bazaar May 2014

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May 2 014 | Issue # 182


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360 Mall Marina Mall The Avenues

‫ﺷﺎﺣﻨﺎﺕ ﻓﻮﺭﺩ ‪...2014‬‬ ‫ُﺻﻤﻤﺖ ﻟﻤﻮﺍﺟﻬﺔ ﺍﻟﺼﻌﻮﺑﺎﺕ‬

‫ً‬ ‫ﻣﺮﺣﺒﺎ ﺑﻚ ﻓﻲ ﻋﺎﻟﻢ ﺷﺎﺣﻨﺎﺕ ﻓﻮﺭﺩ ‪ 2014‬ﺑﻤﻮﺩﻳﻼﺗﻬﺎ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻠﺒﻲ ﺟﻤﻴﻊ ﻣﺘﻄﻠﺒﺎﺗﻚ ﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﺃﺻﻌﺐ ﺍﻟﻈﺮﻭﻑ‪ .‬ﺷﺎﺣﻨﺎﺕ ﻓﻮﺭﺩ ﺫﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﺮﻙ ﺍﻟﺠﺒﺎﺭ ﻟﺪﻳﻬﺎ ﻗﺪﺭﺓ ﺧﺎﺭﻗﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺤﻤﻮﻟﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﻘﻄﺮ‪ .‬ﺗﺠﻬﻴﺰﺍﺗﻬﺎ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ﻗﺪﻣﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺃﺻﻌﺐ ﺍﻟﻄﺮﻗﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻮﻋﺮﺓ‪ .‬ﺟﺮﺑﻬﺎ ﺍﻵﻥ ﻭﺍﻛﺘﺸﻒ ﺳﺒﺐ ﻧﺠﺎﺡ‬ ‫ﻓﺮﻳﺪﺓ ﻭﻗﺎﺩﺭﺓ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻤﻀﻲ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ﻋﺎﻣﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺘﻮﺍﻟﻲ‪.‬‬ ‫ﻣﺒﻴﻌﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺃﻣﺮﻳﻜﺎ ﻟﻤﺪﺓ ‪37‬‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺸﺎﺣﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻷﻛﺜﺮ‬

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‫‪F-150 XLT‬‬

‫ً‬ ‫ﺣﺼﺎﻧﺎ‬ ‫• ﻣﺤﺮﻙ ﺳﻌﺔ ‪ 2.5‬ﻟﻴﺘﺮ ‪ 4‬ﺳﻠﻨﺪﺭ ﺑﻘﻮﺓ ‪163‬‬ ‫• ﻧﻈﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﺍﻣﻞ ﺍﻟﻤﺎﻧﻊ ﻟﻺﻧﻐﻼﻕ ‪ABS‬‬ ‫• ﺗﻘﻨﻴﺔ ®‪ Bluetooth‬ﻣﻊ ﺍﻷﻭﺍﻣﺮ ﺍﻟﺼﻮﺗﻴﺔ‬

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‫‪F-150 LARIAT‬‬

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‫مصابيح ‪ Matrix LED‬أمامية هي األولى من نوعها في‬ ‫العالم‪ ،‬تصميم ديناميكي ومجموعة ال مثيل لها من‬ ‫تجهيزات مقصورة ‪ Audi‬الحصرية الفاخرة‪ .‬تفاصيل تنفرد‬ ‫بها ‪ A8 L‬الجديدة دون غيرها‪.‬‬ ‫لمزيد من المعلومات‪ ،‬تفضل بزيارة ‪‬أو اتصل‬ ‫بشركة فؤاد الغانم وأوالده للسيارات لحجز موعدك لتجربة القيادة على ‪1811118‬‬









I still remember vividly how a million years ago (well, seventeen to be precise) we used to sit around discussing launching a new magazine in Kuwait, and we decided that we would avoid politics, and the other tedious day to day subjects that the newspapers already covered so well, and instead would focus solely on happy ‘feel good’ topics like entrepreneurs, talented artists, designers, singers, travel, music, dining and so much more. I must admit it hasn’t always been easy. What with the Iraq war a decade ago, the recession in 2008 that lasted for over two years, and the Arab Spring that hasn’t made up its mind if it wants to turn into an Arab summer or winter yet, the obstacles to feeling good are many and they keep coming. Yet, through it all, we managed to keep our cool, and we managed to keep the positive vibe going, and here we are today feeling better than ever, and quite #Happy to say the least! Speaking of happy we just can’t get enough of our cover-featured Pharrell Williams. There is so much more to him than the current phenomenon sweeping the globe, and you can read all about him in this month’s Kuwait exclusive. You know what also makes us happy? Inspirational people! And this month we were lucky to meet a few of them. First, we get up close and personal with Adel Alansari, the hard-working, creative and fashionable marketeer whose fabulousness shines through in every aspect of his life, we have a chat with 248AM’s Mark Makhoul and learn more about the man behind the blog; 9 years and counting – and it gets better every year! You also have to check out our exclusive interview of Maysoon Zayid, the Palestinian-American Muslim comedian with cerebral palsy who is confronting preconceptions with her comedy routines and hilarious and honest TED talk which is trending all over the Internet (you’ve got to Google it if you haven’t already). Two things we absolutely love at bazaar are new restaurant concepts and Japanese food, and this month we were not let down when we checked out this combination at Marunouchi. Other features you just must check out include our piece about avoiding handbag fraud - one bazaarite’s experience which we can all learn a lesson from. Also, we’re sure that you’ve seen the latest and greatest Break Thread T-shirts appearing all over K-town recently and we speak to the amazing people behind this local funky T-shirt concept to learn more about what it means to literally ‘break’ thread with emerging artists all over Kuwait and the region. Coming up next month is our World Cup Special issue, so make sure you grab a copy since it’s full of trivia, tons of useful information, and even a World Cup calendar to boot!

#Happy reading!


Syndicates and Sources

Ahmed El-Adly

Fast Company LA Times MCT International MIT Review Slate The Japan News The Guardian/The Interview People Tribune Media Services USA Today Variety News Service Washington Post

Operations Rebecca Sweetman

Business Development Ihab Mokalled

Design Padmini Chandrasekaran

Staff Writer/Social Media Yasmine El Charif

Staff Writer


Brook McClurg

British Industries for Printing and Packaging

Staff Writer/Online Media Sarah O. Wali

Staff Writer/Online Media Amira Haroun

Communications Hala Y. Sharara

members of:

Editor A. Al-Duaij

Contributing Writers Alex Maguire Ashraf Abdalla Bibi Al-Falah Fahed Al-Sumait Loaay Ahmed Mike Campbell Mohammed El Soukkary Pari Ali Reshmi Revi Simon Hattenstone Dr. Susannah J. Schuilenberg Zainab Mirza

w w w. b p aw w. c o m The views expressed in bazaar magazine are those of the respective contributors and not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff (but sometimes they are). No one likes to be dumped;

recycle me, please.

Photographers Abeer Alwagait Amira Haroun Dita Wistarini Jalil Marvin Sarah O. Wali

Ahmed El-Adly

The bazaar team... tweets

tel. 24610017 - fax 24610018 w w w. b a z a a r - m a g a z i n e . c o m

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In her first novel, Fay, Jawa Al Ahmad delves deep into the psyche of brides-to-be and new wives. Two sisters, Sarah and Fay, are caught in typical relationships, in a very atypical environment. We get the backstory to Al Ahmad’s writing process, and her hopes for the future.

We challenge gamers across the country to get out from in front of their monitors and go gaming! This month’s column pays a visit to Good Games, Kuwait’s first board game store, where customers come to battle ships, kill monsters and even try their hand at a Game of Thrones..

We won! The bazaar team wins first place in the second Project X cooking competition, but we couldn’t have done it without the help of our teammate Fahad Burhama. Find out how he has uses his professional footballcoaching career to score goals in the kitchen.

You may know her from the popular Upworthy video entitled “A Gorgeous Woman Shakes Her Body on Stage…and the Crowd Goes Wild” Maysoon Zayid talks to bazaar on all things comedy, life and taking steps everyone else tells you are impossible.

When Kate Busby married Kuwaiti husband Theyab, learning Arabic went from being an idle notion to evolving into a fully-fledged learning experience. Re-discover Kuwait’s local lingo and do as Kate does: Learn one Kuwaiti word a day. We met up with Kate as she tells us more about her journey of discovery.




Break that boring routine and inject some creativity into your lives at ArtSpace, Kuwait’s newest den of creativity located in Salmiya’s Galleria 2000. Simply take a seat, create art and interact with people! We catch up with co-founders Sarah Chouari and Raghda Youssef as they tell us more about why they’ve created ArtSpace.

In creating the wonderful homegrown brand of artisanal nutmilks at last season’s wonderful Qout Market, Purple Sunflowers by Samantha Caldeira expresses her appreciation for healthoriented products in Kuwait. She takes on our truth or dare feature with grace, and leaves us feeling inspired.

Prague pg 128









Taking the plunge into the deep blue waters of the sea can be extremely intimidating, or ultimately invigorating. We checked ourselves into a Bubbles Diving Center masterclass and sat down with the professionals behind Kuwait’s most established diving center. They share their stories, hopes and dreams for creating a strong diving community in Kuwait.

For our dedicated dining destination of the month, we headed to Marunouchi, Maison du Japanese Wagyu, in Mazaya tower in Sharq. Inspired by the ubersleek Japanese financial district, Marunouchi offers up authentic Japanese flavors infused with modern twists incorporating the finest ingredients.

Break Thread co-founders Sulaiman Alzuhair and Muneer Hanbali want us to not only wear art, they also want us to share art by wearing the designs of aspiring artists from the Middle East. In creating a genius royalties system whereby Break Thread collaborators earn from their designs, they are taking Middle Eastern design to new territories.

Showing us how individuality is our best accessory, Adel Alansari inspires us to let go of our trend-driven tendencies, only to embrace our inner fabulous selves. Get up close and personal with the fashionable marketeer, and prepare to be beyond fascinated.



In crafting a comprehensive website that delivers on Kuwait’s latest updates, product and restaurant reviews, 248AM has evolved immensely and founder Mark Makhoul is now operating his blog full time. Don’t miss our super cool interview, our tête-àtête, with 248.



bazaar connect Freedom to find us

30,000 readers

With a bilingual audience of both English and Arabic, we cover everything from what’s on, to the bizarre. We print and distribute 10,000 copies of bazaar every month; each issue is read by an average of 3 people, giving us a total readership of over 30,000. bazaar is published every month (except August), delivered free of charge to a large subscriber database, and distributed free of charge in all of the following locations: Cafés & Eateries

- Breadz - Burger Hub, Gulf Road - Café Supreme - Al Kout Mall, Al Bustan Mall, Al Safat Mall, Sheikh Saed Aviation Terminal - Cafe November, Kipco Tower, Shuwaikh Market - Casper & Gambini, Kuwait City, Marina Crescent - Chocolate Bar, Al Bida’a - Container 75, Jabriya - Crumbs, Shaab - Dunkin Donuts, Salem Al-Mubarak - Elevation Burger - Haagen Dazs - Souk Sharq, Eureka, Arraya - Jade Garden Restaurant, Gulf Hotel - Johnny Rockets- Opp. Salhiya Complex, - Marina, Salmiya, The Avenues, Alia & Ghalia Complex - Living Room Lounge - Opao - Organica Fish & Chips, Jabriya - P.Q. - The Palms, Marina Mall - November Bakery, Al-Tilal - Hilton Kuwait Resort, The Avenues - Prime & Toast - Al Bida’a, Seif Strip - Scoop-A-Cone - Egaila, Al Kout, Fahaheel - Someday Café - The Early Bird - Fahaheel, Jabriya - Upper Crust - The Village Starbucks Outlets: - Adeliya


Airport Mall Al Mowasat Hospital Al Muhalab Al Shaya Head Office Al Zahra Aliya & Ghalia Complex Andalouse Coop AUK Bairaq Mall Baitak Tower Behbehani Complex Bida’a Complex BMW Showroom Daiya Co-op Dar Al Awadi Divonne, Abu Hasaniya Fashion Way Salmiya Hilton Resort Jabriya Jabriya Land Kaifan Khalifa Resort Kout Mall Marina Crescent Marina Mall Mishref NBK Nuzha Co-op Plaza Hawalli Rosa Castle Salhiya Salmiya, Salem Al-Mubarak Salwa Co-op Scientific Center Seif Hospital

members of:


Shaab Shamiya Co-op Sharq Co-op Sheikha Complex Sheikh Saed Al Abdullah Terminal Shuwaikh Zain Headquarters Souk Salmiya Souk Sharq The Avenues The Palms Hotel

Clinics & Hospitals

- Al Mubarakiya Dental Clinic - Egaila, Salmiya - Al Safat American Hospital - Boushahri Clinic - Dasman Diabetes Institute - Diet Care Center - International Clinic - Maidan Clinic - Fahaheel, Farwaniya, Hawalli, Sharq, Subah Al Salem - Kaizen - Salam Hospital - Seif Hospital - Soor Center - Taiba Clinic - The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

Hotels & Health Clubs -

Al Corniche Club Crowne Plaza – Farwaniya Hilton Kuwait Resort & Spa Holiday Inn – Salmiya, Sharq Inspire Pure Fitness Pilates & More - Salmiya, Mahboula Spaloon

- The Palms Beach Hotel - The Yoga Center


Arraya - Haagen Dazs Marina Mall/Crescent - Casper & Gambini’s - Chocolate Bar - Johnny Rockets - P.Q. - Paul Souq Sharq - Starbucks - Haagen Dazs - Breadz The Avenues - Johnny Rockets - Paul - Starbucks Airport Mall - Starbucks Dar Al Awadi - I.O. Center Spoons - Chocolate Bar Salhiya Complex - Starbucks

Stand Alones

- Brush Salon - Dar Al Funoon - Gallery Tilal - Jacques Dessange Salon, Shaab - Kuwait Airport Business Class Lounges - Landmark - Al Rai café, Fahaheel, Salmiya - London Limos - N Style Nail Lounge - Pink Moon Boutique - Sultan Gallery - That AlSalasil Bookstore - Airport, Marina, Salhiya, The Avenues - THE One - TIES Center - TXP Window Tints

Schools & Universities -

American University of Kuwait Australian College Kuwait Boxhill College BSK - British School of Kuwait Universal American School

Kuwait University -

Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks

Khaldiya Adeliya Jabriya Shuwaikh

- 4 Boutique - Alghanim Marine - Alghanim Showrooms - Al Rai, Shuweikh, Sharq, Fahaheel - Beautylicious

bazaar magazine has been a member of BPA Worldwide since June 2010, ensuring complete transparency, verifying bazaar as an audited publication which distributes 10,000 copies on a monthly basis. To access our BPA report, please visit: or log onto our website for a downloadable pdf version.

Freedom to surf us

28,000 monthly visitors

In addition to our monthly magazine, our free-access website gives us the ability to reach an even broader audience, with an average number of 28,000 unique visitors. Packed with our articles covering entertainment, art, local happenings, music, movies, fashion, interiors, health, and interviews with the people responsible for said genres, bazaar‘s website will not disappoint.

Freedom to share us

10,500 fans and followers

We get even closer to our readers by taking advantage of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels on a daily basis. With more than 10,000 collective fans and followers, we love starting different conversations with our readers, sharing music, jokes, photos, competitions, and much more. Twitter gives us the ability to tweet live from the many fun and exciting events that we cover, giving our readers minute by minute coverage and commentary, and allowing us to follow the people and brands that we like too, of which there are so many.

Freedom to flip us

40,000 monthly readers

Too lazy to go pick up bazaar from your local café? Now you can browse through the complete physical magazine online via Featuring our indepth interviews, reviews, stellar photography, and the latest ads showcasing what’s hot in the market right now; you can browse through bazaar freely and securely, whether you're on your PC, laptop, Smartphone, or tablet.



what’s on? DAR AL-ATHAR AL-ISLAMIYYAH International Museum Day

THE FA GALLERY Exhibition: Ayyad’s Art, 2013 – 2014 – The Sound of Music Artist: Ayyad Alnimer Exhibition dates: Opens May 20th, 7pm. Ayyad uses raw bold colors and shapes to depict moments of sincerity and happiness into each art work. Within this art collection of acrylic on canvas, the perception of movement and harmony are bursting from the painting with color and energy. Ayyad manages to create a balance between pastel and vivid colors; mixed freely with interchanging and flowing lines that keep your eyes moving alongside the subjects within. You can immediately sense the happiness in the paintings being projected into the surrounding space and creating a joyous ambiance. It’s as if your eyes are dancing with the painting and enjoying the harmonic music. You are absorbed in celebration of life’s beauty where you can feel and experience the joy of love and harmony depicted in each painting. With each piece of art work you can, with all your senses, experience a familiar yet enchanting connection to each moment in life’s celebrations intertwined with music and dancing. ~ Luma Alnimer. Ayyad Alnimer was born and raised in Egypt where he later attended the Fine Arts Academy in Cairo and earned BA with high honors. Immediately after graduating from the academy he relocated to Amman, Jordan with his wife where he began a career as an artist. His art work has been collected by the National Museum of Jordan as well as a lot of private collectors in Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, and Britain, France, Holland, Spain, and the U.S. He has also held exhibitions in New York, Florida, Washington DC and San Francisco. FA Gallery is located in Sharq, Block 2, Gulf Road, Villa 76, Kuwait. For more information please call 2249 8999 or visit

In accordance with the International Council of Museums, Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah will be celebrating its 2nd annual International Museum Day on May 17th from 1pm – 8pm. The theme of International Museum Day this year will be: Museum collections make connections. As the world moves away from traditional methods of engagement, museums must find new ways to engage with their communities by making their collections more accessible and relevant. This theme demonstrates how museum exhibitions have the ability not only to tell a story, but to also engage with the community through shared memory. It also encourages public awareness of the role of museums in the development of society and promotes the connection that exists between different types of collections and their audiences. This year they are looking to showcase this theme by not only connecting with their patrons and their exhibitions, but also by reaching out to the community and inviting local museums, businesses and entrepreneurs to participate. There will be plenty of activities for the whole family to celebrate and enjoy International Museum Day, including: • An outdoor market (Souq Qibla) for local entrepreneurs and small-medium enterprises to sell and promote their goods and services. • Children’s Activities: Workbooks, crafts, theatre play, exhibition tours, etc. • A NEW Poster Exhibition (by the Junior Docents) • 2 Theatre Plays: A mono-drama performed by Nassar al-Nassar and a comedy performed by LOYAC • A photo booth • Graffiti Wall • Workshops for all ages and interests: Fabric, Zoomorphic Calligraphy Henna, Box Art, etc. • Exhibition Tours through the Splendors of the Ancient East, Verses from the Holy Qur’an on Works of Art, Loans from the Kuwait National Museum, Story of Amricani Hospital (Audiovisual presentation), and Mystic Journey to the Ancient East. • Live Outdoor Music (An 18-piece Brass Orchestra) • Booths set up by local museums and hobbyist groups (Sadu House, Kuwait National Museum, Othman Museum, the Historical Car Museum, and PLAMO Q8) and a special panel discussion with the Heads of the Museums.

THE SULTAN GALLERY Exhibition: The Tour Artist: Barry Iverson Exhibition dates: Opens May 13, 7-9pm. Running May 13 - June 12, 2014 10am – 4pm. In The Tour photographer Barry Iverson delves into ambivalent truths and fantasies that the process of image-making can render real. Barry Iverson’s take on this project: “The Tour began years ago, around maybe 2005-2006. It is somewhat of an historical-revisionist take on the concept of the “Grand Tour” that the European elite embarked on in the 17th-19th centuries, touring Rome, Istanbul, Cairo, etc. Here, I have placed historical characters from vernacular Egyptian, Arab and the cosmopolitan resident foreign community images into my photographs, thus constructing a new reality. The works range in date from 1850s - 2012. I purposely have left off the locations from my titles, and instead place all emphasis on the content and figurative elements of the constructed photographs. The works tend to upend all expectations of the viewer. Indeed, photography is not what it used to be. Some cannot quite make out whether it is an archival photograph, if it was a double exposure, and many other interesting questions, that invite participation of the audience to figure it out. The places range from Algiers, Cairo, Damascus, Antakya, Join them in celebrating International Museum Day and making Thessaloniki, Doha, to Leptis Magna, to Tunis and more.” connections throughout Kuwait. They are situated on the corner of Arabian Gulf Road and al-Shuhada Street, by the National The Sultan Gallery is located in South Sabhan, Block 8, Street 105, Building No. 168. You Assembly Parliament building and across the road from Youm can contact them on 2471 4325 Ext. 110 ; or 6097 0001; or al-Bahaar. For more information contact: 2240 0992. visit their website: 26


Musicians Wardell and Lived In Summer White.

what’s trending As much as we work our hardest to give you one rocking print issue after the other, we’re socially active (or try our best to be, we are bazaar humans after all) and we love it! Find us online: It makes our day when we see your tweets/mentions/likes/comments/shares about your favorite features and more.

what: info: London-based Prop Stylist crafting woollen food. editor’s note: The Comfort Food series is not to be missed!

what: @Arabica_Delights info: Mouthwatering Atayef-only account. editor’s note: Their specialty is (wait for it) Nutella Atayef!

what: @Adelinereehana info: Lifestyle brand located at Bayt Lothan. editor’s note: We love the retro inspired collections!

START READING! Scan to read full digital issue. what: @Kw_Aviation info: The Paramotor club in Kuwait! editor’s note: You too can fly these funky air vehicles!

what: @BubblesDiving info: Kuwait’s most established diving center. editor’s note: Flip through to read our full feature about them! 28

what: @StitchBully info: French Bulldog in Manhattan. editor’s note: This dog’s antics are hilarious!

what: @Saveco info: Kuwait’s latest shopping destination for healthy goodies. editor’s note: Amazing space and finding local vendors is a delight.

what: @GoodGameKw info: Awesome gaming store in the city. editor’s note: Shop, play, or just hang out with the terrific owners!


Singer Andra Day and the Lived In Denim Shorts.

truth or dare

WHEN HEALTHY MEETS DELICIOUS Samantha Caldeira and those Purple Sunflowers by bazaar staff

Samantha Caldeira began to appreciate fresh unprocessed foods including organic fresh milk while living in London. The long-time Kuwaiti resident had become keenly aware of the food she was eating, and the kind of things that could go wrong when eating the wrong type of food. In the years she spent there, she detoxified her system from those harmful components. When she left London for Geneva, however, fresh, organic milk was much more difficult to find. All she could purchase was the boxed long life products that she had stepped away from in London. So, she searched online for alternatives and started making her own almond milk. Almond milk has become a popular alternative for health conscious individuals that are weary of additives in processed milk. This lactose free option contains fewer calories and is high in vitamin D, which helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis. Its vegan properties make it cholesterol free and perfect for those on a heart healthy diet. Samantha was instantly hooked, but when she returned home she found herself once again without a healthy alternative. “On my return to Kuwait, I found that boxed almond milk was easily available,” she said “But soon realized that again, these are as harmful, and hardly beneficial as they are very diluted, the nut content is very low and they contain harmful preservatives and stabilizers.” Not one to be deterred, Caldeira continued to make almond milk and also started experimenting with various kinds of nuts and natural flavorings. At the encouragement of a friend she decided to sell her products and created Purple Sunflowers, named after her love for the color and her late mother’s love for the blossom. Her milk is made fresh and is free from dairy, artificial flavorings, preservatives and stabilizers. She uses organic ingredients where available, top quality nuts, mejdool dates, Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans, organic rose petals and organic lavender flowers to name a few. In February of this year she launched her nut milks, baking and beauty organic products for the duration of last season’s Qout Market, and it was an incredible success. Customers that had allergies to soy, dairy, gluten and grains had found an amazing source of daily nutrients. Those with diabetes and other health issues were excited at the alternative, and those that have never taken to the taste of regular milk were instantly hooked. On living and being able to pursue her passion in Kuwait, Samantha concluded, “It’s wonderful to see such a growing awareness and appreciation for healthy products and food in Kuwait.” She concluded, “There is a new generation of Kuwaitis and expats who are 30

not just making excellent food and lifestyle choices but they are setting trends and leading many to a healthy lifestyle, simply by being such great examples.” How would your mother describe you in one word? Resilient. How would you describe your mother in one word? Generous. What is the most insane question you’ve ever been asked? So what do you do with nut milk? Do you bite it or do you sip it? What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve done? Traveled to Paris for 2 nights just so I could spend the entire time at the Louvre and it still wasn’t enough LOL, but I absolutely loved it! What is your theme song? ‘My Hope is in You’ by Aaron Shust, not exactly my theme song but I listen to it often and it gives me comfort and strength. What word in the English or Arabic language do you wish you had invented? Fudge. Where would you like to live? What is your dream retirement location? Somewhere in Languedoc-Roussillion, Provence or Madeira, Portugal. What is the first famous quote that comes to your mind? “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” – Helen Keller. What do you miss about your childhood?

Being carefree. What animal best describes the kind of partner you’d be interested in? Hmmm. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I wouldn’t want to change my name even if I could. Describe your handshake in one word? Warm ;) What is the toughest part of your character? Striving for perfection in everything that I do, that has gradually changed, now I just aim for excellence rather than perfection and yes, I realize there is a big difference between the two. It makes life easier for myself and those around me. No one is perfect and that includes me. Who is your favorite historical figure? Helen Keller. What in the world do you least desire? Hmmm, haven’t really thought about that. What do you think is lacking in the world, which if there was more of would make the world a better place? Compassion, honesty and mutual respect. Why do you think most girls/guys like you? Perhaps you’d be better off asking them :) Finish this sentence: “Happiness is a thing called…” A choice. For more information, you can follow Samantha on Instagram @Purplesunflowersq8, and call 9007 7019 for orders or inquiries.


G-Star Raw Store Kuwait City - The Avenues Mall Groundfloor Unit 201, 5th Ring Road, Al Rai Area Operated by Al Mutawa & Al Khatib


Kate Busby tells tales of the Middle East, one word at a time by bazaar staff

As a British native, Kate Busby acquired the feeling that everyone in the entire world will eventually learn English, and naturally expected to be spoken to in her mother tongue wherever she traveled. Kate ventured overseas, worry-free, and is now happily married to her Kuwaiti husband Theyab. Then, the woes of translation ensued. For more than two years, Kate’s in-laws have been utterly courteous, speaking in English to her whenever the moment presented itself. Still, she decided that it was time for her to reciprocate their kindness by learning…Arabic. Kate is not only learning Arabic, she is attempting to learn the Kuwaiti dialect. With no learning resources except for a mere TeachYourself book that she clings on to with dear life, she set about her journey by taking the physical experience of writing Arabic words to the digital arena. And with the availability of a computer to repeatedly research and type, the website Kuwaiti Word A Day was born. Kate artfully weaves historic references, even for the Middle Eastern native, with modern colloquial terms in a creative manner. Browsing through Kate’s posts about the origin of casually spoken Arabic words, is both an entertaining and an enlightening experience. Currently residing in Barcelona with husband Theyab, Kate also works with curator Stephen Stapleton, who has been supporting contemporary art from the Arabian Peninsula for over a decade now and is especially known for his work on Edge of Arabia. We caught up with Kate on a brief visit to Kuwait as she told us more about her amazing endeavor to learn Kuwaiti-Arabic. Did you ever think that you would learn Arabic before you met Theyab? As it happens, I did. But whenever I looked at the Arabic letters, it was tough to process. I kept seeing serpents and blades and the whole thing became too distracting. A lot of foreigners have noted that when they see written Arabic, their first impression is that it looks like drawing. How do you vary your posts to make the learning process more interesting and engaging? Beautiful images, YouTube videos and trivia. Each post gets a sprinkling of these things to keep it alive. And grammar gets a mention to so it’s not just a circus. What is the craziest sounding word that you discovered so far? ‫“( احبچ‬aHbich”) is an insane word. It might be a profession of love to a woman but to English-attuned ears it sounds like abuse! Still, this is maybe the point of learning another language: from avoiding awkward situations (like losing your temper when your dearest says “I love you”) to seeing the world from another’s perspective. 32

What is coolest sounding Kuwaiti term that you have discovered so far? ‫ نسمة‬or “nasamah,” which describes a country’s population, but it literally translates to “breath.” So for example, the state of Kuwait has 3.25 million “breaths.” Arabic as a language is bristling with poetry. Did you ever come by Kuwaiti terms that are ‘untranslatable’? How do you handle these situations? A while back, I posted the word ‫“( حليم‬Haliim”) and, lo and behold, there’s no direct translation into English. This word’s meaning hovers somewhere between calmness, gentleness and patience. But this word defines a whole way of life and is of huge spiritual importance for Muslims. So I posted a video of some music. In retrospect maybe it was too random but when words fail, it helps to refer to other types of language. What is the hardest part about learning Kuwaiti Arabic? Other than the alphabet, grammar, spelling, pronunciation and direction of reading? Possibly the fact that it’s a challenge for someone to use the Arabic alphabet on a Qwerty keyboard and remain ‫حليم‬. What do you enjoy the most about learning a new language? Learning a language may be about accumulating

words, but it’s really a gateway into a culture and history. Kuwait is no exception. You drive around the country today and see a lot of dust, a lot of unfinished buildings, but those sands hold on to a lot of secrets. Not many people know that Kuwait was once occupied by the Portuguese, or that its island, Failaka, was an Ancient Greek settlement and the supposed site of the Garden of Eden in the poetry of Gilgamesh. It’s all so easy to miss because Kuwait is small and nothing is obvious. But if you crave adventure then doors will fall open for you. Can you tell us more about the ‘EatWith Kuwait’ tab on your website? EatWith is a young, ambitious start-up to get people around the world to invite strangers into their homes and cook for them. It’s AirBnB for foodies. It also became a way for Theyab and I to exorcise our kitchen demons - we both enjoy cooking but for various reasons were either banned or shunned from the kitchen during our childhoods. So we rebel monthly and cook Kuwaiti dishes for the good people of Barcelona, where we currently live. Visit to start learning Kuwaiti Arabic, or log on to Facebook and Pinterest to follow Kate @Kuwaitiwordaday and on Instagram @Kuwaiti_word_a_day.


up close and personal

ADEL ALANSARI It’s all about the fascinators We’ve been dealing with this fashionable marketeer for many years now at bazaar, and when one of our editors finally got to meet the wonderful Adel Alansari, she was beyond fascinated. Between putting his intrinsic knowledge for the fashion industry to work at his day job and juggling a passionate relationship with the theater coupled with a new-found whimsy for all the things in life that are effortlessly chic, Adel Alansari inspires us to let go of our trend-driven tendencies to embrace our inner fabulous selves. His reasoning for this outlook on life boils down to pure logic, “Your individuality is your best accessory”

“I think I finally grew into my own skin a few years after moving back to Kuwait,” Adel told us as he sipped on his double espresso, and offered us more of Veranda’s renowned freshly baked goodies. He chose to meet with our editor at this location because he finds it very close to his heart, and we couldn’t fault his choice. Veranda is elegant, yet dramatic, quiet and loud at the same time, and these are all extremes that Adel can never resist. He laughingly added, “I am absolutely a person of extremes. Extreme dieter, extreme food indulger, extreme shopper…. you get the point!” Currently DKNY and Donna Karan Marketing Manager at Al Yasra Fashion, Adel is responsible for the marketing operatives for both Donna Karan and DKNY divisions in the entire region, and he loves it. ”DKNY is going through a major aesthetic shift that is going to deservedly bring the brand back in the limelight in our region. This year is going to be a big year being the 25th anniversary of the brand and all I can say is there’s plenty of exciting things planned ahead” he said. He has progressively built a career in the field through utter professionalism, with no short cuts and a work ethic that is envied by many. People who meet him are sometimes intimidated by his no-nonsense attitude, and he attributes that to the nature of the business itself. Adel said, “I find it very strange that people think that I am

intimidating, when I’m only doing my job. I’m actually very nice to people when I meet them, and that is at times misconstrued as being fake. Well, you can’t please everyone!” Adel first became interested in fashion at the age of six years. He believes he got it from his mother, whom he considers as one of the most stylish people he knows. He stated, “I even have home videos of myself as a kid, being ridiculously picky about what I wanted to wear.” Working in fashion, however, wasn’t on his mind. Adel admitted that he wanted to be either a spy or mime as an adult, “I think this was because I always believed that there was something very fashionable and stylish about these personas. I was and still am very fascinated with one’s ability to put a mask on, to blend and adapt to your surroundings like a chameleon, it’s one of nature’s ultimate survival mechanisms.” During his day job, Adel looks to emulate the marketing practices that are fit for the prestigious fashion house that he works with. After work, however, he is most happy living the easy life, going with the flow. He is extremely passionate about the theatre and is head make-up and character designer at Staged In Kuwait, he also helps out with costumes and makeup for their shows. He is consumed by the stage, and sees the fascination that comes with character design by helping the actors transform their looks through his expert knowledge in character make up

and costuming. For someone who never studied costume design, or even fashion marketing for that matter, this mass communications and journalism major student sees theater in fashion and vice versa. As for working in the field, Adel gets his daily fashion fix and is always inspired. He deems that by working in fashion, his mind is open to so many new things and understanding the industry from a business standpoint is another ‘fascinator’ that Adel constantly craves. On DKNY, he believes that the company’s brand ethos is very subtle yet strong, and is relatable to people who are looking for style-oriented wardrobe choices. This style buff despises trends, and would love for people who are exceptional to stand out in their own uniqueness. He added, “I encourage this by being myself, and styling a lot of my friends in a manner that best suits them.” Yet another one of his many talents, styling, comes inherently to Adel, who also deems that he styles others far better than he would style himself. Down the line, Adel’s dreams are rather simple. You might think that he would naturally start his own fashion label, or jewelry line, but you would be mistaken. All that he dreams of is a rustic farm home in Tuscany to live the slow life with his family, complete with their organic garden, and even raising their own chickens. It’s either that, or Plan B: a dinner-theatre in Thailand. Extremes! [continued on next page]



Q&A WITH ADEL ALANSARI What do you most value in your friends? Being able to completely be myself around them and totally relax in their company, and vice versa. What is your idea of perfect happiness? Happiness is a farmhouse villa in the hills of Tuscany with my own veg and fruit garden, lots of dogs running around and my closest and dearest beside me. What is your greatest fear? I would say the ocean. I’m a total earth-child so flying or being at sea unnerves me. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? My ability to move-on/let-go/turn the page really quickly. It’s an extremely useful defense mechanism I’ve built up over the years, but can leave a lot of collateral damage along the way. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Conformity and closed-minds. Which living person do you most admire? I don’t think there is one specific person. I admire people who make a difference. People who fight for what is right; equality, individuality, freedom of expression. What is your greatest extravagance? Shoes, it really is a problem. I’m getting better though, but it still is an issue. Let’s just say every week there’s new shoes at home. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I go through phases with phrases. I say ‘Brilliant’, and ‘by the way’ a lot. What is it that you most dislike? People who expect life to be handed to them on a plate. Only you have the power to be who you are, only you have the power to make your life happen. Sitting in the corner and moping or complaining just drives me crazy. If you don’t like it, get up and do something about it. I really dislike self-entitlement. 36

There is a big difference between working hard for something because you want it, and expecting it to be given to you because you think you deserve it. Which talent would you most like to have? Play a musical instrument! I would love to be able to make music. But something fluid and not fixed. Nothing sounds more gorgeous than a piano but it doesn’t travel well! I want something I could take everywhere with me – I wish I could just whip out a harmonica and bust out some Jazz or something like that. If you could have any job, what would it be? Move over Joan Rivers! – HAHA! No, I would say it would be to run my own fashion styling company. What would you consider your greatest achievement? My very own family. What is your most treasured possession? You can’t possess love, or people, or pets, so I’ll go very materialistic on this one. It would have to be… I seriously don’t know! I like materialistic things! Like my shoes, or clothes, or things I’ve gathered while traveling, but I can’t quite say I treasure something enough to mention it. I guess life! I treasure life, with all the bits and pieces that come with it. What is your most marked characteristic? Exuberance. Where would you most like to live? In a little village close to Perpignan in the south of France, I also love Florence, it’s my favorite city. What are your favorite words to live by? When in doubt add more glitter! – Figuratively of course. What I mean is no matter what comes your way, no matter what you need to do, always give it your all, and add that extra bit of razzle dazzle and it can end up BRILLIANT! Follow Adel Alansari on Instagram @adsez. Photos of Adel by @DHARIF81.



Jawa Al Ahmad’s first book puts the real issues of marriage front and center by bazaar staff

Not long after graduating from the American University in Kuwait, Jawa Al Ahmad found herself headed down a typical path. She was done with school, had started working at a reputable company and was immersed in the marriage trap. Suffocated by the typical lifestyle she felt obligated to live, Al Ahmad decided to do something different. “I said, do what you want to do, start over,” she told bazaar. “I remembered my dream in high school was to always be a writer. So I said, if you don’t do it now you are never going to do it.” Al Ahmad decided to take a trip with her sister to Paris, a city that has always enchanted her. They met a friend from Amsterdam and the trio spent ten days traveling to seven cities in France, Holland and Germany. All the while she kept her black moleskin notebook within arms reach and wrote. The finished copy, Fay, is the story of two young women fighting the typical, and finding their own path in life. In each city they visited Al Ahmad found inspiration for scenes in her new book. Parisian rain fueled settings filled with hot chocolate and warm blankets. The picturesque houses in the harbor town of Voldendam in the Netherlands became an inspiration for the lake town the two young ladies visited for two weeks that would change their lives. The darkness of the Cologne Cathedral in Germany inspired her to explore her darkest emotions. For her first book, Al Ahmad wrote about the topic she found most prevalent among her friends and family in Kuwait: marriage. The Kuwaiti had lived all over the world including USA, India, London and Italy with her family. When she returned to her home country, she had to adjust her very Western views to the traditional values of her family and of utmost importance was marriage. Yet, something was very wrong. “I wanted to reflect the problems that made the divorce rate in Kuwait 72% last year,” she said. “I wanted to show that when you live in Kuwait we live by fake rules, and symbolize an alternative universe.” Fay is set in that alternate universe, a place whose people follow Middle Eastern customs and traditions but are set in a scene surrounded by lake houses and small towns with art parties in quaint squares. The protagonists, Fay and her sister Sarah are in relationships that they know are not good for them. Sarah is married to a man that spends more time outside the house than in it, and almost none with her. Fay starts the book happy with her socialite lifestyle and the all the perks of being engaged to one of the country’s most eligible bachelors, but comes to the realization that there is more to life. The dilemma is one that many Kuwaiti, and Arab, 38

women are faced with. Fight the people you love to marry the man you want, or concede to their demands and live a life of dread behind a veil of happiness. Through her characters, Al Ahmad explores both options realistically. She punishes the girls for moral mistakes by exploring the consequences of such actions. Yet, she gives them the opportunity to turn their lives around, and live the life they dream of. The strength of Fay lies in the author’s ability to transform the reader into this universe she has created. She describes the car ride to the lake house that will change the girl’s lives: “There was magic in gray skies and pouring rain that seemed to bring to surface hidden secrets of one’s soul. The cold wind blew through their hair, caressing cheeks and necks and reminding them of emotions hey both seemed to be without

in their lives.” For the young Al Ahmad, being published is just the first step in what she hopes is a long career doing what she loves. The avid reader turned professional writer is keen to explore the psyche of her people, and begin conversations on difficult situations. “Sometimes our dreams are scary because they are harder to achieve,” she said. “It was all about facing my fear and making my dream come true, and it gave me perspective in life to do what you want to do. But, to actually be a real writer you have to cross lines.” For more from Jawa Al Ahmad follow her on Instagram @jn_alahmad or Twitter @jawooy. You can purchase Fay from the Jarir bookstore.










Constantly seeking creatives—artistic experience optional by bazaar staff

Wake up, work, gym, home, coffee/lunch/ gathering, home, sleep; repeat. Does this routine sound familiar? We’re all guilty of indulging this cycle of doom and thus end up complaining about not having the time to do anything else. As a writer and a creative, I find myself more often than not curled up in my study devouring books or attempting to write one. Salvation came to me in the form of an email with the temptation to go review a new café concept and attend a workshop. And for the first time in a long time, I found myself facing a blank canvas shielded behind an apron, and armed with paintbrushes and paint. Tucked away in the basement of Galleria 2000 mall in Salmiya, a den of creativity bursts with color. While everyone is overly connected to technology, this is a space where you can go back to basics and just create and connect with people. Everyone’s friendly, smiling, and happy to help you out. Artsy people by nature, Sarah Chouari and Raghda Youssef decided to give people the chance to break out of their routine and try something different. Although the space is reminiscent of someone’s “den,” Artspace café is designed for you to feel at home while being part of a community. Artspace is the ultimate sanctuary for all 40

creative types out there. It poses as a gallery where you can showcase and even sell the artwork you create there, a café where you can enjoy a bite or two with friends and catch up over coffee while drawing or painting, and a workshop space where you can learn something new every day. From guitar lessons to portraiture 101, you’re guaranteed to walk out with either a new skill or an amazing addition to your art wall at home. Whether you’re a professional in the field of arts or a first timer, you’ll have a blast. The atmosphere alone is buzzing with positivity, so sit back, relax, and take it all in until you’re ready to join in the madness. Canvases are the way to go at Artspace. You can paint on them, sketch on them, or order your brain food from them – the neon pink ones are menus. The food has a homey and comforting quality to it and the drinks are bursting with flavor. If you find yourself too shy to mingle with some of the creatives-at-work, then just opt for doing your own thing and enjoy your surroundings. Artspace is a place of calm, positivity, and color and welcomes all those seeking a change of scenery. Available for private functions and fun gettogethers with friends, Artspace is the ideal place for all things fun. Be warned, weary creative, once

you set foot in Artspace, you’ll have a hard time walking away. Upon wondering why such a space is open in a not-so-high-street mall, the answer comes to you almost instantaneously. It’s quiet in Galleria 2000, and you’re given the chance to be inspired in a welcoming setting with neither disturbance nor distraction. If you have kids, this place is a haven. On weekends, Artspace provide classes for your little ones while you relax with a cup of something and watch them create their own little masterpieces which you can hang in their rooms. Everyone loves art, and this place will only nurture this love further. Classes are provided to cater to every taste, all you have to do is find out what appeals to you and reserve your spot. So why not try something new? The experience alone is worth the visit. Stop by and meet a friend, old and new, you’re guaranteed to leave with a smile.

Check out Artspace on Instagram @artspaceq8 to find out what their next class is! Call and reserve your spot on 9777 5273, or just walk in and enjoy the atmosphere in the Basement Floor of Galleria 2000 in Salmiya.


bazaar goes dining

MARUNOUCHI Maison du Japanese Wagyu by bazaar staff

Inspired by the Japanese financial district, chock-full with budget-friendly yet delicious lunchtime options fit for business professionals who are always on the go, Marunouchi Kuwait offers Sharq and Kuwait City-goers a new dining destination that can be enjoyed come lunch or dinner. Brought to us by Grupo Gastro, the same people who gave us Meli Melo, the company also functions as a very reputable Japanese food importer and supplier. Think Japanese blue fin tuna, beautiful organic edamame and buttery soft; melt in your mouth, wagyu beef. Located in the third Mazaya tower at Kuwait Business Town (KBT) in Sharq, Marunouchi Kuwait blends Mediterranean culinary elements with refined and authentic Japanese flavors, where you can have breakfast in the outdoor area on French wicker chairs and marble-top tables with an Asian cherry-infused double espresso. Indoors, 42

the open kitchen and dining setting allows light to shine through the glass-clad tower. At night, the entire baroque-themed meets modern bistro décor comes alive with the restaurant’s lighting. Marunouchi’s menu offers a wide selection of salads, soups, vegetarian and seafood appetizers, a dedicated beef and poultry appetizers section, rice and noodle dishes, as well as a vast à la carte menu offering delectable Teppanyaki grills and main courses. As far as sushi, sashimi, nigiri and temaki lovers are concerned, you will be completely spoiled for choice. Moreover, we were very impressed by the different set menus and bento boxes available to cater for different budgets as well as different palates. For salmon lovers, the sake sake or all salmon set menu will give you a generous serving of salmon nigiri, salmon and avocado herbed maki, miso soup, vegetarian tepan and steamed Japanese rice—

all at the competitive price of KD 12! Tuna fiends must opt for the Akami that offers tuna nigiri and sashimi, and the tuna special maki is also complete with vegetarian tepan, miso soup and steamed Japanese rice. The same goes for the seafood medley, where different packages include selections like hamour, grilled prawns and much more set at different price points. Perfect for business lunches and dinners, the owners also informed us that their packages are customizable and can easily be catered for different tastes. So, if you’re in the market for a business lunch or seminar, you’ll find that Marunouchi will soon offer flexible packages for your catering needs. The best part about dining at Marunouchi is that you are consistently guaranteed that the ingredients used in preparing all of their dishes are fresh, organic, hormone-free and GM-free, as owners Ali and Adel import all of their supplies

themselves and strive to give their customers the same quality with every visit. Furthermore, owners Ali and Adel insist on setting all of their selections at Marunouchi at competitive prices that are suited for the market while still adhering to their mission of bringing Japan’s authentic flavors to Kuwait with a refreshing Mediterranean mélange. For our tasting session, we had the pleasure of sampling items from all over the menu, including their latest breakfast items that are also launching this month. We received three different platters, emulating their bento-box lunches. Some included shrimp croquettes that were a creamy delight, along with gorgeously battered and fried vegetable tempura and yaki soba. If you wish to try their acclaimed wagyu, which the restaurant owners pride themselves in their ability to amply supply, then the gyuniko narutoyaki, rolled beef with spring onion, carrot and asparagus delivers a refreshing palate of

flavors. You can also relish the wagyu in its simple meaty glory by ordering it tepan or teriyaki style. Don’t take a minute to think that the poultry is sub-par, as their chicken teriyaki was equally excellent! From the rolls, we cannot stress the following any more—the house-style Marunouchi roll is easily one of the best that we’ve had the pleasure of tasting in Kuwait. It’s quite simple, which is why we were able to taste the textures and the flavors of the beautiful salmon, shrimp and crab. Then, there’s that added twist of a thinly sliced lemon wedge that brings all of these flavors to life. Along with three side sauces to dip from, all of which are Mediterranean inspired, with hints of pesto in the green sauce, a spiced plum jus, and seasoned mayo sauce, your sushi experience will never be boring. For the breakfast rendition at Marunouchi, expect provincial options that deliver the finest of flavors. During the morning hours, the restaurant

will take you through a culinary journey of European goodies, where the fine patisserie offerings like croissants and scones sit alongside refreshing brews of coffees. The owners also informed us that they will soon be serving home-made tartines. Before we took our leave, we tasted the exceptional eggs benedict that their chefs were working on. Prepared two ways, with a turkey or salmon option, we loved the inventive creamy cheese sauce that was a refreshing break from traditional hollandaise. Our experience at Marunouchi left us nothing short of wanting more. Currently in the final stages of their dessert menu, we can’t wait to come back to this special restaurant. Until then, we’re more than happy to sip on one of their refreshing drinks, especially the salted cranberry Margarita. Marunouchi is located in Mazaya Tower in Sharq. Follow them on Instagram @Marunouchi_koweit. 43


Taking down the counterfeit industry, one site at a time by bazaar staff

It all started with a simple pink thread that protruded from the handle of our bazaarite’s Prada Saffiano bag, and she decided to take it to the brand’s boutique in Mall 360 for repair. The bag was purchased online, at a greatly discounted price, but it came in an original dust bag, with the Prada authenticity card. She thought nothing of going to the store and figured that their shop was the best place to get the repair done. Instead, she found that her bargain hunting seven months prior had led her to a deal that was too good to be true. According to Prada store manager Ahmed Dawoud, women are being fooled by high quality fake bags sold as authentic pieces with extreme discounts. These websites have guarantees, testimonial pages and in depth explanations on why their prices are so much lower than the boutiques’. The unsuspecting thrifty fashionista could be carrying a fake, and even the brand’s sales associates wouldn’t know it. Here’s the thing, anything that is made can and will be copied. As the counterfeit industry grows, so do the skills, and it is becoming impossible to spot the fake. International designer brands have actively pursued staunch legal action against the counterfeit sellers. In January of this year Coach won an anti-counterfeit suit worth USD 5.5 million against a Florida-based flee market, the latest win for designers in the anti-fakes war. According to CNN Money, the counterfeit industry will make USD 1.7 trillion in sales in 2015, and account for 2% of the world’s economy. The Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau estimates that USD 25 billion of those sales are done online, and Kuwait is the second largest online consumer market in the Middle East. The fakes online are a far cry from the Prado and Gauci bags, plastic LV’s with faded 44

coloring and the iconic C in every direction you find with street vendors or shady shopping malls. They look and seem real, and the sellers make definite claims that their bags are in fact authentic products. For some women, this isn’t a problem. As long as they are getting a high quality bag in the style they like, they see no issues in buying a fake. However, manufactures creating the fake bags are also making fake medication, car batteries and even food. Items that when made incorrectly, could be life threatening. So, how can you be savvy, smart and economic when purchasing a designer item online? Start by getting to know the product you want at a boutique or department store, where you know it’s authentic. Get to know the bag through touch, sound and smell, use your senses to really experience the fine detail and high quality materials used to make the bag. You can attempt a search online, but be warned. Authenticity guarantees, solid return policies and good customer service are important business practices that safeguard the customer, and the business’s reputation, and the counterfeiters know this. At the end of the day, if a deal seems too good to be true, it really is. Designer houses safeguard their work and its prices. Most major high-end bags are not ever available at outlet stores, particularly online. “The products bearing the Prada trademark are distributed through a Selective Distribution Network and are legitimately offered for sale worldwide in our mono-brand boutiques, in selected and authorized multi-brand stores and in luxury department stores, as well as through our official website,” read an email from Prada Client Services in the USA. So what happens if you do unknowingly buy a fake? If you just want your money back, contact the seller and explain to them that you believe you

received a fake item. If you are not within the return period, you may very well get a response, like our bazaarite did, that this is no longer their problem. The vendor the Prada Saffiano was bought from,, claimed vigorously that their products are all real, and even accused her of lying in order to return an item outside of the guarantee period. She promptly contacted Prada’s Dubai office and presented the issue to them. “We are honestly facing lot of issues with fake bags being sold online and we are taking necessary actions to hopefully solve this,” responded Liliane El Asmar PR & Communication Manager Prada Group, Prada Middle East. “In the meantime, we always recommend customers to buy only from boutiques or authorized retailers that can be easily tracked.” Our bazaarite was contacted by the Kuwait store, and the store manager asked her to bring in the bag to be sent to Italy for verification. A few weeks later she received this statement from Prada Client Services USA. “As far as the site “” is concerned, kindly be advised that we have already sent content removal requests to the registrant,” they wrote. “As a matter of fact, all the contents in strict connection to our trademarks have been removed.” It is against Prada policy to return non-authentic items to customers who bring them into the store. Yet, for our bazaarite, losing a fake was worth saving countless women from making the same mistake she did. Since the incident we have found that management at lovedesignerbags has changed, along with their product line and that they continue to maintain their innocence. New management has also facilitated a refund for our bazaarite.


bazaar love/hate

BEING THE BOSS by bazaar staff

It starts off simple enough, you have a midnight epiphany of some idea that you swear could make a million dinar provided you rush to market before someone else swoops in. Or perhaps you are the slow and steady type that just always saw business as the only constant in a rapidly changing economy, so you took the tried and true path of College, MBA, and enough work experience to be as comfortable in the boardroom as you are by the copy machine. Either way, going into business for yourself is a road littered with the failed attempts of people who started as energized as you, only to be disappointed later. But you trudge on anyways, content in the knowledge that your plight will be different. Whether you sell it off for a million dollars, or fold after a few years of pouring your heart into it, there is no feeling like the gratification of standing back and saying—yeah, I did that! Here they are, your top 5 love/hate conflicts for the dream—nightmare! —That is…being the boss! #5 You’re known as the guy who does that thing – There can be a lot of identity tied up in your business, especially in a place as small as Kuwait. You can’t go to the corner bakala without running into somebody who introduces you as the guy who makes his own guacamole, or has his own rabbit farm. This is nice. You are doing the thing you love so really don’t mind it. Until it starts to bother you. While you love being the boss when business is great and everyone knows it, it is harder when it is not going well and everyone knows it. #4 Steering the Ship – Having full control of a company sounds great most of the time, but the reality is, most of us benefit from having people stop us from doing all the things that enter into our crazy little heads. If I had my way, every company I ever worked for would have had basketball breaks between meetings and tacos delivered like clockwork. The expense of this alone could kill any company. So what do you do when you suddenly have free reign to do anything you’d like? The plus side is that you really can go with any idea you have as the way to go; the downside is that there may be nobody there to save you from yourself! This could be a problem. #3 Hiring and Firing – So you sit back at your big ‘ol desk and think, “I guess it’s time to expand”. Well, why not? Business is picking up and you’re humming along. So you start off by telling your friends you are looking to grow the team. Before you can turn around you have friends as employees…mistake! And just as you bring them in and say you’re hired, you muster 46

up your best Donald Trump and tell em’—you’re fired! This can be tiresome enough in itself, but you may never get those friendships back. #2 The responsibility – Ok, if you are trying to get the word out on your new Etsy craft business or future brownie-baking conglomerate, it makes sense that you are going to start out via the free advertising gift that social media has become, but we are getting serious pitch-fatigue here. If all your friends ever hear of you is your latest sales pitch, it may be time to rethink your work/ life balance. Still, most businesses don’t start with as much capital as is needed (unless you got a fat loan, in which case—good on ya!) and in the give and take that is running a new company, the owner gives and the operation takes. The

responsibility is yours! The downside to 100% achievement when things are great? 100% blame when things are bad. #1 The Energy Spent – You love your business. You love the way it makes you feel to be achieving, and for the first time in your life, you can see what people mean when they say they feel like they’re not even working. The candle gets burnt at both ends, the hours of sleep lessened, and you ride the caffeine high straight through most weeks; all of which if fine, until it isn’t.

Love/Hate is your monthly guide to the things that irk and entertain us in equal measure.

LET’S TAKE A SELFIE BREAK… But first, let me take a selfie. by Bibi Al-Falah

It seems these days we have completely lost touch with reality and surrendered to our perception of it as a result of social media. Instagram is the name of an application as well as a verb in its own right and most of us are now more concerned with which photo filter to choose than what to eat for lunch. Entire setups are orchestrated based on what will look best as a picture post and we are so far from the days when all you had to do was say “cheese”. How far has the phenomenon sucked you in? Personally, I can’t even pretend not to be a part of the virtual sharing wave. I admit to taking selfies, stressing over filters, the whole nine yards. However, I can’t help but worry if social media is slowly but surely depleting our actual social skills. I wonder if sending Snapchats will completely replace texting, and if we will eventually need to represent every emotion and event with a picture because we are so used to being visually stimulated that words and human interaction no longer hold any interest. How many times have you sat in a 48

room with friends and had everyone completely ignore each other for at least ten minutes while scrolling through their phones? How many times have we defeated the purpose of actually meeting one another in person? I bet I could have more of an interaction with someone these days by actually being in another room and texting them or sending a Snapchat, as opposed to actually being face to face. The latter would result in completely ignoring one another in order to endlessly “insta-stalk” all the accounts we follow. I think we all need to take a step back and virtually slap each other into reality otherwise we will soon lose all of the value of human interaction. If you are with your friends, try to concentrate on actually being present, not how to document it for others to see. I remind myself of this often now, because I think we are all going a little bit mad. As an experiment, I challenged one of my selfie-obsessed coworkers one day not to take a single selfie for the whole day and called it #noselfiesunday just to see if she could do it.

Just as a backdrop to this situation, she loves taking these snaps so much that I sent her a voice note of the “let me take a selfie” song when it came on the radio the other day, to which she responded “oh my God, three other people sent me this today!” At the time of writing this article, it was only 2pm and perhaps it was still too early to experience real withdrawal symptoms from the self-photo taking phenomenon. As an added measure, I instructed all my coworkers around her to inform me immediately if they catch her taking any selfies. Watching a selfie addict not take selfies is a really enjoyable experience and I would recommend this to you all. I advise you to challenge your selfie obsessed friends to do the same and see how far they can actually go without clicking that button! It’s like watching a coffee addict not have an espresso until noon on only four hours of sleep (it isn’t pretty). Seeing the way our virtual habits have exponentially grown, I think we all need to engage in social media less and live a little more, what do you guys think?


Salhiya Complex, Mezzanine 1, Gate 3, Shop 36, Tel: 22 99 64 35 Instagram: @mosaickuwait

PHARRELL WILLIAMS MY MUSIC IS SO MUCH BIGGER THAN ME, AND WHAT I AM by Simon Hattenstone/ The Guardian/ The Interview People


Kuwait, you have such an incredible history, such a resilient people, I applaud you and I gotta get there someday, but for now, I’ve gotta take the time to tell you how happy the people have made me to see you guys go from the desert to the beach. It made us very very very happy over at I Am Other, and we applaud you. Kuwait, you’re a strong nation, and we can’t wait to see you raise your frequency to the highest of the high when it comes to happiness. – Pharrell’s shoutout to Kuwait on YouTube Proving to the world that being famous can positively impact the lives of everyday people, renowned artist and celebrity Pharrell Williams has revolutionized the way that we interact with music. Universally coined as the “Happy Phenomenon”, #happy videos are emerging from different parts of the world, including Kuwait! We now not only listen to music, we embrace it by dancing our hearts out to happy beats and then sharing that joy with the world by swiftly tapping that ever-so-powerful ‘share’ command on our smart phones. Pharrell has not only seen many of the growing number of Happy renditions, he believes that it is the peoples’ reactions and decision to make their own emotive videos that took the single to the next level. On the ‘Happyq8’ video that was published on YouTube, he applauded our strong nation, our incredible history and the country’s resilient people. The personal time that Pharrell took to create a shout out tailored for Kuwait is remarkable, and it is also a gesture to be applauded. Simon Hattenstone meets the superstar to find out more... Pharrell Williams wrote three of 2013’s biggest tunes, and has made music with everyone from Daft Punk to Miley Cyrus. So why does he think he’ll never be as big as Jay Z? Mention Pharrell Williams to anyone who knows anything about music and they will start throwing

figures at you: do you realize that Pharrell is responsible for 50% of the music played on radio, or is it 60%? Pharrell enthusiasts would have you believe that the producer-writer-musician is responsible for every hit record in America and the UK over the past 20 years, and it’s true that he has been behind many of them (‘Blurred Lines’ and ‘Get Lucky’ last year; before that, Britney Spears’ ‘I’m A Slave 4 U’, Justin Timberlake’s ‘Rock Your Body’, Snoop Dogg’s ‘Drop It Like It’s Hot’ and numerous others). In fact, the stat people are thinking of goes back to 2003, when the Neptunes – the production duo Pharrell formed with his old school friend Chad Hugo – produced almost 20% of songs played on British radio and 43% on US radio. It’s a remarkable figure. But what is even more remarkable is that at the age of 40, after more than six years without a major hit single as solo artist or producer, and when many of his contemporaries are considering hanging up their mics, Pharrell has gone stratospheric. He was behind the two biggest hits of 2013, co-writing and singing on Robin Thicke’s controversial ‘Blurred Lines’, as well as dancing on the accompanying video. He did the same for the second bestselling single of the year, Daft Punk’s ‘Get Lucky’ – and then scored his first solo number one with the ecstatic ‘Happy’, a Motown-influenced feel-good track as nonsensical as it is uplifting (“Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof”). In March, he performed it at the Oscars, shimmying along the front row with Meryl Streep and Lupita Nyong’o. All three of these tracks are the work of a pop genius

in his prime: right now, nobody can conjure up infectious dance music quite like Pharrell. After more than 20 years in the business, he has just released his second solo album, G I R L (he insists on two spaces between each letter). What took him so long? We meet at Sony HQ in London, where he is playing the album to an audience for the first time. By Pharrell’s standards, he is casually dressed: polka-dot shirt, gray cardigan, trademark outsized Vivienne Westwood Buffalo hat and a bizarre mix of jade, diamond, gold and water pearls hanging down his chest. He introduces the album in a hypnotically mellow voice. Forget ‘Blurred Lines’ “questionable lyrics and the aesthetic of the video,” he says – this is what he really thinks about women. Then he goes off on one: how women could shut down our economy if they didn’t go to work, how they could end the human species by saying no, how different the world would look and feel if 75% of its political leaders were women (“That’s going to happen and I want to be on the right side of history when it does”). He’s now really into his flow. It’s women who buy his records, he says, women who love him, women who keep him in business, women are his everything. It’s hardly Andrea Dworkin, but this does seem to be a partially reconstructed Pharrell. The album receives a rapturous reception from the journalists and critics, and he seems genuinely humbled. He clasps his hands in supplication – a gesture with which I’m going to become familiar. The next day we meet at a massive photographic studio in London. It’s massive for a reason. Two horses are being led in – a black stallion called Precocious and a delicate white mare called Crystal. [cont...] 51

Of course, I’ve seen a lot of them. And you know what? That video wouldn’t be what it is without those people. They took it to the next level. In fact, people have been taking the song to the next level for the past month and a half. It’s crazy, almost too much. Whether they are super serious or joking around, it’s just awesome to see people emoting being happy for those four minutes. I’m just happy to be able to be attached to something like that. It’s so much bigger than any of us. – Pharrell’s response to the many recreated Happy videos

[continued...] The man himself, meanwhile, is gleefully running through the rails of clothes. Every time he comes across another Buffalo hat, he whoops, particularly when he spots one in fuchsia. He’s been wearing a version of this hat since the Grammys in January and has a keen interest in clothes. As he talks, I can’t help staring at him: cheekbones you could cut diamonds on, skin that should belong to a 25-year-old. He is slight, but not as short as he looks on TV (5ft 9in). I ask how he’s changed over the years. Well, he says, when he started out, he had no sense of purpose. And now? “I always want to put something medicinal into my music. To always have some nutrients. It can’t just be shan’t, d’you know what I mean?” To be honest, I don’t. It sounds like pretentious, new-age gunk, yet on a second listen it does make a kind of sense. There is something nutritional in his recent music, a feeling of incredible uplift. As for the “shan’t,” I think he means that so much music is about hope denied and failure – he just wants to make music about possibility. Unlike many hip-hop artists, Williams was born into a world where he was told anything was 52

possible. He is the oldest of three brothers, all born 10 years apart. His mother taught in elementary school in Virginia, his father was a handyman, and his much-loved grandmother, with whom he spent a lot of time while his parents were working, soon noticed his musical potential. She referred him to his first music teacher, Mrs. Warren, who then passed him on to her husband, Mr. Warren, and on to Mrs. Edwards and Mr. Sharps. Break one link in that chain, he says, and you might well have had a different story. He was given every opportunity, but he never expected success on this scale. After all, nobody who grew up in the resort city of Virginia Beach seemed to do much with their lives – it wasn’t New York or LA, there was no music industry or Hollywood to aspire to. He thought he might make it as an art teacher. He was sent to a school for gifted children, where he met Chad at the age of 12. Young Pharrell played drums and sang, Chad played saxophone. They formed the Neptunes, a four-piece R&B band, which gradually morphed into their producer duo. Musically, the Neptunes have been described as anti-Phil Spectors. Where Spector added walls of

sound, Pharrell and Hugo subtracted them, until you were left with something so spare it was little more than a few bleeps and a guitar riff. They blended genres, making hip-hop more rocky, reworking rock and pop to sound more hip-hop, and created hit after hit: for Kelis (Milkshake), Jay Z (Excuse Me Miss), Nelly (Hot in Herre), and on it goes. (And for themselves, too: Pharrell, Chad and Shay Haley also record as N*E*R*D, an acronym for the Pharrellishly gnomic No-one Ever Really Dies.) It wasn’t a conscious decision to mix influences, Pharrell says. “That was the music I was accustomed to as a child. The radio station I listened to would play Queen, then Michael [Jackson], then Stevie [Wonder], then Genesis, then Madonna.” The Neptunes realized you could have all that in one song. Through much of the noughties, their finger wasn’t so much on the pulse, it was the pulse. Even in 2012, by which time Pharrell had supposedly lost his touch, he contributed to the two great breakthrough albums of the year: Frank Ocean’s Channel Orange and Kendrick Lamar’s Good Kid, MAAD City. Unusually for a producer, Pharrell’s guest appearances manage to add kudos for artists far

more celebrated than him – he is invariably cooler, a better singer (those falsetto nods to Curtis Mayfield) and dancer than those he is producing. It’s a little like George Martin singing lead vocals on ‘Hey Jude’ to give it that extra bit of polish, or Quincy Jones jazzing up Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ by out-dancing him. And yet, despite a tendency to place himself center stage, Pharrell never seemed attention-seeking, staying in the background until he made his first album, In My Mind, in 2006. Of all the albums he’s been involved with, he says, it’s his least favorite; not that it’s bad, but there’s an identity crisis at the heart of it. He performs in character as Skateboard P (his nickname at school) and seems lost: sometimes he’s singing that he’s too uptight and doesn’t drink; other times he’s rapping in cliched boasts – his house is as big as NASA, his jewels make him the pharaoh of the ghetto. “I didn’t know who I was,” he says. “I thought I knew who I was.” Who did he think he was? “This competitive guy in the music industry, who admired my peers and felt he needed to compete with the races that they designed. But in life you’re meant

to race against yourself.” It’s funny the first album is called In Your Mind when it was anything but, I say. He disagrees. “It was in my mind, but not in my heart. It was this caricature that I’d built in my mind that fitted in with what Snoop and Jay were doing. Some of the things I said on that record, all the bragging, it’s not necessary. It doesn’t say anything about you, apart from how shallow you are.” He never had a problem playing characters on other people’s records, talking things up, because it wasn’t meant to be him. He was playing a part in someone else’s story. But suddenly, when this was supposed to be his life, it felt hollow. For most of his peers – Snoop, Jay Z, P Diddy – their music was their life story; they rapped about growing up in the projects, the drugs, the violence. Pharrell was basically a gifted nerd who went to a privileged school and liked to twiddle knobs. Where was his narrative? He rapped about his grandmother’s love and his clean life, and that didn’t feel right; he rapped about his wealth and his women, and that didn’t feel right, either. “Your own offering to the world should be a signature of who you are and

what you’re up to, and I just hadn’t figured that out. The difference is, now I realize there’s something so much bigger than me. My music is so much bigger than me, and what I am.” In other words, he’s accepted that he doesn’t have to tell a big story; that it’s enough to sing about the great pop perennials, love and lust. He says the daftest thing was thinking he could compete with Jay Z. “Jay was never going to race with any of us. That was just my delusion.” Why not? “Because his career runs laps round people. And he runs laps round people, lyrically. He’s a philosopher and a poet.” Having interviewed Jay Z, I can understand why Pharrell might feel inadequate next to him: he may be cuter, sexier, more imaginative, more musically versatile, but Jay Z has a huge personality and charisma, and is a man perfectly at ease with himself. The night before, when Pharrell introduced G I R L, he said the album was not his story that it was his paean to women. It was interesting that you started by talking about Blurred Lines, I say and your “questionable” taste in women. “No, perverse,” he corrects me. “Some of the words are perverse.” Does Blurred Lines objectify women? “Well, it says, ‘That man is not your maker.’ There’s nothing objectifying about that.” It’s an argument I’ve heard him use before: that the song’s central message is one of empowerment. So are the lyrics taking the piss out of the seedy Robin Thicke “character”? Pharrell looks confused. “No, it’s not taking the piss out of anyone. It’s just saying that there are blurred lines where a woman wants to do something, but she knows she shouldn’t.” This interpretation takes us back to the original criticism, and the reason the song got banned by a number of British student unions: that men are telling women they know better than they do what they want, and are not taking no for an answer. “I’m not a woman, so I can never tell them how they feel. That’s why this album is a gesture. I’m just trying to make it clear what I feel.” So is G I R L an apology? He shakes his head. “I would never apologize for saying, ‘He’s not your maker, not your God.’ In fact, a woman made him. A woman made me. Regardless of who you are, you came through those golden doors.” What did Helen, his wife, think of the video? “She liked it.” Helen, who is helping herself to a buffet lunch, nods. “A lot of women liked it,” he says. “There are just certain women who are uncomfortable with certain things, and I respect that. I would never challenge that. What I did do is challenge myself to rise to the occasion and offer a full spectrum of my affinity for women, and not just the perverse side. So that’s what this project is. There is no concession in my taste for them, but there’s also no concession in my core beliefs as it pertains to them and their pertinence in society and their pertinence in this world, on this planet.” He’s right about that balance: sure, there is also some respect and romance on G I R L. Now that we’ve established the pertinence of women on the planet, I ask if he considers himself political. “No.” He’s simply not interested? [cont...] 53

[continued...] “I am, because it directly affects us all, but I know what my touch points are in life: education and equality.” Pharrell has started his own educational charity, From One Hand To Another. Is this similar to the school for gifted children he attended? “No, it’s more about tutoring, helping children not only through their studies, but to contribute to their outlook, and to understand the gravitas in education. Without education, you have no tools; and with no tools, you can’t function.” It has been estimated that in the 12 months up to September 2013, Pharrell Williams earned USD 9 million. Much of this comes from his business interests – he runs a YouTube station, makes jewelry and furniture, and has two fashion lines (Billionaire Boys Club and Ice Cream Clothing), as well as the music. We join Helen at the buffet and I ask her if there is anything Pharrell is bad at. She thinks, and thinks some more. Oh come on, I say, what’s he really bad at? 54

“Sport,” she says. She pauses. “He’s not crappy, though.” If she had to restrict him to one career, which would it be? “Music.” As an artist or producer? “Artist.” “Wow!” Pharrell says, “I would say producer. As an artist, I’d just be…” “Stuck?” Helen says. “Yeah, boring, I’d just talk about me all day. What kind of meatballs are those, H?” “Veal,” Helen says. “Wow!” Pharrell says. They have a lovely, relaxed relationship. During the shoot, whenever there is a break, he goes off to chat with her. He once advised about relationships that you should “get with your bestie”. Does he still stand by that? “Yes, because then you can talk about anything.” They have a five-year-old son, Rocket Man, whom Pharrell describes as “the best song I’ve ever co-written”. Pharrell’s music has changed over time: the bleepy minimalism of the early hits has been replaced by the more joyous harmonies of his

2013 hits. This is pure pop, music as natural serotonin. Could he have written a song like ‘Happy’ a decade ago? “No,” he says. Why not? He smiles. “Because the word ‘sweat’ would have been in there, and ‘booty.’ All those words would have been in there.” At the album playback, the head of Sony talked about Pharrell’s renaissance. Today, Pharrell says he’s never been away, but yes, he is astonished at his current popularity. “I am freaking out a bit.” He stumbles over his words. “The popularity is not for me. It’s cos I just gotta… It’s about, you know, services to others. I know my intention, and my intention is not to make it about me.” Fine, but what if the album is so successful that the moguls say, sod the producing, we just want you to be a solo superstar? He looks horrified, and his answer sounds more a plea than a statement. “I have to produce people! I have to work with people. It’s my only means of learning, my only means of colliding with foreign energy. It would be like asking Captain Kirk to just stay on Earth.”

source: The Guardian/The Interview People

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COS opening soon in Marina Mall by bazaar staff

As the temperatures rise, we look for the easiest, and more importantly, the lightest, pieces to communicate a seamless, summery look. To our editor’s delight, the playful construction of shapes and wonderfully youthful air at COS ended all of our woes for the ideal spring summer wardrobe. When you shop at the Grand Avenue – The Avenues, you won’t help but let the bold shades and soft colors dominate your closet space. The collection ticked all of our ‘work chic’ requirements, taking us from the office and into the night and post-work wardrobe changes became a thing of the past. Why? Because this Swedish brand is known for its functional high-end designs, crafted from simple ideas and consistently conveys style over fashion. The sea and its commanding presence, with the translucence of its iridescent surface, is 56

reflected in beautiful silk nylons. The jolting colors of its deep blue waters pop with decisive cutting edge techniques that make every piece in the spring summer collection defining and timeless. For women, shapes take on a myriad of characters. Voluminous cocoon-like dresses, caped sleeves, and contemporary-cut classic dresses reappear with square-cut skirts complete with hidden pockets for functionality. We loved the ripple effect T-shirt dress with kimono sleeves and the flowy sheer layers in the sheer collarless shirt deliver versatility with other key pieces in the collection. A third dimension in design is explored through innovative cuts that we see in invisible pockets, a 3D side pleat added to simple white trousers and even the silk cotton skirt with a wave drape at the waist. Add comfy platform sandals in pearl patent and matte leather to that bustier dress, and your outfit is complete!

For men, tailored looks are exemplified with dense colors and added sheen. We also find ingenious webbing side tabs added to singlebreasted blazers and trousers for more utility and function. The shirt is reduced to its simplest state with a tunic that has hidden buttons at the shoulder, while a papery poplin short-sleeved shirt has its collar removed for absolute clarity. So men can opt for a collared look at the office, also ideal for those business lunches, and head straight to an after-work gathering collarless. By adding a pair of navy polished, closed toe leather sandals, paired with an iconic city bag, that office look is perfect! Shop the COS Spring Summer 2014 collection at the Grand Avenue - The Avenues or call 2228 3035 for more information. COS is expected to open its newest location in Marina Mall on May 31st.


bazaar music “Music can change the world because it can change people.” ~ Bono

XSCAPE by Michael Jackson Xscape is the upcoming second posthumous compilation album of previously unreleased tracks by American recording artist Michael Jackson. It will be released on May 9, 2014 by Epic Records and Jackson’s label MJJ Productions. Xscape is the second album of new material to be released by Sony Music Entertainment since Michael Jackson’s death in late June 2009. Timbaland is the lead producer, others such as Rodney Jerkins, StarGate, Jerome “Jroc” Harmon, and John McClain were assembled to provide a contemporary sound from the original recordings. Mary J Blige, Questlove, and D’Angelo are all set to make appearances on the album.


by The Black Keys

Turn Blue is the upcoming eighth studio album by American rock band The Black Keys released on May 13, 2014. The band announced the album via a tweet by retired boxer Mike Tyson and a series of cryptic YouTube videos featuring a hypnotist played by actor Micah Fitzgerald. The song “Fever” was released on March 24 as the lead single, along with the album’s cover art and track listing. In a press release announcing the album, drummer Patrick Carney said the album title could refer to several things: “A: Suffocation B: Sadness C: Numbness from extreme cold D: A Cleveland late night TV host from the 1960s named Ghoulardi E: All of the above”.



by Lily Allen

Sheezus is the upcoming third studio album by English recording artist Lily Allen, due for release on 5 May 2014, by Parlophone and Warner Bros. The album is Allen’s first body of work since her musical hiatus in 2009 after the release of second studio album It’s Not Me, It’s You (2009). On Sheezus, the singer is reunited with music producer Greg Kurstin who collaborated with Allen on previous singles and albums. Sheezus was preceded by the release of two singles, the lead single “Hard out Here” was released as a download on 17 November 2013 and entered the UK Singles Chart at number nine, giving Allen two simultaneous top 10 hit singles.


by Sarah McLachlan

Three Time Grammy Winner and legendary singer songwriter releases her eighth studio album, Shine On. Sarah McLachlan has sold over 40 million albums in her career and is one of the most respected female artists in music today. The new album was recorded in Vancouver with longtime collaborator/producer Pierre Marchand. In a press release, McLachlan revealed that the album was inspired by her father’s passing and her own appreciation of life: “Many of the songs are inspired at least partially or wholly by my father’s passing three years ago and the profound effect losing him had on me. I had to find my footing again without the anchor of his unconditional love.”


by Roy Orbison

The discography of Roy Orbison which yielded some of the most heartfelt, classics of the rock ‘n’ roll era - shone even brighter with the release of Mystery Girl, the last album Orbison recorded, in 1989. Now, a brand-new version of this classic further amplifies the beauty of Roy’s final work. The original album was a Top 5 hit, earning Orbison his first platinum award for over 1 million sales. Mystery Girl Deluxe 25th anniversary edition is packed with stunning extras. The original album is appended by 9 unreleased bonus audio tracks, including previously unheard song “The Way Is Love”, based on a long-lost demo featuring new instrumentation from Orbison’s children and John Carter Cash, son of Orbison’s long time friend Johnny Cash.


by Little Dragon

Sweden’s Little Dragon has steadily grown from being the biggest underground secret to international acclaim after 3 successful albums and touring all over the world. Their energetic live set and unique recording process has made fans out of some of the biggest names in music including Pharrell Williams, Questlove, and OutKast. The release of Little Dragon’s fourth album, Nabuma Rubberband, is the culminating moment in their career after years of building a grassroots fanbase. Musically inspired by the more experimental pockets of Prince’s back catalogue, club culture and the vintage Janet Jackson, Nabuma Rubberband has a different feel to previous Little Dragon albums and promises to be their most dynamic album yet. source:


A TÊTE-À-TÊTE WITH 248 Interview with Mark Makhoul, founder and owner of by bazaar staff

There are countless occasions when conversations begin at the bazaar office with the following, “Did you hear about that new place… Mark posted about it!” Casual banter at weekend gatherings will also involve an opinion about a dining destination that begins with, “I thought that restaurant was actually awesome, I have no clue why Mark didn’t like it.” The fact of the matter is, whether we like or dislike the posts presented by this established blogger, Mark Makhoul’s managed to sustain a successful website without any interruptions for an astounding nine years. The number might appear as staggering, but it also speaks miles about a person that you may have never met. Perhaps many of us have quickly formed a judgment about the Lebanese born and Kuwait-based Mark by either commenting on his posts, or even reading the comments that are posted on the blog. As publishers, however, we can’t help but admire Mark for his efforts, as sustaining a website and building a following throughout the years while trying to remain fresh and current is a challenge in and of itself. What started as a side project is now his full time job, as Mark has crafted a comprehensive website where people in Kuwait can read about events, fashion, reviews and even buy and sell their items through a dedicated classified area. Speaking to us about his online (and what he considers is also an intrinsically personal) journey, this tête-à-tête with Mark will surely dispel some of the many questions you may have wondered about the man behind Kuwait’s most talked about blog, You were once camera/interview shy. What changed? I’m still very camera/interview shy but I recently realized that life can sometimes be a lot more interesting by doing things I wouldn’t usually do. I’ve actually been applying this realization to various aspects of my life so, for example, I’ve recently started eating a lot of food I never used to eat before or, like taking this interview, which I would have previously said no to. Did you have a vision for 248AM when you first started blogging? What is your vision for the future of your blog? Absolutely not. I never thought that my blog 60

would end up becoming so popular. 248AM wasn’t even my main blog when I first launched it. I was working on another blog called Miskan and 248AM was just this side blog where I would dump my random stuff on to it. Then one day I shutdown Miskan and 248AM became my main blog. Ever since I launched the blog it’s been constantly changing and evolving. I just recently launched a dedicated fashion section and a couple of months back I launched an events section because I’m always trying to expand my blog with more content whenever I get the opportunity to. The local readers are starving for local English content and I’m here to give them what they want. You once hosted an “ask me anything” session on your blog. How would you describe the experience? Oh my God, I could best describe it as a major adrenalin rush. I basically setup a one-hour session where my readers could ask me anything they wanted and I would have to answer it live on the spot. It was thrilling; I got asked over one hundred questions, the majority of which were pretty good. I was honestly expecting the worst but everyone was very respectful and I didn’t have to censor or delete any questions. Would you say that there is some secret to becoming a successful blogger? If there is a secret, no one told me about it. In my case, I think my blog is successful because I’m obsessed with the blog. I literally dedicate every single moment of my day thinking of what to write about next. My eyes and ears are always wide open looking for my next post and it’s been working since I’ve been posting practically on a daily basis ever since I launched the blog back in 2005. I actually only took my first holiday from the blog this past February when I informed all my readers that I would not be posting for four days straight. That was the longest I had gone without posting on the blog since I launched it and you can’t imagine how relaxing those four days were for me. Why did you start blogging in 2003 on qhate? Were you motivated to do so based on a certain experience or event? This is actually a funny story. My best friend from high school is always one step ahead of everyone

when it comes to knowing what the next online trend is. So we were talking one day and he said, “lets start a blog.” This was back when blogs were personal diaries and they were just becoming popular in the States. I told him that I thought it was the stupidest idea because I didn’t understand why I would want to write personal stuff online and who would even want to read it? It took a while but he managed to convince me and on February 2nd 2003 I published my first post. A few years later he emailed me and told me I should get Twitter and I told him how Twitter was stupid and it would never take off. I basically do whatever he tells me now, no questions asked. Is there a difference between Mark, the blogger and owner of 248AM, and Mark Makhoul the person? I personally don’t see a difference, but people do. I think my online personality comes off as very opinionated because of the way I respond to emails or comments on the blog. I’m just being myself; I’m a straight forward kind of guy and very blunt. What do you think of the way in which Social Media has evolved throughout the last few years? Love it/Hate it and Why? I absolutely hate it. I generate income from my blog so I’m not against people making money from social media. I have an issue with people who get paid to post content given to them from brands or agencies but then pass it off as their own. In some cases, agencies have full access to the blog and are posting on the blogs either under the bloggers own name or a pseudonym. I find this very unethical. How hard is it to highlight a blog post as an advertorial or hashtag #advert to the end of an Instagram post? In Kuwait, successful blogging and can also be considered as a form of celebrity. How do you feel about that? I don’t think this is Kuwait-specific since there are a lot of bloggers and Instagrammers around the world that are huge celebrities. So I don’t have an issue with it and I actually find it fascinating. I remember I was waiting for Kim Kardashian to arrive at The Avenues last year when I heard girls in the crowd screaming Ascia Ascia. I didn’t know who Ascia was back then but I was still amazed these girls were calling out her name and not Kim’s. [cont..]

If there is a secret, no one told me about it. In my case, I think my blog is successful because I’m obsessed with the blog. I literally dedicate every single moment of my day thinking of what to write about next.


[continued] Do you think that being Insta-famous carries the same influence as having a successful blog does? Is it necessary to be both now? Yes, I do think they both carry the same, since at the end of the day, I don’t think it makes a difference if you’re Insta-famous or famous because of a blog or if you’re famous because of a TV show, they’re all powerful communication tools. I personally could never do what I do on Instagram. I love blogs because the medium is very flexible and allows me to cover a subject with greater depth, something I wouldn’t be able to do with Instagram. I also don’t think it’s necessary to be both an Instagrammer and blogger. Of course, I have an Instagram account but it’s a personal account and not related to the content of the blog. You are currently blogging full time. Do you miss being employed? Also, did you find it hard shifting from a 9-5 routine to managing your own time? My routine was more like from 9 to 7, so to suddenly have no working hours was the most liberating feeling in the world. Sometimes I do miss being employed because I miss the office environment but the freedom I’ve gained because of my blog is something I will never take for granted. I can now travel whenever I want, go to the beach anytime I want and basically do whatever I want whenever I want. I’m not a slack off though which is why the first thing I did was set some rules for myself. For example I try to be up every day by 9AM, I try to have two posts up by 1PM and I try to have another one before the end of the day. I need to have some rules and some sense of routine or else I wouldn’t be able to run my blog appropriately. Despite facing legal battles over delivering an opinion, you still choose to remain as open and honest about your experiences as you were before. Were you ever pressured to write/post something that you don’t necessarily agree to or believe in? This is a very sensitive and demoralizing subject for me because it really has changed the way I blog. I reviewed a restaurant once and that restaurant ended up suing me because they weren’t happy with the review and I lost the case. I’m still open and honest about my experiences but I no longer post very negative reviews in fear I might get sued again. So to answer your question, although I’ve never been pressured to write or post something I didn’t believe in, the fear of getting sued again has stopped me from posting about places I think aren’t that great. Why do you choose to remain in Kuwait? This is my home, this is where my life is, this is where all my friends are and right now this is where I want to be. Who has supported your throughout the years (friends, family etc)? Both my family and friends have been very supportive. My family is proud of what I’ve achieved and my friends have been really incredible with constant feedback or by sharing interesting news with me. I actually owe a lot of friends a ton of cookies since the deal we have is whenever I use anything they give me I have to get them cookies 62

in return. Choowy Goowy and Baking Tray made a fortune off me last year. Besides blogging, what are some of your other hobbies? We observed a baking series of posts for a while, and then that dwindled! I don’t have a specific hobby, I like trying and experiencing as many new things as I can so I’m constantly passing through different phases. I could be into kite-surfing one day, baking the week after or doing crossfit a month later. There is so much to try and experience I feel I would miss out by sticking to just one hobby. Do you work on other projects besides your blog? If so, can you tell us more about them? I’m currently working part time at a local branding agency. Most of the projects I work on are pretty interesting and it’s something I really love doing as well. I also have two personal business projects I am also currently working on but I can’t really go into any details yet. But again this is another thing the blog has given me, because my blog is now my full time job, I have more time to spend working on different projects. Tell us something that nobody knows about Mark. I want to be a forest ranger, that’s my dream job and I think I’ve only told one or two people. I

just want to disconnect from the Internet, I love blogging and I really love the Internet but it’s taken over my life. It is an established notion that you are a successful blogger, but do you necessarily see yourself as such? I’m really tough on myself so no matter what I do it’s never going to be good enough. I still have so much room for improvement and there are so many things I still want to do with the blog so I’m still trying to be successful. Do you have any other dreams or ambitions that you wish to accomplish? I want to be the mayor of Salmiya. I’ve already posted about this on my blog a number of times before and I’m always very serious. I’ve been living in Salmiya all my life and I hate what has become of it. I want to take care of my area, I want to fix it up and I want to bring it back to its former glory. #voteformark. Log on to to stay updated about Mark’s latest developments, his updated events section for the town’s coolest happenings and much more. You can also follow Mark on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @mark248am.




Grand Avenue - The Avenues

Tel: 2228 3072


Fahad Burhama’s coaching tips lead the bazaar team to 1st place by bazaar staff

Four days before the start of Kuwait’s second blogger cooking competition, Project X, I was convinced I had already lost. No one from our office was able to participate as my team member, and so I was short a partner. Then, the day before, I received a message from the organizer Ahmed Al Hendi: “We have found you a partner, his name is Fahad Burhama.” Immediately, I social media stalked him and was surprised to find he was a soccer coach. A soccer coach who is a cook? I thought to myself. This will definitely be a challenge. Yet, Burhama soon showed me just how similar coaching and cooking could be. “In coaching you have to be very organized,” he told me. “Every moment of practice needs to be planned out, and it’s the same with cooking. You have to think through the recipe, get your ingredients ready before you actually start cooking. Then, when something goes wrong, either in 64

football or while making your dish, you need to be able to quickly deal with the situation.” The professional football coach had learned about Italian and American cuisine from his friend Faisal. It all started one day when Fahad paid a visit to the sick Faisal in the hospital. The conversation eventually turned to food. Fahad was interested in cooking, but he had only practiced on one ingredient. “As a kid I was always the one in the kitchen with my mom,” he said. “She never let me do anything, but I was there watching what she was doing. Alone I would experiment with eggs, and do all kinds of things with them.” Faisal gave him some tips on how to make a simple Bolognese with tomato sauce. Fahad took the week to practice, and when he served it to family that Friday, they loved it. Over two years he learned to measure using his eyes, test for readiness by smelling the food

and really experience each dish as it was being made. Most importantly, he learned how to test his ideas out on dishes to make sure each taste was perfectly balanced and delectable. All of this came into great use during the Project X competition held in the gorgeous Al Farsi kitchens. The contest created by Al Hendi to foster an encouraging environment for culinary lovers in Kuwait. It is a melding of the popular Food Network shows Chopped and Iron Chef. Twelve teams were split into two for the first weekend. We competed Friday, and had to complete two dishes at 90 minutes each. We were given 45 minutes to plan and prep, and then a secret ingredient was introduced, which we had to incorporate into our dish before the end of the 90 minutes. Our first dish was a hamour fish with dill sauce topped with caramelized onions. Then, they announced the secret ingredient: coffee. [cont...]


[continued...] “As we were making the first dish, I started thinking we had a chance,” Burhama told me. “We weren’t stressing. We were having a good time, and just tried to enjoy the contest. Plus our ideas worked really well together.” In our little yellow kitchen, we had the iPhone playlist going as we joked, chopped and sautéed. Burhama taught me a few tricks on how to make a perfect hamour, when to flip the fish and the best ways to create the perfect dill sauce. When the time came we made the quick decision to add the secret ingredient to our caramelized onions. We figured the sweetened onions would be balanced with a bit of a bitter taste and the judges loved it. Our same carefree, fun attitude lasted through the second dish as we prepared a mushroom steak and potato gratis with the secret ingredient, tamarind. The competition was fierce. We came up against traditional dishes like beef stroganoff and 66

some unconventional mixes like Nutella chili lamb chops. Everyone was judged on taste, presentation and originality, with bonus points for teamwork and hygiene. Our judges, three of the country’s top chefs, Zeyad Al Obaid, Faisal Al Nashmi and Dana Al Mutawa were brutally honest in their critiques. So we were surprised to be named the first place winners of that day’s round. A week later we were back in our bright corner, ready to take on another day of challenges. While we might have bombed the first dish when the secret ingredient of oatmeal was introduced (if you are going to put oatmeal on bread with sauce-heavy shrimp on top, make sure the bread is toasted), it was the final round that surprised even us. For the final challenge we were given two secret ingredients that we had to include in both a main and dessert. Fahad, being the steak connoisseur that he is, marinated the meat while I dove into my specialty,

dessert. Half way through making rice pudding they announced blue cheese and jalapeños as the secret ingredients. Both were easily added to the steak and sauce, but on rice pudding? It was an incredible hit. Chef Dana was so impressed by the steak with raspberry sauce she joked that Fahad should help cook in her kitchen. Chef Zeyad’s only comment to our Roquefort rice pudding was to show us the empty cup. Our team ended up with the first place prize in Project X, to our great surprise and amazement. I ended up with a cooking coach who taught me how to explore the kitchen, what to use as guides and also rekindled the joy of cooking. “It’s a great feeling to make something that people enjoy and love,” he said. “To have someone tell you, ‘wow, that was delicious’ is very satisfying.” Follow Fahad Burhama on Instagram @fahadburhama.


Al Fanar Mall: 25731077 Baitak Tower: 22257908 Behbehani Complex: 22403

SHOP SMARTER ONLINE With Shop and Ship by Aramex by bazaar staff

Sometimes, you think that you’ve spotted an online bargain, only to be stunned by the additional taxes and custom duties that follow with that exceptionally low price. Oh, and did we mention shipping costs? So, do you automatically decide to never shop online again, or do you choose to shop smarter? Logic determines the latter, and Shop and Ship by Aramex, the international service that allows you to shop the globe in an innovatively connected manner, is here to dispel the myths that surround online shopping. Can Shop and Ship help me find a better deal for certain products I might be interested in? We have a lot of deals with merchants from around the world so there’s something for everyone! How can I tell if a website is fraudulent? If you didn’t know, Google has an awesome tool that will tell you if a site listed is suspicious or not. We tried it with Amazon, safebrowsing/diagnostic? (replace with any other site name) We used it for our website: safebrowsing/diagnostic? (we’re good!) What are the telltale signs of a trusted e-commerce website? The site would normally display Trustmarks, the design of the website looks professional and well designed, the brands displayed may/should be recognizable by the customer, the loading time of the website is acceptable and also the contact details of the website are clearly visible to the customer. For more details, checking website reviews online are always helpful! How can I avoid paying huge customs duties on products that I order from abroad to Kuwait? We really have no direct say on this, as customers need to know how much customs is applied on the value of goods. Is there a way in which I can insure products I ordered online? (In case of damage during transport etc.) We have a service called SnS Protect which SnS members can opt-in for to protect all their shipments against loss or damage More details on the service can be found here www.shopandship. com/sns-protect Can I use Shop and Ship with my Paypal account for safer online transactions? Yes, PayPal has long been established in the online payments industry and is a global brand with a strong reputation for trust and security, any time, anywhere. How can Shop and Ship enhance my experience? Instead of paying high international shipping 68

costs, you can use your SnS address and have it shipped free to your NY address, since lots of merchants offer free domestic shipping within the continental US and then from there we deliver it to you and you only have to pay for SnS shipment fees. There are also some sellers on the marketplace who don’t ship international and a SnS account can come in handy then too. Another great tip for shopping on Amazon: they have the option to gather your orders and ship them as one

order, once they become available. I often get asked to provide a US billing address, when I don’t have one. Can Aramex help me? We’ve partnered up with US Unlocked to give SnS members a $5 discount on their virtual debit card, which gives you a card number and a billing address in the US. Should I avoid ordering certain products online, when ordering from Kuwait? We have a list of unacceptable items on the

website, that we regularly update! What are the types of products that usually face the most delays in customs in Kuwait? Products that require Ministry of Health approval. What are some other ways in which I can save money when shopping online? When shopping online, look at not only the price of the item but also the weight of it as that will impact the shipping cost. Also check out

several sites for the item that you’re looking for as one of them might have a discount or a sale on that item. When it comes to seasonal shopping (e.g. Eid, Black Friday, Christmas), things sell out pretty fast so make sure you browse through the sites in advance and bookmark the items you want to buy, then schedule these shopping events in your calendar so you’re ready. Some of these sites require accounts before buying, so sign up in advance and store your SnS address and credit

card or PayPal details to make the process of checking out faster to guarantee purchase. You can also sign up to mailing lists for your favorite stores so whenever there’s a promotion you’re the first to hear about it. SnS members get exclusive deals from merchants we partner with so it’s worth signing up to our mailing list too! Check out for more information, and to start selling or shopping online. 69



bazaar movie night The latest from the big screen playing in cinemas across Kuwait in May




Release Date: May 1 Theaters: Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Cast: Andrew Garfield/Emma Stone/Jamie Foxx

Release Date: May 1 Theaters: Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Drama, Comedy Cast: Saoirse Ronan/Ralph Fiennes/Bill Murray/Jeff Goldblum

Release Date: May 8 Theaters: Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Comedy Cast: Seth Rogen/Rose Byrne/Zac Efron

Synopsis: We’ve always known that Spider-Man’s most important battle has been within himself. But in this sequel, Peter Parker finds that a greater conflict lies ahead. It’s great to be Spider-Man, there’s no feeling quite like swinging between skyscrapers and spending time with Gwen. But it comes at a price: only he can protect his fellow New Yorkers from the formidable villains that threaten the city. With the emergence of Electro, Peter must confront a foe far more powerful than he. And as his old friend, Harry Osborn returns, Peter comes to realize that all of his enemies have one thing in common: OsCorp.

Synopsis: The Grand Budapest Hotel recounts the adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. The story involves the theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting and the battle for an enormous family fortune -- all against the back-drop of a suddenly and dramatically changing Continent. Directed by Oscar nominee Wes Anderson (Moonrise Kingdom, The Royal Tenenbaums). Star-studded cast also includes Willem Dafoe, Adrien Brody, Harvey Keitel, Jude Law, Edward Norton, Tilda Swinton and Owen Wilson.

Synopsis: Seth Rogen (Super Bad, This is the End), Zac Efron (High School Musical franchise) and Rose Byrne (X-Men: First Class, Troy) lead the cast of Neighbors, a comedy about a young couple suffering from arrested development who are forced to live next to a fraternity house after the birth of their newborn baby. An intensive conflict between the two parties ensues. Neighbors is directed by Nick Stoller from popular comedies Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him to the Greek. With a current tomato rating of 100% critic vote (on Rotten Tomatoes), this is one comedy well worth checking out.




Release Date: May 15 Theaters: Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy Cast: Aaron Taylor-Johnson/Elizabeth Olsen/Bryan Cranston

Release Date: May 22 Theaters: Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Cast: Hugh Jackman/Jennifer Lawrence/Nicholas Hoult

Release Date: May 29 Theaters: Cinescape Kuwait-wide Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama Cast: Angelina Jolie/Elle Fanning/Sharlto Copley

Synopsis: In Summer 2014, the world’s most revered monster is reborn as Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures unleash the epic action adventure Godzilla. From visionary new director Gareth Edwards (Monsters) comes a powerful story of human courage and reconciliation in the face of titanic forces of nature, when the aweinspiring Godzilla rises to restore balance as humanity stands defenceless. The film retells the origin of Godzilla in contemporary times as a “terrifying force of nature” in a style faithful to the Toho series of Godzilla films. The film also stars Ken Watanabe, Juliette Binoche, David Strathairn and Sally Hawkins.

Synopsis: Days of Future Past acts as a sequel to both 2006’s X-Men: The Last Stand and 2011’s X-Men: First Class, as well as a follow-up to 2013’s The Wolverine. It is the seventh film in the X-Men film series and the third X-Men film directed by Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects) after 2000’s X-Men and 2003’s X2. The beloved characters from the original X-Men film trilogy join forces with their younger selves from the past, X-Men: First Class, in order to change a major historical event and fight in an epic battle that could save our future.

Synopsis: Maleficent explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain from the classic Sleeping Beauty and the elements of her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to stone. Driven by revenge and a fierce desire to protect the moors over which she presides, Maleficent cruelly places an irrevocable curse upon the human king’s newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Aurora is caught in the middle of the seething conflict between the forest kingdom she has grown to love and the human kingdom that holds her legacy. Maleficent realizes that Aurora may hold the key to peace in the land and is forced to take drastic actions that will change both worlds forever.

For more details on movie timings and the cinema nearest you, visit: Cinescape: or Facebook: Cinescape – Kuwait National Cinema Company. 72




BREAK THREAD Wear art. Share art. by bazaar staff

Co-founders Muneer Hanbali and Sulaiman Alzuhair It all began with one leaked photo on Instagram of Sulaiman Alzuhair’s sister wearing a brilliant Break Thread design, specifically the ‘He Him, She Shim’ tee. Back then; the brand hadn’t officially launched anywhere. No body knew what Break Thread was. Almost overnight, our social media feeds were overtaken by the selfies of countless Break Thread-clad locals, and we were certainly intrigued to find out more. Co-founded by Creative Chief / Creative Director Sulaiman Amer Alzuhair, and Muneer Hanbali the Break Thread clothing company’s goals are eponymous. Meaning, they simply wish to ‘breakthread’, like one would break bread over a meal, yet 76

with art. “We want to foster a community of artists, working toward getting their designs known,” said General Manager/ Managing Partner Muneer Hanbali, “We make pieces of art wearable, that is what we strive to do. Our motivation came from noticing a lack of attention toward artists in the Middle East. Exhibitions can only go to a certain extent in getting their designs known, as they have a closing date. What we aim to do is create a moving advertisement for artists through fashion.” While Sulaiman tackles the creative aspect of the brand, and Muneer focuses on operations, Sulaiman’s brother Faisal Alzuhair heads up the social media for the team.

Muneer utilizes his past experience in management consultancy to better the brand’s representation in Kuwait and abroad. From production, marketing to distribution, he works alongside Sulaiman; who is usually consumed with his own design ideas for their expansion plans and coordinating the constant flow of submissions to their recently launched website. On working with other artists, Sulaiman loves finding art that would work flawlessly on a high-quality t-shirt. He explained, “I always wanted to start a t-shirt company, but the way that our brand came about was extremely random. Muneer had a consulting job, and I was working on a comic book. Somehow, our paths

crossed, and we started working on Break Thread.” When logging on to the Break Thread website t-shirt designs by various artists are available, and they currently include: local artist Thuraya Lynn, Zahra al Mahdi, Ahmed Al-Mulla who happens to be renowned for his doodles, and Break Thread cofounder Sulaiman Alzuhair. Upon capitalizing on their launch, they are now working on expanding the range of clothing items that will be sold through Break Thread, along with streamlining the application process for artists to submit their designs to be printed on the high quality Break Thread tee. Entitled the ‘Artist Management Platform’, Sulaiman and Muneer said that artists can now submit their designs directly on

the website through a form. Sulaiman also added that he is streamlining the process even further, “Because the content of the designs that are submitted is extremely varied, I’m creating a brief-like approach to inform interested applicants about certain criterion that will definitely help them when they come to design their pieces. I’m loving this process where I’m engaging artists, helping them streamline their vision toward a finished design.” This means that interested applicants need to consider how their designs would look printed on a t-shirt, something that many artists definitely dream about attaining. Sulaiman explained, “Any given design, just like a t-shirt, physically wraps around the body. From

shape to pattern, I’m always thinking about design elements when I consider submissions, or even when I’m designing clothing items myself.” After a design is accepted, a Break Thread artist will financially benefit by earning a commission from sales made off of their designs. Muneer added, “This makes our platform truly one of a kind, because we are harnessing a generation of artists. We don’t buy art, and that is why we developed a royalties system via a contract between ourselves and the artists.” Through selling by collaborating with Break Thread, the t-shirt designs of the submitters actually grow in fame with the brand, and as the submitters pursue other projects, they acquire more reach by diversifying their talents through garment design. As far as the quality of the t-shirts goes, it took the Break Thread team a total of one year and eight months to finalize the quality and designs of their first line to suit their standards. The format of the company was entirely different. For instance, the notion of a contract between designers and Break Thread wasn’t finalized when they began. While Muneer did facilitate Sulaiman’s vision for the brand, they faced many challenges at the beginning from a qualitative standpoint. One would assume that operations and creative would clash, but Muneer and Sulaiman’s disparate characters actually work together quite well. They even joke about how Muneer can be completely OCD over every little detail, while Sulaiman is easily distracted by his creative whims, or ADD-like behavior. All in all, the creative duo is extremely effective. Upon receiving their first shipment of t-shirts that were finally up to the team’s standards, they quickly started selling door to door, or selling their products at gatherings. Then, they participated at different venues like Fursa and 7market as their designs continued to successfully sell on Instagram. They pay attention to every little detail, from packaging to customer’s feedback. Even the tubular design of the Break Thread packaging, inspired by poster or print holders, can be reused as a penholder for your office stationary. When a Break Thread package is opened up, you’ll catch a whiff of a Middle-Eastern scent, yet another subtle yet resounding sales touch. The full collection of Break Thread tees is currently sold at Pink Moon Boutique and on their website. As for the future, the guys are not planning on staying idle. They’re working on new designs, expanding their product ranges and delivering their fans with a complete ‘Break Thread look’ to keep customers engaged and coming back for more Break Thread designs. For more information, follow Break Thread on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @Breakthread. Order or submit your design on their website, 77

bazaar health

HOT! HOT! HOT! by Dr. Susannah J. Schuilenberg

Summertime in Kuwait is hot. In fact, “inferno” comes to mind. I’d only ever heard weather described as “brutal” in Canada. I grew up in the North, and it was not unusual to run to the barn to do chores in temperatures of -50C (-58F). I could understand “brutal” in the context of cold, but just didn’t comprehend that the summer weather in Kuwait was also “brutal.” Having been here seven years, I can attest to the fact that “brutal” weather happens on both ends of the thermometer …aaaaaand… summer is upon us once again. I thought it might be helpful to talk about things to do in Kuwait besides bake in the sun, which, of course, you can do if you like (It will take about eleven minutes for “crispy”). First off, nearly everyone leaves for the summer (wave goodbye). This is not a bad thing. The traffic is lighter, the pace a little easier, and the restaurants and malls are mostly empty, and even at busy times, still manageable. Second, work slows down for nearly everyone (even the bazaar team combine the summer months of July and August into one edition and swan off on a well-deserved vacation), and there’s often time to catch up on long-neglected projects and paperwork. But what to do for entertainment and exercise? Here’s a list of things I’ve done and will almost certainly do again this summer. 1. Treat myself to breakfast at The Avenues after mall-walking for 3 km. This is a beautiful mall to walk in, there’s no one there at 10 am, and the sheer size of the mall makes the walk interesting. Last stop, Dean & Deluca. 2. Spend the day at one of the beach clubs. Day rates are lower in the summer, and there’s access to the gym, pools, and other amenities. There will be very few people competing for the treadmill or the pool loungers. Bonus – you can skip the sauna. Just go outside and sit in the shade. It may be worth it to negotiate a two month pass to the beach club you like. 3. The Scientific Center – always a great place to visit. I go in the morning/early afternoon when the place is nearly always empty. Lovely opportunity to practice my photography. 4. Live at night. Shift your working hours to start later, then stay up and take advantage of the night-time café crowd (I know this isn’t possible for some, but it does work for others). Sit near one of those wonderful swamp coolers or misters. Makes for a downright pleasurable few hours chatting with friends (alternatively, if you can’t shift your work hours, stay up late anyway and have a nap at your desk). 78

5. Bring your gym home. Even if you can’t afford a wazoo treadmill, you can still have your gym time at home. YouTube is a treasure trove of workouts. Set up your laptop and do a regular routine. Spend KD 9 on a Pilates ball and some workout bands. (Lifestyle change tip: Keep your gym at home and your junk outside – you’re welcome.) 6. Go to the cinema. Censorship aside (Grrrr!!!!), the movie theatres here are amazing. Treat yourself to the huge seats, the wide aisles, the quiet crowds, and the freezing a/c. (Be sure to bring a wrap or a sweater) 7. Plan some easy-peasy hangouts at home with your friends. Tell everyone it’s casual, have them bring something to share, put on some mellow music (or whatever) and try out some new cheeses, share great apps, discuss fave musicians, and just chill. The key word here is “plan.” The summer is short. If you don’t pick those days and get your invitations out now, these

dates won’t happen – I guarantee it. 8. One more – pick up bazaar’s Dining and Delivery Guide for this year and try a new restaurant/café every week. Be adventurous. This is the grooviest thing to do, and I’ve found some wonderful “keepers.” Finally, really and truly do stay out of the direct sun. That level of UV rays might kill an ordinary (wo)man, and no one wants skin cancer or to look 500 years older than they actually are. Consider summer in Kuwait as an adventure, while keeping in mind the danger of becoming a crispy critter, do some exploring. Have a great summer wherever you may be. A Canadian psychologist traveling the world on a busman’s holiday, Dr. Susannah writes about anything that catches her attention. Bossy from birth, compassionate by choice, and funny by accident. You can visit: or follow her on Twitter: @drsusannah.


THE ART OF MAKING IT PERSONAL Arabic calligraphy jewelry by Alex Maguire

Image provided by: Quade Hermann

When you look at a piece by Arabesque Designs, what you can’t see is as important as what you can. The bespoke silver personalized jewelry is hand-made in Kuwait. It is designed and crafted in the heart of the bustling historical souk of Mubarakiya, where for centuries the glittering shop fronts have enticed Kuwaitis and visitors alike. Today most jewelry items are identical copies mass produced in Asia, stripping silver and gold of any personal identity and creativity. That’s precisely what Arabesque Designs wants to avoid. The boutique venture was set up to make beautiful pieces that incorporate the imagination of the wearer and reflect the uniqueness of the individual. A labor of love and passion Jewelry is a labor of love and passion. The client first discusses their ideas and chooses a name and a design. The craftsman then draws the design onto paper, before cutting it out and transferring it onto a sheet of silver. The beauty of the script is then brought to life by a silversmith who spends hours hunched over the rough silver, patiently cutting and polishing the design, often by hand and with well-worn tools. The end result? A truly unique piece with shapes, curves and swirling decoration that brings out the beauty of the wearer’s name or loved one in Arabic script. Wearing a piece of art and culture This passion for Arabic calligraphy is one that the craftsmen share with the founder of Arabesque Designs, Maryann Horne. The idea behind the 80

boutique jewelry venture was born out of her desire to pay tribute to one of the most beautiful arts in the world, after a lifetime spent on the roads less traveled of the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Before settling in to Kuwait, Maryann was a BBC reporter and humanitarian worker for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for over twenty years. She grew up in various countries, including Switzerland, Great Britain and Ireland before hitting the road to chase stories and look after vulnerable communities. Her work took her to Sarajevo, Pristina, Kabul, Kandahar, Tunis, Khartoum, Tehran, Doha, Islamabad, Damascus and Benghazi during the Libyan revolution. Most recently, she followed her husband to Kuwait with a nine week old baby girl and set up home with a heart full of memories and love for the Arab world. “The one common thread in my travels throughout the Muslim world was the richness, simplicity and astounding beauty of arts based around the Arabic script and calligraphy in particular. I didn’t only find this beauty in palaces, Presidential offices or museums. I found it scrawled in graffiti on doors in Tunis and Sarajevo, on murals in Zanzibar, and in a more modest form in the impoverished refugee camps of eastern Afghanistan and the deserts of Southern Libya’. Recreating art? After arriving in Kuwait, she wanted to create something that was accessible to all and that educated and celebrated a calligraphic script that is used as the anchor of Islamic culture in so much

of the modern world. She believes the reason this art is so attractive and has inspired communities for centuries is because of its simplicity. Today, her jewelry and designs adhere to this philosophy. Arabesque Designs uses traditional Arab shapes such as the teardrop and the flame, and fonts such as the classic calligraphy or Kufic to make jewelry that is simple, yet striking, in its beauty and quality. So has she managed to achieve her aspiration? Maryann admits it’s a challenge. It’s difficult to be competitive when a passion is turned into a small business. But she says the reactions of her clients are what motivate her. In a few months, Arabesque has flourished into a steady creative home-based business. Clients range from Kuwaiti families to several European Ambassadors and teachers, students, and expats who order gifts for family and friends abroad. Arabesque’s latest commission has been from an oil and gas company which has commissioned corporate gifts for their VIP clients and wanted something different and reflective of the local culture. “Many people don’t realize how beautiful their names can look. They learn not only more about the Arabic script, but then take an interest in the alphabet, the fonts and learn more about the script”, says Maryann. “The jewelry makes them feel special and beautiful, and that is exactly what calligraphy is all about”. To find out more about Arabesque Designs, contact Maryann Horne on or by calling 9090 3868.



A collection of childhood memories record a generation of architecture by bazaar staff

When Muneera Alsharhan would go to a shopping mall she people watched. She took in outfits and styles, mannerisms and silhouettes. She observed how her fellow citizens continuously change hijab styles, eyebrows and silhouettes to define themselves in their globalized home. Then, she went home and drew them. “That was so interesting to me,” she said. “I wanted to record it because it was changing so quickly. I thought ‘no one is going to remember it was like this at one point’. So I took the way I looked at people, and people watching and looked at houses.” Well known for her jewelry designs, Alsharhan was given the opportunity to develop her artistic talents when she was selected for the Out of Kuwait art residency program sponsored by the British Council. She was sure she wanted to do something that touched on memories lost, or fading, from the Kuwait collective memory. She recalled a show in The Contemporary Art Platform (CAP) on 100 years of British landscape. Artists had painted landscapes that preserved their unique impression of England, and became part of the collective memory. Alsharhan wanted to do the same, and go beyond the pearl diving, mud home memories she had been told about, and capture the actual memories she had growing up. “I’ve never lived that and I have never seen that,” she said. “I don’t identify with it except for the fact that it’s imposed on me as something that is a part of me. So I started thinking about childhood memories and what I could remember from landscapes.” She remembers vividly the specific houses she 82

looked forward to seeing every morning on her way to school. There was the pink house rumored to have a crocodile. Her driver had her convinced that the white house down the road housed a tiger. Then, there was a small home at the corner of her block that mystified her with beetles she wasn’t afraid of. To Alsharhan, these memories, the homes people were building and the unbelievable things they housed in them, were a very important part of Kuwaiti culture that is getting lost in the rapidly changing landscape. So she set out to create My Kuwait Enameled Series, a collection of miniature renditions of the homes built in Kuwait from the early 60’s to the early 80’s that stood out the most in her childhood memories. “Things move very quickly in Kuwait and they change things without thinking,” she said. “I wanted to document those houses before they disappeared. My kids are going to come, and the buildings from our life time are going to have disappeared and they are not going to see how we are living.” She first attempted to create ceramic renditions of the homes with a rented pottery wheel from Bayt Lothan. However, she quickly realized that while she had taken a single class on in ceramics, she couldn’t capture the pieces the way she wanted to in due time. So, she decided to go back to her forte, enameling. Enamel is a powdered glass, set on any metal and then heated so it melts and sets. A particle of dust, an extra second in the oven or a simple sneeze and the piece is ruined. Alsharhan had to deep clean her whole study after her dusty ceramic experience so that none of it got into the enamel,

which would have caused the piece to pop off the copper base. The result was a collection of the 16 most important homes and scenes to Alsharhan. They included the animal houses, the buildings that define Kuwait and even the ice cream man sitting beneath an umbrella under the blazing sun, selling ice cream in mid summer. She was nervous when she arrived in London for the Edge of Arabia exhibit. Visitors of the gallery in Kuwait related to her pieces because they were buildings and homes they knew. She worried that the London audience may not understand the significance of her work, and they may be lost in the midst of large pieces. Yet, gallery visitors walked right up to her pieces, arranged relative to her own home as if on a Kuwaiti map, and inspected every detail even attempting to see the back of it. The process intrigued them, but Alsharhan was pleasantly surprised to find that people connected to the buildings. They said they too had family homes like the ones depicted in her pieces. For Alsharhan the popular reception she received at the show was just the icing on the cake. She had set out to document an era in Kuwait she fears will one day be lost, and she succeeded. “Maybe we don’t like it,” she said. “But we can’t pick and choose which part we want to remember and which part we don’t. So we have to be careful and not forget so quickly.” For more on Muneera Alsharhan’s work visit her website You can follow her on Instagram @MHSQ8.


bazaar goes cruising

VOLVO: MORE CONNECTED by bazaar staff

Connectivity is the fastest changing area in the automotive industry, and Volvo is leading the way. Driving is no longer about getting from A to B while you tune in to your favorite radio station. Now it is about staying connected all the time and everywhere, which requires an increasingly seamless user interaction. The current trend for many automakers is a turn to app-based platforms, much like the ones found on smartphones, which gives car info-tainment systems—as they have come to be known—a continual feed of new features to make your life easier. Info-tainment interfaces are becoming a central part of the in-car experience and increasingly, an essential factor in the decision making process when buying a new car. Features like navigation, hands-free calling, music and media management, 84

and all sorts of additional information and productivity into the car and are all wrapped together into one single, cohesive, go-to interface. The goal is a smooth, integrated way to do everything you might want or need to do behind the wheel enabling the driver to focus on the road and not having you pick up a hand-held device. Volvo is leading the pack in developing the technologies to do this. All of Volvo’s technological advancements are designed around people, and every innovation is designed to simplify and improve the experience today’s drivers really care about - design, power efficiency, connectivity, safety and ownership. Volvo listens to its customers and provides them with solutions that make their lives easier. Their biggest advancements they have made recently are in efficient power, connectivity

and safety. These features are called: Drive-E, Sensus and IntelliSafe. Today’s review takes a closer look at the areas related to Volvo Sensus Connect. Sensus gives you an intuitive, innovative and integrated way to connect with your car and the world around you. Sensus includes Volvo information, entertainment and support solutions that allow the driver to instinctively communicate with the car. Sensus Connect Volvo takes it one-step further, allowing the car, the driver and the passengers to connect to the digital world. Sensus Connect is not just the technology contained in the center stack. It connects many systems in the car with one intention - to give access to a host of services and applications. Using a tethered smartphone or an integrated SIM card, along with a modular and

upgradable approach featuring a growing range of apps, creates endless possibilities. As these apps are located on Volvo’s servers, outside the Sensus system in the car, they can be updated overnight. The car can also act as a mobile Wi-Fi hot spot supporting the various devices passengers might bring into the car. Did you hear that world? No more going to the local coffee shop for your on-the-road Internet fix—my car is an Internet hot spot! Interacting with the system through the center stack provides easy access to controls for driver and passengers. The steering wheel buttons can control the entire system, allowing the driver to keep their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel. Enhanced Voice Control also allows fully integrated control of a range of systems such as the factory-fitted Sensus Navigation, with

3D-maps, local search, live content and send-tocar. The navigation also comes with “lifetime” map updates that can be installed via USB, either by the customer or by a Volvo dealer. The entire Sensus system has been redesigned to enhance ease and speed of use. Voice control and text-to-speech have been added for more functions, making it possible, for example, to search for media and to get SMS and traffic information read out loud. The Volvo On Call service has been further integrated into the car systems and is introduced for the first time in some markets. With Volvo On Call you can contact a Volvo call center for roadside assistance or emergency response, and use an app on a smartphone to control your car remotely. Car connectivity is not only about having access to

the world from the car but now also about remote access to the car. Volvo On Call was one of the first systems to establish this new connectivity area. The possibility of getting information about the car’s status and to be able to control the car remotely are key new features for many buyers in the current market. It also gives the manufacturers an opportunity to boost aftermarket presence as cars automatically can send diagnostics information to facilitate planning of car service. In the end, this will only help to ensure that your Volvo lasts longer for you and your family. For further information and to test-drive your favorite car, reach Al Qurain Automotive Trading Co. by phone at 182 8200 or 6000 1923; or visit their showroom in Al Rai. 85


GUST celebrates Kuwait’s visual culture with The SEEN by Fahed Al-Sumait

Nobody saw him coming. Then out of nowhere, the professor charged into the fray armed with bags of colored powder and an unexpected level of energy for someone of his generation. The students quickly swarmed and began hurling clouds of color at him like a pastel storm. But the academic held his own as he nimbly darted through the crowd with a seemingly unlimited supply of the pernicious powder. Soon, everyone on the field looked like rainbow-dyed bush warriors, beaming with smiles and the odd splash of color in their teeth. This “celebration of color” was one of several events held by students and faculty at the Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) as part of their visual communication conference, entitled The SEEN, held from April 13-15. The SEEN included speakers, workshops, art exhibits, and entertainment events opened to the public that were designed to showcase local creative talents in the field of visual communication. The goal was to inspire creativity, show what the field has to offer, and to give insight into where it is heading next. The three-day conference was a collaborative effort between local professionals, university faculty and GUST students who organized The SEEN around three aspects that cut across all visual professions: Inspiration, Innovation and Imagination. Each day, speakers and workshops addressed one of these themes to highlight current trends in a range of visual “scenes,” such as graffiti, film, calligraphy, architecture, cartoons, illustration, PR, photography, fashion and others. 86

Such elements of visual culture are rapidly gaining prominence in Kuwait as local artists incorporate new technologies, media forms, and ideas into their work across a variety of creative pursuits. Local speakers representing these trends included creator of the world-acclaimed comic book series THE 99 Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, political cartoonist Bader Bin Gaith, photographer Abdulaziz Alduwaisan, co-founder of AOK Architecture Abdulaziz Al-Kandari, independent filmmaker Abdulrahman Al Kulafi and many others. There were also workshops on graphic design, graffiti, Arabic calligraphy, magazine cover design, mind mapping, and aesthetics. As with its inaugural event, The SEEN conference culminated with even more demonstrations of color. But rather than hurling colored powder at their professors, this time students gathered in scores for a live graffiti demonstration by Yousef Saleh and Mohammed Abuhakmeh, AKA “Monstariam,” who filled a large three-part canvas with street art celebrating The SEEN. “Our students were great,” explained Dr. Fahed Al-Sumait, Head of the Mass Communication and Media Department at GUST, which spearheaded the event. “They brought together some incredible creative professionals, they helped design the materials, publicize the events and then film the entire process. It was a great chance to move out of the classroom and apply ourselves to an event with broad appeal and social significance.” The event was sponsored by GUST’s Office of Student Life, 4Films and 4Fest printers, the Center for the Arts, ACICO, Khaleejesque magazine, Tap,

and GUST’s Media Club. Additional speakers featured over the three days included graphic designers Hanan Abbas, Suad Al Fraih, Fatema Yousef and Faisal Al Ali; PR professionals Dana Mado and Bader Al Essa; artists Abdulrahman Al Sultan and Abrar Zenkawi; art directors Romain Danger, Patrick Semaan and Hind Al Turkait; as well as photographer Farah Haider, owner of Pink Coffee Marketing and PR Shamlan Al Bahr, Film CEO of Brand Productions and producer Meshari Al Mutawa, and managing partner of Khayal Consultants Waleed Abu-Gazaleh. Workshops were led by Jassim Al Nasrallah, Yousef Saleh, “Monstariam,” Antonia Jolic, Dr. Yasser Abdulrahim, Lisa Winstanley and Mirna Kataya. “In today’s world, visual messages are a very important way to communicate and get people’s attention. This conference showed how creative professionals are using the power of visuals to make an impact,” said Antonia Jolic, lead organizer of The SEEN and faculty member in GUST’s Mass Communication and Media Department. “It also gives our students a better understanding of the possibilities offered by their degree”. The conference organizers chose the title “The Seen” to describe how talented designers and entrepreneurs from across the country will have a chance to be “seen” at this event, as well as implying the idea of a “scene” that reflects a social trend, such as the art scene, the film scene, or the fashion scene. For more information, please visit the website:

a night out with...

ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, OF THE HUFFINGTON POST bazaar Diwaniya: U.S. Chapter by bazaar staff

Your bazaar correspondent recently received a much coveted chance to hear Arianna Huffington speak as part of the press junket for her new book launch. For those who might not know, Arianna is co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Huffington Post news website. Known for its stark headlines and as a major player in online news, The Huffington Post has, in a relatively short time become a major player amongst news sources. The website, launched in 2005, now has 110 million unique visitors per month, a healthy amount by any measure. It sold for USD 315 million to AOL in 2011, and won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize in National Reporting for their Beyond the Battlefield series on American war veteran’s lives after returning home. She was also named as one of the 100 most influential people in 2011 by Time magazine. Arianna Huffington is a woman of vast talents that has proven herself in many different fields. Originally born in Greece, she would go on to study at Cambridge before eventually settling in the US. After failing to win a California Governor’s race against Arnold Schwarzenegger, she decided to set off in the direction of news. She says this latest book is inspired by and dedicated to her mother, a housewife with a sense of spirituality and a knack for philosophy who incidentally also lived with Arianna for her entire life. Currently on the eve of the release of her 14th book, she is as at home writing her novels as she is giving presentations, it seems. Though a relatively straight-forward news source, she cites (HP) as one based more on a model of creating conversations and looking for solutions to complicated societal problems based on that dialogue, than the traditional news delivery service we come to think of. In Thrive, her new book, Arianna Huffington makes a compelling case for the need to redefine what it means to be successful in today’s world. She acknowledges the initial two measures, money and power, as not likely to go anywhere any time soon. Still, she argues at length that there is an increasing amount of research that suggests the ability to slow down and consider life’s other important factors are now grounded in research. In the book, she says that our relentless pursuit of the two traditional metrics of success -- money and power -- has led to an epidemic of burnout and stress-related illnesses, and an erosion in the quality of our relationships, family life, and, ironically, our careers. By being connected to the world 24/7, she contends, we’re losing our connection to 88

what truly matters. Our current definition of success is, as Thrive shows, literally killing us. She suggests that we need a new way forward. In this new and personal book, Arianna talks candidly about her own challenges with managing time and prioritizing the demands of a career and raising two daughters. Drawing on the latest research and scientific findings in the fields of psychology, sports, sleep, and physiology that show the profound and transformative effects of meditation, mindfulness, unplugging, and giving. Arianna shows us the way to revolutionize our culture, our thinking, our workplace, A skeptic might note that the “Third Metric” idea is a part of the Huffington Post’s website; a separate section with its own branded banner headline. Perhaps they would be right to, as there is an air about it that smacks of cross-promotion between the website, the book, and these series

of conversations that she is giving on the subject. Still, she would answer that this is because of her own revelation towards working too much and not paying attention to some of these larger concerns that created her own new direction. The way she tells the story, the idea of working too much and not getting enough joy out of the life she was living was brought on by a terrible moment where she collapsed from exhaustion and being over-worked. In her road back, she says, she has learned to adopt a way of looking at both work and free time that allows her to more purposefully place both in their proper light. In this book, she uses recent scientific research to prove her claims that the benefits of living by this new metric outweigh the risk from not. You can find more information on Arianna at



Sublime Submergence

When majestic gowns are submerged underwater, their beauty is magnified. Local stylist and renowned blogger Joumana Soufi takes us on an aquatic journey; shapes are artistically explored, colors reign supreme and suddenly, we’re looking at a picturesque canvas rather than an ordinary fashion shoot. Art Director / Stylist: Joumana Soufi Photography: Jalil Marvin Model: Sune Vantonder Makeup: Marvelous Makeup Underwater Photography Equipment: - TechSys Marine KW - AAB World Location: Al Hamra Thermae Special Thanks: - Yousef Al Taher - Abrar Zenkawi



Let us confuse you some more. Would you believe that some of the pieces styled in this shoot were found at our local Friday market? The movement of fabric underwater amazed both stylist and photographer, couture-cut or not. The end result, nevertheless, yields a feminine exploration of clothing, where fabrics are dramatic and gowns become the center of attention. Follow Joumana Soufi on Instagram @TheSideTalk. 93

PUT THE CONTROLLER DOWN, PLAY A GAME A social way to enjoy gaming with friends and family by Ashraf Abdalla

As a young boy (yes I have always had a geeky streak) I loved board games and tabletop games, the original Axis & Allies and Warhammer 40K games took up many a night of my teenage years. The former is like the popular Risk but with a wide variety of units and a military industrial complex to manage. The latter a miniature based tabletop war game of fantasy based armies flung in the far future with a canon that has grown to scary proportions, and has been adapted into some of the best squad based strategy video games on PC. Over the years my interest in tabletop, board and roleplaying games waned until a couple of months ago. During the annual lull in video game releases and after stumbling across an interesting board game review I started looking into board games again. I was going to order a few from Amazon to play with the missus and friends as a more social alternative to video games. Then I remembered hearing of a new specialty board, card, tabletop and roleplaying game shop called Good Game in Al Sanabel complex downtown. That weekend I headed over to try and see what I could find. Although the one game I wanted was not one that they stocked, what I found was oooh so much better. The store turned out to be owned and run by some of the friendliest people I’ve met. All of whom are incredibly passionate about this kind of gaming, and are dedicated to building a community around it by organizing regular tournaments and gaming nights for the more popular games. If you want you can even go in and try out any of the store copies of the games. The icing on the cake, they had Warhammer 40K armies stocked in their store which instantly brought waves of nostalgia and had my geek senses tingling. After a brief talk about what I was looking for, I was given multiple suggestions of games that might interest us, and actually ended up picking up three. Descent: Journeys into the Dark a campaign turn based dungeon crawler in which 2-4 heroes go up against one evil Overlord who controls all the monsters and has his own objectives to win each quest of the campaign. Both the heroes and Overlord gain experience not unlike any role playing game, and spend it to buy new skills and abilities. The heroes loot the dungeons and visit shops in between quests to buy new equipment. You can also add more monsters, heroes, side quests, and even whole campaigns by buying expansions to add longevity to the game. Descent has been incredibly popular in my household with anyone who’s tried it. We now have regular weekly and bi-weekly nights with different 94

groups and three different ongoing campaigns. Mansions of Madness the second game, is like Clue set in H.P. Lovecrafts’ Cthulhu universe, where 2-4 players go around the creepy mansion looking for clues to what the fifth player (the Keeper’s) secret objectives are. The Keeper attempts to bring to the world an evil monster that will end the world and tries to stop them using his monsters and creepy abilities. X-wing miniatures, the last game I bought that day, is a tabletop space dogfight game set in the Star Wars universe. Players build squads of Imperial or Rebel star fighters using a core set and multiple expansions and fight it out against your friends, I’ve actually participated in two in-store tournaments of this game since, even my wife joined in on the fun in the last tournament. Over the last two months I’ve picked up two more games both of which are purely co-op and have human players play against an AI system. One is based on the Gears of Wars video game universe. The second is Zombicide, a crazy objective based game where six or more survivors controlled by

human players fight through hordes of zombies. Seriously, our last session of Zombicide ended with 556 zombies dead and at one point we had upwards of 115 zombies on the board! Board games have come a long way, plastic miniatures are incredibly detailed, most sets of rules are simple enough to pick up after a few turns, but complex enough that you start building layers of strategy into your moves after you’ve begun to master them. There are plenty of games that aren’t combat based, and many that can be played with family, as a party game, or even with people who aren’t into any form of gaming at all. If it’s something you’re interested in, board games can be an incredibly fun alternative to video games and a cool social way for gamers to get together with friends and family. Good Game is located in the Al Sanabel complex in downtown. For more information visit their website or find them on Instagram @goodgamekw.



Interview with Hamad Al Selmi, PR and Marketing Manager at FASTtelco by bazaar staff

FASTtelco has proven to be one of the most reliable and consistent Internet and data services providers in Kuwait. Maintaining this reputation is no easy feat, and as a result of the company’s continuous efforts to deliver customers with the latest communication solutions, they stand as leaders in Kuwait’s market. Here to tell us more about the company’s evolution throughout the years is Hamad Al Selmi, PR and Marketing Manager at FASTtelco. How has FASTtelco developed its Internet services in recent years? The Internet and all of its related services are no longer classified as a luxury aspect in any individual’s life. In fact, with our ever-increasing demand for communication and data transfer possibilities the Internet has evolved to take on a vital, necessary role in our lives. Because our clients are our top priority, FASTtelco is on a continuous mission to develop its Internet related services, through acquiring the latest innovative technologies, and advanced network infrastructure. Through intensive research and development activities, FASTtelco has succeeded in introducing game changing Internet and communication related services, such as eFax which enables clients to receive and send faxes on the go. In addition to that, FASTtelco has successfully launched its newest service (FT Gig), a prepaid Internet service, enabling users and clients to travel and roam over 40+ countries with one Internet package at a very competitive low price. How is FASTtelco developing its infrastructure in providing its customers with the latest high quality, competitively priced Internet and data communication services? FASTtelco’s Internet and network infrastructure is in a state of constant development. We seek to satisfy our customer’s demands through upgrading our infrastructure on a regular basis to accommodate the growing demand for high-speed Internet. Moreover, FASTtelco partners with leading international bandwidth capacity providers, to assure that its Internet stream is always up and running. What do these latest infrastructure developments mean to the average user? A reliable Internet connection and exceptional high-speed packages for both residential and corporate clients. Can you tell us more about how FASTtelco is playing a major role in changing the way in which companies communicate internally and externally by providing high speed Internet and data transfer services? FASTtelco treats each company, regardless of size, as a unique business. Through the 96

collaboration of our expert teams, FASTtelco has the ability to plan, design and even provide the most advanced suitable communication and data transfer solutions. Listening to clients is an essential aspect here at FASTtelco. Each company has a certain set of requirements, thus communication objectives. We take it upon ourselves to listen and further suggest the best solutions and best practices for internal and external communications, backboned by our state-of-the-art network infrastructure. What are some of the most recent national projects that involved utilizing the services offered by FASTtelco? FASTtelco works closely with most governmental ministries and national projects. We have been very successful throughout our past years, our long pipeline involves projects carried out for The Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Public Authority for Civil Information, Kuwait University, and The Central Agency for Information Technology. It is also worth noting that FASTtelco has also been successful in carrying out major business projects such as The Gate Mall, Cube Mall, AlSalam Mall, and Sama Mall. Such projects involve the complete utilization of integrated systems, such as data transfer solutions, security systems, advanced phone services, and a complete communications network design and implementation. What are some of the latest residential and personal Internet packages available at FASTtelco? We have recently introduced our ‘Bring your

Friend’ campaign, where current clients would refer and get their friends and relatives to subscribe with FASTtelco, and in return get their internet subscription upgraded for free. In addition, we have also introduced FT Gig our newest and most advanced prepaid internet roaming service in the market at a very competitive low price, which provides the client the ability to travel to more than 40+ countries worldwide, and stay connected to the Internet, without the need to switch from one provider to another. What differentiates FASTtelco from other Internet and data services providers in Kuwait? We differentiate ourselves by our degree of expertise in vast technological aspects. FASTtelco may be considered a traditional Internet service provider on paper, however, with the ever evolving acquired technological solutions and services, FASTtelco has set itself as a technology driven company offering the state-of-the-art communication and data transfer solutions. What’s next for FASTtelco? FASTtelco is on a continuous mission to fulfill its goals and objectives to continue providing highend, cutting edge communication technologies and to play a vital role in the development of the Internet and data communications sector.

For more information, visit, or call 188 6666. Follow @FASTtelco on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.



Take up diving this summer season with a team of seasoned experts by bazaar staff

The summer season is upon us and we’re all excited to simply hit the beach for some much needed rest and relaxation, from enjoying the sheer act of lazing under the sun’s blissful rays, to taking up a new beach activity. Between the myriad of beach activities one could learn over those never-ending days of summer, scuba diving is one challenge that could come across as intimidating to many. If you’re interested in taking the literal plunge but you just don’t know where or how to begin, then you must check out the expert services offered by Kuwait’s most established scuba diving center, Bubbles Diving Center (a.k.a. Bubbles). When Abdulrahman Al-Sarheed, Abdulkarim Al-Saleh and Abdullah Al-Houlli established Bubbles in 2009, they wished to build a family of certified diving 98

instructors rather than employees who are hired to teach others about scuba diving. From there, they have built an expanding team that today includes 8 diving professionals including Dive Master Instructors and Course Director Abdulrahman AlSarheed. The Bubbles family includes Nasser AlObaid, Yacoub Al-Hamad, Abdulrahman Al-Onaizi, Talal Al Zamanan, Fawaz Khazaal, Dalal Al-Omar, and Ahmed Al Yaqoub. After years of choosing Al-Sabih Marine for all of their boating and diving needs, Al-Sarheed saw that it was a natural decision to work with the same esteemed company when the idea for Bubbles came about. The entire academic instructing process that takes place before practical training ensues, is held at this special center in Shuwaikh. A point that is worthy of

mention is that Al-Sarheed and his team follow all of the diving instruction manuals and protocols to the letter, meaning that they never allow students to progress to the next exercise before they are certain that they understand the material being taught at the classes. From there, they follow with practical training in a shallow pool, before proceeding to open water training where students attempt to take their first dive with a certified instructor. AlSarheed informed us that it can take anywhere between one to two weeks for a beginner-level diver to attain a certification. He said, “We don’t, and actually refuse, improvising here. We can’t do that or else we would be risking the lives of people who entrusted us to learn this special activity.” The instructors and instructor assistants at Bubbles are all certified in at least one, if not more, of the

following diving organizations, including PADI, NAUI, SDI and TDI. The classes currently offered are allocated based on the age levels of the students, where junior courses target children aged 8-15 years, and anyone above qualifies for the adult educational and training level. Al-Sarheed deeply understands the value of attaining the appropriate certification for different diving techniques. A lover of the sea, he once practiced diving for almost two years before attaining his first certification in the Philippines in 2001. He said, “You’re not allowed to dive without being certified and that is the case for many reasons. A common problem that many people face here is finding a credible source to learn how to scuba dive, and once you understand the physiological importance of safety through training,

you will be much more appreciative of the beauty of the dive itself.” When it comes to booking an excursion as a certified team of divers, or even learning about the process itself, the team at Bubbles has constructed a stunning boat for learning and enjoying a beautiful day out at sea. For local trips, they organize weekend dives where people only need bring their towels. The boat is equipped with everything that you can think of, from snacks, hot and cold drinks, changing room for men and women, bath products, all inclusive diving gear, to a majestic deck located on the top level of the boat for those who simply wish to sunbathe as their friends dive with ease. Khazaal added, “It’s the little details that make all of the difference. The Bubbles boat is tailored to our with every

diver’s needs in mind. For certified divers, they get to practice their newly attained skill with ease knowing that qualified instructors are on hand to help.” Al-Sarheed then informed us that Bubbles even organizes a ‘live aboard’ program, where they travel to regional locations for amazing dives. For these excursions, expect to lavishly enjoy residing on a 43-meter steal hull that will take you to the Red Sea’s most loved diving locations, for instance. The Bubbles team also organizes trips to Jeddah! Once being around this group of seasoned divers, you instantly know that experts surround you. More importantly, you immediately sense that you are around people who are genuinely passionate about the dive itself. Fawaz Khazaal, for instance, has been diving with Al-Sarheed [cont...] 99

[continued...] since 2009. Before that, he thought about diving for so long, yet never considered even attempting this activity. Al-Sarheed certified the entire training team at Bubbles, and he is hoping to develop their skills even further so that they too are able to harness a thriving diving community of local Kuwaitis and expats alike. Abdulrahman Al-Onaizi, another Bubbles team member, once faced problems when he attempted to take up diving previously, and was actually put off the experience until he caught up with Al-Sarheed. He never imagined he would become an instructor. The same can be applied to other members of the team. Dive master Dalal Al-Omar was, at first, actually afraid of what she might face underwater. Yet the team encouraged her to conquer her fears. Today, she helps others overcome the same phobias she once faced herself, and is an inspiring role model for other women intimidated by the activity. Talal Al Zamanan, 100

also a Dive Master, loves working with kids and is always challenged to show children that there is no need to fear the water. He said, “If anything, scuba diving at a young age garners confidence in children.” Even for Ahmed Al Yaqoub, who first met Al-Sarheed at a different dive center, took up the activity once again because of the encouragement he was given when joining Bubbles. Yaqoub Al-Hamad, the newest member to the family, started his open water training in 2009 with Bubbles and continued his diving with the Bubbles team until he decided to become an instructor. To add to the variety of training organizations offered by Bubbles, Al-Hamad took off in 2012 to Thailand to become Bubbles only PADI instructor. Not only is the story behind Bubbles a beautiful one, the relationship and sense of camaraderie between the team members is palpable and is indeed a refreshing break from other diving

centers where you feel that the sport has turned into yet another commercial enterprise. Sure, they are a small business, but it is above all a passionate one. Al-Sarheed concluded, “Starting every Sunday, we begin a training course at AlSabih Marine. What I absolutely admire about every single member at Bubbles is the team’s desire to constantly not only teach, but refresh their knowledge by attending the classes. In doing so, new students become familiar with all of us, and a thriving relationship is built with the start of the class.” Follow the Bubbles Diving Center on Instagram @BubblesDiving. For more information please visit or call 9998 9020. Bubbles Diving Center hold their weekly classes at Al-Sabih Marine Center in Shuwaikh, across from Al-Tilal Complex.



RECORD STORE DAY by bazaar staff

In honor of Record Store Day, which this year took place on April 19th (though is always the third Saturday of April), we thought we would give you the lowdown on the annual event this day has become. Record Store Day came into being in 2007 when over 700 independent stores in the USA came together to celebrate their unique culture. The UK followed suit and 2014 will see the seventh celebration of the UK’s unique independent sector. This is the oneday that all of the independently owned record stores come together with artists to celebrate the art of music. Special vinyl and CD releases and various promotional products are made exclusively for the day and hundreds of artists across the globe make special appearances and performances. Festivities include performances, meet & greets with artists, DJ’s, in store quizzes and many other events. It also now includes Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Canada, France, Mexico, Italy and Spain. As for the events of Record Store Day itself, there are a variety of them and they differ from country to country. First and foremost there are a lot of releases from artists and labels alike specifically for this day. Expect surprise releases and lots of in-store appearances all-around. This is a great chance for bands to get directly in front of their fans at their favorite local stores, so it is often a chance to get bands that are big enough to have you saying, “I can’t believe they are playing in this tiny shop.” This year’s ambassador for record store day was Chuck D, co-founder and vocalist of the pioneering Hip Hop group Public Enemy and 2013 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee (past ambassadors have included such legendary performers as Iggy Pop, Jack White of the White Stripes, and Ozzy Osbourne, to name a few). He explains the relationship of fan to store as a mutually beneficial one in saying that record stores are a “sort of second rite of passage after the live radio or TV performance. Motown’s Berry Gordy had a record store, Elektra founder Jac Holzman had a record store, the STAX label had their Satellite Record Shop right next to their studio. Keith Richards opens a conversation with Mick Jagger as teenagers on a UK train platform because he had a stack of hot blues records in his arms after leaving a shop. Well you should have an idea of what I’m saying here.” He goes on to say that, “The record store made musicians listen beyond themselves. It both complemented and supplemented the radio, in fact the best radio stations in the past followed the vibe of the record stores of their regions, thus growing 102

and nurturing each other. The fans and listener had everything to gain, and if they wanted to get into making music, the Record Store turned into their first school and sonic passport out.” Lastly, since we all travel so much here in Kuwait, here are a couple of record shops you need to know in the towns known for making great music. In each city, we give you the big boy on the block, and the smaller guy, respectively; though if they are mentioned at all they are the best of the best. While there is not enough space in

this column to get into the ins and outs of each store, stopping by any one of these could be a life changing experience… LA: Amoeba Music; and Fingerprints Music (Long Beach). NYC: Rough Trade (Brooklyn), and Good Records. London: Rough Trade East, and Honest Jon’s. Inside/Out is brought to you by a secret hoarder of records old and new. It’s a problem…really!



by bazaar staff


Even though he remains mysteriously masked, renowned Saudi fashionisto Nahar is rather unmasking the concept of style. Less attention to the face means more attention to what we choose to wear, and coming up with our own style rather than copying what people may consider trendy. People may deem his persona grandiose, and that’s exactly what he aims to dispel. The grandeur we see in trends, and may even perceive in his masked identity, is unveiled by his many talents. Not only is Nahar a young stylist, he also owns Saudi Arabia’s first online fashion agency. This masked person is also the ‘face’ of Harvey Nichols Riyadh as well as their art and fashion director. Nahar’s work with the prestigious multi-brand department store, includes guiding them towards supporting local designers, promoting their designs and even hosting events for the local community. Through his decision to remain masked, he aims to correct all of the misconceptions related to the fashion industry in his home country. He’s been described as the only guy in Saudi Arabia’s fashion industry, even though Nahar’s knowledge comes from being completely self-taught; from directing the country’s first fashion commercial, to helping designers refine their aesthetic to a more defined vision. We interview the fashion connoisseur to learn more about his persona, passions, vision and opinion on what it truly means to be fashion personality. 104

Why the infamous mask? Since I began working in the fashion industry in 2007, the mask became the first question that I was asked wherever I went and by whoever I met. The majority of people believe that I hide myself behind the mask. Others think I’m too ugly and perhaps have a misshapen face. I get messages like these all the time and they really make me laugh. I must say, however, some people do understand the art of creating a persona and they see me as a cartoonish character. Now that, I truly enjoy! I wear the mask because I want to communicate the concept that, as human beings around the world, we have that horrible habit of judging each other by the way we look. I mean, our faces, and the way we look is a direct result of God’s creation, and we cannot do anything about it. But, we can control the way we dress, and I always say it doesn’t matter how you look, what matters is the way you style yourself. The way that you style yourself is the way you present your personality to the world. What do you aim to accomplish with your work as a fashion stylist and personal style advisor? I don’t consider myself a stylist or a style advisor. Sure, I have enjoyed styling throughout my journey in the fashion industry. For instance, I do a lot of styling in my country due to the lack of available styling methods. I see myself more of a visual artist through people’s eyes. My character reflects that fact, and not to mention that most of

my work involves spending time helping designers with their work and creating a study about how they should build their brand. During their photoshoot sessions, I am an art director and a model at the same time! There’s a thrill to working behind the scenes even when, at times, the pressure can be exhausting being one of, if not the only, guy in the fashion industry here. When did you first become interested in fashion? I’ve always loved fashion, as it is my passion. I remember when I was a little kid, I was different. I wasn’t that kid who spent his time playing with other children. When my mother hosted a party I used to stare at her guests’ skin color tones, the way that they dressed, the smell of their perfumes and the accessories they chose with their outfits. Playing with colors was a huge part of my childhood, and I even used to walk in my father’s loafers. Do you think that you will always remain anonymous? As long as people enjoy my look, and relate to my message with an interest and curiosity, I feel that I’ve achieved my target. Having a unique character and persona is very important to every artist—that’s one of the most important keys to any artist’s success. What are some of your favorite projects that you have worked on so far? I’m proud of all of them because of how successful they turned out – the feedback was immensely positive. One of my favorite projects

includes working on the first fashion commercial in Saudi Arabia for Harvey Nichols by collaborating with local and international companies. I thought it would be great for one of the biggest fashion institutes to work with local talent. They believed in me, and were impressed with my image, which led them to make me the face of the men’s department. This project was followed by a series of amazing collaborations like (MIX&MATCH) by Nahar and (Mini Chic) by Nahar. Does fashion ‘make’ the person or does the person ‘make’ fashion? Fashion is behavior. It doesn’t make the person, but it is a very strong element that is utilized to create a personality. Through your personality you make fashion, leading to a statement look that results in the creation of a trend. How would you describe your style? Completely classical. I’m all about crisp shirts, pants, shorts and colorful bowties. I don’t see myself as a trend-oriented person because trends come and go quickly. I actually experienced a phase where trends mattered to me. I took one look at my photos and decided to overhaul my look towards a more timeless and elegant approach. Trends are fine on occasion, especially when posing for photoshoots, but I always make sure to incorporate a classical element into my look, such as high-waisted pants and billowing, oversized tops. What I choose to wear might

not look wearable, but it really doesn’t matter as whatever I choose to put on, relates to my character even if it’s deemed as too classical or too edgy. How do you get inspiration for your style? From many sources! I travel a lot, so I can be inspired as I’m having a cup of coffee on any given street while street-style watching. I am inspired by ancient books, theatrical plays and, of course, my parents! What does it take to become a style innovator? It takes a strong belief and wisdom to know that fashion is not about showing off, it’s about you and your behavior and where you come from and how a person rises, grows and evolves. You innovate by knowing your inner style and how you keep your style updated and how and where you will use it. You should not get comfortable in fashion as it is not safe, it can bring you down as quickly as you go up. Also, becoming a style innovator involves constant studying and keeping your eyes open to new ideas at all times. What has been your greatest fashion influence? The music scene, street fashion and the youth culture greatly influence me. Who are your favorite emerging designers, and what is it that you love about them? Karl Lagerfeld because of his capability of keeping Chanel’s identity in a very creative way, Junn J because I think he understands how to

deliver the perfect trend that will last, and I must say Kris Van Assche, he came from the YSL fashion house and he has the element of YSL which is always a good start to deliver a creative label. What item of clothing (if any) do you wish that people wore more often? Plain loose tops and jeans are a must have for everybody for so many reasons. I really get nervous when I see some of the guys wearing tight tops in order to show off their bodies. They think this is how they can show off the muscles, which is not suitable. You can wear long loose tops instead, and still look good! Plain tops and jeans are always versatile as you can wear them more often and accessorize them and no one will notice that you are wearing the same top again. To be stylish is to be fashionable. True or False and why? Not necessarily true. To be fashionable means to keep up with fashion, with every trend and to have that knowledge is a skill. To be stylish however, is key. What’s next for Nahar? Kuwait. I’m coming soon to shake up Kuwait’s fashion industry! You can follow Nahar online on Instagram and Twitter @Naharofficial and Facebook: Naharfashionista. Photos of Nahar by Abeer Alwagait. 105

TAIBA MEDICAL SPA You’re in good hands by bazaar staff

Every girl enjoys a day at the spa, and every girl has her favorite go-to spa when in need of some de-stressing remedies. Here at bazaar we relish the idea of spa days. So when given the opportunity to explore a new venue, we look forward to our day of complete R&R. From facials, mani/pedis, massages, and more, spas are the ultimate sanctum sanctorum. What caught my attention about this particular spa is the “medical” part. With a need to know more about it, I packed my bag and headed over to find out. A spa is a spa is a spa. Yes, you might have your favorite or the one you frequent on the basis of loyalty or convenience, but at the end of the day a spa is a – you get the picture. That’s what I thought until I paid Taiba Medical Spa a visit. Staffed with medically qualified professionals, you’re guaranteed to not only come out feeling relaxed, but treated as well (the fact that doctors working there are fully qualified in their respective fields warrants your visit to be fruitful in more ways than one). Pampered both inside and out, you’ll be satisfied with the results after every visit. 106

With the plethora of treatments offered, Taiba Medical Spa has something for everyone. Being a medical spa, Taiba have the authority to prescribe medication that will help clear up your acne as well as giving you a rejuvenating and cleansing facial. And you won’t want to miss their Eye Massage Mask! A machine like no other, the Eye Massage Mask simply covers your eyes and sends you into a complete state of Zen while it does all the work. From reducing eye puffiness and dark circles to smoothing out the lines and wrinkles formed around your eyes, this machine does it all. Their Diet and Nutrition clinic offers top of the line advice on weight loss and nutrition. Let Taiba’s experts guide you to a healthier version of yourself with their tips, tricks, and regimen programs. If you need to, you can even opt for one of their Slimming Treatments using state-ofthe-art technology that helps slim and contour the body. With swim season coming up, no one wants the visible dimples of cellulite. So why not try out the Lumicell Waves machine that not only slims and tones, but also reduces the appearance

of cellulite. If you’ve been exposed to too much sun or your skin is starting to lose its luster, you might want to check out their Mesotherapy. With Mesotherapy, you can watch your skin transform to regain all its vitality. If you’re anything like me, getting a mani/pedi is a process you dread and relish all at once. At Taiba, they offer a medicated mani/pedi that saves you not only time, but energy. Focused on treating in-grown nails, split nails, and damaged cuticles and skin, Taiba Medical Spa have got your hands and feet covered. Paying close attention to what your hands and feet require, their nail professionals know exactly what to do for you to make your nails dazzle. Using Mavala products, Taiba makes sure they give their clients the best. Opt for any of their relaxing treatments or stress relieving massages and enjoy your time. Call Taiba Medical Spa at 1808 088 and book your treatments now. Or visit their location at Al Hamra Mall, 5th floor, Habeeb Al Mnawer Street, Farwaniya, and visit their website at for more information.


Loaay's Two Cents Got business problems or challenges at work? With his Two Cents page, Loaay Ahmed shares his expertise in strategic management consulting to help managers, employees and entrepreneurs thrive.


Cultural fit is important when hiring. We ask candidates questions about their lifestyle to get to know them better. Where do you draw the line between cultural diversity and cultural conflict?

Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, an online retailer that’s famous for their strong cultural fit, once said that he asks himself after an interview with a candidate whether or not he would like to have drink with that person after work, in principle. If his gut feeling was no, then he wouldn’t hire him/her. In this case, the small differences won’t matter. Will this system work for other companies? Maybe. Is this an objectively sustainable and measurable method? No. Gut feelings could be clouded by how strong the candidates are in selling themselves. Many companies have praised diversification for enhancing the quality of thinking within the business in meetings, problem-solving situations, and in product or service development. While this may very well be true, it doesn’t have to be the main criteria for assessing the cultural fit. Quality of the employees and customer’s experience won’t be negatively affected if your contact centre agents listen to different kinds of music individually and have various hobbies. What matters the most is that they all have a natural desire to serve people and to solve problems. However, if you’re putting together a team for new product development or strategic planning, diversity in lifestyles, backgrounds and interests, could enrich the results dramatically. So, the next time you interview a candidate, keep in mind the nature of the job when reviewing the personality, behavior and lifestyle of the candidate. Happy Hiring!...and that’s just my two cents.


We run a factory and we have one product line. Customers are showing less interest as time goes by. Other than price deductions, what can we do?

When you have one product it may seem limiting and could be threatening if the market is disengaged with what you have to offer, but it doesn’t have to be. All you need is a dose of creative and critical thinking. You could diversify into similar or supportive product lines within the same industry. You could integrate recycling into your product to make it more environmentally responsible. Alternatively, you could take your product to less advanced markets. Used cars, for example, are often sold and exported to less developing markets. Shifting to another direction, you could find unconventional uses for your product. Viagra, for example, was developed as a heart disease medication, but the studies showed a totally new potential and the rest is history. If you decide to wiggle and wriggle with the market you’re currently in, then you must find ways to stand out from the competition. In brand management there’s a simple golden rule: [dramatic sound


effects] Differentiate or die [dramatic sound effects again]. Give your old and new customers one strong reason to buy from you and not your competitors. A more tactical but intricate approach is to team up with other key manufacturers and to change how the industry operates, which will force other operators to follow or shutdown, either way will give you the lead and a bigger market share and, more importantly, a bigger profit share...and that’s just my two cents.


What do you do when you loose faith in the director who hired you and you don’t have other employment opportunities?

Some employers expect and, dare I say, sometimes demand employees to show unconditional loyalty to the company or to them personally. Some employees also have this belief that their direct managers and the company in general should be loyal to them all the way considering their good or exceptional performance. Neither side is right in their expectations. What makes a company stick with a certain employee is because that person’s performance generates certain value to the business, which they need and don’t want the competition to enjoy. It’s not because they like the person or believe in him/her. On the other hand, companies shouldn’t expect any loyalty from employees because it’s a matter of a fit between the employees’ own needs and what the company offers in general – and not just the salary. If there is no fit, it’s time to go. The human relations that develop during the working hours, days, weeks and months are nothing but a byproduct. What matters is the deliverables at the end of the day from both sides, the employer and the employee. If leaving to an inspiring environment with people you can respect and learn from is not an option for now, focus on projects that require less interaction with your director whenever possible so you can spend your time doing work that you will be proud of regardless. Employees should be loyal only to the position they’re in so they can improve their own reputation. Do what’s right for the place you’re in, speak your mind on what’s best for the business and go home knowing that you’ve done your best that day...and that’s just my two cents.

For Loaay Ahmed’s advice on business or work matters, send a short email to Regrettably, only the questions chosen for publishing will be answered. Loaay Ahmed is a management adviser and strategic expert. To learn more about Loaay and his consulting service, strategic business therapy, visit




arabs abroad

MAYSOON ZAYID, CAN I TELL YOU A JOKE? Interesting Arabs doing interesting things…elsewhere! by bazaar staff

If you happen to have been paying attention to the internet at all this month (of course you have), you may have noticed the tremendously funny and inspiring TED talk given by Palestinian-American comedian, Maysoon Zayid. In it she discusses what it was like for her growing up as one of the only Muslim families in a small New Jersey community. Zayid jokes about her family, global culture, and her life with cerebral palsy. “I have cerebral palsy. I shake all the time,” Maysoon Zayid announces at the beginning of her exhilarating, hilarious talk— “I’m like Shakira meets Muhammad Ali.” With this deftness and candor she confronts preconceptions head-on and people are responding to her honest and humorous bent. Her ‘I Got 99 problems…palsy is just one’ video has racked up 3.9 million views since it was filmed in December of 2013. 110

As co-founder of the New York Arab-American Comedy Festival (along with Dean Obeidallah), now in its 10th year, she has helped to confront head-on, people’s perceptions of both Muslims and the disabled. You may also, recognize her as the woman behind the beauty-shop counter in Adam Sandler’s movie, You Don’t Mess With the Zohan. A self-proclaimed “comedian, writer and tap dancer” who currently has her hands in all things entertainment related, she is proving a force to be reckoned with in and outside the Arab world. Based out of New Jersey, she travels about 3 to 4 times a month or 50 times a year to do shows. She additionally spends several months of the year in Palestine running workshops for disabled and orphaned kids in refugee camps, using art to help them deal with trauma. The PalestinianAmerican is combating stereotypes of Islam and

Arabs with humor, and touching on American political affairs in the process. She says that early into her acting career, she realized she’d get more stage time if she showed off how funny she was. As she told the BBC, “It became very obvious to me that in the United States of America, a fluffy ethnic disabled chick was never going to get a job unless [I] did standup.” She has been making people laugh ever since. We sit down with Maysoon for this month’s Arabs Abroad to find out what makes her tick. What is your favorite part of your job? I love the fact that my job is to make people laugh. It’s not like I am pouring concrete. It’s a pretty cushy job. I love that I get to travel all over the world. I am really blessed. What are you working on currently? I have a lot of shows coming up between now and Ramadan. I’ll be in Canada, London, and of

course, New York City. One of my favorite events coming up on May 7 is the United Cerebral Palsy Women Who Care Luncheon. I am on the planning committee and am very proud to be part of this wonderful organization. I am also working on a screenplay… so stay tuned. What do you find most different about life inside and outside the Arab world? First of all the language; I love being able to do jokes in Arabic. This is a difficult question to answer because the Arab world is so diverse, so how can I compare life inside to the outside. What do you find most different about work inside and outside the Arab world? You’d be surprised at how similar my work is on either side of the world. The biggest difference is that Arab audiences understand my culture, my faith and Palestine without me having to give them a history lesson. I also love the Arabic language. It

gives my comedy a whole other dimension. I do not allow myself to be censored anywhere in the world, so that is another similarity. Where are you originally from? I’m born and raised in New Jersey, USA, but my mother and father are both from a village in Palestine called Deir Debwan. Where is most of your family? Like so many Palestinians, we are spread out all over the world. Some still live in the village, but many live in America and Venezuela. We are all over the place. What were the circumstances under which you/ your family left your home country? My father was pursuing the American Dream and he married my mother and brought her along. Where else have you lived? I split time between Palestine and America. Those are the only places I have ever lived.

What is your favorite thing about where you live? The Jersey Shore and being so close to New York City, which is considered the ‘Center of the Universe’. What is the worst thing about where you live? That it is not Palestine and I am so far from Jerusalem, which is the real ‘Center of the Universe’. Where will you eventually retire? Jerusalem. Finish this sentence: In a year from now I will be… Alive, hopefully. Finish this sentence: When I die, I will… Be dead. For more information on Maysoon, visit her website: You can also follow her on Twitter @maysoonzayid. 111


When I lived in Londontown, I had always fancied the early morning Duty Managing shifts at my gym. I’d eagerly get there at half past 5 in the mornings to open up the place and would work laboriously until 2 p.m. Why? Well simply because my afternoons were then somewhat free to catch the tube to Finchley Station to grab a cuppa coffee at this quaint little café which overlooked the hustle and bustle of said neighborhood. In the 4 years of me living in K-town, very few eateries here are capable of reminding me of my little lively anecdotes of London’s past. But fortunately for me, Urban Café is one of them. 112

In Kuwait City’s concrete jungle lies this charming little café. Situated at the corner of Ahmed Al Jaber Street in the Kirby Broker Building adjacent to the National Bank of Abu Dhabi, one cannot help but be drawn to this corner shop. Its big bay windows and chic décor are unabashedly inviting and its menu tantalizing to boot. While I’m trying to decide my order, I can see that it’s definitely a hit with the city slickers who work around the Sharq area. Office workers are seen popping in, grabbing a coffee or some yummy gastronomical creation en route to their job location. Urban Café prides itself on bringing “the comfort of home cooked meals to the urban

sophistication of the city.” Not surprisingly, there’s an array of healthy options amongst its appetizers, salads, sandwiches and pasta dishes if you’re strict with your food. My favorite dishes here were: Maple Glazed Chicken This dish was very moreish! We had a sizeable serving of roasted pieces of chicken breasts and thighs devoid of their skin (great call as it makes it less greasy!) that was marinated in this sweet maple sauce. A ranch dipping sauce is served on the side but I opted not to have it, as trust me, this dish is superbly yummy on its own. Did you also know that pure maple syrup is full of [cont...]


Salmiya: Al-Mubarakiya Building (Opp.AlHadi Hospital) Tel: 2563 0508/9




Egaila: Awtad Mall Tel: 2384 6111/222

[continued...] antioxidants and may prevent antiinflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer and osteoporosis? Quinoa Salad Quinoa is a pseudo-cereal and derived from the spinach family. Looked upon as a “grain” high in protein, this salad at Urban Café featured a delicious blend of mixed salad leaves, fresh avocado and roasted pumpkin cubes, feta cheese and quinoa tossed in a honey lemon vinaigrette. Upon my request, the staff here were kind enough to omit the feta and added a generous serving of grilled chicken breast slices on top of my salad. They also served its dressing on the side, which was great as I was then personally able to moderate how much went on my food. Watermelon Feta Salad My hunky lunch date picked this appetizer to kick-start his brunchfest. Again, I noticed that the portions here are, in the wise words of Goldilocks, just right. Cubes of rosy-red watermelon pieces adorn this dish along with yummy bite-sized pieces of avocado and feta cheese before the 114

whole lot is tossed in a honey-lemon vinaigrette and topped with a sprinkling of pistachio nuts. Interestingly, my date unfortunately suffers from a severe tree nut allergy and upon informing the staff, they were more than happy to modify this dish and serve it sans the pistachios. Nonetheless this dish is a great option to have as a mid-afternoon snack. The watermelon pieces are sweet enough to kill that craving one gets later in the day while the cubes of feta are a third less in calories and fat compared to standard cheeses, are high in calcium and will promote satiety as they are packed in protein (an ounce serving gives you 4g of protein). Lime Chicken Sandwich My partner in crime picked this as his main and I was lucky enough to sample a bite. This sandwich is full of fresh flavor without the greasy aftertaste! This sarnie features grilled lean chicken marinated in a lime concoction and served on toasted Ciabatta bread alongside fresh shreds of lettuce leaves, avocado and a mustard mayonnaise sauce (again you can omit

this if you’re trying to cut down your fat intake). Urban Café is most definitely worth visiting in Kuwait City. Their relaxing and airy ambience, chic decor combined with simple yet delicious dishes and their friendly staff will most certainly make you reminisce your food travel experiences abroad and put you in a happy, sated state. PS. It is worth noting that if you plan on visiting this fabulous eatery but do not work in the city, come via taxi as the parking lots in the surrounding area can be challenging at peak times.

Urban Café is located in the Kirby Broker Building on Ahmed Al Jaber Street in Sharq, Kuwait City. Telephone 2244 4432. Find them on Twitter and Instagram @urbancafekw or you can visit their website: Reshmi Revi is the Deputy General Manager for MultiWorks Personal Training. She is also an IFBB Bikini Competitor and an avid foodie! Follow her on Instagram @Q8MissFit.



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GISELE BÜNDCHEN FOR H&M SUMMER 2014 The supermodel sings her heart out for charity by bazaar staff

Summer just got a lot hotter, as supermodel Gisele Bündchen is the face of the H&M Summer 2014 campaign! Gisele is not only the face of the amazing seventies-inspired collection; the renowned supermodel, wife and mother is also the voice of the campaign. She sings once more for H&M, this time an iconic summer hit that is a re-interpretation of Blondie’s “Heart of Glass” produced by the acclaimed French music producer and DJ Bob Sinclair for charity. The wonderful collaboration between H&M, Gisele Bündchen and Bob Sinclair will donate royalties from the “Heart of Glass” single to UNICEF and their work for education. The revenue from all downloads of the hit will support UNICEF in helping vulnerable children around the world have a better future through education. As for the Summer 2014 collection itself, expect a glamorous take on the boho-chic trend complete with a vibe of seventies nonchalance. From voluminous dresses, kaftans, wide leg trousers and statement jewelry, the color palette includes shades of blue and green accentuated by graphic elements in white and purple that are perfectly suited for the long and beautiful days of summer. The “Heart of Glass” single is available for download on iTunes. The H&M Summer 2014 collection will be available at all H&M stores from the beginning of May. For more information, please visit


bazaar explores PEUGEOT (AL SHAYA & AL SAGAR) HOSTS AN EXCITING TEST DRIVE EVENT Kuwait Automotive Imports Co. WLL (Al Shaya & Al Sagar), the authorized distributor for Peugeot vehicles in Kuwait since 1969, held Alshaya & Alsagar Carnival – an exclusive test drive event at Marina Crescent on March 21st. The carnival marked the 78th anniversary of Kuwait Automotive Imports Co. WLL (Al Shaya & Al Sagar). At the full-day event, a range of flagship models of Peugeot cars were displayed and prospects had the chance to register, test drive any preferred model and enter a fabulous raffle draw on Alshaya Cards worth total KD 500. Apart from the chance to win an Alshaya Card, all test drivers received valuable gifts. From early morning till the late hours of the evening the crowd was entertained by DJ, MC and break dancers. “The test drive event included the most popular models of Peugeot cars,” mentioned Mr Ashish Tandon, General Manager of Alshaya & Alsagar. “The test drivers had the opportunity for “Motion & Emotion” experience with each of our models and see for themselves how unique and outstanding each model is.” The models available for test drive at the event included the recently launched sedan Peugeot 408 and the exciting sports coupe RCZ. Peugeot sales consultants were available to give visitors detailed information about each vehicle and the latest offers. Peugeot currently offers Highest Trade-in and 5 year Warranty, unlimited mileage on its range of passenger vehicles. With a history of 200 years, Peugeot is renowned for its expertise in making cars. Peugeot saloons are considered benchmarks in terms of road handling and engine technology. Throughout its history Peugeot has many successes in international rallies. Recently Peugeot has chosen Novak Djokovic, a worldwide tennis icon, as its international ambassador. KAICO (Alshaya & Alsagar) was established in 1936 and is jointly owned by Al-Shaya and Al-Sagar families with 78 years of collective automotive experience in marketing, sales, parts and service and has integrated all its operations to maximize market penetration. KAICO is also the exclusive distributor in Kuwait for numerous other automotive brands including Mazda, Geely, Michelin, Mobil, BF Goodrich, Eicher, Baw. KAICO’s business activities also cover a leasing and tender division and Used Cars.

STARBUCKS CONTINUES ITS COMMITMENT TO THE REGION THROUGH GLOBAL MONTH OF SERVICE FOR THE SECOND YEAR For the second year in a row, hundreds of Starbucks partners (employees) and customers across the Middle East joined hands with local non-profit organisations in April in the Global Month of Service, an initiative to help address the needs of communities Starbucks operates in. The 30-day community service drive encouraged efforts that make a positive impact on the lives of people in local communities. Over the past five years in the MENA, and even before the Global Month of Service was initiated, Starbucks partners have delivered over 322 projects amounting to over 12,000 hours spent in community service across 10 markets. This year, they built on last year’s collaborations with local NGOs, and the experience they gained through 5 years of doing community service, to deliver more hours and bring more volunteers from their own partners, customers and partner organisations in order to create a bigger community movement. Starbucks is putting the word out and giving loyal customers a chance to give back to the community by volunteering. For more information about Starbucks Global Month of Service, please see or to participate, visit your local Starbucks store to sign up and learn more about upcoming activities.

TANAGRA BRINGS A CURATED COLLECTION OF IMITABLE HORSE PIECES Tanagra celebrates ”The Year of the Horse” through an evening of equestrians exhibits unveiling the latest limited and collector edition pieces from DAUM, BACCARAT, LALIQUE, LLADRO, VAL SAINT LAMBERT, S.T. DUPONT and GIEN, where the main highlight was the “Dragon on Heavenly Shore” collection by LIULI Gongfang, at Tanagra in Grand Avenue – The Avenues. The unveiling occurred in the presence of the guest of honor Sheikh Ameer Alfahad Al Sabah who is an avid aficionado of horses. He added, “It has been a pleasure to attend this evening which was distinct and presented in a refined manner the equestrian collectables in one place, whereby it delightfully highlighted the horse which was joyful to us and the guests. We were also pleased to see such unique and precious pieces. Tanagra has always been the first in providing excellence through novelties and limited edition masterpieces. To host this evening was a lovely touch from Tanagra”. Tanagra collaborated with the international artist “Alenka SLAVINEC” where a collection of her art photographs were taken exclusively for the evening and titled as “Colors of My Soul” that were inspired by Tanagra. Alenka is one of the finest emerging photographers in Slovenia, besides her work Alenka is also a film producer and a creative director. 118



EXPRESS WORKSHOPS AUK The Center for Continuing Education (CCE) at the American University of Kuwait is offering specialized Express Workshops during the months of April to June 2014, to fulfill your personal and business training needs. • • • • •

Media Crisis Management Are Your Students Listening? Public Speaking Childhood Depression Multiple Intelligence and Students’ Learning Styles

• • • • •

Time Management Differentiated Learning Motivating Learners Play Therapy Conflict Resolution

To register or for more information, please contact: Phone: (+965) 1802040 / (+965) 2224-8399 | Ext: 3197, 3198 Email: | CCE AUK




The successes of the furniture giant by bazaar staff

Thirty years ago the world’s first IKEA navigation tower was erected in Shuwaikh to guide the country’s citizens to a showroom full of inspiration and family fun. When the store opened its doors on April 24, 1984 the 3800 square meters housed 20 room settings, and became a sensation in Kuwait. “When we opened our first store in Kuwait, we challenged ourselves to fulfill the mandate of providing our customers with an unmatched instore experience,” said Ahmad Al Humaidhi, store manager of IKEA Kuwait. In three decades they have built an environment where people come to get inspiration for their homes, wherever the room may be. From kitchen cabinets to little candles, the products offer a variety of do-it-yourself solutions and predesigned concepts. You probably know someone who has a Kivik sofa in their living room, or a Pax wardrobe in their bedroom. Today, IKEA is housed in the prestigious The Avenues mall in a space that is more than six times its original size, and has more than doubled the number of room settings. We sat down with Marino Maganto, CEO of SYH retail to ask him how the Swedish home furnishing giant has become such a smashing success. “For the last 30 years, we have offered our customers a fun day for the whole family, with more than 25 million visitors, and we will continue to welcome them for many years to come. At IKEA we are proud of the long and rich relationship we have with the local community,” he said. Maganto joined IKEA in 1996 in the IKEA Food and Beverage department of the Madrid store. There he served hot dogs and washed dishes on the weekend. His dedication earned him opportunities to face larger challenges and he worked his way up to store manager. Eventually he moved to Germany to head the largest IKEA market in the world, until his path lead him to Kuwait. For Maganto, the IKEA values are what retain people like him. The integrity they bring to their business dealings have made the furniture giant a favorite for many. Like Maganto many of the Kuwait branch employers have been with the company for decades such as the finance officer who is celebrating his 30 years with the company on its anniversary. With experience in markets around the world what makes Kuwait different? “Not much,” says Maganto. “At the end we all have the same needs,” he continued. “You get married and move in together. You have scarce resources at the beginning and as you grow older your resources start developing. Plus, we all have that one area in the home that is limited in space, whether it’s the guest bathroom in Europe or the maid’s room here in Kuwait.” 120

Marino Maganto, CEO of SYH retail IKEA stays in tune with their market by going to customer’s homes as well as creating focus groups inside the store to find out what styles and pieces interest them most, and fulfill their needs. This inclusionary role of the customers keeps them connected to the brand, and IKEA aware of the people they are serving. What could be more important to a CEO than improving sales? According to Maganto, the true strength of the business lies in their transparency. “We are an open company and very honest,” he said. “It shows in how we design the products and prices. First we decide the price, then we work backwards so that we can get that price to the consumers. We put a very transparent price tag on everything, then we give you the possibility to choose, instead of charging you for everything then claiming free transport and assembly.” Their sense of responsibility goes beyond customers to the people and planet around them. The store recycles every piece of cardboard their

furniture comes in, uses a water reduction filter to reduce water usage by 50% and LED lights to reduce electricity consumption by 80%. They also sponsor the yearly Kuwait Charity Run hosted by the Dasman Institute. With plans for a video conference kitchen planner, possibilities of e-commerce and a new mobile application, the store is getting closer to home. Technology will put IKEA designers at your fingertips, and make them available to you any time, any where whichever way you want to reach them. So here’s to 30 more years, 25 million more visits, 16 million more page views, 8 million more catalogues and 45 million more Swedish meatballs from our favorite and most inspirational furniture hub. Visit IKEA at The Avenues. For more information on IKEA go to, or connect with them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @ikeakuwait.


bazaar a la mode AMERICAN EAGLE OUTFITTERS LAUNCHES SUMMER COLLECTION WITH POPPING COLORS AND GRAFFITI American Eagle Outfitters last month announced the launch of its latest summer collection. The collection continues to emphasize the importance of individual style, supported by a new marketing campaign with popping colors and attention-grabbing graffiti. As America’s Favorite Jeans Brand, the new collection stays grounded in their jeans, playing with new washes and textures for the season. Heritage fits and washes are accented by bright detailed tops, breezy layers and trendy accessories. It’s all inspired by Art Pop for the AEO girl this summer, with graphic prints and hyper color neons adding fun to their everyday basics. The 90s trend is in full swing and they’re paying homage to one of their favorite fashion decades with destroyed denims, plaids to accessorize around your waist and body con silhouettes to take you from day to night. If you’re thinking easy and breezy summer, their style stays comfy and casual with their soft dressing looks; pull-on skirts or harem pants are perfect to pair with their favorite crop tops and bralettes. They always stay true to their heritage, as their summer staples include the best denim shorts, lightweight chambrays and the perfect cropped jeans. Their newest addition, the Aloha Tank, will be your favorite top all season. For the guys, Classic Americana is the heritage of AEO and for summer they’ve taken it to a new level. Stars and stripes, vintage prints and cut-off denim are their summer staples they can’t get enough of. This season, they’ve mixed classic beach wear with iconic prep styles for a new take on summer style. Polos with swim trunks and chinos with tanks are their new go-to outfits. The assortment mixes on-trend geo-prints, tropical florals and color-blocking. They love these bright prints paired back to their famous denim. Throw on a classic Birkenstock and you’re set for a casual cool look. The Aerie girl this season is adventurous; she’s taking her summer vacation to the calm islands of Bora Bora and then the festive cities of Brazil. The collection is inspired by the elegance of the 60s with everything from exploded patterns to diagonal stripes to soft neons. Tranquil colors also play a huge role in their collection and they perfectly match their sea-creature and floral graphic designs. For more information, please visit BARABOUX – SPRING/SUMMER 2014 The floral creations of legendary Parisian Rambert Rigaud inspired the original color palette for Baraboux’s Spring/ Summer 2014 collection. In the world of floristry and indeed in the higher echelons of luxury fashion, Rigaud’s horticultural fantasies are visionary and coveted by many major international brands. It’s no surprise to learn that Rigaud was the former studio director of both Yves Saint Laurent and Dior Haute Couture before discovering his true calling, and Rigaud now credits his former employers for his non-minimalist signature ethos. Drawing from this exuberant style, and mainly inspired by the depth of color of seasonal anemones, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums and roses, creative director Reema Bandar Al Saud and her team of artisans, used this aesthetic as a starting point to what is now the spring summer collection of soft luxurious leathers and exotic skins in the prettiest of palettes, from vibrant turquoise to subtle coral and antique rose: a copious fashion bouquet and fitting nod to the talent that is Rambert Rigaud. Within the Baraboux spring summer collection are three distinct and iconic styles: the cross body (Seral, Sara, Taz, Noni and Noush), the tote (Marie, Lulu, Foofoo and Sophie) and the clutches of many different shapes and sizes to suit all lives and lifestyles (Lucy, Reema, Noor, Bev, Stacy, No. 3, No. 6, Mimi and May). Baraboux is available at 4 Boutique. For more information please phone 2492 5444. H&M CELEBRATES ‘H&M LOVES MUSIC’ TOGETHER WITH THE WORLD’S HOTTEST NEW ACTS This summer, H&M will launch a new H&M Loves Music collection from Divided, including pieces for both women and men. DJs, artists and producers from around the world will star in the campaign which comes in two stages, along with exclusive headphones made in collaboration with Urban Ears, available at selected H&M stores worldwide, as well as online. H&M Loves Music has all the looks and accessories needed. From black-and-white attitude for gigs and the best club in town, to colorful bohemia and surfer style for festivals and endless summer parties. And, with all the best going-out clothes, they’re the kind of pieces you’ll want to wear during the daytime, too. The second delivery of H&M Loves Music hits stores and online on May 22, with boho and surfer looks ready for the summer sun. Key women’s pieces include: soft tunic tops, torn denim cut-offs, off-the-shoulder tops, vivid floral T-shirt, high-waisted shorts, babydoll dress, crochet top, platform sneakers, gladiator sandals, fedora hat, heart sunglasses, pendant necklace. Key men’s pieces include: short-sleeved Hawaiian shirt, printed tank, vivid color V-neck T-shirt, denim shirt, sleeveless hoodie, torn denim shorts, slip on sneakers, espadrilles, peaked cap, colored frame sunglasses.


HOTEL PARTICULIER SS14 Hotel Particulier takes you on a luxury safari for Spring/Summer 2014. The sporty-chic perforated suede jackets come in warm tones of khaki and beiges for those cooler evenings, and very sensual pinks and aquas for the daytime. The clothes have the corals, turquoises, and blues from the sea that make the entire collection pop, while the printed and solid textured fabrics add the luxurious touch to the elegant Parisian brand. The brand’s signature style is achieved thanks to the noble materials used in their designs that are selected with care. These noble and natural materials contribute to keep the same top of the range and quality products for the brand. Women should ideally feel chic and sexy while wearing Hotel Particulier. Available in the 2nd Avenue – The Avenues, phone 2259 7135.

HUSH PUPPIES SPRING SUMMER 2014 Reinventing casual. Hush Puppies proudly launched its Spring/Summer 2014 Collections still touting their heritage as the brand that invented casual. But they’re going to do something bold: they’re going to reinvent casual. Casual is stylish. Casual is colorful. Casual is refined. Casual feels good. People will no longer consider “casual” to be synonymous with “boring and predictable.” Casual can be playful, dressy, or laid-back. Above all, casual is inspired. Hush Puppies are moving casual forward by introducing collections authentic to their rich brand and relevant to their emerging global consumers. Heritage has always been at the heart of Hush Puppies, and for the Spring/Summer 2014 season, they tap into specific eras of that heritage, borrowing from the 50s, 60s and 70s to generate a line that harkens retro, pushes modern and brims with detail. Hush Puppies stores are located in Souk Sharq (2245 6024) and Al Kout Mall (2393 0561) in Kuwait.

DARK ROMANCE BY MARC JACOBS One of the fashion world’s most audacious forerunners, Marc Jacobs never ceases to amaze. Forget the 90s craze; it’s the majestic feel of Victorian silhouettes in dark, romantic colors – complete with embroideries, prints and appliqué – that prevailed. Turning around the idea of embroidery on its head, Marc Jacobs introduces ornate embellishments on moody outfits, fit for a film noir. Evening dresses, slim cut jackets, cropped pants and sheath dresses pictured a dark floral pattern that was richly embellished with beads, fringes, and antique lace. The romantic angle was enhanced by the modest high collars and puff sleeves which gave the clothes a mysterious vintage vibe. Marc Jacobs is located at Thuraya Mall.

PEDRO SPRING 2014– STYLISH EMANATIONS An undeniable display of style with forward emphasis on minimalism is seen with Spring 2014 collection from Pedro. Hints of intensity are amplified with a palette of colors and sophisticated detailing through the many creations that is the sleek statement of fashion. The Essence of Suave Simplicity: The Men’s collection: A progressive style factor is seen throughout the men’s collection this spring, with the revival of the dress shoe – contrast white soles against shades of blues and blacks with a play on a wingtip style, brogue detailing and stitched trimming. Carry wear is in fine tune with the contemporary and sleek renditions of the season. Functionality in fashion can be seen with the totes, in a mixture of dark and vibrant shades with minute detailing and a play on a maximization of space. The Fashionista Assemblage: The Women’s collection: Chic understatement in fashion has been elevated this season with astounding designs. Expect trendy heels – slender sandals and pointy pumps in sake skin and glimpses of metal hardware to the chunky mid-heel; further highlighted with contrast detailing. A similar palette of neutrals with chalk and hints of white is balanced with that of black and blues, all heightened with the sensory brilliance of graphic prints and exotic impressions.


bazaar fitness


I’m not sure who wrote the quote “it is better to maintain than to regain” but upon reflection it’s an extremely valid statement. Often there is nothing more discouraging than returning from a fantastic holiday experience only to struggle with finding the motivation to step back into the gym or simply complete the first workout and finding it like climbing Mount Everest…backwards. You’re left wondering what happened to all that hard work you had invested in yourself. Let’s not be that person. Training can be challenging enough already. So at the time of writing this and according to the Coachella application, I am 1 day, 43 minutes, and 24 seconds away from kick off. So it’s an appropriate time to look over what I believe are my top five guidelines for staying on track post holiday time. 1. Prior to setting off on your grand adventure take some time to revisit your short, medium and long term goals. Look at what your current results are, whether that’s your jeans size, body fat percentage, 5km run time or back squat 3-rep max. Decide how you wish to feel and function during the holiday, but most importantly how you wish to see yourself at the end of the holiday as you step back into that first week of training. Ask yourself how you want to feel once you complete a few training sessions as you get back into routine. Use this time to adjust any of your current goals so that you’re set up for success and that you’re not being unrealistic. Nobody wants to be set up for failure. There is only good in having adaptable goals. 2. Once you arrive home, there are always a lot of physical, mental, spiritual and environmental factors to deal with. Settling back into work, getting the kids back into school and basically setting the family back into normality. The more efficiently you can move back into your pre-holiday routine, the more effective your training will be. It’s never easy when you are having to combat so many factors including overcoming jet lag. Focus on staying relaxed, keeping stress levels down, getting the required 8 hours uninterrupted sleep, and fuelling the body with good food choices. Stay hydrated. Airports and long haul flights are damning on the body. Personally I prefer to hit my first workout as soon as I’m back to get it out of the way. Mentally I feel better. 3. It’s important to always be true to yourself. It’s easy to be unrealistic with your expectations. This starts with setting the goals. Understand what it is you wish to achieve. Remember at the end of the day you’re on a vacation and it’s time to relax and enjoy yourself. If you’re going to be training 124

indoors, ensure the facility has the equipment you need to continue your program. These days it’s easy to check online. If the facility doesn’t adapt to the program or in the goal setting stage, change the fitness goals to suit the places you’re visiting. Maybe there is an opportunity to train outdoors. This could simply be in the form of walks or hikes, paddle-boarding, riding a bike or playing in a park with the family. Whatever it is, do what you enjoy. Do what’s fun and be realistic. 4. This one might raise a few eyebrows but it’s often a smart idea to get back into exercise gradually. To me this can be more of a mindset. It doesn’t mean that you arrive back and take 3 weeks to set foot back in the gym, but you approach training with some caution. Once again this directly links back to your goal setting. No one would expect you to come back and start PRing your dead lift if you haven’t done any weight training for the previous month of your holiday. Be smart. Plan to succeed and enter that first 3 to 4 weeks

with training that reflects your pre-holiday goals. 5. Finally I think it’s extremely important to remember that you are on holiday. The key work in our quote was maintain. Don’t expect yourself to break records. Just be active. Often this time away from your normal routine is an opportunity to try something new and fresh. Could this be the time to branch out of your usual training comfort zone? Try some adventure sport activities or the local activities at your holiday destination. So there it is. Set your expectations. They will drive the exercise experience of the holiday. Think about how you want to feel upon return. Plan ahead. Have some guidelines, but most importantly, have fun. Mike Campbell is the GM and Co Founder of Inspire Pure Fitness. For further information please email: or or visit


REAL CLOTHES FOR REAL WOMEN MICHAEL Michael Kors Spring Summer 2014 Collection by bazaar staff

With the conviction that women can be “sexy and sporty at the same time,” Michael Kors delivers a style ethos that is successfully consistent, and more importantly, breezy and fabulous. His casual attitude toward fashion, given his choice uniform of jeans, a black tee and jacket with a distressed bag, might entail a relaxed vision. However, the way in which Michael Kors runs his business, with impermeable vision, proves the contrary. Epitomizing minimal yet elegant fashion, polished, chic yet ultimately relaxed glamor, Michael Kors is a leading American luxury lifestyle brand with an influential global presence, offering women’s accessories, footwear, clothing and fragrance collections under the signature Michael Kors Collection, KORS Michael Kors and MICHAEL Michael Kors labels. The designer has been the recipient of numerous industry awards, including The Council of 126

Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), Womenswear Designer of the Year in 1999 and Menswear Designer of the Year in 2003. Amongst his other accolades, Kors was awarded The Accessories Council ACE Award for Designer of the Year in 2006 and Fashion Group International’s Star Honoree at its annual Night of Stars Awards in 2009. In 2010, the CFDA acknowledged Kors with their most prestigious honor, the Lifetime Achievement Award, which was presented by American Vogue, Editor in Chief, Anna Wintour. He also received the Award of Courage from the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) in 2011. For Spring Summer 2014, the MICHAEL Michael Kors collection delivered an aesthetic that exemplified his vision for real world clothing. One that had runway attendees budgeting for most, if not all, of the pieces from the forties, beachstyle inspired, collection. The clothes are sporty

yet romantic, sharply tailored yet soft and fluid at the same time. Linen daywear shirts are perfect for the little ones, while smart pleating in khaki pieces deliver an effortless smart casual look for both men and women. Accessories follow in this neutral palette, echoed in the hues of the sand, beachside fun in the sun, and endless summer days. Remember though, that neutral never entails boring, as the nautical element of navy and white stripes enlivens these neutral palettes with a fashionable edge. The collection is highlighted further with touches of understated luxury that include gorgeous tortoiseshell heels and reptile-skin totes complimented by organic elements like woven canvas and rope that exemplify clutches and shoes. Michael Kors is available at the 2nd Avenue – The Avenues. For more information, please call 2259 7805.




Al-Rai, 4th Ring Road Daily from 9 AM - 1 PM and from 4 PM - 8 PM Friday from 4 PM - 8 PM





PRAGUE Off the beaten path

by Pari Ali and Zainab Mirza

There are many Pragues, one is the Prague that is glanced quickly by the thousands of tourists who flow into it from everywhere, sticking to their guidebooks who just want to see enough to say, “We’ve done Prague” and move on with the rest of their fast paced European itinerary. They mostly head towards Old Town Square to gape at the world’s only functioning astronomical clock. Legend—one of many—has it that evil will befall the city if it ever stops working. Tourists stream through the square, some on Segways but most on foot. Buskers—musicians, singers, dancers, mime artists and more—liven up the atmosphere with their performances and antics. The square is a veritable tourist trap with souvenir shops, clubs and restaurant chains. Several stores sell fine garnet and amber jewelry, usually overpriced, while others sell the Bohemian Crystal that the Czech Republic is known for. Tourists make their way from here through the narrow winding cobbled lanes of Old Town (Staromestka), flanked on both sides by beautiful old buildings, to Charles Bridge. Very few meander off the track to discover the delightful little streets just waiting to be stumbled upon. On Charles Bridge, they take in the breathtaking sight of the magnificent Prague Castle that dominates the city’s landscape. One can see vessels of all shapes and sizes from the bridge, mainly cruise boats going up and down the Vltava. Sometimes even a gondola or two can be spied here. On either bank lie gems of architecture, examples of the different architectural periods the city has experienced. The grandiose building of the National Theatre stands out, as does the Dancing House or the Fred and Ginger building whose modern day architecture tries to blend in with the centuries of different styles which surround it. Sadly, it falls short. While some sightseers go on towards the castle, for many the pilgrimage ends on Charles Bridge. Prague, however, has many hidden secrets tourists rarely find. For those who want to see Prague off the beaten track there is a whole world of places to discover and things to do. 1. Kampa Island. If you take the stairs from Charles Bridge you’ll reach Kampa Island and its quiet park. The island is formed by a branch of the Vltava River—Čertovka or Devil’s Stream—and was used as a mill creek for several centuries. Today, three water mills still remain, and one can be seen from Charles Bridge itself. 2. Wallenstein Garden. Tucked in behind the Malostranská metro 128

station is the delightful garden of Wallenstein Palace (presently the Senate). An idyllic place to get away from the crowds and pass some time, the serenity here is accompanied by the plaintive calls of its peacocks. The palace is the first Baroque building in Prague and was built by the notorious but wealthy and powerful Albrecht of Wallenstein, between 1624 and 1630. 3. View from Prague Castle. Wandering around Malá Strana, one can come upon a number of delights, many eccentric or whimsical. One is the Gingerbread Museum, where among other things is a huge gingerbread replica of Prague Castle. The road from here leads to the steps of Prague Castle, although there are more scenic routes. One is by taking tram 22 from Malostranská to Pohorolec and going to the Strahov Monastery in the castle courtyard. The walk downhill offers a stunning outlook of ‘the city of a thousand spires’. Another path is from the verdant Petřín Hill located in the middle of the city, that takes one from the heart of Hradčany to the imposing palaces of noblemen of yore and finally the castle itself. From a lookout point here one can enjoy Prague, dominated by the green Baroque dome of St. Nicholas’s church. One has a choice of paths while leaving the castle. The route through the Garden of Heaven beside the castle offers incredible views of the city and the palaces below. Another is through the castle to a lookout point and other stairs which lead to Malá Strana. A better choice is the path that goes by Villa Richter Restaurant, a good place to relax and drink in the panorama, especially when the setting sun bathes the city in golden light, a good enough reason to call it the Golden City. 4. Parks. Prague has a number of lush green parks worth visiting for their beauty and tranquility. Some of these are Letná Park on Letná Hill, where the winding Vltava meet the bridges of Prague. Stromovka and Pruhonice, on the outskirts of Prague, have a castle, a lake, Alpine gardens, a botanical park and kilometers of meandering walks through forests. 5. Theatres and Opera Houses. Prague’s State Opera, National Theatre and Estates Theatre offer operas, ballets, concerts, dramas etc. almost the whole year round. Check the websites to see what’s on. Almost every famous opera and ballet is performed a few times a year; it is quite possible that you will be able to catch a show of something you have been longing to see. 6. John Lennon Wall. The Czech Republic is a relatively new state, having been liberated from the Communist regime in 1989 as a result of the peaceful [cont...]


[continued...] Velvet Revolution. Back in the 1980s however, the wall was used as a space for Czech youths to make public their grievances against their oppressors with art and graffiti. This form of rebellion (nicknamed ‘Lennonism’) didn’t go down well with the Communists and led to clashes between Czech students and security forces on the nearby Charles Bridge. Despite the Communists’ best efforts to repaint it, the wall was painted afresh with new graffiti. Today, messages of peace and hope adorn the wall in remembrance of John Lennon and what he stood for. What you see on one day may very well be gone the next. The wall undergoes constant change as visitors from around the world embellish it with words and images expressing their desire for world peace. Add your own artwork or missive to it, you might inspire someone. 7. The banks of the Vltava River. The riverside is a picturesque place to run or cycle if you’re in the mood for outdoor activity. Breathe in the cool air while your heart rate hits the roof as you race against the glistening river. Remember to show affinity and encouragement to your fellow runners; pass on the energy with a smile or a wave. If you’d rather just take in the view, pop into one of the riverside restaurants for a drink or go on a short cruise. 130

8. Cafes. Don’t be one of those tourists that gets coffee at commercial coffee franchises (or eats at fast food franchises for that matter). There are several historic and quaint little cafes that can offer you a fix of caffeine. The century old Café Louvre clicked with me for its delicious food and stunning interiors, and I tried to grasp at the elusive auras of great intellectuals like Kafka and Einstein that once frequented its halls. The Czechs are fond of their tea and the city is sprinkled with čajovnas (teahouses) selling a multitude of tea blends. To imbibe the true local atmosphere of everyday Czech life, visit a čajovna or a kavarna (coffeehouse). 9. Shakespeare & Sons. Prague has bookstores and antiquarian bookshops at every few metres, and the reading culture is a joy to observe. People seem to read every chance they get—while in trams, metros, going up escalators (as some take over two minutes to complete ascension) or even while strolling down a street. Shakespeare & Sons, a charming bookstore close to Charles Bridge in Malostranská probably has the largest collection of new and used English books of various genres in the city. Well worth a visit and you can strike a pretty good deal if you want to trade books.

10. St. Cyril & Methodius. For a bit of World War II history of the city, visit the National Memorial at the Church of St. Cyril & Methodius and learn about the Czech paratroopers that put their lives on the line to carry out ‘Operation Anthropoid’, i.e. to assassinate Heydrich Reinhard. Reinhard was a ruthless Nazi official nicknamed the ‘Butcher of Prague’ for the atrocities he ordered on the Czechs and Slavs. The successful elimination of this monster in 1942 brought down the wrath of the Nazis upon the paratroopers and all the Czech people that had helped them or given them refuge. Two entire villages were razed to the ground in reprisal. Pay your respects to their courage and bravery to stand up against evil. Tips for a pleasant trip. While Prague is safe to travel in, there might be pickpockets around so take care of your things especially in crowded places and public transport. Don’t exchange your money on the street! Use banks to get a fair rate, money exchanges often offer bad rates. Call 14014 when you need a cab. The cab you hail on the street will charge you much more than if that same cab is sent by its company. In fact, ask on the phone what it will cost. Get a Czech SIM card. Most importantly, have fun!



Dita Wistarini’s passion for food, art and family by bazaar staff

When Dita Wistarini moved to Kuwait in 2007 with two young girls, she knew it was the start of a great adventure. An artist at heart, who transferred this love to her children, she had no idea what she and her family could expect. “I still remember, there was not much information about Kuwait at that time,” she said. “We did not have any idea at all on how life could be in Kuwait. With limited information, we made up our minds to move for the sake of a life adventure, to color the story of our lives.” As the daughter of a professional photographer and the wife of a motion graphic designer, Wistarini has a strong appreciation for creativity and the positive impact it can have on life. She had started blogging in her home country of Indonesia after the 132

birth of her first daughter, Arwen (named after the female elf in Lord of the Rings). She documented her experience as a new parent in a way that not only gave insight to others in the same life situation as her, but also garnered advice. As her first child grew, Wistarini felt the need to hone her culinary skills, and joined a large Indonesian cooking mailing list. The group of expert bakers shared recipes, tips and tricks for the kitchen. She tried and experimented with many of the suggestions. Most of those on the mailing list had published blogs, and she felt it was important to file her tested recipes for her children. “Food and art are inseparable from us,” she said. “When the kids grow up, I want them to have a wonderful memory about their parents, about the

food smell in their home, their good cook mother, and their fun and beautiful moments making craft that they spent with their parents.” Her first post on The Yummy Corner, a Baba Black Sheep chocolate ganache cake, featured an unremarkable photo taken with a simple digital camera. Yet, as her love for all things food and blogging intensified she realized she needed to get better equipment and learn as much as she could about food photography. She bought a professional camera and created contacts with bakers all over the world. They taught her the tips and tricks of lighting, scene setting and finding the perfect angle for each dish. She also created a flickr community of Indonesian food photographers who critiqued and discussed each other’s photos. Through them she learned the secret to beautiful food photography. “Food photography should tell a story and make people taste the delicious food by merely looking at the photo,” she said. “So, it is also about the table setting, props, food styling, light and mood. It is about the atmosphere that depicts the mood and message of the photograph. It’s art.” Wistarini’s flickr account is filled with delicious dishes from her home, and some of the most popular restaurants in Kuwait. Her book, Home Food Photography Made Easy was published in Indonesian in 2011. She’s also made a splash in Kuwait through her involvement with the Qout market where she sold Indonesian street food and vintage Polaroid cameras in her booth Unpredictable Beauty. Now a mother of three, her other two children are named after the Star Wars character Leia and The Matrix’s Neo, Wistarini runs both her food blog as well as Neverland Journey which documents her creative journey with her children in a new country. Her extraordinary talent for all things art fuels her relationship with her children in a away that allows them to grow and explore the world around them. They document trips through drawings, celebrate holidays through videos and create a world that is filled with bright colors of happy expression. “I enjoy making do-it-yourself projects,” she said. “Our children are accustomed to drawing and making their own toys. At home, we decided not to have a television, so they spend their days crafting, drawing or creating something.” Wistarini is now taking her baking skills to a new level with cake decorating, and will soon begin offering classes on the subject. She is also working on her second book on food photography to be released later this year. Visit for more from Dita Wistarini or follow her on flickr @pinodita or Instagram @ditut.


bazaar investigates THE NEW 2014 DODGE DURANGO The Ultimate No Compromise SUV Raises the Bar The Dodge brand is upping the ante in the fast-growing full-size sport-utility vehicle (SUV) and crossover segments with the introduction of the new 2014 Dodge Durango. This new SUV is built on the Dodge brand’s pillars of performance, style and innovation, delivering a new standard stateof-the-art class-exclusive eight-speed automatic transmission to driving enthusiasts in the market for a three-row family performance SUV. Also includes the Chrysler Group’s award-winning Uconnect easy-to-use touchscreen technologies and the Dodge brand’s signature racetrack LED tail lamps. The latest Dodge Durango takes everything that customers love about Durango and adds the latest advancements in technology to enhance its design, capability and functionality. With a new standard eight-speed automatic transmission, improved fuel economy and performance, new LED exterior lighting, two new interior touchscreens, a new programmable instrument cluster, and an available high-definition dual-screen Blu-ray entertainment system, the 2014 Dodge Durango reaches even higher levels of sophistication building on its proven performance, utility and comfort. Named one of Ward’s 10 Best Engines for three years, Durango’s standard 3.6-litre Pentastar V6 engine paired with the new standard eight-speed transmission delivers up to a 9% improvement in fuel-economy when compared with the previous transmission, not to mention improved performance. The 2014 Dodge Durango features a new Eco Mode that contributes to its improved fuel economy. For 2014, Dodge designers have brought Durango to the forefront of technology in the three-row SUV segment, while taking nothing away from the utility and build quality for which Durango is known. With standard seven-passenger seating and luxurious second-row captain’s chairs available on all models, the seats in the 2014 Durango can be converted to as many as 50 different configurations. In the 2014 Dodge Durango, customers can put away their smartphones, keep their hands on the steering wheel and still interact with their devices in the ways to which they are accustomed via voice command. The new 2014 Dodge Durango offers consumers more than 60 available safety and security features, including standard all-speed traction control and electronic stability control, which improve overall vehicle handling and performance both on- and off-road. The 2014 Dodge Durango is available in the Middle East in SXT (4 x 2 and AWD), Limited (AWD), R/T (AWD) and Citadel (AWD) variants, from Al Mulla & Behbehani Motors Co. For more information visit ADIDAS = PHARRELL WILLIAMS adidas recently announced a long term partnership with Oscar nominated, Grammy Award winning super star Pharrell Williams. The first adidas Originals x Pharrell Williams products will debut in the Summer of 2014. This is also the first time adidas has partnered with a designer who owns their own textile company. adidas will collaborate with Williams’ Bionic Yarn coming from The Vortex Project; an initiative with ‘Parley for the Oceans’ to turn plastic debris from the oceans into yarn and fabric. Bionic Yarn will be used in some of Pharrell’s upcoming adidas Originals products. “Working with an iconic brand like adidas is such an incredible opportunity. From the classic track suit, to growing up in Virginia wearing Stan Smiths, adidas has been a staple in my life. Their pieces are timeless. This is an exciting partnership for both me and for Bionic Yarn.” – Pharrell Williams. adidas welcomes Pharrell into its family and is looking forward to a long lasting relationship with this extraordinary artist. “I am truly thrilled to work with Pharrell. He is a pop-culture icon that never fails to inspire, not just through his musical talent and craft, but through his many other interests.” Dirk Schoenberger, Global Creative Director, adidas Sport Style Division. Please visit their social media newsroom: MAKE UP FOR EVER INTRODUCES 76 STATE-OF-THE-ART BRUSHES Celebrating its 30th year anniversary, MAKE UP FOR EVER unveils one of its main launches this year with the release of its finest professional brush collection. This range includes 76 new premium brushes to offer women and makeup artists the ideal tools to get perfect makeup results. Every brush is handcrafted and custom-made with 100% cutting edge synthetic fibers to combine top-level performance with premium signature design, bringing makeup results to a whole new level. Meeting the different needs and desires, this state-of-the-art collection includes 30 brushes for complexion, 35 for the eyes, 3 for lips and 8 for artistic makeup, all convenient for any kind of texture whether cream, liquid or powder and every makeup purpose. To perfect your makeup, it is also important to take good care of your brushes and keep them clean. MAKE UP FOR EVER’s Instant Brush Cleanser is an alcohol-free purifying cleanser which is ideal for keeping these premium brushes clean and in tip top shape. With MAKE UP FOR EVER’s wide range of professional brushes, every woman will be able to achieve the best makeup result. For more information visit: 134

CARTIER - LA PANTHÈRE The panther is the symbol of Cartier femininity: divine, exquisite and rebellious simultaneously. In a word: free. Free to love and live life to the fullest, with passion, eye to eye. The panther first inspired a Cartier perfume in the 1980s. The fragrance captured the zeitgeist of its day but was in need of an update, a more contemporary sillage, an unexplored almost paradoxical accord: a feral floral. Cartier perfumer Mathilde Laurent began with a gardenia. At the heart of the fragrance crouches the panther, poised to seduce with the sensuous supremacy of a sun-drenched wake. This feral yet floral scent ensnares with the charm of a most irresistible creature, the most seductive perfume in the animal kingdom. Animality pulsates from the heart of a tamed gardenia, as palpable as a feline caress, revealed in the architecture of a musk that is at once traditional and contemporary, bodily and abstract. Defined by gentleness, the delicate surprise of a triple accord of chypre, flower and musk, a triptych of emotions that evoke the personality of the panther. Feline and flower come together to embody the La Panthère fragrance. CENTREPOINT CELEBRATES 100TH STORE OPENING AND ANNOUNCES AGGRESSIVE EXPANSION PLANS Centrepoint, a unique retail format catering to families across the region, with four leading brands from the Landmark Group under one roof, has unveiled aggressive expansion plans across the Middle East, Asia and Africa. With 100 stores in its retail portfolio, Centrepoint has earmarked a further AED1 billion toward the launch of 75 stores in the next five years across existing territories as well as new markets including Iraq, Libya and other African countries. Launched in 2005 in Kuwait, the brand currently retails four great names under one roof - Babyshop, Splash, Shoe Mart and Lifestyle - across Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan that collectively span an aggregate retail footprint of over five million square feet. Centrepoint has enjoyed significant success particularly in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait where the concept has evolved into a popular fashion destination for families. Enjoying unparalleled customer acceptance, Centrepoint is poised for phenomenal growth driven by a workforce of over 10,000 trained personnel. The next five years look crucial for the brand as it consolidates existing operations and explores newer markets to widen its presence. For more information please visit:

SPRING PRINTS BY MSGM! MSGM’s idea of spring is perfect. Creative Director Massimo Giorgetti presents a spin on retro tie-dye themes, rich brocades, and quirky separates in the brand’s signature irreverent and boldly colorful style. The focus is on sleek and sporty silhouettes, balanced by feminine details like ruffles, pleats and floral embellishments. MSGM is available at Limelight stores in The Avenues mall, Arraya mall, and Salhiya Complex.

THE BODY SHOP LAUNCHES SPRING TREND COLLECTION 2014 The NEW Spring Trend Makeup Collection from The Body Shop has just hit the shelves. Make heads turn with the hero of the collection, Limited Edition Hair Chalks. Available in two hair-raising shades: Tickle Me Pink, a playful pink that pops on blondes, and Falling For Blue, a bright blue that’s electric on brunettes, Hair Chalks are the perfect way to brighten up your hair without permanent color commitment. Tune into your inner child again - chalking is the easiest way to put a seasonal “spring” in your hair. Whether it is for single strands that pop with color or an ombré look or a funky two-tone twist, The Body Shop Hair Chalk provides a fun, do-it-yourself splash of color. Apply, wear, and wash out. It’s that easy. The Body Shop works with the Eudofano Women’s Co-operative in Ondangwa, Northern Namibia, to source Community Fair Trade Marula Oil which can be found in many of the Body Shop products. Namibian women have traditionally used Marula Oil for generations to smooth and moisturize their skin, and now the 1,750 Namibian women of the Eudofano Co-operative are building a business and a future on it. You can follow The Body Shop Kuwait on Facebook by searching: The Body Shop Kuwait.


NOT A FITNESS ENTHUSIAST by Mohammed El Soukkary

I am not a fitness enthusiast. This is a mistake made by people who see me coming out of the gym in the morning and heading to the office, or lugging my bag to the gym in the afternoon. The reality is that there are few things I willingly do to myself that I hate more than exercising. I have been working out for years and to my dismay I have discovered that there is no way to effortlessly get in shape. I have been through a rollercoaster of wrong advice, exercising purposelessly, injury, overtraining, undertraining, and making every mistake in the book. My goals varied over the years, as did my frequency of exercise, and at one point I had the privilege of being trained by extremely professional (and patient) coaches during my brief stint in training mixed martial arts. 136

Throughout all of this, a common theme pervaded the literature promising that sooner or later I would come to enjoy the activity. That never happened. I always wanted the results without the exercise, and I still cannot bring myself to enjoy working out; it’s repetitive, tiring, time consuming, and physically and mentally taxing. However, I would never give it up (willingly) because the benefits far outweigh the costs. So if you are like me and would rather be lazily sipping a cool drink than take another step on a treadmill, yet feel that you should exercise, remember to… Determine Your Goal It’s 1 in the morning, and you promise yourself that tomorrow you will implement an exercise and diet regimen. Nothing will deter you. You then take

your newfound determination and go to sleep. Dawn breaks, and last night’s vigor evaporates like morning dew, taking the promises with it. Having purpose will guide your effort; if you don’t have a clear goal, there is no way of measuring how close you are to it. Getting fit means a myriad of different things (e.g. getting stronger, faster, slimmer, leaner, or more durable, lowering your heart rate, getting over an addiction, increasing your endurance, or shaping up for the beach), each requiring different approaches and having different benchmarks. Identifying your goal is the first step. Then, you must understand that… There Are No Shortcuts Anything that promises instant results relies on some established patterns: if you have [cont...]



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[continued...] not been following an exercise and diet plan, your first phase will witness exceptional improvements before your body adapts to the new rhythms. You are also statistically unlikely to continue beyond a few weeks, particularly in the absence of preexisting exercise habits. ‘Shortcuts’ end up perpetuating a cycle of incompletion and complacency, reaffirming the belief that you can always ‘get in shape quickly with the miracle booster 7000 program.’ This belief allows you to consume the double pizza burger (extra butter) without the slightest twinge of guilt. Burning off that pizza will take time however because… Gains Are Gradual Gains are made gradually; a 2000-calorie workout every two weeks is less useful than consistent workouts that burn a tenth of that. Steady gains made over numerous sessions help instill the sense of discipline and create the 138

neural pathways necessary to develop exercise habits and create a self-sustaining cycle. What you should expect to see, if you were to draw a linear graph of your progress, is a notable rise in performance in the initial phase, possibly followed by a drop because your entire body will conspire against you at this stage in the form of aches and pains, and then a gentle rise, with intermittent periods of gains and (the ever so frustrating) plateaus. The important thing is that there is consistent improvement in performance over time, which is most likely to happen if you… Stay Informed Sports science is dynamic and constantly evolving. Diets and exercise programs have advanced exponentially over the decades, and new information available daily on every aspect of human performance. The onus is on you to keep up; the most difficult task is filtering

out unnecessary information, which is why it is necessary to adapt your research to your goals. If you seek to raise your maximum on the deadlift for instance, a subscription to Runners Weekly might not be the wisest investment. By keeping up-to-date with current information, you can eventually tailor your program and make informed decisions on where and with whom to train. It will also arm you with enough knowledge to identify when someone is attempting to feed you a pile of bovine fecal matter. Staying informed is important but remember that… Your Body Will Try to Give Up Maintaining a training program is difficult. Every fiber of your being will encourage you to quit. A slightly painful ankle becomes a reason to skip a workout. A little drowsiness magnifies into wrapping your blanket around yourself instead of exercising. The slightest hint of a headache justifies immobility. If you want to quit you will find a reason, which takes us back to why you are doing this in the first place; your goal will be the fuel that kicks you off the couch. Knowing ahead of time that you will want to quit will help prepare you, and one of the ways to preempt and fight that temptation is to… Form a Habit Habits form through repetition and consistency, and they are reinforced if there is a reward. Identify your reward, maybe a little loss of weight, or increase in strength or speed or maybe an ice cream sundae for every 6 successful workouts. Whatever helps reinforce the positive habit. Once the habit is established, it becomes part of your lifestyle, and one day you may even come to enjoy the training. The benefits of a long-term training regimen are not just physical. Regardless of your training goals, when implementing a long-term exercise program, you can expect to… Reap Some Sweet Rewards Not cake. Put it down. Consistent exercise leads to steady changes in your psychological makeup; when you enforce a training and diet plan, you will find it easier to self-discipline in other aspects of life. Exercising imparts the concept of delayed gratification, enabling you to gruel for long hours despite the lack of immediate reward and reap the benefits at a later stage instead of aiming for the momentary gain and sacrificing the long-term goal. Psychological studies have linked delayed gratification to success and achievement across the spectrum of careers. Long-term training needs planning; if you walk into the gym/track/holodeck training room without a plan, you will likely as not walk away without any significant results. Tailoring your plan to meet your targets in the context of physical development will reflect upon long term planning in other aspects of your life. So put down the jar of Nutella (in fact why don’t you just pass it over) and get moving.


bazaar checks it out FORD DEMONSTRATES TRUCK LEADERSHIP WITH RANGER Built Ford Tough’s latest compact pickup, the Ford Ranger, combines the toughness and capability of a pickup truck with smart technology, outstanding safety and the highest standards of quality and comfort. And this is exactly what Ford Middle East and Arabian Motors Group (AMG), the Ford and Lincoln importer-dealer in Kuwait, presented recently to key media and VIP customers as part of its Built Ford Tough Ranger ride and drive event. Ford Ranger was designed and developed to be best-in-class in every area important to customers, especially those who use it for both work and leisure purposes. Ranger delivers more payload and class-leading towing capability than its previous models and, at the same time, is fitted out with innovative and comfort features that a dual user has come to want and value. Designed and developed by a global team headquartered in Australia, the Ranger platform takes advantage of global Ford assets, particularly robust engines and six-speed transmissions proven in tough commercial-vehicle usage. The design and product development teams also had full access to Ford’s global capabilities, testing facilities and extensive pickup truck knowledge. Exuding power and confidence in a styling that the designers call “21st Century Tough”, the taut and muscular Ranger is equally at home on a construction site or on the road. Its front end features a short overhang with the signature three-bar grille, a global Ford truck design cue. Ranger offers a contemporary look and feel with features and comfort normally found only in passenger cars. Bold new interior surfaces are finished with materials that will stand up to the demands of a workhorse while delivering a lasting quality appearance. Poised to be a leader in innovation, the new Ranger comes with smart technologies that make the pickup easier, safer and more fun to drive. On selected models with Bluetooth, USB and iPod connectivity, there is voice control over the radio, CD, iPod, USB, electronic air-conditioning and mobile phone. Dual-zone climate control and cruise control are available on the high series. The all-new Ford Ranger powertrains have been engineered to give customers a superior combination of power and torque at classleading fuel efficiency. Three engines are available to suit every purpose and pocket. For more information please contact Arabian Motors Group on 1828 828, visit their showrooms in Shuwaikh, Ahmadi or Jahra, or visit their website

CLAIRE’S INC. TO “ROAR” WITH KATY PERRY Claire’s Inc., one of the world’s leading retailers of fun, fashionable accessories for young women and girls, announced the “Katy Perry PRISM Collection,” an assortment of jewelry and fashion accessories designed in collaboration with Perry. The collection is exclusive to Claire’s and will debut to coincide with the start of Perry’s PRISMATIC WORLD TOUR in May 2014 and her latest album PRISM. “Claire’s will be the perfect destination for accessories inspired by my new album, PRISM”, said Katy Perry. “I specifically curated these collections to make sure you’re show-ready for my PRISMATIC WORLD TOUR.” Included in the exclusive “Katy Perry PRISM Collection” will be limited edition items, seasonal novelty pieces, collectables and product inspired by the lyrics and titles of Perry’s greatest hits. Regular updates in the Katy Perry Collection will keep the assortment fresh, giving the Claire’s girl a new way to amp up her look and express her individuality each season. Perry will be involved in all aspects of the design process, working directly with Claire’s internal design team. The product will celebrate both the music and message of PRISM and is inspired by her many fans around the world. The exclusive collection will launch in Claire’s stores worldwide and at in May 2014 with the collaboration continuing through 2016. For more information regarding Claire’s Stores visit

“LUXENTER” - LAUNCHES A NEW COLLECTION OF ITS ICONIC BOUTIQUE IN KUWAIT Yacob Behbehani Sons Co. launched a new collection of custom-made jewelry last month in the prestigious Al Fanar Mall in Kuwait. Amid a jubilant gathering and breathtaking event, the company introduced a collection of “Luxenter” offering jewelry, gems and precious accessory products, at a cost-effective and competitive price. Luxenter, an International leading brand with over 2000 outlets in more than 30 countries across the world and a track-record of long expertise, represents a fascinating blend of classic Andalusia and modern Europe that simultaneously combines the spirit of tradition, passion for innovation, and greatly captivates the Arab women as they are always searching for authenticity and luxurious elegance. Thanks to a genuine International presence, exceptional characteristics and unique quality, Luxenter attracted Yacob Behbehani Sons Co. back in 2012, which showed an immediate interest in presenting the brand to Kuwait. With experience traced back to the 30s of the last century, Yacob Behbehani Sons Co. was firm and confident that Luxenter rich products would appeal to Kuwaiti ladies and strongly meet their aspirations and it was true. After two years of opening the iconic boutique in 2012 it is still going strong. 140

‫شركة ماس العالمية‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫تتألق بجناحها في معرض العقار واإلستثمار ‪RIE 2014‬‬

‫حرصت شركة ماس العالمية على أن تظل على مقربة من عمالئها وذلك من خالل المشاركة في الفعاليات المحلية واإلقليمية المتخصصة بمجال التسويق العقاري‪.‬‬ ‫وفي هذا السياق جاءت مشاركة شركة ماس العالمية في معرض العقار واإلستثمار ‪ 2014 RIE‬الذي يعتبر من أهم المعارض العقارية واإلستثمارية بدولة الكويت‪ ،‬حيث يقدم أحدث‬ ‫ما في عالم العقار واإلستثمار سواء على الصعيد المحلي أو على الصعيد العالمي‪.‬‬ ‫وقد كان جناح شركة ماس العالمية األكثر تألق ًا بالمعرض‪ ،‬حيث تم تصميمه بطريقة عصرية ومبتكرة‪ ،‬وبمساحة تعتبر هي األكبر في صالة ‪ 8‬بمعرض الكويت الدولي‪ .‬كما تم‬ ‫إستخدام أحدث وسائل التكنولوجيا في الجناح حيث تم عرض المشاريع للعمالء بإستخدام الشاشات الذكية وتم إضافة المؤثرات الضوئية والبصرية بهدف إيصال المعلومات للعمالء‬ ‫بطريقة واضحة ووافية‪.‬‬ ‫الهاتف‪ 1820111 :‬الموقع اإللكتروني‪Instagram: @MASINTC :‬‬ ‫‪141‬‬

bazaar around town ‫حفل عشاء باربيكيو تقيمه الجمعية الدولية لإلعالن‬ ‫تكريما لمدراء اإلعالن‬ ‫في الصحف اليومية والمجالت األسبوعية والشهرية‬ ‫أقامت الجمعية الدولية لإلعالن حفل تكريم على شرف مدراء‬ ،‫اإلعالن في الصحف اليومية والمجالت األسبوعية والشهرية‬ ‫وذلك تقديرا على جهودهم وتعاونهم المستمر ألنشطة‬ ‫وفعاليات الجمعية الدولية لإلعالن مما أضاف نجاحا بارزا في‬ ‫جميع الفعاليات واألنشطة التى قامت بها الجمعية خالل السنة‬ .2013 ‫الماضية‬ ‫وكان في استقبال وترحيب السادة المدعوين رئيس وأعضاء‬ .‫مجلس إدارة الجمعية‬ ،‫تخلل الحفل عشاء باربكيو مميز في فندق هوليداى إن السالمية‬ - ‫ثم تقدم السيد وليد كنفاني رئيس الجمعية الدولية لإلعالن‬ ‫ بإلقاء كلمة نيابة عن مجلس إدارة الجمعية مرحبا‬- ‫فرع الكويت‬ ‫بالحضور وشاكرا لهم تلبيتهم الدعوة ومشيدا بالتعاون المستمر‬ ‫وإيمانهم بأهداف الجمعية الدولية لإلعالن والدور الذي تنشده‬ .‫بتوطيد العالقة بين الصحف والمجالت ووكاالت اإلعالن والنشر‬ ‫كما تقدم بالشكر للرئيس الفخري للجمعية السيد عدنان الراشد‬ ‫على حضوره ومساندته الفعالة في كل النشاطات التي تقوم بها‬ ‫الجمعية وأثنى أيضا على دعم‬ ‫السيد أحمد بهبهاني رئيس الصحفيين العرب ودوره الفعال في‬ .‫دعم الجمعية‬ ‫وفي نهاية الحفل قدمت دروعا تذكارية للجميع من قبل أعضاء‬ ‫مجلس اإلدارة الى كل المحتفى بهم آملين بمزيد من اللقاءات‬ .‫في مناسبات أخرى‬

TONI&GUY AL CORNICHE CELEBRATES ITS 4TH ANNIVERSARY IN KUWAIT This month TONI&GUY Al Corniche is celebrating its 4th Anniversary in Kuwait, their team of professional British hairdressers have been bringing you the most relevant hair trends since 2010. TONI&GUY Al Corniche is located in the exquisite Al Corniche Club & Spa on the Arabian Gulf Street and is franchised and managed by beau-tique cosmetics intl. The Salon offers a relaxing and luxurious atmosphere and top quality haircare services for both Men and Women in addition to Racoon Hair Extension and KeraStraight Keratin services. Their highly trained staff, top quality haircare products and state-of-the-art salon design combined, give you an unequalled experience and uncompromising quality. Whether it’s a new look you’re looking for or to refresh your existing style, go and treat your hair to the best in cutting, styling, coloring and treatments available in Kuwait. Call them on 2566 3286 or 6617 8889 to book yourself in for a free consultation or visit their website for more information

ELMO AND BIG BIRD FROM SESAME STREET SURPRISE BAROUE CUSTOMERS! On Friday, the 4th of April and Saturday, 5th of April straight from the US, Elmo and Big Bird, from the famed Sesame Street children’s educational program, visited Baroue – Let’s Play! The Avenues for a ‘meet & greet’ with children and their parents. In Kuwait, for the “Sesame Street Live – Elmo Makes Music” live performance, brought to you by EVENTmania, Elmo and Big Bird surprised customers with a cameo appearance which resulted in a palpable excitement throughout the mall. People from all over rushed in to Baroue to have their pictures taken with Elmo and Big Bird, sing along with them and just have a wonderful time. “To see in person Elmo and Big Bird is a once in a lifetime experience” said Ragheb Khourshid, Baroue’s Marketing Manager “And that’s exactly what we aim to do at Baroue, present our customers with a once in a lifetime experience that is both memorable and exciting”. Baroue was the Platinum Sponsor of “Sesame Street Live – Elmo Makes Music”, which had a live show at the Ice Skating Rink – Kuwait City on the 24th, 25th and 26th of April, 2014. 142


blended beverage

bazaar scopes what’s your sign?


May for Gemini is all about luck and coincidence. Some Geminis may run into an old acquaintance that warms their heart, others may be picked for a great prize and still others may get many rewards from a lucky relationship contact. Remember that although it may have been just luck or coincidence, you can use this to your best advantage if you just follow your heart and dreams. For those in a relationship, this month is a great time to make plans for the future together as a couple, as spring love is in the air!


This month is the month to help a down-and-out friend. It may not be too obvious that your friend is having problems, but you can make a difference to this person if you just take the time to listen. Make the effort. It will go a very long way and you will be rewarded when this person has the strength in the future to reciprocate. Pay it forward always comes back to you, and not just in warm fuzzies.

LEO JUL 23 – AUG 22

For those single and looking for love, you may find it this month while attending yoga or a fitness class, but be patient after joining the class, as love will come to you. You also may be focusing more seriously on career goals at this time. Try not to get so serious that you leave little room for fun. Near the end of the month you may find yourself sharing too much online even with your immediate friends. Be aware not to over share as some may not take it well.


This month is about leadership for you. You may have a speaking engagement or another chance to influence a person or group. Take this overwhelming activity and run with it as this is your opportunity to shine…and you will! This month is also a great time to start going to the gym. The gym is there and ready…you just need to start using it, which we know is always easier said than done, but this month will signify great changes if you take the first step.


This month is all about finances and taking risks financially and in life. Take a gamble on that investment you have always thought about, or think about purchasing property somewhere. The short term loss will lead to great long term gains for both your future and the future of your family. This is also a great time to plan that travel to a place where you can hike, explore, and experience life. You will come back rejuvenated, loving life and with new perspectives which will be life-changing.


Relaxation and sleep are your friends this month. If you’ve been feeling worn out lately, you have been snapping at everyone in your life, and feeling unproductive at work, this may be the reason. You

may want to take note of your sleeping habits, your routine before bedtime, what you are eating and drinking. For the sake of everyone in your life, and your work, catch up on those zzz’s – you won’t regret it!


The focus this month should be on a creative or work project. You will find it will not only help you with stress-relief but the positive feedback you will receive from finishing it and showing it to friends, family and colleagues will give you the inspiration in other aspects in your life. Also, keep an eye on your finances this month. At the beginning of this year they have run away from you, but this month can be the time to focus and turn that trend around.


May is the month of events. You will attend an event which you will remember for a long time (both positively and negatively) and also plan another small event involving your friends and family. The planning will be tedious and sometimes will get away from you, but in the end everything will come out well and everyone will thank you. Trust your instincts when things are getting bad, and this will help you through the rough times.


May is a month to tackle that problem. Ignoring it will not make it go away, and it will only get worse. You will also receive help from an unexpected source. Face it head on together, and work to fix it. A disappointment later in the month will end up being a blessing in disguise and you will feel that fate probably had something to do with that. Just breathe and life has a way of bringing things back into perspective.


APR 20 – MAY 20

This month for Taurus the signs show you may be unsure about a potential love mate or relationship. It may signify that you are wavering in your feelings towards your love partner. You may be experiencing a roller coaster ride regarding your own inner feelings and judgements at this time. If you are a writer, or involved in the business of short distance travel you could see an expansion in your business at this time. Ride the wave and enjoy.


Travel is your best friend this month. Travel will inspire you, relax you, and take you away from your pending issues. The perspective you gain from being away will help you tackle your issues once you return, and in fact things will mostly improve on their own whilst you are gone. Also remember though, the best things in life are free, so do not blow your budget, but instead think of nature’s gifts whilst booking your short break.


This month you see the importance of down-sizing, maintaining a steady income, and purchasing items that represent who you are and your personality. You are generally quite self-positive this month causing you to be a bit egocentric, but be aware to allow other people’s feelings which will help you all in the long run. Also, you may become very emotional near the end of this month. If you feel your emotions are getting the best of you, it is best to talk to someone and don’t let obsessive feelings get the best of you. source: Astrology for the Soul


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