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Duncan has over two decades of experience in feature writing and journalism. He is also a freelance writer. In 2012, he was the national winner of the EU Health Prize for Journalists.

Creativity is intelligence having fun – Albert Einstein Duncan Barry interviews Duncan Bone, group creative director BMW China at TBWA\Worldwide, on the high-end brands his team deals with and the drastic changes in the advertising industry. As a creative director who worked in London and now China, you work with top companies such as BMW, Adidas, Dior, Ford, Google, Nike, Honda, Sony and others. I would imagine such companies have very high expectations and seek creatives who think out of the box. When engaging in a media or advertising campaign, what is the drill, do you brainstorm ideas as a team or do you emerge with the idea yourself? We work as a team, so ideas grow collectively. My role requires me to be able to pick and nurture the right ones and learn to do this with multiple teams (creative and art directors, strategists, planners, producers

and freelancers) on multiple projects daily. Experience enables you to do this, and personally, a love for design, typography, film and new technology helped secure my role within a very competitive industry. Different studios tackle briefs in their own way depending on the scale and nature of the project and the team. In most cases, we would start with meeting the client to pick up and understand the brief. Then the strategists and planners lay the foundations of the project and create a detailed internal summary based on the client’s requirements, and their knowledge of the specific client and what needs to be delivered. Only then


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