2019-20 New Title Catalog

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Reading Romans Backwards A Gospel of Peace in the Midst of Empire

Scot McKnight To read Romans from beginning to end, from letter opening to final doxology, is to retrace the steps of Paul. To read Romans front to back was what Paul certainly intended. But to read Romans forward may have kept the full message of Romans from being perceived. Reading forward has led readers to classify Romans as abstract and systematic theology, as a letter unstained by real pastoral concerns. But what if a different strategy were adopted? Could it be that the secret to understanding the relationship between theology and life, the key to unlocking Romans, is to begin at the

ISBN 978-1-4813-0877-9 $29.95 | Cloth 236 pages 5.5 x 8.5 Now Available

scot mcknight is Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary, where he directs both a master’s and doctor of ministry program in using context to interpret the New Testament. He is the author of more than seventy books, including commentaries on Colossians and Philemon and a book on Paul as Pastor. He has been married to Kris for more than forty-five years and has two children and two grandchildren.


letter’s end? Scot McKnight does exactly this in Reading Romans Backwards.

Introduction: Lived Theology

McKnight begins with Romans 12–16, foregrounding the problems that beleaguered the

Part One: A Community Needing Peace Romans 12–16

house churches in Rome. Beginning with the end places readers right in the middle of a community deeply divided between the strong and the weak, each side dug in on their position. The strong assert social power and privilege, while the weak claim an elected advantage in Israel’s history. Continuing to work in reverse, McKnight unpacks the big themes of Romans 9–11—God’s unfailing, but always surprising, purposes and the future of Israel—to reveal Paul’s specific and pastoral message for both the weak and the strong in Rome. Finally, McKnight shows how the widely regarded “universal” sinfulness of Romans 1–4, which is so often read as simply an abstract soteriological scheme, applies to a particular rhetorical character’s sinfulness and has a polemical challenge. Romans 5–8

Part Two: A Narrative Leading to Peace Romans 9–11 Part Three: A Torah That Disrupts Peace Romans 1–4 Part Four: A Spirit Creating Peace Romans 5–8 Conclusion: Reading Romans Forwards, in Brief

equally levels the ground with the assertion that both groups, once trapped in a world controlled by sin, flesh, and systemic evil, can now live a life in the Spirit. In Paul’s letter, no one gets off the hook but everyone is offered God’s grace. Reading Romans Backwards places lived theology in the front room of every Roman house church. It focuses all of Romans—Paul’s apostleship, God’s faithfulness, and Christ’s transformation of humanity—on achieving grace and peace among all people, both strong and weak. McKnight shows that Paul’s letter to the Romans offers a sustained lesson on peace, teaching applicable to all divided churches, ancient or modern.

Also Available: 1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church at Cenchreae, 2 so that you may welcome her in the Lord as is ing for the saints, and help her in whatever she may require from you, for she has been a benefactor of many and of myself as well. 3 Greet Prisca and Aquila, who work with me in Christ Jesus, 4 and who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. 5 Greet also the church in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who was the rst convert in Asia for 6 Christ. Greet Mary, who has worked very hard among you. 7 Greet Ch Andronicus and Junia, my relatives who were in prison with me; they are prominent among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was. 8 Greet Ampliatus, my beloved in the Lord. 9 Greet Urbanus, our co-worker in Christ, and my beloved Stachys. 10 Greet Apelles, who is approved in Christ. Greet those who belong to the family of Aristobulus. 11 Greet my relative Herodion. Greet those in the Lord who belong to the family of Narcissus. 12 Greet those workers in the Lord, Tryphaena and Tryphosa. Greet the beloved Persis, who has worked hard in the Lord. 13 Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord; and greet his mother—a mother to me also. 14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers and sisters who are with them. 15 Greet Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints who are with them. 16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you. 17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to keep an eye on those who cause d issensions and offenses, in opposition to the teaching that you have learned; avoid them. 18 For such people do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and aaery they deceive the hearts of the simple-minded. 19 For while your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, I want you to be wise in what is good and guileless in what is evil. 20 e God of peace will shortly crush Satan under your feet. e grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 21 Timothy, my co-worker, greets you; so do Lucius and Jason and Sosipater, my relatives. 22 I Tertius, the writer of this leeer, greet you in the Lord. 23 Gaius, who is host to me and to the whole church, greets you. Erastus, the city treasurer, and our brother Quartus, greet you. 25 Now to God who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages 26 but is now disclosed, and through the prophetic writings is made known to all the Gentiles, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith— 27 to the

Teaching Romans Backwards

Becky Castle Miller

Teaching Romans Backwards A Study Guide to Reading Romans Backwards by Scot McKnight Becky Castle Miller ISBN 978-1-4813-1231-8 $19.95 | paper 148 pages | 5.5 x 8.5

Available for free download at baylorpress.com

“Scot McKnight brings Romans to life in ways unmatched by traditional commentaries or textbooks.” MARK REASONER M ar ian Unive r s it y

“Reading Romans Backwards lifts, spins, and energetically pushes in a new direction. Hang on tight.” M AT T H E W W. B AT E S Qu incy Unive r s it y

“McKnight reminds us that Paul’s final chapters are the crescendo of his letter, not an afterthought.” T I M OT H Y G O M B I S G r and R apid s The o lo gical Se m inary


P R A I S E F O R N . T. W R I G H T “Nothing less than an epistemology of love” Scot McKnig h t, No rt h ern Seminary

“Refashions the debate over natural theology” Eph raim Ra d ner, U nivers it y o f To ro nto

“Tom Wright at his best” Mirosl av Vo lf, Yale U nive rs it y

“A stunning breadth of research” Brian J . Wals h , co - aut h o r o f

Romans Disarmed: Resisting Empire, Demanding Justice

“An impressive and timely publication” David Fergus s o n, U nivers it y o f E dinburg h


THE GIFFORD LECTURES History and Eschatology

History and Eschatology

The Presence of Eternity

Jesus and the Promise of Natural Theology

Rudolf Bultmann Introduction by John Haldane

In History and Eschatology, first presented as the 1955 Gifford Lectures, Bultmann steps back to address larger philosophical questions about the relationship between history and the Christian future and then expands to consider how meaning exists within history. Bultmann begins with a discussion of ancient cyclical understandings of history before exploring the fundamental eschatological shift in historical understanding. Bultmann credits the Judeo-Christian tradition with reconceptualizing history as linear with a clear end, culminating in the second coming of Christ. But, as Bultmann argues, this new understanding of history was not without its own problems. The early church’s profound disappointment in Christ’s failure to return forced a Christian reinterpretation of history—a teleological one—that flourished in the Renaissance and eventuated, surprisingly, in Marxism. According to Bultmann, this teleology neglects the individual’s participation in the Christ event. In the end, Bultmann draws on Paul and John to challenge this purely teleological approach and ground a Christian understanding of history and eschatology in the historical event of Christ that is both timeless and immediately present. Only through this Christ event, both in the past and future, does life find eternal meaning. “History and Eschatology is one of the densest approaches to the understanding of history in the perspective of Christian theology. Although times have changed, and today’s presuppositions are quite different, the book is still a valuable exercise in theological thinking and a ‘must’ for anyone who wants to understand Bultmann as exegete and theologian.” —Jörg Frey, Professor of New Testament Studies, University of Zurich

ISBN 978-1-4813-1157-1 / $24.95 / Paper / 194 pages / 5.5 x 8.5 / Now Available

N. T. Wright

How can we know about God? That question increasingly bothered scientists and philosophers in the modern period as they chipped away at previously imagined “certainties.” They refused to take on trust the “special revelation” of the Christian Bible, trying instead to argue up to God from the “natural” world. That is the theme of the Gifford Lectures, inaugurated over 130 years ago. This natural theology has usually bracketed out the Bible and Jesus—and with them, usually, the scholars who study them. History and Eschatology: Jesus and the Promise of Natural Theology represents the first Gifford delivered by a New Testament scholar since Rudolf Bultmann in 1955. Against Bultmann’s dehistoricized approach, N. T. Wright argues that, since the philosophical and cultural movements that generated the natural theology debates also treated Jesus as a genuine human being—part of the “natural world”—there is no reason the historical Jesus should be off-limits. What would happen if we brought him back into the discussion? What, in particular, might “history” and “eschatology” really mean? And what might that say about “knowledge” itself? This lively and wide-ranging discussion invites us to see Jesus himself in a different light by better acquainting ourselves with the first-century Jewish world. Genuine historical study challenges not only what we thought we knew but how we know it. The crucifixion of the subsequently resurrected Jesus, as solid an event as any in the “natural” world, turns out to meet, in unexpected and suggestive ways, the puzzles of the ultimate questions asked by every culture. At the same time, these events open up vistas of the eschatological promise held out to the entire natural order. The result is a larger vision, both of “natural theology” and of Jesus himself, than either the academy or the church has normally expected. ISBN 978-1-4813-0962-2 / $34.95 / Cloth / 368 pages / 6 x 9 / November 1, 2019


God’s Body Jewish, Christian, and Pagan Images of God

Christoph Markschies translated by Alexander Johannes Edmonds God is unbounded. God became flesh. While these two assertions are equally viable parts of Western Christian religious heritage, they stand in tension with one another. Fearful of reducing God’s majesty with shallow anthropomorphisms, philosophy and religion affirm that God, as an eternal being, stands wholly apart from creation. Yet the legacy of the incarnation complicates this view of the incorporeal divine, affirming a very different image of God in physical embodiment. While for many today the idea of an embodied God seems simplistic—even pedestrian— Christoph Markschies reveals that in antiquity, the educated and uneducated alike subscribed ISBN 978-1-4813-1168-7 $59.95 | Cloth 636 pages 12 b&w photos 3 b&w illustrations 6x9 October 15, 2019

to this very idea. More surprisingly, the idea that God had a body was held by both polytheists and monotheists. Platonic misgivings about divine corporeality entered the church early on, but it was only with the advent of medieval scholasticism that the idea that God has a body became scandalous, an idea still lingering today.

exploration follows the development of ideas of God’s corporeality in Jewish and Grecophilosophical reflection and for worship. Markschies considers how a cultic environment nurtured, and transformed, Jewish and Christian descriptions of the divine, as well as how philosophical debates over the connection of body and soul in humanity provided a conceptual framework for imagining God. Markschies probes the connections between this lively culture of religious practice and philosophical speculation and the christological formulations of the church to discover how the dichotomy of an incarnate God and a fleshless God came to be. By studying the religious and cultural past, Markschies reveals a Jewish and Christian heritage alien to modern sensibilities, as well as a God who is less alien to the human experience than much of Western thought has imagined. Since the almighty God who made all creation has also lived in that creation, the biblical idea of humankind as image of God should be taken seriously and not restricted to the conceptual world but rather applied to the whole person.


Ancient Christianity in the Faculty of Theology at Humboldt University of Berlin. CONTENTS 1. The Body of God after Antiquity 2. The Body of God in the JudeoChristian Bible and the Early Christian Theologians 3. The Body of God and Divine Statues in Antiquity 4. The Bodies of Gods and the Bodies of Souls in Late Antiquity 5. The Body of God and Late Antique Jewish Mysticism 6. The Body of God in Late Antique Christian Theology 7. The Body of God and Antique Christology Conclusion: Settled Conceptions of God?

In God’s Body Markschies traces the shape of the divine form in late antiquity. This Roman traditions. In antiquity, gods were often like humans, which proved to be important for

“This remarkable book by Christoph Markschies goes to the heart of some of the most important and most difficult issues in the biblical tradition. In a time when much Christian reflection is pressed in the direction of ’spirituality,’ Markschies’s study is an important reference point.” —Walter Brueggemann, Professor Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary

christoph markschies is Chair of

“Christoph Markschies is one of the finest scholars of early Christianity in the world today. In this important book, he renders his contribution to one of the most significant and current issues in the early history of the religions latterly named Christianity and Judaism. A must read for scholars and interested layfolk.” —Daniel Boyarin, Hermann P. and Sophia Taubman Professor of Talmudic Culture, Departments of Near Eastern Studies and Rhetoric, University of California at Berkeley

“The first book of its kind to assemble and meticulously analyze the traditional understanding of God as body and embodied.� A P R I L D. D E C O N I C K author of The Gnostic New Age: How a Countercultural Spirituality Revolutionized Religion from Antiquity to Today


A Profound Ignorance Modern Pneumatology and Its Anti-modern Redemption

Ephraim Radner In the march of modernity and the opening of global boundaries, the face of the world changed. How we understood the world, and our place in it, changed. And with that great shift, our concept of the Holy Spirit also changed. Now the third person of the Trinity became a diffusive power in a universalizing attempt at resolving the expansively harsh realities of human existence. In A Profound Ignorance, Ephraim Radner traces the development of pneumatology as a modern discipline and its responses to experiences of social confusion and suffering, often associated with questions linked to the category of theodicy. Along the way, study of the Spirit joined with natural science to become study of spirit, which was at ISBN 978-1-4813-1079-6 $49.95 | Cloth 453 pages 1 b&w photo 6x9 November 1, 2019

root study of the human person redefined without limitation. Radner proposes that the proper parameters of pneumatology are found in studying Israel and her historical

ephraim radner is Professor of Historical Theology in Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto.

CONTENTS Introduction Part One: Corruption 1. The New World, a New Spirit 2. The Modern Invention of Pneumatology 3. A Short History of Pneumatic Human Being (I) 4. A Short History of Pneumatic Human Being (II) 5. The Spirit against the Body Part Two: Redemption 6. Jesus and the Spirit 7. Life in the Spirit Conclusion

burdens as the Body of Christ, showing how the Spirit is the reality of God that affirms the redemptive character of Christ, the Son. The traumas of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have brought to the fore the problematic distance between earlier and more modern approaches to the Spirit. Drawing on writers from Paracelsus to John Berryman, and including theologians and philosophers like Anne Conway and John Wesley, as well as literary figures from d’Aubigné to Duhamel, Radner attempts to locate modern pneumatology’s motives and interests within some of the novel social settings of a rapidly globalizing consciousness and conflicted pluralism. It is by following Israel into the Incarnation of Jesus, Radner contends, that humans find their unresolved sufferings and yearnings redeemed. The Holy Spirit operates in deep hope, the kind of hope that is inaccessible to simple articulation. Finally, Radner argues for a more limited and reserved pneumatology, subordinated to the christological realities of divine incarnation: here, creaturely limitations are not denied, but affirmed, and taken up into the life of God.

Also Available from Ephraim Radner A Time to Keep Theology, Mortality, and the Shape of a Human Life ISBN 978-1-4813-0545-7 $34.95 | paper 304 pages | 6 x 9


“This is a remarkable book. It articulates a theology of the Spirit that takes the limitations of creaturely life seriously and fills them with bracing joy.” JUDITH WOLFE University of St Andrews

“Whether one agrees with Radner’s conclusions or not, one will never regard the act of reading as an exercise in boredom or futility. Take up and read it!” PAUL C. H. LIM Vanderbilt University

“Radner invites us to see how the Spirit works in and through the difficulties of Jesus Christ's life. A brilliant and deeply challenging tour-de-force.” MATTHEW LEVERING Mundelein Seminary


In Him Was Life The Person and Work of Christ

Trevor Hart

trevor hart is Rector of Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, St Andrews. Previously, he was Professor of Divinity and Director of the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts in the University of St Andrews.

The consideration of the person of Christ is often disentangled from his “work.” But this doctrinal tidying can be misleading and theologically dangerous. Christians contend that humans need to be rescued from an inescapable and uncontrollable plight that distorts and threatens to destroy their creaturely well-being under God. But how can a God who became flesh, taking on the form of one of God’s own creatures and dwelling among us humanly, also be the salvation of humankind? The history of Christian doctrine reveals a remarkable variety and diversity of answers to this question. First, the biblical text itself offers a striking kaleidoscope of metaphors in its attempts to make sense of and develop the gospel message that salvation is at hand. ISBN 978-1-4813-1015-4 $59.95 | Cloth 430 pages 6x9 October 15, 2019

Second, these images have, in turn, been taken up, interpreted, and developed within a vast range of different social and historical contexts, each bringing its distinctive questions, concerns and expectations to bear upon the text. Finally, the christological identification of Jesus as God incarnate has been permitted varying degrees of purchase on the ways in which these images are unfolded and their entailments explored. In Him Was Life: The Person and Work of Christ is concerned with a series of core questions that arise when Christology and soteriology are deliberately brought together. How should

“Hart has an unerring sense of what really matters in Christian theology.” —Richard Bauckham, Professor Emeritus, University of St Andrews

we imagine and speak of what the intrinsically negative salvation finally means in positive terms if in Jesus God has, as various theologians over the centuries have dared to suggest,

CONTENTS Introduction Part One: Revisiting the East 1. Hellenization 2. Recapitulation 3. Divinization 4. Deification Part Two: Reconsidering the West 5. Satisfaction 6. Substitution 7. Mediation 8. Sanctification 9. Revelation 10. Filiation Part Three: Christology in Contemporary Context 11. Impeccability 12. Universality 13. Particularity 14. Availability 15. Imagination

effected a marvelous exchange in which God has become what we are so that we in turn might share in God’s own life? What does all this mean for our understanding of who God is, of our own creaturely nature and capacities, and of God’s ways of relating to us and

“With his characteristic clarity of argument and informed historical scholarship, Trevor Hart offers a series of irenic and constructive proposals that will be of much benefit to a fresh audience.” —David Fergusson, Professor of Divinity, New College, University of Edinburgh


realizing God’s own creative purposes? And what might Christology itself have to say about the nature, possibilities, and constraints of theology itself? Trevor Hart addresses these current and contemporary questions through a series of incisive engagements with Christian theologians spanning both centuries and ecclesial traditions, including Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Athanasius, Anselm, John Calvin, P. T. Forsyth, Karl Barth, J. A. T. Robinson, and T. F. Torrance. “Ever aware of the need to speak afresh of Christ in our own time and place, Hart is conscious that we do that well only when we are attentive both to Scripture and to Scripture’s interpreters down through the ages. The insight, creativity, and faithfulness with which Hart undertakes that task is amply displayed in this fine volume.” —Murray A. Rae, Professor of Theology, University of Otago in New Zealand

Also Available from Trevor Hart Making Good Creation, Creativity, and Artistry ISBN 978-1-60258-988-9 $59.95 | cloth 380 pages | 6 x 9

oliver d. crisp is Professor of

Analytic Theology in the Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Theology at the University of St Andrews.

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Analytic Systematic Theology 2. Picturing God 3. Divine Simplicity 4. Trinity and Mystery 5. God’s Eternal Purpose 6. Incarnation Anyway 7. Original Sin 8. Virgin Birth 9. Christ’s Two Wills 10. Salvation as Participation 11. Bodily Resurrection Conclusion

Analyzing Doctrine Toward a Systematic Theology

Oliver D. Crisp In Analyzing Doctrine Oliver Crisp carefully considers the relationship of systematic theology to analytic philosophy, arguing that the tools of analytic philosophy can be fruitfully applied to traditional systematic theology. Doing so, as Analyzing Doctrine reveals, creates a distinct and rich analytic theology. Analyzing Doctrine employs traditional themes of systematic theology to structure Crisp’s analytic theological analysis. Crisp examines the doctrine of God, the mystery of the Trinity, and God’s intention in creating and relating to the world. He then addresses the incarnation, original sin, the virgin birth, Christ’s two wills, salvation, and, finally, the resurrection. In the process of making his constructive case, Crisp engages a range of historic theological voices from the tradition, as well as contemporary biblical studies and systematic theology. Clear, accessible, and engaging, Analyzing Doctrine establishes analytic theology’s place in the architecture of systematic theology while also challenging some of its misconceptions. By seamlessly weaving together

ISBN 978-1-4813-0986-8 $39.95 | Cloth 280 pages 1 b&w illustration 6x9 Now Available

Christian tradition and analytic philosophy to construct his theology, Crisp argues for the integral role that analytic theology plays in the theological imagination.

“Oliver Crisp helped found the now-thriving analytic theology movement, and with this book he gives us its first comprehensive systematic theology. In a single volume, he discusses all the major theological topics, including some that are frequently neglected by analytic theologians, and in each chapter he steers the reader towards sensible, ‘moderate Reformed’ conclusions. It is both a valuable work of constructive thought and a useful guide to the best recent work in analytic theology.” —William Wood, Associate Professor of Philosophical Theology, Oriel College

“Oliver D. Crisp has emerged as one of the leading voices in English-speaking theology today. Simply put, Analyzing Doctrine is excellent: well-informed, wide-ranging, clear, penetrating, and judicious as well as gracious. It engages sympathetically and straightforwardly with much recent work in more mainstream ‘systematic’ or ‘dogmatic’ theology, and it even stretches to include some discussion of biblical scholarship.” —Thomas McCall, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


Divine Humility God's Morally Perfect Being

Matthew A. Wilcoxen God is all-powerful. God is all-knowing. God is ever-present. But is God humble? Though the answer may seem obvious, humility is rarely identified as one of God’s attributes. Christianity has traditionally emphasized an array of divine attributes centering around omnipotence. In Divine Humility, Matthew Wilcoxen attempts to supplement traditional study of the godhead by focusing on God’s humility. Wilcoxen first examines how to refer properly to God’s being. Contending with those who say that human concepts cannot communicate God’s being at all, Wilcoxen articulates an account of theological concepts that holds together simultaneously both God’s objectivity—that he is “for us”—and God’s subjectivity—that he remains yet totally free. ISBN 978-1-4813-0998-1 $39.95 | Cloth 240 pages 5.5 x 8.5 Now Available

Wilcoxen argues that the concept best positioned to achieve this objective is humility, which, in the Christian tradition, has been considered the paragon of virtues and should thus fittingly be attributed to God’s character. Wilcoxen next explores divine humility through the work of three different theologians— Augustine, Karl Barth, and Katherine Sonderegger. Augustine, Wilcoxen argues, ascribes humility to God in a tantalizing way, but fails to explain further its doctrinal implications. Karl Barth articulates a more developed doctrine of divine humility by linking God’s divine

“Wilcoxen posits that humility is a necessary property of a morally perfect being and a necessary bridge between God’s being ad intra and his actions ad extra. This is a dogmatic account, a thick theological description, of divine humility.” —Kevin Vanhoozer, Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Trinity International University


being to his redemptive work. But Barth’s account ultimately suffers because it flatly equates humility with obedience and divides the divine will into the separate entities of the Father and the Son. It is the recent work of Katherine Sonderegger that best articulates an account of divine humility that carries forward Augustine’s mantle and overcomes the problems in Barth’s account. By connecting God’s humility to divine energy, Sonderegger shows how God can be near to creation without overwhelming it. Ultimately, Wilcoxen contends that humility’s importance as a divine attribute indicates that it should be fully considered in any Christian doctrine of God. Divine Humility serves as an important reminder to Christians that God, as powerful as He is, is also a God of great magnanimity and love. “Wilcoxen is a massively talented theological writer. Divine Humility is a very serious study of the doctrine of God arguing that the way to name God is ‘humility.’ It is high praise to say that it is a good book rooted in the Good Book, and it will be welcomed gratefully by scholars and students reflecting on the doctrine of God.” —Matthew Levering, James N. and Mary D. Perry Jr. Chair of Theology, Mundelein Seminary

matthew a. wilcoxen, Ph.D., is an Anglican priest and systematic theologian. He is the Associate Rector at Church of the Resurrection in Washington, D.C., and the founder of The Augustine Center in Georgetown.

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Morally Perfect Being Theology 2. Definitions of Humility 3. Scripture’s Suggestive Tensions Augustine 4. Divine Humility as an “Offensive Fact” Karl Barth 5. The Mystery of Divine Energy Katherine Sonderegger Conclusion “Divine Humility is a well-informed, judicious study of important topics in contemporary theology. It makes a unique contribution to those topics, a contribution that may prove of considerable practical use to the church.” —Peter J. Leithart, President, Theopolis Institute

jennifer r. ayres is Associate

Professor of Religious Education in the Candler School of Theology at Emory University.

CONTENTS Introduction: To Inhabit the World Part One 1. Longing for Home 2. Becoming Inhabitants Part Two 3. Religious Education for Inhabitance 4. Educational Practices for Inhabitance Part Three 5. Located, Dislocated, Relocated 6. Embracing Vulnerability Conclusion: Christian Hope in the Anthropocene “In this astonishingly perceptive and wise book, Jennifer Ayres reaches out to people who have become alienated from the natural world, disoriented by loss of their home places, or immobilized by ecological grief. Through the recovery of the idea of inhabitance she guides her readers to an authentic way of living in place that is neither nostalgic nor utopian but deeply life-giving and theologically profound. This book is a vital resource for ecological theology in the twenty-first century.” —Carol A. Newsom, C. H. Howard Professor of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology, Emory University

Inhabitance Ecological Religious Education

Jennifer R. Ayres Like other creatures, human beings are inhabitants of their ecosystems. But are humans good inhabitants? According to Jennifer Ayres, the way of inhabitance is stubbornly elusive. The work of understanding, loving, and tending God’s world is constrained by patterns of alienation, exploitation, and systemic neglect and injustice. Faced daily by evidence of ecological death and decay, Ayres determines that this important work of inhabitance is constantly threatened by ecological despair. Ecological despair stems from alienation from the natural world, acute and generational grief resulting from loss of home places, and, for many, an overwhelming guilt at having been complicit in the planet’s suffering. In Inhabitance: Ecological Religious Education, Ayres proposes a solution to this increasing alienation: the way of inhabitance. Just as other animals live and thrive within their ecosystems, so do humans live in a habitat created, sustained, and loved by God. This God perpetually invites us to become better inhabitants.

ISBN 978-1-4813-1137-3 $39.95 | Cloth 213 pages 1 b&w illustration 5.5 x 8.5 October 1, 2019

Many religious communities already cultivate inhabitance as a way of life, work that they consider to be central to their deepest theological commitments. Inhabitance examines a diverse array of such practices that foster more intentional engagement with the particular places in which people live. Ecological religious education, Ayres demonstrates, nurtures a disposition of loving commitment toward God’s creation. Inhabitance demands a willingness to love other beings and a willingness to courageously encounter the human and ecological suffering of the world and be fully present to that suffering. And even as humans live more lovingly, courageously, and attentively within their particular places, their lives are

“Ayres provides a fresh take on an urgent topic. By placing an understanding of ethics and ecology into play with knowledge about how such learning happens, Ayres offers a path away from despair over ecological destruction and toward faithful action grounded in love.” —Joyce Mercer, Professor of Pastoral Care and Practical Theology, Horace Bushnell Professor of Christian Nurture, Yale Divinity School

opened up to the deepest sources of human well-being—for when God’s world around us flourishes, so do we. “Inhabitance is a solid, needed work and a gift to the church as a pedagogical agent of our ecological vocation. It includes a gratifying array of parish practices coupled to on-the-ground examples and all set within Christian resources and wisdom.” —Larry Rasmussen, Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics, Union Theological Seminary, New York City


In a Post-Hegelian Spirit Philosophical Theology as Entangled Discontent

Gary Dorrien Hegel broke open the deadliest assumptions of Western thought by conceiving being as becoming and consciousness as the social-subjective relation of spirit to itself, yet his white Eurocentric conceits were grotesquely inflated even by the standards of his time. With In a Post-Hegelian Spirit, Gary Dorrien emphasizes both sides of this Hegelian legacy, contending that it takes a great deal of digging and refuting to recover the parts of Hegel that still matter for religious thought. By distilling his signature argument about the role of post-Kantian idealism in modern Christian thought, Dorrien fashions a liberationist form of religious idealism: a post-Hegelian religious philosophy that is simultaneously both Hegelian—as it expounds a ISBN 978-1-4813-1159-5 $79.95 | Cloth 700 pages 6x9 April 15, 2020

fluid, holistic, open, intersubjective, ambiguous, tragic, and reconciliatory idea of revelation—and post-Hegelian, as it rejects the deep-seated flaws in Hegel’s thought. Dorrien mines Kant, Schleiermacher, and Hegel as the foundation of his argument about intellectual intuition and the creative power of subjectivity. After analyzing critiques of Hegel by Søren Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, Karl Barth, and Emmanuel Levinas, Dorrien contends that though these monumental figures were penetrating in their assessments, they appear one-sided compared to Hegel. In a Post-Hegelian Spirit further engages with

“Gary Dorrien’s In a Post-Hegelian Spirit effectively demonstrates why we are never done reading Hegel. Dorrien lays out the challenge of liberal theology from its trinity of Kant, Schleiermacher, and, particularly, Hegel through the history of liberal and liberation currents of theology in exquisite detail. His book is a beautiful argument for the continual relevance of idealistic discontent.” —James M. McLachlan, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Western Carolina University


the personal idealist tradition founded by Borden Parker Bowne, the process tradition founded by Alfred North Whitehead, and the daring cultural contributions of Paul Tillich, W. E. B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosemary Radford Ruether, David Tracy, Peter Hodgson, Edward Farley, Catherine Keller, and Monica Coleman. Dispelling common interpretations that Hegel’s theology simply fashioned a closed system, Dorrien argues instead that Hegel can be interpreted legitimately in six different ways and is best interpreted as a philosopher of love who developed a Christian theodicy of love divine. Hegel expounded a process theodicy of God salvaging what can be salvaged from history, even as his tragic sense of the carnage of history cuts deep, lingering at Calvary.

“With characteristic wit, incisive critique, and synthetic agility, Dorrien dips into the deep storehouse of his own discoveries and reflections on the movers and shakers of liberal and liberationist movements, and provides a more compact treatment of much of his earlier work in this arena.” —Jennifer G. Jesse, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Truman State University

gary dorrien is Reinhold Niebuhr

Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary and Professor of Religion at Columbia University.

"Gary Dorrien has written a masterpiece of religious philosophy. Building upon all of his previous works, the book lays open the philosophical roots of modern systematic theology, emphasizing the crucial role of Hegel’s challenge to secular philosophy and Christian theology alike. He does not merely write a history but narrates it anyway, with the constructive purpose of renewing Christian theology with philosophical rigor and passion for truth.” —Hille Haker, Richard McCormick Endowed Chair of Ethics, Loyola University Chicago

francis j. beckwith is Professor of

Philosophy and Church-State Studies and Associate Director of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at Baylor University.

Never Doubt Thomas The Catholic Aquinas as Evangelical and Protestant

Francis J. Beckwith Theologian, philosopher, teacher. There are few religious figures more Catholic than Saint Thomas Aquinas, a man credited with helping to shape Catholicism of the second millennium. In Never Doubt Thomas, Francis J. Beckwith employs his own

“Never Doubt Thomas embodies the kind of engaged living Thomism that Pope Leo saw as essential for the life of the Church and for Christian philosophy in our own era. Professor Beckwith engages key questions with intelligence, serenity, clarity, and purpose. Consequently, we stand in Professor Beckwith’s debt for producing a short but illustrative work of Christian philosophy.” —Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP, Director, Thomistic Institute, Angelicum, Rome

spiritual journey from Catholicism to Evangelicalism and then back to Catholicism in order to reveal the signal importance of Aquinas not only for Catholics but also for Protestants. Beckwith begins by outlining Aquinas’ history and philosophy, noting misconceptions and inaccurate caricatures of Thomist traditions. He explores the legitimacy of a “Protestant” Aquinas by examining Aquinas’ views on natural law and natural theology in light of several Protestant critiques. Not only did Aquinas’ presentation of natural law assume some of the very inadequacies Protestant critics have leveled against it, Aquinas did not, as is often supposed, believe that one must first prove God’s existence through human reasoning before having faith in God. Rather, Aquinas held that one may know God through reason and employ it

ISBN 978-1-4813-0724-6 $29.95 | Cloth 213 pages 5.5 x 8.5 Now Available

to understand more fully the truths of faith. Beckwith also uses Aquinas’ preambles of faith—what a person can know about God before fully believing in Him—to argue for a pluralist Aquinas, explaining how followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam can all worship the same God, yet adhere to different faiths. Beckwith turns to Aquinas’ doctrine of creation to question theories of Intelligent Design, before, finally, coming to the heart of the matter: in what sense can Aquinas be considered an Evangelical? Aquinas’ views on justification are often depicted by some Evangelicals as discontinuous with those articulated in the Council of Trent. Beckwith counters this assessment, revealing not only that Aquinas’ doctrine fully

“Francis Beckwith demonstrates that Thomas Aquinas is both a fine example of clear thinking and a first-rate source for constructive reflection on some of today’s most pressing moral and theological issues.” —Carl R. Trueman, Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies, Grove City College

aligns with the tenets laid out by the Council, but also that this doctrine is more Evangelical than critics care to admit. Beckwith’s careful reading makes it hard to doubt that Thomas Aquinas is a theologian, philosopher, and teacher for the universal church—Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical. “Never Doubt Thomas is a lucid and helpful application of Aquinas’ thought to contemporary issues of concern to both Catholics and Protestants.” —Edward Feser, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Pasadena City College


Conceiving Family A Practical Theology of Surrogacy and Self Danielle Tumminio Hansen

danielle tumminio hansen is Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Director of Field Education at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas.

Biology continues to be the most widely recognized determinant of family in the United States and heterosexual intercourse the most common form of family creation. But what happens when children cannot be created in this way? Is it still possible to create a family? Surrogacy provides an alternative means of conception, not only to heterosexual couples who encounter infertility or reproductive loss, but also to single, same-sex, or transgender individuals who want to have children. However, surrogacy itself raises a number of concerns, arguably introducing as many difficulties as it solves. In Conceiving Family, Danielle Tumminio Hansen tackles the unnamed and unexamined problems surrounding surrogacy within a theological framework. ISBN 978-1-4813-1056-7 $39.95 | Cloth 229 pages 6x9 September 1, 2019

Tumminio Hansen begins by investigating the primacy of the biological family and the profound influence it has had on how infertility and reproductive loss have been understood culturally. By using the United States, Israel, and India as case studies,

CONTENTS Introduction: Foundations for a Practical Theology of Surrogacy 1. Infertility, Reproductive Loss, and the Significance of the Biological Family to the Self 2. Surrogacy as Culturally Constructed 3. Hagar, Sarah, and Forms of Socially Constructed Surrogacy 4. The Self, Corporate Sin, and Cultural Misorientation 5. Consonant Dependency Care as a New Vision for Family Conclusion: Generalized Surrogacy and a Global Family

Tumminio Hansen profiles the cultural constructions of surrogacy and the complications surrounding it in places where the biological family is considered the norm. Through a theological lens, Conceiving Family analyzes what is at stake for the self, family, and society in surrogacy; through a close reading of the Bible it proposes that surrogacy is only as healthy for the individual as society’s views allow. Tumminio Hansen shows how a cultural misconception of surrogacy isolates the parents, surrogates, and children involved through self-alienation, community alienation, and divine-human alienation. She concludes that surrogates and intended parents must therefore construct their relationships in terms of social belonging, and that this process affords human dignity to those involved by expanding community beyond the simple science of biological connection. In Conceiving Family, Tumminio Hansen ultimately reclaims surrogacy as an act that exists both within and beyond the reproductive realm, concluding that surrogacy has the potential to transform the identities of parenthood and community, re-conceiving family in the process.


“Danielle Tumminio Hansen’s deeply thoughtful and revealing Conceiving Family is a must read for both constructive theologians and pastors. It is rare to find such poetic and prophetic insight, side by side, in a work that dares to take us into uncharted territory.” —Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, President, Union Theological Seminary

Autism and the Church

Wondrously Wounded Theology, Disability, and the Body of Christ STUDIES IN RELIGION, THEOLOGY, AND DISABILITY

Bible, Theology, and Community

Brian Brock

Grant Macaskill

brian brock is Professor of Moral and grant macaskill is Kirby Laing Chair of

Practical Theology in the Department of Divinity and Religious Studies at the University of Aberdeen.

New Testament Exegesis and Director of the Centre for the Study of Autism and Christian Community at the University of Aberdeen.

In Autism and the Church Grant Macaskill provides a careful, attentive, and sustained analysis of the reality of autism within the church and how this should be approached theologically. Macaskill demonstrates that attempts to read the Bible with reference to autism are often deficient because they move too quickly from the study of particular texts to claims about the condition and how it should be viewed. This leads some Christians to see autism as something that should be healed or even exorcised. Macaskill instead invites readers to struggle with the biblical canon, in ways shaped by the traditions of the early church, to a process of interpretation that calls upon the church, following Christ’s teaching, to cherish those who experience autism as part of the diverse gifting of Christ’s body. Accordingly, he calls churches to consider the implications of autism in their congregations and to explore how best to accommodate the particular needs of persons with autism in public worship and pastoral care, while valuing their distinctive contribution. In short, Macaskill challenges the church to “think biblically” about autism. Autism and the Church teaches readers that those with autism belong to the church, demonstrating that, if responsibly read, the Bible provides a resource that enables the church to recognize the value of those with autism. Macaskill shows how the Bible can help both individuals and church bodies flourish, even as the church deals faithfully with the opportunities and challenges that come with understanding autism. He writes as a biblical scholar intimately familiar with the experience of autism, dealing honestly with the real difficulties that can accompany the condition, while challenging misconceptions. “Macaskill brings his skills as a New Testament scholar into critical conversation with the experience of autism. The result is a thorough, humane, and quite fascinating exploration of autism which not only breaks new intellectual ground but also offers fresh possibilities for faithful practices that understand and respect the complexities of living well with autism.” —John Swinton, Chair in Divinity and Religious Studies, School of Divinity, University of Aberdeen

The church welcomes all—or it should. The church has long proven itself a safe refuge despite the sad reality that it can be, and has been, unwelcoming toward those perceived as different. This is especially true of the contemporary church’s response to those with disabilities—a response often at surprising variance with its historic practices of care. The church once helped shape western morality to cherish these individuals with love and acceptance. It is thus ironic when today’s church neglects this care, or practices care with no awareness of the rich theological history out of which such moral sensibilities originally emerged. In Wondrously Wounded, Brian Brock reclaims the church’s historic theology of disability and extends it to demonstrate that people with disabilities, like all created in God’s image, are servants of God’s redemptive work. Brock interweaves his historical and theological analysis with the narrative of his own disabled son, Adam. These stories vividly bring into view the vulnerability, as well as the power, of the disabled in contemporary society. Ultimately, Brock argues, those with disabilities are conduits of spiritual gifts that the church desperately needs. Wondrously Wounded is an appeal to the church to find itself broken and remade by the presence of Christ on offer in the lives of those society has labeled “disabled.” “This is a powerful book. Situated by his experience as a parent of a child with disabilities and drawing from a wide-ranging engagement with Christian traditions, Brock’s analysis offers rich theological and ethical insights that cultivate fertile new ground for reimagining disability outside modern frames of normalcy. It should be read by all those studying Christian theology and ethics, and learning to live and wonder as members of one another in the Body of Christ.” —Thomas E. Reynolds, Vice-Principal and Associate Professor of Theology, University of Toronto

ISBN 978-1-4813-1012-3 / $59.95 / Cloth / 392 pages / 6 x 9 / Now Available ISBN 978-1-4813-1124-3 / $34.95 / Cloth / 248 pages / 5.5 x 8.5 / November 1, 2019


Beyond the Self

raymond hain is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Providence College.

Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Culture ESSAYS IN HONOR OF W. DAVID SOLOMON

edited by Raymond Hain W. David Solomon sits at the very center of the revival of virtue ethics. Solomon’s work extended what began with the publication of G. E. M. Anscombe’s "Modern Moral Philosophy" (1958) by solidifying virtue ethics as a viable approach within contemporary moral philosophy. Beyond the Self: Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Culture comprises twelve chapters: eleven that employ Solomon’s work and legacy, followed by a twelfth concluding chapter by Solomon himself. Each chapter deepens and develops virtue ethics as a rich intellectual tradition rooted in Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. ISBN 978-1-4813-1041-3 $49.95 | Cloth 296 pages 6x9 Now Available

Editor Raymond Hain divides the volume into three sections. The first addresses the historical contexts of happiness, justice, and mercy in the tradition of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. The second turns to recent themes in normative ethics, focusing on topics such as morality, virtue, and egoism. The third discusses broader ethical issues with significant cultural implications, such as human dignity, physician-assisted suicide, and secularization. Beyond the Self uncovers the shortcomings of contemporary moral philosophy and the depth and capacity of the Aristotelian and Thomistic traditions, reminding the reader that classical virtue ethics remains the most promising framework for understanding the moral life.

“Beyond the Self challenges widespread assumptions in ethics, and many of the authors also present their own positive views. The volume is a fitting tribute to David Solomon as a master teacher and one of the leading mentors in moral philosophy in the past half century.” —Robert Audi, John A. O’Brien Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame “This exceptional and timely collection of essays, written by David Solomon’s students and colleagues, pays due homage to Professor Solomon’s philosophical legacy, and is a testament to the hope that his influence will long endure.” —Jennifer A. Frey, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of South Carolina


CONTRIBUTORS Michael Beaty Kevin L. Flannery Raymond Hain John Haldane Thomas Hibbs Irfan Khawaja Alasdair MacIntyre John O’Callaghan Bryan C. Pilkington W. David Solomon Christopher Toner Candace Vogler

scott h. moore is Associate

Professor of Philosophy and Great Texts at Baylor University.

How to Burn a Goat Farming with the Philosophers

Scott H. Moore “What a fun book! A self-described ‘inexperienced philosopher hobby farmer,’ Moore writes about chasing guinea fowls, the virtues of mules, the vices of geese, the sounds heard on a farm, or why it is important to watch grass grow, mixed with quotations by everyone from Wendell Berry to Wittgenstein all in a clean prose style reminiscent of E.B. White. Moore had me laughing out loud and then pondering his wisdom the rest of the day.” —Rev. Kyle Childress, Pastor, Austin Heights Baptist Church, Nacogdoches, Texas

The ancient Roman orator Cicero famously believed, “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” Contemporary philosopher Scott H. Moore agrees and puts this celebrated aphorism to the test. In How to Burn a Goat: Farming with the Philosophers, Moore speculates on the practice of farming through the lens of philosophy and literature. He weaves together a tapestry of philosophical reflections on work and leisure, the nature of the virtues, and the role and limitations of technology and higher education with personal reflections on the joys and trials of farm life on his Crawford, Texas farm. Full of self-deprecating humor, Moore relates his own experience of a philosopher turned farmer. His efforts at scholar-farmer are haunted by questions from the world’s great minds—“Does Plato’s ‘city of sows’ ring true?,” “Can Ockham help break a recalcitrant heifer?,” “How can Heidegger help with raising swine?,” “What insights does Iris Murdoch offer for pest control?” Combining insight with down-to-earth vignettes, Moore joins Wendell Berry, E. B. White, George Orwell, and many more in recognizing the truths deeply rooted in management of practical affairs of a farm. Moore argues that a return to agrarian roots is needed to restore Aristotelian wonder and wisdom in a world increasingly defined by technology. Rejecting the idea that humans are simply cogs in a wheel, he shows how greater human happiness can be found in the meaningful labor of tending to nature, rather than the ever-expanding march of automation.

“Scott Moore has given us a wonderful gift with this book—a book of comedic determined wisdom that only a philosopher trying to be a farmer could describe. On reaching the end of the book my only thought was to read it again not only because Moore writes so well, but because I want to remember how (not) to burn a goat or to understand better the relationship between Plato and pigs.” —Stanley Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor Emeritus of Divinity and Law, Duke Divinity School

ISBN 978-1-4813-1152-6 $29.95 | Cloth 224 pages 5x8 December 1, 2019 “Moore is on to important issues and is making a significant advance on questions about ethics, the environment, agriculture, and Christianity. How to Burn a Goat takes the reader on an intellectual adventure that opens with a family’s exploration of agrarian life and concludes with an encounter with some of the most profound philosophical insights of classical and modern philosophy.” —David Solomon, de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture, Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame


Emotions Problems and Promise for Human Flourishing

Barbara J. McClure

barbara j. mcclure

is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Practice at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University.

Emotions are two-sided. They contain deep truths about what it means to be human, but they also deceive, mislead, and manipulate. They are celebrated for the insights they provide, but they also are denied, repressed, and dismissed. Though many institutions recognize and study the power of emotion, its potential has yet to be fully realized. Barbara J. McClure seeks to rectify this. In Emotions: Problems and Promise for Human Flourishing, she examines how emotions can be properly engaged for health and healing both individually and corporately. Starting with the current understandings of emotion, she notes the limitations of current thought. She then ISBN 978-1-60258-329-0 $59.95 | Cloth 365 pages 3 b&w illustrations 6x9 September 15, 2019

draws on significant emotions theories from ancient philosophy, Christian theology, natural sciences, psychology, social theory, and contemporary neuroscience to create a more well-rounded understanding of emotions and their place in Western society. Ultimately, McClure argues that emotions, if understood and engaged correctly, can be a source of guidance for flourishing and a resource for nurturing the common good. With this wide-ranging multidisciplinary approach, McClure proposes an

“McClure’s ambitious and important book cogently examines and portrays the diverse perspectives regarding emotions and their significance for human flourishing. Scholars, teachers, students, and those in the helping professions interested in the role of emotions will want to read this book.” —Ryan LaMothe, Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology


understanding of emotions that allows for a new model of human flourishing: one that does not dismiss emotions but utilizes them properly to engage life’s challenges. Emotions should not be censored, silenced, or sidelined—they are important tools for discerning and cultivating what is Good and resisting what is not.

“Emotions is an exceptional treatment of a subject dear to our hearts that has, until now, been studied mainly in disciplinary silos. With scholarly precision and emotional savvy, McClure navigates the vast divides over emotion’s life-giving and death-dealing capacity and renders an amazingly cogent perspective, distilling the best of prominent models and, even more important, showing how such emotional understanding plays an indispensable role in our pursuit of the good life.” —Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of Religion, Psychology, and Culture, The Divinity School and Graduate Department of Religion, Vanderbilt University

“Emotions is a critically important book to interdisciplinary scholarship in theology. Barbara McClure has given us a historiography of the study of emotions that traces the development of theological, ethical, philosophic, psychological, and scientific understandings of what emotions are and why they matter. The book is erudite, beautifully written, lucid, and engaging. Pastoral and practical theologians, in particular, will relish this resource that promotes clear thinking about emotions and interprets the import of recent discoveries in neuroscience.” —Mary Clark Moschella, Roger J. Squire Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care, Yale University School of Divinity

stephen e. fowl is Professor of Theology and Dean of Loyola College of Arts and Sciences.


CONTENTS Introduction 1. Thinking about Idolatry 2. Forgetting and Attending 3. Bounded and Unbounded Desire 4. Insecurity, Love, and Mission 5. The Community of the Curious Conclusion

No one purposefully chooses to become an idolater. No one consciously

Stephen E. Fowl abandons the living God to fall prey to a pantheon of earthly gods. Yet idolatry has a way of subtly seeping into the cracks of human life. In Idolatry, Stephen E. Fowl explores how believers lapse into idolatry, a process he insists is much different from the decision of those who have rejected belief in God. He asserts that the Old Testament’s account of Israel’s idolatry as dramatic folly and betrayal describes the aftereffects of idolatry, not the process of how believers lapse into idolatry. Idolatry is a process of slowly diverting love and attention away from the one true God and toward false gods.

“With meticulous attention to Scripture, careful argumentation, and keen psychological insight, Stephen Fowl exposes the process of idolatry—the tiny decisions, the prudent compromises, the desires, loves, and fears, the formation of habits that turn us away from God. His book is more than an admirable contribution to the theological interpretation of Scripture. Reading it is a sobering spiritual exercise, a guide to deep selfexamination and a prophetic summons to purge our own idols.” —Peter Leithart, President, Theopolis Institute

Fowl identifies the various habits, practices, and dispositions that can lead to this process, using Scripture to demonstrate different ways believers become inclined to idolatry. He first turns to Deuteronomy to show how to combat idolatry by remembering the grace of God. He then examines Ephesians and Colossians to demonstrate how the suggested practices of thanksgiving and gratitude can serve as the antidotes to idolatrous greed. He looks to 1 John to find the love that

ISBN 978-1-4813-1084-0 $34.95 | Cloth 189 pages 5.5 x 8.5 November 1, 2019

casts out the fear and insecurity that the books of Kings, Isaiah, and Luke name as the forerunners of idolatry. Finally, he examines curiosity, traditionally considered a vice, and how it turns believers toward idols unless it is countered by an undistracted focus on Jesus. Idolatry looms over believers in a world overflowing with false gods, but Fowl offers hope. By diagnosing and defining the root causes of idolatry before these initial temptations become precipitated actions, Christians learn to navigate a world littered with false idols to live abundantly with the one true God.

“Whereas many biblical scholars avoid the timeless questions posed by scripture, Stephen Fowl heads straight to them. In this work, Fowl delights (and provokes!) his readers as he unfolds what worshiping the one, true God might look like.” —Gary Anderson, Hesburgh Professor of Catholic Theology, Notre Dame

“Fowl shows that God’s people do not often become idolaters overnight; instead, our idolatry tends to infect us over time, as our dispositions, habits, and practices slowly incline us to direct our love and attention away from God and toward other things. Yet like any good physician, Fowl not only advances a penetrating diagnosis of the problem of idolatry; he also draws deeply upon Scripture in order to identify formative practices that might help remedy our idolatrous ways.” —David Downs, Associate Professor of New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary


Psalms as a Grammar for Faith Prayer and Praise

W. H. Bellinger Jr. The Psalms, gritty and bold prayers of a people seeking to be obedient to a powerful and compassionate God, collectively illustrate what a real faith in the living God looks like. In Psalms as a Grammar for Faith: Prayer and Praise, W. H. Bellinger Jr. traces the way the Psalms exemplify and create a grammar for living a life of faith. Bellinger combines his years of study of the Psalms and his own theological sensibility

w. h. bellinger jr. is Chair of the

Department of Religion, W. Marshall and Lulie Craig Chairholder in Bible, and Professor of Religion at Baylor University. CONTENTS 1. The Book of Psalms 2. Out of the Depths 3. The Praise of God in the Psalms 4. The Shape of the Grammar 5. The Movement of the Grammar

to explore both the genre and shape of the Psalter. He focuses upon the themes of lament and of praise. Bellinger addresses the presence of enemies and the prayers for vengeance throughout the Psalms, concluding that these lamentations exemplify a covenant theology of prayer. He then examines the psalms of praise that teach the art ISBN 978-1-4813-1118-2 $29.95 | Cloth 149 pages 5.5 x 8.5 October 1, 2019

of worship. Various kinds of praise in the Psalter serve as examples of adoration—proper ways to thank almighty God for the goodness of life and for the divine mystery. Finally, Bellinger explores the five divisions of the Psalms, arguing for a powerful and intentional anthology initially connected to ancient Israel’s encounter with defeat and exile. Bellinger concludes that the Psalter directs readers to use the psalms of lament and praise as models for life, depending on God’s justice in times of anger, singing God’s

“In this readily accessible and winsome introduction, Bellinger makes a compelling case that the Psalms provide a ‘grammar of faith’ for all seasons of life, from plea to praise, all intermixed with lament and protest. It is, in fact, a grammar of transformation for communities of faith in such a time as this.” —William P. Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary


praise in times of thanksgiving, and always acknowledging God as Lord over hardships and blessings. Only in this way, he argues, can humans live the faith of the Psalms—a faith defined by complete dependence on God.

“Bellinger’s urging here is that the Book of Psalms, beyond our characteristic personal and devotional use of it, should be a major resource and guide for the public worship and public proclamation of the church. Bellinger brings to this task both his long years of critical learning and his acute theological sensibility. His concluding pages concerning the flow of the canon break fresh ground. This book will be welcomed by all those who care about the worship, the preaching, and the faithfulness of the church.” —Walter Brueggemann, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary

“Bellinger, seasoned psalm scholar and dedicated churchman, has produced in A Grammar of Faith a succinct and highly readable examination of the book of Psalms. The volume is not a commentary or an introductory textbook; rather, it examines and models various ways of reading and understanding the psalms as well as addressing some of the major issues confronting psalm scholarship today. The volume will appeal to both student and pastor and will make an excellent classroom resource.” —Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford, Carolyn Ward Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages and Director of the Masters of Theological Studies degree program, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University


siegfried kreuzer is Professor of Old

Testament at Protestant University Wuppertal/Bethel in Wuppertal, Germany.

Introduction to the Septuagint edited by Siegfried Kreuzer translated by David A. Brenner and Peter Altmann

david a. brenner is Lecturer in

German and International Studies in the Department of International Studies at Texas A&M University.

The Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible created by Jews seeking a place of legitimacy for diaspora Jewishness and faith among the traditions of Hellenistic culture, was a monumental religious and cultural achievement.

peter altmann is a Postdoctoral

researcher at the University of Zurich.

This Greek Old Testament, in its original form and revised versions, provided the scriptural basis for Judaism in the Greek-speaking diaspora, enabled the emergence and spread of Christianity, and influenced translations of the Bible into African and European languages. Over time, however, the Septuagint’s relevance faded for Jews,

“The field of Septuagint Studies stands wide open for exploration as never before. This reliable and up-to-date Introduction, written by an international team of specialists, offers an accessible port of entry for students and scholars eager to venture into this vast territory replete with riches yet to be discovered.” —J. Ross Wagner, Associate Professor of New Testament, Director, Doctor of Theology Program, Duke Divinity School

and the Hebrew text eventually reasserted its dominance within Judaism. This led

LXX many to neglect the Septuagint as an authentic witness to the biblical tradition. But the Septuagint remained important, inspiring biblical writings and further

ISBN 978-1-4813-1145-8 $69.95 | Paper

translations into Latin, Coptic, and Armenian. In combination with the Qumran biblical texts, it provides yet further indication of the multivocal state of the

Hebrew Bible around the turn of the eras and proves to be a text of continuous

ISBN 978-1-4813-1146-5 $99.95 | Printed Case

interest for biblical scholarship and cultural-historical studies.

Siegfried Kreuzer’s Introduction to the Septuagint presents, in English, the most

extensive introduction of the Septuagint to date. It offers comprehensive overviews

728 pages 7 x 10 November 1, 2019

of the individual biblical writings, including the history of research, current findings and problems, and perspectives for future research. Additionally, this survey

presents a history of the Septuagint in its Greco-Hellenistic background, theories of its genesis, the history of its revisions, its lore in antiquity, and an overview of the

most important manuscripts and witnesses of the convoluted transmission history of the text. The text includes extensive bibliographies that show the ongoing interest in Septuagint studies and provide a reliable basis for future studies.

A collaboration representing multiple nationalities, professional perspectives, and denominational traditions, this dependable guide invites newcomers and experts

alike to venture into the rich world of one of the most influential works of literature in history.


“Chilton is an able guide,

showing that how early followers came to believe in Jesus’ resurrection reveals deep changes in ideas about cosmology, the nature of being human, and their experience of reality. ”

— Claudia Setzer, Manhattan College

“Required reading

...for anyone who wants to understand the evolutionary processes through which the thinking of Jesus’ earliest followers developed.”

— Alan Avery-Peck,

College of the Holy Cross

“A remarkable work

of scholarship—original, enlightening, and saturated with spiritual insight.” — Bernhard Lang, author of The Hebrew God: Portrait of an Ancient Deity

bruce d. chilton is Bernard Iddings Bell Professor of Philosophy and Religion in the Department of Religion and Executive Director of The Institute of Advanced Theology at Bard College. He is also the author of Visions of the Apocalypse: Receptions of John’s Revelation in Western Imagination, co-author of The Targums: A Critical Introduction, and co-editor of In Quest of the Historical Pharisees.

CONTENTS Introduction Part One: Crucibles of Hope 1. Resurrection and Immortality before Jesus 2. Israel’s Revolution of Hope 3. Bodies Raised in Israel’s Vindication Part Two: Catalyst of Transformation 4. Paul on How Jesus “Was Seen” 5. Seen “by Kêpha’,” Then “by the Twelve” 6. Seen “by More Than Five Hundred,” Then “by James” 7. Seen by “All the Apostles” Part Three: Reasoning with the Resurrection 8. After Paul, beyond the Tomb 9. Resurrection, History, and Realization Conclusion

Resurrection Logic How Jesus' First Followers Believed God Raised Him from the Dead

Bruce D. Chilton Death does not speak the final word. Resurrection does. Christianity stands or falls with this central confession: God raised Jesus from the dead. Bruce Chilton investigates the Easter event of Jesus in Resurrection Logic. He undertakes his close reading of the New Testament texts without privileging the exact nature of the resurrection, but rather begins by situating his study of the resurrection in the context of Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, and Syrian conceptions of the afterlife. He then identifies Jewish monotheistic affirmations of bodily resurrection in the Second Temple period as the most immediate context for early Christian claims. Chilton surveys first-generation accounts of Jesus’ resurrection and finds a pluriform—and even at times seemingly contradictory—range of testimony from Jesus’ first followers. This diversity, as Chilton demonstrates, prompted early Christianity to interpret the resurrection traditions by means of prophecy and coordinated narrative. In the end, Chilton points to how the differing conceptions of the ways that God

ISBN 978-1-4813-1063-5 $39.95 | Cloth 319 pages 6x9 September 1, 2019

governs the world produced distinct understandings—or “sciences”—of the Easter event. Each understanding contained its own internal logic, which contributed to the collective witness of the early church handed down through the canonical text. In doing so, Chilton reveals the full tapestry of perspectives held together by the common-thread confession of Jesus’ ongoing life and victory over death.

Also Available from Bruce D. Chilton Visions of the Apocalypse Receptions of John’s Revelation in Western Imagination ISBN 978-1-60258-982-7 $29.95 | Paper 175 pages | 5.5 x 8.5


The Faithfulness of the Risen Christ Pistis and the Exalted Lord in the Pauline Letters

David J. Downs and Benjamin J. Lappenga The pistis Christou construction in Paul’s letters has ignited heated debates among

david j. downs is a Fellow of Keble College and Clarendon-Laing Associate Professor in New Testament Studies, University of Oxford. benjamin j. lappenga holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Pauline scholars and theologians. On the one side, some claim that the phrase denotes human faith placed in Christ. Others, however, contend that pistis Christou in Paul alludes to the faithfulness of Christ himself, with Christ’s pistis chiefly demonstrated in his willingness to suffer and die upon the cross. Yet both sides of this debate overlook Paul’s emphasis on the faithfulness and continuing work of the risen and exalted Christ. In The Faithfulness of the Risen Christ, David J. Downs and Benjamin J. Lappenga focus upon the resurrection and exaltation of Jesus in their discussion of pistis Christou. They claim that when Paul writes of Christ’s pistis, he refers to the faithfulness of the ISBN 978-1-4813-1090-1 $39.95 | Cloth 214 pages 5.5 x 8.5 September 1, 2019

risen and exalted Christ. Downs and Lappenga carefully survey Paul’s use of pistis in Philippians, the Corinthian letters, Galatians, Romans, and Ephesians, revealing how pistis epitomizes the risen Christ’s continuing faithfulness toward all those who participate in him by pistis. Downs and Lappenga effectively reframe any future consideration of the pistis Christou construction for both New Testament scholars and theologians by showing that the story of Jesus in the letters of Paul extends to the faithfulness of the exalted Christ Jesus, who will remain faithful to those justified

“All who are interested in the meaning of pistis and of participation in Christ need to engage this stimulating work.” —Michael J. Gorman, Raymond E. Brown Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, St. Mary’s Seminary & University

through union with Christ. “David J. Downs and Benjamin J. Lappenga’s arguments add a significant new dimension to an old problem.” —Morna D. Hooker, Lady Margaret’s Professor Emerita, University of Cambridge and Life Fellow, Robinson College “The Faithfulness of the Risen Christ is a breath of fresh air and should be read by all serious scholars of Paul.” —Susan Eastman, Associate Research Professor of New Testament, Duke Divinity School “David J. Downs and Benjamin J. Lappenga have done the unthinkable—they have found a way to reinvigorate the pistis Christou debate.” —Nijay Gupta, Associate Professor of New Testament, Portland Seminary, George Fox University


CONTENTS Introduction: “He Remains Faithful” 1. The Semantics of Pistis: “The Lord Is Faithful” 2. Philippians: “To Know Him and the Power of His Resurrection” 3. The Corinthian Correspondence: “We Have the Same Spirit of Faithfulness” 4. Galatians: “I Live in the Faithfulness of the Son of God” 5. Romans: “The One Who Is Righteous Will Live by Faith” 6. Ephesians: “In Whom We Have Boldness and Access with Confidence through His Faithfulness” Conclusion: “In His Faithfulness and Love, in His Suffering and Resurrection” “The Faithfulness of the Risen Christ offers a new way to look beyond current entrenched views, provides detailed exegesis of relevant Pauline texts, and offers a holistic reading of Pauline Christology and soteriology through the lens of the pistis Christou expression.” —Paul Foster, Professor in New Testament Language, Literature & Theology, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh

john r. levison is W. J. A. Power Professor of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Hebrew at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University.

The Holy Spirit before Christianity John R. Levison The Holy Spirit has long been considered the exclusive possession of Christianity. The

Church’s trinitarian creeds exert a great influence, carefully and precisely defining the Holy Spirit in specifically Christian terms. But history isn’t always so tidy. CONTENTS 1. The Emergence of the Spirit Recasting Exodus: The Font of Pneumatology 2. The Essence of the Spirit Retelling Exodus: The Precursors of Pneumatology 3. The Absence of the Spirit Recalling Exodus: The Dawn of Pneumatology 4. The Assurance of the Spirit Rekindling Exodus: The Force of Pneumatology 5. The Significance of the Spirit Rediscovering Exodus: The Future of Pneumatology

In The Holy Spirit before Christianity, John R. Levison leads readers back five hundred years before Jesus Christ and the church, back to the period of Israel’s sojourn in Babylonian exile and their return to the land of promise. Levison argues that this crucial juncture in Israelite history witnessed unprecedented theological development that did not merely set the stage but even anticipated later Christian expressions of the Spirit. The prophet Haggai and the author of Isaiah 56–66, in their search for ways to grapple with the tragic events of exile and to articulate hope for the future, took up old exodus traditions of divine agents—pillars of fire, an angel, God’s own presence—and fused them together under the language of God’s Spirit. Since it was the Spirit of God who led Israel up from Egypt and formed them into a holy nation, now, the prophets assured, the Spirit of God would lead and renew those returning from exile. The revolutionary notion of God’s Spirit, as expressed in Haggai and Isaiah, originated a full millennium before the era of the church councils that

“Fresh, perceptive, vigorous, energetic, provocative, interesting, and written with flair. Levison makes a fascinating case here for these two prophetic texts (Isaiah 63 and Haggai 2)—one lament, the other promise—as windows onto the origins of pneumatology, and thus pointers to the role of history, specifically historical crisis, in the emergence of holy spirit notions. The implications for rethinking Christian Spirit conceptions in serious conversation with Judaism are significant and clear.” —John T. Carroll, Harriet Robertson Fitts Memorial Professor of New Testament, Union Presbyterian Seminary

ISBN 978-1-4813-1003-1 $39.95 | Cloth 272 pages 6x9 September 15, 2019

defined the Spirit’s personhood and role in Christian faith. The insights of this book demand a full investigation—and reformation—of the origin and shape of our understanding of the Holy Spirit. “Levison boldly and brilliantly challenges reigning conceptions of the origins of Christian pneumatology.” —Judith H. Newman, Professor of Hebrew Bible and Early Judaism, University of Toronto “Levison’s thesis is well argued and founded by detailed scholarly discussions. It deserves the attention of all who approach the Christian Bible by hermeneutically reflected and historically informed methods of interpretation.” —Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, Professor of New Testament, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

“Levison proves to be, once again, an ‘inspired’ reader of biblical texts. There is no other pneumatologist writing today who has taken so seriously the whole of the biblical witness for constructive theological reflection that aims to combat what could be called a latent pneumatological supersessionism. His skill as an interpreter, his exquisite prose, his sheer energy, and his humble, curious, and delightful spirit are all on full display in this work.” —Daniel Castelo, Professor of Dogmatic and Constructive Theology, Seattle Pacific University and Seminary


Savior of the World A Theology of the Universal Gospel

Carlos Raúl Sosa Siliezar The Gospel of John has long been understood as a sectarian text, one that reinforces the social and religious isolation of a Johannine community. Savior of the World: A Theology of the Universal Gospel directly challenges this reading, arguing that John’s Jesus does not belong to just one community. John’s Jesus came for all and spans the universe. In Savior of the World, Carlos Raúl Sosa Siliezar carefully reconsiders the oftenoverlooked passages and motifs that emphasize Jesus as a figure of universal significance and as universal Savior. John’s introduction of Jesus as the Word sets the stage for universal language by identifying Jesus as the rightful owner of all creation. ISBN 978-1-4813-0995-0 $39.95 | Cloth 256 pages 5.5 x 8.5 September 1, 2019

Sosa Siliezar emphasizes that John’s Jesus, in his public ministry, offers an all-inclusive

CONTENTS Introduction Part One 1. The Owner of Creation 2. The Enlightenment of Humanity Part Two 3. The Witness to a Different World 4. The Final Cosmic Conquest Part Three 5. The Artificer of a Universal Gospel Conclusion

love of God to anyone who will receive it. In his private ministry, Jesus bears witness to a nuanced world, tasking his disciples with preaching and expanding the love of Christ to all. Jesus’ all-embracing mission is sustained by the Spirit, who models, through the disciples, the reality and promise of the world that is to come. Sosa Siliezar shows how John, though deeply indebted to Judaism, crafts a universal Gospel precisely because his Jesus is deeply rooted in the particularity of monotheism. John portrays Jesus, a Jew from Nazareth, as the world’s Savior, the one sent by the one God to bring light into a universe of darkness.

“In this original study, Carlos Sosa Siliezar proposes a new reading of the Fourth Gospel. Following its narrative sequence and the point of view reflected in it, he brings to light the universal significance of Jesus and the universalistic perspective of this gospel, thus challenging the sectarian approach that inspires most reading strategies of this text today.” —Santiago Guijarro, Professor of New Testament, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain “Carlos Sosa Siliezar joins a growing number of scholars in arguing against reading the Gospel of John as a sectarian text intended for insiders. A highly readable and helpful study of the character and function of John’s universalist language.” —Catrin H. Williams, Reader in New Testament Studies, University of Wales Trinity Saint David


carlos raúl sosa siliezar is Assistant Professor of New Testament in the School of Biblical and Theological Studies at Wheaton College.

“This book addresses an important set of Johannine motifs that have largely been overlooked by scholarship in recent decades. Drawing on some of the best of recent Johannine scholarship, Sosa Siliezar sets the record straight. John’s Jesus is the Savior of the World, not merely the hero of a sect.” —Paul Anderson, Professor of Biblical and Quaker Studies, George Fox University

a. d. nock (1902–1963) was the Frothingham Professor of the History of Religion at Harvard University. He was for years one of the world’s leading authorities on the religions of later antiquity. He is also the author of Early Gentile Christianity and Its Hellenistic Background and Essays on Religion and the Ancient World.

Conversion The Old and the New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustine of Hippo

A. D. Nock Introduction by Clare K. Rothschild Originally published in 1933, Conversion: The Old and the New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustine of Hippo remains one of the most influential studies of religion in the Hellenistic and Roman time periods. For years, Arthur

CONTENTS Introduction 1. The Idea of Conversion 2. The Idea of Conversion and Greek Religion before Alexander the Great 3. Greeks in the East after Alexander 4. The Opposite Current 5. The Path to Rome 6. How Eastern Cults Travelled 7. The Appeal of These Cults 8. The Success of These Cults In The Roman Empire 9. The Conversion of Lucius 10. The Last Phase 11. Conversion to Philosophy 12. The Spread of Christianity as a Social Phenomenon 13. The Teachings of Christianity as Viewed by a Pagan 14. Three Types of Conversion. Justin, Arnobius, Augustine

Darby Nock was one of the world’s leading authorities on the religions of later antiquity. In this book, Nock analyzes the religious environment in the GrecoRoman world to reveal what made Judaism and Christianity distinctive. Nock compares the conversion process of Christianity with other religious options of the time, noting the differences. He traces the connections between Christianity and the culture into which it was born—a culture in which Christian beliefs and practices spread within households and along already established paths of trade to bridge social divides, offering a compelling alternative to traditional and contemporary cultic options. Through a deep examination of the

ISBN 978-1-4813-1158-8 $39.95 | Paper 344 pages 6x9 Now Available

psychology and circumstances of the Greco-Roman period, Nock concludes that Christianity succeeded, in part, because it acquired and adapted various aspects of other religions and philosophies that possessed popular appeal. Now with a new introduction by Clare K. Rothschild (Lewis University), this new edition of Conversion revitalizes a work that continues to speak. Conversion is still an essential read for anyone attempting to understand the complex relationships among religion, culture, and the rise of Christianity.

“Conversion is still essential for anyone trying to understand the nature of ‘religion’ in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.” —Larry Hurtado, Emeritus Professor of New Testament Language, Literature & Theology, University of Edinburgh

Library of Early Christology






A Handbook on the Greek Text

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A Handbook on the Greek Text

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A Handbook on the Greek Text

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A Handbook on the Greek Text

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John 1-10

John 11-21

A Handbook on the Greek Text

A Handbook on the Greek Text





Lidija Novakovic

Lidija Novakovic

ISBN 978-1-4813-0575-4 $39.95 | Paper 474 pages 5.25 x 8 April 1, 2020

ISBN 978-1-4813-1214-1 $39.95 | Paper 430 pages 5.25 x 8 April 1, 2020

In John 1–10 and John 11–21 Lidija Novakovic provides a foundational analysis of the Greek text of John. The analysis is distinguished by the detailed yet comprehensive attention paid to the text. Novakovic’s analysis is a convenient pedagogical and reference tool that explains the form and syntax of the biblical text, offers guidance for deciding between competing semantic analyses, engages important text-critical debates, and addresses questions relating to the Greek text that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries. Beyond serving as a succinct and accessible analytic key, John 1–10 and John 11–21 also reflect the most up-to-date advances in scholarship on Greek grammar and linguistics. These handbooks prove themselves indispensable tools for anyone committed to a deep reading of the biblical text.


lidija novakovic is Associate Professor of New Testament at Baylor University.

“Because grammar and syntax are the foundations for interpretation, this handbook is a valuable resource for serious students of the Gospel of John. In the introduction Novakovic briefly summarizes distinctive characteristics of the Gospel’s vocabulary and style, repetition and variation, tenses and verbal aspect, and word order. The translation provides a fresh, literal rendering of the Greek text, which is itself often a guide to interpretation. While this is not a commentary, the annotations on well-known cruxes of interpretation are remarkably insightful. These are volumes you will want to keep on your desk! “ —R. Alan Culpepper, Dean and Professor of New Testament Emeritus, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University

martin hengel was Emeritus Professor of New Testament and Early Judaism at the University of Tübingen. anna maria schwemer is Professor of


Martin Hengel and Anna Maria Schwemer

New Testament at the University of Tübingen.

series edited by Wayne Coppins and Simon Gathercole translated by Wayne Coppins

wayne coppins is Professor of Religion at The University of Georgia.

The debate over the extent of Jewish influence upon early Christianity rages on.

simon gathercole is Reader in New

first-century Galilean Jew inspire and determine the nature, shape, and practices

Testament Studies at the University of Cambridge.

of a distinct religious movement? Vital to this first question is another equally

At the heart of this argument lies the question of Jesus: how does the fate of a

challenging one: can the four Gospels be used to reconstruct the historical Jesus? In Jesus and Judaism, Martin Hengel and Anna Maria Schwemer seek to

“[Jesus and Judaism] is distinguished by a strong sense of measure, as well as by a high level of treatment.” —Romano Penna, Biblica

untangle the complex relationships among Jesus, Judaism, and the Gospels in the earliest Christian movement. Jesus and Judaism, the first in a four-volume series, focuses on the person of Jesus in the context of Judaism. Beginning with his Galilean origin, the volume analyzes Jesus’ relationship with John the Baptist and the Jewish context of

“Hengel and Schwemer have laid a fascinating and important book on the table.” —Peter J. Tomson, Journal for the Study of Judaism

Jesus’ life and work. Hengel and Schwemer argue that there never was a

ISBN 978-1-4813-1099-4 $89.95 | Cloth 800 pages 6x9 October 15, 2019

non-messianic Jesus. Rather, his messianic claim finds expression in his relationship to the Baptist, his preaching in authority, his deeds of power, and his crucifixion as king of the Jews, and in the emergence of the earliest Christology. As Hengel and Schwemer reveal, Jesus was not only a devout Jew, nor merely a miracle worker, but the essential part of the earliest form of Christianity.

“Hengel’s work acts as something like a summation of the New Testament scholarship of the 20th century.” —Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, Theologische Literaturzeitung

Hengel and Schwemer insist that Jesus belongs within the history of early Christianity, rather than as its presupposition. Christianity did not begin after Jesus’ death; Christianity began as soon as a Jew from Galilee started to preach the word of God.


The Shroud of Turin

The Successor

The History and Legends of the World’s Most Famous Relic

Tiberius and the Triumph of the Roman Empire

Andrea Nicolotti

translated by Kathleen Brandt-Carey

Willemijn van Dijk

translated by Jeffrey M. Hunt and R. A. Smith

Shrouds have long held a special place among the sacred relics of Christendom. In the

Politics, prestige, power—monster, angel, emperor.

Middle Ages, shrouds, like holy relics, were the prize possessions of churches and cities. Tiberius’ unique position as the unrivaled leader of the ancient Roman Empire has not Cloaked in mystery, these artifacts have long been objects of reverence and awe, as

prevented him from being pushed to the sidelines of historical interest. In The Successor,

well as sources of debates, quarrels, thefts, and excommunications. Shrouds—so some

Willemijn van Dijk seeks to remedy this relegation in her compelling portrait of a

claim—provide visible testimony to faith. One in particular has drawn the interest of

complicated ancient ruler.

scholars, clergy, and the public alike: the Shroud of Turin. The story of Tiberius is one of intrigue. Van Dijk draws readers onto backstreets and into In The Shroud of Turin, Andrea Nicolotti chronicles the history of this famous cloth,

back rooms, bringing Rome to life with vivid portrayals of what it was like to stand on the

including its circuitous journey from the French village of Lirey to its home in the Italian

great Palatine Hill or by the banks of the Tiber. Against this vibrant urban tapestry, van Dijk

city of Turin, as well as the fantastical claims surrounding its origin and modern

weaves together the gripping narrative of Tiberius’ rise—a complicated game of power,

scientific efforts to prove or disprove its authenticity.

politics, and conspiracy. Van Dijk strips away the varnish of myth to paint an accurate,

Full of intrigue and mystery, The Shroud of Turin dismantles hypotheses that cannot survive the rigors of historical analysis. Nicolotti directly addresses the thorny problem

in-chief of his day.

of the authenticity of the relic and the difficult relationship between history, faith, and

Vivid, scandalous, and thought-provoking, The Successor tells the story of a somber man—a


figure neither wholly sympathetic nor entirely repulsive—who became an emperor, and of an

“Andrea Nicolotti’s Shroud is a first class historian’s analysis of the fraught history of the appearance of the Shroud of Turin in the medieval period, its various travels before reaching Turin, the creation of the myth of authenticity, and the radiocarbon analysis of its medieval fabric. This is the serious historian’s counterpart to The Da Vinci Code.” —John S. Kloppenborg, University Professor and Chair of Religion, University of Toronto

ISBN 978-1-4813-1147-2 / $59.95 / Cloth / 500 pages / 10 b&w photos / 13 b&w illustrations / 6 x 9 / March 1, 2020 The translation of this book has been funded by SEPS – SEGRETARIATO EUROPEO PER LE PUBBLICAZIONI SCIENTIFICHE.


incisive picture of a man who at the late age of fifty-five became the greatest commander-

emperor who became a tyrant. “This is a book that no devotee of the Julio-Claudian period will be able to resist. Van Dijk writes with the sure credentials of a historian but the engaging allure of a novelist. Her superb talent for narrative brings the sights, sounds, and smells of ancient Rome to life.” —Anthony Barrett, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia

ISBN 978-1-4813-1046-8 / $29.95 / Cloth / 221 pages / 1 b&w figure / 5 x 8 / Now Available

philip f. esler

is Portland Chair in New Testament Studies in the School of Education and Humanities at the University of Gloucestershire.

Ethiopian Christianity History, Theology, Practice

Philip F. Esler In Ethiopian Christianity Philip Esler presents a rich and comprehensive history

“In Ethiopian Christianity, Professor Esler offers a vivid and illustrative summary of history, literature, art, theology, and practice of the age-old, yet lively, Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity that played a significant role in shaping Ethiopian national religious and socio-political consciousness for centuries. While addressing the dominant intellectual and visual traditions of Ethiopian orthodoxy, he intelligibly presents how the introduction of Catholicism and Evangelical Protestantism to Ethiopia at different times has changed the religious environment of modern Ethiopia. Everyone interested in Christianity will benefit immensely from this erudite work.” —Misgana Mathewos, Director, Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology

of Christianity’s flourishing. But Esler is ever careful to situate this growth in the context of Ethiopia’s politics and culture. In so doing, he highlights the remarkable uniqueness of Christianity in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Christianity begins with ancient accounts of Christianity’s introduction to Ethiopia by St. Frumentius and King Ezana in the early 300s CE. Esler traces how the church and the monarchy closely coexisted, a reality that persisted until the death of Haile Selassie in 1974. This relationship allowed the emperor to consider himself the protector of Orthodox Christianity. This position, combined with Ethiopia’s geographical isolation, fostered a distinct form of Christianity— one that features the inextricable intertwining of the ordinary with the sacred and rejects the two-nature Christology established at the Council of Chalcedon. In addition to his historical narrative, Esler also explores the cultural traditions of Ethiopian Orthodoxy by detailing its intellectual and literary practices, theology, and creativity in art, architecture, and music. He provides profiles of the flourishing Protestant denominations and Roman Catholicism. He also

ISBN 978-1-4813-0674-4 $39.95 | Cloth 326 pages 39 b&w photos, 2 b&w illustrations, 1 map 5.5 x 8.5 Now Available

considers current challenges that Ethiopian Christianity faces—especially Orthodoxy’s relations with other religions within the country, in particular Islam and the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches. Esler concludes with thoughtful reflections on the long-standing presence of Christianity in Ethiopia and hopeful considerations for its future in the country’s rapidly changing politics, ultimately revealing a singular form of faith found nowhere else.

Also Available: The Evangelical Movement in Ethiopia Resistance and Resilience Tibebe Eshete ISBN 978-1-4813-0708-6 $49.95 | paper 494 pages | 6 x 9

“Ethiopian Christianity is an inspiring historical and social survey of Christianity’s birth, growth, achievements, and challenges in Ethiopia, from the origins of Christianity until present, even up to 2018. Without excluding the quite recent situation of the Catholic and the protestant Churches, the author offers a vivid, remarkable, and colorful depiction of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church along with its theology and literature, its unique living poetic tradition, its music and architecture, and its cultural expressions. The approach, both critical and sympathetic, helps readers to reflect, examine and appreciate the journey of Christianity in the Horn of Africa.” —Daniel Assefa, Director of the Capuchin Franciscan Research and Retreat Center, Addis Abeba


Retracing Baptists in Rhode Island

j. stanley lemons is Emeritus Professor of

History at Rhode Island College.

Identity, Formation, and History

J. Stanley Lemons Rhode Island can legitimately claim to be the home of Baptists in America. The first three varieties of Baptists in the New World—General Six Principle, Particular, and Seventh Day—made their debut in this small colony. And it was in Rhode Island that the General Six Principle Baptists formed the first Baptist association; the Seventh Day Baptists organized the first national denomination of Baptists; the Regular Baptists founded the first Baptist college, Brown University; and the Warren Baptist Association led the fight for religious liberty in New England.

“Lemons certainly is the foremost historian of America’s First Baptist Church, Providence, Rhode Island. In this fine volume, Lemons provides a well-written, superbly documented study of Baptist life in Rhode Island.” —Bill J. Leonard, Dunn Professor of Baptist Studies and Church History Emeritus, Wake Forest University

In Retracing Baptists in Rhode Island, historian J. Stanley Lemons follows the story of Baptists, from their founding in the colonial period to the present. Lemons considers ISBN 978-1-4813-0993-6 $69.95 | Paper ISBN 978-1-4813-1040-6 $89.95 | Printed Case 718 pages 6x9 December 15, 2019

the impact of industrialization, urbanization, and immigration upon Baptists as they negotiated their identities in an ever-changing American landscape. Rhode Island Baptists, regardless of variety, stood united on the question of temperance, hesitated on the abolition of slavery before the Civil War, and uniformly embraced revivalism, but they remained vexed and divided over denominational competition, the anti-Masonic movement, and the Dorr Rebellion. Lemons also chronicles the relationship between Rhode Island Baptists and the broader Baptist world. Modernism and historical criticism finally brought the Baptist theological civil war to Rhode Island. How to interpret the Bible became increasingly pressing, even leading to the devolution of Brown’s identity as a Baptist institution. Since the 1940s, the number of Baptists in the state has declined, despite the number of Baptist denominations rising from four to twelve. At the same time, the number of independent Baptist churches has greatly increased while other churches have shed their Baptist identity completely to become nondenominational. Lemons asserts that tectonic shifts in Baptist identity will continue to create a new landscape out of the heritage and traditions first established by the original Baptists of Rhode Island.


Also Available: Decoding Roger Williams The Lost Essay of Rhode Island’s Founding Father Linford D. Fisher J. Stanley Lemons Lucas Mason-Brown ISBN 978-1-4813-0104-6 $29.95 | cloth 212 pages | 6 x 9

c. douglas weaver is Professor of Religion at Baylor University.

“Search every Baptist library you can find and you will not discover anything comparable to this well-written, groundbreaking history on the interaction of the Baptist people with those Christians who lay great stress on the Holy Spirit. Weaver tells us what we did not know, and he describes what we did not expect. Arguing that personal experiential faith unites the two groups, he also notes that interpretation of that experience often divides the parties. Impressive, skillful, and relevant.” —Walter B. Shurden, Minister at Large, Mercer University

Baptists and the Holy Spirit The Contested History with Holiness-Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements

C. Douglas Weaver The record is clear that Baptists, historically, have prioritized conversion, Jesus, and God. Equally clear is that Baptists have never known what to do with the Holy Spirit. In Baptists and the Holy Spirit, Baptist historian C. Douglas Weaver traces the way Baptists have engaged—and, at times, embraced—the Holiness, Pentecostal, and charismatic movements. Chronicling the interactions between Baptists and these Spirit-filled movements reveals the historical context for the development of Baptists’ theology of the Spirit. Baptists and the Holy Spirit provides the first in-depth interpretation of Baptist involvement with the Holiness, Pentecostal, and charismatic movements that have found a prominent place in America’s religious landscape. Weaver reads these traditions through the nuanced lens of Baptist identity, as well as the frames of gender, race, and class. He shows that, while most Baptists reacted against all three Spirit-focused groups, each movement flourished among a Baptist minority who were attracted by the post-conversion experience of the

ISBN 978-1-4813-1006-2 $69.95 | Cloth 589 pages 6x9 Now Available

“baptism of the Holy Spirit.” Weaver also explores the overlap between Baptist and Pentecostal efforts to restore and embody the practices and experiences of the New Testament church. The diversity of Baptists—Southern Baptist, American Baptist, African American Baptist—leads to an equally diverse understanding of the Spirit. Even those who strongly opposed charismatic expressions of the Spirit still acknowledged a connection between the Holy Spirit and a holy life. If, historically, Baptists were suspicious of Roman Catholics’ ecclesial hierarchy, then Baptists were equally wary of free church pneumatology. However, as Weaver shows, Baptist interactions with the Holiness, Pentecostal, and charismatic movements and their vibrant experience with the Spirit were key in shaping Baptist identity and theology.

“A comprehensive and riveting account of the complex relationship of Baptists to the charismatic movement. Attentive to issues of gender, race, and economic class, Weaver has illuminated key competing threads in Baptist and Pentecostal theology which sought to delineate ‘Who is most faithful to the New Testament?’” —Molly T. Marshall, President and Professor of Theology and Spiritual Formation, Central Seminary

“Baptists and the Holy Spirit is the definitive account of Baptists’ responses to Pentecostalism and its immediate antecedents and successors. The book is a model of learned, judicious scholarship, but it reads like a thriller.” —Fisher Humphreys, Professor of Divinity, Emeritus, Samford University


Faith in American Public Life Melissa Rogers Foreword by E. J. Dionne Jr. In Faith in American Public Life, Melissa Rogers—former Special Assistant to President Barack Obama and Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships—explores the role of religion in the public square and focuses on principles that define the relationship between government and religion. While the Constitution prohibits government-backed religion, it protects the rights of religious individuals and organizations to promote their faith. These twin principles have helped freedom and faith to flourish in the United States.

melissa rogers, who previously served as

Special Assistant to President Barack Obama and Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, is Visiting Professor and Practitioner-in-Residence at Wake Forest University’s School of Divinity and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Rogers holds a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and a B.A. from Baylor University. She has received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from both Wake Forest University and the John Leland Center for Theological Studies.

At the same time, Rogers warns of current threats to religious freedom and pluralism in America, the most serious of which is rising hostility toward and attacks on ISBN 978-1-4813-0970-7 $34.95 | Cloth 348 pages 6x9 October 15, 2019

religious minorities. Fearmongering regarding certain religions, races, and ethnicities and the use of violent imagery and dehumanizing language amount to throwing a match on dry kindling. Americans, Rogers argues, must take action to counter these threats. She also warns about efforts to shrink the constitutional bar on governmental establishment of religion and upset a balanced approach to free exercise issues. Faith in American Public Life offers suggestions for confronting these and other challenges. Rogers walks readers through settled and contested legal issues, providing an accessible guide to many of the most important and timely matters in this field. The legal rules are not perfect, she says, but they have established a framework that produces remarkable freedom and have helped to create a country where religion can be a powerful force for good. Through her knowledgeable analysis and practical recommendations for policymakers and religious leaders, Rogers inspires hope that the genius of the American system can be preserved and perfected and that efforts to find common ground can be renewed.

Religion, Law, and Liberty 34

“These pages make clear that Rogers combines a passionate commitment to both guarantees in the First Amendment with a deeply principled but also highly practical approach to how we can live together in peace and respect each other’s rights.” E. J. Dionne Jr. Georgetown University

“Rogers balances scholarly erudition and sophisticated legal reasoning about the Constitution with a firm grasp of political realities and alliances to produce a wonderful book that will be accessible and appealing to laypeople as well as lawyers.” Emile Lester University of Mary Washington

“What sets this book apart is the careful scholarship as well as the breadth of the treatment, taking the analysis up to the present. Rogers covers all of the relevant cases, providing historical as well as cultural context.” Randall Balmer Dartmouth College


“What sets this apart is the way it takes a pageant that every one of us has watched—an event that readers think they understand (and which many of us may well hold in scorn)—and unmasks it as a form of sacrificial atonement. What a read!” Valarie H. Ziegler Professor of Religious Studies, DePauw University


mandy mcmichael is David Slover

Assistant Professor of Ministry Guidance at Baylor University. CONTENTS Introduction 1. Miss America as Sex 2. Miss America as Entertainment 3. Miss America as Competition 4. Faith of the Pageant, Faith and the Pageant 5. Faith in the Pageant Conclusion: Born Again: Miss America 2.0

Miss America’s God Faith and Identity in America’s Oldest Pageant

Mandy McMichael The Miss America pageant has extraordinary staying power. Despite the cultural winds of the past century, Miss America continues to captivate the nation, giving America what it wants most—sex, entertainment, competition, religion, and even self-discovery. In Miss America’s God, Mandy McMichael traces the pageant’s long and complicated history. She demonstrates that the pageant is a little explored window into American culture, one that reveals a complex cocktail of all Americans hold dear. Ultimately, McMichael contends that the pageant is an unexpected cultural space of religious expression and self-discovery for many contestants whose faith communities support and validate their pageant participation. Miss America’s God utilizes feminist theory, women’s history, sociology, psychology, ethnography, and religious studies to explain the enduring popularity of the pageant, as well as religion’s curious embrace of its spectacle. While contestants use the pageant to build faith and identity, the pageant uses the faith

ISBN 978-1-4813-1197-7 $34.95 | Cloth 264 pages 13 b&w photos and illustrations 6x9 November 1, 2019

of the contestants to remain relevant in a society that is increasingly suspicious of it. McMichael shows just how central religion has been to Miss America. Religion, for Miss America, sanctifies sex, ritualizes entertainment, justifies competition, and enables self-discovery. Religion makes Miss America a cultural icon that withstands the test of time. “Miss America’s God traces the history of the Miss America pageant from its origins in 1921 to the present, demonstrating that its persistence over the past century derives from some alchemy of sex, entertainment, and religion, thereby tapping into Americans’ insatiable and enduring passions. Mandy McMichael demonstrates how the Miss America pageant has variously stood against, amplified, and capitulated to the zeitgeist, and its ability constantly to reinvent itself makes it quintessentially American.” —Randall Balmer, John Phillips Professor in Religion and Director of the Society of Fellows, Dartmouth College


Voices of the Voiceless

The Goat Woman Jo Anne Beaty illustrated by Joel R. Edwards

Religion, Communism, and the Keston Archive

edited by Julie deGraffenried and Zoe Knox

Voices of the Voiceless, edited by Julie deGraffenried and Zoe Knox, presents readers with twenty-five essays on a curated selection of images and artifacts from the Keston Archive. Some of the world’s leading authorities on religion and communism as well as experts personally involved with the operation of Keston College carefully selected and

Scary stories told at a sleepover give seven-year-old Jodie nightmares about the Goat Woman. Only after a drive and a special picnic in the countryside with her grandmother does Jodie learn that first impressions can be misleading. That night, she dreams about her new friend and a sweet baby goat named Daisy.

provided commentary for these images. The archival material presented in the book is drawn from across the communist bloc and offers vivid testimony of this critically important era in the history of religion and of the Cold War. A guided look into the past, Voices of the Voiceless reveals the power of what atheist and antireligious regimes sought to silence. This collection documents how believers fought for religious freedom, coped with oppression, and practiced their faith, individually and collectively, in states hostile to religion. It also presents atheist propaganda produced by communist regimes that aimed to marginalize and ultimately eradicate religion. This book offers insights into how faith survived—and even flourished—during one of the most intense antireligious campaigns of the modern era. “For decades, Keston College listened to those crying in the wilderness—believers of all faiths living in the USSR. Now Julie deGraffenried, Zoe Knox, and an international group of scholars bring voice to those who sought only to live honestly, to breathe freely under the asphyxiating force of Soviet atheism.” —Roy R. Robson, Professor of History, Penn State University

ISBN 978-1-4813-1123-6 / $29.95 / Cloth / 116 pages / full cover with over 40 images / 7 x 10 / Now Available


jo anne beaty grew up in Camden, Arkansas, and spent lots of time outside exploring the backyard or the nearby woods with her three brothers. The family had chickens, rabbits, and a horse—but no goat! She taught elementary school for many years. Reading stories and listening to children’s stories were always highlights for her. She enjoys reading stories with her grandchildren. joel r. edwards has been creating art since he was a child. He attributes his desire to draw and paint to his mother, who was always encouraging him from a young age. After selling his first drawings of Spiderman at age fourteen, it seemed clear that, for him, art could be a lifelong pursuit. Joel now lives in Central Texas with his wife and three children, exploring the mysteries of God’s creation and the visual arts.

ISBN 978-1-4813-1134-2 / $19.95 / Cloth / 32 pages / 11 x 8.5 / Now Available ISBN 978-1-4813-1135-9 / $19.95 / Paper / 32 pages / 11 x 8.5 / Now Available ISBN 978-1-4813-1187-8 / $29.95 / Printed Case / 32 pages / 11 x 8.5 / Now Available Color illustrations throughout

A Cartographic Journey, 1561–1860


Mapping Texas John S. Wilson

with Sierra M. Wilson and Rachel DeShong 3,822 perimeter miles. 11,247 rivers and streams. 8,749 feet at its height. 268,596 square miles in total.

Mapping Texas

Texas is big. Julius Caesar once quipped that all of ancient Gaul could be divided up into three parts. Texas resists such easy division. Mapping Texas, edited by John S. Wilson, presents an array of early maps, dating ISBN 978-1-4813-1181-6 $39.95 | Cloth 132 pages 44 full color maps 14 full color images 1 full color map insert 14 x 12 October 15, 2019

from 1561 to 1860. The volume features selections from the extensive material housed in the Frances C. Poage Map Room of The Texas Collection at Baylor University. The painstaking labors of Spanish, French, English, Mexican, and American mapmakers illustrate the progressive and differing views of Texas geography and boundaries. Originally used as guides to new destinations, these maps also staked new claims, fueled by new dreams, on new territory that

john s. wilson is Interim Dean of University Libraries at Baylor University. rachel deshong is Map Curator of The Texas Collection at Baylor University. sierra m. wilson is Print Production Coordinator at the University of Chicago Press.

“Mapping Texas is a beautifully illustrated volume that highlights the cartographic treasures in the Poage Map Room within The Texas Collection at Baylor University. The selected maps and cartouches are presented in color and consist of many of the most significant Texas maps from 1561 to 1860. With limited works available on Texas cartography, collectors and historians will benefit from the detailed maps and artistry.” —John W. Crain, Chairman, Summerlee Foundation

settlers had heard about but never seen.

Page by page, Texas’ iconic shape gradually emerges. As now-familiar cities dot this vast expanse of land, railroads trace the outline of rivers and mountain ranges, and ports anchor the curve of the Gulf of Mexico, Texas’ rich history comes to life one map at a time. The volume concludes with an analysis of map art and cartouches—beautiful images that both name the map and highlight flora and fauna.

A sumptuous delight for mind and eye, this volume lavishly documents the early outlines of the land over which six flags have proudly flown. “Mapping Texas is at once a unique cartographic compilation of significant scholarly value that will endure for generations and a dynamic reflection of one man’s historical vision for his beloved alma mater and native state. This work draws from the decades of research and collection that ensued, and it is a worthy representation of a dynamic, multigenerational endeavor to preserve a monumental cartographic record of Texas that speaks to various eras of exploration and geographical studies as they played out against backdrops of evolving documentation and art. This is a present to be celebrated by all who value the rich continuum of Texas history.” —Dan K. Utley, Chief Historian, Center for Texas Public History, Texas State University


Baylor Annotated Study Bible edited by W. H. Bellinger Jr. and Todd D. Still Timeless. Empowering. Inspired. True. The Holy Bible is the Word of God for the people of God, whose task it is to bear witness to the work of God in the world. For generations, this book has served to define the identity of the church and shape its mission. Taken together, the Old and New Testaments tell the story of a God who creates, calls, and covenants with people, a God who makes all things new. At the

w. h. bellinger jr. is Chair of the Department of Religion, W. Marshall and Lulie Craig Chairholder in Bible, and Professor of Religion at Baylor University. todd d. still is Charles J. and Eleanor McLerran DeLancey Dean and William M. Hinson Professor of Christian Scriptures in the George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University.

heart of this story is the person of Christ, the one in and through whom Christians read all Scripture. The Baylor Annotated Study Bible represents a monumental collaborative effort, bringing together nearly seventy biblical scholars—Baylor faculty, graduates, affiliates, and friends—to refresh our view of the sacred texts. Each of the sixty-six ISBN 978-1-4813-0825-0 $49.95 | Cloth 2016 pages Full color maps 6x9 Now Available

canonical books of the Protestant Bible is given an introduction and commentary intended to immerse readers in the literary, sociohistorical, and theological depths of Scripture. In addition, the intercommunication and echoes between the biblical books are exhibited through a rich assemblage of cross-references. Rounding out this indispensable study aid are a biblical timeline, glossary of terms used in the introductions and commentaries, concordance to the New Revised Standard Version translation, and full-color maps. A reliable companion for both personal and classroom study, the Baylor Annotated Study Bible follows in the long-standing mission of Baylor University: to serve as a faithful witness to the liberating, transformative good news of the gospel. Just as Baylor stands astride the realms of church and academy, so the Baylor Annotated

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Image credits: (page 1) Fresco depicting banquet scene (fresco), Roman (4th century AD) / Cimitero dei SS. Marcellino e Pietro, Rome, Italy / De Agostini Picture Library / Bridgeman Images; (page 5) Jupiter and Thetis, 1811 (oil on canvas), Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780–1867) / Musee Granet, Aix-en-Provence, France / Bridgeman Images; (page 19) Gold and Red Sunflower Wallpaper Design, 1879 (colour woodblock print on paper) / Morris, William (1834–1896) / Bridgeman Images; (page 22) “Christ Overseeing the Last Judgement,” the largely Byzantine style mosaic central ceiling of the Florence Baptistery (Baptistery of Saint John), Piazza del Duomo and Piazza San Giovanni, Florence, Italy / Pictures from History / David Henley / Bridgeman Images; (page 36) beauty pageant and crowd on beach, c. 1920 / Niday Picture Library / Alamy Stock Photo Atlantic City, N.J.

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