You can let it get you down or you can use it to your benefit and get new inspiration from it If you choose the second approach you may be pleasantly surprised


The scales of justice are tipping in your favor. Some belief you have held strongly to finally rewards you Don’t gloat too long though because that gives too much unnecessary power to the injustice that was active before. Instead use your creativity to make something of the opportunities in front of you Start walking in the direction of the things that make you happy. Diversify your interests to keep that positive flow coming in your direction


Having strong faith is going to be very beneficial to you this month That faith is however you define it. It is also what is going to help you take an objective look at your current situation and make note of the things that you have allowed to hold you back . This will include your own insecurities. You have a great deal of potential that is right outside your reach It is time to start stretching those success muscles Set new goals for yourself to achieve this month and the months to come Make some definitive guidelines so you can track your progress. Make them reasonable so you don’t get discouraged but big enough that it takes some action on your part Each time you achieve one of them, give yourself permission to celebrate. Then get back to work


Now that your birthday month has passed, it is time to ask yourself what you are going to do differently this year It is time to get this new you moving in the direction of what is important to you. There are areas of your life you have for some reason been avoiding Make this year the year to push forward Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The help can come from an agency or organization that has been established to help people in your same situation Don’t let your pride get in the way of you getting the help you need. Create a support system of friends and family whether they are related to you or not. You don’t ever have to feel alone.

Text Doreen at 585-615-8494 to schedule a more in depth, personal reading