Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 11 VOL 4

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| ISSUE 11 VOL 4|


Blessed New Year rs a e t n i ow s t a h t ''They y'' o j n i p ea : 5 r l l a h s alms 126 Ps

Greetings Beloved. We'd love to thank you for being part of Beauty & The Gospel in 2021 , we are truly honoured and hope it won't be the last.

With the new year upon us , THANK YOU LORD JESUS, we pray that Almighty Jesus reveals more of His Sovereignty in your life and fam.

From: Beauty & The Gospel Team

0UR VISION Romans 15:20(TPT) It is my honor and constant passion to be a pioneer who preaches where no one has ever even heard of the Anointed One, instead of building upon someone else’s foundation.

OUR MISSION 1 Corinthians 1:17 (MSG) God didn’t send me out to collect a following for myself, but to preach the Message of what He has done, collecting a following for Him. And He didn’t send me to do it with a lot of fancy rhetoric of my own, lest the powerful action at the center—Christ on the Cross—be trivialized into mere words.

Beauty & The Gospel

CONTENTS HOW MAN HAVE MADE THEIR BODIES A DWELLING PLACE FOR THE ANTICHRIST? 351 chambers of hell & 47,000 cities of Heaven Prophet Aston gives accounts of these real revelations THE COMING FOOD SHORTAGE "The LORD has shown me that we are to do ‘our part’ in preparing as best as we can'' THE NARROW WAY TO HEAVEN NO longer follow man, follow Me 'Oh how wretched and blind you have become” LIFTING JESUS HIGH C OMES WITH BENEFITS The people of the world a re busy talking about heroes loudly but you should be talking about J E SUS THE FEAR OF GOD IS ESSENTIAL

“Stop expecting to be translated out of tribulation. My people must prepare for battle. I did not escape persecution, but bowed to the will of My Father, and you must do the same.” ISSUE NO 11


that gurl's

EDITOR'S NOTE in “They that sow in tears shall reap joy.”

Psalm 126:5

This Editor's note is from Tsakani , a slave of Jesus Christ.

I greet you in the only powerful name of Jesus Christ. Beloved what a faithful Father King JESUS is . Everyday and every hour.

By the grace of God , we've entered into a new year. The time where new year's resolutions and attitudes are buzzing. But here's a food for thought :

Are you resolutions more of the flesh or spirit. Will they bless only your life or others?

Anyways , our verse and theme for 2022 are Psalms 126:5. Personally and ministry wise we've mostly been sowing in tears . I can truthfully say , it hasn't been easy. I've wanted to give up on numerous occasions but the Precious Holy Spirit has been my Counsellor and Comforter. Thank You Holy Spirit. With that being said, we believe this is the year, going forth we reap in joy. Joy of souls, souls and souls.

This being the last issue of volume 4 , next month we doing the new new , with volume 5 ( GODWILLING) . What a blessed milestone.

None the less, may the grace of the Lord JESUS CHRIST and the ever sweet fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT be with you. Be a blessing and stay blessed !



tsakani mhlongo @empress_teekay


A Surrendered Heart Produces Godliness by Dr André and Jenny Roebert Psalms 1:6 (NLT): "For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction."

The reward of the godly is priceless! However, when it comes to qualifying, there's much confusion. The finished work of the cross places the believer in right standing with God. We literally become the righteousness of God, in Christ Jesus. However, being godly has to do with more than the condition of our re-born spirits. This has to do with the choices we make concerning our thoughts and attitudes, as well as our conversations and actions. When Jesus walked among His people, those who perceived themselves as godly actually weren't. That's because true godliness, comes from a surrendered, contrite heart. When we make spending time enjoying the company of the Holy Spirit, seeking God's face, and falling more in love with Jesus - a hunger and desire to surrender every part of our lives to Him burns bright inside us. We begin thinking, speaking, and acting with a renewed mind because of our surrendered hearts. The Pharisees of old put more emphasis on the correct behaviour and actions than knowing the nature of God - that's why they didn't recognize Him when He was right in front of them. Don't get caught up in religious works to walk in your reward - your tender heart towards God will allow Him to do in you all that's required to live uprightly before Him.


This should make things clear about what the

He searched using a Bible search, there were

vaccine truly is. There are two different types

multiple verses with the word “messenger”.

of the COVID vaccine. One is the mRNA which

There was one verse that really stood out to

is messenger RNA. His personal belief is this is


the more likely candidate to be the MARK.

The Lord directed to him where the word

Malachi 3:1, King James Version

“messenger” appears in the Bible.

Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall -


prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom

This is “WOW guys!”. No wonder the Lord had

ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even

him search it. So suddenly come to His temple.

the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight

Messenger RNA Vaccine is announcing the

in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.

arrival of the Antichrist.

Malachi is prophesying the arrival of John the

The second messenger that will come, the

Baptist. The Lord is speaking to Malachi. So

false religion covenant that will be pushed by

John the Baptist prepared the way and the

the Antichrist and the One World Religion, this

arrival for Jesus Christ.

is the messenger of the false convenant. So by taking the Messenger RNA, you are essentially

So Malachi is now speaking about a second

paving the way for the arrival of the Antichrist!

messenger. The messenger of the convenant is

Your body, your Temple, you are allowing the

the messenger of the new convenant. This

Antichrist to dwell in your body, your Temple.

other messenger is Jesus Christ.

This is what will allow the Antichrist to fully manifest in conjunction with the Rapture.

The first messenger is John the Baptist. The messenger of the new convenant is Jesus

So when the Restrainer is removed, so the


defilement of the temple going on right now, your body, those that are taking the mRNA

He will suddenly come to the Temple. What is

vaccine, the defilement of your temple is

the temple? Your body is the Temple of God. It

paving the way for the arrival of the Antichrist!

is no longer a physical Temple, as in the First &

If you want to become a false messenger for

Second Temple in Jerusaleum. Your body is

the Antichrist, take the mRNA vaccine and go

the actual Temple of God for the Holy Spirit.

right along with the Antichrist system. This is

all at hand right now.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17, King James Version 16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

Stay strong in the Lord! Keep looking up! Our redemption draweth nigh.

17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. If any man defiled the temple of God, him shall God destroy. Your body is the temple of God. In Malachi, we have mention of messenger and temple. So the mRNA vaccine, what he believes it is doing, is essentially turning people who accept it into modern day John the Baptist. Instead of the arrival of JESUS Christ, the people taking the mRNA vaccine are becoming the messengers for the arrival of the Antichrist!.

We are getting ready to go home.



Transcribed and compiled by Joshua Chong Thanks to Peniel Ngonde who translated the French sermons of Prophet Aston Adam Mbaya to English and posting his videos on YouTube.


CHAPTER 6 TRIBUNAL OF PRAYER AND THE 7 ALTARS CONTINUATION Around the tribunal, there were many demons. I saw that they were drinking blood and talking. The angel told me, “Since we are sent here by the Lord, the demons won’t be able to see us. We must rush because the audience and trial are to begin very soon.”


When we entered this tribunal, I saw numerous demons. Some of them had animal shapes. Some demons looked like wind, some looked like shadows, some looked like fire. There were countless demons. In the middle of these demons, there was a black throne. And besides the throne, there was an inverse cross with a skeleton on it. Around the throne, there were powerful demons. I had the impression we were in a massive kingdom. The angel told me, “It is here that the devil examines and opposes the prayers of God’s people. It is here that he comes up with a method to weaken people’s prayer life. It is here that he stops prayer from rising and getting answered.” In this gathering of demons, they were drinking human blood. The angel said, “These are the blood of the people of the Earth that were sacrificed by witches and Satanists. Demons drink this blood in order to dominate.” The angel said, “If a member of your family is a witch, and he ate and drank human blood, your family or your progeny will be dominated here.” As the angel was talking, I saw a group of demons entering this demonic hall where the audience was drinking blood. The angel told me, “These are the accusing spirits that were in the trial and the tribunal of prayer. They have come to report the result of the trial.” But I saw that the throne of Satan was empty.


There was another noticeable empty throne where the representative of Satan was supposed to sit in case the devil was absent. When these accusing demons arrived, I saw the audience doing invocation prayer in order to summon the devil. Immediately they began to sing a Catholic song to the Lady Mary. I said to the angel of God, “Why are they singing the Catholic song about the mother of Christ?” The angel replied, “The Virgin Mary worshiped in the Catholic Church is not the Mother of Christ but the Queen of the Coast called Mary Marguella. When the Catholics sing this song, they invite this Queen to their homes and churches. These demons are singing this song to invite the Queen of the Coast to their meeting.” Soon this Queen was appearing among them. I saw a black Queen landing before the audience. She sat on the throne. Quickly I saw three demons bringing her three cups full of blood. The angel said, “This is the lady that people call the Queen of the Coast. She is also known as the Queen of the Sea. She was not always a demon but she has become a demon. She is the mistress of the spirits of the Earth and the water. She was not always a spirit. In fact, she was previously a normal human. This story happened a long time ago in Nigeria and far away time in history.

Her mother was a widow for her father was already dead. She used to go with her mother to the river to get water.” “One day she went to get the water alone and she was captured by a water spirit. Yet the water was low. She was drowned by a water spirit and she was consumed. But her soul was thrown in jail for when she was drowned, the water spirits consumed her body, but her soul remained in jail for many years. One day a water spirit saw her. Then he went to tell the king. He wanted to marry her, saying, “Give me the condition and requirement. I want to marry her.” The king said, “She comes from the Earth. She will not stay here for long. When her time comes, she will be sent to Hell.” Since this water spirit insisted, the king accepted to give the young lady in marriage. Long after the marriage, the lady was angry that she had left her mother who was a widow alone, and the mother was also in great need. As she got used to this new world, she was investigating and asking questions in order to get more power. She was told she needed to make more sacrifices in order to have more power. Thus she began to capture souls that came to get water in the river precisely where she was captured by a marine spirit. She went on to kill men, women, and children up to the point where the village chief forbade the villagers to go to the river.


Since she was in search of power, she went on to sink boats in the sea and the ocean. She had killed so many people. And when she had killed more than 3000souls, she had become so powerful that water spirits could not control her anymore. She killed the water spirit that had married her. She killed the water spirit that had killed her on the Earth. A water spirit that had survived her onslaught went to report to the devil and when the devil sent for her, she refused to come. The devil himself came to her and said to her, “Now you belong to us, you shall be my servant on the Earth. I give you power, glory, and success on the Earth. You shall be worshipped in churches. A part of their prayers will be for the fortification of your kingdom.” This Queen of the Coast is also the mistress of witchcraft. It is in the Catholic church that her worship has been popularized. Her kingdom became rich, thanks to the stars, the destinies and life energies of the people who pray to and worship her. All the drowning of people in accidents of ships and boats in the water also contributed to her power and progress. She is at the center of many inventions of the Earth. I will go in-depth about her in my testimony later.


After the appearance of the Queen of

He said to the audience of demons, “You

the Coast, I began to see smoke on the

all saw what the Creator has done against

empty throne before the audience. I

us. Despite all the evidence, He judged in

heard the accusing spirits saying, “Get

favor of that poor creature but we must

ready for the coming of the great

counter the fulfillment of her prayer from

master.” Suddenly the devil appeared on

reaching her. We must not let her have

the throne. I thought I would see a dark

that blessing.” I saw the audience

figure with horns. To my surprise, he

worshipping him. When the devil left, I

was a young man of extreme beauty

saw the Queen of the Coast rising and

exceeding all the men of the Earth. He

saying, “I want all the demons to be ready

was a perfect beauty. When he sat on

since we need more strategies. We need

the throne, he was wearing a crown

Satan to come back.”

having thousands of stars, but he was furious.



Prepare for FAMINE


THE COMING FOOD SHORTAGE Once again, the LORD has been speaking to me about the FAMINE that is coming. I received 2 more dreams, and a message concerning this.

1ST DREAM: In this dream vision, I saw a large, oblong, cardboard box that was filled to the brim with supplies …..including basic food items.

INTERPRETATION: When I awoke, I heard that this is a ‘care package’ for those who will be hungry,

homeless, and needy, These will be distributed by those who have been blessed with abundance. We are to help the poor and misfortune, as the LORD taught us to do! Isaiah 58:6-8

2nd DREAM: I was at a re-enactment festival…..just like a civil-war re-enactment…… however, the people there were all pretending to be poor and destitute. They were dressed in tattered, poor clothing.

They were re-enacting what it would be like if they were dirt-poor, and living off the land. I saw some people hand-making soap, and basic supplies from scratch. They were living in tents and cooking their meals on an open fire.


The people in my dream were ‘practicing’ for when times get tough, and there is no more money or food. They were like “preppers” that were learning different skills by living in poor conditions. It was a ‘dry-run’ for when apocalyptic disaster(s) come. I believe that this was a WARNING dream for people to start thinking ‘outside the box,’ in terms of their very survival and what that might look like. It is time to learn everything you can about growing gardens, and learning how to live off the land, including things like foraging. The LORD has shown me that we are to do ‘our part’ in preparing as best as we can, with the resources HE has given us. HE will then do the rest! If you haven’t started preparing for your family…..then DON’T WAIT any longer! Don’t be ‘lazy’ or ‘asleep at the wheel!’ Prepare for the FAMINE and ECONOMIC COLLAPSE that is coming!



MESSAGE: (received on 8/19/21 while praying) “Famine is on the horizon. Prepare as best as you can…..DON’T WAIT! This is a forced famine. This will like the potato famine…. Many will starve…. Many will die. I have called upon MY own for years to prepare. Some have heeded the warning, and have (prepared), but most have not. I will be your source, only if you look to ME for your needs.” (then I heard Matthew 6 ) “The time is late. These days are upon you now. I will deliver MY own, and will INCREASE their supplies. Have NO FEAR, but TRUST IN ME! I will be the GREAT PROVIDER! Call out to ME and and I will answer the calls and cries of MY children! YESHSUA “ CORRESPONDING SCRIPTURE “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” Matthew 24:7



''If you haven’t started preparing for your family, then DON’T WAIT any longer! Don’t be ‘lazy’ or ‘asleep at the wheel!


Controlled by The Holy Spirit by Dr André and Jenny Roebert Ephesians 5:18: “… but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit.” Whatever we are filled with becomes what we expose others to. We are given a command to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. The disciples were filled on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) and then again after experiencing persecution (Acts 4). The same supernatural Spirit of life, resurrection power, wisdom, peace, joy, revelation, and truth that operated in and through Jesus is alive in every born-again child of God. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by the pressures of life, we can choose to be overwhelmed by the Spirit of God. Many choose to be drunk with wine to drown their sorrows, or numb their pain - but we are commanded to be drunk with the Holy Spirit! We have been given this precious gift, the Person of the Holy Spirit, who always leads us into truth, testifies only of Jesus and continuously brings us to a place of victory in life! Opening our hearts to be filled afresh with the infilling of His power, keeps us hungry for the truth of God’s Word, and passionate to do His will. When we are continually filled with the Spirit of God, we remain intimately connected to Jesus, letting His Words become our life source. Living in His overflow causes us to represent Christ well in all things. Open your heart wide to receive a fresh infilling of His love and power today - and burn for Him as you were created to do!


B E P R E P A R E D written by:

ANGUS & JILL BUCHAN Jill and I found Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour on the 18th of February 1979, just two years after settling in Greytown, Kwa-Zulu Natal Midlands, South Africa. Originally from Zambia, we bought a piece of land on which we planned to farm crops and livestock. We had very little to start with but even as brand new Christians, we were content with our farm, which we later called SHALOM.

It is with great sadness that we heard of the passing of Marcus Lamb, the founder of Daystar Television Network, and our condolences are with his dear wife, Joni and family. A scripture that comes to mind is found in Psalm 116:15 (NKJV) “Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of His saints.”

Philippians 1:21 (NKJV) “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

We really do need to realise that we are only here for a very short time, we are sojourners in a foreign land. We are just travelling through. We must be careful that we don’t put too much emphasis on our time here on earth. Our main purpose here is to tell people about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. For some of us, who knows, this might be the last year we have on earth, but I can assure you, for me personally, the time when the trumpet calls couldn’t come quicker. Paul was of the same opinion, he said in -

So we need to be prepared for what the Lord has in store for us and we need to work hard, we need to do what we can and we need to look forward to home time.

May God bless you as you continue to walk by faith and not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7(NKJV) “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

With much love Angus and Jill Buchan



“The remnant’s strength is inadequate to

Stop expecting to be translated out of

face the onslot of evil and devastation

tribulation. My people must prepare for

quickly approaching. She must arm

battle. I did not escape persecution, but

herself in My Word, in My strength. She

bowed to the will of My Father, and you

does not understand what is coming, how

must do the same.”

powerful the pull of evil. Many will fall away, faith will grow weak, the task will be

“Encourage one another in The Word. Be

too great if they battle in their own

Light bearers in the dark days ahead.”

strength.” “Barack Hussein Obama has made a deal

“Time is short. Soon voices will be

with the devil that will soon surface as a

silenced. Great persecution is coming to

liberal agenda to silence voices of

My true followers, My true church – not a

opposition. Laws forthcoming that harbor

building, but a body. Speak now while

hatred for My flock, forcing compliance

time remains.”

and mandatory adherence to man-made laws.


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T h e y

D o n ' t

B e l i e v e written by : Jentezen Franklin

Key Scripture Romans 3:3-4; Exodus 14

What if some do not believe what God has told you? What happens when you tell others about Jesus and they do not believe? Keep telling people and keep dreaming for your loved ones whether they accept your testimony or not. Keep telling others anyway, because God has told you to do it.

Others have no control over what God has told you to do. Their unbelief will not cancel your promise for you OR for them.

Key Points

1. When you are in the will of God there will still be opposition. There will always be people that do not accept what you know to be true.

2. Don’t listen to lies. False accusations and trials, and even evil can come against you, but it cannot stop what God has told you. A real dream does not die when opposition comes. Man cannot kill that which God has given life. 3. Your dream is not dependent on someone else. Don’t be distracted by others’ talents and abilities and think they are your pathway. Don’t think your dream depends on the help of others. God is your door opener. 4. People are resources for your dream—God is your source. People will come and go but God will provide all you need. The dream is in you as is the promise. If you depend on people you will go from praying for them to preying on them for your needs. God is your source and He will provide all you need.

3 Questions to verify if your dream is from God 1. What is the origin of your dream? Identify the origin of your dream. Did it come from my imagination or from God? You only want God’s dream for your life. 2. What talents and resources do you have? God won’t give you a dream that you don’t have the talent or gift to do. Your gift will make room for you. You have to do an inventory of your talents and abilities. They will match God’s dream for your life. Don’t make the mistake Sarah made: impatience and wanting what others have.

3. Does your dream intimidate you? That's a good sign because He never intended for you to be able to do it without faith … Great Faith. Don’t be intimidated by anything God gives you to do. He will give you everything you need at every point in the journey. Where God guides, He provides. a. Don’t let the smallness of your dream discourage you. Your seemingly small dream is a critical piece of God’s plan. There are no small dreams. b. Don’t let the magnitude of your dream discourage you. If your dream has a giant in your way, remember you serve a giantkiller.

Final Thoughts Are you ready for all that God has next for your life? Are you willing to believe God’s Word and His promises for your life even when what you see looks impossible? Are you willing to believe for your family’s salvation? Are you willing to place your dreams in Jesus’ hands and allow the Lord to work that dream out through you? Don’t be intimidated; you serve the King of kings. You serve a MIGHTY God. So what if others don’t believe? That doesn’t change God’s promise or diminish it in any way.

Jentezen Franklin



"And I, IF I BE LIFTED UP from the earth, will draw all men unto me." St.John.12:32. "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even SO MUST THE SON OF MAN BE LIFTED UP: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." St.John.3:14-15 (ref.Numbers.21:9).

Dear friend, the happenings and events around the world today may be very disturbing, but never allow it become a distraction to you . The truth is that prophesies are being fulfilled in your very eyes but in order to be on the positive side of these prophecies, you must get busy and focus on LIFTING UP JESUS everywhere you are.


The people of the world are busy talking about heroes loudly but you should be talking about JESUS, the greatest hero of all times. Create opportunities to talk to people about JESUS. Tell them of what He has done in your life and what He can do in their lives.

When you lift up JESUS like Moses lifted up a serpent of brass in Numbers 21:9, many are healed. If just looking at a hand-made serpent could bring instant supernatural healing to a whole nation, how much more looking up to JESUS?

Did you know that the LORD wants to have the world's attention and He is counting on you to make it happen. If you have never talked to somebody about JESUS, it is a pointer that you don't really know Him.

When all your attention is on your needs and challenges, you are definitely distracted. Problems are not there to turn our attention away from JESUS, but to turn your attention on Him. In the same way, we must understand that our achievements and accomplishments are platforms for the testimony of JESUS and always to draw attention to Him.

If you tell people about JESUS, they would want to meet Him. From the text of our opening Bible reference, we see a small gathering at a super organised in honour of JESUS. They were probably about to 30 people there because JESUS was with His disciples, we see Mary pouring an expensive ointment on the feet of JESUS- St.John.12:3, the very next day, more people wanted to see JESUSverse 21. Therefore, if in your private and public life, you seek not to draw unnecessary attention to yourself but to JESUS, more people will encounter Him. You cannot steal attention away from the One you call Lord and Master. Inviting a few people for a breakfast, lunch, dinner or a coffee table, or even sponsoring a birthday in a small way, with the intention of presenting JESUS, is a good opportunity to lift up JESUS. You cannot consistently lift up JESUS and you stay down in life because He reciprocates by lifting you up.

When you make people meet JESUS and they are happy, your joy is increased and your wellness is boosted. My friend, by all means pursue your personal legitimate ambition, but never at the expense of LIFTING UP JESUS. Just as your success is important to you, so are the souls of men important to GOD because JESUS paid so much for it. While your personal ambition may have no eternal significance, your testimony of JESUS will affect the eternal destinies of people. If anyone is ashamed of the testimony of JESUS, the bible says, He too will be ashamed of such a person, when He comes back in the glory of His Father- Mark.8:38; and that may happen soon.

Shepherd Hill Community

L.A. WORLD Proverbs 9:10 TOUR By: Rabbi Schneider

The Fear of God is Essential One of the tenets that is often lacking in most doctrine today is the teaching of the fear of God. We have somehow glossed over it. In fact, many say that God does not really want us to fear Him, but that He only wants us to revere Him. Although we do need to admire and respect Him, there is something clean and holy about fearing the Lord. We need to realize that one day we are going to be face-to-face with the eternal self-existent God – whom has no beginning, and no end. It is not just that He created reality; He is reality. We will actually stand before the One with no boundaries, no limits, and no constraints. Beloved, I believe, at that moment, we will certainly know what it means to have the fear of the Lord. Let us not wait until then to humble ourselves.

“The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever.” Psalm 19:9

God balances the need for us to fear Him by generously imparting the revelation that He is compassionate and by nature a God full of lovingkindness. When we fear Him and put ourselves in proper alignment with Him, Father comes to us and immeasurably pours out His grace, mercy, and love upon us.

“We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love” (1 John 4:16).

We are called upon to fear the Lord. It is the catalyst that releases the depth of God’s love that He wants to impart into our lives. There are different elements that are all part of our same relationship with Him. Fearing God and receiving His entire blessings are connected and interdependent. We need to have both aspects working continually in our lives to experience Father at His fullness. Beloved, let us not forsake the fear of the Lord. It truly is the beginning of wisdom and our relationship with God. Yes, we are brought into the love of God, but we need to be convicted of our sin. We need to understand that without God’s love and forgiveness we are destined to an eternity apart from Him. There is a healthy and beautiful balance to our relationship with Father. It is like a fine diamond. There are many different facets.


“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” YOUNG DJ



NO longer follow man, follow Me "Warn My people, NO longer follow man, follow Me. Your destiny is in My hands; be cautious where you place your faith. My children are content and comfortable status quo suits their lifestyles. They have need of nothing. Oh how wretched and blind you have become. All will experience My wrath, even My own. My soul longs to see righteousness in My house, but only sin is evident. Your grave sins have blinded you to My truth. You care nothing for holiness as you sit on padded pews in ivory towers that reflect nothing of the Truth of Who and What I AM. Soon, very soon churches will begin to crumble under the weight of sin. The bigger they are, the harder they will fall. Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, David Jeremiah among others have led many to compromise their faith. Many attempt to emulate these men rather than Me and this has led to the downfall of My church"

"And He said, "Go into the city to a certain man, and say to him, 'The Teacher says, "My time is near; I am to keep the Passover at your house with My disciples. The disciples did as Jesus had directed them...." Matthew 26:18-19 “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” Revelation 12:10-12

''Do not follow man, FOLLOW GOD and the Truth found only in His Word''.



TEXT: MATTHEW 7: 13-14 (13) Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: (14) Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

KEY VERSE: JOHN 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Here is an excerpt from the book Escaping Hell Fire and Entering Heaven Made Simple by Pastor Paul Rika:

Pastor Paul Rika International Director of Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide ​ "HOREMOW is like a large body of water coming with great force washing away all debris, shedding dead weight, and riding off all impurities from among the churches today. The great force carries along the genuine children of God from all over the world and from all denominations and nationalities onto the narrow way to be rapture ready and to meet our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the last move of God on earth, and, Holiness Revival Movement is the Last Ark of our generation. Some say, "Is this the only place people can worship?" Indeed, such a drastic measure would perplex the world. But, Jesus said, "My children know my voice..."

" Pray not to fall short of God's righteousness in your daily walk with Christ''.

Jesus said “My son, come.” We swiftly appeared at the gate. As He stretched out His right hand, I saw the narrow way leading to heaven and He said, “This way can accommodate only you in Christ and Christ in you. If you carry anything else, this way cannot accommodate you. This is the way of truth, Righteousness and Holiness. The other way is the way of multitudes. This is the only way to heaven. It is a narrow way and only few find it.

Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

​ t that gate, we stood for a long time A before I saw a saint on earth coming along that way to heaven. It took another long time before I saw another person coming along that way to heaven. When the saint from the earth entered into heaven I heard a shout of acclamation and joy! A soul had entered into heaven! There are normally shouts of joy when a soul enters into heaven. Speaking more of this narrow way, Jesus continued. “This narrow way is the way of truth, righteousness and holiness. If any man desires to enter into heaven I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Go and tell man I still love him.' As we can see in today's account, there is a holy standard for making it to heaven. Pray not to fall short of God's righteousness in your daily walk with Christ. Many are ignorant of this truth. Tell it to sinners, backsliders, believers, ministers and churches. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Narrow way is way of truth, righteousness and holiness. BIBLE READING FOR THE DAY: Zechariah 1-3; Revelation 17




Saturated with Life by Dr André and Jenny Roebert Job 23:12 (NKJV): "I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food."

In this hour, it's imperative as children of God to be saturated with the life giving Word of God! This is what nourishes our spirits and empowers us to live as effective representatives of Jesus Christ. When the pressures and cares of this world put a squeeze on us, whatever we are saturated with is going to come right out of us. The Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks! The reality is whatever has had the greatest influence on our mindset or belief system is going to be revealed by our response to pressure. Will we cave to the temptation to have angry outbursts, or make wrong decisions based on our frustration. Will we compromise in our walk of holiness, or give in to fear? Make no mistake the pressure is real, but what we have chosen to invest into our hearts and minds is crucial because it will produce our response to that pressure. Colossians 3:16 instructs us to allow the word of God to dwell in our hearts richly. It's vital for every believer to treasure the Word of God as His own, personal advice, instruction, and promise, and to align our entire lives around it's timeless wisdom. When its life saturates us, it automatically flows out of our attitudes, words and actions - positioning us for victory without compromise.

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