3 minute read


Rochelle J Photography

By the time you guys read this, I will have participated in the 100 Masc Suits, a healing retreat and panel discussion with masculine of center people. Most of the brothers that are attending are Trans like myself but it is open to anyone of masculine center. It is important that brothers of Trans experience start to create real spaces where we can be free to be our authentic selves. Spaces for us to be recognized and recognize one another. The need for more spaces where brothers can gather and show each other love and support is needed more than others know, but maybe even more than we acknowledge ourselves. There is so much foolishness out here with buckets of misinformation and people who mean us no good. With all of the sillines, you can only imagine what kind of damage it does.

All of that brings me to this place where I've been thinking alot about my guy circle. I must admit it’s kinda small, but I’m out to change that. The misconception that men don’t share space well because competition is always in the atmosphere is a false narrative and I want to help dispel this myth.

I've been blessed though to cross paths with some really genuine guys who are out here doing the work and living their best lives. They are on Team Encourage all the way and that’s the circle I’m looking to build not only for myself but for the community as well. It is so needed right now.

It is unexplainably difficult navigating my Trans experience without having trustworthy brothers to share it with. So I’m super excited about the relationships that I’m currently building. Hopefully, we can make it grow out. Be the change we want to see. It is a blessing to sit at the table with men who have dreams and aspirations like my own and we’re able to genuinely support and love each other. We hold each other accountable and grow as men. It is so refreshing yet it is a thing I didn’t know I needed. The beautiful thing in my Trans journey is I’m in total control of what kind of man I am; I get to pick the circle of brothers I want to pour into along the way; and who I want to pour into me. Do an Old Man a favor and surround yourself with those who are meant to feed into and not those that would come to drain you. Build yourself a circle!