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Today In Music.     Brandy "Lade Breez" Elam

Often times, the music of the moment sets the inflection for your emotional standing; not only for motivation to get people moving, but to even set the tone for the entire day; but how deep is music intertwined throughout life really?

For centuries the culture has used music to set the tone for any and all aspects of life Our ancestors would use music to strengthen tribal soldiers before battle, to solidify war, to celebrate victory, to encourage success, to respect their fallen, even to consummate a union between two lovers Our culture has used the rumble of the drums to incite the crowd at the beginning of sports arenas and fields; and then carries the beat of the battle until the final click of the clock to end the game It has been marveled and respected, it has been attacked and criticized; It has been blamed and praised It has been music What has become of the mainstream music today? The gyrating, the lyrics, the messages, the meanings, what has it solidified in our now?

A number of the largest moguls in our time, have been publicly crucified and murdered well before their bodies lay cold in the hereafter. I wonder when it became live streaming news for the personal opinions and private lives of an entertainment artist, became grounds for social murder. Opinions in societal normalities have deemed multiple men criminal, but how are we so naïve to become accessory to their murder?

I’d never agree to nor express any type of camaraderie for a man who has participated in taking the innocence away from young girls, but how is he the only one punished to the full extent of the law, while men like Elvis Presley, Hugh Hefner, still rest peacefully as legends or like Neil Diamond who gets to live out his life peacefully?

What about Kanye West? He made a tweet about being the original Jew, and all of his life was affected. It didn’t stop when he said “white lives matter”, the world didn’t flinch when he said the music is corrupt and demonic. The world had nothing to say about the valid points made at all; the streaming algorithms insured the masses would only see what could be considered offense to his following

How can a country be so hell bent on punishing murder, overly sexualized content and drugs, but only if it pertains to persons of color? How is the music important if it is allowed to perpetuate these violent acts to our communities while our other art forms like, R&B, NeoSoul, and country music, are almost a thing of the past; unless it is from those outside of the culture

But here we are, today in music