Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 5 VOL 2

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are you Mary or Martha in worship?

Are you committed to GOD or have you just made a decision? ISSUE NO 5 VOL 2 JUNE 2019

VISION ROMANS 15:20-21 20 Accordingly I set a goal to preach the gospel, not where Christ’s name was already known, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; 21 but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture], “They who had no news of Him shall see, And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”

MISSION 1 CORINTHIANS 1:17 17 For Christ did not send me [as an apostle] to baptize, but [commissioned and empowered me] to preach the good news [of salvation]—not with clever and eloquent speech [as an orator], so that the cross of Christ would not be [b]made ineffective [deprived of its saving power].














EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Beloved, these times are evil and we need to stand in the gap. Recently, The Holy Spirit showed me something that I’d never seen before. He showed the community that I was born in and still reside in. He showed me the different types of activities that were happening, the bondage that people were in. He told me the demons that were assigned to my community. Now, as a child of God, it’s something that I’ had never viewed in this way. I had always known that people were in bondage but never knew there were demons assigned to communities. I somehow thought, what can I do but preach the gospel, but I then asked myself where do I start. In a matter of less than a week after this revelation the same revelation was communicated again to me via the Holy Spirit and this is how. It was in the evening and time for bed but I somehow got stuck to the couch, Yes my body wanted to go sleep but not my spirit. Then came on a program by Apostle Nicky. I thought, okay, what awesome Good News does he have today. Little did I know, that he would be talking about the very same thing that the Holy Spirit had revealed to me about certain demons that are assigned for every community and once again my heart broke. He spoke about, how the body of Christ is not participating in warfare. How we’ve somehow lived lives of not being in war, standing up and rebuking the devil in our communities. How these demons can reside amongst us (the children of God) and end up building strong holds amongst other things. Child of God, I know as you read this, the Holy Spirit is opening your eyes and I hope from today you will stand in the gap and intercede on behalf of the community you reside in and take your stand with authority by the Blood , Name and Power of our Lord and Saviour. Write me your comments and thoughts to our email: it might just be printed If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till month, you’re loved by Him and I.


Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

You are known and loved Message taken from 1 Chronicles 28:9b (NLT) 1 Chronicles 28:9b (NLT): "Worship and serve Him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought..." Have you ever stood close to a massive wind turbine and taken in its colossal size? It can be quite overwhelming. At close inspection, many of our problems can seem just as intimidating as they loom over us, which makes it difficult to find hope to overcome them. Our trouble is looking at them from a natural point of view. When you are flying in an airplane however, and you look down over the same wind turbine, it looks small and insignificant. Changing our view of problems to see them as God does, gives us a completely different perspective. How do we do this? We set our eyes on Him in worship. We focus on His Majesty and power. We understand that everything is subject to Him alone. And in spite of His incomparable greatness, He is fully aware of our thoughts and hearts, and knows every detail of every plan concerning us. And He is for us, not against us. Take your eyes off the impossibility of your problems and lay them at His feet. Then give yourself to Him in worship, yielding to His Presence, power and will. Surrendered to Him, you are fully equipped to overcome every challenge - as you remember how you are known and loved.


ABSENT DAD, PRESENT FATHER? by: Calley Sivils “You must’ve had a military dad.” I held back a wince. “No ma’am,” I replied, focusing on the cashier screen in front of me. She prodded further. “But you’re so polite.” She didn’t catch the reluctance in my voice. “I’ve actually never met my father, ma’am,” I finally said, my eyes not meeting hers. As it usually does, that ended the conversation. The word father has always been a difficult word for me to grasp. When I hear it, I don’t recall any memories; I don’t see a face; I don’t know a voice to associate with it. I don’t connect with it at all. “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him” (Psalm 103:13). But what if he doesn’t show compassion on me? That’s the first question that comes to mind. What Does “Father” Mean? “God is a Father who does not fail us.” I’ve tried to understand why fathers care so much for their daughters. I’ve observed father-daughter relationships and asked other women to define the word father. I’ve read articles. After all my research, tears still roll down my face every time I watch a father-daughter dance. I still wonder what it means that God is a Father — God as Father seems like an intimidating idea. Thus, it’s very tough and often baffling when, in many church and Christian circles, people speak about God as a Father. In some cases, the assumptions made can be alienating and hurtful.

Changing Our Conversation Our communities need to be mindful of how we talk about the fatherhood of God. The church needs to become a place of refuge and relearning for the growing number of fatherless sons and daughters. It’s true that God is a Father, but when others do not have a positive association with that word (or any association at all), it can often just serve to remind them of how less than ideal their background is. We shouldn’t shy away from the truth that God is a loving Father, but we should also remember to be sensitive to those with difficult and painful backgrounds. Don’t let fatherlessness keep you from searching out God as a Father, your Father. Though it has been hard, coming to know God as my Father has washed the raw wounds of my own fatherlessness. Those wounds never seem to fully dissolve. I still yearn for memories of running to greet my daddy after he comes home for work. Those memories never happened. And the memory of my fatherdaughter dance will also never happen. But we are no longer fatherless. In Christ, we have been elevated to the status of fellow heirs and are now true sons and daughters of God (Romans 8:16– 17). And your Father’s love for you exceeds all of the abandonment and disappointments in your past. Growing to know God as a Father means dropping our guard and letting the goodness of God heal our wounds. My father has not been present, but my heavenly Father is omnipresent. For some, their father might have put his desires for money, power, or sex over the needs of his family. God, however, is a Father who will never fail us. Loving the Fatherless “Your Father’s love for you exceeds all of the abandonment and disappointments in your past.”

Brokenness is not a reality to be ignored by the church, but the very reason God built the church. Had we not been fallen and utterly unable to stand in righteousness on our own, Christ need not have come. If we want to emulate our Lord, we will reach out in compassion to the physical and spiritual needs of the fatherless — the neglected, abused, and abandoned. It’s more comfortable to assume everyone is fine and turn a blind eye. But churches have an opportunity to pour out love on kids, teens, and adults from broken homes. We truly, desperately need to cultivate a sensitivity, a compassion, and a longing for the thousands of children in our communities with little stability at home. Men need to reach out to the fatherless women in congregations. Of course, loving boundaries must be established in community with others. It might be as simple as asking her about her week when you see her on Sunday, or it might look like you and your wife inviting her for dinner twice a month. Women without fathers need to see that men can and should cherish women with love and dignity. She needs to see you love and serve your wife. Older women, younger women need you, too (Titus 2:3–5). Not just your cooking or your hugs (those don’t hurt!), but someone to listen to them, guide them, and point them toward truth rooted in Scripture. Grace, a Two-Way Street It’s important for people from fatherless backgrounds to remember that grace and understanding go both ways. The people who make assumptions aren’t God and are therefore not allknowing. Those who have not experienced fatherlessness cannot know or completely comprehend its consequences. Yes, their ignorant or careless words and assumptions can wound us, but we stand ready to extend grace to those for whom Christ died. It’s good to let the person know that they have wounded you, but with a humble and patient posture.


Grace, a Two-Way Street

It’s important for people from fatherless backgrounds to remember that grace and understanding go both ways. The people who make assumptions aren’t God and are therefore not all-knowing. Those who have not experienced fatherlessness cannot know or completely comprehend its consequences. Yes, their ignorant or careless words and assumptions can wound us, but we stand ready to extend grace to those for whom Christ died. It’s good to let the person know that they have wounded you, but with a humble and patient posture. “My father has not been present, but my heavenly Father is omnipresent.” Rather than let our wounds fester, it’s important for us to praise the Lord that whole families still exist, that there are couples who never divorce, that there are fathers and mothers who are still deeply invested in the lives of their sons and daughters. The Father’s heart for his children shines through them into the world. Let us rejoice in the grace that has often broken cycles of sin and pain, and produced healthy marriages and families that reflect his glory.

Calley Sivils is currently pursuing her MDiv in Advanced Biblical Studies at SEBTS in Wake Forest, North Carolina. She writes on her blog, Washedwanderer.


We are honored to feature a TRUE PROPHET OF OUR TIME. Sharing with us the true and undiluted Word of God. WE WELCOME PROPHET GEOFFREY GEZANI

WE REAP ONLY WHAT HAS BEEN SOWN READ :-Galatians 6:7-8 We Reap Only What Has Been Sown We Reap in a Different Season than We Sow. In fact we Reap More Than We Sow We Reap In Proportion to What We Sow We Reap the Full Harvest Of the Good Only if We Persevere We can’t do anything about Last Year's Harvest, But We Can about This Year's

Note: Galatians 6:7-8 A. We Reap Only What Has Been Sown. 1. Life is filled with choices, choices that affect us on an everyday basis in everything we do. 2. That means, our everyday choices are not without significance. 3. Our choices affect us and others in dramatic ways whether we see it immediately or not. 4. While earth remains, no man will mock God by changing for even one time these laws of the harvest.

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;" (Eph 5:15-18) "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." (Psa 90:12) B. Why do we need wisdom? 1. So we can make wise choices!

2. What we reap was planted either naturally or purposely, either by God or by man, and for either positive or for negative results. 3. In other words, this law of the harvest, We Reap Only What Has Been Sown, has both a positive and a negative side. C. The Positive Side 1. We reap blessings from the labour of others. "I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours." (John 4:38) 2. Blessings We Reap Because of What God Has Done on Our Behalf. a. The Blessings of Common Grace "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." (Mat 5:45) "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." (James 1:17

"John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven." (John 3:27) 1) God is gracious toward all men whether they realize it or not, or whether they ever give Him thanks for His blessings. 2) In fact, every good gift we enjoy comes from God. a. The Blessings of Salvation are Grace "And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (1 John 5:11-12) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) 1) Regardless of man's lack of thankfulness, God has given man the greatest gift of all in His Son. 2) He became man and went to Calvary that we might have life by faith in Him. 3. Blessings We Reap Because of What Others Have Done In Our Behalf.

a. Not only are we blessed because of what God has done on our behalf, we are also blessed by what others have done. b. Others have laboured and we have entered into the blessings of their labours.





1. Who is Worship Saints and where are you from? Worship Saints is a young group of vibrant ministers whose dedication is to be seeing the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, being preached to all nations. 2. Who is King Jesus to Worship Saints? King Jesus, is our big Brother, our Savior. The one Who forsook everything just to see us saved. 3. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? Power. This is the Name that we have been given and in which we are saved. Everything revolves around this Name. 4. How did the name Worship Saints come about and when did you start the musical journey? When we came up with the name, it was important to capture the essence of the ministry, which is “Worship”. It was a natural progression for us to add Saints, as God’s Word calls us His righteousness.

5. You have an album out titled “Glory Revealed”. Take us through the process from the beginning to the end, what was the inspiration behind the album and what do you want to impart to the listener and where can it be purchased? The Glory Revealed Journey started in 2014. God spoke to us about a time where there will be a revelation of Sons and that we are the Generation that light to reveal His Glory. It was not necessarily a Word for the Album, but rather for a lifetime. We felt a sense of responsibility to carry out God’s Glory (His Kingdom) to the nations. When talking to God about the “How”, His responses was, do what you can and watch me perfect , My Work.

With limited resources, we took God at His Word and recorded the album “Glory Revealed”. This was an extension of an assignment which had long began. Listening to the Album, we want people to draw inspiration and to connect with God at a personal level (As a Father). The Album is available online, on all digital platforms (iTunes, Google play, Spotify, Deezer, etc) and we have few physical copies left. 6. You recently shot a live DVD recording on the 31st of March 2019, titled “OUTPOURING”, what preparation went into: -venue and design The desire was to go for something rustic. We initially wanted to use an old factory house, but then the Idea to use the monumental old station venue was suggested, and we went for it. -title of album In December 2018, we held a 2 days Prayer and Fasting camp as a team. The main reason was to seek God regarding 2019 as a team and to also connect (Pray for the ministry and one another). It was at this meeting where God gave confirmations about the theme (the message was consistent throughout). Outpouring is an extension of Glory Revealed and if one can listen to both Albums, they will hear the consistency.

-songs featured We had songs that Worship Saints has sang before but never released and new songs that had never been sang publicly, It is always difficult to select songs for an Album because we are always writing, intact during our rehearsals, songs are inspired in our spirits. We recorded a song called “Great Jehovah”, which was one of the songs inspired at rehearsals. a. In the “Outpouring album you have featured worshippers like: Wisdom Kay, Rumby and Ditiro”, how was it collaborating with them and what can your followers expect from this anointed album. - Collaborating with these individuals was really easy and such a blessing. We are usually very selective on who we collaborate with because we want the individual to understand our heart and what we are trying to achieve. Wisdom and Ditiro are good friends of the ministry which makes it easier. Rumby is our newfound cousin, and we were attracted by her skill, anointing and dedication to her musical craft. One other thing is that we love working with ministers who are still up and coming.

b. I was given the opportunity to be part of this DVD recording as a guest, and I noticed that WORSHIP SAINTS are the remnant of this generation. There are these lines that are still embedded in my heart declared by Worship Saints: “whatever you are doing in this generation Lord, I WANT TO BE PART OF IT”. Tell us more about that. - There is really no benefit in doing what we do if lives are not being transformed through it and in order for this to happen, we must take clear instructions from God on what to do and when to do it. We are just vessels with an assignment from Heaven and we want to be God’s hands and feet to reach the ends of the earth. 7. You also speak boldly about not being after fame but being worshippers that are healing the generation with your ministry and after glorifying King Jesus. Not may gospel artists can declare that and live it, how are you doing it? -As a team, it has become very important for the individual parties to commit to this call of ministry even as we commit as a unit. Doing what we do becomes easier when each person is in their personal pursuit of God and are committed to touching God firstly, through their lives and secondly their service. We are also committed to not only being ministers through song, but also through our lives, in our careers, education, family and general walk. We strive for excellence in all that we do as we believe worship starts before the stage and the microphone. 8. Who does what when it comes to composing the music? It is everyone’s responsibility to compose and submit songs. We encourage members to submit songs as and when those are laid in their hearts.


9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a group of worshippers? a. Advantages: Team work (working towards a common goal, making the load lighter), collaboration (Song, sound, experiences). b. Disadvantages: Keeping everyone motivated with the same momentum all the time.. 10. Define purpose and how can one determine their purpose? Purpose is broad, but for the purposes of this article, it can be defined as the ultimate result of doing something. Different from a goal, which can be smaller increments leading to the fulfilment of purpose. Purpose is found in God sometimes the things that bother us the most are the things we should be doing to fulfil purpose. For example, if seeing people at lack hurts you, maybe reaching out to the needy is part of your purpose. One needs to always pay attention. 11. How important is it to be around people with a purpose that is aligned to yours? It is very important, because it results to accountability, which is an important part of the work we do. There are a lot of things that may seem good but can be distractions from the main goal. Having people who are as determined and committed to their purpose can help ensure that we keep the main thing the main thing. 12. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? We would spend the day asking Him for direction on how to continue as we journey through life. The rest of the day would be, Him teaching and revealing to us the heart of the Father for this generation.

13. Have you always aspired to be gospel musicians? No. We do not believe we are gospel musicians. What we do is beyond music; we are ministers using music as a vehicle to reach God’s people. This is an assignment and music is one of the channels we use to fulfill it. 14. To someone going through the worst right now, what’s your message? Yehovah u Kahle (God is good)… We believe this is a word we must all hold on to, that in all things, God remains good. 15. Beauty and the Gospel is about “living for God and still being dope”(biblically). You fit that so perfectly, so how do you then as young as you are manage to do that especially in these times we are living in? Personal pursuit of God; many people have opinions about how people should live their lives and what is the acceptable standard, but we believe that all that pertains to life and godliness is found in the one who created us, God…So we approach this life not adhering to religion, but relationship with God. 16. If you were granted one lifetime opportunity, what would it be? Resources (Financial and Human capital) to be able to make and release music of good quality for the nations, ultimately, making this accessible to everyone. 17. When people hear the name Worship Saints. What do you want them to know? Life changing ministry - For us, this has to go beyond music, otherwise, it is not worth doing. 18. How can people access your music and when is the “OUTPOURING DVD & CD COMING OUT”? Glory Revealed is on all online stores. People can follow us on instagram, twitter and YouTube for updates About our music.



WHAT ARE YOU BUSY WITH? #whose feet are you sitting on? (Whose word or voice are you listening to? Taken from Luke 10:38-42 When King Jesus visited Lazarus’s house, his sisters welcomed Him. They were very happy to see Him and wanted to really spend time with Him. They endeavoured to make His stay as comfortable as possible. Jesus always brings good news and you want to make Him happy. If we were to get an opportunity to host Him for one day, each of us would have a different view on how they will spend the day with Him. Also Mary and Martha had different ways of spending time, with Him. Martha was busy preparing delicious food in the kitchen. I think she knew what His favourite food was and she wanted to serve Him exactly that since we all know how delicious and appetising a home cooked meal is.

She wanted Him to feel at home and eat what He has eaten some time ago. She was busy spicing, frying, roasting, baking, steaming, turning here and there. I can imagine the aroma that filled the house. On the other hand her sister Mary was sitting with Jesus and wanted to hear each every word that came out of His mouth. She couldn’t care what He was going to eat; she just never wanted to spend a single moment apart or away from Him. She wanted to learn and hear each and every word He was saying. She didn’t want any second hand information. She wanted His own version of what He was saying. She never cared for physical food but she wanted to feed her spirit. As Jesus told satan when He was tempting Him that man cannot live on bread alone but by every Word that comes out from the mouth of God. Martha chose bread for flesh and Mary chose the Word of God. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, which would you choose? Bread to feed the flesh or His Word, (the bread of life)? When Martha looked and saw Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet, feeding on His Words of life and wisdom, she got furious. TO BE CONTINUED...



THE DAY-TO-DAY MIRACLE WORKING POWER OF GOD! We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Uncle Angus Buchan . A Born Again spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us . He is an Author, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. THE DAY-TO-DAY MIRACLE WORKING POWER OF GOD! If we look at the gospel of John 2:1-2(NKJV), we see that Jesus was invited with His mother and His disciples to a wedding in Cana. They ran out of wine and so, the mother of Jesus said to Him: “they have no wine” and Jesus said to His mother: “it is not My time”. Then Jesus's mother said to the servants, “do whatever He tells you to do”. Now we know how the story goes: There were 6 water pots of stone and Jesus said to the servants to fill the pots with water and then of course He prayed, and the miracle took place. The finest wine in the entire meeting was made

We need to be aware of them and we need to thank God for each and every one of them. Every day is a gift from

available to the guests of the wedding.

God, we need to appreciate every moment we have on

God has shown me that He is not only the God

fellow man, we need to do good where we can, we need

of the miraculous, the huge miraculous deeds, but He is also the God of the day-to-day miracles. So often we are looking for the miracles like the parting of the Red Sea or the raising of Lazarus from the dead after he had been dead for four days and yet there are miracles that are taking place every moment of

earth. We need to love our families, we need to love our to avoid confrontation and needless arguing and we need to sow love and that in itself is a wonderful miracle. When everybody else is running around like chickens with their heads chopped off, we need to be focused and we need to give the Lord Jesus Christ all the honour, praise and glory. We need to pray at all times.

our lives.

journey down the Duzi river with no problems. Let us use

We need to be aware of them and we need to

Lord and when He speaks to us, to act just like Jesus did

thank God for each and every one of them. Every day is a gift from God, we need to appreciate every moment we have on earth. We need to love our families, we need to love our fellow man, we need to do good where we can, we need to avoid confrontation and needless arguing and we need to sow love and that in itself is a wonderful miracle. When everybody else is running around like chickens with their heads chopped off, we need to be focused and we need to give the Lord Jesus Christ all the honour, praise and glory. We need to pray at all times.

every opportunity that we have to be obedient to the with changing the water into wine, praying for the sick in the workplace, taking care of the poor and the needy, having patience and compassion on those who are struggling, and God will do the rest. Like never before in South Africa, we are needing God's people to perform miracles daily; not just the big ones, but the day-to-day ones like turning water into wine. (By the way the canoe paddler told us after the race it was one of the smoothest, most pleasant races He has ever done and he’s done twenty Duzi marathon’s). God bless Angus Buchan

Devotions by the anointed Pastor Andre and Pastor Jenny.

Over and Above Message taken from 1 Corinthians 15:58 (AMPC) 1 Corinthians 15:58 (AMPC): “ firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose].” Don’t you love the passion Paul carries across in this scripture as he speaks about our attitude in serving the Lord? There are no half-measures here! The word labour comes from a Greek word that implies someone giving all of themselves into a particular task. Paul says our attitude must be superior doing more than enough. That means in all we do, throughout our day as we live for the Lord - moment by moment in even the smallest of tasks - we do it all to the very best of our ability. When we consistently work with excellence in all things - as unto the Lord - we are promised our efforts are never futile or without purpose! It always pays off and sets in us a superior standard of work ethic that brings glory to the Lord. It’s time to shake off any slothful, mediocre attitude towards what you do in life. Adopt an attitude of excellence that goes over and above what’s expected, you’ll find the results far surpass your own expectations.enter the full verse in bold and the devotion text here...



These days pastoral ministry has become more glamorous, fabulous, fashionable than ever. We hear nowadays of pastors driving expensive cars or being chauffeured, owning private jets, and living in opulent mansions. Once only the “prosperity preachers” and bona fide hucksters touted such lives; now your neighborhood “orthodox” super-pastor does the same. It’s all so pretty, perfumed with the world’s “best” of everything. But, brothers, we are not professional models or entertainers hawking the world’s airbrushed version of “the good life” from the lofty heights and flashing lights of public adulation. Brothers, we are shepherds down in the fields of life — and we should stink.

Our model of ministry comes from the

Yet, I find it remarkable that without

faithful shepherds and fellow elders of

flinching, and without caveat, he can call

the holy Scriptures. Men like the apostle

upon the Thessalonians’ own memories of

Paul who defended his ministry, in part,

him to testify to the blamelessness of his

by appealing to his life with the sheep.


He writes in 1 Thessalonians 1:5, “You know how we lived among you for your

Many of us won’t hesitate to swear by our


own lives but would tremble in fear if our

I’m challenged by the apostle’s

people were asked, “How does he live

confidence here. Here’s a man that could

among you?” We can talk of ourselves in

describe himself as formerly a

ways that excuse our failings, justify our

blasphemer, persecutor, and violent man

sins, and shift the blame we deserve. But

(1 Timothy 1:15). He was no perfectionist.

some of us would panic if the reputation

He felt himself to be trapped in a

of the gospel came down to the testimony

wretched body of sin that warred with

of our people about our lives.

the Spirit (Romans 7). Y

We all know the message we preach is

Our people should be able to testify that

better than the messengers who preach

we “lived among them for their sake.” Our

it, but that doesn’t mean the messenger

living with them is to benefit them. We

should settle beneath the message.

should be welcomed among the people

There must be a striving to be what we

because our presence means spiritual

are in Christ, so that the message is

gladness and profit (Hebrews 13:17). The

adorned and defended by the

goal of all our living is the blessing of all

messenger’s life. If we find this is not the

our people. That’s why we come and dwell

case, we should either repent or leave

among them.

the ministry. Notice carefully Paul’s words: “…how we

The more gifted we think ourselves to be,

lived among you….” It’s not just “how we

the more closely we should live among

lived,” which could be reported from

them. There’s an insidious idea abroad that

afar, airbrushed and beautified for the

suggests that the more gifted the pastor,

pages of Jerusalem Home Journal. Paul

the less time he has to be with the sheep.

says — with confidence — you know how

It implies that being with the people is a

we lived “among you.” He’s no absentee

hindrance better left to less gifted men.

apostle or church planter. He doesn’t

The power of the gospel does not depend

“phone it in.”

upon the giftedness of the messenger.

The apostle understands that shepherds

Everyone God has saved in the cause of

should smell like sheep. The sheep’s wool

our preaching has been saved despite the

should be lint on our clothes. Our boots

messenger — not because of him. Even

should be caked with their mud and their

Paul — arguably the most gifted Christian

mess. Our skin ought to bear teeth marks

ever — would rather boast in his

and the weather-beaten look of

weakness. Here you have a messenger

exposure to wind, sun, and rain in the

keenly aware of his brokenness living out

fields. We belong among the people to

both his brokenness and his giftedness

such an extent that they can be called

among the sheep for their benefit.

on to honestly testify that our lives as messengers commend the message. We should be so frequently among them that we smell like them, that we smell like their real lives, sometimes fragrant but more often sweaty, musty, offensive, begrimed from battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Let me admit that there are limitations

Do you know how to tell the difference

we pastors face. Some of it may be due

between sheep and wolves in sheep’s

to the size of our churches. Some may be

clothing? Sheep eat grass; wolves eat

due to the vastness of the region over

sheep — it doesn't matter how prettily

which our people are scattered. Most of

they are dressed.

us don’t live in Baxter’s Kidderminster. Paul was among the Thessalonians for Some of our limitation may be based on

their profit. It was so obvious that he

good priorities — like spending more time

could confidently call them to testify to it.

training leaders than attending certain

That’s the kind of messenger in whose

social functions. I want to allow every

hands the message ought to be trusted. A

good caveat and qualification necessary.

powerful message in the hands of a

But if our hearts say either we’re too

humble messenger among the people is

gifted or too big to be with our people,

how God normally works.

we should stop pretending we’re motivated by their benefit. We should

Brothers, we should smell like sheep. Do

stop pretending we’re not pimping them

we have a plan for regularly getting smelly

or feeding on them. If we honestly feel

with the sheep?

we’re too gifted to be with them, we’re


not shepherds. We’re wolves.


We are honored to feature a woman of God by the name : Pastor Thuto Gezani. Truly a remnant of our generation! Prepare a journal and pen!

A prayer of a Faithful woman 1 Samuel 1

The woman I am talking about is the well KNOWN HANNA.

This is a story of a certain woman who was mocked by her sister wife because of her barrenness. Â It is vitally important as a child of God to understand that you will be mocked, called names, rejected not because God has forgotten you or God does not love you, it is merely because God is building a character in you.

For the Bible records that she would go to the temple to plead for her situation to change, so whatever situation you are in, it needs to:

The other thing you need to remember is that the book of Psalm 23 says YOU PREPARE A TABLE BEFORE MY ENEMIES. So God will allow ENEMIES to be created in your life so that He can be able to prepare a table. When you look at the life of this prayerful woman, she probably didn’t understand why this was happening to her, she probably did not understand that her womb was blessed hence the delay of the manifestation of her blessing.

1. Bring you closer to God 2. Make you stay in the presence of God 3. Be drunk by the Holy Spirit 4. Make a vow to Go, because you understand that He is a God that never fails What I like about the whole situation of HANNA is that, when she was in the presence of the Lord she cried out to the Lord. Hanna did not cry out to her family, she did not cry out to her friends, she did not even cry out to her Priest but she cried out to the Lord. Many of us forget that we have a God that never sleeps nor slumbers. We have a God that is always ready for us. A God that listens when we cry and a God that has a permanent solution for our lives.

One day when Hanna was in the temple praying to her God, the Priest found her and thought she was drunk with wine but little did he know that Hanna had been praying was drunk by the Holy Spirit. When Hanna explained that she was not drunk by wine, the Priest declared a blessing that she has been PRAYING for many years. Many of us do not understand the importance of spiritual parents in our life. It’s vitally important to have spiritual parents in our life for spiritual purposes. Spiritual Parents are important BECAUSE 1. To guard our spiritual life 2. To feed our spiritual life 3. To declare upon our spiritual life Even if Priest Eli was not physically there when Hanna was going through a Phase of barrenness but he was guarding and feeding her spiritual life and came to a point where he had to declare upon her life for her blessings. So my question to those disputing spiritual parents is that who will guard, feed and most importantly declare upon your spiritual life?

One thing we need to remember is that, God is a God of protocol and order. The Bible says that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. After the DECLARATION of priest Eli upon Hannah's life, that’s where she conceived her blessing and gave birth to the greatest PROPHET that we read about today in the Bible, PROPHET SAMUEL. Note: never look down on yourself because of the situation you are in, very soon you will give birth to your blessing!

may the love of Christ Jesus abide richly in you. Pastoe Thutho Gezani

We at Beauty & The Gospel got the opportunity to have an interview with this young exclusive Minister of our time: Minister Monica P Theophilus 1. Who is Monica personally and professionally and where are you from? ● My name is Monica Theophilus and I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale Florida. I am a lover of books, so I am always reading. I also love to write, so I am always seen with a journal writing a poem, song or my next blog post. I am the creator and writer for the blog which is used to encourage others through the Word of God.


2. Who does Monica say, THE SON OF MAN IS? ● THE SON OF MAN is Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins. He is my Lord and saviour. The Way, the Truth, and the Oife. The only One who can save. 3. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? ● Saviour

4. How and when did you become born again? ● I became born again on May 20th, 2016. I was bound by the spirits of lust, fornication, and perversion. I was ashamed and tired of being a lukewarm Christian. I wanted to truly live for Christ and have a personal relationship with Him, not a religious one. On May 20th, 2016 I asked God to help me break things off with my now ex-boyfriend who I had an ungodly soul tie with and my journey of deliverance, healing and being born again began.

5. You were ordained as a Minister of intercession and Minister of helps on the 3rd of Feb 2019. Tell us more about and the process of serving? ● As a minister of Intercession, I pray on behalf of the needs of my home church Going Places with Jesus Ministries, and the needs of the people. Every Thursday at 6am-7am my pastors and the intercessors meet at church and we intercede on each prayer request we receive whether online at through Instagram Facebook and other social media sites. As minister of help, I serve wherever needed in our ministry @goingplaceswithjesus.

6. What did your family say or are still saying about the BORN AGAIN Monica and especially the ordination? ● My family is proud of the work God is doing in my life and my transformation process, they continue to support me and encourage me.

7. Did you know you had such anointing? ● I had no idea I had such an anointing. It was spoken over me that I was a prayer warrior in 2017 on my birthday, but I didn’t feel I measured up or knew all the scriptures and words to pray. Now, I walk in the confidence and boldness God has given me to intercede to warfare because it's not by my might, works or power, but by His Spirit working in me. 8. Every child of God has a testimony, tell us about yours? ● My testimony is that God delivered me from the generational curses of lust, fornication, and perversion at the age of nineteen. I am no longer bound, so I walk in my freedom. 9. How would you define WORSHIP? ● I would define worship by glorifying God with every fiber of my being. It’s more than words of adoration, but a surrendered heart full of love, gratitude and reverence for who God is.

10. You are only 22 years old; do you often get rejected as a Minister because of your age and gender? ●I have not experienced rejection as a minister as a result of my age and gender as of yet. 11. You have a blog @amomentwithmonica. How did it start and what do you want to impart to the reader? ● @amomentwithmonica started in October of 2018. I spoke about my desire to write and share it with others. I had no idea if it was God’s will, but a week later my brother in Christ spoke to me after church service and I received confirmation. I knew it was God’s will because I felt such peace. I want to impart that Jesus saves and yes we may go through trials and storms, but it is meant to grow us in our faith. I want my readers to be encouraged, to press forward in their walk with God and to fight this good fight of faith because they are not alone. 12. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? ● If Jesus were to visit me for one day I don’t think I would be able to speak, I would just bow in adoration. I would take Him to my quiet place which is my room and worship at His feet until I fall asleep. 13. There is power in the name of Jesus Christ, share with someone who doesn’t seem to grasp that exactly? ● When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, fulfilling the will of the Father, He defeated sin, death, and the grave. God gave Him all authority and power in heaven and on earth. The name Jesus Christ is the Name above all names, therefore His name has all might, power and authority. I want to share this powerful scripture found in the bible of what happens when we call on the Name Jesus. Philippians 2:10-11 “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (NKJV) That means even demons and satan himself must bow in reverence. Once you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour you have all the authority to use the powerful name of Jesus and the enemy MUST flee. 14. You define the saying “Jesus doesn’t call the qualified but qualifies the called”. Share with us how that has impacted your life? ● This saying has impacted my life because I am a living testimony of someone who is not qualified to be chosen and anointed by God to minister to others and pray on their behalf. I am far from perfect or excellent in my speech and most definitely I don’t know every scripture or verse. I thank God that He still chose to use me even in my mess.

15. For someone suffering from fear, anxiety, and depression. What advice can you give? ● God’s word says, “He didn’t give you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power love and of a sound mind (2nd Timothy 1:7). I would say declare those words over yourself and plead the blood of Jesus. satan has no authority over you when you are covered by the blood. Encourage and delight yourself in God and in His word and you will see a huge difference in your attitude and in your life. I know because I was once bound by fear and I had to speak the powerful Word of God and believe by faith for my deliverance. 16. What messages do you have to the Church, regarding the end times and especially this “NEW AGE GOSPEL”? ● We must check the posture of our hearts daily and ask God to reveal those hidden and dark things in us that will hinder us from seeing the kingdom of heaven, because as God’s word says in Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. 17. Advice to our generation who have been called to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ other than inside the Church building? ● Stay connected to Jesus always. Also, “lean not unto your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV). 18. Lastly, advice you can give to young people in the 5 hold Ministry? ● All that you do, do it as unto the Lord. Don’t get caught up in good works, but more so in God’s presence. 19. Advice to the youth of the world? ● You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and you are on this earth for a purpose. You are supposed to stand out because you are set apart and chosen by God who knows all the plans He has for you. Be different, be you, be bold and love yourself. 20. When people hear the name, Monica. What do you want them to know? ● I want them to know I am totally devoted to Jesus! 21. How can people get in touch with you and your blog? ● You can get in touch with my blog by going to or through my Instagram and Facebook page @amomentwithmonica 22. Last words and plans for 2019 ● My last words for 2019 would be to focus on your walk, your relationship with Christ. Walk in your God-given purpose. My plans involve being intentional about my growth in God, uplifting, encouraging and praying the will of God to be done in the lives of others.

1. In my bag, you will find….? My wallet, my pink small makeup pouch filled with about 10 different colours of lip gloss and oh! Mascara. My journal because I have to take notes when God speaks. 2. Can’t live without? My chap stick like its must-have for everyday use. 3. I dream of …..? Mentoring young men and women and sharing the gospel globally through writing, teaching or singing. 4. 2019 is…. the year of walking in purpose!

8. Can’t stop thinking about? The amazing things God is doing in this season. 9. Daily mantra? “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, Plans to prosper you and to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). 10. Purpose is…….? To worship God and to share the gospel of Christ making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.

5. Lipstick or nails? Lipstick all day!

11. Favourite Minister? My Pastors, @pastorrogerjordan and @pastorcindyjordan my spiritual Mommy, and Daddy they have taught me all that I know.

6. What people don’t know is that I …….? I love Korean drama shows

12. I will retire the day ……? Jesus tells me to

7. If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….? Be lost

13. Best advice ever received? Whatever you do, do it with Excellence and Humility by Pastor Cindy Jordan.



I've learned that I must deal with the

Facebook is the alpha and omega.

distraction of technology, but why do I

Instagram is jehovah nissi. I will always

have to fight it in worship? Why don't we

bless Gmail. Our focus is our God. So,

understand the sanctity of being in the

maybe social media is your God. Maybe

presence of God? While I understand the

that’s why you can’t let it go in worship,

practical use of phones in all settings, if

because you are already worshipping your

Christians truly thought they were in the


presence of God they'd do better. I highly doubt if Jesus was in the flesh in Worship means reverent honor and

2019, in our congregations, we wouldn’t

homage paid to God. When we go into the

be constantly on our phones. Then again, I

location of which we praise God, why are

can see someone posting, “I saw Jesus”

we celebrating social media? Holy, holy,

versus taking in the moment. “I touched

holy is the phone all mighty.

the hem of his garment!”

But you probably wouldn’t be healed

Mary has chosen what is better, and it

because your focus was the post not in

will not be taken away from her.” The fact

restoration. My faith was in technology.

that Jesus calls Martha twice says that he

Heal me IPhone. Heal me Android.

had to cut her off and calm her down. Once He did that, He had to show her

This reminds me of Mary and Martha in Luke

Mary had chosen the better thing to do,

10; a short but very impactful teaching.

not her.

Martha welcomes Jesus into her house when he comes into town. Mary fixes her heart,

When Jesus states, “it will not be taken

body, and soul on Jesus. If I could sit in

away from her,” it makes me go off the

front of Jesus, I don't know what I'd do. If I

deep end. It’s mainly because my worship

could barely formulate five words when I

is always interrupted. In worship I’ve had

met my favorite singer Brandy, I'd probably

thoughts of people being struck down

be mute in Jesus' physical manifestation. I'd

from their disrespect of God.

be thinking, tell me everything, Lord. Give

Consequently, I’ve had to pray throughout

me something that'll help me throughout my

services to keep my mind fixed on God.

days. I can imagine Mary and I giggling like

Praying to God on Saturday nights and

school girls after hearing Jesus teach. While

Sunday mornings help me to get in the

Mary was immersed into Jesus, Martha kills

proper mindset. I must control my small

the vibe.

area. Overtime I’ve realized I’m a sinner and a person on this journey like

Luke 10:40 says, "But Martha was distracted

everybody else. I may be mature in this

by all the preparations that had to be

issue and less mature in another. No one

made. She came to him and asked, “Lord,

is serving Kendra; therefore, I can’t ask

don’t you care that my sister has left me to

God to kill off people that aren’t mine.

do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” For Martha to make that statement she had

Technology teams in churches are

to believe that Jesus would tell Mary to

needed. They tend to work behind the

leave him and work. Culturally and

scenes and out of the way of worshippers.

hospitably, Martha was doing what she was

Anything they record is for evangelizing

supposed to do. She was expected to cook,

on the church’s website and other social

clean, and prepare for her guests. She

mediums. So, why can’t we write out what

didn't understand that in the presence of

we are listening to and send out notes

God other work must cease; especially, to

once we’re at home? We can easily go to

get the fullness of the occasion. Just

the websites for any points that may have

because recording and posting in real time

been missed to add to our post. Then

is meant to help those on the web, doesn't

someone can benefit from a complete

mean that's what God wants us to do. Jesus

thought versus random quotes and

replies “Martha, Martha, you are worried

sentences without full meaning.

and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.

If you want to check your phone during

church one week and see how you feel. Then

communion do so. If you want to read the

try two weeks. If you start shaking, ask the

bulletin while being led in song do so.

Holy Spirit to calm your nerves, lol.

If you want to be a distraction for the

I thank God for those moments of fully

people around you do so, but don’t think

connecting with Him in thanksgiving, and I

you are glorifying God. Don’t think you

pray that all of us will get back to the

are “choosing better” because Jesus says

simplicity of worship. I also pray that you

you aren’t. You’ve missed the whole point

have been convicted to solely focus on God

of worship.

while in His presence. Pray for me as well, so I won’t be judgmental in my thoughts and

Ask God to help you with your attention

allow God to do His work. As always, be

span. Ask Him to prepare your heart,

blessed and stay sunny on the inside.

mind, and soul for worship. You can give yourself a challenge to not bring your phone into-



Devotions by the anointed Pastor Andre and Pastor Jenny

Don't forsake the Word Message taken from Proverbs 4:5-6 (NKJV) Proverbs 4:5-6 (NKJV): "Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you." Success in life comes with determination. In fact the difference between those who succeed and those who don't has everything to do with attitude. A consistent refusal to give up is what is going to keep you on the path to victory. People who choose the path of least resistance and don't wholeheartedly commit themselves to diligence will never achieve excellence. The book of Proverbs strongly urges us get wisdom. It's not a suggestion, it's a deliberate command. When we decide to get serious and committed to putting God's Word first in our lives - to study its truth, meditate on its wisdom and apply it to our lives - we will reap its rewards. It's time to stop having a casual attitude about God's Word. Be stubborn and unbending in your effort to have it dominate your life. If you do, it will preserve you. And as you love it, it will take care of you. Don't forsake God's wisdom, it will defend, protect and guard you; and bring you to the place of glorious, lasting success.


We are living in a generation where this world is getting


realize it. It’ so easy for us to say: “but the times of Noah

wicked by the second but seems as if only a few people must have been easy because they didn’t have technology, television etc” but here’s the answer: Ecclesiastes 7:10. The

GENESIS 6:9 (NIV) – Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and walked faithfully with God. My question to you child of God is, are you THAT NOAH? He was known to be • Righteous • Blameless among his generation

boat that you are building is it flood proof? The boat being the rapture and flood being the tribulation? We seem to have forgotten or ignored the fact that: The King Is coming back any second. What happened to preaching and living the true gospel about HEAVEN, HELL REPENTANCE AND SALVATION?

• Walks faithfully with God Church today has become a social and entertainment place This is a question that the Holy Spirit pointed to me when I was partaking in my morning prayer. Where are the Noahs of our time, well if there are any? Today I’ve noticed that the very people that lived in the times of Noah are still living in our times, even worse. I’d like to presume that because even Sodom and Gomorrah has intertwined with the times of Noah. This generation of so called Christians seems to be ignorant of these “difficult times” that Apostle Paul spoke about in 2 Timothy 3 V 1-6. Mind you, when He wrote that scripture it wasn’t meant for the unbelievers but for believers. Who have, YES, become lovers of themselves, chasing after the things of the world , looking at the outward form of religion but denying its power etc. Where being a “Christian” is relevant but has become Christianity without CHRIST.

where café lattes, muffins and outfits have become the centre of attention. What happened to REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NEAR? (MATTHEW 4:17). Which mind you, are the very first words that came out of King Jesus’ mouth when He started His ministry? Are you the Noah of your generation? Can God look at you and say: “You’re the only one or one of the those who are righteous, blameless and faithfully walking with God?” We have the Greatest Helper, the Holy Spirit who is always at work in you to make you willing and able to obey His own purpose. (Philipians 2:13), or are we going about our own business and purpose, grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). Most of us want to be used by God but with our own terms and conditions. Apostle Paul warns us about this in

Where are the Noahs that are striving for perfection and working their OWN salvation with fear and trembling? (

Ephesians 4:17-19. We want to be used by God for our own reasons and not His, which is soul winning.

Philippians 2:12). I see Christians that are working their lives, their goals and desires with fear and trembling that they won’t be recognised, remembered and known. Christians have become so conformed to this world; we can no longer see who

In conclusion, I ask you child of God, which boat are you building? The one fit for the Narrow road or for the Broadway road?

is who. Since when are we called to build up lives for ourselves here on earth because what I know is we are called to be disciples, to partake in the great commission that our LORD Jesus commanded us! He didn’t command us to have the latest phone, hair, clothes, or car nor to fit in with this world but to make disciples of men (Matthew 26: 19-20).

Prayer: Father God, help me in this journey of righteousness, purity and holiness. I pray for Your grace, knowledge and strength to be the Noah of my generation. I want to be found righteous in your eyes with the power of the Holy Spirit. There is a flood coming and I do not want to be a part of it. Stir up a

Have you ever asked yourself if you are doing enough to enter Heaven? Are you even on the narrow path? (Matthew 7:13). Christians today are living boojie lives that have no challenges and are perfect. Which raises a question because the Bible I read clearly states that: “we must pass through many troubles to enter the Kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). Today the only trouble that Christians are facing is: “if they will be loved, accepted by people” , troubled by not having the latest technology, clothes , house , vacation etc.

fire in me that will make Your priority mine, which is the zeal for souls. I pray this with confidence that you will hide me from the snare of the fowler and help me as I build my boat which is flood proof. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.


We are honored to feature a young Pastor of our time . Sharing with us the true and undiluted Word of God about: Your now is not your future.

Scriptures reading: Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”. Job 8:7 “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should be greatly increased”. In the book of Judges, the Bible records that the angel of God appeared to Gideon and called him mighty warrior (Judges 6:12). He was so amazed and began to question the angel, he couldn’t believe that he was called mighty warrior. When the angel appeared to him, he was just threshing wheat in the winepress (far from being a warrior, not to mention mighty). He was in fact coming from the weakest clan and the least in his family.


The angel description was totally different from Gideon’s situation, but the favour of God located him and used him to save the nation. The book of Romans says that the suffering of this moment cannot be compare to the glory of the future. No matter the suffering, there is glory awaiting us. His grace is sufficient to change situation, every situation is an opportunity for us to see the power of God at work. Depend on the power of God even though it does not look promising, His ways are higher than our ways. He is able and will take you out of that situation, that situation is just a stepping stone to the glory of God in the future.

Your beginning might be small and despised, but greater is He that is seated on His throne. He never changes, all His promises are YES and Amen. He said: He will never leave nor forsake you, you have God by your side and you shall make it in Jesus name. You serve a great God; He will make that small beginning great. David was not born a king; no one ever thought he can be one. David was the least in his family; they did not even consider him when Samuel went to the house of Jesse to anoint someone to be a king. They considered him a shepherd, but little did they know that he was a king in making.

.You might be a shepherd now (small beginning) but God has destined you to be a king (greater end). Believe God in the bush as you continue to look after the goats, Samuel is on his way to anoint you to become a king, and no one will stop that. You are great, God made you that way. When you believe God, miracles happen…God will lift you up, you shall see the glory of God in that situation. You are about to testify, many will know the good works of God through your life, trust Him and obey His word. Maybe you are in a pit like Joseph, but your life does not end there. There is a palace waiting for you. Hold on and believe God inside that pit.

There was a wedding that took place at Cana in Galilee, Jesus and His disciples were invited. They ran out of wine, and Mary the mother of Jesus reported the matter to Jesus and you know the miracle that happened (water to wine). But here is the core of the matter, Mary said to the servants: “do whatever he tells you”. That’s obedience to the Word of God, child of God obey God in bad or good situation. There is power that changes situations in your obedience to the Word of God.

The servants listened to Jesus and a miracle happen. The wine was sweeter than the first one. God is about the make your life sweeter, listen to His Word. God cares about you; He loves you and will change your situation for the best. Be blessed!


young , married &

BORN AGAIN by; empress teekay

A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Created by God for us.

1. Who are you individually (personally & professionally)

We can never learn enough and this couple does exactly that. They teach , encourage and live. Enjoy and make sure you have a note book with you, you will definitely be taking notes. Here's the love story of PASTORS ROGER & CINDY JORDAN

Lord called him into ministry at the young age of 14 in 1988

Pastor Chaplain Roger Jordan: is a true testament of being saved, sanctified, and filled with the blessed Holy Ghost. The as a Choir Director and Youth Leader, in Connecticut. These early years lead to spiritual shifts that orchestrated the course of servant hood within the Kingdom of God for over 25 years.

Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate . -Ecclesiastes 4:12

With great honor and humility, he passionately serves as the senior Pastor at Going Places with Jesus Ministries, in Tamarac, Florida. Pastor Roger Jordan’s desire is to do Gods will on earth. His daily ambition is to be so close to God that people would see his life as a living witness of the greatness of God. As a Pastor, his prayer is that souls are won for the Kingdom and that God will strategically show him how to continually lead his people into a deeper level of intimacy through worship and deliverance. Pastor Roger Jordan has a litany of service to “Pastor Roger Jordan has served in various areas of ministry over the course of his life including: Worship Leader, Song writer, Musician, Speaker, Prison minister, Street Evangelist as well as Deliverance Minister. However, his greatest ministry is his family. He prolifically proclaims that above all else, his fundamental ministry is within his home. Today he stands with the greatest level of fulfillment as he has taken on the role as a husband to his illustrious wife, Pastor Cindy Jordan and father to their phenomenal children, Destiny, Faith and Christian. Pastor Cindy Jordan: is truly set apart for this season. I am a dedicated woman of God. She stands on the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and holds fast to the ideology of reaching people using a comprehensive approach. Pastor Cindy Jordan obtained her B.A., M.A and Ph.D (candidate) in the study of human behavior and Counselling and is a State Rehabilitation Counselor. Pastor Cindy Jordan was called to ministry at the age of sixteen and has served in many areas of ministry leading up to her taking on the mantle of Pastor. Today she operates in ministry as Pastor, Prophet, Mentor, and Teacher. She holds fast to the ideology of reaching people using a comprehensive approach. She obtained her BA, MA and a PhD candidate in the Social Sciences and is a State Rehabilitation Counselor. She was called to ministry at the age of sixteen; over the years she has grown spiritually through daily intimate worship with God. She operates in the ministries of Prophesy and Teaching. Her heart is dedicated to the caring and outreach of those within the community that are unable to be self-sufficient. Pastor Cindy has a heart that echoes the heartbeat of God. The core of who she is motherhood, she prides herself in the molding of her three greatest blessings – her children.

2. How and when did you meet? We met over 10 years ago at a Youth Conference. Pastor Roger at the time was the Youth Pastor of his local church and Pastor Cindy was the Youth minister at her church. Pastor Cindy’s church hosted a large-scale youth conference to which Pastor Roger attended with the youths at his local ministry. He recalls Pastor Cindy hosting the event and noted on that night he knew that she would be his wife. The very next day Pastor Roger initiated communication with Pastor Cindy as they say, “the rest is history.” 3. How long did you date before you got married? We dated for approximately 2 years before getting married. Pastor Roger diligently pursued Pastor Cindy as she was so focused on her relationship with God at the time, she wanted to be sure that God was calling her to marriage. Our first date was attending a church concert.

let no one separate -Ecclesiastes 4:12

Therefore what God has joined together,


the jordan's

4. How did you individually know that He , She was the one Pastor Roger knew from the first day of meeting Pastor Cindy that she was “the one.” For Pastor Cindy the confirmation was transitional. With much prayer and fasting, counselling and getting to know each other, Pastor Cindy was confronted by Pastor Roger and challenged her to seek God for a direct answer about their relationship. Pastor Cindy did just that. For 40 days she prayed and fasted for an answer and at the end of that time God gave Pastor Cindy the confirmation to move forward into the covenant of marriage. 5. When did you get married? Our wedding day was February 2008 6. Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if there is any changes you could have made? The wedding process was wonderful but challenging. We had a lot of friends and family that supported us throughout the entire journey. We were young and had little money to put together the entire event. So with the love and generosity of others we got a lot of donations and financial help to pay for everything. The day itself was filled with love, joy and tons of dancing. At the end we were tired but honestly felt like we did the “big wedding” for others and not necessarily for ourselves. If we could do it again we would have a much smaller event and use the money for a grand honeymoon! 7. Has your relationship changed from dating to marriage? Oh yes! We have had seasons where the demands of life have distracted us from “us” to others. Kids, ministry, work and life in general can take us away from investing quality time in our intimate relationship. However, we always recognize when we are drifting away and we try to rekindle the “dating” back into our relationship. We love to go to the movies and we spend quality at the beach as well as mini vacations. 8. If you could change the perception that people have about marriage, what would it be? A lot of times people feel like marriage is a “task” or a “chore” and requires us to meet unrealistic expectations of our partner. Don’t get us wrong marriage requires intentional effort and conscious demonstration of spiritual, emotional and social acts of love. However, when God is the beginning, the middle and foundation of the marriage it is a wonderful experience to partner with someone throughout the ups and downs of life. Such a partnership is a beautiful gift from God that blooms the most during difficulties. There is no greater joy than sharing every milestone with your soul mate.

9. For the single person out there, wondering when they are getting married ,what advice would you give them? We battled with this idea when we were single as well. However, it was only when we decided to take our desires off the idea of marriage and place our hearts completely on God, we found peace. It was during serving God completely wrapped up in His perfect peace we met each other and moved into a season of marriage. 10. How do you deal with problems that you encounter as a married couple? There is no one anecdote for dealing with problems. Just as every couple is unique so are their problems and the solutions. However, there are some foundational principles that can be incorporated; Forgiveness is the gateway to all solutions, being able to forgive yourself and your spouse is key. Secondly, be intentional in letting go of past hurts and not allowing it to fester in your marriage and seeking God together builds unity. The power of unity is a dynamic tool during conflicts.

11. Challenges you’re facing as a married and born-

16. The best advice ever received.

again couple?

Honestly, the best advice we received from

One major challenge we have faced is balancing

someone was; we should serve each other selflessly.

every are of our lives. Being proactive in ensuring

However, the most impactful advice was received

that we put our time in the right places and

when we experience unexpected life situations and

prioritizing what is most important without getting

learn from them ourselves.

too busy that we lose ourselves in the process. To help combat this issue, we sit together and plan out our schedules ensuring that quality time as couples is always priority on out to-do list.

young , married &

BORN AGAIN 12. Things you wish you were told about marriage? It is a continuous pattern of selfless sacrifices for the marriage/family to win. 13. Who is Jesus Christ to you individually and as a couple? Jesus Christ is literally our hope. He is our first love and the only pure demonstration of what love should look like in our marriage and our family. Jesus is our marriage counsellor and the foundation upon which we build the pillars of our marriage. 14. One word, if possible to describe your marriage? Growing! 15. What advice to those who are in the process of getting married would you give ? 1. Focus on God first 2. Be sure to let God work on you both individually first 3. Plan for your future in advance 4. Be willing to learn how to forgive 5. Be equally aligned spiritually and emotionally 6. Do not go into marriage thinking that you can change the other person.



I remember it as if it was yesterday; I had written myself off of this world.

Mathew 19 vs 26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are

In 29 /05 / 2017


I was admitted to the hospital and I was diagnosed with Anasarca ( generalized swelling) it’s a congestive

Living a life of unemployment and being a single

heart failure , where the heart can't pump, shortness of

parent was not easy. I'm glad I had a very supportive

breath , fatigue, swollen legs and rapid heartbeat, pain

family and never lacked anything. Being the woman

in the chest, loss of appetite, fast breathing and

that I am, loving beautiful things and not waiting for

shortness of breath on lying down.

hand outs a plan came to place. I was in town (Johannesburg, South Africa) I saw this beautiful neck

This was too much and I wanted God to take my life

piece and fell in love with it but couldn't afford to buy

but it was not my choice to make. Everyday I'd look at

it. I then decided to make one for myself and it came

my son and see the pain he was enduring as young and

out looking beautiful. My sister loved it and asked if I

fragile as he is. He was only 5 and taking care of me

can make one for her, the next thing I know, her

not leaving my side. This affected him in a way that

clique's wanted them also and then Mphoyaneo

even today as healthy as I am if he hears me scream or

accessories was born.

lying down quietly, he ask if I'm sick.

Why Mphoyaneo? My name is Mpho and my sons name

In 15/06/2017

is Neo. Mphoyaneo "my dream, his legacy". Life was

I was discharged and was booked for an operation for

starting to change. I could afford to buy things that I


need and meet my family half way. I was doing well off

The week before the operation date I was invited to a

and without noticing I was provoking the devil.

church named Ebenezer Fellowship Centre by Sister Dorothy who is one of the elders at the church.

The devil wanted to isolate me from God. I stopped going to church for no reason. I had more time for friends than God. Time went by and I faced challenges I never thought I'd get out off.


Monthly Devotion I’ve come across books that were written in the 90’s by Radio Pulpit titled “Bread upon the waters”. They are books written so we could have a daily devotion. What’s so amazing about these books is the fact that till this day they are so informative and relevant more than ever. In this one is based on the book of 1 Timothy with the heading: PERSEVERE! Read 1 Timothy 1:18-20 How do you persevere in your spiritual life? In this portion Paul specifies two things Timothy needs to “fight the good fight”. The first is faith. Even in dark times Paul told Timothy to hold onto his faith. This earthly struggle becomes too much for those who do not have the faith in Jesus Christ. Faith makes it possible to look to the future with hope and anticipation. The battle is not lost because I know, and believe, that Jesus was victorious when He died on the Cross. That is triumphant faith. The second way in which I fight the good fight is with “a good conscience”. I need to live openly and honestly before Almighty God. My walk must match my talk or my words will mean nothing. Someone once said: “His actions speak so loudly that I cannot hear what he says”. If that happens my witness amounts to nothing and I won’t achieve much in my Christian walk. We are privileged to have faith, which is a gift of God, but we are also warned to keep a good conscience. If you want to use the privilege, and share your faith, ensure that your conscience is in order or you will lose credibility. Prayer: Lord, please let my walk match my talk.

God Hears the Sighs No One Hears written by: Aimee Joseph

Just as parents hear the slightest sighs of their

Thanks to his indwelling Spirit — who is nearer

children as if through a megaphone, God hears

to us than the air we breathe — we have a sigh

our own sighs as loud cries.

translator before the throne of God. Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.

I’ll never forget hearing our first child

For we do not know what to pray for as we

whimpering in the bassinet by our bed. To me,

ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us

the whimpers sounded like shrieks that were

with groanings too deep for words. And he who

nearly unbearable. My parental ears magnified

searches hearts knows what is the mind of the

barely audible sounds of pain or worry. Even

Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the

now that we have three more autonomous

saints according to the will of God. (Romans

grade schoolers, I’m still able to hear the


slightest sigh of worry, embarrassment, or deep

In the context of this passage, Paul is describing

fear from the sidelines of a soccer field or across

our life in the Spirit while we live on this

a crowded playground.

groaning, broken planet, longing for full adoption as sons. Paul assumes Christians will

Sigh Translator

face suffering in its broad spectrum — from

Thankfully, our heavenly Father hears our sighs

daily inconveniences and exhaustion to

as cries across far greater distances than soccer

unbearable diagnoses and unimaginable

fields and playgrounds.


Sighs, both trivial and tragic, are expected and

“Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel

anticipated; however, they are heard in stereo

to go forward” (Exodus 14:15).

by a compassionate and caring Savior, who longs

Regarding this scene, Martin Luther wrote,

to bear the brunt of the weights that fall upon

Moses has not cried unto the Lord. He trembled

us in this long march to our forever home. J.C.

so he could hardly talk. His faith was at a low

Ryle says, “Fear not because your prayer is

ebb. He saw the people of Israel wedged

stammering, your words feeble, and your

between the sea and the approaching armies of

language poor. Jesus can understand you.”

Pharaoh. How were they to escape? Moses did

The unseen and unheard sighs of a tired mother

not know what to say. How then could God say

in her laundry room are caught and translated

that Moses was crying to him? God hears the

by the Spirit of God. The sighs of refugees

groaning heart of Moses and the groans to him

forced out of their cultures and nations by

sounded like shouts for help. God is quick to

violence resound loudly in the ears of our

catch the sigh of the heart. (Commentary on the

heavenly Father. The sighs of breadwinners

Epistle to the Galatians, 61)

weighed down by the burden of providing for their families, the exhausted sighs of single

Ten Little Words

parents, and the labored sighs of the sick and

Those ten little words have comforted my soul

dying are noticed by our God.

of late: God is quick to catch the sigh of the heart. He hears our silent sighs under the heavy

From the Wilderness to the Sea

mantle of leadership or parenting. He hears our

Even before the Holy Spirit was poured out upon

short sighs of loneliness or exhaustion or

the children of God, he was accustomed to

choking grief that go unnoticed by others, and

hearing the sighs of his people as cries. In

he seeks to comfort us.

Genesis 21, God heard Hagar and her cast-off

The Spirit is translating those sighs into prayers

son whimpering in the wilderness.

according to the perfect will of God. May we be

God heard the voice of the boy, and the angel of

comforted to know that our Father hears our

God called to Hagar from heaven and said to

slightest sighs as loud cries. He will continue to

her, “What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, for

do so until our sighs of worry or pain or exile are

God has heard the voice of the boy where he is.”

swallowed up by our sighs of relief when we see

(Genesis 21:17) Later, Moses found himself at

our Christ face to face in his new heavens and

the helm of an entire nation of escaping people.

new earth.

Just hours after their break from Egypt, Israel


stood on the edge of an impassable sea with the strongest army in the known world gaining on them. With his petrified people looking to him in fear, outwardly Moses does what any great leader would do: he composes himself and calms his people, saying, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today” (Exodus 14:13). Yet inwardly, the heart of Moses must have been sighing in silence to God. Immediately after Moses’s charge to Israel, God tells Moses,

Set Apart by: Pastor Bongani Gama Deuteronomy 14:22-29 I. Introduction A. Hebrews 10:1 “for the Law, since it has only a shadow of good things to come and not the very form of things….. 1. There is an important lesson we can learn from this verse a) Israel as the chosen people of God were a replica of the true nation of God which is the spiritual Israel b) The law was just in standby mode until the Christian age is realized B. Background 1. Deuteronomy is the last book of the Law (Pentateuch or the Torah) 2. The Torah is just Law in Hebrew 3. Deuteronomy –is Greek name which was adapted from the Greek Old Testament (the Septuagint LXX) 4. THE NAME MEANS –SECOND LAW 5. The name does not mean that there was a second law but the law was read for the second time in public to the whole assembly of the Israelites (the first time was when they were in the wilderness when we read the book of Exodus when Moses returned from mt Sinai)

6. so the second reading was necessary because they were going to occupy the land of promise so they needed reminder of the commands and requirements of God Deuteronomy 4:2 “Hear now O Israel, the decrees and Laws I am about teach you, follow them so that you may live and may go I and take possession of the land that the Lord the God of your fathers is giving you”. Deuteronomy 11:8 7. the theme of the book is centered around the great theology of Judaism that is why we see the mention of a covenant between God and his people Deuteronomy 4:1-2 ,Deuteronomy 4:13 “so He declared to you His covenant which He commanded you to perform that is the ten commandments …. 8. Listen to Moses when he comes and receive the law again to the people Deuteronomy 5:2-3 “The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb ,the Lord did not make this covenant with our fathers but with all those of us alive here today” 9. What we consistently see from the covenant has to do with what GOD COMMANDS AND THIS PEOPLE ARE HIS PEOPLE ON THE BASIS OF KEEPING ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW Deuteronomy 6:1-3 “now this is the commandment, the statutes and the judgments which the Lord your God has commanded me to teach you ,that you might do them in the land where you are going over to possess ,so that you and your son and your grandson might fear the Lord your God ,to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you all he days of your life and that your days may be prolonged o Israel you should listen and be careful to do it ….(NASB) 10. Keeping the commandments will distinguish his people from the rest of the world (set them apart from the rest) with keeping the commands comes with blessings Deuteronomy 11:27. II. They were Set Apart from the Rest so they also had to set something Apart A. GOD CHOSE THEM AND THAT IS WHY THEY ARE SET APART Deuteronomy 7:7-8

1. God chose and not because they are special but because He SWORE TO Abraham and He is a God who does not go back on His word Hebrews 6:13 2. How are we chosen as Christian/How are we set apart a) Ephesians 1:3-4 read b) We are chosen through Christ Paul says in Galatians 2:16 and 3:26 c) We are chosen on the basis of our faith in Christ Jesus and the absolute trust we have on His Word d) So if you want to be chosen you need salvation through Jesus Christ (grace) e) After we are accept to be chosen through salvation of Jesus Christ we access the Holy spirit which now sets us Apart from the rest Ephesians 1:13-14 “in Him you also after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise, Who is given to you as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view of redemption of God’s own possession.” f) Being His possession is not based on our own goodness but it is through Jesus Christ and we are then marked with the Holy spirit that sets us apart from the world ,now Paul makes sense Romans 12:2 do not conform because you are set apart. B. Because they were a shadow how were they set apart (the LAW OF God set the Apart ) 1. They had to physically show that they belong to God (Genesis 17:10-11 “this is my covenant which you shall keep ,between me and your descendants after you ,every male among you shall be circumcised and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin (NASB) 2. They had to physically stay away from certain food and they had to observe certain things with regards to their bodies in dedication to the Lord Deuteronomy 14;1-21 3. EVEN THEIR WORSHIP HAD TO BE SET APART DEUTERONOMY 11:16 READ a) Deuteronomy 12:1,4“these are the decrees and laws you must be carefully to follow in the land that the God of your fathers has given you to possess-as long as you live in the land, you must not worship the LORD your God in their way”(NIV)

b) They had to show with how they worship and who they worship that they are chosen by God ,it was important for God that His people should worship differently like they are really set Apart and that His place of worship is also set apart verse 5 “but you are to seek a place the Lord your God will chose from among all your tribes to put his name there for his dwelling ,to that place you must go” c) Christ said in Matthew 16:18 upon this rock I will build my church … a place where GOD WILL PUT HIS NAME C. When they get to the land that had to understand that everything that the land produces should be set apart for God who is in fact the one who ave them that life 1. Deuteronomy 14:22 “Be sure to set aside a tenth of all your field produce each year”(NIV) 2. When they tithe they are in obedience to the Word of God Deuteronomy 11;1 3. When we give also from what we have set apart as set apart people we obey His commands John 14:15 4. When we set apart to give we also connect with those who help spread the Word of GOD (remember tithing was to help the priest put food on the table for themselves and their families Deuteronomy 14:27-29 read ) 5. When we give from what we have set apart we are also in connection with God (their tithes where feeding the priests which made their works as effective as possible) 6. It connected them also with community (apart from the priests the tithing would feed the other members who are to benefit from the tithing 14:29 read ) if we keep the Lord’s commands we will be blessed and the work of our hands will show how set part we are 11:27

In closing We should realize that God has set us apart, so therefore we need to show that we are set apart with the lives we live even the slightest item of worship should be able to show that we are set apart and giving is also part of that act we show that we are set apart

Devtions by the annointed Pastor Andre and Pastor Jenny

Sanctified by Truth Message taken from John 17:17 (AMPC) John 17:17 (AMPC): “Sanctify them [purify, consecrate, separate them for Yourself, make them holy] by the Truth; Your Word is Truth.” It is incredibly easy in this day and age to succumb to the reality of issues that surround us. Opportunities for lack, failure, discouragement, unfulfillment or unbelief are all around us, but we can choose how to respond to them. When we are sanctified by the truth of God's Word, nothing is able to dominate or gain victory over us. That’s because we have chosen to live in close fellowship with the Lord and His truth. It’s where we are encompassed in His perfect peace, and we know, by experience, the conquering power of His Word. God’s Word is absolute truth and triumphs over every issue of life. It holds the solution to every problem. As you fill your heart with His truth and speak it’s wisdom by faith, in love - it will accomplish exactly what it was sent out to do. Be sanctified by the Word of truth today and experience victory that never ends.




“Are you committed or have you just made a decision?” Teacher Neil asked us in Discipleship class at Going Places With Jesus as we studied the lesson by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, “The Power of Commitment. The first thing I thought was, “What’s the difference?” Right. I know it sounds crazy, that I would even ask, don’t judge. According to the lesson, God’s people have decided to follow Jesus. However, most of them have yet to commit themselves to Him” ( The Power of Commitment pg. 91 Apostle Guillermo Maldonado). As this line was read to us by our teacher, I began to reflect on my own life. Although I said YES to Jesus in May 2016, I still had a hard time surrendering every area of my life to Him and being obedient to His word. Whenever I felt like God was not blessing me enough, or things didn’t go my way or the storm/trial that I was facing in a particular season was too hard, I would give up and throw in the towel. When I FELT better I would go back to worshipping and praising God. However, serving God for what’s in His hand rather than because of who He is, does not define a life committed to Him. My Pastor, Pastor Roger always says this, “ Marriage is more than just I do.” this can apply to our walk with God, it is more than just a yes I’ll accept Jesus, as my Lord and Savior but it is, living a life sold out for Jesus and being completely dedicated to Him in good and bad times, in sickness and in health. Let’s take a look at the life of Abraham in the Bible, the book of Genesis. Abraham was given instructions by God to leave his country. God told him, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Abraham obeys God and departs to the land God has given him and takes his family with him. Yet, complications arise once Abraham settles in the new land with his nephew Lot and Lot’s wife. Lot and his wife eventually moved to another land. Keep in mind Lot is the closest thing Abraham has to a family. Yet, still, afterward, Abraham builds an altar to the Lord. He showed His commitment to God even when the promises of God had yet to show up and his nephew had set out another path from him (Genesis 13 NIV). Are you committed to Jesus even when your own family members aren’t? Then God promises Abraham a son at the age of ninety-nine years old and God says, “As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. No longer will you be called Abram[b]; your name will be Abraham,[c] for I have made you a father of many nations.

I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God” (Genesis 17). Finally, God gives Abraham a son. Like Yesss!!! The promise, the prophecy is established. THEN, God tells Abraham to sacrifice His son. In Genesis 22 (NIV) God says, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love Isaac and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” Are you still committed?... Although Isaac is the only son of Abraham, Abraham obeys God. Thank God, in the end, God provided a ram in the bush to be the sacrifice instead. Would you have passed that test? Would you have waited the many years as Abraham for the promises of God to manifest, but while waiting remain humble, build an altar to worship God, speak to God daily, honor God and fully surrender to God’s will? This is where we must get to. It was not just a “YES” or “HALLELUJAH” for Abraham. He didn’t just make a decision and then changed his mind when things got too difficult. But Abraham knew the worth of God and displayed it in his actions. We too must do the same. If God says, “ I want you to change your major, that’s not your husband/wife, quit your job and go into ministry full time or it is not my will for you to be healed.” Will you still serve Him? Will, you still read your bible and pray to Him? Let’s evaluate our walk with God. Let us NOT be lukewarm Christians. “So then because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth ( Revelation 3:16 KJB 2000). Additional scriptures regarding Abraham's faithfulness and commitment to serve God: • Abraham was, humanly speaking, the founder of our Jewish nation. What did he discover about being made right with God? If his good deeds had made him acceptable to God, he would have had something to boast about. But that was not God’s way. 3 For the Scriptures tell us, “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith” (Romans 4:4 NLT). • Clearly, God’s promise to give the whole earth to Abraham and his descendants was based not on his obedience to God’s law, but on a right relationship with God that comes by faith (Romans 4:13 NLT). • Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb (Romans 4:18 NLT). • Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this, he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God (Romans 4:20 NLT). #CHOOSECOMITTMENT Be encouraged, Love Monica.




Who are you personally and professionally and where are you from? I’m a fun loving, beach going wife from San Diego, California. I currently live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. I’m known for colorful fashion choices, flowers in my hair, and my sense of humor. Professionally, I’m a retired pharmacy technician turned domestic engineer with a Christian and lifestyle blog. How and when did you become Born Again? I became born again in September 2012. The experience wasn’t anything dramatic but quiet and intimate. It didn’t take place at church, camp, or conference. I heard about salvation that Jesus offered while sitting in a Bible class someone invited me to. Reading further in my home that night of how Jesus lovingly died on the cross and rose again, not for just my sins but also my sicknesses, weaknesses, hurts, habits, and hang-ups, with security and a bright future for my life on earth and in heaven, I knew my decision to follow Christ was SOLID AND SURE. I remember praying the prayer of salvation with seriousness and surrender at my dining room table in my apartment. Looking back, it was the greatest decision I ever made. How and when did you get into blogging? And why Christian Blogging? Blogging became more of a calling along with my love for writing. I remember God tugging on my spirit to create a Christian blog in 2015. I started but ended up quitting because of fear getting the best of me and my lack of trust in Him. God again pressed upon my spirit FIRMLY to blog again in November 2017 (Thank You, Jesus, for second chances, right?) and I’ve been doing it since. It’s been a blessing to shine God’s light through my writing in an ever increasing dark world. What is blogging? Of course, anyone can go on google and read the many textbook definitions of blogging. For me, blogging is a writer’s digital canvas to create, inspire, express, and share their heart and word artistry with the world. In my case, it’s about sharing the awesomeness of God in the extraordinary and every day in my life.

What inspires your posts and what preparation goes into it? My interesting daily life experiences, the Bible, my morning devotionals, personal journal entries, nature, and other awesome wonders of God’s creation are inspirations to my blog posts. I constantly have a notebook nearby so my thoughts can be written down. Prayer and meditation before writing is a KEY part of my preparation. What do you want people to learn from your blogs? My desire for others when reading my blog is to experience the faithfulness and love of God. God is with us in the marvelous and the mundane in life. God is also not afraid of hard and difficult topics in our lives. Other Interests? I have quite a few interests. I love the beach and body surfing. I’m also a social butterfly. I also love to dance, read, and spend time with my husband. What is the secret to authentic, thought-provoking blogging? I can’t say there’s a “secret” per se. Consistency and engagement with other bloggers and your readers are MANDATORY. Let God work through you when blogging and be receptive and respectful to His creative process. Your personality to give authenticity and The Holy Spirit’s love, conviction, and wisdom in the blogging process will give a cutting edge in your blog posts. What makes you different from other Christian bloggers? Hmm…Let me see. I think what makes me different from other Christian bloggers is how I describe and share my life experiences and the revelation that God gives me. There’s also some humor in my posts and I know that my readers appreciate that. Where would you like to see your blog in the next 2 years? Like any other blogger, I would like to grow my audience but I also want to become a better writer for Christ. I want my blog to reach into the corners of the earth but also in my readers’ hearts with the help of the Holy Spirit. Who is King Jesus to you? Jesus is everything that I need Him to be and more. After all, isn’t that why He called Himself “I AM” to Moses. No matter what season I go through in life, Jesus is what I need. He’s my friend when I’m lonely, my safe place for my heart’s secrets, desires, and longings. Jesus is LIFE. Advice on how to start Christian blogging? Please check your heart and motives when starting a blog and make sure this something that you’re called to do. I believe starting a Christian blog is a calling. NEVER QUIT OR GIVE UP! God is here to help you on this journey. You were called to start a blog for a reason. There’s also a learning curve when it comes to starting a blog. Be sure to give yourself grace. It's okay to “stare and compare” a little when it comes to inspiration from other bloggers but NEVER plagiarize. Be yourself, be patient, and respect and be receptive to God’s creative process through you, and HAVE FUN. Misconception people have about Christian blogging? A large majority think that Christian blogging is boring and cheesy. Mostly because others who aren’t Christian already have this misconception that since we as Christians have Jesus, our lives are “perfect” and boring. Let me tell you, Christian blogging is FAR from that. Christian bloggers are still sinners but saved by grace in Jesus Christ. Their lives aren’t perfect but they share a better way of living and getting through their imperfections and storms in Last words to the Beauty&TheGospel reader? God is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY IN LOVE with you. There is no sin too great or problem too big that He can’t solve. You are precious in His sight. You have a purpose and plan on this earth. It may not be blogging or writing but God does have a purpose for you. Seek Him and He will show you. It’s been a FABULOUS privilege and honor being featured in this segment of Beauty and the Gospel. Thank you so much for reading. May God bless you. To check out my blog, visit

My Dream Singleness An Anthem for Unmarried Women! BY: Leanna Branner

We were created for Christ, to be one


with him. He and I — we were meant for


each other (Ephesians 1:5–6). This is a match made in heaven, and for heaven. He is ours, and we are his. And this union can satisfy all other longings. Even if a spouse dies, deserts, disappoints, or





already have a perfect union of glory


and joy awaiting us that far surpasses the dim copy we might enjoy for a little


while here.


Singleness Is Good


Paul, apparently, was single, at least for

As an unmarried woman in my mid-

status in glowing terms. Singleness is

twenties, I know that a season of singleness

good, and is a gift from God (1

can often be fraught with disappointment

Corinthians 7:7–8). I can wake up

and heartache. I hold hopes for a husband

tomorrow confident that not being

and a family close to my heart, but I also

married is good for me, and that it is my

hope to hold Jesus even closer. At the end

calling for the day. God does not give

of my life, whether I am married for forty

second-rate gifts. It’s not that I have asked

years or single for seventy, I long for it to

for bread only for God to give me a stone

be said of me, “She was devoted to Jesus.”

instead (Matthew 7:9). No, singleness and

Single or married, we belong to another.

marriage are different gifts, each with

My marital status may read “single” on my

challenges and blessings, but they are

tax return, but I am not unclaimed. I do

equally good.

belong to someone. And this is not some

Elisabeth Elliot writes:

elusive future spouse. I’m speaking of

But having now spent more than 41 years

Christ. I am His.

single, I have learned that it is indeed a gift. Not one I would choose. Not one

Because Christ has bought us with his

many women would choose. But we do

blood, we are not our own (1 Corinthians

not choose our gifts, remember? We are

6:19–20). We were not made or saved for

given them by a divine Giver who knows

this realm, but for another realm, a

the end from the beginning and wants

spiritual one. And in this spiritual realm,

above all else to give us the gift of

Jesus was clear that people are neither


marrying, nor married. So despite the fact

Whatever the years ahead may hold, I

that marriage is beautiful and sacred, we

know he has called me to the gift of

were not made for earthly wedded bliss.

singleness today, however heavy that gift

That should free us to live out big dreams

may feel some days.



never emerges in the first place, we

much of his life, and spoke of his marital

for singleness now, while we wait to be



When God gives us gifts we would not

Singleness Is for Devotion

choose, he also gives us himself in ways we

From the apostle Paul to Elisabeth Elliot,

would not otherwise have known.

they are all really saying one thing. Singleness is for devotion — for gospel-

This World Is Not Our Home

living and Christ-loving.

Those who are not yet married long for

The unmarried man is anxious about the

love and a place to call home. We desire

things of the Lord, how to please the

good things, and our pain is legitimate. But

Lord. . . . And the unmarried or betrothed

we are easily disillusioned with temporary

woman is anxious about the things of the

treasures, forgetting this bruised and

Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit.”

scarred place is not our forever home. No

(1 Corinthians 7:32, 34).

marriage will last forever. Even the best must end with death. This means that the

God offers us singleness as an opportunity

married and the unmarried alike must

to run headlong after Christ. Devotion is

form their minds around this truth:

not merely a hobby to pass the time while

From now on, let those who have wives live

we wait for a perfect someone. No, this is

as though they had none, and those who

what we’ve been waiting for. For Christ.

mourn as though they were not mourning,

The Perfect Someone has come, and he’s

and those who rejoice as though they were

come to give us himself. We’ve been

not rejoicing, and those who buy as though

waiting for happiness; here is a love

they had no goods, and those who deal with

higher than our understanding and a joy

the world as though they had no dealings

beyond our wildest dreams.

with it. For the present form of this world is passing away. (1 Corinthians 7:29–31).

As unmarried women, let it be said of us that our one concern is to please the Lord,

Paul is not telling his readers to neglect

that our only aim is wholehearted

their families, but he is shifting our

devotion to Christ. May this be the banner

paradigms, preparing us to live as pilgrims

that flies over the balance of our days, our

in a world destined for destruction. This

only mantra, married or not.

means the married should live as if their

You were meant to enjoy the one thing

spouse is not theirs to keep, and the

that transcends the beauties of marriage

unmarried should live as if a spouse is not

and lasts for eternity. Seek him and you

ours to have. At the end of time here on

will make the most of singleness and

earth, only our union with Christ will

marriage, whichever gift God gives you.


Devotions by the anointed Pastor Andre and Pastor Jenny.

Who Do They See? Message taken from 1 Corinthians 11:1 (AMPC) 1 Corinthians 11:1 (AMPC): “PATTERN YOURSELVES after me [follow my example], as I imitate and follow Christ (the Messiah).” The word “imitate” means to emulate what you see someone else doing. The more time we spend learning about the Lord in His Word, and through fellowship with the Holy Spirit, we grasp an understanding of His perfect character and beautiful nature. It’s His kind and generous heart that makes us fall in love with Him and want to walk in His ways. The Holy Spirit, Who lives inside us, makes the Person of Jesus more real to us; and empowers us to act just like Him. In John 14:21 Jesus said the person who embraces His Word and keeps it, is the one He will reveal and manifest Himself to. If we pursue knowing Him more this way, He will show Himself to us in a way that will overwhelm our hearts and influence our souls to desire to be just like Him. We will give heart and soul to capture His thoughts and emotions, and imitate Him in every way. This is what will draw people to Him…a life that is moulded after a Saviour Who loves all people, holding nothing back. This is what we want them to see - Jesus, not us.

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