February 24, 2022 edition of the Bay Area Reporter

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Chief supports sex worker bill


Out candidate runs in SoCal




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Vol. 52 • No. 08 • February 24-March 2, 2022

GAPA plans vigil for gay man; SFPD chief wants to meet with family by Eric Burkett

Courtesy SF Pride

SF Pride interim Executive Director Suzanne Ford

SF Pride hires 1st trans ED by Eric Burkett


an Francisco Pride has hired its first transgender executive director since it became a full-time paid position in 1997. Stepping into the role on an interim basis is Suzanne Ford, a transgender woman who has held several positions on the board that oversees the city’s LGBTQ parade and celebration normally held in late June. Ford, a Novato resident, is taking over the leadership helm less than five months before the Pride committee plans to return to pre-COVID life with its first annual in-person parade and festival since 2019. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the events held over the last weekend of June were canceled the past two years. In an email to the Bay Area Reporter Thursday, February 17, Ford wrote that she is “excited about this great opportunity in front of me.” “I am blessed to have a deep bench of board members, staff, community partners and contractors with long relationships with SF Pride,” Ford, 56, told the B.A.R. “Obviously emerging from the pandemic presents new obstacles that will continue to arise as we move forward.” The leadership change at SF Pride was necessitated by the resignation of Fred Lopez, who accepted a job with the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. A gay man, Lopez had worked as an event manager at MOMA from 2016 until being hired as SF Pride’s executive director on a permanent basis in January 2020. He had been named SF Pride’s interim leader shortly after the 2019 celebration, having served as executive director of the Castro Street Fair since January 2014. Because of the COVID pandemic, Lopez was the first Pride executive director not to oversee a parade during his tenure. Instead, he worked to move the typically massive event to a virtual version in 2020. Last June, SF Pride co-sponsored with Giants Enterprises two movie nights at Oracle Park produced by Frameline as part of its annual San Francisco LGBTQ film festival. “While the time I had at SF Pride was certainly challenging due to the pandemic, I am really proud of the work that our team did to continue to bring experiences to our communities,” Lopez wrote in an email to the B.A.R. Ford, who most recently had served as Pride’s treasurer and has been on the nonprofit’s board See page 8 >>


oping to draw attention to the death of a gay man nearly two years ago, the GLBTQ+ Asian Pacific Alliance is planning a vigil in front of San Francisco City Hall next weekend. Meanwhile, San Francisco Police Chief William Scott told the Bay Area Reporter that he would personally like to meet with the man’s parents, who have called on authorities to reopen their investigation. Jaxon Sales, 20, died March 2, 2020 in a Rincon Hill apartment, according to a copy of the medical examiner’s report obtained by the B.A.R. The Oakland resident had gone to the San Francisco apartment of an acquaintance to have sex, and another man was also present for part of the time, the report stated. The medical examiner’s report lists the cause of Jaxon Sales’ death as acute mixed drug intoxication, including gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid, cocaine, and methamphetamine. The manner of death is listed as an accident. The report also says Jaxon Sales suffered from asthma, and the toxicology report shows Sales took ephedrine, an asthma medication, though this was not listed among the drugs to which death was attributed. His parents, Angie and Jim Sales, launched a


GAPA is holding a vigil Saturday outside San Francisco City Hall for Jaxon Sales, who died nearly two years ago.

change.org petition in January because they felt they weren’t getting answers to their questions regarding the circumstances of their son’s death. They also allege a staff member at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner made a discriminatory remark about gays using GHB.

Since the online petition launched, members of GAPA have also expressed concern about how the city agencies handled the case. Gay state Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) was among those who wrote a letter to Scott and Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Christopher Liverman expressing that the case should be more fully investigated. The vigil, scheduled for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, February 26, is to bring attention to the community efforts to convince the San Francisco Police Department to reopen the case. Angie Sales told the B.A.R. in a phone interview February 18 that she wants the event to be about healing and remembering her son but, at its foundation, the vigil is to draw attention to a death she doesn’t believe was investigated as diligently as it should have been. Others in the community who have been drawn to the case feel the same. Howard Chan, chair of GAPA, is helping to organize the vigil although he did not personally know Jaxon Sales. “For us, the gathering is meant to do two things,” Chan said in a phone interview Friday. “A public gathering to remember Jaxon and his life, and who he was.” See page 5 >>

Turnout will be key in SF Assembly runoff race by Matthew S. Bajko


ithout a recall or other election to help drive up voter interest, turnout is expected to be significantly lower for the April 19 runoff race for San Francisco’s vacant 17th Assembly District seat. Even with ballots being mailed out to registered voters in the city’s eastern neighborhoods, the race is likely to be decided by less than half of those eligible to vote. According to the city’s elections department, a little less than 35% of the 287,636 registered voters in the Assembly District cast ballots in the February 15 special election to fill the seat vacated by David Chiu, who in November became San Francisco’s first Asian American city attorney. District 6 Supervisor Matt Haney took the top spot with 36.45% of those cast, for a total of 34,141 votes based on the unofficial returns. Landing in second and advancing to the runoff was gay former District 9 supervisor David Campos. He received 33,404 votes, or 35.66% of those cast. Turnout for the election was helped by the successful recall of three school board members on last week’s ballot. Commissioner Faauuga Moliga stepped down last Wednesday, while Gabriela López, president of the school board, and Alison Collins have yet to follow suit. In a phone interview with the Bay Area Reporter last week, Campos acknowledged it will

Campos, Rick Gerharter; Haney, Christopher Robledo

David Campos, left, and Matt Haney advanced to the April 19 Assembly runoff race.

be harder to drive people to the polls next month now that the fight over leadership of the city’s public schools has moved from the ballot box to City Hall. (Mayor London Breed must now appoint three people to the vacant school board seats.) “We have to understand the April electorate is going to be different,” he said. “We had a lot of people motivated by the recall of the school board who may not come out in April.” Limited in funding partly due to his selfimposed restrictions on the contributions he will accept, Campos vowed he would have the resources he needs to carry his campaign into April. Endorsed by the B.A.R. and a slew of LG-


BTQ leaders and groups, Campos would be the city’s first Latino legislator and return LGBTQ representation from San Francisco to the Legislature’s lower chamber. “I think what is key in a special election like this, and in April, is the ground game,” said Campos, adding he was buoyed by the support he received from those casting ballots in person last Tuesday. “We won Election Day by almost 10%.” Haney did not respond to an interview request for this story. But he issued a statement last Thursday hailing his first-place finish and See page 2 >>

<< Community News

t SF police chief urges signage of CA sex worker bill 2 • Bay Area Reporter • February 24-March 2, 2022

by Matthew S. Bajko


an Francisco Police Chief William Scott is hopeful legislation that decriminalizes loitering for adults with the intent to engage in sex work becomes law this year. While it passed out of the California Legislature in 2021, the bill has yet to be sent to Governor Gavin Newsom for him to either sign or veto. Gay state Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) authored the controversial legislation, Senate Bill 357. Sex workers and various advocacy groups, as well as the district attorneys in San Francisco and Los Angeles, supported the bill. The Los Angeles Times reported in January that the bill was being held at the request of Newsom’s office. Its story raised questions about the impact of the bill on police’s ability to crack down on sex trafficking pimps. The Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Department had opposed it last year, arguing it would hamper police investigations into prosecution. Of particular concern for the agency was its ability to arrest those soliciting sex workers on the street. Asked about SB 357 in a wideranging interview with the Bay Area Reporter Friday, February 18, Scott said the governor should allow the change to the state’s criminal code to become law. California would


Assembly runoff

From page 1

expressed confidence in his being elected to the state Legislature. “I’m proud of the coalition we built and excited that we have momentum on our side going into the April election,” stated Haney, endorsed by the San Francisco Examiner and assisted

be following the state of New York, which repealed its loitering laws last February. “Yes, I hope it gets signed because I think it is the right thing to do,” said Scott when asked about the bill during the hourlong virtual discussion with the B.A.R. “It is forwardthinking and helps us do what we as a police department do; that is, help keep people safe and protect people from crimes.” Last October, Wiener told the B.A.R. he would likely send SB 357 to Newsom’s desk in January. That did not happen and, in recent weeks, Wiener has repeatedly said the bill would “soon” be transmitted to the governor without giving an exact timeline. The deadline for him to do so is August 31, though Wiener has pledged it will happen “well before” that date. In late January he had said it would be “at some point in the next few months.” Asked about Scott’s comments about the bill, Wiener was once again vague on the timing for when the legislation would reach Newsom’s desk. “Chief Scott has always been a friend to the LGBTQ community, and I’m really thrilled to hear his support for this important legislation,” said Wiener. “We haven’t come up with exact timing, but it will be soon.” by labor unions that paid for TV ads in addition to the ones his own campaign aired. Third place finisher Bilal Mahmood, a former Obama administration staffer, could play a spoiler role in the runoff should he elect to endorse either Haney or Campos. He received 20,872 votes, or 22.28% of those cast. A day after last week’s election Haney and Campos both reached out

Cynthia Laird

San Francisco Police Chief William Scott

Scott told the B.A.R. that the San Francisco Police Department has long “led the way on some of the sex worker policies” aimed at fostering better relationships between the police and those engaged in sex work. He noted that several of its reforms have since made it into state legislation authored by Wiener, a former San Francisco supervisor. Back in 2017, for instance, Scott issued a police department bulletin LINK: https://sfgov.org/dosw/ sites/default/files/department%20 bulletin%2017-249.pdf that clarified how officers should address a sex worker who is a victim or to Mahmood and fourth-place finisher Thea Selby, a City College of San Francisco trustee who received nearly 6% of the vote. While neither has yet to issue an endorsement in the runoff race, at least one group that had supported Mahmood is now backing Haney. Over the weekend the pro-housing group SF YIMBY announced its members had decided to throw their

witness of a violent crime and/or who may be subject to arrest. It stated they were not to arrest “persons for involvement in sex work or other forms of sex trade when they are victims or witnesses” to various crimes. Specifically, it said officers were not to arrest sex workers in such situations under California Penal Code section 653.22, which makes it a misdemeanor to loiter in a public place with the intent to commit prostitution. Wiener’s bill, among its provisions, would repeal that section of the penal code. Scott’s bulletin also acknowledged “sex workers are vulnerable to violence and face barriers in reporting violent crimes to law enforcement in San Francisco.” And it noted the police department and the city’s district attorney’s office had developed “complementary policies for persons of any age engaged in sex work and other forms of sex trade who experience or witness violent crimes.” The change in the law called for in SB 357 comes down to an issue of trust between sex workers and police officers, explained Scott, so they are not fearful of reporting crimes committed against them or those they witness while out on the streets. “Sex workers are many times

victims and get victimized of brutal crimes, robberies, sexual assaults, things like that,” he said. “We heard as part of group discussions for us to put our sex worker policy in place that some don’t feel they can come to the police because they are sex workers and can’t report what is happening to them. That is a tragedy.” In the Legislature Wiener’s bill faced opposition from a number of his Democratic colleagues in addition to Republican state legislators. As the B.A.R. first reported in January, nearly two-dozen Democratic legislators lost points on the annual scorecard produced by statewide LGBTQ advocacy organization Equality California for their not voting in support of SB 357. EQCA has expressed its hope that Newsom will sign Wiener’s bill. Should the governor end up vetoing it, his score on the organization’s 2022 Legislative Scorecard would be impacted. “Throughout his career Governor Newsom has been a champion and ally for the LGBTQ+ community, and we are certainly hopeful he will sign this important legislation to address profiling of the trans community and women of color in particular,” Samuel Garrett-Pate, EQCA’s managing director of external affairs, told the B.A.R. last month. t

support behind Haney in the runoff race. It has invited Haney to address its housing festival it is hosting at 1 p.m. Saturday, February 26, in Duboce Park. As for Campos, he told the B.A.R. he is “still in talks” to see if statewide LGBTQ advocacy organization Equality California will now endorse in the race. It did not make an endorsement ahead of the February 15

election. Looking at the vote counts from last week, Campos said, “The fact this is so close is a great sign our message of being corporate-free and being against the powers that be is really working.”t

50 years in 50 weeks: 2017: SF shuts down right-wing protesters


t was August 2017 when San Francisco activists and officials got word far-right Patriot Prayer group planned to hold a “free speech” rally at Crissy Field. Organizer Joey Gibson apparently got cold feet, however, and abruptly canceled the event and sent counterprotesters scrambling. (He eventually held a news conference at a Pacifica apartment.) In the end, thousands of LGBTQs and allies flooded the streets of San Francisco, as our August 31 issue reported, protesting against the fringe white supremacist elements

that sparked violence in Charlottesville, Virginia just weeks earlier and elicited the anger of many when thenPresident Donald Trump made his infamous “both sides” were responsible for the violence comments. Demonstrators also tangled with Trump supporters in Berkeley later that weekend, where Gibson did show up, escorted by police. All in all, the free speech actions that summer energized activists. To read the issue, go to https:// issuu.com/bayareareporter/docs/ august_31st__2017

Courtesy B.A.R. Archive

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<< Community News

4 • Bay Area Reporter • February 24-March 2, 2022

Judge backs SF in surveillance lawsuit by John Ferrannini


San Francisco judge has sided with the city in a lawsuit alleging that the San Francisco Police Department illegally spied on protesters in Union Square. Superior Court Judge Richard Ulmer issued his ruling February 9 granting the city’s motion for summary judgment. As the Bay Area Reporter previously reported, both sides motioned for summary judgment in the case of Williams v. San Francisco and made their arguments on January 21 and February 1. In the case, lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union alleged that police conducted mass surveillance on the Black Lives Matter protests that erupted in late spring 2020 by commandeering private security cameras in the Union Square area. The plaintiffs in the suit were protesting the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. They are lead plaintiff Hope Williams, a member of the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club, Nathan Sheard, and Nestor Reyes. Their attorneys argued that the use of the security cameras was illegal under a city ordinance


San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard Ulmer, top left, ruled in favor of the city in a Union Square surveillance lawsuit that was argued by Deputy City Attorney Wayne Snodgrass, lower left, and plaintiffs’ attorney Sara Hussain, lower right.

passed by the Board of Supervisors in 2019 that requires any city department to obtain board approval prior to acquiring, using, or borrowing any surveillance technologies, except in “exigent circumstances.” In an unrelated case, the United States Supreme Court in 2013 defined exigent circumstances as being “a variety of circumstances

[which] may give rise to an exigency sufficient to justify a warrantless search, including law enforcement’s need to provide emergency assistance to an occupant of a home … engage in ‘hot pursuit’ of a fleeing suspect … or enter a burning building to put out a fire and investigate its cause.” The San Francisco ordinance states that in such circumstances

a city agency must “cease using the surveillance technology within seven days, or when the exigent circumstances end, whichever is sooner.” It was undisputed that the Union Square Business Improvement District operates a surveillance camera network that was monitored by police May 31-June 7, 2020. The city argued that the use of the surveillance technology was not illegal under the wording of the ordinance. The city argued that the use of the technology for seven days does not have to be continuous; plaintiffs’ attorneys argued it does. In his ruling, Ulmer stated that there is no textual support in the ordinance for the argument that the use has to be continuous. “Plaintiffs say the terms ‘using or possessing’ require the police department to have used … surveillance technology ‘continuously,’” Ulmer wrote. “This argument finds no support in the ordinance’s plain language or its legislative history. Nor can the ordinance be reasonably read to require existing surveillance technologies to have been ‘incorporated into’ department operations, as


plaintiffs assert.” Ulmer added that “these are concepts the Board of Supervisors could have included in the ordinance had it so intended.” The B.A.R. contacted Williams and the police department for their reactions to the ruling. Both deferred to their attorneys. Williams’ attorney Sara Hussain stated that she’s “disappointed by the court’s ruling.” She characterized the ruling as having been decided on a technicality. “The question at the heart of our lawsuit is whether SFPD will be held accountable for refusing to submit to democratic controls on police surveillance,” Hussain stated. “The police sidestepped the ordinance, and the court ruled on a technicality. We are considering our next steps, including filing an appeal. Rest assured, we will continue to fight for the right of every San Franciscan to march for racial justice without fear of police surveillance.” Jen Kwart, spokesperson for City Attorney David Chiu, said the city was pleased with the decision. “We appreciate that the court evaluated this case based on the facts and the plain language of the city’s ordinance,” Kwart stated. t


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Community News>>

February 24-March 2, 2022 • Bay Area Reporter • 5

GLBT Historical Society Museum reopens compiled by Cynthia Laird


he GLBT Historical Society Museum in San Francisco’s LGBTQ Castro district reopened this week after being closed for a month due to the Omicron surge of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a news release, the reopening also inaugurates a new schedule for the museum, which will now be Wednesdays through Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Visitors to the museum, located at 4127 18th Street, can experience two exhibitions currently on display. The front gallery hosts “Performance, Protest, and Politics: The Art of Gilbert Baker.” It uses


GAPA vigil

From page 1

Furthermore, Chan said it’s to draw the attention of San Francisco Mayor London Breed and City Administrator Carmen Chu. For the medical examiner to reopen his case, Chan said, Breed or Chu would have to direct the medical examiner to do so. A spokesperson for the city administrator’s office told the B.A.R. that the office cannot order a case to be reopened. “The city administrator does not have the ability, nor any city official, to order the Chief Medical Examiner to reopen a case under state or local law,” spokesperson Vivian Po wrote in an email. “The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner retains the discretion to consider new substantive facts that inform the certification of the cause of death and the manner of death.” Regarding the alleged comment about GHB, according to the Sales family, an official with the medical examiner’s office told them an investi-

Courtesy GLBT Historical Society Museum

The GLBT Historical Society Museum in the Castro reopened this week.

textiles, costumes, photographs, and ephemera to paint a complex portrait of Baker (1951-2017), who co-created the rainbow flag. As the gation wasn’t warranted since “the gay community uses GHB,” a statement they say is discriminatory. In his letter to Scott and Liverman, Wiener agreed, writing that “if this statement was indeed made, it is highly offensive, inappropriate, and dismissive of a drug overdose from a substance at times used as a date rape drug.” David Serrano Sewell, the chief operating officer at the medical examiner’s office, previously told the B.A.R. that he wouldn’t confirm or deny the remark about GHB usage by gay men. He did deny that Jaxon Sales’ sexual orientation was a factor in determining the death was not a homicide. In an online interview with the B.A.R. February 18, Scott said “there is no statute of limitations on murder” and that if foul play is suspected police would investigate. But he added that as of right now,“we don’t have anything new” in the case. “We’re open to reopening,” Scott said.

Bay Area Reporter has previously reported, Baker came up with a rainbow flag design that had eight colored stripes with the help of his friends Lynn Segerblom, who now lives in Southern California, and James McNamara, who died of AIDS-related complications in 1999. One version also sported a corner section of stars to mimic the design of the American flag. Baker would go on to reduce the number of colored stripes to just six and turned the rainbow flag into an international symbol of LGBTQ rights.

The museum’s main gallery hosts the historical society’s longterm exhibition, “Queer Past Becomes Present,” showcasing photos, documents, and artifacts telling the stories of over a century of everyday queer life among the diverse populations of San Francisco. The release stated that ticket prices to the museum remain unchanged. General admission is $10; discounted admission is $6 for youth (ages 13-17); seniors (65 and over); students, teachers, active-duty military service members, and people with disabilities;

GLBT Historical Society members; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) cardholders; and North American Reciprocal Museum members. Admission is free to all on the first Wednesday of the month, thanks to a grant from the Bob Ross Foundation. Ticket reservations can be made online at https://www.glbthistory. org/museum and walk-ins are welcome when the museum is below capacity. The release noted that COVID protocols, which include a vaccination requirement, are still in place. For more information on that, go to https://www.glbthistory. org/covid-19-information.

Meeting planned

“No date has been set yet for the meeting,” Densmore wrote. “ I expect it will occur in the next couple of weeks.” Angie Sales told the B.A.R. that she has heard from the human rights commission. “Yes, we are working with them and their SHARP unit,” she said. Told Friday of the police chief’s request to meet with the Sales family, Wiener said he was “thrilled” to learn that Scott was willing to hear them out. “I am thrilled to hear that the chief is open to meeting with the family. One of the issues here is that the family has felt left in the dark,” said Wiener. “They have so many questions they haven’t received answers for; they deserve to have answers. The chief’s meeting with the family and having an open dialogue is an important step.” Wiener told the B.A.R. he had not yet been informed about the planned vigil but would see if his schedule allowed for him to attend. Scott said that a representative from SFPD would be at the vigil if invited. “We’re particularly respectful to

family and friends and want to be sensitive to the family,” Scott said, adding that he himself would be out of town at a training. “If invited, we’ll be there.” Scott said that he had received Wiener’s letter but has not spoken to him about it. In another aspect of the case, the Sales’ change.org petition mentions that when an uncle went to the medical examiner’s office to retrieve Jaxon Sales’ belongings, a staff member told him about another overdose that occurred at the same apartment shortly before Jaxon Sales’ death but it was not fatal. The B.A.R. asked Scott about that. The police chief said there were no calls about an overdose. There was one call about what Scott described as an “altered mental state.” “It was not an OD at that location,” Scott said. “Nothing traced back to that address.” GAPA was made aware of the Sales case after the Sales family submitted the change.org petition January 22. Since then, it has drawn more than 42,000 signatures.t

Scott said that SFPD is working through the city’s Human Rights Commission to set up a meeting with Jaxon Sales’ parents. “I’d like to personally sit down with them and hear their concerns,” Scott said. While Scott said the police department had “reached out to the family” about scheduling a meeting, it appears from talking with an SFPD spokesperson that the department is in the process of communicating with the Sales family through the human rights commission. KellyLou Densmore, a lawyer who is director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission’s Office of Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention, wrote in an email to the B.A.R. that the office is “working closely” with the family to set up a meeting with SFPD. Densmore stated that the Sales family filed a complaint with the agency when they did not get “sufficient” answers from SFPD and the medical examiner’s office about their son’s death.

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See page 8 >>

<< Open Forum

6 • Bay Area Reporter • February 24-March 2, 2022

Volume 52, Number 8 February 24-March 2, 2022 www.ebar.com

PUBLISHER Michael M. Yamashita Thomas E. Horn, Publisher Emeritus (2013) Publisher (2003 – 2013) Bob Ross, Founder (1971 – 2003) NEWS EDITOR Cynthia Laird ARTS & NIGHTLIFE EDITOR Jim Provenzano ASSISTANT EDITORS Matthew S. Bajko • Eric Burkett CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Tavo Amador • Brian Bromberger Victoria A. Brownworth • Philip Campbell Heather Cassell • John Ferrannini Michael Flanagan • Jim Gladstone Liz Highleyman •Brandon Judell • Lisa Keen Matthew Kennedy • David Lamble David-Elijah Nahmod • Paul Parish Tim Pfaff • Jim Piechota • Gregg Shapiro Gwendolyn Smith •Sari Staver • Charlie Wagner Ed Walsh • Cornelius Washington • Sura Wood

ART DIRECTION Max Leger PRODUCTION/DESIGN Ernesto Sopprani PHOTOGRAPHERS Jane Philomen Cleland • FBFE Rick Gerharter • Gareth Gooch Jose Guzman-Colon • Rudy K. Lawidjaja Georg Lester • Rich Stadtmiller • Christopher Robledo • Fred Rowe Steven Underhill • Bill Wilson ILLUSTRATORS & CARTOONISTS Christine Smith

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LEGAL COUNSEL Paul H. Melbostad, Esq.

Bay Area Reporter 44 Gough Street, Suite 302 San Francisco, CA 94103 415.861.5019 • www.ebar.com A division of BAR Media, Inc. © 2022 President: Michael M. Yamashita Director: Scott Wazlowski

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SF recall proposal is undemocratic T

he San Francisco Board of Superwould have qualified. Currently, in the visors last week approved putting event that an officeholder is recalled, a charter amendment on the June the mayor selects a replacement who ballot that would change the rules for must run in the next scheduled electhe city recall elections. We think the tion to retain the post. If Boudin is proposal is undemocratic in principle, recalled and the charter amendment is particularly because, in the event that adopted by voters, the mayor’s appoinan officeholder is recalled, the canditee to the DA post would simply be a dates appointed by the mayor would placeholder. be prohibited from running for the It’s the second part of the proposed Courtesy Aaron Peskin seat themselves in the next election. amendment that bothers us the most, Supervisor Aaron District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin Peskin wants however. Writing in the city charter came up with the proposed amend- to change how who can and cannot seek elected office ment. The supervisors voted 7-4 to recalls are done in is undemocratic. It should be the votplace it on the ballot, with gay District San Francisco. ers who weigh in on these replacement 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, and candidates, as they will in November Supervisors Myrna Melgar, Ahsha Safor the three candidates that the mayor faí, and Catherine Stefani in the dissent. It’s clear appoints to the school board. (She will also be apthat Peskin and the other supervisors who voted pointing a City College trustee as gay former trustin favor resent Mayor London Breed’s power to ee Tom Temprano vacated his seat this month to appoint people to vacant posts and this is Peskin’s take the job of political director at Equality Caliway of trying to do an end run to clip the mayor’s fornia.) In fact, mayoral appointees aren’t always feathers. His proposed charter amendment would returned to office – just ask Peskin. After former limit the window when elected officials could be District 3 supervisor David Chiu won the 17th recalled, in addition to shutting out their replaceAssembly District seat, the late Mayor Ed Lee in ment from the subsequent election for the seat. January 2015 appointed Julie Christensen to reThe proposal applies to the assessor-recorder, place him as supervisor. She lost the city attorney, district attorney, public defender, following November to – you guessed sheriff, treasurer, school board, and City College it – Peskin, who successfully claimed of San Francisco board. Under it, recall petitions his old seat back. Even Breed’s apcould not be initiated until 12 months after the ofpointees don’t always win. Faauuga ficial had assumed office (currently it is six) and Moliga, whom Breed appointed to the would prohibit a recall if it were held within 12 school board before he won election in months of a regularly scheduled election. If the 2018, was among those recalled last charter amendment had been in place, last week’s week. Most famously, Breed’s own aprecall of three San Francisco Board of Education pointment for DA, Suzy Loftus, didn’t commissioners would not have happened; that’s win in 2019. because the three school board members were up In fact, the proposed charter for reelection this November. The recall of District amendment could have unintended conseAttorney Chesa Boudin, also on the June ballot, quences. Under it, the appointees have the po-

tential to be stooges of the mayor – we can see the smoke-filled rooms now – rather than qualified candidates beholden to the electorate. And these “caretakers” – as Peskin called them – could indeed wreck havoc during their time in office. They would have zero motivation to perform well, in part because they wouldn’t be able to run for the seat or be answerable to voters. These interim appointees have the potential to be ineffectual and waste time until the next election. Peskin seems to think that mayoral appointees now are under some obligation to the mayor when, in fact, they actually could be under his proposal. During discussion on the topic last week, Melgar, who originally supported Peskin’s proposal, citing the waste of money that the failed gubernatorial recall of Governor Gavin Newsom cost taxpayers, changed her mind and also brought up a good point. That is, mayoral appointees often reflect the diversity of the city, and preventing them from running for a full term might lead to less representation on these elected bodies. Peskin, too, tried to make the case that his proposal was about saving money. But it seems to us that the real reason he wants this charter amendment is to reduce mayoral power. We suspect that if there were a mayor in office who was more aligned with the progressives on the board, this proposed charter amendment wouldn’t have even come up. The San Francisco recalls qualified because groups of people got fed up – parents in the case of the school board, and those unhappy with Boudin’s progressive policies in the case of the DA. In cases where elected officials are recalled, their replacements should have the right to seek the office – unfortunately, a majority of the Board of Supervisors doesn’t see it that way. t

Common ground by Gwendolyn Ann Smith


y the time you read this column, Florida’s House of Representatives may have already voted on House Bill 1557/Senate Bill 1834. The legislation is officially called the Parental Rights in Education bill, but you might better know it as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Taking more than a few pages from the same organizers that brought the Briggs initiative to California in the 1970s (the failed ballot measure to ban LGBTQs from teaching in public schools), the bill would bar teachers from discussing LGBTQ issues or people in schools. It would extend to school support services, such as counselors. As Human Rights Watch noted, “The bill would also require school personnel to notify parents of changes in a student’s physical, mental, or emotional health. It would significantly limit the ability of counselors and teachers to be a confidential resource for students, including LGBT students who may not feel safe or comfortable asking questions about sexual orientation or gender identity to family members.” Let’s also be clear: this won’t just roll back protections for students, it will do real harm to LGBTQ students themselves. Unsurprisingly, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), who seems to never shy away from bad legislation, has expressed his support for the bill. While one of the worst out there, the Don’t Say Gay bill isn’t the only legislation aimed at LGBTQ protections: according to the American Civil Liberties Union, there are anti-LGBTQ bills in statehouses in more than half of the country. For most of them, the obvious – though not the only – target is transgender people. Much like the Don’t Say Gay bill targeting LGBTQ issues on public school campuses, the recent rash of book banning, fueled by bigoted outcries against critical race theory, have swept a number of LGBTQ titles into the mix. Critical race theory, as Education Week noted in an online explainer, LINK(https://www.edweek. org/leadership/what-is-critical-race-theory-andwhy-is-it-under-attack/2021/05) is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies. Yet the biggest issue seems to be barring transgender people – predominately trans youth – from participating in sports. There are bills in 27 states against transgender athletes participating based on their gender identity.

Christine Smith

Obviously, I’m opposed to this. I may not know what the best option is for a trans athlete, especially ones who are simply just children seeking to participate in sports with their peers, but these bans are not the answer. There are also bills in 17 states seeking to halt or otherwise curtail trans health care for transgender youth. One of the worst of these in Alabama, SB 5, makes it a felony to treat trans minors. We’re not talking surgery here: the bill would prevent hormonal treatments or even puberty blockers for trans kids. If that’s not bad enough, this bill – and others, such as SB 1046 in Arizona – would require school staff to out any such trans children to their parents or guardians. There are bathroom bills. There are bills to prevent birth certificate changes. There are even bills that place a bounty on those who care for transgender people, in the same vein as Texas’ anti-abortion bill, SB 8. All of this legislation is designed to do one thing to transgender people: cause as much harm as possible. The goal, seemingly, is to completely eradicate transgender people by barring them from participation in society on multiple levels, as well as making it impossible for us to get necessary and vital care. It simply is not hyperbole to say that these people pushing such bills wish to see transgender people dead. Far right groups wish to extend their bigotry – and their pocketbooks – especially after losing same-sex marriage battles. Conservative lawmakers want to provide some red meat to their bases, and they see transgender people as an easy target. There is no appealing to their humanity, for they have long since decided that transgender people are not human. We have been framed as

a “debate” or an “issue,” and not flesh-and-blood. We are treated as a hypothetical: the creepy sex fiend prowling the bathroom, a theoretical cheater in athletics seeking to bend the rules in their favor, and the “groomer” seeking to recruit children into the “transgender lifestyle.” Yes, these tropes are ones the LGBTQ community should also recognize from the era of the Briggs initiative. It’s the same disco-era rhetoric, reheated for a new generation who may never have heard of Anita Bryant, who crusaded against gay rights laws in Florida and elsewhere in the 1970s. As angry as I may be about these bills, however, I am more frustrated by the lack of attention being paid to them. It wasn’t that long ago that North Carolina passed HB 2, the hideous bathroom bill that led to boycotts and an eventual repeal after former governor Pat McCrory (R) lost to Roy Cooper (D) in a race largely fueled by sentiment against HB 2. We may see some pushback over the Don’t Say Gay bill, but all of these others are flying under the radar on the national stage. In this wave of hatred and animus, coverage is slim at best, and what there is often paints transgender people as unreasonable, as if we, too, should come to the table and negotiate over what rights we should be allowed to have. This isn’t “I like Coke, but you like Pepsi. We can compromise.” This is “I think you should be dead, and you think you should live.” There’s no space for settlement. We cannot “reach across the aisle” when it is our very lives on the line. We may as well be asked if we would prefer a lethal injection or a firing squad, without any thought given to being able to just live our lives. That’s the common ground that I expect, and it’s what the DeSantis’ of the world seek to deny to me, to every transgender person, and to the whole LGBTQ community – among so many others. That’s the part I want you to remember: We are not asking for anything special here. We aren’t demanding magical sparkle ponies, but simply the right to live our lives with the rights we expect: we expect to have our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. t Gwen Smith would also like a magical sparkle pony, if they hand those out somewhere. You’ll find her at www. gwensmith.com


Politics >>

February 24-March 2, 2022 • Bay Area Reporter • 7

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Gulledge aims to be first gay Black CA state senator

by Matthew S. Bajko


outh Los Angeles resident Jamaal Gulledge is aiming to be California’s first gay Black state senator. But the first-time candidate faces an uphill climb in raising enough money to get his name and message out to voters. Gulledge is seeking the open 28th Senate District seat that represents West and South Los Angeles as well as Culver City, Mar Vista, Palms, and Ladera Heights. In a recent phone interview with the Bay Area Reporter, he said he had raised less than $7,000 for his campaign. Gulledge, 36 and a human resources manager at UCLA, has attracted little support, so far, among Democratic leaders and LGBTQ groups in terms of endorsements. He said he has contacted more than 30 groups about receiving their support in the race. “It has been a challenge raising money,” he acknowledged. “I am reaching out to consultants to help me boost my fundraising.” Working in his favor, however, is that no local elected leaders have entered the race to date, a rather rare situation considering open legislative seats usually attract interest from those on city councils or county boards of supervisors looking to advance to higher office. Of those running, no candidate secured a preendorsement in mid-February from the Democratic Party ahead of its convention. Plus, one contender for the seat, Patrick MacFarlane, announced last week LINK: https:// twitter.com/pdmacfarlane/status/1493805496674840577 he had decided to end his campaign. That leaves attorney Cheryl Turner as the only other Democratic candidate with any web presence for her candidacy. Turner twice lost bids last year for an open Assembly and Senate seat, and came up short in 2018 for a seat on a statewide tax board. A third Democrat who has expressed interest in representing the heavily Democratic district, Lola Smallwood-Cuevas, does not appear to have a campaign website or social media presence. Told of MacFarlane’s decision by the B.A.R., Gulledge wrote in an emailed reply, “I’m still feeling pretty strong about my chances.” While Turner “seems to run for everything,” added Gulledge, he wouldn’t “underestimate her given she has some name recognition. I’m still pushing through!” Should he be elected Gulledge would be the first out LGBTQ Black man to serve in the Legislature. Joining him as the first LGBTQ Black female state legislator could be gay nurse and union leader Jennifer Esteen if she is elected to the open 20th Assembly District seat in the East Bay. Another out Black woman, Shanta “Shay” Franco-Clausen, opted not to enter the race to succeed Assem-

Courtesy Jamaal Gulledge

State Senate candidate Jamaal Gulledge

blymember Bill Quirk (D-Hayward). He decided against running for a final two-year term this year and has endorsed labor leader Liz Ortega-Toro, who is straight, in the Alameda County contest. LGBTQ statewide advocacy group Equality California recently co-endorsed Esteen and gay Dublin City Councilmember Shawn Kumagai, who would be the first LGBTQ person of Japanese descent elected to the state Legislature. EQCA has yet to endorse in the race for the 28th Senate District seat. It did recently co-endorse lesbian social worker Caroline Menjivar and gay hotel manager Daniel Hertzberg in their bids to succeed Hertzberg’s father, state Senator Bob Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys). He is termed out this year from his 18th Senate District seat, which is now the newly drawn 20th Senate District seat. Either Menjivar or the younger Hertzberg appears set to become the first out state legislator from the San Fernando Valley. The winner of their race will also return LGBTQ representation from Los Angeles County to the state Senate since Ricardo Lara left in 2018 to become the state’s insurance commissioner. Gulledge aims to double out representation in the Legislature’s upper chamber from the Los Angeles area. He is hopeful EQCA will support his bid to break through another pink glass ceiling in California politics. “It is beyond time,” Gulledge said of seeing an out Black person elected to serve in the statehouse. “I think that the history-making aspect of my campaign is particularly important in the political climate we face right now with Florida’s ‘Don’t say gay’ bill.” Even though he is not running in the Sunshine State, where lawmakers appear set to ban any reference to LGBTQ people in school classrooms and flirted with requiring educators to out students to their parents, Gulledge said his becoming an elected official could inspire LGBTQ youth fighting for their rights in myriad states across the country. He would make addressing the needs of LGBTQ youth a top priority as a state lawmaker.

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“It sets an example for the younger generation that they can be who they are without fear,” he said, “and it can represent to folks that being a diverse candidate or an LGBT candidate doesn’t limit their ability to succeed in politics.” Gulledge initially had planned to run for the open 37th Congressional District seat but switched course after state Senator Sydney Kamlager (DLos Angeles) jumped into that race. A Black woman, Kamlager’s current 30th Senate District seat morphed into the 28th Senate District due to the redistricting process. “It does make it easier not challenging an incumbent,” said Gulledge. “I have always wanted to have some impact or influence on policy.” A native of Portland, Oregon, Gulledge first moved to Southern California in 2008 following the death of his mother, at the age of 55, after a battle with ovarian cancer. A supporter of then candidate Barack Obama, she passed away in September without seeing him be elected the country’s first Black president. “She was heavily involved in the political process,” recalled Gulledge, who returned to Portland in 2017 to deal with a family matter then returned the following year to the Golden State. “She did stress the importance of voting and how our ancestors died for our ability to vote.” He came out to his family after the death of his mother, whom he also never spoke to about running for office one day. As a “helicopter mom” she would have been one of his biggest supporters, said Gulledge, and heavily involved in his Senate campaign. “I feel like she would be like a press secretary almost; she was great at grammar,” said Gulledge, who has been in his current South Los Angeles home for about a year. His mother’s family was one of only a few Black families living in Portland when she was a child. She stressed not only the importance of being engaged politically, recalled Gulledge, but also to be educated. He is the first in his family to graduate from college and earn a master’s degree. His father, who struggles with addiction, isn’t a part of his life. He lost his mother’s older brother, who was homeless and an alcoholic, last July at the age of 44. He had three half-siblings but lost a brother who died on the streets homeless. He isn’t close with his other brother but is with a sister who lives in the state of Washington. His relatives’ medical issues are why Gulledge supports seeing California establish universal health care. It is among the main priorities he would work for as a senator. “There is a push for a more progressive agenda and to be more bold when it comes to LGBTQ rights, and to be bolder as it comes to health care,” said Gulledge of seeing young, leftleaning Democrats like himself run for office across California. To learn more about his campaign, visit http://jamaalgulledge.com/ t

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Obituaries >> Richard Bell February 12, 2022

Richard Bell passed away on February 12, 2022 as a result of a massive heart attack. He is survived by his loving partner and husband of 30 years, Stephen Hein; by his brothers Patrick and Thomas Giorgilli; his niece Ashley Giorgilli; and hundreds of friends. Richard was a voracious reader and prized his

extensive library as well as his collection of over a thousand statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Richard had a long history of working in social services, focusing on child welfare in San Francisco, Solano County, and Davis. In 2015, Richard retired from Contra Costa County as the division manager for Child Welfare Services. Richard was active in groups that focused on social, racial, and LGBTQ+ issues for over 50 years, including El Cerrito Progressives, Extinction Rebellion, Building Blocks for Kids,

Family and Children’s Trust Committee, Richmond Rainbow Pride, Rainbow Community Center, Enola Gay Faggot Affinity Group, and Livermore Action Group. If there was a demonstration, it is likely that Richard was there. He was a great man. Donations can be made to Building Blocks for Kids in Richmond, California. (https://www.bbk-richmond. org). Hit the donate button, scroll through the list of options, and select Building Blocks for Kids.

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<< Community News

8 • Bay Area Reporter • February 24-March 2, 2022


SF Pride

From page 1

of directors since 2018, praised Lopez for finding ways to continue Pride’s work throughout the health crisis. “Through Fred’s leadership we have kept the organization intact,” she told the B.A.R. “We now need the entire community to support us financially as we take back Market Street and give the LGBTQIA community the celebration it deserves!”


News Briefs

From page 5

Free HIV self-test kits in South Bay

The Santa Clara County Public Health Department has launched a new program that provides free HIV home self-test kits mailed to eligible people who request them. The program also aims to increase access to HIV testing for those disproportionately impacted by HIV, a news release stated. The program aims to distribute 850 tests in the first year.


Lopez praised Ford in his email to the B.A.R. “Suzanne is a compassionate and thoughtful leader whom I have been honored to work with during her time on the board,” he wrote, “and I wish her and the entire team success with the return to large-scale, in-person Pride celebrations.” Over the last 25 years a number of transgender women have led the Pride committee’s volunteer board of directors as either president or chair, such as Cecilia Chung, Mikayla Connell,

and Tita Aida, also known as Nikki Calma. But until Ford, all of the executive directors that have been hired as Pride’s executive director have been cisgender. Ford’s assumption of the interim executive director role marks the first time in years that SF Pride has been led by women at both the board and staff levels, the organization noted. It is also marks the first time in decades that both the executive director and board president are not residents of San Francisco, as board president

Carolyn Wysinger lives in El Cerrito in Contra Costa County. “It is truly a landmark year for the organization,” Wysinger noted in a news release about the leadership change at Pride. “Women have always played such an important role in our LGBTQ community. It is only fitting that the organization returns to Market Street with a leadership team that truly reflects our diverse community.” The SF Pride board will embark on a search for a permanent executive director after this year’s parade and

celebration, according to the release. The 52nd annual San Francisco LGBT Pride Celebration and Parade will be held the last weekend in June. This year’s theme is “Love Will Keep Us Together.” The parade is Sunday, June 26, in the heart of downtown San Francisco, beginning at 10:30 a.m. A two-day celebration and rally is scheduled from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 25, and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 26, at Civic Center Plaza and the surrounding neighborhood. t

State funding of $20,000 from the California Department of Public Health covers the costs of the test kits, the release stated. In addition, a new state law requires health plans to cover at-home test kits for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. That went into effect January 1. “The most common STD symptom is no symptom at all, so getting tested is one of the most important things an individual can do for their health and the health of their partners,” stated Dr. Sarah Rudman, the health department’s STD/HIV controller and assistant health officer.

The health department stated that HIV home tests are safe and reliable, as they are for COVID-19. Persons who live or work in the county, are 17 years of age or older, and identify as a member of a population highly impacted by HIV, such as men who have sex with men, LGBTQ+, Hispanic/Latinx, or African American/Black, are eligible to receive a self-test kit in the mail. To complete a pre-screening, go to https://bit.ly/3H11bI2. The health department also provides free HIV testing information at https://bit.ly/3sXXwpA.

Face to Face launches capital campaign for van

announcement stated. In addition to purchasing and retrofitting the van, the funds raised will pay for license and registration fees and insurance for two years. Beyond that, these costs will be paid for by fees for service, which are contracted by local, state, and federal government agencies, and from additional grants and gifts, the agency stated. To date, the agency has raised just over $61,000 for the van, according to its website. To donate, go to https:// f2f.org/on-the-move/ t



Face to Face, a nonprofit helping people living with HIV/AIDS in Sonoma County, has launched a fundraising campaign to raise $250,000 to purchase an electric vehicle mobile van that will travel throughout the county to deliver prevention and care services to underserved populations. “With this van we will be able to perform rapid HIV testing; educate, initiate, and prescribe PrEP; and offer harm reduction services and care for people who cannot access our Face to Face office in Santa Rosa,” an email


The following person(s) is/are doing business as FAMILY EQUITY PARTNERS, 739 BRYANT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LATOYA PITCHER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/04/21. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/31/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022


Notice is hereby given to the creditors and contingent creditors of the above-named decedent, that all persons having claims against the decedent are required to file them with the Superior Court of the State of California for the City and County of San Francisco, Department 204 Probate, 400 McAllister St., Rm. 202, San Francisco, CA 94102, and deliver pursuant to Section 1215 of the California Probate Code a copy to Susan S. Cronholm and Charles A. Lowenhaupt, as trustees of the trust under indenture dated August 13, 2010, wherein the decedent was the settlor, at 1401 S. Brentwood Blvd., Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63144 within the later of four months after Feb. 3, 2022 (the date of the first publication of notice to creditors) or, if notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, 60 days after the date this notice is mailed or personally delivered to you.. A claim form may be obtained from the court clerk. For your protection, you are encouraged to file your claim by certified mail, with return receipt requested. SUSAN S. CRONHOLM AND CHARLES A. LOWENHAUPT, TRUSTEES, C/O LOWENHAUPT & CHASNOFF, LLC, 1401 S. BRENTWOOD BLVD., STE 100, ST. LOUIS, MO 63144

FEB 03, 10, 17, 2022


In the matter of the application of JADE AUGUST, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner JADE AUGUST is requesting that the name JADE AUGUST be changed to FARON EMIL CARVER. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Rm. 103N on the 8th of MARCH 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022


In the matter of the application of ALFIELLI CUNADA VILLARMEA, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner ALFIELLI CUNADA VILLARMEA is requesting that the name ALFIELLI CUNADA VILLARMEA AKA ALFIELLI MIRANDA CUNADA be changed to ALFIELLI CUNADA LUCA. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 10th of MARCH 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022


In the matter of the application of EMMANUEL CORDOVA VILLARMEA, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner EMMANUEL CORDOVA VILLARMEA is requesting that the name EMMANUEL CORDOVA VILLARMEA be changed to EMMANUEL GERSOM LUCA. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 10th of MARCH 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039607000 The following person(s) is/are doing business as RUTH’S, 3050 24TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KAREN FINNEY LYONS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/22/21. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/21/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022

The following person(s) is/are doing business as MOE’S FOOD MART, 2400 SAN BRUNO AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed MOHAMED AZIZ AHMED. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/24/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039613000 The following person(s) is/are doing business as ORGYMUSIC TOURING, 3012 16TH ST #201, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103-5933. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LOU GORDON. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/27/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/27/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039591800 The following person(s) is/are doing business as LB&M CONSTRUCTION, 1325 EVANS AVE #13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JOHN MIXON. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/04/97. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/04/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039592700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as POLK-N-POST SNACKS, 1101 POST ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ESIHAQ AL MURISI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/03/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/04/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as DISTRIBUTION WAREHOUSE CONSULTANT, 8100 OCEANVIEW TERRACE #206, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94132. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JOSE A. ESCOBAR. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 03/01/21. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/28/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as FAMILY EQUITY PARTNERS, 739 BRYANT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LATOYA PITCHER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/04/21. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/31/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039616100 The following person(s) is/are doing business as SOUR CHERRY COMICS, 3187 16TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LEAH MORRETT. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 10/18/21. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/01/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ECHOS HAIR DESIGN, 555 SUTTER ST #217, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed EDUARDO LAZO & KUKHI LAZO. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/27/97. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/27/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039613400 The following person(s) is/are doing business as ACME’S TRUCKING INC., 696B AMADOR ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed ACME’S TRUCKING INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/26/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/27/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022

The following person(s) is/are doing business as BELOW THE SURFACE, 701 GOLDEN GATE AVE #802, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed BELOW THE SURFACE (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/26/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as CHAAT CORNER INDIAN GROCERY, 320 3RD ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed CHAAT CORNER SAN FRANCISCO INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/31/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/31/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039610000 The following person(s) is/are doing business as EXPRESS TRANSPORTATION LLC, 196 MENDEL ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed EXPRESS TRANSPORTATION LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/21/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/25/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as MCCARTHY MOVING & STORAGE, 2118 26TH AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed STATEWIDE MOVING LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/25/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/26/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as CHICANO NUEVO, 1166 GENEVA AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed NUEVO INDUSTRY GROUP LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/26/22.

FEB 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of MOIRA HASTINGS SCHERER, C/O SUTTER C. SELLECK (SBN 290247), SC SELLECK LAW, 150 N. WIGET LANE #105, WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598; (925) 899-9130. A Petition for Probate has been filed by MEGAN HASTINGS in the Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco. The Petition for Probate requests that MEGAN HASTINGS be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: MARCH 02, 2022 9:00 am, Dept. 204, Superior Court of California, 400 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the latter of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined by section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: MEGAN HASTINGS, 9428 SW 192ND ST, VASHON ISLAND, WA 98070; Ph. (925) 899-9130.

FEB 10, 17, 24, 2022


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of CAROLYN E. ROBINSON. A Petition for Probate has been filed by RONNIE ROBINSON in the Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco. The Petition for Probate requests that RONNIE ROBINSON be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: MARCH 02, 2022, 9:00 am, Rm. 204, Superior Court of California, 400 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the latter of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined by section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: RONNIE ROBINSON, 1635 WALLACE AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124; Ph. (650) 580-1192.

FEB 10, 17, 24, 2022



The following person(s) is/are doing business as HARMONY BODYWORK AND ENERGY THERAPIES, 3882 24TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed CYNTHIA MEIRI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/17/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/24/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as HOME RANCH LAND REALTY, 1160 BATTERY ST #100, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JUAN CHAVARRIA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/25/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/03/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as CORNERSTONE CONSTRUCTION, 955 WISCONSIN ST #4, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed SHANE O’REILLY. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/03/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/04/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as RIDGELINE COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 1012 TENNESSEE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed GENE CUTLER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/02/22.

FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039621000 The following person(s) is/are doing business as TURKEY & REUBEN, 1208 FUNSTON AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed MARA EZEKIEL & NOA SHNEORSON. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/01/21. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/03/22.

FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022

In the matter of the application of JESUS ELIAN SEPULVEDA, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner JESUS ELIAN SEPULVEDA is requesting that the name JESUS ELIAN SEPULVEDA AKA JESUS ELIAN LOPEZ be changed to JESUS ELIAN LOPEZ. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Rm. 103N on the 22th of MARCH 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.




FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022

The following person(s) is/are doing business as SIMMONS ROAD CREATIVE, 3375 17TH ST #203, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed NICHOLAS SIMMONS-STERN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/01/22.

FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039615100 The following person(s) is/are doing business as EMILIO ORLANDI, 2282 MARKET ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed EMILIO GIRAUDBIT. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/27/21. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/31/22.

FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039618300 The following person(s) is/are doing business as MS. GOLDIE REED MINISTRIES, 327 MADISON ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed DENISE CARTER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/02/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/02/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as TALISMAN SOUND, 1363 PAGE ST #1, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed JONATHAN RICHARD WILSON & JONAH SCOTT PERRY. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/02/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/04/22.

FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022

The following person(s) is/are doing business as MAGIC WASH, 645 LARCH WAY, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed LEONID BEKER & YULIYA BEKER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/10/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/10/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as MIKAWA JAPANESE CURRY, 2435 CLEMENT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed SANHUA-HD, INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/28/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as LA PAZ RESTAURANT, 1028 POTRERO AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed LA PAZ RESTAURANT, INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/05/05. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/28/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as VEINWELL; PHYSICOS AESTHETICS, 100 BUSH ST #918, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94104. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed PHYSICOS AESTHETICS INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/02/22.

FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039620400 The following person(s) is/are doing business as SF CONNECTED CHIROPRACTIC, 476 MONTEREY BLVD, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed DR. STANTON WONG, A PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC CORPORATION (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/03/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as VIDEOFAX, 1750 CESAR CHAVEZ ST #G SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed MINERVA PROFESSIONAL CAMERA SERVICES, INC. (CA). The registrant(s) comSAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT NOTICE TO PROPOSERS GENERAL INFORMATION The SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT, 2150 Webster Street, Oakland, California, is advertising for proposals for ON-CALL GLASS REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT SERVICES (RFP) No. 6M3506A, on or about February 9, 2022, with proposals due by 2:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at the District Secretary’s Office, 10th Floor, 2150 Webster Street, Oakland, California, 94612. Proposers are responsible to ensure their proposals are received at the time and location as specified in the RFP. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The District is soliciting the services for On-Call Glass Repair and Replacement Systemwide. The work will consist of on-call services to furnish all labor, equipment, materials, and services required to replace broken or damaged glass of various sizes in cabinets, windows, doors, ceiling, and wall panels at all locations throughout the District as listed in Exhibit 1. The work will be accomplished through the issuance of discrete Work Orders during the term of the Contract. PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING AND NETWORKING SESSION A Pre-Proposal Meeting and Networking Session will be held on Thursday, February 17, 2022. The Pre-Proposal Meeting and Networking Session will convene at 2:00 p.m. local time via a Microsoft Teams presentation. All interested parties must RSVP via email: Javier Peraza, javier.peraza@bart. gov by 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 17, 2022, in order to participate in this Pre-Proposal Meeting. The email subject must include “RFP 6M3506A, On-Call Glass Repair and Replacement Services”. Instructions on attending the Microsoft Teams meeting will be emailed upon receipt of RSVP. At the Pre-Proposal Meeting and Networking Session, Prospective Proposers are requested to make every effort to participate in this one-time only Pre-Proposal Meeting and Networking Session. The District may only respond to questions at the submitted Pre-Proposal Meeting and Networking Session by prospective Proposers that have RSVPed to the Pre-Proposal Meeting and Networking Session. In order for the District to consider responding to those questions at the scheduled Pre-Proposal Meeting and Networking Session, those questions shall be submitted until the day prior to the Pre-Proposal Meeting and Networking Session by 5:00 p.m. local time, via email to javier.peraza@bart.gov, and the email subject must include RFP 6M3506A, On-Call Glass Repair and Replacement Services. REQUIRED REGISTRATION ON BART PROCUREMENT PORTAL In order for prospective Proposers to be eligible for award of an Agreement being solicited on the BART Procurement Portal, such Proposers are required to be currently registered to do business with BART on the BART Procurement Portal online at https:// suppliers.bart.gov and have obtained Solicitation Documents, updates, and any Addenda issued online so as to be added to the Online Planholders List for this solicitation. If a prospective Proposer is a joint venture or partnership, such entity may register on the BART Procurement Portal with the entity’s tax identification number (TIN) and download the Solicitation Documents so as to be listed as an Online Planholder under the entity’s name prior to submitting its Proposal. If such entity has not registered on BART Procurement Portal in the name of the joint venture or partnership prior to submitting its Proposal, provided that at least one of the joint venturers or partners registered online on the BART Procurement Portal and downloaded the Solicitation Documents so as to be added to the Online Planholders List for this solicitation, such entity will be required to register with the entity’s TIN as an Online Planholder following the submittal of Proposals, in order for the entity to be eligible for award of this Agreement. PROPOSERS WHO HAVE NOT REGISTERED ON THE BART PROCUREMENT PORTAL PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL, (OR FOR JOINT VENTURE OR PARTNERSHIP AS DESCRIBED ABOVE PRIOR TO AWARD) AND DID NOT DOWNLOAD THE SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS FOR THIS SOLICITATION ONLINE SO AS TO BE LISTED AS AN ONLINE PLANHOLDER FOR THIS SOLICITATION, WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR AWARD OF THIS AGREEMENT. Proposals must be received by 2:00 p.m., local time, Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at the address listed in the RFP. Submission of a proposal shall constitute a firm offer to the District for one hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of proposal submission. Dated at Oakland, California this 9th day of February 2022. /s/ John Mazza, Director of Procurement San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District 2/24/22 CNS-3556812# BAY AREA REPORTER

February 24-March 2, 2022 • Bay Area Reporter • 9

menced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/30/21. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/02/22.

FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039623300 The following person(s) is/are doing business as GRAPHITEBUILD, 8 DELLBROOK AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94131. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed YNWA INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/07/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/07/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as JUPITER.CO; JUPITER GROCERIES, 1955 JERROLD AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed TALAR, INC (DE). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 03/09/20. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/08/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as BAY OF BURMA, 1174 FOLSOM ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed L-TERA LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/31/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/31/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as KONA’S STREET MARKET, 32 3RD ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed 32 3RD STREET MGMT LLC (CA), A GENERAL PARTNER OF 32 3RD STREET LP. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/01/21. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/03/22.

FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022

SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT NOTICE TO PROPOSERS – GENERAL INFORMATION REAL PROPERTY COMPREHENSIVE ACQUISITION, RELOCATION, AND TITLE SERVICES FOR BART PROJECTS RFP NO. 6M4778 The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (“BART” or “District”) intends to engage the services of a consulting firm or joint venture (“CONSULTANT”) to provide Real Property Comprehensive Acquisition, Relocation, and Title Service services for BART. Accordingly, BART will be accepting proposals (“Proposals”) from proposers (“Proposers”) for consideration for the selection of a CONSULTANT to perform the scope of services specified in this Request for Proposals (“RFP”). Proposals must be received by BART by 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday, April 5, 2022. Proposals shall be submitted to the following address: District Secretary’s Office San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District 2150 Webster Street, 10th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 REQUIRED REGISTRATION ON THE BART PROCUREMENT PORTAL In order for prospective Proposers to be eligible for award of an Agreement being solicited on the BART Procurement Portal, such Proposers are required to be currently registered to do business with BART on the BART Procurement Portal online at https://suppliers.bart.gov and have obtained Solicitation Documents, updates, and any Addenda issued online so as to be added to the Online Planholders List for this solicitation. If a prospective Proposer is a joint venture or partnership, such entity may register on the BART Procurement Portal with the entity’s tax identification number (TIN) and download the Solicitation Documents so as to be listed as an online planholder under the entity’s name prior to submitting its Proposal. If such entity has not registered on BART Procurement Portal in the name of the joint venture or partnership prior to submitting its Proposal, provided that at least one of the joint venturers or partners registered online on the BART Procurement Portal and downloaded the Solicitation Documents so as to be added to the Online Planholders List for this solicitation, such entity will be required to register with the entity’s TIN as an online planholder following the submittal of Proposals, in order for the entity to be eligible for award of this Agreement. PROPOSERS WHO HAVE NOT REGISTERED ON THE BART PROCUREMENT PORTAL PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL, (OR FOR A JOINT VENTURE OR PARTNERSHIP AS DESCRIBED ABOVE PRIOR TO AWARD) AND DID NOT DOWNLOAD THE SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS FOR THIS SOLICITATION ONLINE SO AS TO BE LISTED AS AN ONLINE PLANHOLDER FOR THIS SOLICITATION, WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR AWARD OF THIS AGREEMENT. PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING and NETWORKING SESSION A Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held on Friday, March 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. local time via Zoom presentation. All interested parties must RSVP via registering with the Zoom link included within the RFP in order to participate in this Pre-Proposal Meeting. Should there be difficulties in registering, please contact veronica.zamani@bart.gov. Instructions on attending the Zoom Presentation are included within the RFP. At the Pre-Proposal Meeting, the District’s Equity Program(s) will be explained. Prospective Proposers are requested to make every effort to participate in this only scheduled Pre-Proposal Meeting. At the conclusion of the Pre-Proposal Meeting, participants will be given the opportunity to share their contact information to facilitate networking offline. /s/ John Mazza____________ John Mazza, Director of Procurement 2/24/22 CNS-3557689# BAY AREA REPORTER


The following person(s) is/are doing business as CALIFORNIA STREET STAFFING CO., 235 CLEMENT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed TICKED TURTLE LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/26/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/28/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as SUGA STUDIO, 499 ALABAMA ST #112, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed USU (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/03/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as GOODBOI SERVICES; GIGGLE & GROW, 660 4TH ST #115, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed GOODBOI LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/07/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/07/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as TONIC BEVERAGE CATERING, 2565 3RD ST #313, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed THE FIRE SOCIETY, LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/04/22.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039628100 The following person(s) is/are doing business as FINITE FACTORY, 339 COLLINGWOOD ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JESSE KRISS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/09/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039629900 The following person(s) is/are doing business as KATHARTIC STUDIO, 11 OAKWOOD ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KATHLEEN DONAHUE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/02/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/11/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039606200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as SONJA CHENG DESIGN PRACTICE, 1463 19TH AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed SONJA CHENG. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/21/22.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as GIANTPIXELS STUDIO, 775 POST ST #511, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed CHAD DEMOSS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/09/22.



The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as TONIC BEVERAGE CATERING, 2495 3RD ST #313, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business was conducted by a limited liability company and signed by DOGPATCH SF, LLC (CA). The fictitious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/22/18.

FEB 10, 17, 24, MAR 03, 2022


In the matter of the application of VANYA RENEE MORALES AKA VANYA RENEE COLE, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner VANYA RENEE MORALES AKA VANYA RENEE COLE is requesting that the names VANYA RENEE MORALES AKA VANYA RENEE COLE be changed to VANYA RENEE COLE. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 29th of MARCH 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


In the matter of the application of MARVIN MCNEALY, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner MARVIN MCNEALY is requesting that the name MARVIN MCNEALY be changed to MARLEY MARVIN ALOFATASI MCNEALY. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Rm. 103N on the 24th of MARCH 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as SUZ BAX ART, 305 STEINER ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed SUZANNE BAXTER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/08/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ARL RELIANCE LIMOUSINE SERVICE, 1801 39TH AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122.This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed WEIBIN LEI.The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/22.The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/08/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as PRISM GROUP, C/O COMPASS, 891 BEACH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed DAVID PAUL BROWN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/18/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039627200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as TRISHINE, 676 GEARY ST #105, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JOMELYN CAOILE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/08/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/08/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039603600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as CORDON BLEU RESTAURANT, 1574 CALIFORNIA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KATIE YU. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/15/95. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/18/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ORTHODONTIC CENTER OF SAN FRANCISCO; JANICE C. TAM, DDS, MSD, 2411 OCEAN AVE #102, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JANICE CAROL TAM. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/01/01. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/11/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

The following person(s) is/are doing business as STUDIO RHYE, 3579 MISSION ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed MICHELLE LEE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/14/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039631400 The following person(s) is/are doing business as ALCHEMY ART HEALING ACADEMY, 2014 TARAVAL ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed GEORGIA BUIE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/14/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039623600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as LUCKY CAT STICKER, 158 FARALLONES ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KA YI LI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/07/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as AFRICAN OUTLET, THE, 4942 3RD ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed JUDAH DWYERDAHLSTROM & HORGAN EDET. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/03/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/14/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039627600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as NOT LATTE, 2142 IRVING ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed HA TEA INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/09/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ALCHEMY ARTS & HEALING ACADEMY, 2014 TARAVAL ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed ABC SF HOUSING INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/11/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as CLAY OVEN INDIAN CUISINE, 1689 CHURCH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94131. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed APPAM SF CORPORATION (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/30/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as CLAY OVEN INDIAN RESTAURANT, 385 WEST PORTAL AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed N MALHI SF CORPORATION (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/29/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039629200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as INDIA CLAY OVEN RESTAURANT AND BAR, 2436 CLEMENT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed COURTYARD SF CORPORATION (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/30/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as INDIAN OVEN, 233 FILLMORE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed J MALHI (SF) CORPORATION (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business

under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/29/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039626700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as VALENTI DIGITAL, 1072 14TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed APPLIED PERFORMANCE SOLUTIONS, INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/08/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as PACIFIC COCKTAIL HAVEN, 550 SUTTER ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a limited partnership, and is signed 580 SUTTER STREET MGMT, LLC (ON BEHALF OF 580 SUTTER STREET LP) (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 06/02/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039628700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as SF EXPEDITIONS, LLC, 1700 VAN NESS AVE #1038, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed SF EXPEDITIONS, LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/02/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/22.

FEB 17, 24, MAR 03, 10, 2022


In the matter of the application of FNU NOMAN, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner FNU NOMAN is requesting that the name FNU NOMAN be changed to ARYAN SOLOMON. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 29th of MARCH 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 24, MAR 03, 10, 17, 2022


In the matter of the application of MAURA DILLEY, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner OSCAR GOLDEN DILLEY is requesting that the name OSCAR GOLDEN DILLEY be changed to RHYS GOLDEN DILLEY. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 5th of APRIL 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 24, MAR 03, 10, 17, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039632500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as LAHORE DE KHUSHBOO, 4445 3RD ST #310, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed SHUMAILA ALI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/15/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/15/22.

FEB 24, MAR 03, 10, 17, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as RISING, 612 C WISCONSIN ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JENNIFER BRYCE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/26/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/22.

FEB 24, MAR 03, 10, 17, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as INSURANCE AGENCY J&E AND REGISTRATION SERVICES, 2390 MISSION ST #101, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed RAMON ERNESTO LOPEZ OCHOA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/18/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/18/22.

FEB 24, MAR 03, 10, 17, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039627800 The following person(s) is/are doing business as CAFÉ ZITOUNA, 430 TURK ST #909, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed NAJIB REBIA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/09/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/09/22.

FEB 24, MAR 03, 10, 17, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ARGAO DESIGNS, 837 PERALTA AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LINDA M. ARGAO. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/86. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/18/22.

FEB 24, MAR 03, 10, 17, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039633200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as 4 STAR THEATER, 2200 CLEMENT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed CINEMASF INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/16/22.

FEB 24, MAR 03, 10, 17, 2022

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-039625400 The following person(s) is/are doing business as ON BEYOND, 1311 22ND ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed FIRST LAST AND ALWAYS (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/08/22.

FEB 24, MAR 03, 10, 17, 2022

MTV Entertainment Studios/Paramount

by David-Elijah Nahmod


Troye Sivan has 'Three Months' writer-director Jared Frieder on his Florida-set coming-of-age film

Troye Sivan and Brianne Tju in Three Months

Iced, iced, baby

The Lavender Tube on Winter Olympics successes and scandals Canada’s women’s ice hockey team celebrates

by Victoria A. Brownworth


eijing 2022 was the best Winter Olympics and the worst all at once. It was the queerest Winter games ever, with a lot of out lesbians, some out gay men, the first nonbinary competitor and queer medals galore. But it was still in Beijing, and China has been brutal on LGBTQ people and elided news of competitors from any state coverage. The early international outrage over China’s human rights abuses was all but forgotten after the Olympics began. And there was much excitement –and drama– to be had. In some respects, queerness felt accepted and uncomplicated. Out Olympic veterans like skiier Gus Kenworthy and speedskater Brittany Bowe were at ease with their sexual identity and it was great modeling for queer kids and closeted adults. Kenworthy didn’t win a medal in halfpipe on the final day of the competition in Beijing, but he spoke to media about how happy he was to compete. Kenworthy told Reuters, “Honestly, it means the world to me to get to compete here as an out proud gay man and to know that there are other out LGBTQ athletes that are here competing.” For her part, Bowe has risen to a mythic heroism for selflessly giving up her spot to

Frieder had similar praise for his star, Troye Sivan. “He is such a talented actor, and I’ve always been a fan of his as a musical artist and a singer and musician,” Frieder said. “I love pop music. And so to be able to see him do his first lead role as an adult, where he’s literally carrying the film on his back. He’s in every scene, he has to express every emotion. And he does so in such a naturalistic, grounded, authentic and honest way, but with a magnetism that makes you unable to move your eyes from him. I think that people are going to be truly astounded by his work in this film.” Frieder hopes that his film will help to bring about some compassion towards LGBTQ people. “I really hope this movie gets to do that.” t

“We need to fight the shame and stigma and the deeply rooted homophobia around the disease,” he said. “I think that it’s also a movie about what it’s like to wait, and I think that’s never been more relevant than right now, as we’re all waiting in a Covid-19 pandemic for the world to resume. Yes, we have to wait, but we should fight for the things we want while we wait and continue to live life.” Ellen Burstyn’s role in the film is relatively small, but the veteran screen legend, whose acting career goes back more than fifty years, gives a strong performance as an old woman who struggles to be the mother that Caleb needs. Frieder has nothing but praise for the actress. “She’s inspired me since I was a kid,” he said. “And so to be able to work with her and to listen to her and to learn from her, and to watch how she inhabits character, how she humanizes these stories and operates as an artist is something I will take with me for the rest of my days.”

NBC Sports

hree Months, the new film by Jared Frieder streaming on Paramount+ starting February 23, is an AIDS drama for the millennial generation. Set in Hollywood Florida in 2011, the film stars gay actor/singer Troye Sivan as Caleb, a young gay man graduating from high school who may have been exposed to HIV during a one-night stand with a foreign tourist. As he waits for his final test result over a period of three months, Caleb hangs out with his lesbian best friend Dara (Brianne Tju) and has a summer romance with a closeted young man from India (Viveik Kalra). In an interview, Frieder admits that the film was inspired by events in his own life. Like Caleb, Frieder is a “nice Jewish boy” from Florida, and, also like Caleb, Frieder is openly gay. “A lot of the experiences I’ve had I wanted to reflect in this film,” Frieder said. “But the real reason I wrote it is, this is the type of movie with a queer protagonist that I wish as a queer kid growing up in Florida that I had.” In a scene that bristles with intensity, Caleb reaches out to his mother after he’s dumped by his boyfriend. Mom, whose religious beliefs do not allow her to be tolerant of Caleb’s lifestyle, backs away when he begins talking about the Three Months fact that he may have writer-director Jared Frieder contracted HIV.

Erin Jackson, risking missing the Olympics herself. Jackson –the winner of four of the past eight World Cups in the 500-meter race– slipped during her qualifying event at U.S. Olympic Speed Skating Trials in January. Bowe, who finished first in the event, gave her spot to Jackson, even though it meant she might not get to go to Beijing. Her selflessness paid off. Bowe carried the flag at the opening ceremonies. Jackson won gold, the first Black woman to do so. Bowe herself won bronze. And the vision of true sportswomanship and leadership was on worldwide display.

Read the full interview on www.ebar.com.

in speed skating and also won bronze. Wüst is the third most decorated Winter Olympian of all time and the most-decorated out Olympian of all time. Sandra Naeslund won gold for Sweden in ski cross. The extraordinary Guillaume Cizeron, an out gay man, won gold with his ice dancing partner, Gabriela Papadakis, for France, in a magnificent performance. Out gay curler Bruce Mouat and his Great Britain squad was the last queer medalist of the Beijing games on Saturday, in the final day of the Olympics. Mouat got a nod from British royalty on his win. “Congratulations Team Mouat on your silver medal and bringing home Team GB’s first Beijing 2022 medal,” read a tweet from the Royals’ official Twitter account. “You should be incredibly proud of your performance this week” American Timothy LeDuc didn’t medal in pairs skating with partner Ashley Cain-Gribble, but gave a marvelous performance and was utterly joyous as they skated their way into history as the first nonbinary Winter Olympian. Their joy was palpable and enough to make one weep.

NBC Sports

Speed skaters Brittany Bowe and Erin Jackson

Blight Russian

As glorious as much of the Olympics were, a nasty drama overshadowed women’s figure skating, the toptier event of the Winter Games, and raised serious questions about why Russia was allowed to compete at all and when –or if– the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is ever going to address the abuse of young women athletes. In 2019, Russia received a two-year ban from the World Anti-Doping Agency for its stateSee page 11 >>

Best & Wüst

Lesbian hockey players also medaled at the games, staking their claim to the sport in which so many of us found our lesbian roots in junior high. The Canadian women’s hockey team continued their ongoing rivalry with team USA and won. According to NBC Sports, “at least seven of their competing players are openly LGBTQ, making them tied for the queerest Olympic team of all time. The Dutch women’s soccer team also had seven publicly out players who competed in the Tokyo Summer Games.” Ireen Wüst won gold for the Netherlands

NBC Sports

Great Britain curler Bruce Mouat


Books >>

February 24-March 2, 2022 • Bay Area Reporter •11

Outside the rainbow by Cornelius Washington


t first, from reading scattered passages, I thought that Naomi W. Scales and Marilyn J. Jordan’s book, From Pain To Love: Our Journey Outside The Rainbow, would be about two very beautiful African-American women of a certain age, triumphing against all odds and, yes, on every level, there was plenty to overcome. This book is very timely, reflecting just about everything that is pathological about the African-American community. There have been very serious and painful dialogues regarding relations between the genders, and the discussion and the dissection of African-American women’s hopes, dreams, aspirations and affirmations (such as “Black Girls Rock!”). Also being examined is the twisted unwillingness to listen to or comprehend critique and serious inspection, particularly by African-American males (“You hate Black women.” “Your mother’s Black.” “Who hurt you? and/or “You must be gay.”). Scales and Jordan’s book is a very penetrating look at just about everything currently being fought over in the media that concerns Black people. Themes and topics take on lies, morals, deceit, envy, poverty, racism (from within and without), homophobia (same), misogyny and misandry (irrational fear and hatred of men and boys, in this case, Black males.). Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels would foam at the mouth to bring this book to life. Through their plays, movies and television programs, they use Black dysfunction as entertainment and “inspiration”, usually devoured by its core audience: Black women.


Marilyn J. Jordan and Naomi W. Scales

A tale of true ambivalence and psyche-scarring chaos that is unrelenting, yet framed within the book as romantic and vilified within Black culture as “struggle love.” It’s like The Color Purple and Waiting To Exhale, complete with an ambisexual/lesbian subtext made text and fodder for Oprah Winfrey. Within the book, Black men are described as brutish, frightening, molesting, evil, violent, suspicious and menacing, which is sometimes true within the book’s context. Meanwhile, they are also seen as lesser creatures, lacking in autonomy and basic humanity. They are to be fought, manipulated, emasculated, used as utilities and studs, all simultaneously, quickly to be discarded and forgotten, resulting in a unhappy, adulterous marriage to Marilyn, who bore two children, while Noami describes undergoing an abortion with a boyfriend.

From page 10

sponsored doping program. Between Dec. 17, 2020, and Dec. 17, 2022, no athlete can represent Russia at the Olympics, Paralympics or World Championships. The ban was originally set to last four years, but the Court of Arbitration for Sport reduced it to two years. Russia’s latest victim in their disgraceful treatment of young athletes is 15-year-old Kamila Valieva, the current world record holder in women’s figure skating. Set aside that a 15-year-old is the women’s skating champion. Valieva skated an extraordinary and luminous short program that netted ROC the gold for the skating team. In that program, Valieva made history by jumping quads. Then days later, eleven days into the Olympics, came news that Valieva had tested positive for a banned heart medication. The test was from early December, but inexplicably, there was an issue with Russia getting the data to the IOC before the Olympics as required. Suddenly everything was in flux. Valieva would not have been allowed to skate had the test results

NBC Sports

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva

been revealed at the time. But an arbitration court said that she could continue to skate while an investigation was launched. That decision ruined the women’s skating program and very well may have ruined Valieva’s life. The outrage was swift and unrelenting, with no comprehension of how the Russians operate their dop-

ing of young athletes. These are not the privileged and protected young American skaters. These are kids plucked from their families very young and made tools of the State. On February 17, Valieva, in first place after the short program, skated the long program, which she was slated to win. But she fell twice, knocking her into fourth place and out of medal contention. Crying hysterically after her skate, she was berated and physically shaken on camera by Eteri Tutberidze, the almost cartoonishly villainous coach now being investigated over Valieva’s failed drug test. It was repulsive to witness. It was overt child abuse so extreme that even IOC President Thomas Bach spoke out about the scene the following day, saying at a press conference, “It was chilling to see this. Rather than giving her comfort, rather than to try to help her, you could feel this chilling atmosphere, this distance.” The IOC has soul-searching to do, and Russia needs to be banned for real until they can stop ruining sports for everyone, including their own athletes. t Read the full column, with video clips, on www.ebar.com.

overcome with dynamic authenticity and good, though not perfect, representation. In the 21st century, organic positivity must be celebrated, so that Black truly is beautiful. Live and be your truth.t From Pain To Love: Our Journey Outside The Rainbow, $3.99 (Kindle), $18.50 (paperback) www. naomiwscalesandmarilynjjordan. com

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The women are a case study for ‘opposites attract’ due to their very deep aspiration about and within someone and a longing for a fugitive expression from within the other that has an excellent potential for, either, beauty or ruin. There are intense trials and tribulations, their love being repeatedly tested, usually through some fault of their own, such as refusing to come out of the closet. They frame themselves as being very passionate, but at every turn there is a constant insecurity regarding their fidelity, with one woman exploring her options outside of the relationship and, yes, it’s the woman who’s constantly accusing the other of wanting to begin a relationship with a man. The book becomes truly moving and read-worthy only when the two authors describe their loving treatment of Naomi’s combative, argumentative and terminally ill single mother. Everything else in the book is like watching any reality show wherein the Black women are concerned only about their emotions, goals, fears and weaknesses, rarely, if ever, addressing the autonomy of others.

If you truly want to read about authentic Black lesbian drama that goes so far beyond the rainbow to enforce the trite stereotypes, this is the book for you. None of the great civil rights leaders whom we celebrate this month suffered and died in order for Black people –not even Black lesbians– to live their lives with such shame, hiding and stigma. The rainbow also includes the color Black, and we must celebrate all of the diversity within it. Selfrespect is key. Self-hate, loathing and defeatist attitudes must be

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<< Theater/Music

12• Bay Area Reporter • February 24-March 2, 2022

Enemy lines

‘Heroes of the Fourth Turning’ at SF Playhouse

by Jim Gladstone


lue and red. Left and right. Us and them. At times when society feels divided into radically opposed camps with intractable political differences, the arts are often a place to turn for solace. Theater can remind us of a common humanity that transcends any singular ideology. It can. But that’s not theater’s mandate. And Will Arbery’s Heroes of the Fourth Turning is a nonKumbaya if ever there was one. Now at the San Francisco Playhouse in a riveting, ferocious production directed by Bill English, the 2019 Pulitzer Prize finalist is set entirely within a highly intellectual conservative Catholic community. Gathering at their rural Wyoming religious college are four relatively recent graduates, Justin (Jonny Moreno), Teresa (Ash Malloy), Kevin


Jessica Palopoli

The cast of SF Playhouse’s Heroes of the Fourth Turning

(Josh Schell) and Emily (Wera von Wulfen), whose mother Gina (Susi Damilano) has just been appointed as the school’s new president in the ceremony that has brought the group of old friends back together after sev-

eral years apart. It’s a scenario that brings to mind The Big Chill, but what many liberal San Francisco theatergoers will find truly chilling is that for all the soapy reveals (two characters had sex as

students at the abstinence-only school; one has fraternized with abortionists; another is deep in an existential crisis that is fraying his mental health) none of their fundamentalist faith washes away over the course of the action. Arbery’s finely drawn characters articulately argue religious doctrine and social systems and MAGA politics, but they do so within a titanium bubble. The action is sent in 2017, and every one of the characters acknowledges voting for Trump, holding their noses to various degrees. The play, named for a convoluted conservative theory that’s explained to excess during one of the play’s few dull spots, seems intended to show left-leaning audiences human shades of gray within an enemy political camp they’d otherwise be inclined to paint in broad black strokes. It challenges such viewers to sit, squirming through their gut

reactions, then jump a high bar of empathy. Director English, also the SF Playhouse’s Artistic Director, frequently speaks of eliciting empathy as one of theater’s highest goals. Even if you can’t quite make the leap to empathy, Heroes of the Fourth Turning is well worth seeing as anthropology. Playwright Arbery grew up in a community similar to the one depicted here. His parents were faculty members of a small Catholic college, and he knows his characters well. And the uniformly excellent cast etches them as distinctive individuals. You may not like these folks as people, but there’s no denying the brilliance of their group portrait. t Heroes of the Fourth Turning, through March 5 at San Francisco Playhouse, 450 Post St. $25-$100. (415) 677-9596. www.sfplayhouse.org

Christophe Rousset plays harpsichord classics

by Tim Pfaff


ne of the most “baroque” things about the work of out earlymusic maestro Christophe Rousset is what a prodigious prodigy he is. From his international debut as a harpsichordist of uncommon taste and talent, he has gone on to found and lead Les Talens Lyriques, argu-

ably the premiere instrumental ensemble of the Historically Informed Performance (HIP) enterprise. His most public work is with the ensemble, which just celebrated a remarkable 30th anniversary with live performances of JeanBaptiste Lully’s littleknown opera, Psyche. Count on Psyche making its appearance on disc in short order; one of Rousset’s most important contributions to the knowledge and appreciation of baroque music, French opera in particular, has been his brilliant return of the Lully cannon into the active repertoire. Also as amazing, Rousset has continued to record (and sometimes perform) as a harpsichordist, which has revealed a musician not just of tireless virtuosity but fathomless interiority. Few keyboardists of any time have dem-

onstrated such a deep connection to the instruments they play. Rousset’s most recent harpsichord recording is the unanticipated Le Manuscrit de Madame Theobon (Aparte). It was unanticipated because it is a “performance” of an original manuscript Rousset discovered online (eBay, no less!), bought, and now shared with the world. Likely an instructional collection of 17th-century harpsichord pieces, the manuscript as revealed by its new owner is an entrancing catalogue of the keyboard idioms of its time. In a tangy album note, Rousset unpacks what is known and what can be surmised about the manuscript and its namesake. Lydie de Theorbon, an attendant to Queen Maria Theresa, became a consort of King Louis XIV around 1670 and remained in his entourage at the chateau de Chambord until around 1872, when she was “expelled” from the court. Rousset tells what more there is known to the story, but what seems of abiding interest to him is that the pieces in the manuscript were likely the kind Mademoi-

selle Theobon would have played as a courtier in the company of the greatest harpsichord teachers of the time. Rousset performs the pieces on his own 1704 Nicolas Dumont harpsichord, an instrument of a brilliance and individuality ideal for its new owner, fresh from its decade-long restoration by David Ley. What first caught Rousset’s eye, the visually striking “unmeasured” preludes so emblematic of the early French baroque, here become the “preludes” to newly made groups of the pieces, here arranged by key rather than manuscript order (also provided in the scrupulous notes). Lest this all sound scholarly or over didactic, what Rousset has loosed on an unsuspecting world is music of startling buoyancy, vitality, and what I think we used to call character. His deep investment in the music of Lully (whose same-sexuality is but one of the many interesting things about his biography) allowed him to identify 34 of these 80 pieces as transcriptions of Lully’s operas for the Sun King’s court. There isn’t a slack moment in the

two discs of music, and Rousset’s sequencing of the pieces allows them to be heard in their full expressive variety. As but a single example, the “Gavotte d’Hardel” ends with the flourish of a “double” (variation) by Louis Couperin, godfather of French harpsichord music and the focus of one of Rousset’s most absorbing recordings (Harmonia Mundi, 2018) on another instrument of great historical importance. Rousset adds that the “instrumentation” of these striking pieces reflects that of Jean-Henri d’Anglebert, among the most illustrious musicians of King Louis XIV’s court, whose complete harpsichord pieces are the subject of one of Rousset’s other most important harpsichord recordings (Decca), now out of print but waiting on YouTube for your complete delectation.t Read the full review, including notes on Debussy’s opera Pelleas et Melisande and Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, on www.ebar.com.

The good son by Tim Pfaff

A author Neel Patel

50 years in 50 weeks: Big Freedia bounced 2017


hen Big Freedia comes to town, we bow down for the Queen of Bounce. The New Orleans singer, TV star, cook and author performed at Mezzanine in April 2017, and writer Cornelius Washington shared a fun Q&A with Big Freedia, including this quote: “Big Feedia busts down doors. She broke barriers, and did things that were previously thought to be impossible. She took it to another level and a new

generation. I will be like Sylvester and RuPaul, and I will move us all forward. I will continue to carry the torch of true LGBTQ culture.” Read the full interview at https://www.ebar.com/arts_&_culture/ theater//213892 Read the full issue at https://issuu.com/ bayareareporter/docs/april_20__2017

kash, the protagonist of Neel Patel’s debut novel, Tell Me How To Be (Flatiron Books), ralphs at important family gatherings, behavior that evinces a certain sincerity in a clan infested with secrets. An early-twentysomething Indian American gay man not yet out to his living relatives, he’s a fuck-up in ways you could never imagine his creator being. The first words from both of them form the novel’s opening sentence: “My mother always told me to be a good boy. I suspect she knew that I wasn’t.” So we know that a central theme of the book will be not merely the expectation that this Indian American boy will be, not just suitable, not the best little boy in the world, but more the impossibility, the tyranny of that cultural vise. The segment of the novel’s target readership comprised of post-Indian-diaspora Asian Americans facing new, generationspecific, stigma-based obstacles will likely feel seen. Read the full review on www.ebar.com.

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