2 minute read

Invisible “he”.    Benjamin Claiborne  

The invisible he is the invisible me hidden inside a wall waiting to break free

The pain in my heart lies a broke soul that’s stuck where my eyes can’t see

If you would paint a picture on what I see you would see the cracks in the canvas cause society sees me as broken. The invisible he hides behind the shadows of others cause the visible he is too scared to be seen.

The invisible he is frightened by what the world can’t see. The pieces of him that are externally whole but internally not free.

The invisible he continues his unseen life, filled to the brim with dishonest evil and ignorant, who will never see who he is because they are blinded by a masked created by society that's still sees she, battered and defeated by the very word piercing his ears he retreats into the shadows afraid back into the safety of this invisibility until ....she assured him that it was okay and that its time to show the world his true form his true greatness and splendor, apprehensively he slowly emerges peering out very cautious the reassurance of her fading voice pushes him forward, he completely emerges staring at the world he had escaped for so long now he has entered ever so strong and in all his handsome splendor alas tit's short lived someone walks thru he is still invisible

But soon enough the invisible he will not be me!